librarycards · 1 year
what are some of your favorite zines (can be available online or just zines u have encountered in the flesh that left an impact!!)???
i love this question!!!
the first zine I ever fell in love with is Every Thug is a Lady: Adventures without gender by Julia Eff. It's about Eff's experience/perspective on neutrois subjectivity, and really changed my life at the time. looks like you can request to view an archived copy here, though i wish it was more readily available online!
one of my recent favorites is kitty lu bear's "(un)sane: a collective story," a superb collective & experimental autoethnography on (trans)//Madness, plurality, and the strategic refusal of sane/sanitizing narratives.
The Trans Woman Writers' Collective has also released some excellent zines, in particular my beloved friend @grimesapologist's Anorexic Becomings.
I love my friend/comrade Twoey Gray's Mad zines/poetics, and loved & got to to review her zine Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder on the pathologization of asexuality. like bear's work, it's a brilliant fusion / refusal of the binary between of the auto- and the rigorously scholarly.
Lastly, i wanted to shoutout two older zines I absolutely adore. one is, of course, Mira Bellweather (z"l)'s Fucking Trans Women, and the other is Andrea Dorea's N'Drea: One Woman's Fight to Die Her Own Way.
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maxellminidisc · 10 months
17, 22, 23 for the art asks?
17. I love getting compliments in general! But I guess the ones I enjoy the most are the really funny reactions to my more blatantly erotic figure studies LMAO those always make my day. I guess more seriously its always a relief when people compliment my ability to have nailed the resemblance, that's like the most important bit of portraiture for me.
22. My biggest inspiration is just people and the unique features and spirit we all convey through these features. I think it's also the underlying need for connection to other people since I've been pretty isolated from others my whole life and my art is a love letter to that longing and my deep love for people as a whole. I also am really inspired by finding the sensuality in men's bodies in a context outside rigid square ideas of masculinity.
23. I hope they notice the care I put into drawing others! I want to make sure that when I do it, I'm honoring what I've come to love in a person's face, features, or figure and that that respect is palpable. I just want to let people know that they posses a one of a kind beauty that's absolutely worth loving, let alone drawing.
Thank you bewubed, KT! 🥰
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izzynero · 2 years
ART ASKS!!!!! 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 21, 27, 29
Hello KT, beloved pal!!
4. Fave character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Don't have anyone in particular in mind rn but the hardest face type to draw when I do portraits is always people with softer rounder faces or very subtle or like idk indistinct(?, basically shit like button noses or something) features. Resemblance is 1000xs harder when you dont have defined lines, angles, or very distinct features to rely on to "trick" the eye into seeing resemblance. Also hate doing landscapes despite how much I like looking at them, I'm god awful at stuff like that, especially when it's a background which why your art absolutely rules to me lol
5. Estimate how much of your art you post online vs. keep to yourself
I actually post most of my finished pieces, like probably 90% lol plus I don't draw as much as i used to so it's like why not post this? The only ones I keep to myself are commissions that the commissioner hasn't given me the ok to post, work I think turned out bad/badly proportioned, or just things I don't find particularly interesting enough to look at
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Oh absolutely print makers or like wood work! Especially people that work on wood block prints. I find that absolutely awesome, I've been interested in it cause of my love and the influence from Ukiyo-e but I dont dare try cause I'm god awful with sharp objects hahaha
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
Hehehe I dont really draw much clothes when I've done work outside of my usual busts or figure studies but I really love drawing things like sweaters or leather jackets but ESPECIALLY jewelry. Something about making shit look like metal and sparkly gems is sooo satisfying to me.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
Oh absolutely. When I'm drawing a particular character or person I try to find music I think matches that person/character's personality or vibe and it's a huge help and motivator. If not I just go to my kind of like old reliable playlists like this one or this one
14. Any favorite motifs?
Hmmmm I wouldn't say theres like a figurative motif in my work per say but I like to think the thing that i hope shows in terms of a thematic motif in my work is my love of the human body/face and how humanizing and bonding it is that we all have a special look to us, and that look regardless of its variety or social conceptions, is absolutely worthy of love and poeticism. It is hard to be a person, and it's hard to have a physical body sometimes but isnt it wild that we exist in them anyway, and we survive in them anyway? Why not make every face I draw a love letter of sorts you know? Lol Like I hope it is apparent that I romanticize the shit out of the human face and body and thats what I hope people enjoy about my work.
21. Art styles nothing like your own but like anyway
There's tons but I love when people have very like idk grungey, grimy, imperfect sense of linework. They see the beauty in like not trying to make shit so crisp and perfect and use it to lends such a phenomenal sense of character and life to their work (like Q Hayashida's Dorohedoro). I also looove people who play with the textures of their medium instead of keeping things smooth or flat.
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what do you draw to warm up?
Uuuhhh no, which is terrible LMAO or maybe I KINDA do? Like when I'm going to do a portrait I'll occasionally sort through references I have and draw quick lil sketches of OTHER people and it gets me in the mood to work on the main portrait i wanted to. But like legitimate warm up exercises? Nope.
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically?
I don't think there is one?? Like I do genuinely find something to inspire me out of anything from all kinds of media in art that I see, listen to, or watch even if I loved it or its stuff I may not particularly like all that much as a whole piece/one that doesn't speak to me. I try to carry something of the things I've seen in art in some way. I usually end up finding one thing I do like about it, say like, the technique or texture used and figure out how that could be useful in my own work. Or I end up finding something I can connect with a little bit to make me go "oh ok I see why you did that" and think about how I would've tried to express something similar. Of course there are form of art and media that are like morally gross or heinous meant to offend or hurt vulnerable people that I DO think can get tossed into wood chipper along with its creator but like why give that shit any acknowledgement? But in terms of the thing I DO love I absolutely find something to inspire and takeaway with me in some format.
Thanks KT!!! 🥰🥰
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trevlad · 1 year
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Todays mix features these beauties: @normchamber @mabeatmusic @waxing_crescent_records @rupertlally @strategictapereserve @seilrecords @lisabelladonna @tychomusic @secretcircuit @pj.tarotplane @gregfoat @athens_of_the_north @craigieknowes @lordoftheisles @harmonische23 @apdap.ca @thetwelvehourfoundation https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7_EjMtaj0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ottottorecords · 2 years
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Secret Circuit - Afterlife Beats In Space Records BIS005 A:Afterlife B1:Afterlife (Vakula Remix) B2:Afterdub format:12’ condition:vg+ sleeve:vg+ #secretcircuit #afterlife #beatsinspacerecords #vakula #joelambertmastering #techno #housemusic https://ottottorecords.stores.jp/items/6280d29dc5f8763ae3d6ca31 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdkzYadhBRp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sjwmothman · 6 years
all the fma asks with 1 in them
1. Original or Brotherhood? Why?
As far as visual aesthetics, I prefer 03′s color palette and love the way steel especially looks in it. I feel that Brotherhood’s modern anime pastel palette consistently whitewashes Scar and other Ishvalan characters. Also as a billion people have pointed out, Brotherhood has some sloppy pacing stuff going on in the beginning but overall I do love it! I love them both! 
03′s plot is. a complicated bee swarm. There are many Ideas, some of which are really interesting to explore. The homunculous especially get a lot of cool moments which I enjoy. I was also really happy that they expanded Sheska’s role and had lots of stuff with Izumi.
HOWEVER, no Ling Yao? No Lan Fan? No GREEDLING??? Very upsetting.
I sort of like the animes equally and think the manga is the best??? am I allowed to say that???
10. Favorite opening?
Rewrite for 03 and Again for fmab bc I am. a humble and generic man. Love hologram a lot as well! 
11. Favorite member of Team Mustang?
Hawkeye! Hawkeye! Hawkeye! 
12. Explain how you felt/your reaction at the end of Brotherhood.
I enjoyed it a lot but was frustrated with the need to tack on “oh! and they have kids!” I understand how that ending works thematically but it’s always been a point of bitterness to me. 
13. Explain how you felt/your reaction at the end of the original.
I’m rewatching 03 for the first time since high school but I’m not done yet. So I’ll give you the skinny from 2011 me: Very frustrated! the original series is.. a fun goth ride, don’t get me wrong. But I hated a lot of the decisions around the end, especially the stuff with Rose. I don’t think the series had the right toolkit to work with sexual violence and should not have tried to tackle it. I was also furious about how unhappy the series leaves Winry. 
Now, I’m finding my memory of non Conqueror of Shamballa 03 endgame has faded, so we’ll see how I feel this time around. Still mad for Winry though. 
14. Which character death affected you the most and why?
Remember Alfons? Him.... And Izumi. 03′s endgame deaths are characterized by what that series does best- small melancholic moments. The scenes about their deaths don’t feel like big shonen dramatic moments, they’re just desolate with this soft sunny wistfulness infused. I’m drawn to that sort of thing, as you maybe have guessed. 
15. What’s one thing you would change about the series and why?
Replaced the Ed Has Kids Now photo with an intimate moment of Ed and Al and Winry together? The hug was sweet and big and beautiful but. yeah. I also wish the anime would have included the scenes about what Al did with his armor. That could’ve been a great final moment! 
16. What’s your favorite episode and why?
I don’t usually go back to single episodes. I tend to watch the series all at once when I go back to them. So it’s hard to say what my favorite would be. I really love the one where they see Izumi again for the first time. And of course, gotta love those boys eatin boots in the belly of the beast. 
As far as the manga, the chapter where Hawkeye honestly talks to Ed about the war. It’s very striking and seeing Ed and Al reconvene afterward. It just hits hard on how young they are. And how much they have and haven’t dealt with. 
17. What’s your favorite quote and why?
I genuinely love the bits where the brothers talk talk about their 10-11 theory. It’s so sweet that they thought to apply the very personal thing they learned to theoretical alchemy. Because they are dorks. 
18. What was the biggest thing you took from the series (most important moral)?
Someone wrote a great Mary Sue article about the needlessness of self-sacrifice as a core theme in Arakawa’s work and that’s the biggest takeaway for me. I think that’s something 03 lacked thematically with its fixation on grand moments of sacrifice. 
I love how strong and good all of Arakawa’s leads are! They’re inspiring good people without being generic or unrealistic. I know it’s not fma, but seeing the way a character like Hatchiken in Silver Spoon grows and learns not to burden himself while still caring about others- it just makes me think “I want to be more like that!” 
19. You wake up in their universe somewhere in Central. What’s the first thing you do?
make the big booty alchemist happen
stand on a cliff side looking sadly at the water and use alchemy to make everybody think i’m a ghost
get a ton of takeout and hit the library
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gkmach1ne · 4 years
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What do all these great records released within the last year have in common?? I'll tell you what! Every one of these wonderful and talented artists will be appearing alongside one another on the upcoming "V (is for Vision)" compilation marking FIVE years of Invisible inc landing near you in 2 months time. I can't wait to get this one out!!! #invisibleinc #visforvision #anatolianweapons #doublediscone #sigward #oliversudden #pumaandthedolphin #goldenbug #infields #sordidsoundsystem #tcb #secretcircuit #youkounkoun https://www.instagram.com/p/B9b_HkQFgHT/?igshid=1cyf7n1p3tlc3
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yeats-infection · 4 years
next one for @secretcircuit ! thank you for supporting the FANG community bail fund! it was a pleasure to write a story for one of my all time favorite films. 
i encourage you to commission me on an ongoing basis by donating to support racial justice protestors on the ground across america right now. more stories to come!
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librarycards · 11 months
u have gotten more than 3 piercings?
very correct! i have an industrial piercing and three lobe piercings in each ear, a bridge piercing, septum, and medusa. i formerly had my tragus done but it ripped out on a headphone (rip) and i had my eyebrow for about 5 years before it rejected - i want to get that one redone. i'd like to get double high nostrils, nips, and maybe some more ear piercings/mods!
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
悪の華 / aku no hana by buck-tick?? also, if u would like, an album that made an unexpected impression (of your choice) !!
Hell yeah Buck-Tick, let's fucking gooo!!!
LOVE ME- look I'm a lil lovesick fool, I love any attempt to provoke my dumb lil love obsessed heart, ESPECIALLY if the lyrics and the delivery are giving, "whistful vampire alone on a friday night wishing his main forbidden (blood) squeeze was with him as he gazes at his missing reflection on the shore of his estate's pond".
DIZZY MOON- Love that they decided to play with a very obvious Ska sound on this one, it always throws me for a second because the rest of the album doesn't really give too much or any hint of it being a possibility. The lyrics also conjure up this image of like pierrots, beautifully dressed jesters, and shit moshing lol
KISS ME GOODBYE- There's a reason this is a single and a "hit". Gorgeous, atmospheric, and moody without being like heavily gloomy. The main like marimba/xylophone melody gets stuck in my head soo frequently too. Also really love how the lyrics are like very good at conveying that contradicting emotion of "I know this is the end and it's ok for me to have a moment to mourn it with you" and "i still wish I could stay with you forever".
As for an album that made an impression on me, I'll stick with a Buck-Tick one!! I finally got time to listen to their latest, IZORA, and I was so pleasantly surprised at the playfulness going on there with genres, but especially the heavy use of electronic components and composition, it expanded from ABRACADABRA in the best way!! God I truly love them, they never feel stale or stuck in a certain sound, more so theres something about them that stays reminding you its buck tick. Sometimes I have this crazy wish for them to collab with Susumu Hirasawa cause I think theyd make some mind blowing stuff. I love them both soo much as artists.
Thank you KT!! 🥰😘
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mh1806 · 6 years
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doyoufashion-blog · 6 years
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Big up to our New Fantasy Issue co-conspirator @dobeltequila who kept no shortage of guests light on their toes last night with Fendi and Casa Perfect. Kudos to the DJ dues from Mr. Eddie Ruscha (secretcircuit) and rockers @allahlas, not to mention chic eats by Mr @MarcelVigneron of @WolfDiningLA ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Hit flaunt.com for the full gallery. #FlauntNewFantasy #Dobel #casaperfect
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fabarmybeauty · 7 years
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#lastnight we joined our friends at @GUESS for a @JoeJonas and @DNCE-hosted celebration of #theAlternativeFactsIssue. We were joined by @sophiet and a cornucopia of friend old and new in the brand new @Avenuela space. @secretcircuit and @DJJohnnyBasil were on the decks bringing only the funnest tunes, while we popped bottles of @perfectomundotequila, @ruffinowines Prosecco, and @mezcalamaras – enjoyed in abundance as the night flickered through into day. . Photo: @isaacvonh
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sjwmothman · 6 years
secretcircuit replied to your post “Get ready for my amazing fic idea “Roy Mustang tries to be a cool...”
i swear i will make this Sad Shit happen
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gkmach1ne · 5 years
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On my turntable today.....PLUS just arrived: the new Sordid Sound System test pressing #testpressing #vinyl #sordidsoundsystem #dreems #curses #khidja #zombiesinmiami #kasparbjørke #motordisc #multiculti #hoganordrekords #stilettiana #xlnt #secretcircuit #drdunks #dfarecords #invisibleinc #saschafunke #evageist https://www.instagram.com/p/B3W72fiF56o/?igshid=19lj4o50m1qwp
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secretcircuit · 4 years
captioning question!
if, say, i am captioning a screenshot of a tumblr user’s response to a post, is it better to @ them? (e.g. “a comment from tumblr user @secretcircuit”) or to just specify the username (“a comment from tumblr user secretcircuit”) ? i’ve been doing the latter (no @) because I don’t want people to get pinged just because i am captioning, but i’m happy to adjust if @ing them is the preferred way
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