#tokrev rindou
spacebaby1 · 1 day
hiiii can i get one of rindou x reader where they’re a lil highschool couple & how rindou shows affection and cute moments like that 🤭 i just loveee the highschool sweethearts trope
Rindou, my sweet, gentle baby. He's the best lover boy out there, and no one Change my mind on that. And I want to write more of these 🤭💕
"Relax, she's not a little baby. She's won't go missing walking to school." Ran laughed at how his little brother was anxiously waiting for his girlfriend; you by the gate, "she's my baby!" Rindou whispered back. Ran tapped his brother on the shoulder, "I'm going inside it's cold here." Rindou nodded, still looking ahead. He had asked you multiple times to let him walk with you to school, but you kept saying that you don't want him to walk too much since he lived on the other side of school than you. Few minutes went by and in distance he saw you happily walking, your smile grew wide when you waved at him and he jogged the little distance towards you rushing to gather you in his arms as you giggled hugging him, "wooh, what's gotten into you?"
"UGH, I just missed you." He squeezed you in the hug before letting go and intertwined his fingers with your as you two walked, "but I literally saw you yesterday," you chuckled. "Too long!" He kissed your knuckles before smiling wide as you two entered the school.
Everyone around you two saw how you both were madly in love from the way you both acted; always finding each other, always had his arm around you and held you closer or the way he smiled at you.
It was one of the school days when you asked him “What happens after graduation?” you asked, an uncharacteristic hint of worry in your tone that Rindou noticed as you had your head resting on his shoulder.
Rindou playfully shrugged his shoulder making you look up at him, a concern mingling with affection in his gaze. “We’ll figure it out. I can’t imagine my life without you, Y/N,” he reassured you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your hair. “Wherever we end up, we’ll be together and forever.”
His words made your heart swell with hope, but doubt tugged at the edges of your mind.
Dates were something Rindou enjoyed planning for you and the on your face and the joy melted his heart over every date he planned for you. He had planned a fancy date at the beach, it was the sweetest date and he was absolutely in love from the way he was staring at you.
Later that night when you two were just starting at the sky sitting in embrace as he played with your fingers. He gave you the softest kiss on your forehead before kneeling before you and smiled wide before pulling out a small box from his pocket. Your eyes widened in surprise.
As he opened the box, there lay a simple silver Ring that was the most beautiful ring you ever saw “I want you to carry a piece of me with you, no matter where life takes us,” he said, his voice almost a whisper, reverberating with sincerity. “This is a promise that you will always have my heart.”
Your eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Rindou…” overwhelmed by the depth of his words you giggled as He slipped the ring onto her finger, and in that moment, you two sealed your love with a kiss that tasted of promises and unspoken vows. "I thought you were about to propose," you laughed at your own words making his cheeks blues and he chuckled before you hugged him and stared up at him, "do you like the idea of us being married?" He blushed even more. "I'd love to be your forever whenever we are both older and ready. I love you with my whole heart and give you the world." You rested your head on his chest, "you're my world, Rin."
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zerokurokawa · 7 months
This is my favorite manga panel:
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Ran’s all like…
“oh really?” WHAMM
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sair-png · 5 months
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haitani brothers in psg style🚓🚓🚓
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beeing1alive · 6 months
Hi!! I really liked your "turning them on without knowing" post , I wanted to know if you'd like to write a second one but with Tenjiku!! 🙇🏻‍♀️
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Note: Thank you for your enquiry, I was very happy about it and hope you like it
Warning: Nsfw content, minors do not interact
Gets a hard-on when you give him a tight hug
He just can't help it, as soon as he feels your warmth and smells your body odour he goes crazy
He doesn't want to let you go and wraps his arms around you even more so that you can feel his pulsating cock
Begins to place feather-light kisses on your neck and throat and asks you if you don't want to help him
It especially turns him on when you try to tease him with something
I mean, the grin on your face and the galnz in your eyes
He immediately gets butterflies in his stomach and his body starts to tingle with excitement, only that the tingling mainly affects the centre of his body
And before he knows it, he's sitting there with an ever-growing bulge in his trousers
Becomes instantly rock hard when you whisper in his ear
It doesn't even matter what you say because, to be honest, in this situation he doesn't care
It's just that as soon as he hears your sweet voice so close to his ear, goose bumps spread all over his body
Try 100% not to hide how you hit on him and will ask you if you can help him with the bulge is trousers
Absolutely loves neck kisses
Just can't help but let out a soft sigh as soon as you're busy with his neck
Pulls you onto his lap so he can kiss you and press his hard cock against your bum
Nevertheless, his cheeks are barely noticeably red all the time, because he's just an idiot for you and can't do anything about it
Immediately gets a hard-on when he sees you concentrating
The way your eyes dart across the sheet of paper in front of you and you try to memorise as much as possible with a furrowed brow
Feels the need to sit behind you and look over your shoulder so that you can feel his hard cock
Will indirectly try to distract you from your work and gently rub against your bum, which only makes him hornier...
Here is pt.1
Attention: The characters and the GIF do not belong to me. All credits go to the original owners. If you want anything to be changed or removed, please contact me.
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catcoffeen · 7 days
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Haitanis i drew recently~ (ik its not sanzu but thought maybe i have haitani fans here)
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hangeswif3 · 9 months
Somewhere safe
Pairing: Bonten!Rindou x Pregnant!reader
Warning: blood, mentions of pregnancy, cursing.
Summary: they needed a place to stay and just happens that Rindou knows someone who could help them.
Note: English isn’t my first language so be nice. I liked a lot how this turned out so maybe I could keep writing about Rindou’s little family. Anyways, I hope u like it and thanks for reading <3
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“We need to go somewhere safe” said sanzu. “Mikey needs to rest”
They had been running from the police for a while now. Mike had recent stitches on his abdomen and they had been carrying him for about an hour or so. The 4 men were exhausted and they all knew Mikey couldn’t make it any longer by himself. They needed to rest.
“What the fuck are we supposed to do now?” Sanzu spoke again. Recharging his gun, almost preparing himself to fight a lost battle.
They could hear the police cars around them, while they were currently hidden in a dark alley, all of them panting and tired.
Ran looked at Rindou with question in his eyes. They were thinking the same thing. They needed a safe place to rest and wait for the police to go away. They were in Roppongi and just happened that someone close to the brothers lived close by.
Rindou was hesitant. Making eye contact with his brother who could almost read his mind. He couldn’t believe he was even considering going to the only person who never wanted to get involved in this.
“Fuck… fine” he said while putting his gun in his belt. “Follow me.”
Ran already knew the way but he left his brother walk alone for now. He wasn’t happy about this either.
“Where the fuck are we going?” Asked sanzu, who was in the back, holding onto an almost passed out Mikey. No one responded to him, instead they just kept walking in between apartments and houses.
It was a nice neighborhood. Without counting the fact that they were covered in blood and all disheveled, it could almost look like they were taking a walk tonight. It was dark though, the street light almost didn’t work and besides the sounds of sirens, it was completely quiet. They could only hear their footsteps.
They arrived to a nice house with a nice garden and a nice car parked outside. The 4 men stood at the front porch and Rindou looked at his brother, Ran only nodded once, trying to make him feel more confident.
Sanzu was the only one who didn’t know what was happening, since Mikey was too out of it to even notice.
“Hurry up and open, who the hell lives here anyway?” Said the pink-haired man, clearly frustrated to not know.
“Shut the fuck up and behave.” Responded Ran.
Rindou ringed the bell once, while trying to look decent by fixing his hair a little.
A moment passed before the front light turned on and they could hear someone managing to open the door.
It was 2:30 a.m. so you were obviously sleeping before someone knocked at your door. You opened the door, and everyone stared at you. You were wearing shorts and a white t shirt, your hair looked a little crazy since you had just gotten out of bed.
Rindou and Ran had seen you like this before. But sanzu couldn’t help but stare. He had never seen you before in his life. You were beautiful, your hair in a messy bun and strands of it adorning your face, your pretty freckles and your rosy lips. You were just perfect. But what surprised him the most was when he looked down at your belly. You were pregnant. But who the hell were you?
“What the actual fu-“ he started, but you interrupted him.
“You’re bleeding” was the only thing you said, walking towards Rindou and examining his arm.
They were all so surprised and nervous to see you that they almost forgot why they were there.
“It’s not mine. I’m fine, okay?” He said looking for your eyes, putting his hand on your cheek.
“Hey princess” said Ran. You smiled at him, and couldn’t help but look at Sanzu and the man he was holding. He looked bad. “We might need your help.”
“I’ll explain everything” said Rindou.
You nodded and entered the house with everyone following you.
“Make yourselves at home, and I’m sorry for the mess. I fell asleep while baby proofing the house.” You said, while taking the tools away, so they all could sit and relax.
Sanzu layed Mikey down on the couch and made sure he was still okay. His stitches were miraculously still okay and he was still breathing. But he couldn’t help but stare at you. There was certain tension in the room.
“Oi, shithead, stop staring or I’ll take your eyes out” suddenly said Rindou, walking towards you, placing a hand on your lower back and the other on your belly.
Ran laughed and you only smiled, handing out a hand for Sanzu to shake.
“Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you.” You said.
Sanzu was so surprised that he couldn’t help but shake your hand too.
“Sanzu Haruchiyo.” Was all he said.
“Now that we all know each other, would you all like some tea?” Ran accepted your offer and you went to the kitchen, followed by Rindou.
After you were gone, Sanzu finally could talk.
“What the actual fuck? Rindou? With her? And- and- a baby?” He blurted out all at once.
“Yup” was all that Ran said, laughing at him.
“Huh, who would’ve thought that asshole could pull someone like that” he said resting his head on the back of the couch, trying to make sense of everything he just witnessed.
In the kitchen, you were trying to make some tea, feeling Rindou’s presence at the counter. He still couldn’t speak.
“Are you okay?” You asked him.
“I’m sorry.” Was all he said.
You walked towards him and put a hand on his cheek, looking at him in the eye.
“It’s okay” you responded, pressing your forehead against his.
“No it’s not, I don’t wanna put you in danger.”
“You can take care of us, I know you can.” You tried to calm him down.
“We just need a place to stay for the night, I promise I will never bring someone else here.”
“This is your home too, we will be okay, you can stay and they can stay too. I can take care of myself, you know.”
Rindou kissed you, it was a sweet kiss.
“How’s our babygirl doing?” He said, caressing your belly.
“She’s a pain in the ass, just like her father” you said laughing. “Now let’s go back before that friend of yours loses his mind.”
“Too late for that” said Rindou.
“So, miss L/n. Care to explain how you know our dear Rin rin?” Asked Sanzu with a smile.
“Shut the fuck up, you psycho” snapped Rindou.
“Don’t be so rude, Rin rin” you said, mocking the nickname. “Well, mister Sanzu, we actually meet at an illegal car race, he saved me from getting robbed.” You replied laughing.
“Interesting woman.” Sanzu said.
It was true though. Your friend had dragged you to a race where a “friend” was going to participate. You looked so innocent but at the same time so relaxed that Rindou couldn’t help but stare at you. One thing led to another and he ended up saving your purse from being stolen. And now you were here, pregnant with his baby.
“And how far along are you, may I ask?” He continued.
“23 weeks, actually. Thanks for asking.” You responded.
“I can’t believe our little Rindou here is gonna be a father.”
“Okay, enough with the questions.” Rindou couldn’t help but interrupt. “Y/n, to our room.” He said without looking at you.
You looked at him, raising your eyebrow. He noticed this.
“Please.” Was all he said.
You knew he wasn’t happy so you decided to obey.
“Gentlemen.” You said, walking to your room.
“Goodnight dear.” Said Ran.
Once you were gone, Rindou walked towards Sanzu.
“Okay now you little shit, we’re gonna stay here for tonight. Only tonight. When we’re gone, you’re gonna forget this place. You’re gonna forget she even exists, she’s won’t ever get involved with you or any of this.” He said. “Understood?”
“Now now, Haitani.” Said Sanzu, raising his hands, with a smug smile on his face. “Calm down. I won’t do nothing to her, I like her actually.”
“If you ever lay a hand on her, we will kill you.” Now spoke Ran.
Sanzu didn’t say another word, just smiled and nodded.
Rindou walked to your room. Like hell he was gonna let you sleep alone with that psychopath in his house. You were already asleep. The pregnancy made you extremely sleepy sometimes and it was past your bedtime.
Rindou layed down next to you and fell asleep with a hand on your belly.
The 4 men left first time in the morning.
“Sleep well darling, I’ll be back later today.” Rindou whispered to you, since you were still half asleep. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You said when he left.
“Congratulations.” Said Sanzu when they were walking towards their cars.
“What?” Asked Rindou, unsure on what he was talking about.
“For your baby, congratulations.” He replied, in a more serious tone. “I didn’t say that before.”
“Thank you.” Was all Rindou could say. He knew Sanzu was never going to say something about you to anyone.
If anything, Sanzu was loyal. And he knew how much you meant to Rindou. And who knows? Maybe your baby could actually grow up with a family.
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rinrinx2 · 6 months
Their ideal type in the bedroom
Summary: What acts you put on that gets them going in the bedroom.
Character: Ran, Rindou, Sanzu, Kakucho
Warning: Smut, mature content.
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His type is the clueless innocent type.
He enjoys the look of nervousness in your eyes as he approaches you.
Will tease you for getting shy when he starts touching you over your clothes.
Your whiny moans from him just touching you makes him so hard and it’s not long till his removing every article of your clothing.
Love’s how you try to hide yourself when you’re naked.
“Don’t hide yourself princess”
When he gets into the act his slow at first teasing his tip at your entrance watching as you try to hold back your moans, to shy to let him see how you’re having fun.
Is only going to put it in when you’re a moaning mess.
When the two of you finally get into the rhythm of fucking he goes faster.
And he knows once you’re on his dick that shy demeanor is gone as you moan and cry on his cock for me.
“Ran fuck me harder” you moan out drooling from your mouth as Ran fucks you in doggy.
“I’m not going any faster till you’re creaming on my cock”
His type is the confident type.
He loves a woman who knows she sexy and is willing to make a show of it.
His favourite sight is coming home and seeing you splayed out on the bed in lingerie barely covering anything.
“All this just for me” Rindou says as he loosens his tie.
He likes when you keep your confident appearance, with your bouncing up and down on his cock while he watches your tits bouncing around.
But even with you taking some control his still the main one in charge, he does this by setting the pace making sure that if you close to cumming he will slow down his hips.
He has to pinch your nipples while you ride him so he can see that needy look in your eyes.
When he sees you’re tired from riding him he will smack your ass so hard you fall forward with your body laying against his, he takes this opportunity to fuck you from below.
“Now baby I’m about to fuck your pretty brains out” Rindou says as you feel his cock push deep into you from below.
His type is those who have no self restraint, he loves a desperate bitch.
His favourite thing is getting videos while his at work, watching as you push your fingers inside your dripping cunt as you let your thoughts of him fill your head.
He loves the sight of you loosing yourself, unable to even wait for him to get home and fuck you.
And when he does get home his not waiting another second to fill your needy cunt.
The feeling of your warm slick walls motivating him to fuck into you harder.
“Can tell how desperate you are by how tight you’re getting” he growls as he fucks into you like a mad man letting out a laugh.
And you’re getting fucked to good to even say a word just cries of pleasure.
He loves how you’re begging him for more, your pussy trying to take more of his cock.
“Daddy lil desperate slut wants to devour his cock”
His type is someone who completely submits themselves.
His use to serving others always following commands, so the thought of having someone do exactly as he says has his cock slit leaking at the thought.
He loves coming home from work, seeing you sitting on the floor in front of his chair, already knowing that he needs head after a long day at the office.
His going to sit on a chair opposite the bed spewing commands to you, watching you follow them with his cock in his hand as he strokes it as you follow each step.
“Now play with that pussy” he commands as you tease your clit.
Is definitely going to call you when his on business trips so he can command you to put on a show.
Just because his away doesn’t mean the two of you can’t have fun.
“That’s right princess bend in front of the camera, let me see those pussy lips”
Is not going to stop commanding you till you’re a mess on his cock and desperately need to cum.
“Sir please” you beg feeling your orgasm get closer with each bounce on his cock.
“You’re not cumming till I say so” Kakucho says with a loud smack to your ass.
And he has you bounce on his cock till your slick is practically dripping down his thighs and into the floor beneath the two of you.
“Cum for my baby” he commands as you gush around his cock.
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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haitani-maki · 4 months
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♪ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [Fᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ɢɪʀʟ] ࿐ྂ
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୨୧MDNI 18+ Haitani Rindou x Fem!Reader
Today I was thinking about Rindou so I decided to do something quick for him
୨୧TW: established relationship, rough sex, fingering, oral receiving(f), overstimulation, orgasm, creampie, unprotected sex
୨୧English is not my first language (Not edited, may contain errors)
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Rindou likes to see you in things that are thin and delicate, something that is easy to set aside as one of his hands slips under the lace waistband of your panties. Two thick fingers will open your pussy until your juices are dripping down his hand, wet fingers will tap your swollen clit a few times so he can feel your legs shake as he holds you, keeping you open for him.
And only then, after you have cum a few times on his fingers, will Rindou finally use his tongue. A wet kiss on your clit, your pussy vibrating around nothing, still feeling the euphoria coursing through your body. Rindou's lips attach to your sensitive clit, sucking you as if he hadn't already made you cum a few times. Your moans had already turned into small incoherent murmurs, your legs are wobbly and your toes are curled, your vision blurred as you reach your orgasm once again, Rindou laughs against your skin and licks his lips, savoring your taste.
He walks away, taking off what's left of his clothes and revealing his defined abs with a tattoo that covers half of his body, before you can properly process what's happening, too fucked up to think straight, Rindou flashes his winning smile that you can never resist.
His fingers wrapped around the veiny shaft, your eyes go hazy as you watch him stroke his cock vigorously in his fist, the head of his cock bumping against your swollen clit, eyes hungry for more of you, always for more of you. He puts your legs on his shoulders, Rindou can't resist the spectacle that is when you become a puddle beneath him, he will drown in you until you both can't take it anymore.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin hitting skin, Rindou's hips slam into you in a relentless and cruel rhythm making you grip the sheets tightly as if they were your salvation. You face down on the bed with your ass thrust up at him, Rindou's hands spank and hold your ass tightly, spreading your red marked cheeks with his hands, giving Rindou the view of his dick moving in and out of your pussy. Tears gathering in your eyes as you feel yourself quickly coming to another orgasm.
Your eyes roll back, your body shakes violently, your juices run down Rindou's cock and your legs, tears now run down your face. Rindou doesn't care, his cock will keep sliding inside you.
He grabs you, your back pressed against his chest, Rindou's one hand squeezes your neck making you choke a little, the other hand holds firmly on your waist as he pounds into you faster. Rindou's rough thrusts making your breasts bounce quickly, his thrusts practically throwing you back into him, Rindou's hoarse moans close to your ear giving you goosebumps. Your body too overstimulated to come down from your euphoria, it's a good feeling, isn't it? It's good when he makes you crazy and Rindou knows exactly how to do that.
You turn your head, your eyes shining with tears looking at him with passion, Rindou squeezes your cheeks, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him. His lips brushing against yours, the sounds of skin brutally clashing and moans in unison are what's between you both. Rindou's violet eyes look at you with passion and lust as if he wasn't destroying you, his hand that was on your waist goes down to your aching clit, stimulating it until you clench around it and cum once again.
Rindou is dizzy, your tight, wet walls swallowing him and milking him, making him fill you up. The hot ropes of his cum gushing inside you until the last drop, Rindou will give it all to you. Rindou's hips stutter a few more thrusts before he pulls out of you.
Rindou loves seeing you like this, an exhausted mess for him, your pussy open and his cum dripping out of you. Showing Rindou that he did a great job once again satisfying his girl and himself, Rindou knows that you love it when he makes you cum until you're sore and he loves making you cum, causing you to overstimulate and making you moan his name loudly.
"You have such a gushy pussy, don’t you?♡"
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©2024 Maki. Please do not copy or translate.
Divider & MDNI by @/benkeibear
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kemistre · 5 months
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εïз┊𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 — feat. hanma shuji, inui seishu, kokonoi hajime, haitani rindou, haitani ran, hitto kakucho
synopsis. who knew catching him staring at your lips would turn into something more
— content warnings. suggestive, some hints of violence in rindou's, mentions of ki**** in hanma's — word count. 1319
εïз┊author's note. i rewrote most of these because i read them again and they were absolutely awful 🥰🥰
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εïз┊ h. shuji
his hand gripped the steering wheel as you sat in the passenger seat of his car, looking out of the window at the streets of shibuya while they flew by. he was insistent on taking you to meet his business partner, kisaki. he'd been meaning to do it for weeks, but never found a good opportunity until now. his eyes drifted away from the road in front of him and off to the side. the first thing that caught his eye was how forced you were on the scenery of the city as it passed. your eyes so intently looking through the glass as you lips parted. your lips. he couldn't take his eyes off your lips. "hanma, stop staring it's weird." he didn't even realize you were now looking at him instead of shibuya. a smirk formed on his lips as he hummed in response, making a quick glance into his rearview mirror before placing his foot on the break and making the car come to a halt. "what are you-" his hand cupped your cheek, suddenly he was mere inches from your face. "how can i not stare when you look like that~?" he cooed, his thumb gliding over your bottom lip. he let out a chuckle at the shock and confusion that laced your features before leaning back into his seat and driving off once more.
εïз┊ i. seishu
your eyes were focused on your laptop as he sat across from you, resting his head on his hand. you had begged him to go to the library with you so you could get some assignments done for class, and you were doing just that. all while he sat there not knowing what to do. don’t get him wrong, he loves spending time with you, he just didn’t know what to do at a library. he didn’t want to read, he didn’t want to interrupt you just when you just started getting motivation to do things again. so, he thought he’d admire you, anything and everything about you, silently. your hair, your eyes, your nose, your concentrated expression, your lips. and before he knew it, he just couldn’t take his eyes off your lips. "seishu? are you okay? you were zoning out." you smiled as his eyes widened, blinking rapidly as he came out of whatever trance he was in. his face grew hot in only a few seconds as he spoke, averting his eyes anywhere else but you. “sorry.” he was glad to hear your giggles instead of your teasing this time.
εïз┊ k. hajime
he sat on your bed, writing budget things in his notepad as you sat on the other side of the room, your chair turned to face him as you read something on your phone. it was a comfortable silence that both of you enjoyed more than you’d like to admit. he finished writing a section of numbers, his eyes raised from his notepad to you. he felt his cheeks heat up as you ran your finger across you bottom lip, deep in concentration on your phone. his grip tightened on his pen between his fingers, his heart beat quickened, he couldn't understand why. "haji, what are you looking at?" his eye twitched at your question. "quite teasing me, i know what you're doing." his eyes narrowed, suspicious of your innocence. "what do you mean?" "you make it so hard to not kiss you right now." he mumbled from between his lips, a pit forming in his stomach at the realization that you heard him. "you don't have to resist, y'know." a small grin found it's way to your lips, and he couldn't stop staring at it.
εïз┊ h. rindou
the man in front of you heaved as he ran in between two building down the alleyway, making you and rindou make a sharp turn to follow him. he had said something to you on the street without knowing rindou was there, that was how the two of you started chasing this man. you simply didn't want to leave rindou's side, so you ran close behind him in the freezing cold. you did your best to keep up with him, but in the end you were not built to run as fast as him. your pace slowed, your hand finding comfort on the wall of a brick building. rindou's eyes met yours as he realized you stopped running, instantly slowing his own pace to rejoin you. in turn, the man who creeped you out got away. a frustrated sigh fell from his lips as he quickly turned on his heel, striding over to you with a fierce look in his eye. he didn't look very happy, his eye twitching every so often as they bored into you. you thought he was looking at your eyes, but he was looking at your lips. "rin, you're staring, it's freaking me out." your face grew warm as he got closer, not saying a word but not breaking his gaze. "that guy got away because of you." his hand pressed on your stomach, pushing your back against the wall. "sorry rin.." your eyes widened as he spoke. "i needed to show him that your mine." there was a growl in his voice as his thumb ran across your bottom lip.
εïз┊ h. ran
he stayed close to you as you walked down the street, the cold air making you shiver as the street lamps shined down on the two of you. he had pestered you into coming to find his brother with him. he had seen rindou had run off somewhere to beat someone up, as per usual. you wouldn’t expect anything less from him. you glanced around, hoping that maybe you’d be able to see him so you could go back home, but of course that didn’t happen. though, what you did see was a pair of eyes staring at you when they should’ve been looking for his brother. “you’re staring.” he chuckled, giving you the same lazy smile he always wears. “i know.” his smile suddenly turns into a smirk as he kicks your legs out from beneath you, making you fall backwards. a small shriek came from your throat as he caught you, one arm holding you up, not letting you fall or even move a muscle as his other hand comes up to brush against your lips. your eyes widened, your face heating up faster than it ever had as you heart began beating faster at the close proximity. “aww, are you all riled up now?” his voice quiet, but nonetheless teasing and amused at the situation. he got closer, and closer, so close that you really thought he was going to kiss you. that was until he lifted you up, now standing upright as he began walking, leaving you a shocked and embarrassed mess. “let’s find my brother first, then you can go home, alright darling?” 
εïз┊ h. kakucho
he laid beside you on the couch as you got ready for the movie night he’d been promising you for a few weeks now. it was finally time for you two to spend some quality time together for the first time in a while. so, as you picked out the perfect fluffy blankets, got some snacks ready, and brought over some hot chocolate for the both of you, you had realized he was watching your every movement, and when you looked close enough, you realized he was gazing at your lips most of the time. you stopped, standing in front of him with an amused smile on your face. “kaku, i think you’re staring.” you spoke, trying not to laugh as you tapped your finger on your lips. his eyes widened before he looked away. “i wasn’t.” his face got hot as you giggled at the pout forming on his lips. and this was just one of many reasons you loved him.
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koishiro · 5 months
Dating B4 Bonten Rindou Haitani <3
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sair-png · 5 months
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beeing1alive · 2 months
Tenjiku boys when they're jelly so their girl gives them a hickey for the first time??? 🥹🙏
I love your writing 👺👺👺👺👺🪻🪻🪻🪻🪻 you deserve so many flowers and cakes sweetie
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Note: Thank you for this sweet request, it made me, me rolling around on my bed and giggling like a little kid >.< I also hope you like what I wrote and have a wonderful day/night :)
he gets jealous so easily
all you have to do is talk to another boy and he'll want to pull you round the next corner
that's exactly what he did, needing you to let him know that you only want him
when he notices you slowly kissing and sucking the skin of his neck, he was satisfied
jealousy turns him on, so it's your decision whether it becomes more
trusts you 100%, but not the other guys looking at you
it drives him crazy to see all the guys around you staring at you
once you're home, he definitely wants your attention, to know that you only have eyes for him
as soon as he feels your lips on his neck, he lets out a little gasp
will press you tighter against him when he feels you gently sucking on his skin, and he will also let out a soft sigh every now and then
always gets cocky when another guy tries to flirt with you
the moment you arrive in a private place he will be all over you
knowing that you're all his gives him the biggest ego boost
when he feels your warm breath and your soft lips on his neck, he will go crazy
will praise you and say over and over again how good you are to him as soon as you start sucking gently on his skin
gets jealous very easily and trusts you enough to know that you wouldn't do it
but still his eyes will be on you all the time
is already imagining the things he wants to do with you when you get home
will be all over you the second you get into bed together fall all over you
as soon as you start kissing his neck and gently sucking on his sensitive skin, a soft, breathy moan escapes him
doesn't really get jealous easily, but when he is, he really does
will take your hand and pull you straight to his motorbike so you can get home quickly
as soon as the door is closed behind you, he will push you against the first best wall
will make you say over and over again that you only love him and only belong to him
when you start sucking gently on his neck, he'll be satisfied, filled with the feeling that he's the only one you make feel this way
Attention: The characters and the gif do not belong to me. All credits go to the actual owners. If you want anything to be changed or removed, please write to me.
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cindol · 8 months
cw— drabble, smut, dick riding,
Rindou needs a stress relief every once in a while. Being a bonten executive was tough work, unlike ran and sanzu he doesn’t have it in him to be a slacker being a chronic workaholic. When he had the day off though on a rare Saturday he took the time to unwind with his wife just not in the way people would usually relax.
With his wife he could just escape, never having to worry about his executive position or going after people who owe bonten. Right now he could worry about escaping with his wife riding his dick. Nothing could distract him from looking up at her pretty brown face twisted with pleasure and open two lips at with her voice making soft moans and hand brushing through his purple hair.
His face was just as flustered as her, just a pink blush visible on his pale face than her brown cheeks. With his hands gripping all over her ass and waist just needing somewhere to place his hands until she she grabbed them herself and placed them on both her brown mounds.”just relax baby, it’s your day off you don’t have to do anything but enjoy yourself and watch me” saying that it in shushed soft honey voice then kissing his ear and continuing her bounce on his dick. Her bounce getting faster and sloppier as the minutes went on with more vocal moans coming from rindou, his head titling up to the ceiling from the moans he couldn’t even believe coming from his own mouth. If sanzu or ran were nearing hearing him he would be a laughing stalk for some harsh months.
Attempting to cover his mouth didn’t work so he covered his hand over his face at the immense pleasure his wife was giving him from just her hips and bouncing. Yes, this was relaxation for him.
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spacebaby1 · 2 months
Can I ask Rindou's reaction to the fact that his partner is expecting his child?
and for more drama (I'm a dramatic girl and I love drama) you could have Rindou's partner hide the situation from him
drama, angst but happy ending 😝
Hiii! Bestie, I got you! One thing about me is that I live for drama in writing 🎀😌🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 let's start!
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You and Rindou never had an argument because he always listened to you, but that didn't last long. You couldn't even remember what escalated the whole conversation into an argument, which led to Rindou slamming the door behind him as he left you'd house last night. The whole night you couldn't sleep not until the sun was out and your eyes gave up from all the crying; you weren't even sure why you were feeling emotional usually it's hard to make you cry. Anyways, you fell asleep around the early hours of the day after shutting your phone completely.
All the crying tired your body to no end that you ended up sleeping until late afternoon. Around four in the afternoon you woke up with a painful headache and aching in your abdomen and before you could grab your phone you felt your stomach turned and you ran to the bathroom, throwing up for a good half an hour before you sat on the bathroom floor.
The memories of yesterday's argument came rushing to you after you were back in your room sitting on your bed with your head in your hands. You weren't feeling well at all and thought the argument took a toll on you so bad that you were about to get sick. You didn't question the vomiting because it was how you'd react if you had a heated argument; it was natural body response to you. Finally, picking up your phone, you turned it on only for Rindou's texts. Fill your screen, followed by numerous of missed calls:
My love: Baby are you okay?
Look, I'm really sorry for shouting at you. I just lost control. But it wasn't your fault. It was me. Please forgive me?
My love:Darling? Can I call you?
*missed call*
*missed call*
My love: baby please answer me, at least end the ringing so I'll know you can see my calls.
My love: I'm so soo sooo sorry
My love: I can't sleep after I made you upset, I'm an idiot! I wish I can hold you right now...
My love: Are you sleeping, sweetie? Good night, my beautiful baby.
12:23 P.M
My love: baby? Sweetheart? Please text back.
My love: at least tell me you're not hurt I'm fucking going insane!
My love: y/n! Baby, I'm sorry!
3:50 P.M
My love: I'm worried about you angel, text me! It's not your usual self to sleep this much.
My love: Can I come by? I'm sorry baby, please don't give me the silent treatment. I'm so sorry, and i would apologize a thousand times if it means you'll forgive me the thousandth time."
He must've seen you reading the texts, and before you could reply, he called you. You sighed and answered, "Baby? Baby, are you okay?" You heard his tired voice. It wasn't until you answered that you realised how sore your throat was, "hi," it came out almost as a whisper before your cough holding the phone away a bit. Rindou panicked at the sound of your tired voice and coughing, "I'm coming over-"
"No, please not now," you replied in a low voice, "I'm not feeling well, just-just- I nee-" you were crying again, he heard you snuffling. "D-dont cry," now he was crying, You shook your head as if he could see you, "I'm so sorry, I hurt you. "I'm so sorry and i would apologize a thousand times if it means you'll forgive me the thousandth time. Just let me see you."
"Please, Rindou. I need space."
"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" He asked with a shaking voice. "No, Rin, I just need to be alone now." You heard his little sigh, "Okay, baby. Did you just wake up? You sound tired, let me order you some food-"
"No, Rin. I can-"
"No, please. At least let me do what I'm supposed to do as your boyfriend. Let me take care of you?" He sounded defeated, but you loved how he always took care of you No matter where he was. "Okay, I love you." You could almost hear his smile when you said that, "I love you more baby, call me if you need anything." You hung up and rubbed your forehead. The next two days were blurry because of how exhausted and sick you were. Usually, you'd let the fever go away, but it kept getting worse to the point that you couldn't put food down in your stomach.
On the third day you decided to visit the doctors and run some blood test to make sure it isn't anything serious and you wish it wasn't what you heard. "Miss Y/n? The blood test shows that everything is fine, just a slight changes in BP but it's normal at this stage."
"Huh? What do you mean at this stage?" You asked the doctor, and she looked at you confused then back at the chart that she was holding. "The pregnancy, you are three months pregnant, Y/n. Did you not know that?" Your eyes widened, and you could barely hear anything after that. Suddenly, it hit you. You were late, and you've been feeling so much different.
"I'm pregnant? Three mo-month?" You whispered more to yourself than a question to your doctor. The doctor nodded, "it explains that vomiting and the abdominal pain, are you okay?"
You got up, " Can you do an ultrasound? Can i see it?"
The doctor nodded, "Sure, if you'd want to."
You almost cried when you saw the screen of your ultrasound, "This is the baby." She pointed at the screen, and you smiled, forgetting the whole world the moment you saw your baby, "do you want the prints?" You nodded, whipping your happy tears away. It wasn't until you got home and saw the picture of you and Rindou on your phone screen is when your smile dropped; Rindou will not take the news well, you thought to yourself and you thought you were doing a good job at avoiding his texts and calls; it was a bad idea because he only grew more concerned about your relationship.
It was another day of you feeling absolutely horrible and vomiting all morning until your stomach was in knots. You heard the frantic bell ringing, followed by knocking on the front door. Groaning you got up holding your stomach with one hand as to you made your way towards the front door without asking who it was you opend the door slowly only to find Rindou standing there with tired eyes and looking panicked. He immediately gathered you in his arms making you yelp in surprise of how hard he was holding you; one of his hands on the back of your head and the other hilding you by the shoulder, "how could you avoid me for two weeks? I'm going insane thinking about you, baby. Why do you hate me so much? Fuck! I missed you." You gasped for air, "Ri, you are c-cruching me, I'm in pain-" He immediately let go and you almost fell on the ground passing out but he held you to his chest as you caught your breath, "you gonna crush me to death?" You asked in a low voice and groaned in pain holding your stomach. "Did I hurt you? I am so sorry, baby." He picked you up bridle style and headed towards your room, carefully placing you on your bed before sitting beside you and checking your forehead, "baby? You're burning." You shook your head, holding his hand in yours, "it's nothing, just an upset stomach. W-what are you doing here?" You asked, feeling yourself drifting to sleep. He sat on the floor next to the bed, kissed your hand, "you haven't text back for two weeks. I was worried, and you're sick yet you didn't call me?"
You shook your head, "I went to the doctors, it's nothing just a stomachache, it'll go by it's own." Rindou shook his head, "No, let me take care of you, do you wanna eat something?"
"I can't, I'll throw up, and it only hurt my stomach more, I just need to lay down." You said almost in a whisper before eventually falling back asleep, still holding Rindou's hands. "My baby," he kissed your forehead before running to get some cold cloth and place it on your forehead. Since you were sleeping, he decided to tide up your vanity a bit since you couldn't do it, and he noticed your things everywhere.
Rindou picked your make-up and placed them to the side, then your accessories which he put away in the box, and he grabbed your other things and opend the drawer to put them away only to find the ultrasound prints next to the results. His heart started beating fast as he took the picture in hand, eyes wide open he read it again and again making sure what he was looking at was indeed a baby and the test had your name on it. You were pregnant, and he felt his eyes blurred when he saw the date; it was a two and half week old test. He could hold back his sobs as he looked at the ultrasound prints. He was trying not to wake you up with his sobbing and he was shaking so hard that he had to sit down on the floor because he didn't trust his knees to hold him standing; he's gonna be a father? Did you even want the baby? Why didn't you tell him?
He sobbed for an hour before making his way towards you and softly kissing your forehead which made you wake up, and you blinked at him. He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand with tears falling from his eyes which made you immediately sit on your bed, "Rinny? Wh-why are you crying? What's wrong?" You cupped his puffy face in your weak hands as your eyes met with his hand holding the ultrasound prints in his hands as more tears fell from his beautiful eyes, "Why didn't you tell me? I'm I not en-" you hugged him closer feeling yourself about to cry, "Don't say that, please." You whispered and he hugged you.
You both stayed like that for minutes and on until Rindou whipped his tears and sat beside you on the bed, with you covered with the blanket and head resting on his chest while he couldn't stop smiling at the picture of your baby. "I'm sorry I wasn’t there for this." You shook your head cuddling closer, "you seem happy." He looked down at you and wrapped his arms around you, "I'm gonna be a dad, of course I'm happy. I can't believe it. I'm gonna be a dad. There's gonna be a mini version of our love? I hope it's a girl, then she'll look as beautiful as you. Did you check? Is it a girl? Or boy?"
You chuckled at his excitement, "No, I didn't. I was just terrified and happy to see the baby." He hugged you closer, "you don't need to be terrified. We'll be great, Mama and dada. I promise."
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zerokurokawa · 4 months
Can I get some jealous rindou? You can make it as smut or fluff whatever! Thank you!
I Still Get Jealous | Rindou x Reader (Slight NSFW, MDNI) <3
Rindou didn't mind much that you got along with his older brother, Ran. However, it did become a problem when Ran started to subconsciously flirt with you while being playful. Ran would tease you by calling you nicknames and playfully shoving you around. The only thing that burst Rindou's bubble was when he accidentally called you babe. This was the final straw, and Rindou could see a slight blush on your face when Ran called you the intimate name. 
You two were in his room after the name calling and Rindou was being uncannily quiet.
"What's wrong? Is it Ran?" You asked, trying to snuggle up to him on the bed. 
"Him calling you babe is where I draw the line." 
"I don't think he meant it like that, I think he meant it more in a friendly way, ya know?" You tried to console his jealously, but it only put a cap on the boiling pot that was Rindou. 
You sat up, thinking about going and grabbing some food when Rindou pulled you back into the bed to lay on his chest. 
"I can't help it..." He trailed off, getting even more quiet with his words. 
"Help what?" You asked, turning your face towards his. 
"I still get jealous. Every guy that looks your way, I still get irritated and made because you're mine and mine only." He would say, holding you closer to his chest. You nuzzled into him, taking in his scent while he started to slowly rub your back. 
"I can see why," You stated, trying to get closer to Rindou as he began to touch all of your sweet spots. 
"Mmhmm..." He mumbled, slowly leaning down to kiss you. The kiss turned into a heated make-out session as he began to touch you in ways you always craved him to. You interrupted the session due to hearing Ran in the kitchen, who seemed to be making himself some food. 
"We can't do this right now," You moaned out as Rindou began to kiss your neck. You know that the walls were thin and the last thing you needed was Ran teasing you both about having sex. Ran loved to make things awkward for everybody. 
"Give me one good reason why we can't." Rindou started to grab at your clothes, trying to tug them off. 
"Your brother is literally in the next room. He can hear us." You began to say as Rindou still didn't listen. 
"Then stop flirting with him. Stop letting him tease you and play around with you. You're giving him too much leeway when it comes to your friendship and you need to set some boundaries." Rindou stated, sounding more stern than usual. He wanted you all to himself. 
"Okay..." Was all you said before Rindou pinned you against the bed with him on top and in between your legs. He was grinding himself against your heat, making it unbearable as you wanted to continue. 
"Okay as in you're mine and mine only, right?" He asked, kissing your neck once more, making you moan again. This time, you were sure Ran heard. 
"Okay!" You said a bit louder, trying to get him to settle down. 
"Glad we're on the same page now," Rindou said, getting off of you with his member poking through his grey sweat pants, "But you aren't going anywhere tonight. Once he goes to sleep, imma show you exactly who you belong to." 
You just sat there in pure amazement at this mans confidence. You knew what you were in for the following evening. 
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haitani-maki · 6 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮
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Contains NSFW links ⚠
It is just headcanon, you're free to disagree, just stay respectful
English is not my first language
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💿. °bf!rindou that his love language is words of affirmation and actions
💿. °bf!rindou that sends you a lot of songs
💿. °bf!rindou when it's just the two of you, he expresses his feelings for you
💿. °bf!rindou who likes to drink with you, he always chooses the best drinks. It's okay if you don't drink, he just wants your company
💿. °bf!rindou that shows you multiple strokes, he gets excited as you look at him
💿. °bf!rindou that like to go to the gym with you but he understand if you didn't want to
💿. °bf!rindou who plays your favorite songs at home or in the club, you are the best on the dance floor
💿. °bf!rindou that takes you to various places in Roppongi or that you like to go to
💿. °bf!rindou sometimes you gotta take a drunk Rindou home
💿. °bf!rindou that looks like he's going to hit someone at any moment, but he's actually polite to some people
💿. °bf!rindou be patient with him, Rindou has many complaints about older Haitani
💿. °bf!rindou who is a good listener
💿. °bf!rindou who usually calls Ran "aniki", he once blurted out a "nii-chan" when you were together and he was embarrassed. He denies it whenever you bring it up
💿. °bf!rindou who spoils you buying gifts, he likes to see your shine whenever you're happy
💿. °bf!rindou who likes to sleep cuddling
💿. °bf!rindou he smells really good
💿. °bf!rindou he  likes movie nights with you, he has introduced you to many films
💿. °bf!rindou in Bonten, you would have many security guards, he just wants you to be protected. He would decrease security if you felt uncomfortable
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🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will rub your pussy when you sit on his lap
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will fuck you in inappropriate places, he likes to take risks
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves it when you ride his fat cock, you look so beautiful on top of him
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will make you cum with just his fingers, he loves fingering you
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou definitely eats pussy like a champ
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou thinks a little spanking never hurts
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou you'll get what you deserve when you behave like a brat, that's the moment when his kindness disappears
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves to fuck your throat, prepare your jaw
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou make out sessions always
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou morning sex, he gotta have the breakfast of champions
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou is going to make a complete mess of you, cumming all over your body
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou has nothing against toys, he will use them on you
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves seeing you a messy, tearful squirming underneath him
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou overstimulation and BDSM, y'all got a safe word
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou pet names, praise and degradation
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou will put you in positions you didn't even know were possible, it's never boring with him
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou that will mark you, especially your thighs
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou who prefers butts, likes to slap and squeeze soft flesh, it's a great pillow that he claims is heaven on earth
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou that everything around him ceases to exist when he hears your moans, surely it's his favorite song
🍶 ˖ ֗ ࣭ ⋆bf!rindou loves their body, knows every corner of it
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⚠These videos don't belong to me, credit to their respective owners
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