#this idea came unexpectedly and now I can't stop thinking about it :'D
zu-is-here · 1 year
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[8/7] his day ♡
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The capricious pharaoh drives away his servants, while a delinquent soldier, who's never served in the palace, is sent to him to the mercy. The mistake with a hand fan could really cost Cross his life, but Shattered finds it so amusing that he spares him :'D
Shattered Dream from shattereddreamsau by galacii-gallery / galacii || Dream by jokublog
Cross from xtaleunderverse by jakei95
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lousimusician · 6 years
Heart Broken
Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: You and Peter have been drifting and you can't handle the secrets anymore.
"Seriously, MJ, what should I do?"
"Sorry, did you say something?" MJ asked reading her book, walking beside you.
"Did you seriously not hear a word I just said?" You asked exasperated.
"Ugh, fine I'm gonna tell you again and please listen this time?"
"Yeah, yeah, drama queen, take it from the top."
"Okay, I'm at a loss, I care about Peter so much, we've been together for a year now but he's always so secretive about everything, he's always leaving unexpectedly, and he's always covered in bruises. I don't know what to do, he won't tell me anything and I'm afraid he might be doing something he shouldn't be doing."
"Confront him about it." MJ said with her head still buried in her book.
"I tried, but whenever I ask where he's been or why he cancels a date he always comes up with some half-assed excuse." You said with a pout as you saw your apartment building come into view.
MJ looked up, "I mean actually confront him, don't just ask where he's been. Ask him why he always shows up with bruises and why he's so secretive."
"But what if he doesn't tell me?"
"Break up with him then."
"W-what? I can't do that!"
MJ shrugged, "You wanted my advice, and you got it. Do with it what you will."
You sighed, "Well thanks, I-I'll think about it, I guess."
"Good, this is you, see you tomorrow." 
"Yeah, bye." You waved to MJ while you entered the apartment building. Your feet felt like weights as you entered your apartment. You greeted your parents, walked into your bedroom, and collapsed on your bed. You were supposed to hang out with Peter later that Friday night for a movie marathon. It would be the first time you hung out in weeks. Of course you wanted to be with him more but for some reason he kept canceling and it was really starting to worry you. Your first thought was that he was cheating on you but you quickly waved that idea away when you kept on seeing him with new bruises constantly and besides Peter was too sweet to cheat.
"Break up with him then"
You'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about doing it before. You reached over for your pillow and covered your head as you felt tears start to build up. You cared about Peter so much, but you were at your breaking point.
It hurt to see him with bruises and cuts all the time, but it hurt more knowing he was keeping it a secret from you. 
Honestly, you weren't sure how much more of this you could take. 
You'd have to talk to him tonight. 
You felt a tear roll down your face, thinking that you may actually have to break up with him if he continued to keep secrets from you. 
Your eyes felt heavy and you drifted off to sleep.
You were awoken from your nap by the alarm on your phone ringing. You groaned and shut it off. Glancing at the clock it read 6:00, meaning you had a half hour to get ready for Peter's.
You grabbed your backpack and stuffed some snacks and movies in it before changing into more comfortable clothes. You said good bye to your parents and left the apartment, making your way to Peter's.
'Okay, just calm down, you'll be okay. Peter will see how serious the situation is and he'll tell you everything. There's no way he'll let this stand in between our relationship, right?'
Before you knew it Peter's apartment came into view and you let out a shaky sigh, mentally preparing yourself for what was about to happen.You walked into the building and stood in front of his apartment door and lightly knocked on it. You were greeted with a smiling Aunt May, in a dress in the middle of putting an earing in.
"Oh, hey honey. Come in."
You smiled, "Hey May, you going out?"
"Yeah, me and a couple of friends are going out. Peter isn't here right now. You know that boy, always busy. And I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave now, I'm already running late. Hope you don't mind being here by yourself for a little bit."
"Don't worry about me, I'll be okay here on my own. Just have fun tonight."
May smiled, and put on her shoes "Of course, I'll see you later, okay?" May pulled you into a hug and quickly left.
You looked at the time.
Well that wasn't too bad, you turned on the TV and started to watch whatever was on, anxious for Peter to get back.
You kept glancing at the clock.
'Typical' you thought.
This wasn't exactly helping your mood. You sent him a text, but still after a half hour he didn't respond.
You groaned once it turned 9, and decided to just go home. Turning off the TV, you grabbed your bag and headed for the door when it was suddenly swung open to reveal an out of breath Peter. He closed the door and walked into the living room.
"I-I'm here! (F/N)!" He said in between breaths. He took a second to compose himself before taking a look at you. "U-uh a-are you leaving?" 
"Two and a half hours Peter."
"I-I know, I'm really sorry, but I'm here now"
"Where were you."
"Y'know Stark internship" he said scratching the back of his neck.
You sighed, and looked down, "Peter, we need to talk."
"Is it because I'm late? I know you're upset, I'm really sorry I just forgot."
"Forgot?!" You yelled taking Peter by surprise. You let out a long steady breath, "Peter, this is the 12th time you bailed on me, we haven't done anything in weeks and every time I ask you about it, it's always the same answer. If it's really the Stark internship why are you always getting hurt?"
Peter was clearly at a loss for words, "I-I-I-"
"Peter, please tell me what's going on," you begged, desperation evident in your eyes.
It was silent for a while before Peter spoke up, "I-I- c-can't"
You sat on the couch and held a hurt look that pained Peter to see, "Why?"
"I... I just c-can't."
You looked at the floor and built up the strength to say, "Peter, if...if you don't tell me what's been going on with you...I-I...This..this relationship isn't gonna work" You bit your lip not finding it in you to look at Peter.
"W-what?" Peter whispered.
"You heard me."
"No, no, no, no, please don't." Peter begged, making his way over to you. He sat down in front of you and hugged your waist. "Please, don't leave me."
A choked sob escaped your lips and Peter hugged you tighter. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his hair, breathing in his scent. Another sob wracked your body and tears started to roll down your face.
"Then...then what am I supposed to do Peter? Sit here and act like everything is okay when something is obviously going on."
"Just please trust me, nothing bad is happening. I'll make more time for you, just please don't leave me." He said as you felt tears start to dampen your shirt.
"That's not how relationships work Peter. Why can't you just tell me what's going on?"
"B-because I can't, I just can't."
 "I'm serious, t-tell me what's g-going on or I'm b-breaking up with you."
"I want to, I-I wanna tell you so bad. But I already said I can't."
Tears rolled down your face harder, "S-so you'd rather break up with me than tell me what's going on?"
"No, no, no, please, Princess, I-I love you" He buried his face into your neck and began sobbing, "I love you so so much, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please, please don't leave me" 
You began sobbing along with him and held him tighter. Running your fingers through his hair. "I-I love you too, b-b-but I-I can't do this a-anymore."
You both sobbed while you held each other. Neither one of you ready to let go, knowing it'll be the last time you'd get to embrace. As time ticked on and both your cries began to die down, you prepared yourself for what was to come next.
"P-peter, you need to let go now."
"If I d-do your just gonna leave."
"I have to"
"No you don't"
"Peter, let go."
You sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day, "It's getting late, I p-promised my parents I'd be home by ten" The clock read just after 10.
"I'm not ready to let you go."
"I-I know, but I want you to let me go. Please, just let me go home." 
Peter heard the desperation in your voice and a new set of tears and sobs escaped him. He held tighter for a minute before finally finding the strength to let you go.
"Th-thank you." You stood up and Peter watched helplessly as you grabbed your stuff and made your way to the front door. You stopped and said from the doorway, "If you decide to tell me, I'll give this relationship a second chance. Bye, Peter." You left the apartment and shut the door as you heard Peter cry louder.
Aunt May said goodbye to her girlfriends and made her way to her apartment where she expected to see her nephew and his girlfriend curled up on the couch asleep together as a movie played in the background. But instead she was met with a very different sight. She entered the apartment which seemed very lifeless, the opposite of what it usually was. She also heard quiet sobs and sniffling which caused her alarm.
She walked towards her nephew's bedroom, which had the door cracked open a bit. She peaked her head in and felt her heart break at the sight of Peter curled up on his bed, in his pajamas, crying with his face buried in one of his girlfriend's sweaters. May gently knocked on the door, causing Peter to glance over at her before burying his head back in the sweater.
"Hey, Pete." She said gently, "Wanna talk about it?"
"She broke up with me." He sniffled.
May sat down on Peter's bed and rubbed his back in soothing circles, "Oh, honey. It'll be okay, do you want me to make you some tea?" 
Peter nodded his head. 
"Okay, I'll be right back and we can talk about it."
Peter nodded his head again as May stood up to go into the kitchen. He nuzzled his face into the sweater as he cried.
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mikepemulis · 7 years
*hands you motivation in a jar and pokes you to go write* Your writing is amazing and I can't wait to read more! I don't really know what prompts you're looking for but I'm always a sucker for Murphy siblings content :D Or dancing!Connor
this was going to be fluffy and then it like ultra was not. upside, i might continue it though and give it a happy ending later. also there’s dancing connor and murphy siblings soooo
(An Attempt To) Grab A Scoop
Connor Murphy x Evan Hansen (implied/set up), Evan Hansen & Zoe Murphy being platonic best friends
Rating: T (swearing, angst)
Word Count: 1725
In the moments before he was murdered by Connor Murphy, Evan Hansen took a minute to exam all the mistakes that had lead him to this point. 
He could blame Zoe Murphy, for inviting him out with her after the Jazz Band concert. He’d had to interview Zoe after the concert for the school newspaper, and she’d invited him out for celebratory ice cream. He could blame Jared Kleinman, for being the reason he was at the Jazz Band concert in the first place. Evan wasn’t technically a reporter for the school newspaper, he wrote think pieces and occasionally helped out on the advice column. Jared was supposed to report on the Jazz Band concert, but he’d gotten sick and forced Evan to go. He could blame Alana Beck, for convincing him to join the school newspaper in the first place. He’d made the mistake of saying how his mom wanted him to join an extracurricular around Alana. She’d all but dragged him to the English classroom that served as the newspaper headquarters. He could blame his therapist, for telling his mom that he needed to join an extracurricular. He could blame his mom, for making him go to therapy. 
Or, he could blame himself, for being such a colossal fuck up that he worried his poor mother to the point that she needed to pay for him to go to therapy, even though she already was tight on money because she had to raise him all on her own, because his dad had left because Evan was just too much of burden, so really, this whole thing was Evan’s fault, and he’d been leading up to being killed by Connor Murphy since the day he was born. 
After she’d convinced Evan to get ice cream with her, Zoe had confessed that she’d needed to pick up her brother first. Connor had apparently texted her, saying he’d been working late and needed a ride. Zoe assured Evan that it wouldn’t be a big deal, and that she would just drop him off at their house, he didn’t have to actually come out with them, and please Evan, don’t let my brother ruin this, and Evan thought for a second that maybe, perfect, shining, talented Zoe Murphy was almost as lonely as he was; but then when they’d pulled into the parking lot, she’d gotten a phone call from her mother and sighed, mumbling that this would take a while, and will you please just run in and grab Connor? 
Evan, who had the inability to say no, nodded slightly and with shaking legs, exited Zoe’s tiny yellow bug, facing the frigid November air. He glanced across the dark parking lot to lay eyes on the building where Connor worked. 
“Ms. Marya’s Dance Academy.” 
Of all the places Evan had expected Connor to work, a dance studio had not even entered the realm of possibility. He walked slowly towards the flickering neon light, the outline of a petite girl in a bun and tutu accompanying the pink lettering. He pulled open the door to the studio, ringing a faint bell. There was no one at the reception counter, or in the waiting room. At the end of the hall, he heard the faint sounds of music. Evan walked towards the sounds, careful not to make any noise. He shivered at the sight of all of the darkened dance studios. The whole atmosphere was creepy, like something out of a low budget Youtube horror film. The hallway ended with an open door, leading to a brightly lit studio. 
Connor Murphy stood in the studio, dressed in a skin tight black leotard with his hair pulled into a tight bun. Pink pointe shoes wrapped up his legs. Vivaldi blasted from the speakers. His eyes were closed as he gracefully leaped off the ground, landing in an artful crouch that drew far too much attention to his long, graceful legs. Evan’s heart beat at an unexpectedly fast rate. He had never seen Connor so content. He had never realized how nimble and elegant he was. He was beautiful. 
Then his eyes snapped open and filled with his ten times his usual rage. He lunged at Evan, slamming him up against the wall, hand pulled back about to punch him. 
“Who the fuck are you? What the fuck are you doing here! I’ll fucking kill you!” It was in this moment that Evan realized everything in his life had been leading up to being murdered by Connor, and that it was all his own fault. If only he could be a normal fucking person, he wouldn’t be on the verge of brutalization via a stunningly attractive sociopath. 
“CONNOR!” Zoe’s voice bounced off the walls, angry and commanding. “What the fuck!?” 
Connor’s grip relaxed slightly, but his voice remained steely. “Who is this kid? Is he with you? Is this your idea of a fucking date night, Zoe. To bring your little boyfriend out to laugh at your crazy faggot brother who works at a dance studio?”
“No!” Zoe said. She sounded offended, and maybe a little bit sad, that her brother would think of her like that. Evan remembered how lonely she looked when she realized he was the only one who’d come to see her after her Jazz Band performance. 
“Then what the fuck are you doing here!?” 
Zoe was on the verge of tears. “You… you asked me to come pick you up,” She said, her voice shattered and broken. 
“I didn’t say you could bring a fucking date!” 
“He’s not my boyfriend! He’s my friend! I’m allowed to have friends, Connor! Maybe you’d be more used to it if you didn’t scare them all off!” 
Connor released Evan. “Fuck you,” He said to Zoe, though his voice lacked its usual vitriol. Evan scurried away from Connor. He met Zoe in the doorway. Her shoulders were slumped and her eyes were glassy. 
“I can take you home if you want,” She said, defeated. 
“No!” Evan said, even though all he wanted to do was go home. “We’re getting ice cream! To celebrate your performance!” 
Connor met up with them, a bag slung over his shoulder and a towel around his neck. His hair was down and his arms were crossed. He stared sullenly at his shoes, which were now heavy combat boots. “What performance?” He asked.
Zoe shoved her hands in her pockets. “I had a Jazz Band concert tonight…” She said, trying to sound casual. Connor stopped. He looked up, something undefinable in his eyes. 
“Oh,” He said. “What… what did Larry and Cynthia think?”
Zoe looked down. “They weren’t there.”
“Oh… Zoe I -”
“You don’t have to pretend you care, Connor. You weren’t there either.”
Sadness flickered across Connor’s profile, but before it could take any sort of hold, he shut his eyes and let his face harden. 
The three of them walked back to Zoe’s car in silence. Evan wondered if everyone else could hear his heart beating. He wished Zoe hadn’t parked so far away from the studio. It felt like the trek to her bug would take hours. 
Once they reached the car, Zoe silently slid into the front seat, slamming the door shut. Evan reached for the passenger seat door handle, but Connor grabbed his elbow and yanked it away, twisting Evan so that the two of them were uncomfortably close. Through the cold air, Evan could feel Connor’s body radiate heat. 
“I’m sorry,” Connor said, spitting the words out like they were made of acid. 
“Wha… um… what?” 
“I’m sorry for earlier. I was… I just… I’m not going to fucking say it again, Hansen.”
“H-How… you um… y-you know m-my name?” 
Connor’s scowl deepened. “Jesus Christ. Look, let’s just be done with this conversation. It is way too fucking cold out here for all of your… just… for you.” 
He released Evan, causing him to stumble back a bit. He needed to take a second to get his bearings. Connor had apologized. Connor knew his name. Connor’s eyes were two different colors. 
“And… Hansen?” Connor said, with his hand on the car door. His voice was quiet and bitter. “Thank you. For showing up. For her.”  
Evan opened his mouth to say something, but Connor quickly climbed in the car. Evan followed suit. 
The silence during the car ride to the Murphy house was heavy. Zoe pulled up in front of their obnoxiously large estate, and Connor climbed out wordlessly, slamming the door shut behind him. 
“I… Ice c-cream?” Evan asked weakly once he had gone. Zoe stared at him, and then burst into tears, resting her head on the steering wheel. 
“No one… no one came. My mom didn’t even… she called asking why I was out so late… I told them! I told them all over and over again but they were too busy screaming at him or about him to hear.” She sat up, and slammed her hand against the dashboard. “And he’s such a fucking asshole!” Her face was a mess of partially frozen tears and snot. “He asked me… I was just trying to be a good sister! I never miss his fucking dance recitals. Even if no one else comes, even when one of them was on the same night as homecoming… I don’t understand.” A fresh stream of tears fell down her face. “Why does he hate me so much?” 
There was so much that Evan wanted to say. He wanted to tell her that Connor didn’t hate her. He wanted to tell her what he’d said out in front of the dance studio. He wanted to tell her that she was so kind and so loving and no one in her shitty family deserved her, but instead he just sat there and watched her cry. After far too long of doing nothing, he reached over and wrapped his arms around her. She relaxed into his body, sighing at the touch. 
“I’m sorry…” She said, her voice garbled from crying. “I’m just gonna… I’m just gonna take you home. We’ll get ice cream soon though, alright? I promise.”
“O-Okay, Zoe,” Evan said, rubbing her back. “Soon.” He stared at the dark and imposing house, wondering what could go on behind its walls that it could produce two utterly different yet completely broken children.
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