#shadowhunters au
screechwhisper · 7 months
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Shadowhunters steddie au cos I'm TRASH GARBAGE for this series
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vankaar · 2 years
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I may be just a tiny-winy bit obsessed with @scarletzgo (thank you!!!<3<3) Shadowhunters AU because everything it's fucking perfect and these kinda happened...
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pygmalimoon · 10 months
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[30th] Heart by Heart 🖤💙🖤💜➰🪽
Someone comes into your world, suddenly your world has changed forever. No there's no one else's eyes, that could see into me.
—Heart by Heart by Demi Lovato
🪄🔮 Wizards || Shadowhunters➰🪽
Love some talented magical cute little girls with unlimited potential and their tall mysterious british gothic sexy mess XD
commission done by @\taoxier
It's the full crossover with TMI (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare) this time. I did one last year too~ | love both Wizards and TMI so much, and here is Clairxie (Douxie Casperan x Claire Nuñez) crossover with Clace (Jace Herondale x Clary Fairchild), my two OTPs yayy!!
Look at them!!✨✨
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(Their incredible parallel awww
Inspired by City of Bones 2013 Movie version.
Prohibit use & reproduce or AI study my post and don’t be plagiarism and inspiration thief.🚫❌
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You know what I rarely see? In the show after wooing Alec, Magnus is not shown as overly invested and it always appears as Alec reaching/apologizing/moving the pair along. Which was definitely a writing/directing choice. But what I’d like to prompt if it suits you, is Magnus being the one to apologize or to reassure Alec that he is important and not temporary-I’m team immortal but this convo certainly should happen. I liked the way you had Alec be angry in that prompt fill about his birthday and Magnus had to own up to that. If this isn’t your thing no big deal! Hope the weather is nice where you are and nightshade has enough pets and treats for the day!
i believe in 'no partner is perfect' and while i don't tend to write the angstier couple stuff 'i like my malec happy' i don't mind occasionally dipping my toes into partner angst (with an immortal happy ending)
this particular fic isn't about about immortality but it's about haing two people who have fundamentally different lifestyles having a miscommunication that devolves and while the argument is based on the show scene, it doesn't follow it perfectly. nor is the actual argument written. just the aftermath.
my thoughts are that magnus tries to spoil alec in season two still but it's more intimate and offscreen and he sort of in season 3a but magnus relies heavily n his magic to spoil alec and he kind of is spiraling all of season 3 tbh. they just really were sprinkling angst on malec like it was salt and they realized the show was bland.
all they did was get oversalted content which got salty fans, since they forgot to add actual herbs and spices.
it's a bloody hot day okay. i love the sun as much -nevermind apparently this is a lie-
so i don't hate the sun okay. i enjoy sunshine in specific environments. the sun is not a tyrant devoid of compassion.
anyways i live in a desert because its whats best for the people i love but give me mist and foggy days and give me winters of waist deep snow i can fall in. oceans so cold your lips go blue and rivers so deep and clear and still cold with melting ice.
if people are going to send me 8-10 feet to the bottom of the lake because they lost their electronics. it better be cold and clear. not warm and murky. (this has only happened 3 times but i have a preference).
So I made Say breakfast and nightshade breakfast and then I made @saeths breakfast a few hours later so i made an extra egg for nightshade to tempt him to eat another bowl of kibble.
so i fed nightshade twice and forgot to make any eggs for myself ^_^ so he is plenty spoiled (don't worry his egg was made without cheese and salt).
also the reason i'm awake is because he needed snuggles and after that he wanted to play in the pool and then i was too awake to bother
but that's our wednesday so far and i'm getting my work out of the way so i can focus on writing and house things.
<3 lumine
Magnus is ready with another quick retort when Alec’s face goes blank for a moment.
The argument fades from Magnus’ mind in an instant, because while this is the perfect moment to land another barb, the words die and his sentence stops, ending with a snide comment he doesn’t really mean.
“That’s fine Magnus.” Alec says and he’s not angry, which is worse. He sounds tired and yet professional. His manner restrained and placating in the way he does when he no longer has any fight left and he just wants to retreat and lick his wounds.
Wounds that Magnus caused.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts, because he didn’t intend to get so upset but Alexander just shakes his head.
“You’ve said your piece, Magnus. I get it.” Alexander sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he shuffles. “I messed up, again.”
Magnus winces, because he’s begun to feel more like a scolding mentor than a partner.
“I need to get to the Institute—” which makes sense, the argument started as they both got ready for their days. “I’ll—” and Alec hesitates and then shrugs, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Magnus waits until it’s dinner time and then portals to the Institute, already preparing words to once again explain that it’s not Alexander, it’s just not time yet.
He opens the door to the office without knocking and steps in.
“Alexander—” Magnus starts and then he hesitates.
Because for once, Alexander’s eyes don’t soften when they meet his. They remain cold, devoid of the warm ardor they normally contain but once again, without anger. Only an empty tiredness that Magnus longs to chase away.
“Do you have an appointment today, Magnus?” Alexander asks, setting down his pen and turning off his tablet with a sigh. Even upset Alexander will still give him his full attention and Magnus steps closer to the desk when Alexander continues, “because I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for a meal, or a conversation if it’s not official. So, if you don’t have an appointment, it needs to wait until I’m off.”
Alexander doesn’t mention coming home like he normally does, and Magnus suddenly misses it, with a deep lonely ache.
It also reminds Magnus that despite how often Alexander drops everything to join him, his boy is being worked to the ground and also driving himself to his limits in his pursuit of building a better Institute. Alexander is struggling to create ties between an Institute and local downworld leaders that would be revolutionary, with a sincerity that is unmatched by anything Magnus has ever seen.
Of course, he’s exhausted, and Magnus feels hollow now, remembering their fight all over again with a new clarity.
“No darling, it’s nothing official. I’ll see you tonight—” Magnus pauses, wanting to offer to summon Alec something to eat or drink, but it feels too much like an emotional bribe with how shuttered his boy is. Alexander nods and gives him the same perfunctory, polite smile he gives his siblings when he’s too exhausted to deal with them and doesn’t know what else to do.
It cuts Magnus to the heart to have that same expression directed at him, when he’s supposed to be safe for Alexander.
Magnus can’t handle the idea of reaching out only to be shied away from, so he runs from the possibility and instead summons a tiny flower to land by Alexander’s pen when the door shuts.
No one in the Institute seems to notice anything is wrong. Magnus gets a few strange looks, but he quickly realizes that it’s because everyone expected Alexander to be leaving with him, like his boy usually does.
Magnus feels cold and it’s with determination that he sends out an emergency message.
“I became stagnant in my old, single age.” Magnus bemoans, “I spent so long on my heartbreak that now, with a man I adore over every living being, I keep pushing him away.”
“Truth potion?” Catarina offers but Magnus shakes his head. Alexander deserves Magnus explaining this without the aid of something to help his thoughts form, even if it’s a trick Magnus has used continually and without remorse on himself.
This is different though because Magnus wants to become aware of what is wrong, not rely on a potion to figure it out.
“He wants to move in.” Magnus starts, about to launch into it when Cat laughs, interrupting him.
“What do you mean he wants to, he already has. Or did you just move him in on the sly and forget to ask him if he wanted to?”
“Cat—” Magnus says hesitantly, “he’s never moved in. He’s the one who brought it up. I told him no.”
Catarina pauses and then she sighs, and she summons her favorite, light summer beer and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Start from the beginning, Magnus. I need details.”
Magnus does, realizing things that he missed as he’s explaining so many details that he just assumed and took for granted.
“I did wonder that the Loft hasn’t changed much. It seems more like Alec’s an addition to your things rather than his own person.”
It’s that comment that drives Magnus into a frenzy the moment he’s home.
Magnus doesn’t go overboard; Alexander wouldn’t want him to. Also springing this on his boy after the prior rejection will be too much like whiplash.
So, Magnus starts very small.
He finally creates the foyer he promised himself and Alexander he would make.
Alexander’s never pushed but Magnus remembers the tightening of his shoulders and the way Alexander will be too tired for anything but cuddles — rarely even hungry — after barrages of people through the loft.
The kitchen he only summons when Alexander asks, which is rare, so he makes it a permanent fixture and makes sure to hang an apron with little angel wings up. It’s with a pained smile that he sighs and wonders when he got so old that he forgot to enjoy life, and instead spent all his time focused on the past, just like Ragnor always warned him about.
Magnus doesn’t want to regret any time with Alexander, and he finds that he already does.
Not the time spent with his boy, but the time he could have focused on him more.
Magnus has spent so long protecting himself from losing Alexander, that he hasn’t noticed that he’s pushing him away, stopping him from coming too close.
Except Magnus has also bound him tightly.
Alexander sleeps more often in Magnus’ bed than his own. He’s rerouted his own schedule so he can take the last patrol before shift change, come to Magnus’ loft, write his report there and send it in, and be in bed for Magnus to return to.
Except for work, Alexander spends the majority of his daily life either in the loft, or with Magnus.
There are signs of him, all over the loft, but Magnus can’t look at a single piece and think, “Alexander picked that out.”
It aches in way that is almost visceral, because now that Alexander isn’t here, it’s only more obvious.
Magnus is chest deep in a drawer when he becomes aware of his boy stepping slowly into the bedroom.
“Is this a bad time?” Alexander’s tired voice asks. “I noticed there was a new door and tried to knock but the door just opened.”
Magnus wants to say something except he’s furious with himself and everything and the idea that Alexander saw a new door and knocked instead of walking right in, tears something in him.
They stare at each other for a moment, Magnus with his hands still wrist deep in the dimensional dresser, sure he’ll eventually find more than the sparse offering of Alexander’s clothes that he has.
“Where are all the clothes that you leave here?” Magnus asks instead of answering because he genuinely doesn’t know, “I was cleaning, and I couldn’t find them.”
Alexander sighs and Magnus just knows that he’s gearing himself up to — once again — explain to Magnus that it’s not about the clothes, before his boy visibly gets too tired. Instead, he just shrugs and potions to the paltry pile that Magnus has found.
“You have more than that!” Magnus exclaims, frustrated because he knows Alexander does. “That green shirt I got you that you loved. And those pants, the black ones with the umber stitching. The cream sweater I adore you in! That suit I had tailored for you in Milan and the other one in Hong Kong.”
Alexander sighs and he rubs a hand over his face, the stubble he normally shaves away in Magnus— in their bathroom, shadowing his face.
“Magnus, those don’t exist anymore.” Alexander doesn’t seem upset, if anything his face softens into an almost reluctant fondness, “you tend to vanish all the clothing you get me, some way or another. Mostly before fucking me. I tried to ask you one time where they went and you waved a hand and said, ‘another dimension, nothing to worry about’.”
“Surely that’s not all I said.” Magnus protests weakly.
“Well, you proceeded to fuck me unconscious so no, it wasn’t the last thing you said. But it was the last thing you said abut clothes.”
Magnus gives a flat chuckle and then sighs, snapping his fingers to clean up the mess.
“Have you eaten?”
“I figured I could grab something from the cafeteria when I head back. It’s fine.”
It most certainly is not fine, but Magnus doesn’t think coaxing Alexander into eating is going to work this time, which means that Magnus has accidentally undone weeks of effort.
Magnus doesn’t press, doesn’t remind Alexander that he can here. Or that, if by normal standards Alexander stays until he usually leaves Magnus, it would be the early evening of the next day.
“So, you were cleaning.”
Alexander is looking around, voice faltering but face devoid of actual emotions.
“I realized some things, after this afternoon.” Magnus admits slowly, “you’re the first person I opened my heart to, Alexander. In a very long time, I’ve told you that before.”
Normally, explaining things is easier but all Magnus can think is he’s not explaining it correctly.
“I know. But Magnus, you’re the first person I’ve ever opened my heart to.” Alexander interjects and he sounds raw and broken, like he’s been torn apart. “Doesn’t that get to mean anything too, to you? Because I don’t know what I’m doing, and you told me that there was nothing wrong with that. That I had nothing to feel ashamed about but now, it doesn’t feel like that.
"It feels like I can’t do anything right and I thought, I hoped something was coming together with us but now—” Alexander gives a heavy sigh and shrugs. “Now I don’t even know what I am to you anymore. Where do I belong, in your life Magnus? If you tell me where to fit, I’ll make it work.”
And that breaks Magnus’ heart, because Alexander was never meant to feel like he had to cut off pieces of himself to ensure Magnus loves him, that he has a place in Magnus’ life.
“Oh darling, beloved.” He murmurs and Alexander flinches, like it was a knife to his side. “You belong. The entirety of you. You belong in my bed because it’s no longer just my bed. How can I say it’s my bed when I lay in it without you and can’t sleep? When I reach for you in the night and can’t find you?” Magnus moves across the room with slow, purposeful steps and then reaches out to carefully — only because Alexander allows it — cups his face.
“Alexander, I have no excuses. My heart is old, and it is scarred and it is a wonder that you love me with all the cracks you’ve seen exposed. I don’t fear men or demons or angels, Alexander. I fear my heart being torn from my body and leaving me alive, an empty hollow cavern where it should be in the shape of you.
“I’ve always been too much, Alexander. I put my own fears on you, not that you deserved any of it, sweetheart. You’re right. I am your first relationship, and you grew up and live in a shadowhunter society. The relationships you've witnessed aren't similar to ours at all.
"You trust me to guide our relationship but I’m always encouraging you to ask me for things and you rarely do. I’m sorry, that you finally trusted me enough to ask me for something and that I broke that trust.”
And Alexander breaks, his eyes filling with tears and he coughs, scrubbing over his eyes because he hates being emotional during talks like these. As if Magnus will use the crystal sorrow streaking his face against him.
“I don’t understand.” Alexander murmurs against Magnus’ shoulder, “I thought this was already my home, here with you. I don’t know what I did wrong, I’m sorry Magnus.”
“Oh sayang.” Magnus whispers, eyes stinging because his heart is lanced every time Alexander apologizes. “You did nothing wrong. My heart was too scared to admit that you already were home for us, I pushed you away because I panicked. I’m sorry, my darling.”
Magnus is as tender and sincere as he can be, because he doesn’t want Alexander internalizing anything over this. Especially not when he realized that for Alexander, the loft already was home and he just wanted permission, for it to be official.
It’s endearing and sweet and Magnus presses a kiss to Alexander’s temple, softly and then harder when Alexander pushes into the caress.
"This is already your home. Where ever I am, will be your home." Magnus promises, "that will never change, my love. This is our space, for us to grow together and live together in.
Instead, Alexander tackles him to the bed and just lays there, pinning Magnus to the comforter as he snuggles into Magnus.
There is no answer, just a soft, exhausted snuffle and Magnus wonders how upset Alexander's been, thinking he was deprived of the home Magnus gave him.
He uses magic to change their clothing. More conversations and decisions can be made after rest and well, Alexander certainly isn't going anywhere and neither is Magnus.
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solarisburns · 6 months
Recently got back into the shadowhunter universe by cassandra claire so here is who I think would be parabatai's
James and Sirius - do I need to explain? alone they are one half of a whole, share thoughts, closer than brothers, always each others first choice
Pandora and Regulus - it just makes sense, they complete and compliment, the one's sent to do the dirty work, they would use the bond as an excuse for regulus to escape his parents, grumpy and sunshine y'know?
Bellatrix and Andromeda - a little unconventional but they were as thick as thieves, makes the betrayals hurt just that little bit more, i think Andromeda for a time would have stabilized Bellatrix a lot
Mary and Marlene - the duo no expects til their already kicking ass, one's willing to play the politics while the other is fighting, can't imagine a world without the other in it, (marlene is also Alec coded in the meaning she was in love with her parabatai for a hot minute)
It is important to me that you know Lily and Remus are Warlock besties (yes, wolfstar are malec variants here) and Dorcas is a vampire in this AU. Barty was a shadowhunter but got turned into a werewolf because his father betrayed him
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f1amboyant · 7 months
Hi darling i'm here again to ask for the kiss prompts💗 i hope you don't get sick of me cause i have a feeling you're gonna be seeing me more often hahaha❤️❤️
"I really, really want to kiss you" + kissing in the rain & hand in your lover's hair for charlos😘
I have so many ideas running in my head for these prompts but can't find the right words to write a good fic so here I am asking one of my fave authors🤍🤍🤍
Hello, darling!
I'm not sick of your prompts, don't worry 🥰
I'm not sure this is what you had in mind with this one, but I hope you like it (I had so much fun writing this little fic).
Read it on AO3!
The demons crawled all around them, hideous creatures coming out from the shadows with too many legs and too many teeth. Ugly as ever, they growled, spitting poisonous ichor through their too big mouths.
Carlos barely flinched, nocking an arrow to his bow and aiming for the demons. He felt a firm presence at his back, as Charles took his place behind him.
He felt it in his veins.
In his heart.
In his rune.
In his soul.
“Ready?” Carlos asked.
“I am more than ready, Carlos,” Charles immediately answered, taking out his seraph blade, the Adamas glinting in the night.
Carlos could feel his excitement, the thrum in his veins, the same rhythm in their hearts. One, two, three breaths, in perfect synchronicity. They didn’t need a signal to attack simultaneously. Charles jumped and Carlos let his arrow fly.
They fought as one.
They prevailed as one.
Carlos didn’t have the words to express how much he loved it, how much he could lose himself in Charles, only Charles, moving in harmony together. Truth be told, even if he had the words, he wouldn’t have said them aloud. What he felt was not something he should have felt for his parabatai. But how could he resist it? It was Charles.
Distracted by the turn of his thoughts, he glanced back at his partner, watching him, just for a second, as he twirled around angry sword in hand, slashing through demon after demon. Beautiful. Vengeful angel. Carlos’.
He was his.
(But also, he was not, and that was the problem.)
The demon caught him by surprise, charging toward him and flinging him against the nearest wall. His back collided with the concrete, punching the breath out of him and a cry of pain.
Carlos felt the twinge of worry from Charles in his own heart, as his parabatai charged the remaining demons with a newfound strength, exterminating them in less than two seconds. He was beautiful. Magnificent. A true Shadowhunter, in his purest form. Carlos was nothing compared to him.
(And he felt the unspeakable for him.)
Demons eliminated, Charles crouched next to Carlos, immediately taking out his stele.
“What happened? Are you hurt?”
He patted Carlos’ body, on his thigh, his torso, the side of his neck and even his jaw, stroking lightly on his cheekbone with a thumb. Carlos shivered. And it had nothing to do with the bruises on his back or the ankle he might have twisted on the impact.
“It’s nothing,” he said in a raspy voice.
But Charles didn’t listen. Eyes hyper focused, he lifted the hem of Carlos’ shirt with one hand, splaying his whole palm on Carlos’ hipbone, and yielding the stele with his other hand, drawing the pattern of the Iratze on Carlos’ skin. The healing power washed over him immediately. But the heat on his cheeks belonged to Charles alone and the fingers grazing the skin of his lower abdomen in the most tantalizing way.
That rune placement would truly be the death of him. He thought himself so clever when he drew it there, imagining how many times Charles would have to admire his abs as he activated the Mark. The only thing that happened was the too tantalizing touch of Charles’ hands on his body, every fucking time, so close to where he truly desired him.
It elicited very forbidden feelings in him.
Carlos bit his lip, trying to keep the small moan from escaping his mouth. Lucky for him, Charles didn’t seem to notice. Or he didn’t say anything. He looked up proudly at Carlos, beautiful eyes glinting.
“See,” he said with a confident smile (though his heart, Carlos could feel it, was heavy with something else). “You need me. You shouldn’t leave.”
He tried to wink (and failed) and Carlos fell in love even more than before.
Which was exactly why he had to leave.
“You’re not changing my mind,” he mumbled, finally getting up and shouldering past Charles before he could do something stupid.
Like saying he would stay.
Or like kissing his parabatai.
(Because he really wanted to.)
“Let’s go home.”
A home that wouldn’t be a home soon and Carlos already felt his heart breaking at the prospect. But it was the right thing to do, wasn’t it? His feelings for Charles were becoming more and more present. No matter how hard he tried, he could never suppress them. And expressing them? Impossible. What other choice did he have? He had to flee.
For Charles, he had to leave.
He couldn’t condemn him.
They walked home mostly in silence, speeding up their pace when rain started to drizzle lightly over their heads, and then heavier and heavier. It was properly downpouring when they got to the Institute but Charles stopped them before they could reach the wards. Pulling Carlos by the elbow, he dragged him between a few trees, hiding them from spying eyes.
“What are you doing?”
Charles crossed his arms over his chest.
“Why are you leaving?” he asked, no bullshit, staring straight at Carlos, peering into his soul.
Carlos mimicked him and crossed his arms too. Defensive.
“Come on, Charles. It’s raining, let’s go inside.”
He tried to move but Charles grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back into place.
“No,” he snarled, visibly angry (and Carlos could feel the heat boiling into his heart and his stomach, the emotions pouring from his parabatai). “Not before you tell me what’s going on, Carlos. We’re parabatai. Together or nothing, that’s what you always say. And suddenly you want to leave? I need to know why.”
Carlos took a step forward, but Charles just planted a fist into his chest. Right over his parabatai rune.
“What’s so great about the Barcelona Institute?” Charles asked, almost pleading. The emotion tore from his throat and right through Carlos’ heart. Unbearable. “We’ve been here for years, we have everything we dreamt about.”
Carlos gulped down, thickly.
“I just have to leave.”
This time, Charles was the one to step closer, putting them so close Carlos could count the wet lashes on Charles’ eyes. The rain hadn’t stopped, but Charles wouldn’t budge before he got an answer. Something Carlos couldn’t give him.
His lips shone with rain, prettier than ever.
“Why do you have to leave?” Charles asked again. “If you want a change of scenery, I’ll come with you.”
“I need some distance.”
Carlos’ heart was beating so fast and so loud he could barely hear himself.
“You know why.”
After all these years, there was no way Charles didn’t know. Their hearts beat as one, after all. How could he have missed the fact that Carlos’ heart beat a new tempo, that he longed for more? So much more. Something that he could never have. And it was killing him (killing them both).
His eyes racked over Charles’ features, the sweet curl of wet hair mated to his forehead, his straight nose and high cheekbones, the piercing eyes that changed color with time and now looked stormy and dangerous and desperate. Carlos’ eyes dropped to Charles’ lips, pink and kissable.
Fuck! He almost made a move to kiss him. This. This was why he had to leave.
“You know why,” he insisted, voice going rough.
“No, I don’t,” Charles pleaded, angry and hurt. “Tell me why my parabatai, my forever, wants to leave me.”
And really. What could Carlos say but the truth?
“Because I really really want to kiss you.”
That finally shut Charles up. Finally, Carlos thought. Finally, Charles would know the full truth and reject him. It would be painful for both of them, and that was exactly what he wanted to avoid by getting away. But at least now, Charles would understand and would let him go without a fuss. Carlos only hoped the bond they forged as parabatai, not the one inked in their skin by a rune, but the one that naturally bloomed between them, would be strong enough that Charles would understand without reporting him to the Clave.
But Charles didn’t push him away (or punch him like Carlos could have thought). Instead, the fist on his chest unfurled and a warm palm spread over his pec (over his heart).
“Then what are you waiting for?” Charles whispered.
“To leave?” Carlos left out a humorless laugh. “My bag is already packed. I’m just waiting for my clearance and I’ll be out of your way, Charles. I promise…”
“Shut up.”
Charles’ hand suddenly moved, faster than when he fought demons, and went to the back of Carlos’ head, threading his fingers through thick black hair. Carlos felt the tantalizing sting to his scalp.
“I meant,” Charles said, panting, pulling Carlos closer, so close their noses almost touched. His blue-green eyes seemed wild, his hair completely drenched. “What are you waiting for to kiss me?”
Carlos’ heart leaped to his throat. This couldn’t be… No. Impossible. Charles couldn’t possibly mean it. And yet he felt the phantom of his parabatai’s heart against his own. And there was no doubt, no repulsion, no fear.
“Kiss me,” Charles said.
And so Carlos followed the pull of Charles’ hand, the pull of his heart, the pull of their bond drawing them ever closer, and he kissed him. Under the heavy rain, their runes ignited.
-> Masterlist
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kenkaneki224 · 1 year
Oh how i would love to see a Shadowhunters x Good Omens au/fanfiction 😩. But like imagine the gang from Shadowhunters visiting Aziraphale’s bookshop for advice of just visiting the bookshop and finding out that Aziraphale is an angel and Crowley is a demon and that theyre besties. Or like if Aziraphale and Crowley gound out about the shadowworld, how their minds would be like “wtf, theres a whole different universe thats been existing right under our noses??? 😳”.
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thiawen · 1 year
Shadowhunters Prompt: Divine Right
So I’ve been playing around with a few ideas about why the Nephilim don’t have more obvious signs of their heritage. So what if ancient Nephilim did? They had wings, more powerful runes, their own brand of magic, and possibly immortality. Why don’t they anymore?
So what if the Divine Right of Kings was a legitimate thing for Nephilim? Raziel chose Jonathan Shadowhunter and his line to rule. The Nephilim were his and Raziel had no intention to get involved anymore unless it was to be called for the wish. But then the royal line is betrayed and the last of the main line is killed. A cousin who wanted the throne for himself?
That gets Raziel’s attention and he’s furious. So he curses the Nephilim. Basically goes Old Testament on all of them. They are stripped of their wings, magic, immortality, and much of their knowledge. Left to fight weakened and mortal. Barely more than mundanes. They will remain that way until Raziel decides someone is worthy and the new monarch will decide who can become true Nephilim like they once were.
So active Nephilim take the name Shadowhunters after their lost royal line, a reminder of their duty and punishment. And as an oath of loyalty to whoever their new monarch will be. The Clave is formed to rule in the meantime, their strict orders for obedience a reaction to what treason had already cost their race.
This fuels some of their resentment for Downworlders, Warlocks in particular. Warlocks who are immortal, have magic, and a visible sign of their heritage while the Nephilim had been stripped of theirs.
The Nephilim have pretty much resigned themselves to never becoming what they once were. Until Alec wakes up with the Sovereign rune.
(I just have a weakness for royalty fics. And the idea of Alec and Magnus ruling together as the ultimate power couple sounds awesome. And all the bigots can’t do a damn thing about it.)
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sky-neverending · 10 months
the roles and ages of the twst characters in my shadowhunters au
Riddle Rosehearts (20)- Shadowhunter, future Head of the New York Institute
Ace Trappola (18): Shadowhunter
Deuce Spade (18): Half-Shadowhunter who gets turned into a vampire (daylighter due to his shadowhunter blood)
Vil Schoenheit (unknown, over 100, appears 22): Vampire, head of the Brooklyn Vampire Clan
Epel Felmier (unknown, appears 18): Vampire
Rook Hunt (unknown, appears 21): Vampire
Leona Kingscholar (25): Werewolf, new leader of the New York Pack
Ruggie Bucchi (20) and Jack Howl (18): Werewolves
Silver (unknown, over 100): Warlock, High Warlock of Brooklyn
Lilia Vanrouge (unknown, estimated over 300): Faerie, right hand of Malleus Draconia, the man who raised Silver
Malleus Draconia (unknown, younger than Lilia): Seelie King, older brother figure to Silver
stay tuned for more information!!
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somedayonbroadway · 7 months
Hey can you write a sprace scene in the shadowhunters au?
Shadowhunters AU
Yes I can, but I have to be so honest, I never finished the series. This is a little baby scene that is based off of a scene I think I remember from the show.
Please let me know what you think!
Everything was a disaster. The building was nearly in ruins. Jack was bleeding, but okay, Katherine was helping Sarah up and David was drawing ruins on the severely injured. But Spot didn’t see Race. He looked around wildly when he realized it. “Where… where’s Race?” he asked.
David froze. “Uh… we split up. He was on the roof when—“
Spot was running before he could even stop himself. Jack called after him but Spot wasn’t listening. He couldn’t be listening. He just ran. He rushed to the roof, sword in hand as he called out. “Race! Tonio!” Nothing. No response. He looked around.
He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt like this before. Not when Katherine was hurting, not when Jack was nearly dead, he couldn’t ever recall this feeling, this pure panic. So he rushed back down into the building. Jack grabbed him by the arm. “Hey! Stop, are you hurt?”
“I can’t find him!” Spot yelled. His parabatai just took his hand.
“Hey, we’ll find him,” Jack insisted. “But first we need to assess things here—“
Spot shook his head, yanking away from the other man and grabbing his bow and arrow, running down to find the warlock. He slammed the doors open, looking around the abandoned church in a terror. “Tonio!” he called.
A hand came to touch his shoulder and Spot whirled around, crying out in relief when he saw those familiar blue eyes. He dropped his weapons, throwing his arms around the man before him. “H-hey,” Race whispered. “Spottie—“
“I-I thought—“ Spot tried, but he stopped himself, pulling away from the warlock a bit. “Y-you’re bleeding…”
Race reached up to touch his temple, finding that he was in fact bleeding. “It’s just a little cut, I’m okay… are you okay?”
Spot had tears in his eyes. He shook his head. “I’ve never been that scared before. Never. Not on any mission I’ve ever been on, but when I couldn’t find you, I…” He sniffled, shaking his head and pulling Race back into his chest. “Don’t ever do that again, okay?”
Race was stunned. But all he could do was look up at the man who held him. “Hey… I’m right here,” he promised. “Babe, you’re hysterical.”
“Don’t do that again, Antonio, I’m serious,” Spot insisted.
Race melted. “Hey, I’m not helpless. I’m not some mundane, okay? I’m a high warlock, I’m not easy to take down.” He took Spot’s cheeks in his hands. “Hey, look at me,” he coaxed, getting Spot to focus on him a bit more. “I’m okay,” he said again.
“I love you, Tonio,” Spot whispered.
That’s what made Race’s heart skip a beat. “What?” he squinted.
“I… I never wanna do that again. Please don’t scare me like that again,” Spot begged.
Race nodded and smiled. “I love you, Sean Conlon,” he whispered. “Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?”
“Just… don’t leave my side, okay?” Spot insisted.
Race gave him a small, sarcastic salute before Spot took his hand and led him back inside.
What a crazy night it had been.
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Can I Jump?
Georgewood Shadowhunters AU Oneshot
Tomorrow, he and Lockwood were set to become parabatai; in mind and in soul, they would be inseparable. Bound for life. The only catch? Falling in love with your parabatai has always been forbidden — dangerous — and George will have broken that rule before the ceremony has even begun.
[A brief Georgewood Shadowhunters AU.]
(link in reblog)
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wingsofhcpe · 9 months
musketeers shadowhunters au nobody asked for
athos: fairchild (ties to the ruling families)
porthos: carstairs (wields a legendary sword)
aramis: herondale (can see ghosts)
d'artagnan: lightwood (idk he just gives me lightwood vibes)
Aramis and Porthos are parabatai (sworn soulmate brothers-in-battle thingy) but fuck canon actually, parabatai are allowed to have relationships to each other Cassie Clare was just too much of a coward and had to make sure nobody shipped the main hetero love interest with his bro-in-arms instead of the bland ass protag that was Clary (who should have been shipped with Isabel but I digress).
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alexagirlie · 10 months
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War of Hearts - A Shadowhunters/The Last Kingdom crossover
Pairing: Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred
Summary: a non-chronological series featuring the adventures of Shadowhunter Finan and Werewolves Sihtric and Uhtred.
Part 1: FU In My Head (smut, biting, marking, frottage)
Part 2: Where We Come Alive - coming soon
Part 3: TBA
Part 4: TBA
Part 5: TBA
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rosyrequiems · 1 year
somewhere in the haze
an introduction to my skz shadowhunter au that i've worked very hard on for the past year and it's finally done :")
ao3 link here !! ᥫ᭡
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As a shocking event sends ripples through the Shadow World, the Shadowhunters, vampires, werewolves, faeries, & warlocks of Seoul have to do whatever is possible to keep long-held rivalries from boiling over — but they may find those they love most across enemy lines.
pairings: hyunin, changlix, minsung, seungin
stats: ~70k, prologue + 12 chapters
things you can expect to find
sworn fighters for life (& all the angst that comes with it)
vampires & werewolves & faeries & everything in between
slow burn
political intrigue
skz as very attractive immortals (i'm serious i'm the writer and even i'm in love with them!!!)
cameos from non-skz idols to fill in an elaborate urban fantasy world
read excerpts below the cut ➰
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the shadowhunters of the seoul institute
"Damn, already beating us to the punch, Chan?" Changbin asked with a smirk as he walked in, Jisung trailing behind. They started changing into gear as the pair were grabbing the last of their equipment.
"Wait," Felix said out of nowhere, his hands hovering over where he was placing his Sensor into his gear belt as he stared at Changbin's back before he could put on the top of his gear. Chan followed his eyes to the parabatai rune on Changbin's shoulder blade and smirked.
"What? Did you think you were the only super demon-slaying duo around?" Jisung smirked and tugged at the neckline of his gear shirt to reveal to Felix what Chan already knew about: the matching parabatai rune to Changbin's on his chest over his heart.
"You didn't tell me!" Felix turned to Chan, betrayal in his eyes. Chan laughed and shrugged as Felix's eyes narrowed playfully.
"What do you say, Lix?" Changbin asked as he turned around, tucking his throwing stars into his gear belt with a smirk.
Jisung had stepped closer too, so now they were parabatai facing parabatai. Jisung's nangseon, or branched spear, was tied to his back, looking particularly menacing with the adamas tips of the many blades, the white-translucent quality of the blades showing the special angel's blessing on the metal.
Felix looked up at Chan, the same fire in his eyes that Chan had seen so many times in patrol or training. It had been that same drive that burned so brightly in Felix that had made him certain he'd chosen the right parabatai.
"I say," Felix said, turning back to face Changbin and Jisung after knowing Chan was on the same page. That was another thing Chan loved about being bound to Felix; they had been inseparable enough to feel like they could read each other's minds before, but now they were so in tune with each other, it felt natural.
"Let the best parabatai win!"
overheard at the shadow market
"One day I'm going to ignore that pretty princely boyfriend of yours and make you pay for your disrespect, you know," Minho said, tone dripping in sweetness. A threat of that with his usual wicked grin would set anybody else running, but Jeongin didn't even look at him.
"I told you he's not a prince. The vampires don't have royalty."
"He has a throne, and trusted advisors like a court. Tell me: how is he not a prince?" Minho asked, lounging back on his hands with his legs out on the apothecary floor, the cats strewn around him with waving tails, staring intently as if they too were asking Jeongin the question.
The warlock leaned down, looking Minho in the eye and spoke, ignoring the question.
"Besides. He would kill you if you even laid a finger on me," Jeongin raised his eyebrows smugly then stood up again, righting himself as he magicked his log book to him to record the recent purchase.
Minho rolled his eyes, but didn't have another retort for the brat warlock. Minho liked to wave the fact that he was oh so much older and wiser than his friend, but Jeongin's lover was a different beast altogether. Warlocks and the Fair Folk weren't the only Downworlders that were immortal, after all.
Because as much as Minho hated to admit it, Hwang Hyunjin, leader of Seoul's vampire clan and one of the oldest vampires on the Asian continent, could probably take him in a fight, with fangs bared and hands ripping at his heart until he bled out at his feet. It wouldn't be the first time he'd taken a Faerie out easily before. He was almost revered for how much he was feared.
And the legend was that somehow Yang Jeongin, a warlock not even a century old, had that mythical beast wrapped around his little finger.
read at the link above ! ⛧
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alexanderlightweight · 11 months
Maybe more of the cider verse.
this is a scene from before they're married or the sequel. it happens back when jace and izzy first return and how magnus influences alec even on the seemingly small things that end up really changing alec's mindset overall
hope you enjoy! happy to be back to writing
<3 lumine
It’s half past three in the morning and while Alec normally doesn’t sleep till at least eight or nine, he feels dead on his feet.
His muscles are sore and heavy, every unnecessary movement an ache that he can’t afford and he closes his eyes just a minute to get his thoughts under way.
It was stupid to spar with both Izzy and Jace before going on a double patrol, but Alec hadn’t really had a choice.
Sacrifices have to be made for progress to happen and while Alec’s gotten better at delegating things, welcoming Jace and Izzy back from Idris — especially with a mountain of changes they both hate — well, something has to give.
As usual when it comes to his siblings, any price to be paid comes from Alec.
Of course it won’t remain that way for long, but Alec understands that some changes have to be slower than others and thankfully, Magnus understands that as well.
Except even in this, not all things remain the exact same.
Alec isn’t heading back to the Institute to slump wearily behind his desk and trudge through hours of paperwork. Instead he’s on his way to Magnus’, knowing that before he gets anywhere near the tablet he’s left there, he’ll be led to a bath first.
Magnus will insist on taking care of him.
Spoiling him really.
No matter how much Alec insists that just the bath is enough — that Magnus doesn’t need to waste potions on him — Magnus won’t be swayed.
So, despite the fact that Alec knows Magnus can just summon it for them, Alec stops at a little fae run cafe. One that never closes and that Alec doesn’t need to worry about glamours to visit.
They’re used to him by now and Alec is once again grateful to have been introduced to these hidden places of the shadowworld. It takes some time for them to grow accustomed to his continued presence, but for Alec — whose never been curious or called to by mundane spaces — its a relief.
While there is nothing wrong with mundane places, the logistics of going to one require preparation. Here, Alec can even just text an order and know that even if it takes him longer than it should, the drinks will never go cold.
He grabs them both and nods, knowing that his account is prepaid to a certain degree — as they accept ingredients rather than money — before leaving.
There is no talking, no anything but getting the drinks and leaving and while shadowhunter instincts warn him to drink something made by a fae, Alec knows better than to let it take over now.
This is an exchange.
A proper one and no fae would risk the ramifications of being so widely known and going back on their word.
The cider tastes hot like Magnus’ magic when he summons flames to contain demons and fresh. Like he’s sipping the drink from the vein of a sun-warmed apple.
The spices linger on his tongue and the back of his throat with a flare of heat and then he’s at Magnus’ door. Only a few sips and it was enough of a distraction that he can let himself relax.
Even his aching muscles can’t stop how his lips curl into an adoring smile and, as the door opens and his eyes meets a warm, golden gaze… Alec is home.
Even if he doesn’t quite know how to admit it yet.
Magnus greets him with a kiss, tasting the cider on his lips and tongue and giving him a soft smile before pulling him through the doorway and into the room.
The wards click into place behind and around him. Alec can feel them, pressing against him and he lets himself lean against the sturdy wood of the door as Magnus looks him over.
“Bath first, then some food.” Magnus murmurs, snapping his fingers even as he takes a sip from his cup. “No arguments this time, darling?”
Alec shakes his head, frankly too tired and too in love to do anything else.
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secretgirl0103 · 1 year
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“Let’s set the world on fire ending this war between you and I” Jane softly. “So bring your best shot”
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