#tbb crosshair
gars-weaponeer · 2 days
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You know how the Fandom likes to speculate that Hunter has half his body tattooed with a skeleton?
Imagen he is freshly tattooed, his whole left side sore. Hunter is being really careful not to touch anything cause it hurts like a bitch.
And then here comes Crosshair with a-
And slaps Hunter's freshly tattooed back/arm.
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I feel like Crosshair would be like me if he liked someone. He’d be like “I made it so obvious that I liked him I don’t understand why people are surprised” but his showing his interest was just standing and sitting next to them and existing in their space.
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lifblogs · 2 days
I love seeing how big Crosshair’s shoulders and biceps and triceps actually are. We all call him a lean, skinny guy, and I mean, he’s certainly leggy, and his natural build is lean, but if you pay attention to how he holds his rifle, and keeps it in the perfect position for a long time, patiently waiting for the next shot, it kinda draws attention to which muscles he’s using to do that. I just love those details about him.
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squad-724 · 2 days
Part 3 of Crosshair first days in the Pabu Sea Sanctuary
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Once again written by the lovely @pinetree-tbb send them love!
Part 1 | Part 2
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"Echo, I don't know." Phee said to the mer, but he just typed quickly on the pad wich voiced out,
"I. Do." while Fives nodded along. "Can. Get. Through. I. Know." He looked at her with a determined look.
"He's been in this hole for two days now Echo, he will starve." Kix said and crossed his arms.
"More. Time. Please." The pad voiced. Phee and Kix looked at eachother, than back at the twins.
"You better be right about this Echo." Kix said and handed him the bucket of fish standing next to him. He quickly signed a few 'Thank you's with his one hand while scooting towards the bucked. He picked out a few good looking fish, threw one towards his brother, who gladly bit into it, shoved the other under his arm and dived back into the water happily, Fives coming right after him.
"Hold this" Echo said and shoved the fish into Five's arms, then picked a bit of seaweed, took food again and wrapped them together quickly. "Come on, this time he'll eat, I can feel it!"
"What's your plan vod?"
"You'll stay at a distance and I will try to talk to him."
"I'm not gonna leave you alone with him, what if he attacks you?"
"I'm planning to not get to that point, I believe he won't do anything if I won't invade his personal space." Fives let out a small grunt.
"And why do I have to stay behind?" Echo smiled, not wanting his brother to worry.
"Because I hope that seeing only one individual will make him less hostile, plus I don't look like much of a threat." Fives gave him a worried expression
"Fine. But I will stay close."
"That's okay, just stay hidden." Fives nodded, still not looking all that convinced, and gave him the other fish and swam away to hide nearby.
Echo took a breath and swam to their new friend. Arriving at the stone pile, the one armed mer put the other few fish behind a rock and secured them, then repeated his steps. Laying down the food, putting a stone on them so they won't float away, poking a hole through the sand in the entrance and swimming away. He didn't leave this time though, instead he sat down on top of the rocks and waited. He heard shifting and soon after, the pile of sand began to move. Echo heard a low growl, then saw the tip of a tail flick the two fish away.
"You can eat them, they are for you." He heard nothing. "Don't worry, they are just normal fish." Echo slowly swam down towards the fish and picked them back up and moved towards the hole. He couldn't really see inside but saw two glowing eyes reflecting the sunlight. "See?" he bit a chunk out of one of the fish and held it out towards him "Just fish."
Echo smiled and put the food in the entrance and gave the kid a bit of space. No movement from inside, so he swam up again and pushed the fish into the hole, watched as it sank down, and backed off again. After a moment the fish was flicked out again, and Echo felt a little flush of frustration but also pity.
"Come on buddy, I know you are hungry..." Once again he swam closer, picked up the fish and ate it, looking into the hole. "See? Not poisoned."
"Go. Away." The curled up teen finally spoke, spooking Echo with his raspy and weak voice. The beta mer froze for a second, but gathered himself quickly and decided to start building their mutual trust and relationship.
"Only if you eat something." Echo said not intimidated, took a bite out of another fish and let it sink into the hole. The eel mer just grumbled and the fish came back. "Look. I'm trying to help you, okay? If you don't eat soon you will die, and then what?" Echo said and let out compassionate little whistles. "Please... I don't want you to die."
"Why do you care?" Came out from the hole with another hiss.
"Why shouldn't I?"
"You are just a human pet that for some reason cares for a random mer who really doesn't want or NEED helping"
"You're kidding right?" Echo shook his head confused "Phee, Kix, Riyo and all the others, brought you here and treated your wounds because helping someone in need is the right thing to do. We are not their pets, me and my brother, we’re their friends."
"Where is he?" The kid hissed.
"Your brother."
"He's... around. I figured you would feel comfortable with only one of us talking to you." Silence. "Look, it looks like you've been through a lot and you don't trust anything at the moment. But you can trust us. You don't have to right away but I want you to know that you can. "We only want you to be safe, and most of all to be alive." He placed the fish in front of the hole again. "Please, eat it. We don't want you to starve, and you won’t be able to leave without regaining some strength."
There were a few more minutes of silence, then Echo saw a white hand gingerly reaching out of the hole, taking the fish and pulling it back in. Echo smiled.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Crosshair checked the fish carefully. This mer bit into it and ate the other one, so it was most likely safe to eat? He already wanted to throw the fish out again when his stomach ached painfully.
In the end he took a little bite out of it, and the taste was better than he remembered! He ripped out a bigger chunk of the fish and let out a desperate groan which he couldn't hold back. The food was gone in seconds.
"You want more?" the same voice came from the outside, and Crosshair wriggled closer to the entrance
"You... got more?" He asked hesitantly. He would probably throw all of it up soon enough, but the feeling of a full stomach was too tempting.
"Sure do." The betta mer turned around and reached behind a rock, returning with a handful of fish. Crosshair felt a tingle on the back of his neck and his tail twitched impatiently. The guy came closer and placed two fish before the hole and swam back to his rock. The teen waited until he settled down again, then reached out to get the food. He gladly munched down on them, all gone in a moment.
"I still got a few." Crosshair peeked outside, the mer held another fish in his one hand. This time he did not leave them alone, instead he sat in front of the pile and waited. Crosshair hesitated, he knew the betta was trying to lure him out. "You can have them all, you just have to get them." The mer murmured, not even twitching suggesting if he was willing to back off or lounge once Crosshair swam closer. "I'll stay here, don't worry." As if his words meant anything.
Crosshair thought for a moment to stay put, but his hunger got the better of him. He slowly, very slowly, came out of his hideout, eyes fixed on the mer, who just smiled at him. It was the first time he actually looked at the older mer, and was shocked to see that his tail was made out of a milky white material and wire, wrapping around the stump that must have been cut or removed. On his lower stomach and sides of head sat round pieces of metal, seemingly fused with his flesh. His right arm was also missing above the elbow. What could have happened if this betta survived such an awful accident? Did the humans above the water do it to him? Or did they save him, giving him a new tail and a safe place to live?
Hesitantly, Crosshair reached for the one fish, stuffed it in his mouth, took the other and quickly retreated back.
"Still got two left." The mer said and placed them at the same spot at the others. Crosshair came out again and reached for the first fish. "My name is Echo." He froze. "My brother is called Fives." Crosshair, back underneath the rocks, took a bite out of the fish.
"I'm-" he swallowed "I'm called Crosshair." He grumbled with full mouth.
"Pleasure to meet you Crosshair. We'll bring you more food later." Echo looked absolutely ecstatic and swam away, moving weirdly with the fake tail. Crosshair watched him waringly, then let out a relieved sigh. Finally having something in his stomach Cross yawned, the pleasant fullness making him tired. He rolled himself up and settled in the soft sand. Maybe he could trust this Echo... Only maybe, enough to know he wouldn’t bite or poison him. With that he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
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I am so happy with what you created Pine, and can’t show my gratitude enough for this amazing piece of work!
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twinsunstars · 11 hours
so @magicandmundane and i thought about the image from this post and we both came up with a TBB version, hope you all enjoy
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ladykagewaki · 2 days
Ms Fangirl & Friends: Autumn Treats!
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@zaya-mo @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @ladykatakuri @marierg @thecoffeelorian @salubriousbean @bring-backup-99
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eobe · 3 hours
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When I was working on this, I saw that @superiorsniper sneaked in, abolutely in character without any interaction. I think you felt that I just worked on Lula in your face 😀 That‘s it – welcome, enjoy and get Lula‘d for superior grumpyness 😀🫶🏼
This time I tracked time again on this piece. It took me 1 hour and 19 minutes. I‘m getting better 😎
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ghostymarni · 3 days
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-no hug for me?
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99aceace · 2 days
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Not a good day for Crosshair either
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one of my favorite paintings since it has all my guys in it! Clone Force 99 aka The Bad Batch from the Star Wars animated series by the same name, and they appeared in season 7 of The Clone Wars.
I do offer prints of my paintings in my shop on Etsy under FaithwalkCreationsCo.  https://www.etsy.com/shop/FaithwalkCreationsCo
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So my dad was playing Frank Sinatra and that inspired a question:
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We often talk about how Tech's sacrifice ensured his family's survival which in turn allowed Crosshair to eventually be rescued, and there's a lot in season 3 that indicates Crosshair never really came to terms with Tech's apparent death and that it continued to be a painful subject up through the finale; but it occurred to me recently that Tech's choices (starting with his push to save Crosshair in the first place) HAD to have played a key role in Crosshair taking the chance to return and face his brothers at all.
(Yes, I'm positive Omega told Crosshair what all happened that led to the squad being on Eriadu in the first place - Crosshair indicating in "The Return" that he knows the squad got his message proves as much.)
Season 3 doesn't delve into this in any meaningful way, like, at all (cue me screaming into the void); but, excruciatingly painful though it must have been for Crosshair to know Tech had (apparently) died after specifically pushing for a mission to rescue him, Tech's decisions also had to have reiterated to Crosshair on some level that his brothers were still loyal to him and wanted him to be safe, that it wasn't just Omega being the hopeful/loyal one, his brothers still loved him too.
(And yes, everything fell apart and Hunter was ready to give up on Operation Rescue Crosshair after Tech's (supposed) death; but that doesn't change the fact that Crosshair hearing they had mounted any rescue mission at all had to have hit hard.)
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twinsunstars · 3 days
*an hour after the Emperor left Mount Tantiss after his visit, and Omega and Crosshair's escape* Hemlock: Thank the Force he wasn’t around for this mess.
part of my incorrect quotes series, Tales From Mount Tantiss!
Tales from Mount Tantiss Incorrect Quotes Masterlist
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a-bad-batcherr · 21 hours
What I think each Batcher is good at cooking:
Echo: Echo is good at cooking EVERYTHING when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING he can do pasta dishes, steak dishes,foods of other cultures EVERYTHING He's the chef majority of the time
Wrecker: Wrecker knows his meats. He knows what's best for stews or stirfrys or whats good to eat and whats not, and Wrecker knows his seasonings/ spices.
Omega and Crosshair: Omega and Crosshair are the bakers of the family. They're good at baking cakes and making slices and tarts!.
Tech: Tech is the bread and pastry maker. He can make sourdough to croissants to Pain au chocolat.
Hunter: Hunter can't cook to save his life. He either burns or over cooks everything. He just buys the ingredients and helps with the simple things like buttering the pans for Omega and Cross or chopping a few veggies for Echo but he won't cook. He just helps and eats.
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ladykagewaki · 2 days
Tech & Phee Leaf Peeping
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@zaya-mo @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @ladykatakuri @marierg @thecoffeelorian @salubriousbean @bring-backup-99
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