#touchstarved game
serafisolaris · 3 days
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just some sketches
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grimalkinscribbles · 3 days
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Gender: m o o n
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vermilionsun · 3 days
Headcanons about how the LIs would kiss the MC for the first time? Definitely not ideas to draw-
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oMG— HI HI HIIIIIIIIIII 🙋‍♂️🙇‍♂️ *exploads*
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✩ Probably happens in a dimly lit, secluded part of Eridia—perhaps an alleyway where the air is thick with the pungent stench of rotting garbage and decay. The narrow space between the crumbling buildings offers a rare moment of solitude in that God-forgotten city.
✩ Ais's eyes, usually sharp and alert, soften as they linger on the MC.
✩ In his defense, emotions were running H I G H. It's not his fault they were right there, looking so beautiful and absolutely enticing.
✩ His gaze remains locked on theirs, searching for something—maybe permission, maybe a sign that they feel the same pull that he does. When he finds it, his resolve seems to crumble, just a little.
✩ With a deep breath, as if steeling himself, Ais reaches out. His hand, usually so steady and sure, hovers for a moment before finally brushing against the MC’s cheek. The touch is surprisingly gentle.
✩ Yeah, the consequences could wait
✩ The kiss is slow at first, almost tentative, as if he’s testing the waters, unsure of how far he can go. But when the MC responds, the kiss deepens, becoming more intense.
There’s a rawness to it, an urgency that leaves them both breathless.
✩ Ais’s other hand comes up to cradle the back of the MC’s head, pulling them closer as if afraid they might slip away. The world around them—the decay, the danger, the darkness—melts away, leaving just the two of them, lost in the moment.
✩ When they finally pull apart, Ais’s breath is ragged, his forehead resting against the MC’s as he struggles to regain control. His eyes, once so unreadable, now shimmer with a vulnerability he’s never shown before.
✩ “Don’t make me regret this,” he murmurs, his voice low and rough, a plea wrapped in a warning.
✞ The bitch /affectionately has been dropping shameless hints the moment he met them the very same day
✞ It is a wall. A very nice wall, if he has a say. He's the type to trap them between a rock and a... hard place [you guess which is which]
✞ "Well, he looks at me and I look at him And he looks at me and I look at him And he looks at me and I look at him" And it goes like that for a few agonising long moments. Mfr is like :3
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✞ His expression is gentle, but there’s a depth of emotion there that he hasn’t fully expressed before. Eventually, mister giraffe leans down for a long peak. There’s no rush, giving the MC all the time in the world to decide if that is what they want.
✞ He kisses them with a kind of reverence, as if they’re something precious, something to be cherished.
✞ One hand on the small of their back, firm yet gentle, guiding them closer to him. The other hand tangled in their hair, fingers softly caressing the back of their neck.
✞ When they eventually pull apart, Kuras’s eyes remain closed for a moment longer, as if savoring the feeling, the memory of their lips on his. He smiles, but it’s tinged with a kind of sadness.
✞ Next moment, he's holding them tight against his chest, allowing them to feel the steady beat of his heart.
✞ “Thank you”
🗡 Takes place in The Wet Wick, buzzing with its usual crowd—a mix of unsavory characters, mercenaries, and those looking to drown their troubles in strong drink.
🗡 Leander leans in his chair, his posture relaxed. His fingers tap lightly against the rim of his glass, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
🗡 “You know, I can’t tell if you’re doing this on purpose,” his words, like always, are laced with that effortless charm.
🗡 Leander watches them for a moment longer, then, with a slow, deliberate movement, reaches out. His fingers lightly graze the back of the MC’s hand, sending a shiver up their arm. Leander’s touch is warm, and his lips even more so as places a soft kiss upon the bare knuckles, emerald eyes gleaming with adoration.
🗡 He then moves their hand to cup his cheek, leaning in...
🗡 The kiss is everything the MC might have expected from him—confident, intense, and undeniably passionate. His lips move against theirs with a kind of practiced ease, as if he’s done this a thousand times before.
🗡 His hand comes up to the small of their back, pulling them closer, his body pressing against theirs.
🗡 When he finally pulls back, his breath is ragged, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks. His eyes are darker now, filled with something deeper.
🗡 He gives a small chuckle, though it’s softer, more vulnerable. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this”
The night sky is overcast, casting a muted gray glow over the city. A cool breeze rustles the MC’s clothes as they sit beside Mhin, both of them watching the distant lights flicker across the chaotic city below. The two of them sit in silence, a silence that’s not uncomfortable but rather familiar.
🕊 Mhin's shoulders are slightly less tense, their gaze lingers on the horizon rather than avoiding eye contact. They mightt be on the edge of letting something slip through the cracks of their defenses.
🕊 “Why are you still here? With me?” It’s a question born of clear curiosity, neither insecurity nor doubt.
They turn to face the MC, their heart beating a little faster.
🕊 For a moment, Mhin looks like they might pull back, might retreat into themselves the way they always do. But instead, they hesitate, their breath catching slightly as they move closer.
🕊 “Because I want to be.” It’s not an elaborate answer, but it’s the truth, and Mhin values honesty above all else. “Are you sure?” Mhin asks, their voice quieter still, almost like they’re asking themselves more than the MC. The MC nods, their gaze steady. “Yes.” 🕊 That’s all it takes.
🕊 Mhin is the one to close the final distance between them.
🕊 The kiss is delicate, almost fragile, as though Mhin is afraid to break something—perhaps the walls they’ve built around themselves [too late for that tho---] It’s not rushed or passionate, but slow and measured, like they’re trying to make sense of it.
🕊 Mhin’s hand hovers near the MC’s cheek, as if they want to touch but aren’t sure they should.
🕊 When they finally break the kiss, Mhin pulls back slowly, their gaze searching the MC’s face for any sign of regret or hesitation. There's definately color in their cheeks.
✦ The alleyway behind The Wet Wick, where the flickering light from the tavern barely reaches. It's late, the streets mostly empty except for the occasional passerby, and the two of them have just slipped out of sight, away from the bustling noise of the tavern.
✦ “You really should be more careful around me, you know,” Vere says, his voice low and lilting, dripping with mock concern.
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✦ He steps closer, his movements smooth, almost predatory, like a cat toying with its prey. He tilts his head slightly, amusement dancing in his eyes as he closes the gap between them.
✦ His hand moves to brush lightly against the MC’s arm, the touch barely there, more of a tease than a real caress. It's intoxicating, his scent a mix of something sweet and dangerous, like poisoned honey.
✦ They can’t tell if he’s about to kiss them or kill them—and that’s exactly how Vere likes it.
✦ His lips are soft, but there’s a dangerous edge to the way he kisses them, his teeth grazing their bottom lip just enough to send a shiver down their spine.
✦ His hand comes up to cup the side of their neck, his fingers lightly pressing into their skin, holding them in place as he deepens the kiss.
✦ It's as much a test as a promise, a dance on the edge of something darker, something dangerous. It isn’t just about fun for him—it’s about control.
✦ When he finally pulls back, his breath is ragged, his eyes w i d e and hungry. He lingers close, his lips still barely brushing theirs.
✦ “You’ve managed to exceed my expectations,” Vere murmurs, his voice soft but dripping with intrigue. "Kiss me like that again, and I might actually start to like you.”
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nd0zhr · 16 hours
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mawrrbid · 2 days
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Offering y'all Kuras with head wings because I can.
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woody-swirl · 19 hours
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he is so cool, so mmmmjfidosheunfhaveyeotojdhdb AAAAAAAAAA🥵🥵🥵🥵😳😳😳😳love him
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freedomandmusic · 2 days
Who's heart?
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millethe · 23 hours
Save me, coquette Ais
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yuechicake · 3 days
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It’s not as if Mhin wants to do this. It’s not as if they’re particularly attached to her in any way, not when she gets blood all over their floors and lounges carelessly in their home like she has every right to be there. But she comes, and they admonish, and she smiles, and still they bring out their city of bandages and disinfectants and ointments.  Li is a law of nature, and so Mhin is helpless: it’s like how the tides are pulled by the moon, and the sun rises in the east each day, and the planet revolves ever so slowly on its axis. It’s simple cause and effect, unchangeable scientific relationships that govern their world. If Li is a wound, then they, by all means, have to be a remedy.
(commissioned from hejee)
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swestbifire · 3 days
Ok so was doing some digging in all the LIs lore sheets and found a lot of stuff (ill dig deeper into it later) but the most interesting thing that clicked is that Veres lore has no mention of him as a monster from the Shroud, which most of the other Lis believe (idk if Kuras knows dont remember what he said about Vere). Instead the Senobiums documents describing him as a diety and demon. He's a being with power from the human realm.
Which might be what Vere means when he says his whole 'not quite human or monster line'. If this is what he means then ya, the Senobium is going to try to capture Mc to study how they got powers as a being not from the monster realm, (probably) how they can harness and transfer that power to humans. Which in the Senobiums eyes could protect humans from monster attacks.
Don't know if this is a a big brain moment or a big brain fart (probably brain fart)... but just putting it out there.
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arpiniko · 3 days
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another part of that 3am sketch fever dream of my favourite biblical trauma doctor
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Ignoring the fact my mom gave me the biggest look after reading the Wet Wick Keychain (she wanted to see me open it) this was the best day of my life
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vermilionsun · 3 days
hellooo, i really love the headcanons u write 4 touchstarved. i totally understand if ur uncomfortable writing about this, so no pressure. but if ur okay with it, i’d be curious to see how the lis (whichever u prefer, but preferably leander or someone with a visible scar ><) would react to an mc with sh scars.
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TW! Implied self–harm [as per the request] Let’s start with the basics; this is not romanticising sh in any way, shape or form—I believe it’s obvious
If anyone ever feels the need to let something out of their chest/venting, or even chit-chat about this and that, my messages are and will remain open <3
And always remember; Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
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✩ He didn't mean to see them. He wasn't trying to look for them.
✩ His eyes widened slightly before narrowing again. The subtle shift in his expression betrayed his thoughts as he debated whether or not to acknowledge what he saw.
✩ "What are those?" Not subtle, not discreet, straight to the point. "How did they happen?" he asked, his tone blunt but oddly caring.
✩ He took a step forward, and then another, standing so close that he could easily reach out and touch them. "Listen, I'm not gonna judge you or anything. I just wanna know…”
✩ He’s worried as fuck
✩ but remains as calm as can be, letting them take their time
✩ He took it upon himself to make sure the scars were healing properly (with what little knowledge he had from helping Kuras)
✞ His eyes narrow minutely. He doesn’t show any sign of fear or disgust, and that somehow is even more alarming than it would’ve been if he had. The expression on his face is almost blank.
✞ His tone remains even, betraying nothing of his thoughts or emotions. Something in his stare is just the slightest bit piercing, however. He’s assessing them, studying all of the details of their form and expression. He’s… unnervingly perceptive. He keeps just barely out of arm's reach.
✞ His coat rustles as he gently reaches out, like he’s trying not to startle a small wild animal. A single long, slender finger traces one of the scars. "My. That is serious scarification. How did it happen?" He asks, as if he doesn't already know the answer. Or maybe he does, and he just doesn't want to believe it.
✞ He will push for an answer.
✞ There’s a long, heavy silence. A flicker of understanding clouds his expression. "Why?" The sharp tone melts away, replaced by gentleness.
✞ He lets out a tired sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, all the tension leaving his body. For that moment, the mask of the competent, emotionless doctor falters, and he suddenly looks older, more worn-down, more vulnerable.
✞ "Don't… I've heard the same story far too many times."
🗡"Hey, what are those from?" His expression remained the same for a brief moment, a hint of curiosity in his eyes, fixated on the scars.
🗡When he noticed the pause, he took a step closer, maintaining a respectful distance. "It's alright. You can tell me."
🗡 As the words left their lips, Leander's expression shifted slightly, reflecting a tinge of surprise and a hint of understanding, though he remained calm. "You..." Leander started, choosing his words carefully. "Did you do this to yourself...?"
🗡The concern in his eyes intensified, and his voice dropped to a soft, gentle murmur. "Are there more?"
🗡 His fingers instinctively reach out—
🗡 He gently drew them into a tight embrace, holding them close against his chest, his body warm and firm against theirs. "Nevermind. You don't have to say a word. I'm here for you."
🗡 "You know, scars aren't all bad. They're reminders that you've survived, that you're stronger than you give yourself credit for…. Just promise me you won't do it again. Those scars... they don't belong on you."
🕊 Mhin's demeanor would change the moment they'd spot their scars
🕊 They’d hesitate only momentarily before walking up to them, yanking any fabric away and inspecting them
🕊 "How old are they?" They’d ask, their voice a bit softer compared to their earlier attitude.
🕊 They’re just.. staring at them, the gears in their head clearly turning. Mhin looked quite… shocked, like they’d seen a ghost roaming the streets of Eridia.
🕊 “You did this on purpose,” they concluded. "Were you trying to…?" Their voice is careful, treading on thin ice.
🕊 For once, they ignored their pride and went with something their heart was telling him to do instead of their head; They soaked a cloth in the disinfectant eyes flickering back up to their ace before carefully bringing it to the scars. They worked silently, cleaning the wounds with surprisingly gentle touch before wrapping them in bandages once done.
🕊 “Who drove you to it?”
✦ Ỳ̶̡̮̜̙̑̈́͆̄̌̾̈́̔̚͘ͅỏ̸̢̨̖̺̦̫̀͊̏̊͝u̷͚̜̟̟̪͎͙͂́̉̑̌̀̊̔��̾̌͝r̴̨̞̪̽͋̌͜ ̵̧̡̞̺͔̖̳̱̗͈̩̟͛͋͜ͅͅs̷͈̯͊̀̃́̿̿c̶̨̨̜͈͙͈̱̀̑́̎ą̴̙̞̟̰̙͓̫̽͑r̴̢̢̡̙̭͖̦̝̺̮̄͑̍͛̓͗̂̿̂̿̓̒̈́̕ṣ̵́̈́̉̋̂̏͛̐̂̑͊̾́̕̕.̴��̤̱͙̀̀ ̴̢̧͇̮͈̥̮̲͈̫̓̄̔̋ͅ
✦ It's unexpected. He is really close to them—too close for comfort. So close that they're able to feel the heat of his breath.
✦ His face is calm, almost emotionless, but there is something like deep thoughtfulness in his eyes and a little bit of irritation that he is clearly trying to conceal. 
✦ "A lot of them..." His voice is quiet, almost a whisper. There's something strange in his tone. "Who did that?" They feel his rough fingers on their skin, his touch not gentle, but not as harsh and cold as they'd expect. He seems tense now, looking at them with a kind of coldness that they hadn't seen from him before.
✦ He suddenly makes a quiet huffing sound, as if he's almost sneering. “What a waste.” He mutters and he finally steps back a little, his gaze still on their scars. “Stupid… What was even the point?” It’s something like a sincere question, that came out without him realizing it.
✦ He’s clearly trying to figure something out, staring them down, observing every muscle, twitch and every subtle movement
✦ “Was it worth it?”
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creativebrainrot · 1 day
when Touchstarved releases,
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mawrrbid · 3 days
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A rover and his dog(?) EDIT: Added Leander's scar bc I forgor.....
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kimiro-art · 2 days
Hear me out ... master x weapon AU for touchstarved x MC
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