#thursdays handwriting analyses
irisvienna · 3 years
dreamwastaken handwriting analysis
girl help im doing a handwriting analysis on minecraft youtuber dreamwastaken while sleep deprived
GENERAL DISCLAIMERS: 1) Graphology is considered a pseudoscience, therefore, don't take this analysis too seriously, it's all just for fun ^-^ The traits described =/= how the writer actually is as a person 2) I am the farthest thing from a professional, I'm still learning a lot and gaining experience
one last note before i Actually start: as we know, dream has adhd, and there could be traits in his handwriting bc of this, but idk much about how neurodivergence affects a persons handwriting so like. just keep that in mind lol (i rly hope i worded this right im sleep deprived have mercy on me)
okok now its time for the actual analysis ^-^ here are the samples im using:
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style - mix of print and cursive -> indicates creativity
size - medium, person doesnt mind taking up space, ambivert
baseline - slightly upward -> optimism
slants - simple up and down pattern most of the time -> doesnt share too much but also isnt too suppressed emotionally
zones - lower zones, specifically the g and y loops, are pretty large, which is supposed to indicate a. large sex drive cOUGHH (im just saying what it says help me) or like drive for power and stuff ;; middle zones are small in comparison to the rest, but consistent in size, indicating that social life isnt the biggest part of this persons life, but hes not bad at socializing or anything lol ;; upper zone (other than the capital letters) is also pretty big in comparison to the middle zone, indicates how much a person thinks about things in general
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margin - moving forward -> excited for the future :D (we can ignore the numbers; they look like theyre moving to the left but thats only cause theyre getting bigger)
capitals - they are BIG in comparison to his lowercase letters, which is a sign of vanity/leadership; also theyre disconnected from the word -> a person who thinks before they act
letter specifics
e loops are closed -> not very open in sharing stuff
i dots are right above the line -> detail oriented person
t bars are, in general, right in the middle of the line -> pretty confident person
v's and w's are more rounded on the bottom -> friendliness
random things
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i can tell he was writing a bit fast in some places (the word "animal", for example) lol aLSO theres a space between "peri" and "winkle" in the word periwinkle, and spaces mean that the person stopped to think before they went on writing. so maybe he forgot how to spell periwinkle and had to check or smth hsauifhwe
signature ft. ur reminder that dnf is real, he said it himself <3
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your signature is supposed to represent how you present yourself to the world vs how you actually are (your normal handwriting). since dream is pretty much an entertainer, content creator, yk what i mean, its not rly surprising that his signature looks nothing like his normal handwriting
k last section before the conclusion:
✨ the bane of my existence ✨
aka Interesting traits i dONT KNOW THE MEANINGS OF (in my defense im a beginner at this and there arent tons of free online resources </3 so i have to suffer </33 if leah eckardt ever makes a video on dreams handwriting ill link it here so that we can all enjoy an Actually Good Analysis)
his m's and n's dont have initial strokes
his r's are pretty much right angles; or at least very straight
the initial stroke on his capital F is Very Interesting
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this is a pretty confident, friendly and creative person, who's optimistic and excited for the future :]
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sensiblestudy · 7 years
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I finished my first year of Uni not too long ago and looking back I can safely say I made a ton of mistakes. I thought it would be nice to maybe give advice based on my experience of college, which is also hopefully some realistic advice! This post turned out to be waaaay longer than I had anticipated so everything is below the cut lol! Also!! Please bare in mind that, like I said, this is purely based off my own experiences! I go to Uni in Ireland so I’m sure things are kind of different elsewhere but hopefully some of this info will still be useful! Oh and one more thing, my college is like a 10 min drive from my house so I still live at home, which means I can’t give any tips about accommodation, sadly! Alright here we goooooo
Feeling Overwhelmed: IT’S OKAY! You’re in a new environment, filled with people you most likely don’t know, it’s perfectly normal to feel this way. Do not feel pressured into speaking up and asking questions if you don’t feel comfortable to. I was lucky to have one of my best friends with me for orientation, but even at that I was still nervous and too shy to ask any questions. You’ll have plenty of time to find out the answers to your questions!
Campus Tour: I’m assuming this is something most colleges do. If you were given your timetable before the tour, make sure you have it on you, so that you can try and take mental notes of the locations of your classes. Of course, depending on the size of your campus, this may not be completely possible to do. Don’t worry if you feel lost and feel like you won’t be able to remember where everything is, you’ll surprise yourself at how quickly you’ll get the hang of the campus once you actually start.
Bring A Notebook & Bag: I was given a “fresher’s pack” before entering a hall where they were giving a talk about the college, my course and various important info. The pack was basically a drawstring bag filled with useful supplies, including a refill pad and pen! So you may receive something like that, but I would still recommend bringing a small notebook and pen, just in case you don’t! That way, you can write down any useful info you’ll need, e.g. how to access lecture notes, where you have to submit assignments, etc. If all else fails, use your phone to write these down!! Also bring some sort of a bag, because you will most likely receive sheets and booklets for various things! 
Talking With People: If you are more of a chatty person, then I definitely would recommend trying to talk to some people! Many people you’ll see will be most likely on their own, or maybe only have one friend with them. Everyone is in the same boat, and everyone wants to make new friends. I was shook at how friendly everyone was, it was obvious people just really wanted to get to know others, and orientation is a great chance to do this!! Especially if your orientation is a few days long, chatting with someone on the first day means you can try and hang with them for the rest of orientation, too! Even if you’re not the sort of person to approach others, I bet you someone will start talking to you. Get chatting!!
Feeling Lost: Going back to what I said about knowing where your lectures are on, if you find yourself getting lost, just ask someone! It can legit be anyone. If someone walks by you, just stop and ask where X Room is or X Building. It doesn’t matter if they’re a student or a member of staff, they will be more than happy to help you out! Again, after your first week you should feel more confident in your new environment and remember where a lot of places are! So try not to stress that much at first.
Go To Your Lectures: Please attend your lectures during this week. This is honestly the most vital time!! You more than likely don’t know a huge amount about uni and how it all works, so this is such a good chance to get a feel of how things are carried out. Your lecturers should give you a course outline, and these are suuuuper helpful!! You can see what you’re going to be covering each week, what way you will be assessed, what weeks you will have tutorials and more! 
Gather Info: Another important reason to go to these lectures is to find out info such as how to register for your modules and what not. For example, some lecturers in my college use a site called Moodle as a way of uploading notes and other info, as well as having a space to upload assignments. In these first few lectures we were told how to enroll for the modules. So you know, you’ll find out things like that, which are super important!! 
First Week Notes: Okay so during the first week you probably won’t be covering too much but I still recommend having a notebook to write down some notes. You can wait until the second week (or even later) to decide how you’re going to do your notes! So for the first week, just take down some notes in a random notebook, you’ll have time to re-write them if you decide to change how you take notes.
Note-Taking Method: Continuing from above, it’s good to figure out how you’re going to do your notes, but again, if it takes you a few weeks to find a method you prefer, that’s fine. I started Uni by handwriting my notes in an A4 notebook with subject dividers. I used to think “wow I’d love to type my notes but my laptop is a 15.6″ so it would be embarrassing using it because surely people only use smaller ones right??” but boy was I wrong. I started taking notice of everyone’s laptops, and while some had smaller sized ones, quite a few people had bigger ones, like mine! So I said screw it and brought it in and it was amazing. I’m waaaay faster at typing than writing, so for me it was a life-saver. Figure out what’s best for you, take a look at what other people do, you’ll eventually find a method you like!
If You Use A Laptop: Okay... so yes I found using a laptop for notes quite useful, BUT!!! whenever I got bored in a lecture I went straight to Tumblr, and scrolled and scrolled... and scrolled. I legit regret it so much. I mostly did it for history because I hated history and then when it came to my assignments I had no clue where to begin. So if you’re someone, much like me, who has very little self-control but want to use your laptop, maybe try out some of those website blockers!! I used Block Site during study week, but there are tooons of extensions to choose from! 
Taking Notes: My biggest regret, when it comes to note-taking, is taking down everything in the lecture slides, during lectures. Chances are your lecturers will put their lecture slides online for you to view. It’s even better if they put them up beforehand, which sadly most of mine didn’t. Basically, I find it’s best to take down what your lecturer says. Obviously, take down what’s on the lecture slides too, but shorter. Give yourself enough time to be able to actually listen to your lecturer so you can note what they’re saying. That way when you get the time to, you can view the lecture slides again and add in the info you missed. 
Bring Water: Or some sort of a drink. I can’t stress this enough, it’s great to have water, you never know when you’re gonna get a tickle in your throat, or how warm a lecture hall/room is going to be! Also it’s important to stay hydrated in general!!
Going to Lectures: Look I’m going to be real here, yes of course it’s great to attend all your lectures, but come on we all get lazy. For example, last semester I had only one class on Thursdays and one class every other Monday. So of course there were times where I was too lazy to head over to college just for one class. Just try not to skip too many, it’s easy to fall behind, so you’ll end up building up more work for yourself!
GO TO TUTORIALS: Okay. Legit. Super serious here. Please please please go to your tutorials!! I haven’t a clue if they’re called tutorials everywhere?? But it’s those once-a-week classes (or sometimes every second week) that you have with a tutor and they’re in smaller groups. They’re more of a discussion-based type of class. You cover what you’ve been doing in your lectures and the tutors will basically discuss it with you and it gives you a great chance to speak out and ask questions. Most importantly, you (usually) get marks for attending. If you hate speaking up, I get it, I really do. However you really really need to for these. Some tutors only give you full marks if you give an answer, so please, try to speak at least once! For me I also usually had some work to do for tutorials e.g. for history we had documents to read and analyse and for Philosophy we had various texts to look over. I usually left them until the day before my tutorial, or sometimes even on the day. I wouldn’t recommend it, I’d advise maybe 2 or 3 days beforehand. You don’t wanna do it too early either because you might forget the stuff. Don’t spend hella long on the work for these, again, if you don’t understand something just ask a question! Also pro tip: your tutors will most likely ask questions to the group first, and then later ask those who haven’t spoke out questions. So, when they ask a question to the group, if you know the answer or just have any sort of response to it, speak up!!! That way they won’t (well, hopefully) address you with a specific question that you might not know the answer to! The main reason I recommend going, which is for if you get marks for attending, is that you then have a % from them before heading into your exam. For me, tutorials are usually worth 10% or 15%, even 20%. Your marks from tutorials could be the difference between and A and B, or even a pass and fail!
Having Multiple Lectures in a Row: Make sure you have some sort of snack in your bag that you can eat in between lectures. You might think you’ll be okay, but I bet after a few classes you’ll start feeling a bit light-headed or tired. I had like 4 in a row this semester and when I didn’t have food I legit felt like death. Also don’t forget to pee. Obvs.
Assignments: Can I be a hypocrite and tell you to start early? Like, idk if it’s the same for everyone, but for me my first year grades don’t go towards my overall degree, so I wasn’t too worried about how well I was doing, but I still wanted to do good of course. I usually started mine pretty late because I was like “uggggh I can’t do this hopefully tomorrow I’ll have an idea of where to start” but that was just kidding myself tbh. Just please try to give yourself enough time! I did a 1,500 word Philosophy essay in one night... like okay I still got an A1 but that was a fluke but THAT’S NOT THE POINT THE STRESS ISN’T WORTH IT I PROMISE!!!!! 
Okay okay wow that was long I apologise. I hope you found any of this post helpful! If you have any more questions please send them on! Good luck to anyone starting Uni this year or in the future, you’ll be fine, honestly!
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irisvienna · 2 years
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is dis enough? :0
hAI yes that is indeed enough and we ignore the fact that this ask was sent over 3 weeks ago (sORRY KSAFIUHE)
GENERAL DISCLAIMERS: 1) Graphology is a considered a pseudoscience, therefore, don't take this analysis too seriously, it's all just for fun ^-^ The traits described =/= how the writer actually is as a person 2) I am the farthest thing from a professional, I'm still learning a lot and gaining experience lol
note: these are school notes, which are generally better for analyzing bc theyre not influenced by emotions; but then we also have to account for the fact that the writer was rushing when they wrote this ok thats all lets goo
general stuff
style - generally print; one thing i notice is that the f's are Always Cursive so thats interesting;; also its pretty loopy which indicates friendliness
slant - a pretty consistent forward slant, indicating someone who is pretty comfortable in sharing their emotions, but not prone to oversharing
size - the writing isnt too big or small, indicating the writer isnt too much of an extrovert or an introvert
baseline - its quite wavy, indicating that this person isnt tooo grounded emotionally which is normal! but i can tell that some of the waviness in the baseline is caused by rushing
margin - moving backward indicating fear, reservation, nervousness or smth along those lines
zones - the upper zone is pretty large in comparison to the other zones meaning this person would think more/imagine a lot, but overall its a pretty good balance of zones
letter specifics
a's and o's are closed, indicating that this person isnt too closed off emotionally and doesnt overshare
i dots are a little after the initial stroke indicating impulsivitiy etc (but may be caused by the rushing);; also theyre a bit high indicating imaginationn
t bars, which indicate where a person sets the bar for themself;; another thing about the t is that this person made it all in one stroke i.e. they made the downward stroke and then went around to cross it, as opposed to 2 separate strokes for the downward stroke and the t bar; idrk what this means BUT a similar trait in f's indicates a kind of person who would attempt to pass a test on confidence alone 😎 (note that that trait is for f's, idk if it applies to t's; in this case it coud mean impulsivity)
s's; first of all i tHINK the writer was writing a bit slower at the top of the page, but going on maybe the lecturer started speaking faster or smth, so they had to write faster. i brought this up cause the s's at the top of the page look more like backwards 2's, and then the ones towards the bottom are almost lines from how fast the person is writing
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a persons signature is supposed to represent how a person presents themself to the world vs how they actually are (their normal handwriting) in this case this person's signature is pretty much the same as their handwriting; i mean that there arent any extra flourishes or symbols or whatever. i think its a biit bigger than their normal handwriting which is fine, it just means they present themselves a little. better? than they are which is normall
this is a pretty friendly person who has good control over their emotions; they do a lot of thinking and are pretty imaginative. they may be a little bit apprehensive about the future, but thats ok :}
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irisvienna · 3 years
i analyzed my friend's handwriting
this is the first time i've done a *proper* analysis i think lol
GENERAL DISCLAIMERS: 1) Graphology is a considered a pseudoscience, meaning it has no scientific basis. Therefore, don't take this analysis too seriously, it's all just for fun ^-^ The traits described =/= how the writer actually is as a person 2) I am the farthest thing from a professional, I'm still learning a lot and gaining experience lol
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here's the sample ^-^ (bella's her dog lol)
general stuff
style - print w some cursive letters; print/disconnected writing indicates someone who's more impulsive, imaginative etc
size - medium, person doesnt mind taking up space, not too much of an extrovert or introvert
baseline - varies a lot; theres a bit of downward staircasing on the last line indicating that the writer isnt too grounded emotionally (which is fine and normal!) and sometimes she has trouble staying in the present - it may mean daydreaming a bunch or thinking a lot lol i also noticed that the baseline goes up when the writer wrote "bella" -> positive feelings for bella (which i'd expect lmao)
slants - simple up and down pattern most of the time -> doesnt share too much but also isnt too suppressed (aka normal)
zones - middle and lower are normal so the writer is pretty okay at socializing (middle zone), and has a normal need for stuff (as in food, money whatever lol; normal as in not greedy etc) the upper zone is slightly larger indicating the writer thinks a lot; there are more flourishes there as opposed to other places indicating the writer is creative and imaginative :}
letter specifics
a's and o's are closed, meaning that this person isn't too open in sharing, or too closed off and secretive
the size of the loops on d's and h's are supposed to represent how insecure u are soo not too insecure; it's normal for this age
i dots are a little after the initial stroke indicating spontaneity (impulsivity etc)
t bars are right in the middle of the stroke -> a confident person
the writer is a creative, slightly impulsive person who is growing upp yass she's doing pretty well overall :]
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irisvienna · 3 years
hi there ✨
previously known as spaecgirl
music blog: @quarterbacksfine
« ask to tag stuff if need be »
pretty inactive but i'm here 💃
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tagging system:
thursdays thoughts <- original posts
q'd post <- mainly aes and words
creativity log <- rambles about whatever project im working on(art, music whatever)
art by thursday <- my art
music by thursday <- covers/music by me
omg look an asker + its___ <- OLD ask tags
thursday original <- my original music
thursday.ask + [url] <- ask tags
the chaos archive + ___ quote <- out of context quotes from me and my friends
cleep / .vid <- when i rb clips/videos
thursdays ___ arc <- when i rb/post stuff abt my current random interests (current tags are graphology, astrology, narnia, globle, reading, writing, rrverse, tolkein, stranger things, swiftie, mcyt, hunger games, asoue, lockwood and co)
mmm art / .art <- when i rb art
thursday.save <- for later
thursdays handwriting analyses <- when i analyzed handwriting from my graphology arc lol
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