bladeweaver-if · 2 days
Demo Update (21/09/24)
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🎶Do you remember
The 21st night of September?🎶
Demo link
Well, at least it's the night here. The update has come!
This one, coming in at ~67,000 words, continues Chapter 2, taking us very close to the end--but not quite. If you play, you'll see why, and perhaps curse me for my tendency for cliffhangers haha.
If I'm right, this is the biggest update so far, and it's taken a whiiiiile. It shouldn't have taken as long as it did, and I'm confident my next updates won't take nearly as long.
Even still, I'm sorry to say this isn't a wholly complete update. There will be sections missing, such as much of Sam's gift-showing path when you visit his home (sorry! I just got too focused on other things and didn't want to half-implement the scenes. Next update, for sure!) and many of the fair events. I hope this at least encourages some replaying when the time comes, as you'll need to do with this update.
Also included are some small tweaks to the prologue (again, I love tweaking. It's a curse) and various grammar/writing tweaks to the rest of the game. Of course, bugs and other errors are liable to appear in the new content, and I'd really appreciate if you could point those out to me, either in DMs or by other means, such as in the Bladeweaver Discord in our bug reporting threads! The discord link is in my intro post, for anybody curious.
I'd also like to give myself a little round of applause for Bladeweaver hitting 20,000 plays on itch! That's 20,000 more plays than I was really hoping for haha.
I normally put a little summary of what you can expect to find in my updates, but have opted to leave that out for this one. You'll probably understand why soon enough.
I hope you enjoy reading. :)
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bey-life · 16 hours
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jung-koook · 2 days
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240922 - jin on vogue magazine website
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askchuuyanakahara · 5 hours
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Chuuya: "The Black Lizards, that is."
Akutagawa: "I have not seen her."
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Chuuya: "If you want kissing so badly, watch a romance movie or something."
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Chuuya: "I was just about to go grab a small bite to eat, actually."
Akutagawa: "Ah.. no thank you, I only came here to give you this file.."
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Chuuya: "Let's go!"
Akutagawa: "Chuuya-san..!"
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Chuuya: "Aren't you glad I got you to come with?"
Akutagawa: "Ah yes.. thank you, Chuuya-san."
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Chuuya: "But you don't like dogs, do you?"
Akutagawa: "Unfortunately, I do not."
Chuuya: "Don't worry! I'm not offended or anything."
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Chuuya: "I only just got her so I don't want to overwhelm her.."
Chuuya: "Maybe I'll see if she'd like a nice hat."
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Chuuya: "Seriously.. I'm getting exhausted by all these assumptions."
Akutagawa: "M.. my apologies, Chuuya-san."
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Chuuya: "Ane-san asked me to."
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Chuuya: ".. it doesn't matter, ignore me."
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80sdreambabe · 2 days
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thewriterpersonn · 3 days
Not Regulus thinking that he's dead...
It took a second for the words to register with Regulus but when it did, he became still and laughed. “The universe certainly has a sick sense of humor to make you my afterlife. Or, I guess, as close ‘you’ as my memory can create. Where are mother and father, they must be included somewhere? Or Potter, if you’re here, there’s no way the universe forgot him.”
Sirius’ stomach filled with dread. “No, Regulus, you’re alive. James and Kreature saved you and brought you back here. You’re at James’ house. You’re safe and you’re alive.”
Regulus chuckled darkly, “now I know that this isn’t real. Yes Sirius would never choose to be in the same room as me again, but you know how I’m absolutely positive? James Potter would never willingly choose to save a death eater, especially me. He’d sooner murder his own parents.”
-"I was ready to die" chapter 2 on ao3
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toacody · 2 days
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And people didn't trust this guy.
Creator: Gamma-Raay
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attollogame · 2 days
Hi everyone :) this post is up public on patreon, but I'll reiterate it here for everyone to access to save a bit of clicking and searching!
To sum it up in point form:
I began a new job that involves matters on a national level that's kind of taken over my life lately. Lots of things moving, and lots of important events I need to make sure run smoothly.
Due to this, I have been dead. Accept my deep apologies for the postmortum inconvenience.
Patreon will be paused for this upcoming October and November. The reason for this is 3 tiered:
I need to release an updated lore book, I am reworking pieces of Attollo to fit my developed style of writing more, and I don't want to re-open until Suha's route is written
I'm also finishing my thesis, getting a publication out, finishing a piece for a zine I'm involved in, and moving around a bit—it's quite busy!
Lore book will ideally be out early next month. Review of the prologue will ideally be done mid week next month (after Canada's thanksgiving). Suha's route will ideally be done end of November, but at 40k that stands for consideration.
Hope you're all well, and thank you for sticking by :)
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arty-e · 1 day
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Proud to say Cards will be returning with 7 new mini chapters on the 6th October that will be released every two weeks before going back to the regular schedule of every week when series 2 starts!
Hope to see you all there soon!
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mykinxxzone · 2 days
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look at his sweatshirt 🥺🥺
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mcspirkevents · 22 hours
The 1st anniversary of this blog was September 5th!
I've been so busy I forgot to post something on the day of, so I hope you all can forgive me for the delay.
I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has participated in the events, followed this blog, and even joined the discord within this last year. It has been a joy putting events together, getting to see everyone's creativity on display, reblogging each and every amazing post, and promoting other events in the star trek community.
It has been so amazing to get to know dozens of the 321 people who have started following this blog. I hope to get to know even more of you over the course of this next year!
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My plan is to keep this all going for as long as possible! I already have a list of ideas for events for 2025. Though some require a bit of assistance. Sadly I am only one person and I have my own limitations. Look out for a post regarding assisting the blog and future events soon!
A new post will go out celebrating the 1st anniversary of the discord on November 19th. If you haven't join yet I definitely recommend it.
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ramshacklegear · 8 hours
Pre-orders coming soon!
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Pre orders coming in soon, real excited to get back to it.
Stirrup collars: Sat. September 28th
(End of Oct/early Nov completion date)
Muzzles (with optional ear hats): Saturday October 26th
(End of Nov/early December completion date)
Also if you missed it: Originally planned to start with a muzzle pre-order but my patterns are still in California after the move so! I’ll have to drive down and get them before I can offer muzzles
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bey-life · 16 hours
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hi you guys. just a quick update, which I feel is owed.
I have just lost someone very close to me, and it’s difficult. and i’m sure you can understand that it’s very hard to find the motivation to write smut when you’re deep in the throes of grief (lmao what a sentence).
so I know i’ve been quiet - and i’ll probably continue to be for a little while. and I know I don’t technically owe anyone anything - writing or otherwise - but I do like to keep you in the loop, because I really do value this little community we have here.
I might not be giving you any new writing right now, but i’m still here, reading and scrolling and keeping updated. so if you want to chat, or to ask about anything (fic related or otherwise), or send me things, do feel free. when inspiration strikes me, best believe i’ll be writing instantly.
grief is hard and universal and confusing and unpredictable and tiring. but it’s the price we pay when we love someone. and I wouldn’t change it. the love is more than worth it. <3
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clobertina · 6 hours
Btw, while my motivation is still here, I’m gonna try and also make an extra page of the Oddworld in the Ultimate Recap Cartoon style dedicated to Oddworld’s cut/unseen content!
(Example/Sneak Peek):
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This page will contain cut stuff like the Albino Slig from Sligstorm and the Sea Rex from Munch’s Oddysee, as well as canon yet still unseen characters such as the Glukkon, Mudokon, and Slig Queen for example.
FYI: The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot will not be included. It is made by the same people behind Oddworld, but correct me if I’m wrong, it’s not set in the Oddworld universe (I’m PRETTY sure).
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ghostjunksickness · 12 hours
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And last but not least, our 6th stretch goal reveal would be a beautiful slipcase for your full collection of Ghost Junk Sickness! The art has yet to be settled but nothing says a beautiful full set than a box to put it in. This slipcase would be made specifically with our more recent print run of the books so if you have older editions that have spot colour then you would be out of luck but with the new editions comes updated art, improved lettering and new pages so it is absolutely worth it to update your collection!
✨Back the campaign and maybe we can get this case for everyone!✨
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