#stinky bandage crew
tenobelisk · 1 year
Warning: these critical role opinions may be a little spicy if you think liking star wars and funko pops makes you nerdy. sorry, that was a jab. im just going to talk about critical role stuff for a bit to get it off my chest. spoilers for seasons one and two will follow.
so, i love the fact that sam will do characters that are not built to please anyone. in season 1, scanlan's storm-off was fantastic. he called them all out and i loved the timing of it. nobody gets to be comfortable for long, things are not perfect, im not the 'funny little guy' anymore. it's the most real shit to bring to the table each season in a different way, and i have no idea if anybody else feels this way about sam's characters but just bravo.
so, also, i really didn't like the policing of Nott's behaviour in season 2 vis-a-vis drinking and killing things, nor did i like veth at all. shrug. it got to the point where i felt nott was being curtailed and suppressed out of some real-life moral code bleeding into the game. veth seemed to be a normalisation and the death of nott. which seemed a mercy killing at that point. i dont like it when a character loses their fire even if its for Morally Good Reasons.
an aside: i loved how nott's husband accepted her goblinity. that couldve gone on for longer, i enjoyed matt's representation of the role and the dynamic between them. oh well. caterpillar, butterfly, etc.
the controlling of purse strings and behaviour checking going on also bothered me especially when it was followed by unchecked indulgence under 'approved' circumstances. do we all have to lean toward good and 'fix' whats wrong with us? what's with all the policing? maybe i've just been around too many controlling people and comfortable white middle class Game Enjoyers not to see it glaring brightly and wonder why anyone else isn't rattled by it. great, so you aren't bothered, doesn't mean its a good thing to soak in.
speaking of blurring cast and character boundaries, im still sad about orion in the beginning of season one, but i understand why it ended the way it did. i am okay with frantic unmanageable types in games like this, even if they make me uncomfortable sometimes. maybe it had to go that way for him to help himself in a less messy way than escape and misbehaviour.
of course i now know there were real-life incidents behind it that had rattled everybody. that definitely needed to end, but it was difficult to watch even though i've watched it twice now, minute-by-minute. but they're real people who react to problems imperfectly. that's 100% okay. just don't expect me not to file it away for later.
so after this many-years long roller coaster i'm reeeally trying to get into season three.. but the southern accents and smell the fart acting is making it real hard for my attention span. i've seen improv troupes kindof coast off of memes and crowd comfort and venue clout enough times to understand that its just nice to sit and be part of the show. the thing has a life of its own and enough work went into making it that way. the thing we are most familiar doing can sometimes become what we do to wind down, rather than what we do to power up. maybe that's what happened, or maybe it's just me. i am bummed it is not grabbing me as much as the past seasons but i will still drop in every now and then and give it a try.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years
Descendants 2 with Harry Hook x Cindy Luna Charming
Just a heads up, this version of Cindy is a bit of a sad one, Chad doesn’t care about her, her mother is the only one that cares about her, her only friends are the vks.
warning: rape almost happens
I couldn't believe Mal went back to the Isle! Of course I went with them to go get back Mal. I had grown close to all the Vks. And of course Eveie had made me an Isle outfit. Light blue leather. Never realized how much I loved it.
We stood outside of the hide out. I was pacing, waiting for Ben to come back down. I took a look down the path we came from and saw a red scarf fluttering against a board. I headed down the path, taking the scarf in my hands, freeing it from its trap in the wood. Suddenly a cloth was put over my mouth, silencing my screams.
"Take er to the ship, we'll grab the king. This princess might come in handy." A scottish voice spoke. 
I couldn't see anything as I was gagged,  blindfolded, and had my arms tied behind me, but I could feel the cold metal from what I could assume was a hook, which both scared me and…. Thrilled me.
"This one is mine." The Scottish voice stated, close to my ears, causing me to shudder.
I was suddenly thrown over someone's shoulder and was carried away. The rotting smell of the Isles waters smacked me in the face. I felt myself being carried onto a ship and brought down some rickety steps before being thrown onto the wooden floor, my blindfold being roughly torn off my face but the gagged remained.
A man in black pirate getup cackled from the other side of the bars of my cell. "I can't wait to see what Harry does to ya." He exclaimed before walking away.
That was the last straw, I scooted over to the farthest corner and cried into my knees. I was scared. I began to shake from fear when I heard a commotion uptop. They were keeping Ben upstairs.
I began to shake even more. Especially when slow footsteps sounded at the stairs. 
"Well well well…. Damn it Bonnie! He was supposta leave ya in my room unharmed!" The scottish voice growls as he enters my cell and walks towards me.
I cower in fear, shaking with fear.
"Hey, lassie, it's ok. I'm not gunna hurt ya." He explained in a softer tone.
I slowly looked up at him and allowed him to remove the gag from my mouth.
"W-what do you want with me?"  I finally managed to get out after he walked me to his cabin and had me sit on his bed.
"To know ye a bit more." He explained as he rummaged through his drawers.
"Why?" I asked looking down at my lap.
"Because Luna, I have been watchin ya on the tele. And I think ye are amazin." He stated before smiling as he turned around, holding a bandaid in his hand.
"R-really?" I stuttered with a blush as he placed the bandaid on a cut I didn't even know I had on my cheek.
"There ye go. Oh wait let me free yer hands." He exclaimed, cutting the rope that tied my hands together.
I rubbed my wrists a bit before setting them in my lap. 
"May I ask what your name is then, since you know mine?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Harry Hook." He introduced with a slight bow.
"Harry! Uma's lookin for ya!" Another voice called through the door. I recognized it as the son of Gaston.
"I shall be right back my lovely." He bowed again before quickly leaving the room, locking it behind him.
Whether that was for my safety or not was beyond me. I was still slightly scared. I knew the group wasn't going to risk rescuing me. What was the point. Ben was more important. He was the king after all.
I was the youngest of Cinderella's kids, only by a few minutes but still.
The VKs were my friends. But even if I was them I would leave me behind too. Maybe Chad will get over it. My parents certainly will. Momma might miss me but papa and Grandfather always wished I was more proper and ladylike. They wouldn't miss me….
I began to scratch at my arm, something I did when I was sad, anxious, or worried.
I heard a noise and quickly hid in the corner, scratching my arm worse and trying to make myself seem small.
I heard fighting up on top of the deck, I looked out the window and saw a hook go underwater then Harry diving in after it. My scratching became worse the moment the fighting stopped.
My arm was on the verge of showing more muscle than skin at this point. I heard footsteps stop at the door and I could feel myself shaking in fear as my scratching stopped.
The door opened to reveal a very wet, very annoyed Harry. He went wide-eyed when he didn't see me where I was when he left.
"Luna??" He asked worried.
I made a sort of squeak noise which drew him to the corner that I was huddled in. He noticed my arm and frowned, helping me to sit back up on his bed he rummaged through his stuff again. 
"How did ye get hurt? I made sure no one would hurt ye." Harry grumbled as he continued looking for bandages.
"I-I did it to myself." I whispered, looking down in shame.
Harry stopped and looked at me. "What??" 
"I scratch when I'm scared, nervous, sad, worried….." I explained, expecting him to turn away in disgust, like almost everyone did when they found out about this horrible habit I had.
"Luna. That's something I'm gunna have to break ye of. Ye shouldn't feel that with me. I'm gunna protect ye, no matter what." He explained before going back to his search.
We stayed quiet as he found a good sized bandage, putting it on my wound. He stood back up and grabbed a dry pair of pirate clothes. 
"Imma go change in the chip shop I shall return shortly." Harry explained, leaving with a bow.
I sat on his bed, think about how Chad is gunna react when I'm not in my room….. or is he even gunna notice that I'm gone? The door handle began to turn and I looked up, expecting to see Harry.
Only for it to be who you presumed was Bonnie. "There you are lassie~~! I was wondering where Hook was hidin ya! You're coming with me~~!" Bonnie chuckled, grabbing my hurt arm roughly.
"H-Harry!!!! Help me!!!" I called out with tears in my eyes as I was forcibly dragged down the hall.
"He can't hear ya lassie, he's not even on the ship! Which means I get to have some fun!" 
You were pushed onto a horribly stinky bed to which I tried to climb off of, only to be slammed back onto with my hands trapped above my head.
This Bonnie guy was kissing my neck, I started to cry as I felt him reach his hand up my skirt. No no no no! Please no!
"Oh, lassies a virgin. All the better~~!" 
"Harry!!!! Help me~~~!" I cried, squeezing my eyes shut as I braced myself for more unwatiled touching. 
It never came. I opened my eyes to see a hook at Bonnie's throat.
"Ye are gunna let me girl go or I'll make sure ye are swimmin with the fishes!" Harry threatened.
Bonnie released me and moved away, I scrambled to get up and hid behind Harry, shaking like a leaf. He held me close and walked me out of the room.
"I'm takin ye somewhere safer than here." He explained, taking my hand and running with me out of the docks and to a familiar place.
"Mal's hangout?" I asked, looking at him curiously.
"Yea. I dropped a hint to Jay about findin ya here." Harry admitted.
"Ye'll be safer back in Boredon then here." He stated, throwing a rock at the sign, causing the door to open.
"Go on." He gestured.
"First… tell me one thing about yourself.." i stated.
"You wanted to get to know me, well first you have to tell me something about you."
"Oh um well, I'm the son of Captain Hook, the drunkest pirate in all the land, he even beats Captain Jack Sparrow in that." Harry frowned.
"I'm the daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, I am the youngest twin. My full name is Cindy Luna Charming. My father and Grandfather don't care about me. I have 4 friends, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos…. And now you!" I smiled and kissed Harry's cheek before quickly running up the steps. I whistled at Harry and dropped the light blue scarf I had rescued.
"A gift from me to you." I said with a wink.
20 minutes later, Jay rushed into the hideout to see me spray painting my own design onto the wall.
"Luna~~!" Jay whistled, causing me to jump.
"Jay!" I exclaimed, hugging him.
"Come on, we've gotta get you ready for cotillion." He exclaimed.
We headed through the barrier, I couldn't help but look back, wishing I could see Harry again.
Of course Chad didn't even notice I was gone. He was too busy using Carlos and Jay's 3D printer. And then I learned he ran off to go help Audrey? Yea so I went to Cotillion alone. Kinda sucked but I smiled as the cameras took my picture on my way into the party. My dress looked just like my mom's old dress that her step  sisters destroyed. I walked onto the ship and went straight to Jay.
"Hey Jay… I have a question." I stated, looking up at him.
"Whats up Luna?" He stated smiling down at me.
"D-do you think that if Mal goes back that you can take me with her?" I asked hopeful.
Jarly lifted in eyebrow in curiosity. "Why? The Isle is dangerous! You almost got hurt!" Jay stated, keeping his voice low.
"I don't care. I left someone back there who deserves a chance at this life." I stated, looking back at the Isle.
Soon Lumiere announced Mal's arrival. Looking back at her I smiled at how pretty she looked. Although those colors didn't really match her style.
I walked over to where the VKs were and smiled at Mal. Ben's arrival was announced and stuff went down hill.
Uma had arrived. At least I'm assuming that was Uma. 
~~~~~The Chip Shop~~~~~~~
~~~~~~3rd Person POV~~~~~
Harry watched the crappy tv as Uma appeared. Smirking as he knew what her plan was. Suddenly the camera panned to the VKs, and Luna. Oh did she look amazing.
"Hey ain't that the lass that Harry had?" One of the crew questioned.
Harry grabbed his hook and pointed at their neck. "Ye best shut yer mouth right now!" Harry threatened.
He went back to his seat and watched as Ben announced that Uma was going to be his Lady of the Court and that he was going to take down the barrier.
"Maties, WE RIDE WITH THE TIDE!" He exclaimed and the crew cheered.
~~~~~Luna's POV~~~
I couldn't believe it. Uma spelled Ben. Everything seemed to be a blur. Mal broke the spell, Uma jumped overboard and became an octopus person. Then blackness.
~~~~~3rd person POV~~~~~
Evie shouted when she saw Luna get smack and knocked unconscious by Uma's tentacles. Mal got mad and turned into a dragon, and well you know how the fight went.
Uma gave Ben back his ring before diving under the water.
Luna finally woke up, sad that everything was done and that the barrier wasn't actually coming down. So she left to go sulk in her room.
~~~~Chip Shop~~~~~~~
Harry frowned as he realized he wouldn't be free. He wouldn't get to see Luna. He frowned and tied her scarf around his neck before sauntering home.
He walked across the ship, whistling a tune. Suddenly stopping he walks towards the camera. “What? Ye didn’t think that was the end of the story did ye?” He asked, rubbing his hook across his face before walking away, whistling the pirate’s life song.
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dogwoofies · 8 years
Tumblr media
,, Rocky & Primates ,, by Jon in Thailand . Abandoned Abused Street Dogs. I'm coming down the red tile stairs at the spirit house. Some monkeys congregated on the handrail waiting to ambush me, thinking I still had food bags in my cargo pockets. Dogs ate it all .. Rocky put an end to their plan like real fast ............ ;-)~ He left them an open escape route as long as they stayed on the handrails then jumped up on the rocks. If in any way shape or form they deviated from the said escape route Mama would swoop down from my side and show them another escape route ! Which most likely would be over the side an into the stinky swamp water below. Won't be back out to the monkey temple till Friday, I'm real beat up and need to do some work on the front-end of the the scooter. Somethings rattling and shaking so that has to be addressed asap ! Plus 2-Tone is scheduled for a return trip to the dog doctor for a re-ck and bandage change. Thank You. Jon&Crew. . Please help with your donations here. http://ift.tt/1FGs00f. Please No Awards, Invites, Large Logos or Copy an Pastes. . . http://flic.kr/p/RtFQW9
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