souleatersoma · 10 months
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@tokiijayy Twitter
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reverbmod · 2 months
2024 Posting Schedule!
Catch all the sweet Reverb content coming your way very soon!✨
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August 16th - La petite robe noire with Artist @jadedkappa and Author @silluuuu
August 17th - Today is Special with Artist @lilliesofinspirationvalley and Author @blackbloodteeth
August 18th - You are my center when I spin away with Artist @mellancholy-morose and Author @chichirichick
August 19th - If my heart were a compass, you’d be north with Artists @drowsystarlight & @vin420 and Author @snorlaxlovesme
August 20th - These Promises with Artist @guacamoletrash and Author @justpocketchange and Author @chichirichick
August 21st - Pygmalion with Artist @worldismyne and Author @lilliesofinspirationvalley
August 22nd - A Bit of Bittersweet in the Bake with Artist @bearmageddon and Author @emotional-support-hufflepuff
August 23rd - Death Parties in Paradise with Artist @alcruid and Author @memethebum
August 24th - Carved Out Hollow Madness with Artist @actuallyimabird and Author @emotional-support-hufflepuff
August 25th - Resonance Resurrected / My Girlfriend is a Witch with Artist @moriohpissky and Author @kaen-ace-of-diamonds and Author @justpocketchange
August 26th - His Nine Souls with Artist @blackbloodteeth and Author @toweroftunes and Author shinracrimson
August 27th - Saudade with Artist @emotional-support-hufflepuff and Author @bcbdrums and Author @randomkidstarfic
August 28th - The Masque of the Red Death / The Red Masque of Death with Artist @not-so-scandalous and Author @sharks833 and Author @professor-maka
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arcadeichu · 2 years
Idk if anyone cares about this but I love this ship so damn much 👉👈
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theeyeofthetigger · 11 months
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Next time you might want to specify when you ask him if he wants some, Maka-
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chichirichick · 1 month
Happy Reverb [again!]
Since we all know I'm a robot, I was able to churn out Reverb #2, a very special SoMa fic that let me collab with the wonderful @guacamoletrash
These Promises
Keep a close watch on @guacamoletrash for art, since I was too excited to wait :)
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silluuuu · 1 month
La petite robe noire
salut mes ami(e)s et welcome to Reverb 2024, La petite robe noire! i've had so much fun putting together this story with my artist partner @jadedkappa. it's been such a treat to hang out with you over these past couple of months, even with our crazy décalage horaire de 9 heures !!!
pls enjoy this very silly Art School AU, featuring a Death the Kid POV (a very fun experiment for me haha), lots of shenanigans, and of course, a sprinkle of Soul/Maka. big love to @toweroftunes for betaing and to the @reverbmod team for hosting and reviving this event! check out the beginning of the story below!! <3
If there's one thing Death the Kid hates, it's chaos.
Bound to one of his kitchen barstools, he taps a foot impatiently as he stares down at his phone, the crease between his brows forming a trench of Mariana depths as yet another message lights up his notifications.
He doesn't hate group projects, in theory. In practice, however, he is forced to remember the company he keeps, his hailstorm of a cohort of classmates and the inevitable chaos they incite at every turn. He wants to rip his hair out - though he knows this would disturb both his haircut and his perfect dye job, so he refrains. Sporting an off-kilter coiffe feels like he's breaking some kind of art school law. The rule of thirds for the scalp, as it were.
Ping, ping, ping! He reaches across the kitchen island to silence the phone, fingers clenched around a lukewarm cup of coffee that is doing nothing to combat his frazzled nerves. His screen continues to betray him with a whack-a-mole assortment of pop-ups, new windows appearing faster than he can close them.
It's not even technically a group project - he'd elected to bring his friends into this, though he's the only one getting a grade. As a fashion design student, he needs to be able to 'play nice with others', as his father had so cheerfully suggested throughout his youth. Over the years, he had mostly succeeded in fine-tuning his people-averse personality to make that happen. In this particular instance, the handsome compensation he'd offered them had certainly helped to grease the wheels.
The true chaos had started with the unfortunate development of this group chat. As much as this project is his brainchild, that had not been his idea.
It'll be easier to keep in touch with people! Liz had said. We can be creative together! Patty had said. You can stay organized, Liz had added at his continued reticence and, forever beholden to the concept of organization, this argument had been compelling enough for him to cave.
The chat is decidedly disorganized. Black Star has been sending them byte after byte of explosion noises with no end in sight, for seemingly no reason at all. Liz drops Instagram makeup tutorials every ten minutes - most of which seem suspiciously targeted at her own makeup needs instead of their project, but he digresses. Patty has been sending eyeshadow swatches, which she's been practicing on everything skin-like in the house - a definition that, he'd recently discovered, can differ greatly from person to person. In entirely related news, he must now deep-clean all of his silicone muffin tins after this project is done.
He's wading through chaos, up to the waist of his perfectly-pressed pants. He feels like a puzzle with pieces scattered every which way, and the most important ones are still lying under the table, invisible to the eye and impossible to meld with the others.
Choose a classic piece of clothing, and promote it through a printed poster and a video advertisement. This is the task he has been set, and while he's assembled a qualified team for both the poster and the ad, he's still lacking in both article and model for said piece. Without those two things, he's a sitting duck in his little chaos-pond.
At this moment, Liz walks in, surveys him in his state of many discomforts, and offers him a metaphorical hand.
"Do you want me to show you how to turn off notifications?" she says, expression deadpan.
Read the rest on AO3 :D
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kittenintheden · 1 year
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never doubt a bitch’s commitment to sparkle motion
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hraugur · 1 year
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for @silluuuu the wizard of writing
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thiefofblood · 1 year
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day 2 - love language
i liked how this looked with just flat colors so :)
commissions | ko-fi
get as a print!
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lanming-art · 1 year
Smile! 💚❤
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Do not repost without credits, do not edit or erase the sign ☺🥰
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soulxmakaweek · 2 years
Final themes!
Thanks to everyone who sent in theme suggestions and participated in the voting rounds! It’s because of y'all that we now have the final themes for SoulxMaka week 2023!
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Just like the years prior, you can create anything for SoulxMaka Week so long as it applies to the themes provided. We ask that you follow each day’s theme as it comes, but you are more than welcome to post for a previous day. You can make any form of art, including fanmixes, drawings, gif or photo sets, interpretive art (like knitting or jewelry), AMVs, fanfiction, or anything else that comes to mind. As long as it has to do with the themes for SoulxMaka Week and that it is about SoMa, anything works!
One thing, though - please do not steal art or repost other people’s work! We ask that you reblog what isn’t yours because it is not yours to take. Respect other people’s hard work!
If you participate, please tag your posts using the tags "SoulxMaka", “SoMaWeek2023”, “SoulxMakaweek”, or @ us (@soulxmakaweek) when you post so that we can find your work and reblog it onto this blog!
Anyway, that’s it! In the meantime, please help us spread the word by reblogging and linking this post to your friends. Have fun preparing for the event!
Love, @redphlox and @l0chn3ss
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chickycherrycola · 10 months
King of My Heart, Ch. 3
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Happy Sunday lovelies, and happy KOMH update day! I know it's been a hot minute since I've updated this fic, so I'm very pleased to present this extra-long chapter 😄I won't spoil the goods too much, but in this installment, we meet a bunch of new characters (including one i'm VERY excited about), Damien/Kid continues to have the Worst Time Ever(tm), and our two leading idiots get up to a lot of bickering (and hand-holding😏) on the journey to Bellemorte.
Read Ch 3 here on AO3!
As usual, I must take a moment to thank @moriohpissky for the beta, the gorgeous fanart pieces she's drawn for this fic, and for continuing to be KOMH's #1 fan 👑💖 my endless gratitude and thanks to you, dear!
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reverbmod · 4 months
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And now the moment you've all been waiting for:
Chibiverb 2024 Sign-Ups are now open!
Please fill out the form provided if you wish to join in on this year's lil' Reverb – You may do so more than once if you wish to participate as both an artist and an author, or a beta and a volunteer writer, etc.
Please click here to sign up!
Sign-ups will stay open from now (Monday, June 3rd) until Friday, June 14th at 11:59pm EST.
All Artists! Please note that your sign up is also the first check in this year. Before the end of sign ups you must provide a rough draft of your idea in the sign-up form. For more detailed instructions please see the rules form or ask a mod for assistance.
Want more information on this year's Chibiverb? Check out our Rules and About pages, or feel free to send in an ask if you have any other questions. We'll be sure to post any new updates here when they come around, so you can follow us if that suits your fancy.
Otherwise, we look forward to seeing what you guys do for this here Revival! Cheers!
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graylinesspam · 6 months
Here's my SoMa playlist for anyone interested. It's not all super romantic or relationship focused tbh. This playlist actually has some lore. from my own brain ofc. I never liked the idea that Maka had zero interest in music (which is a popular headcannon) mostly because she shows a lot of interest in Soul's music in cannon. And also because I can't get the idea of Spirit being a grungy punk dad out of my head.
So this playlist is less of "this song describes them" and more the idea that Soul likes to play music, like a lot, and Maka will only sit through jazz and the backstreet boys for so long before it gets on her nerves. So this is an amalgamation playlist that they built together for like lazy days cleaning the apartment or to listen to together while traveling for missions. And it's music that's kinda outside either of their preferred genres but music that they'll both listen to without outwardly complaining. (Because I headcanon that Maka listens to like thrasher metal or Broadway musical soundtracks. And Soul HATES it).
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Maka left her coat at the apartment.
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chichirichick · 1 year
Love Language
My second submission for @soulxmakaweek
Summary: While he may not exactly be fluent, Soul knows enough about love languages for Maka.
Read it on AO3 or below the cut:
I pinched at Maka’s neck, fingers kneading down the collection of muscle towards her shoulder. A mewling little hum of what I could only guess was approval—satisfaction?—popped from her mouth and threatened to derail any and all of my concentration. Honestly, touching her usually led to some disruption of my sanity these days. While a massage should be old news—as a weapon, my meister’s physical wellness is part of my job—something was changing. We were changing. And I definitely think– nah, I know it was my fault.
Liz had brought it up– you know, during regular girl talk that somehow still happened in my presence. (I can’t decide if it’s because I’m just some extension of Maka or I don’t give off that macho vibe that usually deflates these kinds of discussions.) The gaggle of girls was sitting in our usual meeting tree with me slouching into the bark.
“...and Black Star is definitely words of affirmation,” Liz continued to prattle on. I guess I only zoned in because of her laugh. “Can you imagine him being with someone who couldn’t praise him? I think he’d shrivel and die.”
“Be fair,” Tsu replied– which we all knew she shouldn’t have. 
Don’t stand up for the guy, Tsu, unless you’re ready–
“Yes, Tsu, we all know you’re in love with him,” Liz sang back and the group flared into laughter and pink cheeks.
I should be exasperated, but hell, you try saving the world and almost dying every other week. They deserved their fun– no matter how lame and filled with Cosmo-rip-off-mumbo-jumbo. I resigned myself to nodding off instead.
Next it was Patty twittering: “And Maka!”
Okay, I’m not too proud to admit sleeping got shelved in an instant.
“Maka has to be acts of service.” 
“Well…” Maka neither confirming nor denying anything usually led to a bunch of buzzing, and, well, this was no different. 
I couldn’t help but catch some of the glances my way since the usual line of teasing was being whipped by my meister. To be honest, I didn’t have a lot of evidence to save me from that verdict either. She liked my cooking, so I did it. We were roommates, so it was only fair to do my share of the cleaning. And with her co-teaching that meistering class, sometimes she needed errands done, and I–
Okay, I’m whipped.
At the same time, I couldn’t exactly say I agreed. Sure, I knew Maka appreciated all of those things, but– I bit my tongue. We were still just meister and weapon, even with my stupid day-in-day-out pining. I could pretend all I wanted that I knew Maka, but in that context? No. Romance was still something that haunted my dreams.
“What about Soul?” Tsu—as gentle, smart, and mature as she could be—was also fucking ruthless.
I startled, hands out instantly to negate the redirect. “Not fluent in love language, thanks.”
“But I’m sure we could figure it out,” Liz chimed. “I mean, Maka knows you best, doesn’t she? So…” The elongated ‘o’ was the most unfair set up, leaving Maka and I to stare at each other. There was still some leftover color on her cheeks, brightening her eyes and making my heart do the jitterbug.
“I guess,” Maka started and my breath stopped, “I would say quality time.”
If I had to buy into this bullshit for a second, I would say she was right, but– “Again, you’re speakin’ another language.”
“But I’m right,” she pressed, and boy, was I fucking in trouble.
You try telling Maka Albarn she’s wrong. Go ahead. Sign your last will and testament and then give it a shot. Just make sure all your affairs are in order. “Yeah, well,” I replied with as much aloofness as I could manage.
She eyed me. “And you think Liz is right about mine? Acts of service? ”
My internal sigh—which I’d perfected just a few months into our partnership—rattled in my brain. Well, I guess I’ve lived a good life. “Sorta.”
“Sort of?”
I shrugged because the answer was a solid no, but I was pretty sure this part of Maka was a secret. Sorta my secret, and I wanted to keep it that way. I wiggled my way out of the conversation with all limbs (barely) intact because I wanted to actually test my hypothesis: Maka Albarn was all about physical touch.
I was deep into her shoulder at this point, unknotting, rotating, starting to work into her bicep. By the time I got to her hand, flexing fingers and massaging into her palm, I was sitting next to her on the couch.
“You’ve–” She caught herself, but I didn’t stop my motions. Give her starts and stops too much attention and they’re bound to stay stops, but give her room and… “Are you okay?”
“Me?” I replied with a shrug and a mostly convincing “Nothin’ new.”
“But you…” She grasped my hand, holding tightly to stop me and bring my gaze away from my work. “Something’s different.”
Maka let out a frustrated huff. “Soul!”
“I said okay– yeah, it is,” I added. I tried to concentrate on the tension in her fingers. She was holding on for dear life, and so was I. “Maka, you–”
She didn’t have an ounce of patience for it, jumping on me as soon as the puff of air left my mouth. “I what?” It was less of a demand—I was so used to the annoyed accusatory tone with that phrase—and more of a plea.
This was my chance. Hell, maybe even my only chance, but I had a boulder on my fucking tongue.
“You’ve been–” Frustration rumbled in her throat for a second before she met me head on, green eyes blaring. “You’ve been touchy. You usually– it’s a fight sometimes, Soul, but lately you’ve just been giving in or– or doing it for me. I’m just worried that you’re hurting and this is–”
“No,” I muttered as I shook away the excuse and the clutter on my tongue. “It ain’t about me.”
“Then?” she prodded. 
I swallowed every last wriggling spike of anxiety in my gut and spewed: “It’s what you like– what you want.” 
Pink—three shades deeper than any of the colors beneath the tree that day—flushed over her cheekbones. 
Oh, damnit, I liked it. I fucking–ah, just the way her lip quivered into a pout after, too! This was the most uncool I’d ever been, but I couldn’t stop, and, hell, I knew I shouldn’t. “All the girls talkin’ about that language bullshit–”
“Love language,” she corrected quickly, even through her blushing haze.
“Love language,” I folded, but not without a hint of sarcasm. “But yours is touch. You like when people touch you, and I sorta, well, I thought I could prove it.”
She paused, eyebrow furrowing slightly before she continued: “You were just guessing?”
I heard the trouble coming a mile away, and yeah, I should have planned for an accusation like that, but– this was getting away from me, and fast. In battle, I knew I always had to have a million and ten escape plans because the minute Maka backed us into a corner it was me who’d have to yank us out, but what happened when I walked us right into a trap? I gaped, watching as grey started to steal away all the color from her face. “Maka–”
“What, now that your hypothesis is correct you’re just going to–?” She didn’t let herself finish the question as she attempted to yank her hands away. “You know, I don’t know why– I never should have thought–!”
I tumbled after her. She may have gotten her hands out of mine, but I couldn’t let her get to her feet. I did what I’d always done for her– leapt right into trouble. Though, this may have been more than I bargained for. I didn’t get a handle on her, exactly, but the couch– except for the fact that meant I’d sandwiched her between me and it. I had her pinned against the cushions. I was teetering over her, attempting not to crush her while still sticking to my point. “And I was provin’ yours.”
Maka blinked up at me, dumbfounded.
“Quality time,” I reminded her, but it didn’t matter. She was totally dazed. “‘Cause every time it’s like this– every time I know you want me touchin’ you– I feel like I’m the only person you see, and I can’t– I need that.”
She took fistfuls of my t-shirt and pulled me down. We fit– sprawled but still comfortably stacked puzzle pieces. That didn’t mean I could breath or even bat an eye as my face pressed into the crux of her neck. Heat—electrifying and terrifying all in one—fluttered against my shoulder with her words: “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
Shouldn’t that be obvious?
I guess that shook down to my core, trembling across our tangled souls since she almost immediately sighed. “I was always so worried,” she murmured, lips dancing so close to my skin that I could barely offer the brain cells to follow what she was saying. “I was always so worried that you didn’t know.”
Honestly, I didn’t know jack shit except for her breath searing through my t-shirt and her heartbeat thumping in time with mine. “Wh-what?”
The annoyance that I knew so well bled into this breath, her know-it-all tone lacing the obvious: “You, Soul. It’s physical touch with you. Not with anyone else. So you are the only person I see, the only person I–” She hummed out a nervous note, and I couldn’t tell if it was her wriggling or her soul. Either way, I knew I had to pull away, to give her a little space to– 
As soon as I raised my head, I saw it. Maybe I thought before that I was enjoyed her smiles, or sorta lived for those moments that she was possibly blushing in my direction, but this– fucking Death, this–
Her eyes had never been so clear, and I was close enough to see myself in them, maybe even through them. That honest stare—the one that was seeing me and had seen me for our whole partnership—was unraveling any of the worry that was still tying my tongue. I gave her the best smirk I could manage and murmured: “Does that still count as me being right?”
She couldn’t fight the laugh, but it only fluttered for a second before she produced a pout. “We’re both right.”
“Not fair.” But the complaint had no oomph. I was too busy negotiating enough so I could dare to let my fingers touch her cheek, sliding back to tuck that fine tendril of hair that dared to be unruly. “I– does that mean I don’t have to stop?”
She barely shook her head, instead concentrating on leaning into my touch. The way her cheek fit against my palm burned into my memory even though I wasn’t sure I was going to have to save it. I had my permission– I had what I wanted from the beginning–
I had Maka.
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