#everyone makes fun of Cross because of the double meaning but many are really jealous that a simple soldier was awarded such an honor
zu-is-here · 1 year
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[8/7] his day ♡
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The capricious pharaoh drives away his servants, while a delinquent soldier, who's never served in the palace, is sent to him to the mercy. The mistake with a hand fan could really cost Cross his life, but Shattered finds it so amusing that he spares him :'D
Shattered Dream from shattereddreamsau by galacii-gallery / galacii || Dream by jokublog
Cross from xtaleunderverse by jakei95
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animeomegas · 3 years
Who are most likely to forgive their alpha for flirting with others and who would resent them for it? (Not seriously flirting, just always being charming and giving compliments to other omegas)
(Ooh, an interesting idea! Thanks for sending this is! <3)
Who is chill/happy with a flirty alpha:
1. Asmo – Of course he has no problems with it! Flirting with people is fun, after all, and he certainly didn’t stop flirting with random alphas after he got mated. Asmo would love a flirty alpha so much because it would make him feel less guilty for being himself and also, he really wants to try flirting with someone at the same time as his alpha. He wants to see how people react when faced with 2x the charm!
2. Simeon – He thinks that being charming and sweet to everyone is one of his alpha’s best qualities. Simeon views it as pure friendliness and he loves that his alpha takes the time to brighten other peoples’ days. Everyone knows that the best people to go to when you’re feeling down is Simeon and his alpha, who between them have a perfect balance of good advice, charming ego boosters and overwhelming charisma.
3. Sai – Being charming and nice to people is how one makes friends, so he thinks it’s perfectly normal. He tries similar strategies but somehow, they don’t have as high a success rate… Maybe he should take notes next time his alpha is making friends at a party or bar and try it like they do?
4. Zen – Hell yeah, his alpha has game! He is so attracted to the idea of being in a power couple, so an alpha who can more than hold their own socially is right up his alley. Together they can charm anyone and everyone! They can make anyone envious! Him and his alpha are truly an unstoppable couple, and he definitely takes this as a sign that you are soulmates.
5. Denki – Denki has so much love to give, so he assumes that his alpha is the same and that they choose to express love through charm and compliments. His alpha always makes people smile, and that makes Denki smile in turn. Bringing a little happiness wherever they go is something Denki admires about his alpha. And anyway, Denki is a sucker for joke flirting, so he can hardly criticise.
6. Hairo – He adores an alpha who gives lots of compliments to everyone because he does the same! There is nothing more rewarding than bringing out the best in someone by reminding them of their capabilities and good qualities in his opinion, so he’s thrilled that his alpha agrees with him on that. Going through a hard time? Go visit Hairo and his mate, they’ll fill you with motivation and confidence, free of charge.
7. Julian – He feels so proud whenever he watches his mate spit game whenever they go out. He watches from afar, arms crossed over his chest, a small smile on his face as you charm the bartender into giving you discounted drinks. Julian can be quite the flirt himself, so he is quite relieved that his alpha is the same and understands him in that way. He also finds it very hot when his alpha oozes charm. Julian is a flirt, but it all crumbles when someone calls his bluff, but you on the other hand? Always smooth and collected. It makes Julian more than a little hot around the collar.
Who despises a flirty alpha:
1. Levi – He is not the avatar of Envy for no reason. Levi is very insecure and very jealous. When his alpha gives compliments to other omegas, Levi takes it as a direct attack on his character and assumes that he doesn’t have whatever you’re praising and therefore you are inevitably going to leave him for this obviously superior person. He throws little tantrums whenever his alpha is too flirty with someone else and they always end in tears. Even an alpha who is just socially adept, not flirty, will make his jealously raise its head, because why would someone who can be so confident in public want to be with a shut-in, loser otaku like him?? He will eventually get over very innocent socialisation, but actual flirting is something he can never deal with.
2. Sasuke – He hates it. He always scoffs and rolls his eyes whenever his alpha is too friendly with someone else, making his displeasure known. He’s a jealous person by nature, most Uchiha are (they have stronger possessive instincts over mates in their clan), so this would make him surly and frustrated. If the flirting was too obvious and continuous, he would grow to doubt his partner’s fidelity, which is never a good sign for a relationship, so Sasuke’s alpha would need to tone it way down for him, or at least stick to flirting when Sasuke wasn’t there, but that might make him even more suspicious if he ever found out.
3. Neji – Neji feels humiliated if his alpha is flirting with others. How dare they make a show of flaunting themselves like they’re single?! He fumes with an angry and humiliated flush on his cheeks as his alpha flirts. He feels like everyone is judging him and his relationship when his alpha is too friendly with other omegas, after all, people must be thinking that he is doing a poor job of keeping his mate happy if they have to find other people to act like that with. He thinks it’s shameful to act that way when mated, and he will tell his alpha that. For the sake of their relationship, his alpha better cease that behaviour immediately.
4. Yoosung – He is another one who is very insecure. He gets pouty and upset when his alpha flirts and compliments other omegas because they should be complimenting him and giving him attention. He’s their mate, right? He doesn’t know how to manage these feelings and will either get drunk and cry, or follow his alpha everywhere and drape himself over them constantly to ward off other omegas. If it continues, he will take this flirting as a sign that he loves his alpha more than his alpha loves him. Yoosung is very in love with the idea of a fairy tale romance, and this definitely wasn’t part of the plan!
5. Bakugou – He gets angry to hide his conflicting feelings. On one hand, of course his alpha would be stupid to leave him, he’s the best! On the other hand, he’s a very non-traditional omega and while he loves who he is in many ways, that doesn’t mean that everyone else does, quite the contrary in fact. He confronts his alpha every time, shouting at them to just leave if they’re planning on cheating on him. Flirting with certain people (cough Midoryia cough) will make him very, very angry/upset. It’s best for his blood pressure if his alpha learns new ways of social interaction that don’t include flirting.
6. Kusuo – Kusuo is quite possessive, even if he won’t admit that to himself. He craves affection and attention from his alpha in a way he’s never felt before. He likes to spend time with his alpha alone, just the two of them, and that’s when he’s the happiest, so when other people appear to be getting in the way of that? Huh, the other person just remembered that they left the oven on and have to go home. What a coincidence. Whenever his alpha goes anywhere, Kusuo invites himself along, and this goes double if his alpha is flirty. They won’t be flirting with anyone, not of Kusuo’s watch.
7. Light – He’s too arrogant and possessive to deal with a flirty alpha. He’s the only one that should be receiving compliments and romantic attention from his alpha. They’re his, and only his. Light very much understands playing a perfect charismatic character in public, but his alpha always seems a little too genuine, a little too willing to flirt even when there’s nothing for them to gain from it. It makes him suspicious. It’s all or nothing. His alpha either commits fully to him, or he gets rid of them.
8. Jumin – That sort of behaviour is far too close to that of his father for him to be comfortable. He’s seen his father go through girlfriend after girlfriend, flirting with everyone and anyone, and it always ends badly. Jumin feels betrayed and shuts down before he can be hurt by a rejection. Cheating/flirting is too traumatic a topic for him to deal with on a daily basis. He appreciates an alpha that can be charming with his clients when it’s required, but any more than that will lead to serious trust issues. He promised himself that he would never turn into his father or allow someone to treat him like his father treats his conquests and he intends to keep that promise.
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kpopluvrsblog · 4 years
I got you princess
Requested: may i please request for a jealous bsf mark where he sees y/n getting wasted in the club (because she saw mark getting close with the popular girl) and she's with yeonjun so he drags her out and they fight but end up confessing to each other.. i hope that isn't confusing haha thanks !
Genre: angst + fluff, smut!
Pairing: mark x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT! Dom!mark x sub!fem!reader, unprotected sex ( uak the drill ), reader goes somewhat into subspace at the end, creampie , kind of rough sex, slight masturbation suggestive dancing, swearing, use of the word slut
A/n: this is so long,,, SORRY I ADDED SMUT i cant help myself when it comes to mark... if anyone doesn’t want to read that part it is at the end!!
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You slam your locker shut, sighing loudly as “those two” pass by murmuring amongst themselves. By “those two” you mean mark and little miss popular. It’s not that you were popular but of course everyone loves miss perfect aka Jen and they can’t see through her facade. “Me and mark used to be like that..” you whispered to yourself.
“HEY Y/N” someome suddenly screamed in your ear. “YEONJUN!! oh my,,, you scared me!” You whined and smacked his arm lightly, making him chuckle to himself. “ Mmm sooo how’s your little crush on mark going? He seems to be all over jen today...” yeonjun asked with a face of concern.
“ oh a little?” Your eyebrows shot up with sarcasm. “Honestly, its... ever since they’ve gotten closer, she’s got him wrapped around her finger. Its as if me and mark had never been friends.” You look off to the side and scoffed at how whiny you sounded.
“No no no y/n... thats it!! I am not letting you sulk over this loser. He doesn’t understand anything.” He rolled his eyes before continuing “ we need to go out!!” He said happily. “ go where exactly?” You questioned as you grabbed his hand and started to walk to the exit of the school. “ go clubbing!!” Yeonjun said excitedly.
‘Clubbing huh... that doesn’t sound too bad!’ You thought in your head. “ alright clubbing it is!!”
That leads to where you are now. Looking at yourself in the mirror, wearing a burgundy fitting dress which made all of your curves stand out and matched it with burgundy heels as well. You have done light makeup with a black winged liner and added diamond jewelry pieces.
“DAMN y/n... baby you look GREAT!! wow you look so good i-“ yeonjun cut himself off when he reached up to his mouth and wiped off his drool, his actions making you laugh. “Stop!! Lets just go!” You said while laughing. You noticed his attire matches yours. He was wearing a burgundy suit as well which complimented him so well. “You look really good too though...” you smiled brightly at him as he grabbed your hand, thanking you with a blush on his face and brought you to his car.
The drive to the club was around 30 minutes. Yeonjun had found a club or as he called it “ the best club you’ll ever go to” and insisted that you both go there for the night. He said he wouldn’t drink so he could be your DD ( designated driver).
Your mouth dropped open when he pulled into the private parking lot for the club. “Yeonjun this is..” you trailed off in awe. “Amazing. I know.” He finished the sentence for you. “alright, in we go!!” He jumped excitedly.
As you walked to the large glass double doors. The bright lights and blaring music became clearer. You could see the many people that were occupied inside. Yeonjun said something to the security man standing outside, which u didn’t understand since you were too busy admiring the place, but before you knew it he was leading you inside.
“ALRIGHT, drinks first baby we gotta get you to loosen up before we get started.” He shouted over the music and the yells of the other people as he brought you to the bar. When he talked to the barista you started to scan the crowd of unfamiliar faces, smiling at the sight of everyone having fun. Suddenly you furrowed your eyebrows... ‘was that mark?? What was he doing here... wait, jen is... dancing on him.. woah, okay.’ Your thoughts ended as yeonjun poked your side and handed the shot glass to you “ thanks” you smiled at him and chugged the drink, feeling the hot liquid slide down your throat, leaving a slight burn.
“Agh” you winced at the flavor causing yeonjun to chuckle. “Its good huh?” He smirked. You turned back to the barista, “excuse me!! Can you give me the strongest shot you got?!” You questioned with a smirk. “Challenge accepted” the barista laughed and went to mix you up a drink. If mark can have fun why can’t you?? It’s time to get over him.. he’s obviously taken. “Is that mark here??! What the fuck man!!” Yeonjun shouted with a look of pure disgust when he saw who was attached to him.
“Y/n lets go! We’re going to go dance and show him what he’s missing!!” He looked back over to you just in time to see you take the mystery shot. “Damn that shits strong” you croaked and laughed when you saw yeonjun smiling at you.
He pulled your hand through the crowd of bodies and brought you to an open spot. Already feeling the alcohol take its place you started to dance with yeonjun wrapping your hands around his neck as he placed his hands on your hips. You smiled up at him and turned around in his grip, bending fowards slightly, now grinding your ass up against his bulge with his hands still groping your hips as he grinds into you.
You stood back up, still moving your hips and reached your arms over your shoulders to hold onto the back of his neck lightly. You looked up and met a gaze of who you completely forgot about. Jen was no where to be seen and mark was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, biting his lip harshly and glaring at the man groping you. Yeonjun leaned down slightly to press a light kiss to your neck and thats when mark broke.
One second you were dancing with jun and the next someone was leading you to a secluded place of this club. “WHAT the fuck are you doing mark!!! Let me go!!” You shouted as he pulled you into one of the empty backrooms. “Shut up.” Is all he said while he went to block you from leaving the room. “Shut up?!! What do you mean shut up!! Ive been shutting up since you decided to ignore me for the schools slut!!” You shouted at him trying to push him out of your way.
“HEY!! She is not a slut first of all-“ you cut him off with a slap to his face making him stare at you in shock. “Not a slut?? Mark where do you think she ran off to huh?! You think you were the only guy shes been talking too?! What a dumbass... im leaving now.” You declared waiting for him to move out of your way.
“Y/n... listen-” Mark started. “No!! I don’t want some pity apology to leave your mouth! I want to leave and never see you again.” You stated with your arms crossed until mark suddenly pulled you into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around you, as if he let go it would cause you to disappear. “ what the- Let me go!!” You mumbled into his suit.
You heard him sniffle and now realized that he was crying... a lot. Even though he is a dumbass you can’t help your feelings for him. “Listen y/n... im so so sorry that i pushed you away. I just- oh my gosh. I love you y/n... so very much that I unintentionally pushed you away and when i noticed how close you were to yeonjun, i thought that i could never treat you like how he does, i could never make you happy and i KNEW THAT. When jen started to pay attention to me, i thought i could take my mind off of you and that you would have a better life without me in it. I know how she is y/n... but my jealousy got the better of me. The reason why she left just now is because I wasn’t paying attention to her. How could i when you were standing so beautifully in front of me... and thats when i noticed that i couldn’t get over you, especially with yeonjun touching all over you when that could’ve been me if i tried and i- hmmph“
He was talking too much... his words making tears rolls down your face, soaking up into his suit. You leaned up to press your lips tightly against his. His body stiffened when your lips touched his... they were so soft. He quickly loosened up and hugged you tighter, his lips now moving with yours as you continued to make out. After a few minutes you pulled apart, a string connected between you both, chests heaving. You knew you looked like a mess but mark still looked down at you with so much love.
“First of all your still a dumbass...” you whispered, causing mark to giggle. “ I’ve never stopped loving you, me and yeonjun are just friends and he knows about my crush on you. But when you started ignoring me.. wow it hurt so bad and it pains me to admit that. I was so jealous that I couldn’t be with you-“ mark cut you off with another peck. “Mark let me finish!!” You blushed trying to pry him off of you.
“No i already know where this is going... im sorry for being a fucking idiot but i really do love you and i hope you can forgive me.” He said while letting a few more tears out.
“Okay no more crying!! Of course i forgive you and I obviously still love you too... you’re lucky you only ignored me for around a month though...” you trailed off into a fit of giggles. “Lets leave this place y/n, ill tell yeonjun whats going on and ill take you to my place to get you cleaned up okay??” Mark said while caressing your hair lovingly. “Mhm lets go!”
《smut starts》
After some time, you and mark had finally arrived at his house. “Ahhh okay here we are.” He sighed when he pulled into his driveway. “ okay lets get you cleaned up hmm?” He questioned when you both entered his house. Too tired to answer you hummed an answer back hoping he would understand, of course he did. Having already been here many times before, you remember where everything is which made it easier to navigate through his home. “Lets take off these shoes first, i bet your feet hurt so bad right now.” He pouted and sat you down on his couch, leaning down to take off each heel and lightly massaging your sore feet. “ it’s alright you can close your eyes baby ill take care of you.” Mark then leaned up to peck your lips one last time to hear you mumble “ thanks baby i lovveee you hmm” you then closed your eyes and felt him pick you up, bridal style and bring you into his bathroom. He took off your jewelry and placed them safely in the cabinet. He then proceeded to remove any excess of makeup that you had left on your face.
He was debating whether or not he should bathe you, as you probably feel gross. Since you had not fallen asleep yet, you decided that you wanted to be clean. “Baby you can bathe me its okay. I trust you.” You said softly, making mark smile at your cuteness. “Alright, im going to undress you now, lift your arms up for me.” You did as you were told, he took the snug dress off of your body, leaving you in your matching lace bra and panties... he couldnt help but get turned on. He thought your body was outstanding. Mark shook his head lightly trying to get out of his thoughts, you, now with your eyes open, noticed his actions and smirked. “Whatcha looking at?” You questioned innocently while looking down at your body.
“I uh- uhm oh yeah ill start the bath” he blushed and moved to the tub, now filling it up with hot water. The alcohol had mostly wore off now, since you hadn’t drank a lot. You started to unclip your bra and pull off your panties. “Mark can you help me in the tub please” you asked. You both knew you were capable of getting in yourself but nonetheless he grabbed your hips and set you softly into the tub.
“Dont you want to get clean too?” You asked and pulled lightly on the bottom of his tie. He smirked at your request and pecked your cheek. “Let me go get clothes for us to change into and ill be right back.” When he walked out you couldn’t help but notice his hard on. God he was so hot.
You knew you had some time. Whats the harm in just touching yourself a little? You fingers slowly trailed down to your clit and you slowly rubbed circles on the sensitive nub, letting your head fall back and small moans pour out from your mouth. “Having fun without me?” Mark asked with his clothes off and standing in the doorway, his hard dick on display. Where did this Confidence come from? He came up to the tub and lifted you out now patting you dry and emptying the tub.
“Do you really want this?” He looked you in the eyes as he asked this. “Yes i really want this please” you answered and bit your lip. “We’ll bathe after this then okay?” He didnt give you time to answer as he picked you up and brought you out of the bathroom straight into his room. He placed you gently on top of his bed sheets, luckily there was a thick blanket on top that he had layed out, so now the sheets won’t be dirty.
You pulled him on top of you and trapped him between your legs as you made out with him, lightly sucking and pulling on his lips, with your hand running through his soft disheveled hair. He groaned into your mouth as the tip of his dick brushed against your slick entrance. “Just put it in im wet enough and i really need you i cant wait please please please- OH” you moaned aloud as he followed your requests. His thick dick now stretching out your tiny pussy. 
“Fuck baby your so tight for me, damn you feel so good. Does it feel good for you baby?” He whimpered into the crook of your neck as he pushed your thighs apart farther, his hips now pressed tightly against yours. “It- um.. mmh” you already couldn’t form a sentence...
He chuckled and put his hand under your head, now holding you even closer. “Fuck.. m- mm move please” you whimpered. You were so sensitive and felt so full with him pressing against your cervix. He slowly pulled out and pushed back in, which made you gasp and clench even more, making it hard for him to move. “Loosen up for me hm? Let me fuck you properly. Show you how its done baby” you followed his orders and let him keep hitting that spongy spot deep inside of you. “A- ah keep going” you let out gasps and moans as he was now pounding into you. Mark was breathing heavily as he sucked marks onto your pretty delicate skin.
He snaked a hand down to rub on the nub you were playing with earlier. “Feel good?” He questioned and got a moan in response. He knew you were close by how you started to clench uncontrollably. “Im gonna cum shit im going to-“ you stopped your rant when he went even harder than before, you could feel him in your stomach. “I know baby. Cum. Cum all over me and make a mess. I got you.”
“FU-“ your orgasm was so hard that you went silent as your eyes rolled back, nails leaving streaks on his back. “Fuck y/n im cumming” he came inside of you with long hot ropes shooting into the deepest parts of your body, filling you up to the brim with warmth. You both came down together... only mark came down actually. “You’re okay princess. You did so good. Come back down to me, im waiting” mark whispered to you as he pulled out of you slowly, watching a white mess come gushing out of you. “Mmhm i did good?” You asked with a whimper while holding onto your stomach, feeling full. “Yes princess, so so good for me. Im going to bathe you and change you now okay? You can sleep, i know you’re tired.” After hearing his words you fell into a deep sleep knowing that he would take care of you.
You woke up with the feeling of being wrapped in warmth. You groaned as you turned around in marks hold, now facing his angelic sleeping face...’ he looks so at peace’ you thought. You also noticed that he dressed you in an oversized sweatshirt of his and gave you a pair of his boxers to wear. He really did clean and take care of you last night huh...his grip tightened around you and you left a soft kiss to his lips as you fell back into your slumber with a smile, knowing that you were definitely going to spend your life with this man.
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kingsuckjin · 4 years
Jimin's Body- Teaser
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⫸ possessed Jimin x reader
⫸  Genre: horror, (Jennifer's body au)
⫸  Rating: M (18+ for eventual smut and very dark themes)
⫸  Warnings: (for this teaser only) demonic possession, blood, low self worth, mention of being a loner, question of a heart attack, embarrassing childhood story, Jimin might be being teased, hmmm Tae's house is haunted maybe?
⫸ About: This wasn't the party Jimin thought it would be. After the party you knew Jimin wasn't the person you thought he once was either... that is, if he’s a person at all anymore.
⫸  Words:1.8k
"Taehyung, stop fucking with everyone." You scolded as Jimin stared wide-eyed at the ceiling at the light that had just flickered out.
He had to look tough with you sitting in the circle right across from him on the brown, shag-carpeted floor of this basement that looked like it and its living room-like furniture hadn’t been touched or updated since the 70’s.
It was supposed to be a party, and there indeed was one upstairs blasting music but muffled by the floor above.
You were all supposed to be playing a childish and tipsy game of spin the bottle in the basement.
Jimin was supposed to kiss you. He had only come here because he wanted to spend time with you because you invited him, but so far nothing was going as planned.
"He's not fucking with anyone his house is haunted." Jungkook chuckled while Taehyung gave you a boxy grin. 
Jimin couldn't tell if they were lying or not, he didn't really know anyone here but you and Seokjin, who had already passed out on the basement couch across the room, oblivious to everything happening.
Jimin also thought maybe they were all playing a joke on him, he hadn't said a word to anyone but you and Jin since he had got here.
"He's not lying, I saw a ghost once when I stayed over. I don't even believe in ghosts." The rather stoic guy named Yoongi spoke with his arms crossed.
"Tell them the story Tae." Jungkook urged.
Taehyung's eyes flitted around the circle to each person's face, possibly pausing to add anticipation.
"A woman died in this house." 
"So what? People die everywhere, it doesn't mean a place is haunted." You spoke up, already seeming like you didn’t believe him right from the start.
"She was murdered," Taehyung added.
"Sure." You scoffed as you rolled your eyes.
"She was. Right here in the basement. She ran from the killer and hid in the basement and locked herself in the bathroom. She was supposedly very beautiful and vain. Sometimes if you look in the mirror and tell yourself how nice you look, she'll get jealous and appear, maybe she'll even steal your soul if you're pretty enough." 
Although Jimin had been a little scared at first. He couldn't help but stifle a laugh and a smile at how cliché Taehyung's ghost story sounded and suddenly all eyes in the circle were on him.
"What? You don't believe me?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows at Jimin.
"No one does, Tae. Even if the house is haunted you're obviously dramatizing it." You scoffed.
"I believe it," Yoongi muttered.
"Go in there and do it Jimin." Jungkook urged pointing to a darkened doorway in the basement.
"Oh Jimin, you made her mad." Taehyung teased as he watched the light above begin to flicker back to life just before dying again.
Jimin could feel the "are you serious?" look on his face that he was now giving Jungkook. He didn't know any of these people but you, and you were the one he was afraid of looking like a coward in front of. He cursed at himself in his head for laughing at Taehyung's bad ghost story. He should've just stayed quiet like he always did.
"Go on." Jungkook urged again, ignoring Jimin's surprised look.
"Guys don't. This isn't how you treat new friends. Can we please go back to-" 
"Too scared?" Yoongi now asked Jimin.
"No." He answered more confidently than he felt. Should he be scared? Probably not. Taehyung's story was shit and everyone in the room knew it. They were obviously just picking on him because he was a new friend and shy, right? Jimin didn't really have many friends until he started working at the restaurant with you and Seokjin, he was always just too shy and quiet for friends to really stick. But what if he simply just wasn't this time? What if he became the outgoing popular Jimin he always wanted to be and started over with these new friends. What if he pretended to be everything he wasn't? That’s why he came tonight, he thought if maybe he was all of those things finally, maybe you’d want him. He wasn’t about to mess up the charade he was doing okay at putting on now. 
Jimin stood from his place in the circle of new friends on the floor, trying to stop his nervous legs from shaking.
"So what do I do?" He was wanting to prove them wrong, show them that he wasn't scared and this was all bullshit, even though he knew in the back of his mind that this was how every horror movie and story started.
"Jimin you don't have t-" you were interrupted by a smirking Taehyung. Jimin wondered how he could be so chill about this if it was real.
"Go in the bathroom, don't turn on the lights, look in the mirror, and tell yourself you're pretty and genuinely mean it."
"Oh, so you can all hear me and laugh at me?" Jimin saw a new ploy to their jokes.
"No ones going to laugh at you." Taehyung was serious as he looked Jimin in the eye.
"You've got more balls than I do, new guy." Jimin heard Yoongi say as he looked towards the dark basement bathroom. Something about their suddenly serious tones of voices and the way they were looking at one another now made the fear and nervousness in Jimin’s stomach rise once again. 
"I swear if you're tricking him or you plan on actually making fun of him I swear I won't be your guy's friend anymore, I mean it." Your tone was deadly serious at the group and that gave Jimin some reassurance.
"It's not a joke," Taehyung replied in a way that took away any shred of confidence Jimin had left. What was worse, his new friends playing a prank on him and wanting to embarrass him or something actually happening? Jimin felt fucked either way but still made his legs carry him to the bathroom as he tried to shake off the unsettling feeling Taehyung’s story had left him with.
He wondered if they would stop him and tell him they were just kidding, but as he closed the door and the complete darkness took over the room, he lost any hope of that happening.
The bathroom smelled musty unlike the livable rest of the basement. Although it was a full bathroom with a sink, tub, and toilet, the walls were unfinished. It just felt like someone had given up on the room long ago. 
Jimin placed his hands on each side of the cool, white porcelain sink and looked at himself thoroughly in the mirror in front of him. How was he supposed to tell himself he was good looking and mean it? Jimin felt like he was a timid, friendless, freak. Even this incident reminded him of a sleepover he had in first grade where he got scared and peed his pants and all the boys laughed at him. He knew you'd never want him, not when he was too shy to finally make a move, not when you had all of these cool guy friends.
Jimin placed his hand on his cheek and let his thumb drift over his lips. Have you ever once thought he was handsome? Just once? If you did you wondered what you thought about. Maybe you liked his lips and thought about how good they would feel pressed to yours… or even other places on your body.
Maybe you liked his hair and thought about how nice it would feel to run your hands through it. Perhaps his body? As a dancer, Jimin knew his body was in shape but was it good enough for you to imagine on top of you?
He finally came to the conclusion that maybe he had more in the looks department than most did. That was when he let the words pass his lips.
"I'm attractive." 
The affirmation felt good, he had never once thought to do this before. He continued to look over his features and think about what you might like about him.
"My lips are nice, my hair is nice, my body is nice and I'm so attractive. I'm pretty." 
Jimin began to understand that the others in that room weren't him, they were nothing like him. He had things that they didn't, many things they didn't. Even in the kindness department, Jimin had a leg up, after all, who sends a new friend into a bathroom to scare them? Did they even want to really be friends with him? Probably not. Perhaps they did this out of jealousy. They were probably jealous Jimin was better looking than them, he was a better person than them. They wanted you and couldn't have you, Jimin could.
All Jimin could see in the mirror was darkness all but the beautiful features of his face. He didn't feel the smirk that erupted on it, but he saw it in the mirror and it felt so right.
"I'm the most beautiful here. I am."
Jimin was so lost in himself that he barely noticed the shadow right behind him, reaching out for him with its dark, spindly fingers each tapered to a claw tip.
Jimin did however see the dark liquid begin to drop from his nose, run down his full pips and chin before dripping onto the white porcelain sink in front of him. 
He doubled over with the sudden pain in his chest that hit him faster than a lightning strike. It felt like his heart was being tightened in a vice.
He collapsed completely onto the cold, cracked tiled floor in the dark grunting with a ringing growing overwhelmingly loud in his ears as he waited for the squeezing in his chest to pop his heart like a water balloon.
Could anyone hear him? Surely someone had to. What was happening? He wondered if he was suffering a heart attack. Was he dying?
The pain was so terrible and felt like it was lasting so long that Jimin had tried to dig his fingers into the tile until his knuckles turned white.
Over the piercing ringing, Jimin could hear soft whispers that didn't make sense at first. The whispering of a woman. The longer he listened as his vision began to fade, the more he was able to make sense of the words.
"Let me in. I can make your dreams come true. I can give you everything you want, just let me in Jimin." Whatever it was knew his name, and it knew about you and how much he liked you. it felt like whatever the voice was was burrowing around in his brain looking for something.
Jimin felt weaker and weaker as his struggling against the pain lessened the more he decided to give up.
"Fine." Jimin had struggled to say, but once he did, everything stopped. Everything turned black, even his thoughts of you had melted away into the darkness.
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astranva · 4 years
Power BFFs.
// masterlist //
Word Count: 2.1k
Category: Fluff best friend!harry, best friend!reader
Warning: None!
Summary: In which Harry’s best friend is a hijabi blogger and they’re everyone’s bffs’ goals.
Bonus: Instagram posts!
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For as long as you lived, you have always been into fashion. You were the kid who chose to wear pink with orange long before Taylor Swift’s dress was the new cool, always one whom family went to for advice when it came to putting outfits together.
Hell, if someone could pay you for the times your mom was on the phone with your aunt or a friend and you heard her tell them “Y/N can help you with putting the clothes together! She studies fashion. Yeah, not a doctor but she’s doing a good job” you would be a billionaire.
You remember how shocked your parents were when you told them that you wanted to switch majors. How could they not when you told them that you decided to leave med school for fashion?
But you wouldn’t have taken the step if it weren’t for your longtime best friend – Harry.
You and Harry have been best friends for as long as you could remember, having had been your friend long before you even wore the hijab and you remember when you were 16 after deciding to wear it, having sat him down one day and explained to him what it meant.
He has always been supportive of you, and you, of him. You lost count of how many times you had helped him with his wardrobe choices, and every time he was more thankful that he had someone who was daring with fashion and saw it as he did; a form of expression.
You had a good relationship with his fans long before you decided to enter the fashion blogging world, and maybe fans liked you more because of how carefree and natural you were and how innocent and supportive your friendship with Harry looked. Hell, he talked about you whenever he mentioned his family and if that said anything, it would be that he saw you a Styles, a sister.
It was always fun whenever you styled Harry for an appearance, only so the both of you could sit back and watch their tweets and comments, always freaking out and gushing over how good he looked because of your fashion choices, adding memes along the way.
“How does that look?” You asked him, holding a dress on a hanger of you, looking down at the vibrant green color.
Harry, with 3 shopping bags in his hands and his eyeglasses on, shifted his weight on one leg before bringing his finger to his chin and he looked at the dress. “Think it makes your skin look a little dull, not pop.”
“You think so?” You mumbled as you moved to a mirror, nodding, “You’re right. God, I hate green.”
He chuckled, “No you don’t.”
“Olive green is nice, when we’re talking about trousers and skirts but tops and dresses? No, thanks. Looks good on you though, you lucky bastard.”
“Watch out, you’re looking a little green now, love.” Harry teased, a dimpled smile on his face.
“Oh, shut up, I’m not jealous of you.” You scoffed jokingly, fixing your headscarf to avoid looking at him, “Maybe a little.” You added, laughing quietly as Harry laughed.
“I think they have a beige one, hold on.” Harry’s eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he looked around before walking towards a rack, searching through the colors of dresses for the one color he knew his best friend loved. “Ha!” Harry smiled in triumph as he reached the color, getting your size before holding it out for you.
You sighed in relief, “You are an angel. Sometimes.”
Harry rolled his eyes at you with a chuckle, handing you the dress before you both agreed to pay and head somewhere to have dessert for a treat.
You smiled at the cashier, watching as her eyes widened as she looked from Harry to you. “How are you?” You asked politely.
“Oh my God. Y-You’re-“ She looked at you before looking at Harry who smiled at her, too, “And you’re-“
“And you’re Sasha. Hi, Sasha.” You giggled, reading her name from her tag, “You know this goof?” You joked, pointing at Harry, “Was following me everywhere here,” you cupped a hand around your mouth, though still speaking at a tone louder than a whisper, “Think he’s a bit of a creep.”
“Hey!” Harry whined but laughed, “Don’t listen to her, love. She’s only doing that because I look better in green.”
It wasn’t unusual for you and Harry to tease each other, and it wasn’t new either that you did it in front of people. Perhaps it’s why people enjoyed being around the both of you together.
“You’re both adorable,” the girl laughed, finally calming from her moment, “I’m a huge fan of the both of you. And Y/N, congratulations on your new collaboration with Tommy Hilfiger. I think it’s amazing that you’re helping in representing more people in the industry.”
Your mischievous expression changed to a softer one, your hand going to your heart as your eyes twinkled.
“Right? Bloody talented that one is.” Harry smiled proudly as he glanced down at you, “Making history as she goes.”
“Aw, stop it, you two. I’m going to cry.” You cooed, “Thank you, Sasha. This means the world to me. Think this made my entire week.”
“It’s no problem,” she beamed, “I wouldn’t let you pay if I owned the store but…” she frowned.
“Hey, no. It’s your right. We all have bills to pay and as much as it would be nice, favors don’t really pay the rent.” You smiled with a shrug, handing her the money.
“Okay, true.” Sasha agreed, packing your dress before handing you the bag. “It was amazing meeting the both of you.”
“You think it’s okay if we get a picture together?” You asked before looking at Harry, “Can you take a picture of us?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Oh my God,” Sasha fanned herself before letting out a deep breath, shakily handing Harry her phone, “This is the best day I have ever lived in since I started working here.”
You giggled at that, watching her move from behind the cashier before she reached you. The both of you stood beside each other, you wrapping both arms around her as you smiled, her beaming as Harry took the picture – he took 3, just in case the girl didn’t like one of them – before you reached your hand out.
“Here, let me take your picture.” You said, taking the phone from Harry before exchanging places so you can snap a picture of him and the girl together.
As if to tease you, Harry made the same pose as yours, causing you to roll your eyes before you jokingly told him to “be original” to which he wrapped one arm around Sasha while the other was close to his face as he threw a peace sign – a classic Harry pose.
After hugging Sasha goodbye, you and Harry were on your way to his car to go somewhere else to have dessert and maybe spill the latest tea like you always did.
“I’m not so sure about working with them,” You said after taking a sip from your smoothie, resting your chin on your hand as you talked about a brand that had reached you for a collab, “Think they want it so they can look cool, you know? They don’t really care about the message or the representation of hijabi women and I just don’t want to get treated like the next cool trend and hey! Bonus for having a rockstar best friend. It’s ridiculous.”
Harry’s arms were crossed on the table, face showing concentration as he listened intently and nodded in understatement. “I get it. Sorry about that, love,” he sighed, “Wish I can do something about it. Feel helpless when I can’t seem to find any solution to offer.”
“Harry,” you rolled your eyes, “You’ve done enough for people. Besides, you’re growing and learning. This is the best solution.”
“Yeah?” He asked reluctantly, “Just sucks whenever I find the shit they write to you online. Don’t know how you do it.”
“What? Getting told that I’m oppressed even though it was my choice and the racist comments?” You chuckled a little, “Got bothered by it enough already. Just sick of justifying my choices. It’s like,” you thought before your eyebrows went up before pointing at him, “It’s like people with you and how you dress. The mean comments about your choices and the head-scratching comments about why you wear nail polish.”
“Took me long enough to feel comfortable in my skin.” Harry admitted, sighing with a shake of his head, “Wish people would just let people be.”
You shrugged, “Mean people are everywhere, it’s mostly about not letting yourself be one now. I actually feel like we’re at a time when people are unlearning most shit they blindly followed by older generations, the racism, the sexism, the double standards. This is generation is just,” you smiled, “It’s phenomenal, don’t you think?”
Harry joined in, giving you a smile and a nod, “It is. I’m where I am because of all these young people. Music legends are legends and are basically worshipped because of all the young women of their days. Sometimes I can’t even wrap my head around how societies belittle these people so much.”
“Right? They care more about shaping them than helping them unleash all this potential. It’s why they’re so angry sometimes, but so driven. Like, they had enough of silence and are now taking matters in their own hands.” You said, “But to be honest, it’s can be kind of sad sometimes.”
“How so?” Harry asked, sipping his smoothie.
“Like now you have people as young as 13 doing what world leaders should be doing. Really young people trying to teach older people why sexism is wrong and how they can help the Black Lives Matter movement and why they should. They shouldn’t be defending rights and protesting and dying, they should be worrying about their moms not cutting the crust off of their toasts or maybe some high school crushes. But it has to be done, you know? And if world leaders are staying silent, somebody needs to change that even if they’re only 13 for the love of God.”
That was the thing about yours and Harry’s friendship. While you both bickered like children all the time, you also always had heart-to-heart conversations that you couldn’t have with anyone and everyone. It was always comforting.
There were times when you didn’t agree with each other but it was never embarrassing or immature, you’d both state your point of views and find common grounds. It was never about winning an argument because you never could call it an “argument”, just a talk.
“How’s the tour rescheduling going?” You asked, the both of you drifting to another conversation.
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harrystyles: Proud of you. Always.
fan1 power bffs don’t @ me
fan2 are they dating? pls say yes
↳ fan3 when will people stop ruining friendships with shit like that?
yourinstagram are u sick?
↳ fan4 me when my family is nice to me
↳ fan5 me when my friends invite me to places
↳ harrystyles …
yourinstagram you know it all, H. you’re the best best friend anyone could ever wish for. cool photographer too. ❤❤❤
↳ fan8 Hélène Pambrun who? We only know ✨Harry Styles✨
↳ yourinstagram don’t do my girl Hélène dirty like that
annetwist Looking beautiful! 😘
↳ fan8 I love this friendship sm
↳ yourinstagram says you! miss you loads xx
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yourinstagram: harry out here looking like mr. pringles on a sour cream & onion can and i love it
fan2 y/n taking the piss at harry is my favorite thing
fan3 10 years of y/n giving us the hontent we need and deserve
↳ yourinstagram happy to provide
user aren’t muslims not allowed to drink wine?? why is harry holding one and why are YOU taking a picture of it? Lol
↳ fan4 leave her alone
↳ fan5 you know she’s free to do anything she wants, right?
↳ yourinstagram this is the amazing chef Massimo Bottura’s dark cherry balsamic vinegar but go off
↳ fan6 ENDED
fan7 This friendship makes me sleep better at night
harrystyles Is this because I look good in green?
↳ fan9 I love them so much
↳ yourinstagram i dislike you sometimes
↳ fan10 ^ me because harry won’t release studio versions of medicine and anna
↳ harrystyles Love you, too.
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 yourinstagram: silky
fan1 imagine looking like that
fan2 this is an au where harry is a hijabi woman
[harrystyles liked this comment.]
↳ fan4 he: confirmed
harrystyles A look.
↳ fan5 I want to thank the queen y/n for teaching harry online lingo
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
Could I please ask for IkeRev HCs for Ray, Fenrir and Luka. What are they like as Older brothers to a younger sister who’s still a teenager, 16/17 ish?
Thank you!
Ray Blackwell, Fenrir Godspeed, Luka Clemence || Ikemen Revolution
Warning(s): Slight spoilers for Fenrir's & Luka’s route (nothing major tho), maybe some OOCness since I haven't picked up IkeRev in some time - but other than that none (do tell me if I’m wrong though ^^)
Note: Hello! I’m really sorry for taking such a long time to write this (honestly I wrote and re-wrote this a handful of times and I still don't even know if they're that great...)
Still, I hope they’re good enough and that you enjoy them - thank you for requesting!
She/Her pronouns are used to address the reader/younger sister
Older Brother to Younger, Teen Sister HCs 
Ray Blackwell
Ray’s such a calm older brother in the sense that he’s both never intruding in on your personal space & gives you your freedom while still being able to know when he has to step up and protect you (even though he wants to protect you all the time)
Growing up the both of you were close (Fenrir was thrown in that mix too with how often the two boys hung out) But after Ray joined the army, steadily climbing the ranks and you stuck focusing on your studies you guys kind of drifted apart for sometime
You aren’t sure who started it but soon you found yourselves sending each other letters as a way to stay in touch (your letter more often than not having a picture of Belle tucked inside)
The little kitty loves you by the way - you’re his second favourite hooman (it’s cause you spoil him with cuddles), Ray’ll sometimes get jealous when the feline snuggles up to you because he thinks that his own cat loves you more than him
One day though you were walking home from school and passed an alleyway, faintly hearing someone baby talk to something. Curiosity got the better of you and that’s how you found your older brother, cross legged on the dirty street coddling one too many street cats
Though you do travel to that particular spot a lot now (usually as a way to procrastinate destress from school (or simply because you love cats like Ray does)) You’ll also keep them company when Ray can’t
Ray hates it when you go out late at night since anything could happen to you. It nags at the back of his mind a lot, that one day something might happen to his precious little sister and that he might not be there to save you. Old wounds and feelings resurface at the list of possibilities that come to mind.
He doesn’t want history to repeat itself, he doesn’t want to be unable to protect you from danger. So anytime that you visit headquarters and you stay late you either simply stay the night or have an escort take you home. You can choose which option you’d like but Ray’s not taking a ‘no’ as any form of an answer
Calls you dufus just because he can (but affectionately). Might also ruffle your hair and/or pat you on the shoulder
You call him an old man because he can’t stay up past 10PM (Ray’ll then make some kind of comment regarding Sirius and how he’s more of an old man, to which you both laugh until the man himself makes his presence behind you known)
Absolutely the kind of brother to move things you need off a shelf out of your reach before proceeding to walk away with a satisfied smile on his face
Also the kind of brother to tease you about any cute boys/girls/people that he catches you staring at or gushing about (but he’ll stop if you tell him seriously to stop)
Do you like books? Ray likes books. He has a lot of books. Take a book, please he has too many--
If you enjoy reading, Ray is constantly recommending you novels, letting you read them before casually asking you your opinion on certain characters or events when you’re returning it. But even if you're not an avid reader he may still hand you a book or two that he knows you'll enjoy
Like mentioned earlier, Ray is very busy with Army work and such but honestly, out of everyone in the Black Army, he’s the second best person to come to with homework (second only to Sirius). Especially with history. Like, you need the entire history of the Black Army or Cradle? He’s got you, he had to read up on it when he was on the road to becoming the King of Spades.
Really, you could just pop right into his office at anytime, ask your question and Ray will be able to answer without missing a beat before going back to whatever he was doing
You can always come to Ray for anything. Questions, complaints you name it he’ll listen to your woes/answer however he can.
You guys bond over your teacher(s) giving too much homework; Ray reminiscing when he was your age and in high school - he completely understands the struggle (it was excruciating. All the work prolonged the sweet embrace of a good night’s sleep T~T)
There’s someone who’s picking on you? Don’t worry he’ll deal with them >:)
He might not always know how he can help or comfort you since he’s not the best with words when it comes to certain things, but that won’t stop him from at least helping where he can
Will never let anything happen to you -- Ray protects you with his life and he'll use any power he has if it means that you can walk out unharmed, that’s how much he cares for you
Fenrir Godspeed
Fenrir doubles as both your older brother and your best friend
110% flaunts how you’re the coolest little sister a brother could have to anyone that will listen (most of the time it’s the Black Army tho)
Flips between calling you by name, ‘sis’ and any other ridiculous nickname he can come up with (but don’t worry - you have an equally stupid name for him)
Considers you his best buddy (aside from Ray that is)
Fenrir’s also the kind of brother to pat his sister’s head, ruffle her hair, give gentle noogies and shake her around by the shoulders/poke her playfully then go ‘wasn’t me’. Just like these wholesome little things that mean no harm or anything
I also like the idea of Fenrir giving his sister piggyback rides - it's just a nice thought, please don't take this away from me I beg of you T-T
Best bro Fenrir picks you up from school every day, no ifs, ands or buts! Usually, he’ll buy you your favourite sweet/snack and give it to you when he gets there.
Brings Shu Shu along as well and the three of you will talk about what happened at school or anything exciting that may have happened as he walks you either home or to the barracks
You’re both very chaotic + Ray joins in too most of the time. Quite a few pranks happen when you’re at Black HQ (RIP the Black Army when you come over and you three triple team them).
Harmless pranks I promise!
Fenrir may take one of your belongings (a brush, your favourite book or an accessory) and run around the place with the only way of you getting it back is to catch him
There was this one time you snuck tomatoes into his food to see if he’d notice.
Spoiler alert: he most certainly did
After that he kinda ignored you for the rest of the day as payback, pouting and pretending like you weren’t there, saying stuff like ‘huh? Did you hear that?” At the end of the day though he wasn't mad and was able to laugh it off (it doesn’t erase the betrayal he felt tho)
Once in a while you’ll also poke fun at his fear of ghosts, saying off hand that there’s one at the end of the hall, down in the cellar or behind him. You never go too far though - not after the time that a prank of yours left him really shaken. You’ve never seen him so scared in your life and don’t plan to again.
Oliver’s soul nearly left his body when he first met you and learned that you took after your troublesome brother
Fenrir loves helping you with any school work you have cause he likes being a dependable brother for you! …The only problem is that sometimes he doesn’t know how to. Like, he grasps the basic concepts of what you’re talking about, but if you ask him how to calculate acceleration or a parabola he draws a blank - you’ve lost him.
Pls cut him some slack tho he’s trying his best and just the thought alone is sweet 🥺
Compared to his best buddy Ray, the Ace of Spades has quite a bit of free time, which he spends by dropping by the family home where you still live for surprise visits.
Most greetings start with “There’s my favourite sister!” with you adding on “I’m your only sister Fenrir…”
You still welcome him with a smile, open arms and a hug :)
Swears up, down and on his life to keep you and army affairs separate, he’s NOT going to expose his little sister to the violence that comes with his occupation. He stands firm on this decision. This topic is one of the only times you’ll see him actually serious
You’re not stupid though, you know what goes on, and, because of this, every time you hear in passing that the gun crazed Ace of Spades was at it again - launching himself straight into battle - there’s this pang of anxiety that rattles you to your core. You’re sure that there always will be no matter how much times passes
As a sum up - very loving and goofy brother/best friend with the addition of lots of pranks and battle scares 😎✌️
Luka Clemence
You know how in game Luka starts off as kinda cold to MC/Alice? Yeah there's none of that with his little sister
Usually when hanging around her he's most of the time adorning a small smile cause he finds joy in being around her
The relationship you have is a VERY close one considering that, while growing up in the prestigious Clemence household, it was basically you and Luka against the world
Sometimes Luka fears that you’re really lonely back at home because he’s not around as much as he used to be ever since joining the Black Army. Therefore, every week he’s set aside at the bare minimum a whole day (or at least an afternoon/evening) to go visit you - or for you to visit him!
Y’all cooking buddies and I’ll die on this hill
Luka teaches you any and everything he knows about cooking all the way to baking. He’ll even write down recipes for your favourite dishes so you can make them when he’s not there.
Whenever you’re visiting the Black Army and it’s Luka’s turn to make dinner you pitch in and help. He’ll make some of the dishes while you make the others.
The Black Army adores your cooking since you have such a great teacher/brother
Luka lets you hold/pet/feed/take care of Stone. You’re the only exception he makes when it comes to his furry companion
Don’t swear around him he’ll die (that is, after getting told by the other Black Army officers why it's such a bad thing and a big deal)
Lets you hold his sword once but you ended up nearly toppling over because it was heavier than you first anticipated.
Would play the violin for you while you study if you asked him, especially if you bring up that it helps you concentrate better
Sibling fights are non-existent. The only time that there’s a chance of you butting heads is when Luka starts pushing himself too much with training or the conversion involves Jonah
Speaking of the Queen of Hearts--
It’s a constant tug of war between the two brothers on who gets to spend the day with you. Luka’s scowling, Jonah’s pouting and you’re wondering what you have to do to get your brothers to get along (or at least have it where you’re not in the middle of it all)
Very supportive of whatever you want to do with your life. Luka also tells you every once in a while that you can always come live in Black territory or even the barracks when you’re a little older if you want to
All the more should Jonah/your parents ever try to enforce something on you (like some kind of lesson/social norms for Red Territory that you don’t like etc.). Luka will 100% whisk you away into Black Territory to get away from it all, just say the word.
All in all each of the boys are wrapped around their little sister's finger and would do anything to keep her safe and happy :)
Thank you again for requesting!
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
ok ok in the spirit of community, how would the ros fair in a paintball war?
(referring to this ask! like the zombie au post this ended up making me think a lot 😅)
ohh... interesting, interesting... p sure the only paintball wars i’ve really seen were the ones featured in The League, Peep Show, and Community... but let me wrack my lil head...
ok, i ended up coming at this from multiple angles like the zombie au post 😅 always so much to consider in battle environments! and in the spirit of community, I'll stick with the individual player elimination style paintball match. in the woods with other e prep seniors. last one standing wins bragging rights
Shooting skill | 6/10 - Experience with shooting and practice with Kile ofc
Stealthiness | 8/10 - He's done a fair amount of sneaking around during his after school activities, is super observant (or just paranoid lol), and naturally light on his feet. Good luck ambushing him.
Strategy | 8/10 - Strike deals. Do favors. Form alliances. Shoot 'em in the back once they’ve outlived their usefulness. ...What? It’s just paintball.
How does he win? | Graciously. Gabe likes winning, and especially via strategic manipulation, so it puts a smile on his face. And he's in a good mood so he treats a bunch of you to ice cream or smth 👀
How does he lose? | Slumps in frustration at being outwitted or taken off-guard, sulks about it for a little while. He's not that sore of a loser but needs time to lick his wounds and stop thinking of the different choices he could have made.
Shooting | 9 - The most accurate shooter of the cast and easily one of the best shots at E Prep. Lots of practice + talent
Stealth | 10 - They're stupid good at climbing trees and 100% consider that a valid method of ambushing their classmates. People start having flashbacks to 3rd and 4th grade recess and P.E. Scanning the trees. They just start taking people out with such efficiency it quickly starts ruining the game 😂
Strategy | 0? 10?? - “...Strategy? You just stay out of sight and kill 'em all, right?” (immediately scolded by Gabe for word choice 🙄) They really do mainly stay out of sight and pick people off with max stealth, like 😆 they'd be such a terror, people would need to take them out early for anyone else to stand a chance! They spend a lot of the game staking out the most frequented paths in the area and taking out groups quickly, all at once. Then they'll get around to stalking and picking people off one by one. The real fun...
Winner type | Stoic. Likes winning combat but the stakes were non-existent, so... the win is meaningless! this just infuriates the losers more 😅 such disrespect
Loser type | Sucks their teeth and tosses their paintball gun to the ground. "Y'all suck." (they're over it five mins later tho lol)
Shooting | 3 - This is nothing like shooting light guns... ☹️
Stealth | 5 - Not just due to his size making him an easier target, but homeboy is liable to get distracted by a cute squirrel or some pretty flowers 😂 He's not great at keeping his voice down either so good conversation would make him easy to seek out. He's just out here enjoying a beautiful day 😅
Strategy | 7 - All that movie-watching (and DMing) make him a valuable creative mind for problem-solving, but he needs a cooperative team to be effective. Rescued and recruited by Rupan/Rohan early on in the game ^ ^
Winner type | Disbelief! And everyone’s content and satisfied with him winning. Except Vivian/Vincent, that jealous fool
Loser type | Doesn't mind losing at all! He just hopes he was a good teammate and was glad to have fun ☺️
Shooting | 7 - Comes from a family of hunters, girly knows how to shoot.
Stealth | 6 - Familiar enough with woods and stalking prey to be capable of sneaking around. Having too much fun to not giggle and get overly invested in the developing plot of the game. Even more easily distracted by critters and flora than Jack 😅
Strategy | 5 - Oh, she's just here to have fun. She'll go with whatever the person she's teaming up with decides, but can adapt easily enough.
Winner type | Surprised... then elated! Bouncing and happy and it's completely contagious. No hard feelings about a single thing. Convinces Heidi to invite people to the Emerson Estate—it's a hot day and they have a nice pool
Loser type | Same as Jack! Congratulates the winner with a hug because she's sweet like that 🧁
Shooting | 2 - This... thing is so cumbersome. And ugly. At least it shoots pretty colors.
Stealth | 7 - Small and used to sneaking around different environments and seeking out hiding spots. Their height and frame makes them harder to spot too.
Strategy | 4 - Hide!!! They’re not getting assaulted with paint and pellets!! Especially not after managing to make this ugly jumpsuit look cute?? Waiting it out is perfectly legitimate. Might share snacks if you decide to join them in hiding 😆
Winner type | Falls asleep in an unexpectedly cozy hiding spot and emerges as everyone thought they’d declared the winner. I imagine R and others yelling at them to get their gun while the original winner scrambles to get theirs, just for Rain to win by pure luck of the draw. Won’t stop them bragging about it, though! (I want this spurned runner-up to be Vi bc ofc)
Loser type | "So I can stop holding this thing?" Yawn. "I'm so hungry and bored, we've been at this for hours..."
Shooting | 4 - Ah, shit. These don't shoot anything like light guns.
Stealth | 7 - They sneak out and around town a lot 😂 They just force themself to be careful about how loud grass and bushes are.
Strategy | 7 - They’re treating this shit like an action movie and banding together a ragtag team of misfits to take down the strongest alliances and players. Savvy enough to reject Gabe’s and Curt’s offers to join, not opposed to strategic backstabs. They're very clearly just as focused on having fun as they are on winning—and playing Predator, which honestly works with Kile runnin around. They even brought war paint and borrowed a tactical vest. Is it mostly packed with snacks and weed? Maybe. Does it prove useful for negotiations? Hell yeah.
Winner type | Raucous celebration, just pure joy and adrenaline ☺️ Celebrates with their team, brags a bit, rubs it into Vi's face, makes fun of Curt, the usual. Then invites allies out to get pizza because it's the obvious next step
Loser type | Mostly disappointed they can't keep playing. They're a little sore about being left out of the action, but soon just start chatting with other marked players about how the game went for them. Plenty entertaining on its own, they want all the details
Shooting | 5 - They've got a little bit of shooting experience.
Stealth | 4 - They're overly sensitive and hate being in nature. Their skin is sticky, they keep feeling bugs everywhere, they've gotten dirt all over their pants, it's so hot, they keep WALKING into SPIDERWEBS, [flails about, screaming furiously]
Strategy | 8 - They have good ideas, they're just difficult to execute alone, especially since they're getting sunburnt and getting crankier and can't stop swatting at insects 😅 they're one of the first people to figure out that someone's taking out groups from the trees, so they stay solo and try to find a single person to team up with. Really what they need is someone who's a better shot but easy to boss around. They can probably just owe them for an in-school favor...
Winner type | Barely suppressed gloating. Vi somehow finds a way to be an obnoxious winner almost entirely by the look on their face. Once they're in a smaller group, they're passionately discussing the details of the game and happily boasting about their triumphs (while glossing over all of the whining and and slip-ups lol)
Loser type | Booo, such a sore loser. (Especially in the scenario where Rain wins 🤣) If they're outsmarted or outgunned in a clear, transparent way they'll growl and stomp off, then quietly glower and sulk for way too long. If they're double-crossed or beaten in an underhanded way oh lord —they're fighting it to the end. R can't help but get involved either way, reminding them it was a damn game with literally no prize. "C'mon, Vi, chill. You want ice cream? Let's get you ice cream."
Shooting | 6 - Some shooting experience.
Stealth | 8 - She's very aware of her surroundings and her body. Perceptive yet quiet. Tactical. All residual traits picked up from her many activities over the years.
Strategy | 9 - Most likely to outsmart everyone. The first one to figure out groups are being targeted from the trees. Goes it alone and only open to trading (unless she sees Curt with Jess in which case she puts a quick pin in her plans to rescue her 😂). She also immediately figures out it's Kile, because ofc it is. Keeps close tabs on what groups are doing, knowing that eventually Kile will come down to ground level to pick off individuals and couples. Predator becomes prey 👀
Winner type | Proud but not boasting. She doesn't need to be. Victory looks good on her, natural and fitting. Thanks everyone for a good game then takes the girls for a long ride in the Cadillac 😎 top down on a bright day, baby
Loser type | Damn. She should have won this. Maybe if she'd... She probably could have... Then she snaps out of it, roped in by the celebratory mood of congratulating the winner. She's over any feelings of frustration or regret after getting to discuss the match with the person that took her out/the winner and there's no hard feelings. If anything this was fun as hell, it should be an annual thing. ☺️
Shooting | 8 - Some shooting experience and a natural knack for it. Good reflexes.
Stealth | 8 - Curt likes to say he gets along with the woods around these parts. Sneaking around is second nature to him. Really good hearing too. He's an easy target if you manage to seduce him though, having no issue leaving himself vulnerable if it means that kind of fun 😂
Strategy | 7 - Honestly, he's most interested in seeing how long he can get away with using charm and seduction for both protection and double-crossing 😂 Eventually becomes persona non grata and gets all of his ammo stolen by a vengeful mark, barely getting away in the process. Since that jig is up, he finally starts thinking a win might be nice... and so he teams up with the only competent player who would never betray him and also inspires the least vitriol in others: Jessie. What? Is his back-up plan using her as a human shield? No! 😚 Of course not! 👉👈
Winner type | Insufferable and gloating. Rubs it in a lot of people's faces, specifically Heidi, Rupan/Rohan, and any participants who genuinely don't like him. Brags to Gabe (who is completely disinterested in gassing him up 😂), then promises he'll make things up to Jessie (who didn't mind and had fun lol). Then celebrates by asking whoever he's flirting with these days for a quick date—and a ride in the Ferrari. Makes a scene pulling out of the parking lot. Ass.
Loser type | Doesn't care one bit as long as he had fun! And he always finds a way to have fun, it's why he's so carefree 😅
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Hey Vy! 📚🌻 Here!
How is your week going? My roller skates just got here and I'm so happy omg! My protective gear haven't got here yet so I'm trying not to fall but a almost hit my face so many times- i have to stop for some time now because I need to clean my room :_: but here's your three words of this week: Paradise, curly, radio
A lot a lot looot of loveee,
Hi darling 📚🌻 !
Please be extra careful until your protective gear arrives, I'd hate to hear you've injured yourself 🥺 Anyways, hope you have fun with your roller skates (always stay safe though)! 🥰
Here comes a short drabble with your three words! This one’s gonna be a little different though - no OCs and not for the Resident Evil fandom, but rather the How To Get Away With Murder fandom, more specifically - for my favorite relatioship/characters on the show! Hope you enjoy!
All my love, Vy 💌
Laurel Castillo x Frank Delfino (How To Get Away With Murder - AU: Canon Divergence; AU where the characters tolerate each other XD)
Warnings: Slight spoilers (Nothing too major though), Swearing
Laurel runs a hand through Chris’ curly hair, admiring how peaceful he looks now that he’s finally asleep. He’s got a fever that’s been giving him crying fits for two days now. Having to deal with a sick two-year-old while simultaneously trying to keep up with work and her final studies has been exhausting to no end. She’s been receiving some help from Michaela who seems utterly desperate to keep herself busy at all times, even when she’s supposed to be relaxing just so her mind doesn’t spiral into the void of loneliness she’s fallen victim to as of recent. Connor and Ollie have babysat for her a few times as well, another gesture she’s incredibly grateful for. Asher has offered to look after the toddler too on numerous occasions but that’s one offer Laurel’s never taken up. She appreciates him offering her his help, but everyone would justify this action of hers considering how reckless Asher can be at times - aka 90% of the time.
The Keating 5 has come through for her when it comes to both looking after Chris and keeping up with her studies, proving their friendship to be  one of those rare ones. However, Keating 5 aside, she’s received the most amount of help from one particular person. Someone who’s prepared to turn up at her doorstep at three in the morning if she needs him.
Frank Delfino
The two had a rocky start, to say the least. Their on-again-off-again relationship as colleagues with benefits. Their constant back and fourth. Then came Frank’s disappearance and Laurel’s involvement with Wes, all occurrences blowing huge holes not only in their romantic relationship but also their friendship which has always been a second away from ceasing to exist, all things considered. Friendship is hard to maintain with such a strong, hypnotic and magnetic romantic connection. Some people just weren’t meant to be friends, ever. Frank and Laurel are among them.
Speaking of Frank, the man’s been rather concerned lately, the lack of calls and messages from Laurel worrying him more with each passing day. He overheard Michaela mention Chris’ fever in passing conversation with Asher when she was bailing on a date with the excuse of helping Laurel look after the sick toddler. He’d been surprised to hear that, initially thinking it was a cheap excuse of Michaela’s to avoid spending time with Asher considering things between them have grown sort of complicated. But when Connor confirmed this claim of hers, Frank couldn’t help but grow very concerned. He’s grown used to knowing what’s going on with Chris and Laurel before everyone else so having someone else be in the know while he was kept in the dark made him feel oddly jealous and hurt.
And he could only hold his worries and assumptions at bay so long...
Responding to the knock at the door, knowing who it probably is at this hour, Laurel contemplates whether opening the door would be the right thing to do. She’s double-checked that it is indeed him, that bringing her more uncertainty than comfort, oddly enough. She’s been doing her best to distance herself from him and his life for quite a while now. She’s been meaning to give him an opportunity at a normal life, away from her mess and chaos. She’s been wanting to give him an escape from the fiasco she always finds herself dragging him into.
But he still comes back to her, by his own choice.
“Laurel, it’s me.“ His coarse voice reaches her from the other side of the door.
“Yeah...“ She trails off, forcing her hand up to turn the lock, “...I know.“
Opening the door reveals the concern on his face a lot better than she saw through the peephole. It makes her heart swell up and all she wants to do is throw her arms around him in a tight embrace. But she can’t do that, she won’t. She’s not willing to give him any reason to hold onto her whatsoever. In her eyes, he deserves a lot better. And maybe he does, but he doesn’t want anything or anyone better.
“Hey...“ he mutters, unsure of how to start of the interaction. Things have never been easy between them and, looking back, it seems like they’ve only gotten harder. Somehow, their connection has only grown stronger though. A connection he wants to uphold and a connection she wants to sever.
“Hey...What are you doing here so late?“ Ok, that’s a sustainable question considering it’s 10PM, but then again he’s come to her apartment at odder hours. Only difference is, those other times, she called him over.
“Though I’d check on you. You’ve been rather dead with calls and texts recently. Also missed Chris, heard he had a fever so I got worried.“ She hears the undertone of accusation in his voice loud and clear. It makes her bite her lip with guilt she wishes she wasn’t feeling, especially when she’s supposed to be doing the right thing.
You can’t decide for him. If he wants to keep coming back, that’s on him.
That thought hasn’t crossed her mind yet. It almost feels like she’s letting herself off the hook, feeding into the temptation to embrace what her and Frank have.
“You hungry?“ Now that is a bit more out-of-place question, but it’s accompanied by her taking a step back to allow him inside, “I ordered Thai food I never got to finish.“
He follows the signal, growing a bit more hopeful now that she’s let him in the apartment, thinking maybe she isn’t avoiding him after all. “Loss of appetite?”
“Partly.“ She replies, hearing the click of Frank locking the front door before following her in the kitchen where the hanging lights are dimmed. “Chris was throwing a fuss all day, I couldn’t really do much but focus on him.“ She motions to the living room where the coffee table is littered with sheets of paper and highlighters, some of which have found a spot on the floor as well. “Not to mention the ton of crap I need to do for school and work.“
“Would’ve been a lot easier on you had you called me, you know?“ He comments, walking over to the fridge, taking out the two packs of Thai takeout, suggesting she had been expecting him. She wasn’t really, she was just quietly hoping he’d show up at her doorstep.
“Didn’t wanna bother you. It’s nothing serious, a simple cold, I can handle it.“ She replies, approaching the small vintage radio in the corner of the kitchen counter, turning it on to a quiet volume so some tunes could fill the silences that are bound to occur frequently with the amount of tension between them.
“You could never bother me, Laurel. I’ve told you countless times before...“ putting the food he’s now moved onto a large plate into the microwave and turning the machine on, he turns to look at her, “I love Chris like he’s my son. In my eyes, he is my son and I love him with all my heart. Just like I love you.“
Instead of allowing the deafening quiet to take over them again - the soft music from the radio aside - Laurel lets the loudness of her mind surface. She lets it seep through the barriers she built in order to protect herself and protect everyone around her from herself: “Do you never stop to think you deserve better, Frank? Better than some grown-ass woman with her life in shambles and a kid whose father’s dead. Do you not think you deserve someone who knows what they want and where they’re headed with their life? Someone who...” her confidence is slowly leaving her to fend for herself and so she does, the best she can. “Someone who can cook and do their projects and work and take care of her son simultaneously. Someone better, Frank! Do you never want someone better?”
She hadn’t realized her eyes had been darting all over the place, looking everywhere but at him. How that her gaze has once again landed on his face, she feels her stomach turn at what she sees. That concerned, hurt and disappointed frown only further fuels her guilt, making her wish she’d never opened the door in the first place.
“Laurel, where’s this all coming from? Did Bonnie say something to you cause if she did...“ she cuts him off.
“No, she didn’t. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now actually. All I am to you is trouble and a burden and...“ he gets back at her, cutting her off himself.
“And you’re none of those things, Laurel. Your view of yourself is interfering with your perception of this, of us, of what we have. You and Chris are my family. The family I choose. It’s not about deserve or idealism - it’s about what brings you joy and makes you feel complete. What and who makes you feel at home. Who is your home.“ Always cautious of her personal space, Frank takes a hesitant step towards her and another when she doesn’t back away. “Lord knows it’s no paradise, but what we have is special, Laurel, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world.“
Against her best attempts at keeping her emotions at bay, Laurel feels her eyes brimming with tears as she gazes up at the man she’s never been in the clear with. She never realizes what he means to her until it’s too late. She only realized she loved him when he disappeared. She only realized he meant the world to her when he had already slipped from her grip. And she refuses to continue that pattern.
Instead, she’ll work on finding out what they are exactly and even if she doesn’t reach that epiphany, she’ll still embrace it, no matter the oddity and unfamiliarity of it all.
“Thank you.“ she manages to whisper past the knot in her throat.
“Don’t thank me, you should never thank me for the things I do for you or Chris. I choose to do them. I choose to be here. I choose you because I want you. You and no one else, Laurel.“
Just then, the microwave beeps, alerting the two that their close-to-midnight meal is warmed up. Taking the plate out and placing it on the counter to cool down a little, he turns to her with a small smile on his face, “Let’s see what’s so troubling about that project of yours, shall we?”
And just like that, the tension has lifted, allowing for a smile to appear on her face as well. That ease of the mind is not something she’s been very used to throughout her life, constantly having shit to worry about and people to deal with. That’s why she’s never wanted to be a burden on someone’s back. She’s never wanted to be a major part in someone’s life, at least not until she gets her shit together.
And although she might never get her shit together, she’s got someone she loves and someone who loves her by her side. Lord knows he hasn’t been on top of his own shit either. At least they’ll be figuring it all out together.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: barbie movies as troupe plays part 1 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw
𝐚𝐧: if you think i won’t do all 36 barbie movies, you’re wrong. regardless of whether people want this or not. i have barbie brainrot 24/7. i’m just separating it into parts so it’s not too long *this isn’t meant to be that serious y’all my reasons vary from legit to just jokes
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: i won’t go in-depth with any plot differences from movie to play, or how the characters would work out... for now *chuckles in future ppt*
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: nutcracker, rapunzel, swan lake, princess and the pauper, fairytopia series, magic of pegasus, barbie diaries, island princess, three musketeers 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐: coming soon 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑: coming soon
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! spring x autumn. one of the seasonal events/scouts for A3! has a nutcracker theme, and to avoid spoilers that’s all i will say :3
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: since this is based on barbie’s take on the nutcracker, changing up the cast from what tsuzuru had in plan:
clara/sugarplum fairy: sakuya. i want to see him go through a costume & hair transformation sequence, not gonna lie. 
nutcracker/prince eric: juza. obviously he has to be the ruler of the land of sweets.
mouse king: sakyo or chikage. i want one of them to wave around a sceptre and say quotes like “i’ll reduce the Nutcracker to a pile of splinters"
pimm: taichi... pimm is a spy :O who has to do dirty work :O but the real reason is i just want taichi to follow around sakyo again or maybe even chikage this time lol
major mint & captain candy: tsuzuru and citron respectively. mint is pretty serious and awkward, candy is a lot friendlier- i just think it’ll be a good way to insert some humor in the play
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: rapunzel in this one actually is the “servant” of gothel. also, rapunzel has a magical paint brush and also there’s dragons. who are purple. 
rapunzel: kazunari. obviously. actually, kazu has a lot of similarities with her: a good artist, patient, adventurous, quick thinking, hardly ever complains- also he’d look good with long hair i think ><
penelope: kumon. a PURPLE funny and clumsy dragon- fight me, the only answer is kumon especially once you see who’s next.
hugo: juza. a PURPLE dragon who’s penelope’s dad but he’s gonna be the older bro in this one (i wonder why...) 
hobie: a passive and worrisome rabbit... Tenma.
prince stefan: he also has a couple fight scenes... ngl bc stefan has blue eyes, light brown hair + described by the wiki as “fierce”, he’s banri. 
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: winter troupe. i will stand by this forever. 
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: this is like one of the ones i’ve had figured out for a while already...
odette & odile: tsumugi. i’m just saying, tsumugi’s duality- he can do both the white and black swan because he has power. impact.
prince daniel: not tasuku bc spare him the prince roles he’s sick of it. guy. why guy? because he obviously has a good idea of how to act like a prince :3 
fairy queen: azuma. ugh just- imagining how ethereal he’d look.
erasmus: tasuku. he’s a troll that can act mean, but is genuinely kind and helpful... also, the VA of erasumus is also the VA for “unnamed burly villager” and i’m just saying-
kelly the cygnet: hisoka. there’s too many animal children, so hisoka is gonna be the baby swan. uwu. also, kelly has a quote, “I can't sleep.” and wOW THE IRONY
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: WE’RE GOING FOR THE COMEDIC ROUTE WHAT’S UP SUMMER. reason: i went “wait... no actor really looks super alike though.”
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: tafahfuoahoaf it’s my favourite barbie movie... OKAY SO THE RUNNING GAG OF THIS IS THAT THE PRINCESS & PAUPER DON’T LOOK ALIKE, BUT EVERYONE KEEPS GOING “Wow! you two look so identical!” no they don’t
anneliese: muku. first of all please look at the sprite i used in the header. anneliese = pink = muku. she’s the sweet princess archetype... but in this version she also goes on tangents about rocks and mineraLS AND HOW THE MINING INDUSTRY SUX AND THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY OF-
erika: kumon. first of all, the sprite in the header again. erika = blue like ugh this is perfect. ALSO erika has a cat who BARKS and i just imagine kumon talking to her cat like: WOOF WOOF WOOF GRRR GRRR and the dog responding and everyone in the palace going wtf
king dominick: i had such a crush on him anyway he’s tenma. rich, young, talented king who disguises himself as a page so he can find love for realsies. im just saying. he won’t be tenma’s only role tho ><
julian: kazunari. the wiki went “he’s the only bestfriend a barbie MC ever married” really shook me like ugh friendship dynamic between muku and kazu roles??? also kazu’s genuinely smart so him as the tutor was just gucci in my eyes
preminger: misumi. FIRST OF ALL PREMINGER IS ICONIC? WHEN HE SANG HOW CAN I REFUSE I WAS LIKE UGH KING. i just wanna hear misumi play an antagonist that’s also funny and do things with his voice.
madame carp: yuki. a bossy and rich woman who owns a dress emporium. pretty much it.
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: spring troupe. i wanna see them have wings uwu.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: just gonna combine the whole fairytopia series into one 
elina: itaru. first of all, pink motif. also i just like the idea of itaru being this recurring protagonist.
bibble the puffball played by kamekichi
laverna: recurring villain citron. for no reason other than i think it’s cool when he plays power hungry villains
enchantress: i just want sakuya to play a role that’s more of a “powerful character” but still really kind uwu. another recurring good guy.
azura & glee: tsuzuru. elina is azura’s apprentice, and glee is a friend who’s generally really happy... ngl, i wanna see tsuzuru play someone more energetic for funsies
nori: masumi. nori is kind of a stubborn and jealous person at first, him and elina won’t get along right away BUT DAMMIT THE ENEMIES? TO FRIENDS IS GUCCI!!! 
merman prince nalu & linden: chikage... yeah i just gave chikage the guy roles ngl... but i wanna see chikage as a handsome merman AND handsome fairy so *shrugs*
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: cross troupe. spring x winter.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: partially based on the ice-skating cards (i have yet to read the event story, unfortunately).
annika: tsuzuru. i thought it’d be fun to cast tsuzuru as a more sheltered character due to annika’s parents’ protectiveness. the contrast y’all.
shiver: sakuya. shiver is a polar bear cub sidekick who’s friendly and likes shiny things and that’s just... really cute... put bear ears on sakuya...
brietta: guy. brietta is annika’s older sister... who got transformed into a pegasus by the villain... i wonder how they’d change the pegasus thing lol
wenlock: tasuku. NOT GONNA LIE- i want tasuku to play the villain for all these wonderful one-liners: "Oh, smile! You didn't lose a daughter; you've gained a pet!", and "I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry you!"
prince aidan: masumi bc i want more roomie interaction on stage i mean their friendship keeps getting cuter and cuter.
cloud queen: azuma... that’s all. i just remembered her bc her hair has a braided crown, and i went “azuma braided hair brainrot”
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: i was gonna make it full autumn, but then the age casting felt awkward since they’re in high school...
barbie: taichi. barbie here is shy but wants to stop blending in the background! i just went “damn that do be resonating”. also i wanna hear taichi sing more y’all and barbie is a singer/guitarist here
courtney: azami. i like the idea of azami playing a spunky character who’s more of a tomboy, but still does like fashion and accessorising and... lip gloss?
tia: misumi? tenma? idk the intelligent and passionate archetype is very broad... especially in a high school setting
kevin: kazunari. just the whole best friend thing + kevin being a goofy person who loves to make ppl laugh ugh
racquelle: yuki. i know racquelle’s a bully here and say not to bullying... but sharp tongue.
todd: honestly? todd was so boring in the moving. we need someone like banri to give him CHARACTER!... yes that’s my reasoning ugh
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ro/rosella: “a 16 year old girl who can talk to animals! adventurous and brave” me: *gasps* mISUMI-
prince antonio: “prince antonio loves travelling and exploring-” okay yeah it’s kazu...
queen ariana: i just want yuki to sing to me “love is for peasants which we’re obviously not” and i’d go :O also ngl... i wanna see yuki in like darker palettes and plotting to poison all the royals
princess luciana: queen ariana’s daughter... played by muku. because i wanna hear muku counter yuki with “all the shoujo mangas books i’ve read, all the poems always said, that the heart is made to share...”
sagi the red panda & azul the peacock: honestly, just basing it off of colour matching but tenma is sagi and kumon is azul lol
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𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS CASTING? pt 2 
corrine: i keep wanting to put sakuya in these roles oops. i just... let him sword fight on stage again :>
viveca: purple musketeer, artistic, designs clothes... fights with ribbons... you know, for the sake of banri being a fAshIoNisTa... it has to be banri y’all "Don't mess with the animal print dress!"
aramina: green musketeer, fights with fans, romantic and loves ballet... pfft, for the sake of “wouldn’t it be funny-” it has to be azami. poor bby, having to swoon over romance on stage- he can’t relate
renee: chikage. purely because of that scene where she threw a feather duster (?) at a flying shard of glass and perfectly hit it. yeah.
helene: the old and strict instructor that teaches them how to be musketeers... sakyo.. duh.
philippe: the main antagonist... it has to be omi again. and since philippe has a goatee, we’re bringing back facial hair omi~
prince louis: itaru, lol. he’s like the one significant non-action oriented character in the film. he has just enough moments where itaru still looks princely, but mostly? he just wants humans to fly y’all.
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want to order again?
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devinescribe · 3 years
Quality Time
Arisu Ryōhei
I don't know, but let me tell you... I just have a thing for gamers. Kenma, Arisu, Niragi (in case you didn't know, he's a game engineer, leading me to believe he's a gamer, obvi)
So... welcome, to an Arisu Chapter. I noticed I didn't write that much for Arisu, and someone else pointed out we need more stories for him, so... here we are! This is very very much self indulgent, but still a (Y/N) story. It takes place before the games, and is pretty fluffy... and a bit spicy at the end. Also, forgot to mention, you're a famous streamer (sounds like something fun 🙂✌), and (Y/N) is plus sized, because not every girl can have thick thighs and be skinny, so... yeah. Reminder it gets a bit suggestive towards the end, as I mentioned before Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, gamer rage, body shaming (numero uno, don't do this it's wrong. Numero dos, it doesn't work bc you're a bad bitch) kind of suggestive at the end? I don't know. As always, feel free to tell me if I forgot any.
"Fuck! Babe, watch out!"
"Got him! Yeah!"
You two laughed, taking your attention off your screens for a second, high-fiving eachother before immediately going back to concentrating on t the game. Gunshot noises filled the air, as well as other noises from the game. The LED lights in your room turning from red, to pink, to purple. You had invited your boyfriend, Arisu, over to play games with you, which ended up in you streaming.
You were quite famous in the gamer community, being one of the more popular streamers. Since you were a girl, you got the occasional misogynistic asshole, but you always put them in their place. Many girls loved your page, and had told you that you inspired them by playing games and being unapologetically you. It was one of the many reasons you streamed.
"Damn it! Fucking hell, I died!" You raged, pouting slightly, and crossing your arms over your chest. "Shit. I died too," Arisu muttered angrily. You looked at the monitor, seeing the comments. "Oh, someone asked a question... Where are my parents? Pfft- I'm 23, I live by myself, but they are doing great, thank you," you laughed, seeing as a lot of people had actually been asking that question. Did you look that young? Arisu smiled, seeing you interact with your viewers. He leaned on his palm, watching you with a lovesick look on his face. He we saw some comments roll in, saying something along the lines of 'Get someone who looks at you the way Arisu looks at (Y/N)'. He blushed, but directed his attention back to you. He couldn't help that he loved you. And if everyone could tell by just his face, then so be it. Because then everyone would know it. That you were his, and he was yours.
"Oh, the outfit of the day? Yes!" You exclaimed, standing up from the gaming chair. Since you were such a big streamer, you could afford such a great set up. You always made sure Arisu came over to try things with you before you streamed with them though.
You were wearing a black mini skirt, and a dinosaur hoodie, because... dinosaurs are cute. You laughed, seeing the comments flow in, calling you cute and whatnot, until a paid message came in.
'Fat girls shouldn't have so many fans or a cute boyfriend' the automated voice said.
You laughed. "I'm sorry you feel threatened by my beauty, and that you're jealous my boyfriend isn't a shallow asshole. Trust me Sayaka, your username isn't discrete, thank you for giving me 10 dollars though!" You chirped, immediately noticing the username. It was some girl you used to go to school. She had become jealous of your success recently, seeing as she worked a boring office job. You two had actually been friends before this, but as of late, she had become an online bully to you. You didn't care, as you knew her words came from a place of envy. One day, you hoped you two would be able to make up, and be friends again. Arisu scowled. "I don't care how pretty any girl is, (Y/N) is the most beautiful girl in the world, in my opinion. You guys, be nice," he said, scolding Sayaka, and anyone who had said mean things. You laughed, seeing your boyfriend being protective. "Hey, how long have we been- oh wow... two hours? Um, so I think that's where we're going to leave the stream. Thank you all for the donations, kind words, and support. We really appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful day or night, depending where you're from. If no one has told you, I'm so proud of you, and your achievements. You got out of bed today? Good job! You ate a full meal? I'm so proud of you! You did anything today? You're doing great! Bye bye now, and until next time, (Y/N) and Arisu... out!" You said, turning off the stream.
You let out a happy sigh, walking over to the bed. "Come on Ari~!" You sang patting the bed. He smiled, walking next to you. You grabbed the switch next to your bed, on the black nightstand. He sat on the bed in front  of you. You pulled him down, laying his head between your thighs, and handed him the switch. He looked up to the ceiling, and then up to your face. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Hm? I like you there. I can play with your hair," you said. He sighed happily, pressing a quick kiss to the inside of your thigh. You giggled. He started playing a game on the switch as you played with his hair, braiding tiny parts of it, and unbraiding them.
A few hours later, you were still in the same position. "Aren't you tired of being there? Do you want to do something else?" You asked, wondering if there was anything he would want to do. Your previous boyfriends would usually not even lay in between your legs like this. But, then again, your previous boyfriends were all douche bags who were embarrassed to be with you. "Not really. I could spend hours between your legs," he said, a bit of a suggestive smile working it's way onto his face. You blushed slightly, seeing the hidden meaning behind his words. You hit the top of his head lightly. "Arisu... don't be a perv," you giggled. He turned onto his stomach, leaning his head onto your thigh, his hand squishing the other. You laughed, seeing him love a part of your body you had been insecure about. "I'm not. Well... I am. But, I could. In both ways. When I say hours, I mean hours," he said.
You smiled, knowing he had no ulterior motives with his words. He wasn't the kind to flatter you just to get a quick fuck. He cared about you, and his words, while having a double meaning, weren't meant to butter you up. They were his genuine feelings.
He got up, bringing himself up to kiss you. You gladly accepted, kissing him back. He closed his eyes, the feeling of pure bliss he got by just being with you taking over his body. His warm hands cupped your face gently as he brought you closer. You smiled into the kiss, breaking away. Your forehead rested on his, your lips centimeters apart. "I love you. So much," you muttered. He could feel your words on his lips. He loved being so close to you. "I love you too. More than the stars in the night sky," he whispered back, opening his eyes to look into yours. You let out a shaky breath. He meant his words. "Let's test your words?" You suggested. His eyes widened. "Which ones? Because I promise anything I've said, I've meant. I've only told you the truth," he said, brushing back a strand of your (Dark/Light) hair that had fallen into your face. His hand rested on your cheek, and you leaned into his hand. "I don't doubt your words, 'Risu. Really, I know you mean them... and... how about we test your words of being able to spend-" you started, his face already turning red. You smirked, a teasing flint in your eyes. He knew the world of possibilities when you started to tease. You loved playing games, after all. But, so did he. Your competitions were always equally matched. You didn't need to finish your sentence. He already knew. "I'd... I'd like to test my words on that too."
I tried, I might have failed. Sorry it's so short!
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 4 years
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Reader x Dad!Tony Stark
Reader x Avengers
Warnings: idk, sad?? Then fluff
Alright well this probably sucks, but here goes: it’s Y/N’s sweet 16 and almost no one remembers, that’s about it as far as the plot goes.
F/B = favorite band, F/F = favorite fandom, F/C = favorite color, Y/B/D = your birth date
Y/N was on cloud 9. She hadn’t known it was possible to feel this great so early in the morning, but it was. It was her birthday, her second favorite day of the year, (Christmas came first) and she couldn’t be more excited.
She had already received several presents this morning, courtesy of Peter, who had delivered presents from several of her friends in his neighborhood while he was patrolling.
Thus far she had received the most adorable stuffed bear she had ever seen from Ned, (and of course the bear was dressed in a little Star Wars t-shirt, because, Ned) MJ had gotten her a book she’d been wanting, and texted her to remind her she was even closer to dying (MJ had a weird view on birthdays), and Peter himself had gotten her a collection of t-shirts: one from F/B, one from F/F, and—Peter has found this one rather amusing—a Spider-Man t-shirt. He made her promise to flaunt it in front of her father, too, saying maybe if she did that he’d get jealous and buy her an Iron Man t-shirt, so it was a win-win all around.
Y/N couldn’t wait to find out what her father had planned for her. Being the daughter of Tony Stark meant that birthdays would be filled with way too many presents and the biggest party of the year. Part of her—ok, most of her—wished that her birthdays could be a bit more simple, but she loved watching how happy her father was when he got to spoil her, and she loved that every year on her birthday he made sure to spend the entire day with her, no matter what.
Y/N quickly got dressed in one of her favorite outfits, jean shorts and a F/F t-shirt (her other favorite was a F/C dress, but she didn’t feel like getting too dressed up today, she wanted to be comfortable), and practically skipped over to the elevator. She knew the first event on the birthday schedule would be pancakes, compliments of her father, which was very special. Tony Stark never, ever cooked, except that one day a year when he rolled up his sleeves and made birthday breakfast pancakes. They were always oddly shaped, with weird lumps in them, but Y/N loved the tradition anyway.
Y/N was confused when she arrived in the kitchen and saw it completely vacant. Wasn’t her dad awake yet? He always got up a little earlier on her birthday to make sure they had plenty of time together, so where was he?
Barely had the thought crossed her mind when she heard her father’s voice in the living room
“...are you sure? Alright, I’ll call you back later then.”
Y/N rushed to the living room just as Tony Stark got off the phone.
“Hey babygirl,” he greeted and kissed her forehead “you’re up early. What are your plans for today.”
Y/N felt her heart drop like a stone. He...he didn’t remember?
She struggled to keep her voice steady as she replied.
“Not-not much, you?” Maybe he was just messing with her, just joking as usual. He wouldn’t forget.
“I have a meeting in Paris with some execs at Stark Industries, really boring stuff but Pep says I have to go. I’ll be back tomorrow night though.”
Y/N fought hard against the tears that had begun to gather behind her eyes. He really had forgotten, and he would be gone all day.
She probably should remind him, that would fix everything, he’d drop absolutely everything and apologize a million times and the day would go back to normal. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
She didn’t know why, but she felt too embarrassed to bring the subject up. She hated being the center of attention, and she hated making her father feel bad, and reminding him that he had forgotten his daughter’s sixteenth birthday would make both of those things happen. Besides, she didn’t want him to drop all of his important business just for her. It was just a stupid day.
Before she could stop it, a tear slipped down her cheek and dripped off her chin. Her father hadn’t seen it, however, because he had turned and stepped into the elevator. He had his important meeting to get to after all.
With one last smile and wave, Tony Stark disappeared.
A few more tears slid down Y/N’s face, but she quickly wiped them away when she heard approaching footsteps.
“Morning kiddo,” Bruce greeted with a grin. “Where’s your dad?”
“He—um...he went out,” she muttered. “He’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Alright,” Bruce nodded and walked into the kitchen, and Y/N felt her heart sink even further. Bruce had forgotten too.
She didn’t want to mope, not on her birthday, but she was also pretty bad at cheering herself up. She’d just need some help.
She saw her first opportunity when Steve walked sleepily into the living room. Steve was both the best cuddler and the best tickler on the team, the perfect way to cheer her up. But if she wanted to be tickled she’d have to annoy him a bit, that always got him to tickle her.
“Hey Stevie,” she greeted with a grin, stepping up onto the couch and using it as a stepping stool to jump onto his back. He grunted at the impact, and turned his head to glare at her.
“Y/N, go annoy someone else, I’m not in the mood,” he snapped, and she pushed back the hurt at learning that yet another teammate had forgotten her birthday.
“Ignore Captain Mcgrumpypants, he got back from a mission at four a.m,” Clint announced as he walked into the room. Had no one remembered her birthday?
“Stevie I’m bored,” Y/N whined, jumping off his back and poking him in the chest.
He moved away from her, scowling. “Then go find someone else to bug.”
“But you’re the most fun to bug!” She insisted, poking him again.
He shoved her hand away. “Y/N, I swear, touch me one more time and I-“
Y/N grinned, mistaking his grumpy tone for the usual joking threat. She was so close to getting tickled. She poked him yet again, hard in the center of his chest.
Steve shoved her back harshly, and it was then she realized that he hadn’t been kidding around, he really was angry with her.
“Y/N, I mean it! Grow the heck up and leave me ALONE!” He was standing in front of her now, using his height as an advantage to tower over her. She had never felt quite this small before.
“Steve I just-“
“I’ve had ENOUGH of your childish antics, you’re too old to be running around and acting like a two-year old, now stop it!”
Y/N couldn’t hold back the whimper that bubbled up in her throat as tears streamed down her face.
Upon seeing her reaction, the anger almost immediately faded from Steve’s eyes, but it was too late.
“Y/N-“ he began, but she had already disappeared up the stairs.
“Oh nice going Steve,” Clint scoffed.
Y/N threw herself down on her bed and began to cry into her pillow, hugging it tightly. She hadn’t meant to upset Steve, she just wanted to have a little fun.
She didn’t understand. Why didn’t anyone remember her birthday? Why had Steve gotten so mad at her? What had she done wrong to make today go so horribly?
One thing was for sure. This was the worst birthday ever.
“JARVIS, what time is it?” Tony Stark asked as he went over his notes for the upcoming meeting.
“It is 3:27, Saturday, Y/B/D, sir,” the AI responded.
Tony froze. Had he heard that right?
“You...you said it was Y/B/D?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark.”
Tony moaned. It was Y/N’s birthday! How had he not known?!
“Clint spilled coffee all over your calendar three weeks ago, that’s how,” Tony muttered to himself. He hadn’t looked at the date in forever, and he’d forgotten to set a reminder on his phone.
Tony groaned. That was such a lame excuse. He shouldn’t always need a reminder or a calendar to remember his kid’s birthday. He should’ve kept track!
“JARVIS, cancel my meeting and turn this bird around,” he demanded, doing calculations in his head. He had left at 9 a.m, meaning he should get home a little before 10. He would still be there for a little bit of his little girl’s birthday.
“JARVIS, call all of Y/N’s friends and-“
“Mr. Stark, I believe Y/N would be much happier if she was just able to spend time with you,” his AI responded.
Tony stopped. Maybe JARVIS was onto something.
“Hey, where’s the birthday girl?” Everyone in the living room froze when they heard Bucky’s question.
“The what?” Steve asked, but he already knew.
“Oh don’t tell me you guys forgot,” Bucky groaned. “It’s Y/N’s birthday! So where is she?”
All eyes slowly turned to Steve, and the guilt already torturing him doubled. Why has he been such a jerk to her?
“Upstairs in her room,” Steve muttered.
“Alright, I’ll go get-“
“No,” Steve interrupted. “I have to get her.”
Y/N had finally stopped the flood of tears when she heard a gentle knock on the door.
“Y/N?” Steve. Of course.
“Go away!” Her voice came out quiet and muffled because of the pillow still pressed against her face.
“I’m coming in,” he announced, and Y/N was surprised when the door opened. She lifted her head from the pillow.
“JARVIS!” She whined. “You were supposed to keep him out!”
“I’m sorry miss, but it seemed like it would be better if you listened to what Captain Rogers has to say.”
“Traitor,” she mumbled, dropping her head back onto her pillow.
“Hey,” Steve said gently, sitting down next to Y/N. She ignored him.
He sighed. He wasn’t that good with awkward silence.
Slowly, he began to sing happy birthday.
“Stop it,” she interrupted, her voice thick. He sighed
“Y/N I’m sorry.”
“Who told you it was my birthday?”
“Bucky. I’m sorry I forgot.”
Y/N sniffled. “It’s fine. You’re not the only one.”
Steve froze, realizing he hadn’t seen Tony all day. “Your dad too?”
“Yeah,” Steve could tell she had started to cry again. He pulled her gently away from her pillow and into his lap, and she cried softly against his chest.
“I’m sorry I annoyed you,” she whispered.
“Don’t apologize. I should never have yelled at you.”
“It’s ok.”
“Captain Rogers, you’re wanted downstairs,” JARVIS announced.
“I’ll be right back,” Steve promised, kissing her forehead.
Steve was surprised when he reached the bottom of the stairs and was greeted by none other than Tony Stark.
“How is she?” Tony asked.
“Sad. But she’ll get over it, especially if you get up there,” Steve assured.
“Great,” Tony started up the stairs, but Steve stopped him.
“Please, no huge parties. I don’t think she would want that right now.”
Tony merely grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ve got it all worked out. Go to the living room and you’ll see,” and with that Tony disappeared up the stairs.
“JARVIS, please don’t let anyone else in,” Y/N muttered. She didn’t feel much like being happy anymore. The only thing that could make her feel better was-
“Babygirl open the door.”
Y/N froze. No way. He was back?!
“JARVIS let him in!”
“But miss you-“
Instead of a response, the door clicked and Tony entered.
“Hey kiddo,” he said quietly.
“Dad,” she didn’t even care anymore that he forgot her birthday, she was just glad to see him.
“Commere babygirl,” Tony hugged her tightly, and she smiled. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. Everyone else forgot too.”
“But I shouldn’t have. C’mon, let’s go downstairs,” Tony stood, pulling Y/N along.
“Dad, there’s not a big party down there is there?”
Tony laughed softly. “Just come down.”
Y/N grinned when she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“You like it?” Tony asked.
“Are you kidding? This is great!” Y/N ran over to the huge table in the back of the living room, filled with about a dozen different kinds of ice cream and way too much candy. She turned and saw a pile of presents in the corner, and next to it a stack of dvds.
“Tonight we’re gonna open presents, eat ice cream, and binge watch every Star Wars movie,” Tony promised with a grin.
“Every one?” Steve whispered, and Nat elbowed him.
Y/N hugged Tony. “Thank you!”
He grinned. “You’re welcome baby girl.”
“But there’s one thing we have to do first,” she announced, wandering over to the couch.
“And what’s that?” Bucky questioned.
Y/N grinned and snatched up a pillow, swinging it hard at Bucky’s face, “pillow fight!”
Best. Birthday. Ever.
The End
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excelsi-or · 4 years
17/01/19 - jealous (woozi)
to a boy i love right now
w.c. 2.1k (lol longer than i thought)
A/N: who doesn’t love a jealous woozi?
December 27/28/29, 2018
January 17, 2019
She rolls her eyes at Taehyung’s dumb expression, a smile on her face despite her exasperation. “Stop. We really need to finish this report.”
“We’ve been here for hours,” Taehyung whines, his chin dropping to the table. “We’ve read so many papers. Are you even retaining anything?”
“Not a matter of retaining, it’s a matter of getting it on the page.”
Taehyung huffs. “All I’m saying is that maybe we should call it a day.” He motions out the library window. “It’s dark out.”
She sighs, conceding to his point. Their formal lab report was taking longer than either of them expected. With all the references that the professor wanted to back up their evidence, their eyes were starting to go cross-eyed. And to be fair, she’d lost focus long before Taehyung had.
As they exit the school library, Taehyung promises that he’ll get the conclusion done by Friday morning so they can go over it on Saturday.
“No, no,” she snorts. “Done by Thursday morning so we can look over it Friday and hand it in by midnight.”
“Right,” he chuckles. “I’m just teasing.”
They’re about to part ways, as she’s planning to meet Jihoon. “So I’ll see you in class tomorrow? As in are you planning on showing up?”
“Missing me in microbi?” Taehyung snorts. “I’m sure Chim is keeping you company.”
“Since Ara came along, that man isn’t talking to anyone else in that class.”
Taehyung smiles wide and she slows for the pathway to the music building. From this distance, she can see Jihoon locking up.
“So you are missing me,” Taehyung chuckles.
She waves her goodbyes and turns to Jihoon when he saunters up. His eyes watch Taehyung’s retreating figure as he heads towards the parking lot. Taehyung is one of those lucky students that has his own vehicle. Jihoon gives her a once over, but says nothing.
“You ready to go?” she asks him, adjusting her backpack straps.
Jihoon offers his hand, but remains mute; which is fine. It tends to happen when Jihoon hasn’t slept much. With graduation looming, he’s been skimping on sleep. She thinks that his trip down to Busan has also sapped a lot of his energy. From all the stories he returned with, it didn’t sound as if the man had had much time to rest. So she fills the silence for the both of them, talking about how the work session with Taehyung had gone and how much of an idiot he is for skipping classes.
“Least he shows up to lab every week,” she mutters. They get off at her bus stop. Seungkwan has been raving about his mom’s food that she’d sent. His mom’s made so much that Seungkwan is inviting everyone over to share.
She’s pretty sure she and Jihoon are the last to arrive.
“Are you okay?” she asks him as they get into the elevator. Jihoon’s a quiet man, but he’s unusually quiet tonight.
Jihoon squeezes her fingers and rests his head on hers as they watch the floors light up.
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“Are you and hyung fighting?” Seungkwan asks after everyone’s gone home. Hansol insisted on staying the night. He’s made himself comfy on the couch and refuses to get up anymore. She brings Seungkwan a stack of dirty plates.
“No, why?”
“I don’t know. You guys weren’t acting like you usually do.”
She stops from collecting the cups together. With rapid-fire speed, she breezes through the night. Jihoon had been distant most of the night, but also hadn’t really left her side. If anything, he’d been more touchy than usual, his hand always on her somewhere even when they were playing board games.
Hansol groans from his spot on the couch, stretching his arms over his head. He curls around a couch pillow. “Seungkwanie is just overanalyzing again.”
“He wasn’t his usual annoying self. That’s all I’m saying,” Seungkwan says.
She passes him the cups over the counter. Resting her chin in her hands, she frowns. “I didn’t really notice anything and he hasn’t said anything.”
“Well, that’s good,” Seungkwan replies quickly. “I just wanted to make sure.”
“I think we’re good.”
“You know best.” Seungkwan’s voice is definitive. “If nothing’s wrong, nothing’s wrong.”
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Except maybe Seungkwan wasn’t wrong. After dinner at their apartment, Jihoon has been near unreachable. He responds to texts if she sends them, but each time she extends an invitation for dinner, the man claims he’s busy. From what she’s learned of Jihoon the last four months is that he likes the idea of relationships, but struggles with actually having them. So it’s been a learning curve for her to figure out where the boundaries are and what boundaries Jihoon will let her cross.
At this point in time, she wonders if Jihoon’s keeping his distance to reflect on their relationship. A lot of her friends were still in the honeymoon phase nearly a year in, so four months feels extremely soon to be reevaluating. But Jihoon has proven time and time again to be doing this relationship differently. So she knows that once he’s ready to come find her, he will.
“Taehyung, focus!” she laughs. “You asked me to help you study and you’re being impossible.”
Taehyung grins at her and adjusts himself in his seat, leaning forward to demonstrate that he’s listening. She shows him the molecule again and explains how there are two sigma d symmetry planes.
He stares hard at her drawing, but she recognizes that there is no understanding there. So she pulls out the Play-Doh, something that she figured would also help his focus. She passes him the purple-lidded tub. Then she pulls out a handful of toothpicks.
“It’s easier to make the molecule and since the set is expensive, I found this cheap alternative works too.”
Taehyung is already busy making a tiny snowman, but rather than scolding him again, she uses the small balls he’s made to use as atoms. Once he’s made enough, she shows him the molecule in 3D. His jaw drops.
“Oh my god, I can see it now!” He takes it from her and rotates it so that they’re looking down the plane. “You’re a literal genius.”
She snorts. “Genius, no. Decent teacher and patient friend, yeah.”
Taehyung rests his face against her arm and she pats his head. “This is game changing.”
“It is. So let’s do the other ones.”
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When they leave the café, Taehyung asks, “So how’s your boyfriend?”
“Jihoon? He’s good.” Probably.
Taehyung smiles his kilowatt smile. “That’s good. Jungkook keeps suggesting a double date since apparently I rave about how fun studying with you is.”
She throws her head back with a laugh. “I’ll mention it to Ji next time I see him.”
He offers to walk her home since the café is near her place. She doesn’t argue, as she’s missed having someone walk her home. She hadn’t realized how accustomed to Jihoon she’d gotten until she had started making the bus ride home on her own again. It made all the dark alleys a little bit darker.
“How’s all his music going? I know Yoongi hyung was at his wit’s end near graduation.”
She shrugs. “Ji’s good under pressure. He’ll suddenly whip up four songs without blinking. Real genius at work.”
“Speak of the devil,” Taehyung says as they wander up to her apartment. Sitting on the front steps is Jihoon. Taehyung smiles at the man, but Jihoon barely musters anything in return. Taehyung shoots her a pitying smile, which must mean that he assumes Jihoon’s exhausted.
But she knows that look on Jihoon’s face. He’s mad.
Taehyung wraps an arm around her shoulders. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
She hugs him back and nods. “Yes, because you’re showing up to class.”
“I’m showing up to class,” he promises. He waves over his shoulder.
“Text me when you’re home!”
“Shall do!”
Then she turns to her angry boyfriend. He’s not mad very often, but the tightness in his jaw and the dark circles under his eyes tells her he’s also sleep deprived.
She stands there, hands on the straps of her backpack. Jihoon’s eyes are on his hands and she waits him out. Jihoon doesn’t waste words when he’s angry.
But they wind up sitting in silence for so long that her fingers start to go numb. She buries her hands in her pockets and studies him. If anger were visible, she can imagine ripples of anger on his spine.
“You’re mad,” she finally states.
Jihoon’s eyes lift to hers.
“It’s keeping you up at the studio all night.”
He waits.
“And you’ve stopped answering my texts all together, so it’s probably my fault you’re mad.”
Her mind whirs. He’s gonna make her work for it. He’s cut off communication for about a week and a half. A few days before that, she’d told him that she was going to study with—
“You’re jealous, Lee Jihoon.”
Jihoon frowns and looks away, his jaw clenching again.
Tentatively, she takes a few steps towards him and takes a seat. She leaves space between them, because she knows that Jihoon fires off if he’s angry enough. They haven’t had enough arguments for her to gauge how angry he is right now.
“Is that why you’re avoiding me? Because of Taehyung?”
“I wanted to think,” he mumbles. His voice comes out gravelly as if he hasn’t really used it much.
“And what have you been thinking about?”
“That maybe…”
She holds a hand up to stop him. “If the thought was that I’d run off with beautiful Taehyung, then Ji, you have nothing to worry about.”
“How do I have nothing to worry about?” he exclaims. Jihoon turns to her, his eyes sharp and his hair falling messily out of his face. She wants to run her hands through it desperately, but now is not the time. “He’s tall and good looking and your type.”
She blinks in surprise at the last part. “My type? I didn’t know I had a type.” She smiles slightly. “And if I had one, it’s you, Ji.”
This seems to stun him. She quickly explains. “Taehyung is beautiful, in all sense of the word. I like him; he’s a good friend to have around. But Taehyung is a lot of maintenance.” Jihoon sits up a bit straighter as she talks. “But I adore you, Lee Jihoon.” They’ve been dancing around the ‘L’ word, neither of them quite ready to drop it, but feeling it all the same. She’s put off by the weight of it; he’s scared of the commitment in it.
“I adore you and that’s not going to change just because a beautiful man breezes through my life.” Gently, she reaches for his hand and he lets her intertwine their fingers. “I have you, my own perfectly beautiful human, to entertain me.”
Jihoon snorts at the phrasing. “I’m a play thing?”
“Mm, but you don’t care, do you?” she teases.
Jihoon sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I just… I don’t like feeling as if I’m competing for your attention.”
“Then tell me what you want, Ji.” Jihoon tilts his head at the request. “I’m testing boundaries with you. If you know what you want, tell me.”
“I… what I really want is for you to stop talking to him.” From her expression, he quickly adds, “But I know that’s not fair. I don’t know what I want. I want…” He lets the end of the sentence hang in the air.
She brings the back of his hand to her lips and she gets up, her bum already numb. “Are you gonna come in?”
“Seungkwan home?” Jihoon stands.
“He’s home,” she confirms.
Jihoon nods and lets her lead him into the apartment. His arms wrap around her waist in the elevator, his head knocking back into the wall. “You’re getting into bed when we get upstairs,” she tells him.
Jihoon hums.
Her hand disentangles them and she tugs him after her to the door.
“Seungkwanie!” she calls, though the man is sitting at their dining table. “Ji’s here.”
“Hi hyung!”
Jihoon grumbles a response and heads straight for her room. Seungkwan watches him shuffle across the room and the light doesn’t turn on when he goes inside. Seungkwan glances back at her. “It’s only 6:30.”
“He hasn’t been sleeping,” she informs him. She places her backpack in the chair directly across from him. “Apparently we were fighting.”
Seungkwan lifts a curious eyebrow.
“Resolved now, but he’s been fighting all alone. I didn’t even know.”
Seungkwan rolls his eyes. “Couples. I’ll never understand.”
“Don’t worry, Seungkwanie, I don’t either.”
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Next: January 24, 2019 
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studiopoprocks · 5 years
Can you do Kirishima Fluff alphabet? I didn't see one and the master list and Kiri is such a cute boi
Kirishima Eijirou Fluff Alphabet
Totally agree! Kiri deserves the best! Thanks for requesting again @ash-the-lover ❤️❤️
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A - Affection (How do they show how much they care in their day to day lives)
Kiri is always by your side, encouraging you and complimenting you. He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it half the time, just stating how you could totally bet up someone, even without your quirk. He’s kinda just a very calm hype man. Or maybe a puppy? Probably both cuz when you’re cuddling he always talks about how you’re the comfiest person alive, especially since he’s so jagged.
B - Before (How did they act before the relationship/ what was the relationship like?)
He was still as supportive as he is now, however this boy was a hot mess. He would always get tongue tied, or stumble over his works when he was around you. It wasn’t anything extreme, but he was always there if you needed someone. Even if that someone needed a little more confidence around you. He got better with the BakuSquads help though!
C - Comfort (How they act when their S/O is sad)
He’s honestly so good at calming you down. He’ll talk slowly and just try to get you to feel better before asking what’s wrong. If you don’t want to talk about it, he’s going to be precistant, but not in a pushy way or anything. He just hates seeing you sad, and will do everything in his power to make you feel better. If you don’t tell him, you better expect loads of favours and gifts. That shirt you said was cute two months ago, hey look what he found on sale! You have a craving for chocolate, well it just so happens he has multiple different kinds.
D - Dawn (What are mornings like?)
He’s the kinda person to wake up and go, so you’ve developed the same habit. Every morning you wake up to your alarm, playing some sort of music from the radio, and help eachother get ready. You focus more on eachother then yourselves, and end up preparing the others toothbrush and handing them off at the same time. It’s a weird dynamic but it works.
E - Embarrassed (How does their S/O make them flustered? How do they return the favour?)
It’s always fun to see Eijirou as red as his hair, and honesty it’s a hard thing to do. It took quite a while to find his weak point, and in that time he had found at least 3 of yours. In his defence, he didn’t do them often, and it usually consisted in private. His weakness however, was when you whisper into his ear. It was a late night you first found out, as you quietly told him you loved him, and Denki pointed it out. But like him, you don’t do it often.
F - First date (Were did you go and what did you do for your first date together)
Kiri had so many ideas, however he honestly didn’t think that you would return his feelings. “Of course!” “Okay, I thought I would try at least- wait you said yes!” Asked you to go on a date right on the spot. You’re first official date had been sparing, then heading out to dinner. But hey, you got to see him shirtless and all dressed up in the delightful span 3 hours, so you just ignored how sweaty you were from training.
G - Gentle (How Gentle are they with their S/O? Or do they like to rough house with them?)
Yes you spar together, but other then that he treats you with such softness you start to question his quirk. If you initiate rough housing though, better expect him to not hold back. He’s such a cheat, and will start kissing your cheeks once he’s gotten you in some kind of hold, just as insurance as so you won’t escape.
H - Habit (What do they repeatally do in the relationship?)
Kiri just likes being around you. There’s been a couple times where you’ve randomly caught him staring at you. Sometimes even in your conversations you have to double check if he’s even listening to you. 97% of the time he is. Whenever you question it, he’ll conpliment you on whatever he was staring at. Staring at your ears? It’s cuz they are so cute! Staring at your hair? He wants to play with it cuz it looks so soft. Looking at your lips? Wants to kiss you.
I - Intreating (What do they find fascinating about their S/O? And vise versa?)
Although he finds it interesting, he does get a little worried. You have this thing where you aren’t scared of quirks, evident when you gave him a surprise hug with his quirk actived. He instantly stilled, scared any movement would cut up your delicate skin. It’s actually pretty adorable that he gets worried, he never wants to be something that hurts you. After the incident he made you promise never to sneak up on him like that ever again.
J - Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous, and how do they deal with it)
Kirishima is a friendly person, so he gives people the benefit of the doubt. He tries not to let his jealousy interfere with you making friends, especially with guys. But he’s always watching, making sure they don’t cross a line. Good lord help the poor souls who’ve witnessed kiri’s 180 personality swap. He’s cold, and ruthless, using manipulation and glares to rid you of pests
K - Knick Knack (A random momento they still have from their S/O)
‘You rock my world!’ you laughed when you gave him a small rock that was in the perfect heart shape. Such an adorablely silly line, pierced his heart. It was during one of your first dates, and you honestly never thought he’d keep it, however the ring he proposes with is in the same shape as the little heart. You gave him a rock, and he gave you one in return. Except yours cost a lot more
L - Location (Favourite place to go on dates)
He likes going to the movies, but his favourite place is in the living room in a giant blanket fort that incomapsses the TV. Sure going out is nice, but having you in your Pjs, half asleep as you snuggle into him after a long day is Heaven! Plus it always reminds him of your first date at the movies, and gets to relive that wounderful moment just with the two of you.
M - Movie (What cliché movie trope has actually happened in the relationship?)
Blind date! Obviously the BakuSquad set you both up on a blind date. Both you and Kirishima were against it, due to unknowingly likening one another, but hey, you were getting a free movie out of it so why not? When you saw it was the red head, you were overjoyed. The date even lasted double the amount of time it was supposed to, neither of you wanted to leave.
N - Nickname (What do they call their S/O?)
What he calls his S/O:
‘Little ray’ (of sunshine.)
‘Cheater!’ (Kissing isn’t aloud during sparing🤷‍♀️)
What you call him:
‘Soft boi’
‘Babe’ (you both use this one)
O - On Cloud Nine (How they act when they are in love/ Is it obvious to everyone around them?)
That beautiful smile is always on kiri’s face whenever your mentioned. Although he’s very cool and collected, that upbeat attitude can’t be missed. Even Fatgum called him out on it once, after a particularly happy outburst. You both influence eachother so much, it’s a joy to be around you and your boyfriend, and your lovely dovey atmosphere.
P - PDA (Do they like showing off their s/o, or are a little shy to kiss in public)
Even before you were dating, people mistook you for a couple. It’s never anything gag worthy, but it’s definitely there. Usually hand holding, staying close to eachother, hugs, and honesty just some good Christian PDA. Neither of you are even fazed by it anymore, it’s just something that you do everyday, and it’s definitely contributing to the hype of your relationship.
Q - Quirk (A random ability they have, that’s helpful in a relationship)
Softest hard boy. Eijirou’s heart is like clay, and he’ll always be empithetic with any of your problems, no matter how small. Because of this, he’ll always be there for you, having an emergency feel better pack ready at all times. Including favourite food, movies, and soft blankets. He’s really open, and will never try to hurt you.
R - Rearly (Something they love to do, but it doesn’t happen often)
You and Kirishima are busy people, plus it’s hard to get vacation time. You two love traveling, even if it’s just to the next city over. It’s nice not having to deal with responsibilities, and just get to treat yourself without feeling guilty. Plus you two are terrible influences on eachother, so your trips are usually impulse decisions. Still tons of fun though.
S - Special (Something that only them and their S/O do together)
Build blankets forts! Whenever Kiri is feeling self conscious about his quirk, you best bet you’ll be making a fort. The construction layout takes his mind off of everything, and it’s always worth it in the end when you get to play games and watch movies/YouTube together under the messy jungle of funiture and blankets. Remember to get Eijirou to let his hair down, don’t want it getting caught on the roof.
T - Together (How often do they spend time with their S/O?)
Now don’t get me wrong, ​Eijiro loves you lots. But he’s a super friendly person, meaning he may devide his attention up a bit more. You would still get most of it, and if you asked him to spend more time with you, he would drop everything at the slightest meantion of it.
U - United (In which way does the relationship become a whole? Marriage?)
Honestly you didn’t even realize it. It just felt so natural to be around eachother, that I would dare say you became whole once you started dating. You never really had that awkward faze, which allowed you both to keep growing with eachother. Kiri definitely wants to get married and have kids + a dog, but he’s content on how your life is right now.
V - Value (What do they treasure the most in their relationship?)
To him, your his rock (hehehe). With everything happening so fast with school, then hero work, and all the attacks, he’s so happy that you’re the one thing that never changes. He loves your comforting sent whenever he gets to spend the last bits of the day cuddling on the couch. Just sitting and enjoying one another’s company, the only thing that stayed the same in your hectic lives.
W - Wish (What do they hope will come from the relationship?)
He’s just happy to be with you. He’s so cute that his only wish for your relationship is that it stays forever. Eijirou isn’t a selfish person, so if he could just be a little greedy in hoping to have you by his side, so be it. That literally all he wants, everything else is a wonderful bonus.
X - XOXO (Favourite types of kisses and hugs)
He’s a sucker for sparing affection. Both of you going one on one, and somehow one of you would pin the other down. Either you straddling his hips, or his knees pinning down your legs. Every time without fail, one of you would lean in for a kiss. Just kinda laying there as you two make out. Hugs usually happen after sparing, as it’s probably not the best idea with kiri’s quirk activated. Wrap your arms around his neck and he’ll be like putty.
Y - Yearning (How do they cope when they're missing their partner?)
People can always tell when your on a trip or something based on your boyfriend. He probably doesn’t realize, but he’s never as energetic and happy without you. His mind is pledged with a disease called ‘I miss my S/O’. Side effects include: spacing out in class, half hearted laughs, accidentally buying two drinks, only to realize your gone, and getting sad that your drink is with him and not you.
Z - Zeal (Will they go great lengths for the sake of the relationship? What kind?)
Kiri almost broke a guy’s arm after he cat called you once. When it comes to you, he won’t do anything too illegal, but he sure as hell will rough them up a bit. What can I say, he spends a lot of time with Bakugo, he’s bound to pick up some tendencies. And one of them is being overly protective to the point of taking this vet seriously. If someone may you cry, they better be catching the first plane outta here.
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kumeko · 4 years
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A/N: For the Chaldeas Grand Road Trip Zine (on Twitter)! The basic premise was to write diary entries from Mash’s PoV, talking about her worldwide vacation (with Senpai and all the servants, of course!). I got assigned the Food section (did they know I’m a glutton? XD). I tried to inject the premise in the story, so it should be understandable even without reading the others/seeing the pictures.
Summary: Dear Diary, I never knew the world could be so big. That it could have so many people and places and things to do. It’s one thing to fight your way across a singularity, another to take the time to enjoy yourself. I think I like having a vacation. From, Mash
Road Trip Day: X
There are so many things to see and do in the world! I mean, I knew that before we went on vacation; traveling with Senpai to the singularities showed me that much. You can’t go to Rome, Egypt, or cross the entire United States without realizing that. But most of our journey was spent fighting monsters and servants; we’re so busy saving the world we didn’t really get time to explore.
 Well, I did explore little, but you can't tell Senpai that. Not that you can, you're just a digital log entry…I'll just have to make sure Senpai doesn't see this myself. They can't know I gave anything less than 100% to helping them out, no matter how interesting the winding roads were.  
 Now that we aren’t in a hurry, I’ve just realized how big the world is. Normally we’re running from place to place (or being catapulted from place to place, I really hope we don’t do that again) and with a Servant’s speed, it didn’t take that long to cross entire countries. The cars we’re using now are slower; Da Vinci said she wanted a leisurely trip. Every time I look out the window, the scenery is so different—I never knew there could be so many different kinds of cities or even trees. Every time I blink, I miss something.
Last night, Da Vinci pulled out a map and put pins on all the places we’ve gone to. Amazingly, that’s just a tiny fraction of the world! One day, I would like to see every city on that map. With Senpai, of course. I wonder if they like travelling? Ishtar happened to be floating by and she declared we needed to eat out more often. I think Romani was trying to save money by having Emiya cook. When I told her that, she snorted and said we had royalty and gods with us, so money wasn’t an issue. (I don’t think that’s true.) She also said that no matter how good a cook Emiya was, we needed to try new things. Later, I’ll tell Emiya that a goddess complimented his cooking. I’m sure that’ll make him happy!
 Funnily enough, Hokusai poked her head in and agreed with Ishtar. She pulled out these little sculptures she’d made (I guess she’s not only a painter) and placed them on the board at the places she wanted to visit. Apparently, Paris is a great place to eat. And to pick up women, but I’m sure Senpai won’t do that.
 Well, even if Senpai did, they have their hands full with all of us. I’m not sure it was a great idea to go on vacation with every servant, but Senpai didn’t want to leave anyone behind. They’re really admirable but I’m worried about their health. It must be exhausting keeping us all around. I’ll have to make sure to keep an eye out for them. Maybe one day I can pay them back, impress them like they’ve impressed me.
 The little figurines Hokusai made are really cute! There’s one for the Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower, and the Pyramids. Shuten put down one that was shaped like a wine glass on Italy and said we had to go there. Italy is filled with many, many vineyards and “we can’t miss even one delectable ambrosia,” as she put it. Excited, Da Vinci started booking some tours, but Romani quickly vetoed the whole thing. I think he regretted saying anything immediately, since all four servants glared at him.
 Now that I’m remembering it, I might have to protect him. Shuten is an assassin, after all.
 When we started talking about food, it was funny how red Ishtar got after all of her suggestions. Apparently, she really wanted to eat burgers. The second she said that, she looked at everyone like she was waiting to be insulted, saying that she knew a goddess shouldn’t eat such poor food. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it myself.
Shuten said she wanted to have some Baijiu. Romani started to point out that it was alcohol too but the second she looked at him, he shut up…
 I am definitely checking up on him when I’m done writing. Maybe Senpai and I can sleep with him tonight, just to make sure nothing happens.
 “Obviously, I’ll have pasta,” Da Vinci said, but I’m pretty sure she’s going to find a way to go to those vineyards. Houksai said she was fine eating anywhere there were beautiful people so she wanted to go to a runway in Milan to eat. Maybe we’ll get to see a fashion show too, that would be really interesting!
 It’s funny, but Archer is such a good cook, I sometimes forget that even he can’t cook everything. Even with Tamano Cat and some of the other servants pitching in to help, there are a lot of dishes we don’t get at Chaldea. I think I want to try eating some of the curries in India; we don’t really get spicy food that often. Hopefully, my tongue won’t burn too much.
 I wonder what Senpai wants to eat?
  Road Trip Day: X
Remember that map I talked about before? Well, we got to fulfill Ishtar’s dreams first! America’s huge, far bigger than any of the other countries we’ve been to. I should have expected that when we criss-crossed the country before, for that singularity, but there’s something still very impressive about it. Every place here looks so different from one another and somehow they all fit in one country! And the roads are so long, somehow we can go for hours without seeing a major city.
 Anyways, when we stopped for lunch today, we got burgers. Emiya wrinkled his nose when we entered, but he didn’t say anything. I think he’s feeling a little jealous these days since he hasn’t had to cook much. When we get back, I’ll make sure to ask him for food.
 The restaurant was a big place, with plenty of booths to sit in, but no place is big enough to fit all of us in it. Artoria practically dashed to the counter and immediately ordered every burger on the menu. Senpai looked at the queue of sabers and said that we should take turns, so the place wasn’t entirely overwhelmed. Considering how much Camelot’s King eats, in all of her forms, I thought Senpai’s plan was doomed to fail from the start. Don’t tell Senpai that, though. They’re trying their best to make sure we all have an equally fun vacation.
 Despite Senpai’s suggestion, Mordred joined the queue of Artorias, looking really happy that she could eat with her fathers. I wonder what she thinks about having so many dads, it must be complicated.
 Ozymandias and Cleopatra weren’t really interested in eating commoner’s fare, as they put it. They opted instead to dine with Gil and Iskander and they had a picnic outside. I think they missed out, personally, but I can see why they didn’t want to come. Can you imagine Gil eating a burger, ketchup dripping down his hands, mustard on his lips? He’d destroy the restaurant and us in it.
 Nitocris looked really nervous when the other pharaohs asked her to join them. She said yes but kept playing with her hands and looking away at us. There was something really frantic about the way she did that. Thinking it was a secret message, I winked and gave her a thumbs up. It must have been the wrong thing because she looked really depressed after that. Luckily, Senpai was much better at reading minds because they asked Nitocris to join us. Even then, Nitocris hesitated until Ozymandias clapped her on the back, pushing her forward. He asked her to tell him what commoners ate these days. Wouldn’t it be better if he just joined us then?
 Still, he, Cleopatra, and Nitocris look really close. Hopefully I’ll be that close with Senpai too one day.
 Sheba joined us as well. I wonder why, she didn’t seem like the type to like such places. By the time we got in, the staff looked exhausted. Ishtar was worried but luckily they still had food left. Did they know that they fed royalty and gods today?
 There were so many burgers on the menu, I didn’t know what to pick. Nitocris kept muttering under her breath how she had to pick the most dignified burger. How do you decide what a ‘dignified burger’ is? Ishtar didn’t have any issues; she ordered three different ones with extra fries and double patties. When we looked at her, she huffed and said she wanted to try multiple ones and “I’m a goddess, I can eat whatever I want to! Stop judging me!”
 I wasn’t judging her!
 Senpai picked a simple burger and I copied them. That way, we could compare later.
 The servers kept staring Sheba the whole time. Actually, everyone kept staring at her. Sometimes they’d look at Ishtar and Nitocris but then they’d go back to her. I wonder what part was stranger: her clothing or her ears? I’ve gotten used to it by now, but I keep forgetting it’s not normal everywhere else.
 The burgers they gave us were huge! I could barely fit my hands around them and ketchup and pickles kept falling out of the bun. It was a messy, messy meal. By the end of it, Senpai’s hands were covered in ketchup and pickle juice and there was a stain on her shirt. Oddly enough, Sheba didn’t have any issues. While I kept having small nibbles, she ate the whole thing in big, quick bites. I guess she was really hungry.
 Oh, Senpai’s calling me! We have to do laundry today so our clothes don’t stain.
  Road Trip Day: X
 Karna and Arjuna were at it again today. Well, ‘at it’ makes it sound like they always fight, which isn’t exactly the case. They’re old friends (kinda, at least I don’t think they’re rivals anymore) and they often are on the opposite sides of things. Actually, putting it like that really makes it sound like all they do is fight. But they don’t argue like, say, Nero and Elizabeth.
 No one fights like those two.
 Karna came out of nowhere and asked Senpai if he could take them out for lunch. With all that Senpai’s done for him, he wanted to show a little gratitude and give something back. He’s so considerate! Of course, Senpai being Senpai, they said that it wasn’t needed (they’re so kind!), but Karna insisted. As we headed out, Arjuna appeared and asked if he could treat me! I think he didn’t want to be one-upped by Karna but I haven’t really done anything to get any thanks. When I said that, he shook his head and said that I helped out a lot. That without me, Senpai might not have made it as far as they did.
 I’d never thought about it like that. While I’m sure Senpai would have figure something out, I’m glad to think I was of some use.
 Senpai and I were dragged to a diner, and Jinako tagged along because she thought it looked fun. The diner was very old. Or at least, it seemed really old. It looked like something from an old movie, where boys in gelled hair and leather jackets ask out girls in pretty pink dresses. You might be wondering how I know about that—Senpai and I have been watching movies lately! They wanted to share their favourites with me, especially after they found out I didn’t really watch that many movies before now. Actually, I haven’t read that many books either. Maybe I can ask Senpai for their favourite books too.
 The one we watched recently was filled with dancing, singing teenagers. I spent most of lunch hoping Senpai would ask me dance, but they didn’t understand my hints. I’ll try again next time.
 The diner had a checkered floor and our shoes clicked as we made our way to a booth. There was a really warm atmosphere to the place, cozy-like, and I wanted to curl up with a mug of hot chocolate. Arjuna ordered an ice cream sundae; it came in a long glass and looked like a flower. It was very pretty. And tasty—Arjuna almost gulped it all down. Only when his head hurt did he stop. I think that was his first brain freeze.
 The item on the menu that caught my eye was a chicken and waffle sandwich. They use waffles instead of bread! It was weird; waffles are for breakfast! You have them with syrup! But I was having them with fried chicken and it would have been weird to add syrup to that. Still, it didn’t taste that bad. I think I might try it again.
 Karna wasn’t going to order anything but Senpai forced him too. He always looks so surprised when we worry over him; I’ll have to remind him more often how important he is! As considerate as ever, Karna ended up ordering a platter with chili and sandwiches and shared it with Jinako.
 While we ate, old music played. There was a machine in the diner called a ‘jukebox’. If you put a coin in it, it’ll play a song. It had a limited selection of music and most of the songs were old hits. Apparently, this was how people used to listen to music, before they had cellphones. Senpai said the music was very nostalgic. I didn’t understand how, but I was glad Senpai liked it!
 When the bill came, Arjuna and Karna kept tugging back and forth on it. Both of them insisted that they should be the one to pay, that it was their treat. In the end, Senpai grabbed the bill and said it was their treat now. Karna argued that we shouldn’t waste a dime on someone like him, but that only made Senpai mad. They growled that if Karna every said anything like that again, he was going to help Emiya in the kitchens for a month.
 Considering how much the Artorias eat, I wouldn’t wish that one anyone.
 I’m going to watch another movie with Senpai tonight. I wonder what they’ll pick this time.
  Road Trip Day: X
 Hokusai must have been very happy today, as we are in Paris! I didn’t see her all day so I think she was out drawing people. Or picking up women. I hope it’s not the latter. Da Vinci told her earlier that if she wanted to paint a beautiful person, then she should just draw her. Hokusai said she didn’t want to draw anyone that old.
 It was a horrific fight. If Hokusai brings back anyone, they’ll be in danger.
 There were so many things to see here! There was the Eiffel Tower--we climbed the stairs since the elevator was so long. Senpai looked exhausted after that and I offered to carry them on my back. Unfortunately, they declined. The view from there was nice, especially as we got higher and higher. Jeanne D’Arc offered to translate for us since all of the tourist information was written in French. She was like a knight in shining armour. I’ll have to study that when we get home.
 After that, we went to the Louvre since it was nearby. Did you know there was a glass pyramid there? It’s a lot smaller than the real ones but it is completely see-through. Inside it there’s an escalator that takes you down to buy tickets and enter the museum. It’s kinda like being in a spy movie, with secret entrances and hidden rooms!
 None of the pharaohs looked impressed by the pyramid. Actually, Nitocris was really excited at first, declaring that Egypt had successfully conquered Paris. Ozymandias stepped in then, crossing his arms and sneering at the pyramid. Apparently it was too small to be considered anything worth while, a terrible imitation of a pyramid. Cleopatra declared it wasn’t cute enough. I didn’t know pyramids could be cute.
 That’s when Marie Antoinette stepped in. Unable to take it anymore, she announced that we were going to see France in all her glory. Starting with brunch, of course. As the queen of the country, it was her duty to show us all of the beauty of Paris, from food to the arts. Or so she said—I don’t think they were really insulting France, but she was so enthusiastic about it that I didn’t want to stop her.
 We ate at a restaurant where we could see the Louvre. There, we got an amazing spread of cheese, croissants, puffed pastries, and other French treats. For just a little while, I could see what it was like to be queen. Did Marie eat this every day, I wonder? What did the pharaohs have? When we go to Egypt, I’ll ask them to take Marie and us out.
 I liked the tarts the best. They were soft, fruity, and with a little hint of sugar sprinkled on top. If only we could have one every day for breakfast. Senpai’s a messy eater, so a light coating of sugar ended up on their nose. Sadly, they wouldn’t let me wipe it off. Nitocris kept playing with the crossiants—she put one on one of her Medjeds, saying that they now had a French hairstyle. The pastry was really flaky (and buttery!), I hope the Medjeds can wash themselves.
 Cleopatra looked the happiest to be there, even happier than Nitocris, which I didn’t think was possible. She kept trying different treats, taking a bite out of everything she saw. If she didn’t like it, she slipped it under the table for a Medjed to take. Senpai said that that was what it was like to have a pet dog. I’ll try that with Fou next time.
 Out of all of them, Ozymandias was the least interested in the food. Despite Marie’s best attempts, he preferred to drink wine instead. At 11 am, I think it was too early to drink (though Shuten probably would be on his side). He kept swirling his glass, looking out the window at the pyramid. In the end, he declared that while the pyramid was still substandard, the wine was not. That there was some value to France, after all.
 Marie didn’t seem to like that at all. I think she wanted him to like the food too. After this, she’s going to take us out to more places like her former palace! If it’s anything like the Louvre, it’ll be huge. My feet are still sore from walking through the giant museum. They had everything in there; I didn’t see even a fraction of all the paintings and sculptures they have. I’m not sure if I can take a second palace that big.
  Road Trip Day: X
 While we spent most of our trip inside proper hotels (Romani says it’s because it’s a vacation and we deserve the best, but sometimes I look at Da Vinci and I’m not sure that’s the real reason), today we went camping. It’s really dark right now and I’m writing this in front of a slowly dying campfire. I feel like I’m a pioneer, only without the quill ink and paper scroll. We’ve been in cities so much and something’s always happening at home, so I kind of forgot what it’s like when it’s quiet. Like it used to be, back when it was just me, Romani, and Da Vinci. There aren’t too many servants awake right now and while I feel like I’m in the middle of a tent city, it also feels like I’m the only person in the world right now.
 It’s kind of hard to describe why. The fire’s crackling softly and I can hear all sorts of wild animals in the distance. Hooting owls, chattering raccoons, the rustle of squirrels running through the trees. If I look up, the stars spread endlessly above me. I could stare at them for hours. They make me feel small.
 I might have spent too much time with Murasaki; I’m starting to sound like a poet!
 Bunyan was very happy that we’re camping. Forests like this one are her home and she wanted to sharpen her blade on some nearby trees. Senpai stopped her, saying that they couldn’t do that in a national park. Romani looked very relieved when she agreed; I think he wanted to stop her too.
 We had breakfast for dinner tonight. It was so strange! Instead of our usual meal, we had pancakes. There was something funny about eating pancakes in the middle of the night, before I sleep instead of when I wake up. This time, since we weren’t near any restaurants, Emiya volunteered to cook our pancakes. He might have missed running the kitchen, though he really should take the time for a break too.
 Abigail was very happy to have pancakes. She and Shuten sat down next to Bunyan, who was making her own pancakes. Apparently Emiya’s pancakes weren’t light and fluffy enough for her. I didn’t think Shuten would be that interested in pancakes, but she eagerly took one of Bunyan’s. Then she poured a bottle of sake on it.
 I have had pancakes before. You’re supposed to use syrup on it, not alcohol! Does it even taste good that way? Well, Shuten thought so at least. She sighed happily with each bite. With her plate (that was more like a bowl), she practically drowned the pancake in alcohol. Abigail watched her the entire time and when she got her second pancake, she asked if she could also have some. Shuten was feeling really generous, so she started to pour it on Abigail’s and Bunyan’s.
 I wonder if Shuten just wanted someone to drink with, especially since we didn’t go to a vineyard? I won’t tell Romani about this. She wanted to give me some sake too, but Senpai happened to be nearby and stopped her before she could. Now I’m curious to know what that tastes like.
 Even without sake, the pancakes were delicious. They were so soft and fluffy, they almost melted on my tongue with the sweet, sugary maple syrup. I ended up getting thirds. After that, we made smores. They’re made by combining chocolate, marshmallows, and crackers. When they’re made right, they just melt into each other. Senpai and Bunyan were good at that. I’m not. I kept burning the marshmallows or they’d melt off my stick and hit the ground. We’re camping for a few more days, hopefully I’ll get it right next time. As kind as ever, Senpai gave me some of their smores.
 It was the sweetest dessert I’ve ever had.
 Oh, I heard a coyote! I think I’ll stop writing here today, I want to spend a little time just sitting here, listening.
  Road Trip Day: X
 After all the food we ate, I want to try to make something for everyone. Nothing big, I’m not good enough at cooking for that yet. It’s just that…well, we went to so many places and tried so many different foods…I guess you can say I’m feeling inspired! Our vacation isn’t over yet, so I can’t cook at Chaladea’s big kitchen, but maybe I can make a tiny meal for Romani, Da Vinci, and Senpai.
 We’re in Singapore. When I told him what I was doing, Astolfo said he wanted to tag along. Apparently he likes to visit different markets and sample food. That way, he can have a little bit of everything. While Astolfo is usually very cheerful, his voice was quieter and sadder when he said that. One of his friends didn’t get to see much of the world, so he wants to experience it for him. Maybe he’s keeping a diary too, filling it up with stories and pictures like I am. I hope one day he can share it with his friend. It’d be nice if they could travel together.
 Sometimes I’ve seen him and Jeanne talking together. They don’t like exactly sad, but they aren’t happy either. Maybe they both miss the same friend. Next time, I’ll ask her to join us—it’d be great if they could make some happy memories too.
 Singapore is a small country, more like a giant city than a country really. It’s so easy to travel here even without Da Vinci’s help—the public transit takes you everywhere. The ground is really clean too, I haven’t seen a place like that since we went to Kyoto. There was a sign on the subway that said we couldn’t take any durians on it. I made sure not to use that.
 The hardest part of today was choosing what market to visit. There are several different cultures here, so there are many unique markets. There’s an Indian market, with the scent of spices wafting through the hair. There’s a Chinese market, filled with brightly coloured stalls and small pop up shops. There’s a Malaysian market and, well, there’s just a lot of places to buy food here! Even when you go to the mall, there were markets in the basement to buy food. We went through one that had narrow corridors and dozens of small shops trying to sell snacks to us. It was hard to walk, not just because of the space, but also because I didn’t know where to look. Luckily, Astolfo was used to this, so he led me from shop to shop, asking for samples. I don’t think I could have done that on my own; I would have felt guilty for not buying anything after.
 It’s impossible to list everything we ate, but I’ll try! There were dumplings: fried, boiled, stuffed with pork, beef, shrimp, covered in sauce or covered in nothing. We had a chili crab, which was a bit hot. There was a famous chicken curry from a small shop that apparently had a Michelin star! It was kind of funny, I was going to a world-famous restaurant but I didn’t have to dress fancy. The line for that one was long. We had Kaya jam on toast—I don’t think I’m fond of it, but it was something different.
 Astolfo actually had a list of signature dishes he wanted us to try. He must have done a lot of research before we left for this trip. I think I might have eaten too much; even now, hours later, I’m full. I don’t need dinner tonight.
 The nice thing was that a lot of food could be eaten while we walked. Astolfo grinned at me when I ate grilled eel, and said it was nice to travel with others for once. He called it a date—I would have dressed up nicer if I’d known! He’s far prettier than me. Everyone kept turning to stare at him when we passed by. I’m sure even Senpai would have looked at him if they were here.
 Emiya had given us a list of things to buy while we were out. Mangos, apples, a selection of crabs—I think he’s going to try to make a dish from Singapore. Some of the items on the list were new to me, I wonder what they taste like. While I expected to see many new sights when we travelled, I didn’t think about all the new sounds, tastes, and smells I’d experience too. This journey has been a lesson in just how vast the world is, and just how much of it I didn’t know anything about. How much I still don’t know now, even after all that we’ve done.
 It’s nice. There’s still so much to do. I don’t think I can ever get bored.
 Anyways, while I can’t eat dinner, this doesn’t mean Senpai, Da Vinci, or Romani will be skipping it! It’s almost dinner time and I need to start cooking. To be honest, it’s kind of intimidating to eat all the delicious food here and then try to make something. Maybe I can ask Emiya for some tips.
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thedirtpreferences · 5 years
Preference #13 — Overprotective (Requested)
Vince: “Stop.” You hadn’t realized how truly fixated you were until Tommy chastised you, forcing you out of your dazed stupor. “You know he loves you and only you,” Tommy reassured you as you sucked in a sharp inhale, diverting your attention from the trainwreck that occurred before your eyes. You were currently attending an after party for one of their concerts. Usually you were fine with after parties; frankly, you enjoyed them. Vince worked hard; they all did. And they deserved to celebrate; to let loose after the countless hours they spent rehearsing and being in the studio. What you didn’t like, however, was how frequently women threw themselves at the band. More specifically, Vince. And that’s what you were trying to avoid watching right now. You hated every single thing about the girl who fawned over him, ogling at his every move. With one misplaced hand, you were going to be ready to come unglued. Vince was yours, and ONLY yours. There were always going to fans, and you understood that, but you needed them to understand boundaries. “I know, I know. But aren’t you seeing what I’m seeing? Look at how she’s staring at him! She’s practically undressing him with her eyes and-“ When the girl reached up to brush a piece of hair behind his ear and kiss him on the cheek, you stood from the bar seat, seething in complete and total disbelief. “Hey, hey, hey don’t do anything crazy,” Tommy tried, grabbing your wrist to desperately to prevent you from walking over there. “I’ll give you five seconds to let go of me before I bash YOUR face in, drummer.” You spit, snatching your wrist away as you bee lined to your boyfriend. From the moment her hands had touched him, you had completely faded out of reality. Maybe it was from the alcohol, maybe it was from finally enduring enough of the flirting, but you had had enough. “Are you fucking kidding me, man?” Enraged, you pushed her shoulder smirking internally, when she nearly clobbered to the floor. “Excuse me?” She asked in disbelief, pulling the strap of her shirt back on her shoulder as she pulled down her leather skirt. “If you’re such a fan of the band, you should know that Vince is taken and that he’s my fucking boyfriend,” By the time the words left your mouth, Vince was already behind you snaking his hands around your waist, as he pulled you back. “And if you EVER touch him again, mark my words, bitch, the only thing you’ll be touching is the floor when I knock your ass out.” As much as he wanted to remain serious, Vince couldn’t help but to laugh as he suddenly lifted you up swinging you around so that your attention was diverted from the poor tramp in front of you. “You got her, babe, you got her.” Vince smiled, kissing your ear as he carried you away from the scene. Even as you flailed and demanded for him to put you down, Vince held his ground until finally you were on the other side of the room, far away from the girl who had caused the original turmoil. “Who knew my Y/N had such a temper,” Vince smiled as he sat you down, ordering you a water in attempts to calm you down. “Yeah? Well, I didn’t like the way she was flirting with you,” You mumbled, avoiding eye contact when Vince met your troubled gaze. “Did you really think that something was going to happen? Don’t you know how much I love you by now? That nobody could ever get in the way of that?” Upon his questions, a smile twitched at your lips, the anger suddenly dissipating. “Sometimes I just need a reminder,” You said sheepishly as Vince pressed his forehead against yours, giving you an eskimo kiss. “I’ll remind you as many times as you need.”
Mick: For the past fifteen minutes, you had been listening to the girls behind you fawn over the rest of the band. Nikki was tall, muscular. His bad boy persona made him irresistible to everyone who laid eyes on him. Tommy was lanky, but gigantuous. His young age made him charismatic, his boyish charm alluring everyone who laid eyes on him. Vince was sex appeal at its’ finest; long blonde locks, bright eyes. He was everything a girl could want in a guy, and he knew just what to do to make them squirm. Then, there was Mick, who apparently wasn’t up to par with the rest of the band. He was quiet, weird. He didn’t engage with the fans the way the others did, and he was far too reserved to be the lead guitarist. Furthermore, the star quality just wasn’t there with him nor were the looks. At least, that’s what you overheard. Maybe they didn’t know you, maybe they weren’t aware that Mick was sitting in front of them, with his arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders. You could tell by the way he was staring straightforward that he didn’t care; that all that mattered was the fact that he had you and you loved him just as much. But that wasn’t enough for you, no. You detested the fact that they were saying those cruel words about him; someone who you felt was the most handsome, most talented person in the world. How could someone not feel the same about him? How could they not see how talented, how beautiful he truly was? It was preposterous, completely and utterly absurd. “How did he even make it into the band? Nikki must have been really high on drugs, or maybe he just felt bad for him because he is a cripple.” They laughed in unison, and at that point you had shot a warning glare at Mick, your hand curling tightly around your drink. “Babe, it’s fine. I’m use to it,” Mick sighed, kissing the side of your head as you exhaled in rage. “No, it most certainly is not fine, Mick.” You argued, seething the longer the two girls spoke about him. You were never the type of person to lose your cool, it truly took a lot to bring you to the brink of a meltdown, but somehow those girls were bringing you there. And when you got mad, it was nearly impossible to get you to slow down. Furthermore, you weren’t afraid of a brawl, especially if it meant bringing justice. “I don’t understand why he even stays in the band if he’s so miserable and in pain, I mean seriously. There are way better guitarists out there,” Upon the sneer, you were suddenly turning around in your chair, throwing your drink in the girls face as you stood from your seat. You didn’t utter a single word as you suddenly decked the girl in the face, knocking her out cold as she fell to the ground. “What the fuck?!” Her friend exclaimed, reaching for your hair as she lurched forward. You had been prepared, for the moment her hands reached out for you, you stepped to the side causing her to tumble forward. Your hands suddenly laced tightly into her hair as you pulled her head back, slamming it into the bar repeatedly until her face bloodied. The only thing that stopped you was Mick, as he suddenly yanked you back staring at you incredulously as he guided you out of the bar. “I didn’t fucking like how they were talking about you, not one bit, Mick.” You breathed once you made it outside, doubling over as you took deep breaths through your nose and out your mouth. “Hey, hey.” Mick whispered, his hand rubbing circles into your back as you caught your breath. “I didn’t know you had it in you,” He laughed as your face met his, slightly embarrassed from what had just happened. “I don’t think I’ve ever found you more hot,” Laughing softly, you smiled as Mick pulled you into a rough, yet passionate kiss. You knew exactly where the night was going to go.
Nikki: You were absolutely exhausted. Even though the concert had ended hours ago, the after party was still thriving and very much alive. And so was Nikki who always seemed to be the life of the party, no matter what the situation was. Furthermore, everything could be falling down and burning around him and he would still be able to have a good time and party. That is, until you pissed him off. And right now, he was creeping into serious territory of getting to that point. Where Nikki was all fun and games majority of the time, his temper had always been short and exceedingly explosive at times. One person would utter something even slightly insulting and he would be bashing their face in quicker than you would even be able to comprehend what was happening. It had gotten better since the commencement of the relationship, but you still couldn’t deny that Nikki was a hot head. And right now was no different; except for the fact that you, yourself, were starting to get a little irritated by the situation as well. “Look like a girl, sing like a girl, play like a girl are you sure you’re not a lesbian?” You swore there was nothing more ignorant than a drunk man at a bar in the wee hours of the morning, not to mention he was alone as well. It was undeniable that he was lonely and jealous, but it still didn’t compensate for his outrageous behavior. Furthermore, the man had been taunting Nikki for over fifteen minutes and where Nikki had done an excellent job at trying to distract himself and keep from exploding on the guy, he was starting to get super irritated. “Just ignore it,” You muttered, rubbing his arm in a way to calm his nerves. Upon your touch, Nikki relaxed as he glanced down at you feigning a smile. You knew he was only seconds away from giving the guy a piece of his mind, but he was hiding it well. “Y’know, I can’t even accuse you of being a girl because girls play better than your sad excuse of a band. You’re just a lousy nobody who is a washed up drug addict,” Nikki started to stand up and walk towards the man, but you placed your hand on his chest, your face pleading for him to stop. He took in a deep breath as he gave the man a warning look, huffing a short, heavy breath. “Sir, could you please fuck off?” You finally snapped to Nikki’s surprise as you turned on your heels to face the clearly belligerent man. “Pardon me, little lady?” He slurred as you inched towards him, crossing your arms. You were too tired, and too annoyed to be dealing with this bullshit. You had decided you were going to put an end to this madness in a more civil way; that’s what you had thought, at least. “I asked you to please fuck off. You’re clearly talking shit to get attention and it isn’t going to work. Take your alcoholism somewhere else and leave us alone, please and thank you.” You sat back down next to Nikki as you took a deep breath, taking a sip of your bourbon. “I’ll take my alcoholism somewhere else if he takes his heroine somewhere else,” So fast, you weren’t even sure what came over you, you were suddenly flying across the counter, your fist connecting directly to his cheek. He recovered quickly, however, throwing a drink in your face as you growled in irritation. That’s when you grabbed a beer bottle from behind the counter, smashing it over his head as you let out an enraged shriek. You were so absorbed in the fight that you nearly swung at Nikki when his arms scooped you up against his chest and he began to carry you out of the club like a bride. “I think it’s time to go back to the hotel, my little hero.” Nikki laughed as you scowled, the alcohol burning your face as it trickled down your cheeks. “When did my little Y/N get so fearless?” He inquired as you relaxed into his embrace, cuddling against his chest as your eyes grew heavy. “When that fucker insulted my boyfriend.” Nikki laughed at your words as he leaned down to kiss the crown of your head tenderly. “My hero.”
Tommy: Tommy was notorious for his bad choices. Be it in his drug usage, his excess in alcohol, or in this particular case, his choice of women. Tommy had always had a habit of making the wrong choice; choosing to be reckless instead of rational. And right now, as his ex crashed through his house party, smashing everything in sight as she cursed him with every cuss word imaginable, you couldn’t help but to wonder what in the actual fuck he was thinking before he had gotten with you. Furthermore, what mind set could he have possibly been in to wind up with someone who would be so cruel to him and so incredibly crazy? You certainly weren’t perfect, but you would never be able to charge into your ex boyfriends house months after you had been broken up and break their belongings in front of a group of people. This was next level crazy and you were gobsmacked by the situation. “Get the fuck out of here,” Tommy shouted as he attempted to grab her arm, ducking as she swung her fist wildly at him. “Don’t you lay your filthy hands on me, I know where your hands have been, they’ve been all over the slut that you cheated on me with,” Throwing you a hateful look, you cowered into the corner hoping the farther you got away from her, the more invisible you would become to the entire scene. “I never cheated on you and don’t you EVER call her that again.” Tommy growled, backing up as she picked up a vase, throwing it over her shoulder as she threatened to let go. Your heart was pounding as you watched the scene unfold, fear trickling over you as you saw her endeavors to hurt him. It took a lot for you to be combative, truthfully you were more on the laidback side of things. But Tommy was your forever love, and you had never felt so attached to someone in your life. To see him get hurt, would hurt you just as much if not more. You needed to act now to defend him; you needed to put a stop to this madness before she hurt him in a permanent manner. So, creeping from the corner, you picked up a large picture frame that held a photo of the band at one of their concerts and began to make your way to the enraged ex. When Tommy saw you, he began to shake his head and mouth the word ‘no’ as you got closer. You could see the color draining from his face as you got closer to her and could tell that he was underestimating you greatly. Just because you were kind and laidback didn’t mean for a second that you couldn’t fight. And boy, could you fight. Smirking slightly at Tommy, you raised the picture frame over your head and crashed it over her head, kicking that back of her knees causing her to flop to the floor. Once she was on the floor, you kneeled over her, yanking her hair back so that you could whisper the following words in her ear: “I think it’s best you leave now. Oh, and if you ever call me a slut again, I will end you.” Pushing up from the ground, you brushed yourself off and met dozens of astonished faces around the room. “Proceed to the party,” were your only words as you stepped over the girl and approached Tommy with a raised brow. “Anyways,” You muttered as Tommy brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, shaking his head incredulously. “That may have been the hottest thing I have ever seen,” He laughed as you shrugged taking his hand in yours as you stared back up at him. “As if it is even possible, I think I love you more now than I did five minutes ago.” He laughed leaning down to kiss you as his palms pressed to the apples of your cheeks, kissing you with all the passion and love he could muster.
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collecting-stories · 5 years
The Dating Game 3 - Jonathan Byers
Christmas and the end of the trilogy.
The Dating Game 1 2 3 - Jonathan Byers x reader
December 23rd, 1984
You looked through the window at the polaroid camera sitting on display. There was a poster above it, a photo array of people having fun and taking pictures with the camera, suggesting the same fun could be had if you purchased it. You worried your bottom lip between your teeth, balking at the taste of chapstick on your tongue a second later. The weather had been awful this winter and your lips were paying the price, constantly chapped from the cold air. If anyone did kiss you at midnight on New Years Eve they’d be risking getting their own lips sanded off from the roughness of yours. The camera though, the camera was taunting you and you knew it. It was the perfect gift, but was it the perfect gift from you?  
Jonathan’s love of photography was something everyone in Hawkins seemed keen on. He always had a camera around his neck. Usually that old vintage one you’d seen in his room on Thanksgiving. It’d been sitting on his bedside table and the more you looked at it the more you thought that what Jonathan Byers deserved more than anything in the world was something new. Something special. Something like this polaroid camera sitting in the window of Radioshack. Those marketing teams really knew how to pull on your heartstrings. But while you wanted nothing more than to give Jonathan something truly special, like that camera, you couldn’t help wondering if that camera was really something he would want from you? Maybe it was better suited from his mom or Will or Nancy even.  
Thanksgiving had ended with an awkward goodbye on the porch of his house after the sun had been down for awhile. After Joyce’s dinner you and Jonathan had gone back to his room where you listened to more music and begged him to show you some of his photos when you saw the camera on the nightstand.  
“They’re not really of anything.”
“Well they have to be of something.” You laughed, making grab hands for the photo album that he kept. It didn’t take much begging for Jonathan to hand over the photo album. He stood, watching as you set the album on your lap and turned through the pages, spending time on each one. The more you looked the more fidgety he felt, picking at the hem of his shirt, shifting through his cassettes, running his fingers through his hair. Until finally you closed the book, “these are amazing Jonathan.”
“Oh,” he looked surprised, “thank you.”  
You hadn’t been saying it for the sake of giving him a compliment or even because you thought he was cute. You’d said it because it was true, he was a good photographer. And you were truly impressed. Impressed enough to be standing here days from Christmas, freezing in front of a window display for a camera that cost more than you had ever considered spending on any of your friends.  
But that wasn’t just because he was an exceptional photographer. It also had everything to do with the end of the night. The part that was still playing on a reel in your head, like a bad movie stuck on a continuous loop. Everything had been fine. Jonathan had walked you out to the porch when you announced it was time for you to head home.  
“Thanks for having me over for dinner.” You zipped your jacket as you stood with him on the porch, directly under the light. “I really appreciate it.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome. I...it was nice.” Jonathan replied, hands in his back pockets.  
“Okay well, goodbye.” You announced, stepping away from him, ready to leave.  
“See ya.” His mouth twitched like he was about to smile and then didn’t. Instead he just nodded his head awkwardly.  
And then it happened. You rocked forward on the balls of your feet and you kissed Jonathan Byers on the mouth. It was a quick kiss, hardly anything more than lips touching. Just as quickly as you had kissed him you had pulled away, stumbling backward as if in shock and walking to your car. Jonathan stood there, mouth agape, staring at you as you bumped into the side of your car and fiddled with the lock until finally you were able to get the key in correctly. You weren’t sure how long Jonathan stayed outside, eventually you couldn’t see him in the rearview anymore.  
You went home and called Steve because you didn’t know who else to freak out to about kissing Jonathan Byers. He had news of his own, though it wasn’t a kiss Nancy had agreed to another date and this time she was calling it a date. You had spent a great deal of the month of December avoiding Jonathan because the more time Nancy spent with Steve the more you felt like you had double crossed Jonathan and potentially ruined the English assignment you no longer cared about.  
So for the rest of November and the first half of December you avoided Jonathan at all cost. But then Nancy showed up at your locker after school to invite you to a Christmas get together at her house. It would be the four of you and her brother’s friends but she said there was a pollyanna and presented you a handful of popsicle sticks held tight in her fist.
“Pick one?” She asked, “I’ve already had Jonathan and Steve pick theirs and I’ve picked mine.”  
Had she already invited Jonathan? When? You felt like your Byers Radar was in overdrive ever since you kissed him so you were surprised you hadn’t noticed him talking to Nancy in the hallway or in class. Unless they didn’t, unless they were hanging out after school. Which was fine because you still hung out with Steve most afternoons except you couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling of envy that sprouted in you thinking of Jonathan and Nancy spending time together. Did they sit on his bed listening to mixtapes too?  
“Sure.” You nodded and grabbed a stick. “I got Jonathan.” The popsicle stick had Jonathan’s name written in sharpie. Of all the people you could have chosen. Not El, or Will, or Mike, or even Steve. But Jonathan.  
“Lucky.” She laughed, “I got Max...I’ve got no idea what to get her.” You closed your locker and shouldered your backpack and Nancy walked with you toward the double doors, continuing to talk. “I mean what do you get that kid? What does she like?”
“Beats me.” You replied, shrugging your shoulders. You’d probably only seen Max a handful of times at work and hardly ever talked to her. “Is there a price limit?”
“Figured five dollars is good?” She answered, though posed it as a question.  
“Yeah that’s fine with me.”
The camera was more than five dollars. Still you couldn’t help yourself, it just screamed Jonathan and you wanted to do something nice for him. He deserved something nice. Something special. It was December 23rd and you still hadn’t spoken to him. If ever there was a more awkward pollyanna you hadn’t heard about it. You were supposed to show up tonight for the Christmas party and give a present to someone you hadn’t spoken to in an entire month? Five dollars might be too much money. Still you made up your mind.  
You wrapped your gift when you got home, some cheesy Christmas wrapping paper that your mother had left over in the storage boxes when she left your dad. It was bright green with santas all over it and you felt silly, wrapping up a box of camera film. You had asked Will yesterday when he and Mike had stopped by the arcade, what kind of camera Jonathan used specifically so you could get him the film. That was well within the price range and still you wished it was something better. Something special.  
Mrs. Wheeler had gone over the top with the Christmas decorations, lights outlined the entirety of the house as you pulled into the driveway, Steve in the passenger buzzing about having gotten Dustin as his pollyanna. Normally you would have paid attention. In the few short months that you had known Steve the two of you had become something close to best friends. Fake dating someone could do that to a person. Though that rouse was supposed to have ended with Thanksgiving it seemed Carol and Tommy weren’t quite finished believing the lie and Steve had let them.  
“It’s almost done. Just a couple more weeks...Nancy’s on the fence.”
“That’s what you’ve been saying since she broke up with you at Halloween, it’s almost Christmas.”  
“Please,” he begged.  
“Fine, okay...alright.”
Jonathan’s gray car pulled in behind yours and Steve waved as he got out of your car. Will smiled and waved back but Jonathan was preoccupied, watching you take a present out of the back seat. There were two in the silly green wrapping and he thought maybe one was Steve’s. He had wanted to talk to you so many times after Thanksgiving but every time he saw you in the hallway or at the arcade or in class he froze. He wanted to ask you what the kiss meant. Why had you kissed him? Was it because you liked him or was it just a thank you for having invited you to Thanksgiving dinner? Did Steve know you had kissed him, had you kissed Steve too?  
If you had Byers Radar then Jonathan had a radar on you too. Will joked that he had spidey-senses when it came to you. He noticed you all the time, watched the way you chatted in the hallway with your friends. With Steve. Did you regret kissing him at Thanksgiving? Or did it never cross your mind? You didn’t talk to him about the project outside of English class and when you did talk it was only about the project.  
“Merry Christmas,” you offered, and Jonathan swallowed to calm his nerves as he met your eyes. You were smiling at him and he felt the beginnings of butterflies fluttering against his stomach and stirring up his nerves. You held your arms out and he moved toward you subconsciously, letting you wrap him in a hug. He didn’t want to pull away but you beat him to it, moving on to hug Will and wish him the same sentiment. Was it possible to be jealous of his brother? Just for a second.  
Steve led the way into the house and then it was more ‘Merry Christmases’ and ‘hellos’ and hugs. Jonathan took a seat on the smaller couch once he’d hugged enough people. Mike’s friends seemed to have taken up the floor in front of the tree while he and El sat on the larger couch with Nancy. Will took the armchair. You sat down beside Jonathan while Steve pulled a kitchen chair in to sit next to Nancy. Jonathan frowned, watching the way Steve leaned against the arm of the couch to be closer to his ex-girlfriend. Did that not bother you? Had something happened between you and Steve? If it had why had you driven here with him?  
Mike went first and then it progressed in a circle. Mike got Lucas, Lucas got El, El got Steve, Steve got Dustin, Dustin got Nancy, Nancy got Max, Max got Will, Will got you, you got Jonathan and he got Mike. You passed your gift to Jonathan, a small box wrapped in hideous paper that he took time to open.  
“Oh, wow...um thanks.” He nodded his head and gripped the film in his hands.  
“You’re welcome, Merry Christmas.” You threw in for good measure. Will had given you a keychain he had made in art class out of polymer clay. It was brightly colored and had your name carved into it. The gift warranted a hug and you got off the couch and went to the armchair to hug the younger Byers. Jonathan’s eyes didn’t leave you and he felt that same spark of jealousy as he had in the driveway, wishing he could make you smile like that. But he hadn’t gotten you for pollyanna. Although there was a newspaper wrapped gift in the trunk of his car that had your name on it all the same.  
Once the gifting was done Nancy brought out trays of food that Mrs. Wheeler had fixed for the group before being hurried out of the house. You excused yourself to the bathroom while she laid out the food on the coffee table and once inside you locked the door. You put down the toilet seat in the small powder room and sat down, taking a breath. Sitting next to Jonathan made you think of Thanksgiving and watching Steve with Nancy you wished that you could have such an easy time talking to Jonathan. But you felt like your throat closed up every time you talked to him and he hadn’t even looked at you when he opened his present.  
Did he like it? What if he didn’t? What if he had heaps of film lying around and film wasn’t anything special to him. Like giving him toothpaste or socks. You might as well have bought him a hairbrush the way he looked at the film in his hands. There was a knock on the door and you hit the faucet just to make it sound like you were doing something other than making yourself crazy thinking about Jonathan. You checked yourself in the mirror and then opened the door.
“Oh!” You stepped back as you came face to face with Jonathan standing against the opposite walk. He had his hands behind his back and his coat on. “Uh, hey.”
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He apologized, “I uh, can I give you something?”
“Sure, yeah of course.”  
While you had disappeared into the bathroom, trying to relax your nerves, Jonathan had slipped out to his car. He wasn’t sure if you would like the gift he’d gotten you but he wanted to give it to you. He wanted you to smile and hug him the way you had his brother and he wanted that nagging feeling that you had forgotten all about Thanksgiving to go away. When you opened the door you looked so startled but so pretty at the same time.  
“You look really nice today.” Jonathan mentioned, taking the small package out of his pocket.  
“Thanks?” You laughed just a little and took the package he handed you.
“I didn’t get you for the uh, pollyanna but I wanted to give you this. Merry Christmas?” He said, ending it on a question, unsure of himself or the present he’d gotten.  
Jonathan had spent two days in his bedroom, listening to the radio, waiting for the perfect songs to come on. He’d made you a mix tape of all the best rock songs he could fit on the cassette. Every time Joyce asked him to do something for her he swore that he absolutely couldn’t and the one time he did, as he was washing the dishes after dinner, the sound of your favorite band came through the radio in his room. Jonathan cursed, dropping the plate he was holding and running to his room, grabbing the cassette to record the song. But his hands had been soapy and the suds had leaked into the tape and ruined it, costing him another cassette and an entire day. He would never tell you any of that but he knew how much trouble he had gone to. Will and Joyce had teased him about it all weekend.
“Oh my god,” you smiled as you pulled the newspaper off to reveal the cassette. You opened the case to read the songs that were on it. “Jonathan,” you said his name so softly that it made his chest tighten. You looked up at him, the smile still there and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “Jonathan I love this, thank you.”
“I just...yeah it’s no problem.” Jonathan said but he wrapped his arms around you, letting himself enjoy the hug. He was reluctant to let go when you pulled away.  
You eyed the cassette again, “I can’t wait to listen to it.”  
“I’m glad you like it.”
“It’s the nicest gift I’ve gotten.” You insisted. The handmade keychain from his brother was pretty nice but the cassette meant so much more. “I really lucked out this year, you Byers give the nicest gifts.”
“I just, I wanted to do something nice for you. I uh,” Jonathan breathed out nervously and licked his lips, thinking of how he wanted to finish his sentence.  
You smiled and leaned forward, kissing him. Before you could let it become Thanksgiving all over again Jonathan’s hands came up to hold your face, kissing you back eagerly. He wouldn’t miss this chance again. Your hands went inside his jacket, gripping his shirt at the sides and trying to be closer to him, your tongue tracing over his lower lip. Jonathan had never ‘french’ kissed anyone before but he’d seen it plenty of times at school because Tommy’s locker was right by his and Carol was always sucking his face off before class. It felt a lot different than it looked though and he could only hope he was doing the right thing as he let you deepen the kiss.  
“Oh man, come on guys! There are kids here.” Steve’s voice cut through the hallway and you pulled away from Jonathan, though not completely.  
You almost seemed to hug him tighter, trying to bury yourself in his jacket from the initial embarrassment of being caught making out in Nancy Wheeler’s hallway. You turned your head away from Steve and laughed, tucking your face into Jonathan’s shoulder. He had dropped his hands, one arm awkwardly laying at his side while his other went to your shoulders only because he was unsure what else to do.  
“Beat it Steve.” You said, rolling your head to the side so you could see him. You released one arm from around Jonathan’s waist so you could flip your fake boyfriend off.  
“Some people these days.” Steve laughed, “well I’ll be eating all the food.” He backed out of the hallway and made his way back to the living room. You heard him say something to Nancy about you and Jonathan ‘sucking face’.  
“I don’t,” Jonathan pulled away completely, his face fraught with confusion, “I don’t...I thought you and Steve.”
“No, we uh...at Halloween,” you sighed. “I told him we were fake dating and he proposed me and him doing the same thing...so he could get Nancy back.”
“Does she know?” He asked, unsure what to say as he tried to catch up with what you were saying.
“I think so. I doubt she fell for it.”
“I did.”
“I’m sorry, I...I wanted to tell you but I didn’t think it mattered I mean, I didn’t know you.” You waved a hand between the two of you. “I didn’t know you liked me like that.”
Jonathan ran a hand through his hair and looked down the hallway, nervousness rolled off him in waves and stuffed up small space between you two until you were feeling the same nervous energy eating at your insides. Finally he looked to you and smiled, just the smallest hint of one, “Neither did I...until Thanksgiving.” He admitted. “But I thought you were with Steve.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that fell out then, followed by a soft chorus of laughter as you and Jonathan stood there in the hallway together, realizing what an absolute mess the two of you had gotten yourselves into. You kept thinking he still liked Nancy and he thought you were hung up on Steve and you’d made such a mess you couldn’t fathom how it’d gotten so out of control. He reached for your hand and pulled you close to him, kissing you once more though not as intensely as before. “Should we go out to the party?”
“We can’t stay in the hallway forever.” You teased, the smile on your face meant solely for him, something he was already getting used to.  
December 25th, 1984
You did Christmas morning the same way you had been doing Christmas morning since your mom left. The table top tree that served as the only decoration in the house sat lit up in front of the window with gifts beneath it as you sat on the floor drinking a cup of coffee and opening those designated for you. Your dad switched between paying attention and reading yesterday’s newspaper, sipping his own coffee. You had forgotten Jonathan’s other gift in the backseat of your car despite driving back to his house after the party was over. Though cameras and Christmas were the last things on your mind as he walked you to his room and shut the door. Will had stayed at Mike’s and Joyce was still at work. You’d spent the evening making out on his bed listening to the mix tape he made you. That is until Joyce did get home, Will in toe, and swung Jonathan’s door open to find the two of you sitting on his bed with his hand up your shirt and yours a little too close to the zipper of his jeans.  
“I don’t ask that much of you, but the rules are the rules and the rule is no girls in your room with the door closed. And especially no girls in this house when I or your brother are not home!” Joyce had shouted after making the two of you sit on the living room couch so she could ‘have a chat’. “I don’t want to have to call your father.”
“Please don’t.” You replied hastily. There was no way he was going to let you leave the house if he knew you had ended up at some guy’s house, even if you had gone to Nancy’s. He’d think you had lied to him about the whole thing.  
“I want you both to feel comfortable and happy and I get it, you’re teenagers and this is all new and you want to explore a little-”
“Mom.” Jonathan protested, face going beet red.
“What? I did a lot of exploring at your age trust me-”
“Mom!” Will shouted from the kitchen. “That’s so gross.”
“Just, keep the clothes on and the door open and if me or your brother aren’t home-”
“Okay, okay. We get it.” Jonathan replied, standing up from the couch.
“I should go anyway...my dad’ll be wondering where I am.”
“I’ll walk you out.”  
Jonathan had walked you to your car and just as he was about to kiss you goodbye the porch light flickered. He looked up to where Joyce was standing in the doorway, hand on the light switch inside, “no funny business in the car either. Trust me, it’s awful on your back.”
“Thanks Mrs. Byers.” You called as Jonathan dropped his head onto your shoulder and groaned. You ran a hand through his hair and whispered, “it’s okay I’ll risk it for you.”
If it was possible his face grew even redder.  
And still you forgot the camera. So after opening all your presents and watching your dad unenthusiastically open a gift he gave you the money to buy him you said that you wanted to stop by Nancy’s for a visit. You claimed her parents invited you and you knew once you left that your dad would never fact check that statement. Instead he’d spike some of the eggnog in the fridge and go downstairs to take a nap in his la-z-boy in the basement.  
You dressed for Jonathan’s, trying to look pretty and keeping in mind that you were dropping by on Christmas morning unannounced without knowing if they even liked visitors on the holiday. When your mom was still living with you she had always insisted that Christmas day was for family and any friends could wait until the 26th. Joyce seemed a lot more easygoing then your mom though so you hoped, as you rang the doorbell, that she wouldn’t turn you away.  
It was better than you’d hoped though. Jonathan opened the door in a pair of red and green pajamas that Joyce had talked the boys into wearing, his tired expression shifting to one of sheer embarrassment in a matter of seconds. He threw the door closed in your face and you had to stop yourself from laughing as you rang the doorbell once more.  
Joyce opened the door, “he’s changing.” She supplied as she welcomed you in. Will was at the table scarfing down pancakes and not worrying about the pjs.  
“I thought they were adorable.” You laughed as Jonathan came into the room, pulling a gray shirt over his head.
“They’re embarrassing and I said they would be.”
“Why cause your girlfriend saw you in them?” Will teased.  
“Can we please?” Jonathan grabbed your hand in his and began to lead you down the hall to his bedroom.
“Door open!” Joyce shouted, going back to breakfast with her youngest, “did you know she was coming over.”
“No, but she told me she forgot to give him a present.” Will shrugged.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know she said it was a surprise.”
Jonathan pushed the door almost completely shut, leaving enough of a crack that someone could see in if they walked passed without losing all of his privacy. He kicked the pajamas under the bed and motioned for you to sit. His room was messier than it had been on Thanksgiving and you had to smile, thinking he’d obviously cleaned it for you.  
“Sorry the uh, I didn’t get a chance to make the bed.”  
“S’okay. I just stopped by cause I have a present for you.” You replied, presenting him with the gaudily wrapped gift.  
“We exchanged presents.” Jonathan said, standing awkwardly. Though he’d called you both on the 23rd and the 24th he still felt a little nervous to be in his room with you again. He wasn’t sure if he should kiss you or sit next to you or at least say something to ease the tension he felt. You seemed at ease though as you waited for him to take the present.
“I know but, I saw this when I was getting your pollyanna and I just wanted to give you something special.” You confessed. Jonathan took the gift and pulled apart the wrapping paper, revealing the box that the polaroid came in. His eyes went wide and for a second he almost dropped it.  
“This is-” He looked back up at you, nervous excitement coursing through him. It was too much, the gift was more than he could have expected or asked for. But that didn’t erase the happiness he felt holding the camera in his hands. He’d seen it in the window of the Radio-shack on his way to visit his mom at work a couple times and had stopped to stare hungrily at it. If only.
“Don’t say it’s too much okay, cause it really isn’t.” You insisted.
“The film was a good gift.” Jonathan replied, finally taking a seat beside you so that he could open the camera box, “really it was plenty.”
“Jonathan-” You nudged his side, leaning into him. When he turned you kissed him quickly, “seriously just say thank you.”
He blushed and nodded his head, “thank you.”  
The trilogy is complete. and so is my entry for the writing challenge...sorry this is so long. 
taglist: @waiting4inspiration @cold-blooded-girls @thinkingsofamadwoman @mixedwiththemoon @titty-teetee  @queenmissfit @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @absentmindeduniverse @his-paradox @medievalfangirl 
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