#we all know im here for money. and benefits. we do not need 2 play these games
jonathankatwhatever · 5 months
29 Apr 2024. I’m having trouble reaching proof acceptance and I keep coming back to D-structure. The idea is that ideal forms construct in 1Space, which goes beyond Triangular and Hexagonal, etc. Okay, so that’s a wrinkle to iron out: the difference in D-structure between counts along szK and counts along any Layer. The difference is visually obvious, with the former going in and out along rays corresponding to the level of the mapping, meaning idealized to the s,x,y,zK notation. Have not gone over that for a very long time: the notation takes that ordering to represent and map the enclosure of xK and yK within the s,zK. The reason for that is the s,zK appear in both Irreducibles in Triangular and Hexagonal, which literally encloses the D3-4//4-3 space. I try to call that gsSpace so I don’t need to specify Euclidean plus the abstractions necessary, such as points at infinity, all of which we generate through this very D-structure and the operation of the Triangular structure, which I’m leaning toward calling Ideal Structure, because that becomes the original Is conception which transforms into fCM. Intermediary stop is Identity Structure, because the essence of Triangular is that the connection over a third draws the 2 who otherwise may be entirely unconnected into a relation. That’s what we’ve been doing, in various forms, including the basic hump of distance.
There’s something in that. In distance. I’ll see if it comes back. So, we can describe that aspect of the ideal, and that generates complexity which reduces to real. That’s a direct line from something I’ve been hearing but have been having trouble believing, that the misdirection could be so completely encoded to be K and Identity Mechanism or Model. It is the Identity Model underneath.
What was that title? Something about constructing a specific universe of or which embodies a specific identity model. Get the idea? It’s that the identity model, the IM, must exist within a universe in which it is the identity model. I like IM because that means im can refer to the internal identity model, the arrow in, and IM can refer to the external identity model, which is the behavior of the identities, which are Things in our terminology. Feels very late 19thC, with the nice classifications.
Wow, something just shifted. A joke just emerged. A totally tasteless joke, the kind I associate with you because only you could go there. It’s that you could be Sylvia and I could write a fiction about how I made you do it. It’s disgusting, which cracks me up. To me, that’s like playing the piano and the melodies and rhythms come through me. You have to be able to go there in your head, to know the space so you know you haven’t walled off part of you that exists in that space. And how can you understand how those attract if you can’t even look at the chain which leads there.
I decided to test an idea and it failed in the first step. It was that living here shows the benefits of smaller housing units: it limits the number of people with money who come in because there are fewer single family homes, and the units tend to be smaller than in multi-family homes in wealthier areas. That means upscaling requires demolition, which requires higher prices to justify, which slows the process. But it fails at the first complication, which is how do you build this now? The cost of construction of new is too high for ordinary people to afford in an urban area. And ordinary is a wide range.
The answer for that, like so many others, is collective activity. But there are too many stakeholders and properties are individually owned. So no solution is possible. Subsidies don’t seem likely to do much.
BTW, are you why I woke up today pissed off? Or was that me with annoyance building from the lack of needed inspiration? Or just spring knocking me back?
Distance operates as the 0-1-0. Then we segment the 1, which means we K it, and the identity model generates the identity structure which Is. Put in the rest of the notation and that’s correct. Nicely done. The idea is that Is has natural, algorithmically generated structure. That gets us to another branching, which is the notation for structure versus operation, meaning that Is stands for both structure and the operation which Is, like the way a crowd at an event makes the Is of the event. That is why the event may be more or less than the sum of its parts.
That applies over scales. Brace for impact. Oh, it wasn’t much at all. Anticipation. It’s not just for ketchup. So I picked up the distance note. It works because we enable or rather demonstrate the existence of a structure which processes across grid squares, across gsSpace. That expresses in a variety of ways, one being the idea of a quanta, which we can at least point at as embodying fCM.
Is that any good? The Planck material gets me to one power of 10 off. That is, I’m good at 662.6 because that hits -32 and that fits the halfway character, that it’s coming into visibility. I can now ‘explain’ that away, but it may be bogus because I don’t have a way of checking. It’s that the halfway is either or and thus we need a 10 in the middle over which we flip. Makes sense. So then I’m good at 66.26 because that’s within the 0-1-0 range of CM28. That’s obvious, right? Stick it in the chain and you get 1 over the 1 to 1. How many years do you think that understanding has been fermenting? That it’s fCM is the key idea, and that has remained true from the start. Now we connect that to Is with a different specificity: that Is represents the lowest observable pattern within fCM which generates Is.
Never thought I’d get that piece done.
So, the conception of D-structure is that 1Space ideals construct and generate structures which take physical shape in gsSpace. That generates D3-4//4-3 out of Irreducibles in Triangular, which are also Irreducible in Hexagonal. But it’s Hexagonal which reduces to Triangular, so one can wind around a Hexagon, which relates to Winding in Triangular, meaning it maps one to the other. I’ve mapped this in my head as this Hex runs around and there’s an Extent connecting that to some other Hexes which do the same thing, very much like a search algorithm using a ranking method.
What about D5? I know it’s necessary within D-structure to complete the D4 level, that it must extent to all but the 1 of the 0 of D5. That’s like the wanderings in the wilderness lasting long enough to make sure the generation which arrives is born of those who were born in the wilderness, a sort of barrier or firebreak separating the experiences. What’s missing is understanding the role of D6 here. A solution appears within Triangular, becomes visible, as that which is beyond this. I tend to think directionally but that just means any of the axis Extents. Oh, I see: the sheet is a sheet and it takes sheets to generate gs, and one sheet is one Irreducible. That fits this together. Not entirely sure about the words, but that works.
That is a lot of visual work. I need a break.
0 notes
Parenting unpopular opinions that i, in my humble opinion, think shouldn't be unpopular opinions.
Regularly spanking your kids is ~abuse~.
I got spanked as a kid for little things like- playing too loud with my brother in our room, a floor above my parents, and being incapable of playing quieter bc we were *happy* and *excited*. I can understand spanking a kid if they will not stop BULLYING other kids, but that's ONLY if you've tried ALL OTHER forms of correcting them to no avail (including therapy/counseling if you can afford it).
2. Taking your anger out on your kids, be it hitting or yelling, is traumatic.
You've had a stressful day at work and your kid comes home with a bad grade, or they didnt do a chore they were supposed to. What do you do? A. yell at them, insult them, or threaten them. B. Calmly ask them to do their chore and/or ask them about their grade. C. Leave the room and calm down before addressing the situation, or D. Let it go for now because it's not that big of a deal anyway and you know they'll correct themself later.
If you said A, congratulations this one is for you. Yelling at your kid for little mistakes may seem like nothing in the moment, but it quickly adds up to your kid feeling like they cant do anything right, and being terrified of messing up. Taking your anger out on your kids when you've had a bad day, and then also making it known to them that's why you're mad at them, also feeds into a "im responsible for my parents' emotions" mentality. Stop it. That will almost definitely affect them in all their future relationships.
If yelling at your kid is your first, second, or third response to them "messing up", then you're not emotionally mature enough to raise an child into an emotionally mature adult, and you will most likely unconsciously teach them ways of handling their emotions that will bite you in the backside in their teen years.
3. Parents should stop relying on grounding as a means of punishment, because it isolates the child from people that may help them when they're going through a hard time at home, and breeds resentment between parent and child.
A lot of the time i see kids, teens especially, getting grounded its because of "acting out" or bad grades. However, i also know that when my friends "act out" , theres more to it than simple teenage rebellious angst, and I'd bet money on it being the case for a good majority of the teenage population. Mental health issues are rising, and grounding does nothing to actually coach kids through why they're acting out.
If they're Bullying someone online, by all means, take their phone away. But that NEEDS to be supported with talking to them, or getting them into therapy/counseling. Otherwise you do nothing to stop the actual problem, and just expect them to "figure it out".
Punishing for bad grades promotes perfectionism and fear of failure. The school system is messed up, we all know that to a degree, and does not account for kids who know the material, but dont do well on tests due to anxiety, distractions out of their control, and tiredness out of their control.
4. "Drop the tone" when a child may or may not be intending to give attitude, is ableist and expecting TOO much from a person.
Monitoring tone is often really hard for people with anxiety, ADHD, Autism and other neurotypes. Instead, i would ask genuinely "Are you trying to give me x tone/attitude?" and if the child says no, believe them. Its not the end of the world, and while it may come off as annoying to you, giving them the benefit of the doubt is best.
Now if they're blatantly giving you attitude, as in cartoonishly so, by all means point it out. But this is for the more subtle "attitude" that often kids get labeled with.
Related, "dont talk to me like that, im an adult you're a child" when the child is just speaking factually and to the point, is ageist and in its very nature insults the intelligence of said child.
I could keep going but i'll stop here. Feel free to leave your own unpoopular opinions in my ask box or in replies/reblogs. I like reading this stuff
0 notes
onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 3: I like girls that dance
summary: It’s your first night out and your first real introduction to Westheath. Rafe is quick to find his way on your radar.
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 4.6k
a/n: the way I’m imagining Jack Harlow as I write Liam 😩✋also, im pulling these chapter titles out of my ass - but actually tho, go listen to Girls That Dance by Masego 
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Part 1 Part 2
Despite your doubts, you put on the sheer top and the black mini skirt Millie and Olivia had insisted you wear. Your favorite pregame playlist plays as you do your makeup in the mirror. You move as quickly as you can, in desperate need of a shot to calm your nerves before your flat fills with people. You’re also nervous about seeing Rafe after that encounter in the kitchen you just had. 
As you run your fingers through your hair and put on your earrings, all you can see is his stupid (and annoyingly attractive) face, staring down at you with that dumb backwards cap, telling you that you guys should watch Game of Thrones together. Every time your mind starts to think if that means something, you quickly shut down the thought. Of course it doesn’t mean anything. Just because a boy wants to watch a show with you does not automatically mean he wants you or that this was going to turn into some kind of Netflix and chill situation. Or was this gonna be a Netflix and chill situation? I mean it was Rafe Cameron after all, the boy certainly had a reputation. But then again, hadn’t he just showed you that he’s different from what you had expected? Oh god this was all too much to think about right now, you needed a shot. Stat. 
“Y/N!” Olivia shouts, swinging the door to your room open right on cue. “Oh. My. God. You look so hot!” she exclaims. “Here, this is for you,” she extends a shot glass toward you with a devilish grin. 
“Oh god what is it,” you grimace. Shots always seemed like a better idea in theory than in practice. 
“Try it and find out,” she smirks. You sigh and send the liquid to the back of your throat, immediately cringing at the sting of raspberry vodka, Olivia bringing a cup of cranberry juice to your mouth to chase. 
“Don’t worry love, a few more and you won’t even taste it. Now come on,” she laughs, dragging you with her to the kitchen. The rest of your flatmates are already there, Millie bopping along to the music, giggling at whatever Topper is saying, Rafe standing close by sipping his drink. 
“Y/n you hottie!” Millie cheers, looking up as you make your way into the kitchen. You pray to god your cheeks aren’t turning pink. You don’t dare turn your head, but you know Rafe is staring at you. If you looked at him now you’d be crimson for sure. 
“Alright everybodyyy,” Olivia begins, pouring the same raspberry vodka into the five shot glasses she has lined up on the table. You can’t help but laugh at her infectious energy, this girl is nothing if not the life of the party. 
“Cheers to our first night out as flat mates! Wooo!!!” she exclaims, as everyone grabs a shot glass from the table, Rafe instinctively passing you one, hands briefly touching during the exchange and again as you all clink your glasses. You down the contents, unsure if the heat forming in your chest is from the vodka or the feeling of Rafe’s passing touch. 
Pretty soon people start to arrive, Olivia and Millie making sure to introduce everyone. The flat becomes a blur of bodies drinking, dancing, and mingling about, and somehow, despite it all, Rafe Cameron is the person you find yourself standing with. There was something magnetic about him that you couldn’t quite understand, but it kept drawing you near. 
“What are you drinking tonight Cameron,” you nod at the cup in his hand.
“Jack and coke. Of course,” he scoffs with subtle sarcasm, which you instantly pick up on. 
“Not straight whiskey? Wow. That’s not very Figure 8 of you,” you admonish playfully.
“Straight whiskey? L/n who do you think I am?” he twists his face in mock disbelief. “But I’m game to do a shot if you are,” he adds.
“Hmm that does-“ you begin, but you’re quickly cutoff. 
“Y/n, babe, if I had known you’d be here I would’ve came sooner,” Liam greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky smile. 
“Now how on earth do you two know each other,” Millie asks, walking in line with the boy.
“Umm,” you chuckle nervously. You could not have possibly felt more awkward at the conversation unfolding in front of you, Rafe standing by as witness to it all. “He’s that boy I went to the bar with the other night,” you explain sheepishly.
“That was Liam!? Chrissake. Well I apologize on his behalf for anything he said or did.”
“Hey I’ll have you know I’m a proper gentleman!” he defends, throwing you a wink as Millie rolls her eyes. Just at that moment, another group of people walk in through the door, conveniently coming to Rafe’s rescue.
“Rafe!” a girl calls and he clears his throat excusing himself, Millie following suit to greet the latest batch of guests. You watch as he leans in for a hug with the girl who’s just called his name. She’s twirling her hair and batting her eyes, confident, flirty, gorgeous - just his type. A sick feeling pools in your stomach, you don’t even realize you’re staring. 
“Lily Colts, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Liam informs you as he takes the now empty spot next to you.
“Oh, um no, I was just uh-“
“It’s okay Y/n, I get it. So flatmate huh” he laughs, unbothered.
“No no it’s not like that at all I uh-”
“Alright. Y/n,” he says, jumping up to sit on the counter behind him, cracking open the can in his hand. “You know I think you’re hot and you know I like messing with you-”
“Actually I know neither of those things,” you reply indignantly. 
“Yes you do, you’re not dim,” he bulldozes right on, “I can read people pretty well, and there was a vibe there.”
“A vibe?”
“Yeah. Between you and what’s-his-face. You should’ve seen the way he tensed up when I came up to you,” he snickers in amusement.
“Shut up. His name is Rafe, by the way, and there was no ‘vibe.’ Also why are you even telling me this?” you ask, growing frustrated with the cocky brunette.
“Y/n please,” he scoffs. “I told you I can read people, so let me read you. You’re out here in London right, far away from home, keen for a fresh start. You’ve never been one for meaningless flings, but fuck it, if everyone else can do it, why not you? Or so you try to convince yourself, but you know that’s not you. See, you crave that emotional connection, and when you find even a hint of it, you’re a goner. Which is why you’d never actually hook up with me and it’s why you’re staring at that boy from home even though you swear you don’t care, but you do - you feel something there.”
You’re dumbfounded by his ability to know things about you that even you yourself can’t recognize. “I liked it better when you were just flirting with me,” you grumble.  
“No worries darling, I’ll definitely still do that. I’ll even dance on you in the club if you ask nicely, might make pretty boy over there jealous,” he motions with his eyes toward Rafe, at which you give his shoulder a shove.
“You’re an idiot you know, Millie was right on the money with that,” you quip, as the two of you head over to her, Liv, and the boys.
“Please, Millie wishes she could be right on something else,” he says as you shoot him a glare, trying your best to suppress a laugh. Liam was starting to become a pain in your ass, too smart for his own good, but at least he was a funny one.
Your first night clubbing was going great. The place was packed, the music was good, and you were having a blast dancing with Liv, Millie, and their friends. You couldn’t help looking around the club though, eyes scanning for Rafe in the crowd. He’d been hanging out all night with Topper and some of the guys from their new soccer team. You longed to be near him somehow, to interact with him again. All your conversations with him earlier today had left you with an excited buzz - you didn’t know what it was about this version of Rafe Cameron in London, but you were actually enjoying his company.
You try to push him out of your mind and just enjoy the moment. It’s not like there was anything between you and Rafe, you had just barely began to form a semblance of a potential friendship today, let’s not get carried away. Besides, you live with the boy, accidentally running into him wasn’t going to be much of a challenge. 
“Anyone want anything from the bar?” you shout over the music to your friends.
“Vodka soda with lime please!” Olivia shouts back and you nod, turning to make your way to the counter a few feet away. You place your order and mindlessly tap your fingers on the bar as a figure appears beside you.
“Hey, Y/n right? Flatmates with Olivia, Mills, and the boys?” the girl asks, and you turn, now face to face with Lily. 
“Uh yeah, hey,” you feign a smile back. 
“I’m Lily, nice to meet you,” she smiles genuinely. “I’m friends with all the Westheath bozos you’ve probably been meeting tonight,” she laughs, “Callum and Henry over there are my best mates. They’re on the football team with Rafe and Topper, we were showing them around earlier. My god you guys have been hoarding some cute ones over there in America.”
You chuckle, “glad that Kildare’s presence can at least be of some benefit.” 
“So, girl to girl here, what can you tell me about Rafe Cameron? He’s such a hottie isn’t he? Would love to get a taste of that,” she smirks, licking her lips.
“Umm I don’t really have much to tell,” you say, unsure of how to navigate this conversation. You could tell her what you thought you knew of Outer Banks Rafe - he’s a rich, party-boy player. But after today, that no longer felt right. You didn’t want to say or presume anything about him at all actually, it felt wrong to talk about him like that. God, what the hell was wrong with you? You spend a few hours with the boy and you already have a soft spot for him? You needed to get a grip. “Our families know each other but we don’t really hang out at home. He’s uh- he’s cool though,” you decide as a sufficient response.
“Any girl friend?” she asks, sliding cash over to the bartender as she orders a shot.
“Rafe’s not really the ‘girlfriend-type’,” you answer, bartender sliding you the drinks you ordered and Lily her’s. 
“Well then cheers to that,” she grins, clinking her shot glass to your drink before she downs it, waving a quick goodbye. You watch as she makes her way back to Rafe and their group, adorning a flirty smile. You feel sick to your stomach. You wanted to hate her, you did. But you couldn’t. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just confident, outgoing, and not afraid to go after what she wanted. There was nothing for you to be angry about, who was stopping you from doing the same?
 But in the back of your mind you decided you could never go after Rafe like that. He would never be interested in you in that way, you were sure of it. You had a hard time believing your friends when they hyped you up, so you definitely weren’t going to believe for a single second that a boy you thought was cool could possibly look at you in the same way. Besides, the mere idea of being rejected by Rafe Cameron, and then having to continue living with him and eventually go back to the Outer Banks for everyone to find out you had been rejected by the kook prince, was so mortifying that the very thought made you want to crawl into a hole. So you promise yourself, right then and there, that you won’t let yourself get hurt like that. You could hang out with Rafe, get to know him, become friends even, but under no circumstances could you be caught wearing your heart on your sleeve. You couldn’t disarm yourself like that and give him the upper hand. You needed to look out for yourself first and foremost, preserving the little bit of control you still had over your life. 
You walk back over to your friends, slipping Liv her drink as her and Jake dance together. Your new friends are all tipsy and in a world of their own, getting lost in the music and their movements.
“Dance with me,” you turn to Liam who’s right beside you.
“I said if you ask nicely,” he admonishes sarcastically, to which you roll your eyes.
“I’m not gonna beg Liam. You wanna dance or not?”
“Sheesh, Lily Colts got your panties in a twist like that?”
“Not. At. All.” You confidently stare into his eyes, sipping your drink. It’s no use, Liam knows you all too well by now, and you curse yourself for the way in which this boy is able to see right through all the walls you put up. You may think these walls are made of brick, but to Liam they’re glass.
He just laughs at you, shaking his head in amusement. He grabs your free hand and pulls you closer to him, your bodies now pressed together. He takes your hand and rests it on the back of his neck, his finding their way to your hips. He plants his leg in between yours and soon you guys are lost in the rhythm. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying every second. He spins you around and you lightly grind your ass against him.
“Damn Y/n, I didn’t know you move like that,” he jokes, as you face forward again. He leans in, his hand on the small of your back, and you feel his breath right against your ear, “he’s looking by the way.” Your breath hitches, but you know better than to turn around. Liam is already one step ahead of you, instinctively twirling you again so you can quickly catch a glimpse of Rafe’s eyes on yours without it being obvious. “Told you he’d be jealous,” he smirks down at you triumphantly.
“Shut up,” you reply, the slightest smile tugging at your lips as your sweaty bodies continue to move to the music.
“Aw flatmate bonding you guysss,” Olivia gushes, as you all sit together at a booth. She had forced you all out of your beds this morning to get breakfast together. Despite being hungover and groggy, you all reluctantly agreed. “Mimosas anyone?” she jokes.
“If I so much as smell any alcohol I think I’ll vomit,” Topper groans.
“Aw, what’s the matter, can’t handle your liquor Tops?” Millie asks, quirking her head to the side.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Could ask you the same question. My room is right next to the bathroom, don’t think I didn’t hear your retching last night,” he snaps back, to which Millie turns bright red and soon you’re all hunched over in laughter.
“I think a mimosa would make me yak right now too, to be fair. Coffees all around!” Olivia asserts.
You’re seated across from Rafe as you both scan your menus, your eyes immediately fixing in on the pancakes. The waiter comes by to take all your orders and you can’t help but blush a little when Rafe orders pancakes and you have to follow with a “same for me.” Such a silly, meaningless thing, I mean everyone likes pancakes. But being the only one to have the same exact order as Rafe leaves you feeling embarrassed, for no good reason all the same. You all begin to scarf down your food as soon as it arrives, thankful to have something to soak up the alcohol in your stomachs, as you share stories and laugh about last night’s drunken antics. 
“So how is it that we’re all flatmates and yet I only have Topper’s contact. Come on, add ‘em in,” Rafe says, sliding his unlocked phone to the middle of the table.
“Wait I want snapchats too. Oooh! And instagram!” Olivia pipes, whipping out her phone as well.
“I expect no booty calls Cameron. This is strictly business,” Millie jokes, typing in her and Olivia’s numbers before passing his phone to you. 
“Am I allowed a booty call?” Topper smirks, extending his phone as well.
“I wouldn’t push your luck Thornton,” she smirks back and he pouts in response. You finish typing your name and number into Rafe’s phone and hand it back to him, skin briefly making contact once again. Even though you had known Rafe all your life, somehow you two never had a reason to exchange numbers, only following each other on Instagram which he never posted on anyways.
“Alright everyone, pull up your snapchat codes, I wanna make a group,” Olivia says and everyone obliges, arms crossing every which way as you all add each other. “What should we name our group chat? Ooo can we do a ship name of our schools - like Kilheath or Westare?” 
“I like Kilheath,” Topper chimes in.
“Yeah I bet you do you psychopath. Sounds like the name of a bad horror movie,” Rafe laughs.
“Oooo there’s five of us, we could be the Spice Girls,” Millie beams.
“No.” Topper immediately shuts her down. 
“What about ‘American Boys and Spice Girls.’ You know, like the Kanye West song,” you add.
“Ehh, we’re getting closer, but not quite there,” Rafe teases you and you playfully kick him under the table. “I’m hearing a lot of opinions and not a lot of contributions,” you cross your arms and raise your brows.
“Hey hey hey, I’m a critic, not a chef L/n,” he lifts his hands in surrender.
“Ooo I got it! We can call it the ‘Royal fam,’ like the royal family,” Olivia suggests, finally getting approval from the whole group. Breakfast is soon over and you all return to your rooms, eager to nap away the remainder of your hangovers. You lay in your bed and stare at the newly formed snapchat group on your phone. Royal Fam 🇬🇧🇺🇸 appears on top and you scroll down, looking at Rafe’s username and bitmoji on your screen. You laugh at the fact that even his bitmoji wears a backwards cap. It was weird, having him in your phone like this. You had known this boy your whole life, but you two had always operated in separate spheres. And here he was, in your Snapchat, a glimpse into the life of Rafe, of which you only ever got a birds eye view of back home. It almost felt like you were trespassing somewhere you didn’t belong, having access to him like this. You sigh and lock your phone. Rafe Cameron really isn’t all that bad.
The next few days fly by fast as you become acclimated to Westheath. You and the rest of the Kildare kids attend an orientation with Westheath’s exchange advisor, spending the whole time with your little trio: you, Rafe, and Topper. When you had first arrived abroad, you were deadset on forging your own path in London and steering clear of everyone else from OBX. But hanging out with Rafe and Topper made you all but forget. It was fun and easy hanging out with them, in fact, counterintuitively, they were helping you forget all about the Outer Banks, just as you had hoped to do. Your conversations centered around your interests, your new lives, on random jokes and made up bits. It was almost as if there was a mutual unspoken agreement between you, them also trying to escape and forget their lives in OBX.
Pretty soon classes began, and you were learning a new schedule and adapting to British schooling. Your evenings were spent singing and dancing in the kitchen as you, Liv, and Millie simultaneously cooked your dinners, getting pints at the pub around the corner with your Westheath friends, and playing card games at the kitchen table with Rafe and Topper, the smack talk between you three flowing strong. There’d be short moments where you’d find yourself alone with Rafe - he’d explain to you whatever Premier League team was playing that day, you’d show him how the coffee machine works, and the occasional passing comments of “so when are we finally starting Game of Thrones, Cameron?” “I’m ready whenever you are, L/n.”
It was a Wednesday night, and you were curled up in your fluffy gray blanket watching Gilmore Girls in bed. You found the show comforting and familiar, the small town of Stars Hallow reminding you of what you wished your life in the Outer Banks could be like. Instead it was more like the cold and pretentious atmosphere of Chilton and the older Gilmores’ Hartford life. Your phone buzzes, and you pick it up lazily to check, suddenly freezing at the notification on your screen.
Snapchat: Rafe Cameron
You had opened a few snapchats from the boy over the past few days, but they were always random ones he would send to the group chat. This one was just for you. You gulp and put your phone down, not wanting to open it too fast. A few minutes go by and you realize you haven’t paid an ounce of attention to the show on your screen, even though you’re staring right at it. Fuck it. You open your phone and tap on the unread snap.
When are we watching Game of Thrones L/n the snapchat says, a picture of his laptop on his bed and the HBO Max home page open, the series featured in the corner of the screen.
You snap back a picture of your blanket and the laptop playing Gilmore Girls in front of you: ready whenever you are Cameron.
Almost immediately you get a response back.
Rafe Cameron: wait are you home rn? His message is accompanied by a random picture of his room, a view you let your eyes linger on until the message expires. Another peak into Rafe Cameron’s world.
Y/n: Yep! You send a blurry selfie of you wrapped in your blanket.
Rafe Cameron: be over in 5
You leave that last message on open and your heart starts to race. Just breathe Y/n, breathe, you keep telling yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big deal if you don’t make it out to be. It’s just a show. Just a show. And besides, you guys are friends now, right? You sit up in your bed and grab your pillow, shifting over to sit horizontally on your mattress. That seems more casual to you, more ‘just a couple friends watching a show together at a comfortable distance’ and less ‘sitting right on top of each other Netflix and chill’. You gulp down some water to ease your dry throat when you hear a gentle knock.
“Come in!” you call out, and now Rafe Cameron is in your room, eyes absorbing all the details that are so you. The posters on one wall, film camera photos on another. The string lights which wrap around your room and give it a warm glow. The plants, the subtle scent of vanilla. The bag you always carried with you, hanging off the side of your chair. He almost felt like he was intruding, like he was getting an intimate glimpse of something that was for your eyes only. 
“Whats up,” he says, holding his laptop and closing the door behind him. 
“Ready to finally start the show,” you laugh, “it’s about damn time.”
“Hey, I’ve been ready, it’s you who’s been taking your sweet time.”
“Is that so?” you ask sarcastically and a smile forms on his face.
“What are you doing over there? Who sits like that on their bed?” he asks, now coming over and taking a seat on your mattress facing vertically, propping your other pillow behind his back. “Can’t even stretch out your legs or anything,” he continues, patting the spot on the bed next to him, signaling for you to come over.
“I don’t know, I think it’s comfy,” you lie as you crawl over to him, your first line of defense already shot down. 
“Weirdo,” he chuckles to which you nudge him in the side with your elbow. “If Topper’s wrong about this I’m gonna give him so much shit,” he says.
“Topper does have a lot of questionable opinions,” you laugh, “but I have a good feeling about this one.
One episode turned into two turned into three, you and Rafe instantly hooked. The nerves you had felt earlier at sitting so close next to this boy in your bed had all but dissipated, you quickly acclimating to the space he took up next to you. Even though by now all your previous misconceptions about Rafe had disappeared, replaced with the boy you had come to know over the past week, there was a small part of you that was still waiting to see if he’d try to pull something on you, like the Rafe you imagined back home surely would. Of course he didn’t, watching and discussing the show with you, making you feel as comfortable as if you two had been friends for years. You almost felt bad for having had doubted him in the first place.
When the third episode ended and you two got into a long post-episode discussion, you hardly noticed when the conversation began to digress. You both started to sink lower and lower down into your pillows, until you were both laying on your backs, staring at the ceiling and lost in exchanges of words and thoughts. The conversation was different this time, more candid and open, as if the shadow of the night was inviting you to divulge thoughts you wouldn’t have shared in the day. He spoke of his strained relationship with his father and you shared the silly drama that had caused a riff between you and your former friends back home. He showed you pictures of his dog and you showed him the video you had been working on all summer long in OBX, not having anyone to hang out with before you left for London. He talked about how he felt so disconnected from almost everyone on that island, and you nodded, understanding all too well. The conversation continued to ebb and flow, the occasional funny video or meme pulling you two into fits of laughter before seamlessly delving into another vulnerable train of thought. You both had your Spotify accounts open now, taking turns sharing your favorite songs. You put on a playlist you had made over the summer, full of songs that made you feel at peace. 
“This puts you at ease huh,” he says.
You turn your head to look at him, “how could you tell?”
“I don’t know. I guess just the way your whole body relaxed the second you pressed play,” he replies.
“Yeah,” you say turning your head back toward the ceiling. “I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel like these songs are speaking to my soul or something,” you whisper.
“Yeah I get that… I have those too,” he whispers back. Neither of you realize it’s already 5 am and neither of you notice as your eyes both get heavy and sleep washes over you, playlist in the background like a lullaby. And at some point during your deep sleep, Rafe’s arm has found itself unconsciously wrapped around you.
Part 4
a/n: lemme know what you think!(:
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weasleypogues · 3 years
fight club (p.h.)
request: hii can i request smth angsty with pope ? maybe it could end well for both the reader and him but overall it’s just filled with angst and slow burn and tension ? ty xx
ofc lovieee!!! loving this pope recognition finally!! :)
this will be a two part becuause this was longer than i expected!!! part 2 here!!!
you literally felt like you could not sit still. anger was pulsating through your veins as you paced back and forth on the porch of the chateau. you also felt the piercing eyes of pope follow you back and forth as you struggled to form a cohesive sentence.
“it’s just- ugh! she can’t get away with this! she thinks because she’s a kook that i’ll be begging for her forigveness and shit like i’m a starving peasant just to save my reputation! i’m a fucking pogue, i don’t have a reputation to uphold!” you spat as your hands clenched together so hard you swear you were going to accidentally draw blood from your palms.
vanessa was a kook that you never had problems with when you were kids because you two had a friendship that was secretive and playful because of opposing groups. it wasn’t until middle school was when she ditched you, similar to kie and sarah’s relationship. thankfully for them, they sorted it out. however, vanessa was bitter and bitchy every chance she could get. 
“yes (y/n)! keep it fiesty! i wanna see you win a good cat fight.” jj egged you on.
“you’re gonna make yourself go crazy if you don’t just sit down.” pope spoke in a sterner tone than you would have expected. but as the rage filled you from vanessa, pope’s tone was not helping. you felt a tinge of hurt in your chest as he expressed his clear stress and annoyance with you. but you weren’t going to let it go that easily; not in this state.
“i’m fine just the way i am, thanks.” you responded just as passive-aggressively as he did. you literally had to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes so you wouldn’t egg this on, because the last thing you needed was for pope of all people to be on your bad side. 
you heard him scoff from behind you and his footsteps faded away. you spun around so quickly, maybe even too quickly to play it cool, to just see a flash of him as he turned the corner. your eyes flashed to john b, kie, and jj who had expressions that were just as shocked as your own.
“what’s his problem?” you asked, expecting an answer real quick before you had to go investigate it yourself. your teeth grinded against each other and you felt your face and ears go hot. 
“he probably just doesn’t think this is worth it (y/n/n).” kiara stated, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and giving you a look that said don’t let it get to you. kiara shared a quick glance with john b and jj, which definitely did not go unnoticed by you.
“w-what was that? that little look you three shared?” you asked pointing your finger at them interchangeably and confused but angrily eager to find out. you raised your eyebrows, expecting another speedy answer as you finally turned towards jj who held his hands up in defense and bit his tongue. 
“cut pope some slack. you’ve been looking for trouble lately (y/n), it’s been keeping him on edge each time.” john b responded and slapped his hands on this thighs before getting up off the couch. you felt your cheeks get a little hot and your jaw drop slightly.
pope was trying to be protective of you. this was not a secret that you and pope were always flirty with each other but neither of you ever acted on it. both keeping the same sad mindset, if they wanted to, they would. everytime you talked about this with kiara and sarah at a girls’ night, they playfully judged you for thinking like that and tried to encourage you to just go for it. 
you took a deep inhale and relaxed your shoulders and face, feeling the tension ease up on your body. “she’s asking for it...look i don’t want to make pope upset or anything but vanessa can’t keep pulling this shit. she’s asking for her teeth to get knocked in.” you huffed out as you grabbed your backpack and phone to hop on your bike and head home. 
your grabbed your phone and backpack as you headed back outside to your bike. you didn’t even bother to text the rest of the group about catching a ride to tonights kegger because you were just a little fired up from earlier. they were your friends and if this were any other case, they would be backing you up. why is this time any different?
you’re recalling yourself getting ready. stud earrings because she can grab hold of hoops. your hair in two braids because there was less surface area for her to snatch onto. sneakers to make a run for it in case shit gets bad. 
what the rest of them don’t understand is that not only was vanessa mean, spoiled, and made your existence on the obx difficult, was that you had a bumpy past with her. more than just losing a friend. she made up a rumor based on fake ideas that she overheard her parents talking about. when she would run into you on the street with her other kook friends at the ripe age of 13, she would be a bystander as they spat insults your way. that always caused a strain in your friendship. 
until one day, she started the picking on first. she judged you on your family’s financial situation and said quote-by-quote “i heard her mom cheats on her dad with all of her little pogue friend’s dads. who knows, they could actually be related and we wouldn’t know. she’s a whore and i’m sure she’ll end up just like her.” tears still brim your eyes at that memory. you wouldn’t dare tell the rest of the pogues, whether it was out of embarassment or fear. it was best for them and their own minds that it was never brought up again. since then, it seems like constant torture from her. 
you pulled up on the beach and hopped off your bike as your tires were definitely not made for the sand. you laid it on a tree and made a b-line to the keg that john b was basically guarding. “thought we’d hear from you.” you heard kiara state as she sat on the sand and glanced up at you, squinting her eyes to keep the remaining sun from basically burning them.
“yeah well, just got a lot on my mind.” you responded. you didn’t want to be so abrupt with them but your blood was basically boiling with the idea of vanessa. john b stared between you and kiara and handed you a full red solo cup which you gladly took, taking a gulp.
“soooo...” jj started, throwing an arm around your shoulder, “cat fight tonight?” you felt a chuckle rise out of you as you playfully rolled your eyes.
“if you’re lucky enough, maybe you’ll get front row.” you joked, sending a smirk jj’s way and taking another gulp. you felt a presence behind you and turned to be faced with pope. his facial expression had clearly changed from what you saw from him last time. he looked almost guilty and concerned rather than aggravated. 
“come to snap at me again?” you said, turning towards the horizon on the water. looking into his eyes right now was difficult. maybe because it was the idea that you knew some part of you wanted to snap at him for him snapping at you earlier but you couldn’t make another enemy. not tonight. 
“about that...can i actually talk to you for a minute?” pope muttered, instincitvely cracking his knuckles, clearly scared to tread on water. you felt your shoulders relax and your facial muscles follow suit. placing your drink and backpack on the ground you followed a few paces behind him, closer to the sand where the tide was rolling in. although he didn’t stop, he wanted this to be a walk and talk situation. 
you strolled beside him, both of your hands slightly brushing against each other every now and then. while neither of you took initiative to grab the others’ hand, neither of you pulled your hands out of that pathway either. that connection and touch felt nice. it was reassuring that his snappiness, along with your own, was out of love and protection of each other. 
“you won’t be happy with what i’m about to say...” pope started, basically holding his breath.
“so why say it, pope? i know it sounds bad to say outloud but, why not just let me fight her? she has made my existence so unbearably difficult on this island and has slandered my name and countless others of those i love too much and for too long. i’m sick of being a pushover and letting her get away with it because of mommy and daddy’s money. im done!” you blurted out, letting more info out than you expected. “why does it bother you so much? if this was topper and john b going at it, or rafe and jj? which keep in mind, both have actually happened, i’m sure you would be more hesitant to stop them.”
your strolling came to a sudden halt as pope took a step directly in front of you, face to face. he looked longingly into your eyes, somewhat darting back and forth between your own eyes to search for an answer to his questions or even an answer to yours. 
“(y/n)! i can’t see you get hurt. i know how badly you want to do this and how much it means to you but in the end, what is it going to get you? an even worse reputation among kooks, bloody nose, and a black eye? is it worth it?” pope rambled drasticaly. 
“it is worth it! and i’m so thankful that you care about me and my well being and everything in between but this is something that i have to do. once and for all. i’m not putting myself and everyone i love through this torture anymore. and if that means beating the shit out of her and getting a bloody lip and battered up on the way, than so be it!” you responded, using your hands quite animatedly throughout the performance. the waves seemed like the loudest thing on earth as you awaited an answer from pope. he looked defeated and anxious, knowing that there was no getting through to you for this. 
“i-” pope started before cutting himself off, looking deafeated yet again. he ran his hands over his face in frustration and as he let his eyes shine over the tips of his fingers, they locked with yours. you felt stuck in place and in a trance for a split second before you felt a pair of hands on your waist and soon enough, you were lip locked with pope. 
instantly you pulled away, your heart feeling full and your legs feeling limp. your hands made their way to his jawline, slightly caressing his cheeks and neck as you pulled him back into the kiss, elongating it. 
he pulled away, shocked yet proud with himself. you could not help the small smile that made it’s way onto your face as your cheeks felt hot immediately. “i can’t believe i’m saying this but...fuck it. beat the shit out of vanessa.” 
the small smile grew as a laugh escaped your lips. you were quick to grab his hand as you both made your way back towards the kegger that was becoming a little more dense as the minutes passed. sarah, kiara, jj, and john b’s eyes were quick to fall on your interlocked hands with pope. both of you kept quiet, playing it nonchalantly. but you couldn’t help but notice pope’s look to john b and jj, all with smirks lined up on their faces.
part two out later!! :) 
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ncssian · 4 years
A Favor: Part Two
Nessian Modern AU
a/n: im so sorry i know i need to start editing these
Nesta stands in her guest room at Cassian’s cabin, hands on her hips as she eyes the garbage bags full of things she managed to salvage from her old apartment. 
All of her rain-soaked clothes sit in two huge bags, waiting to go through the laundry, while her books are carefully spread out on the windowsill, floor, and anywhere they can catch enough sunlight to dry their pages. Nesta almost cried when she saw that Lorene had salvaged her few adult coloring books and the art supplies to go with them, still dry. 
For a brief moment, she’s glad she didn’t buy any physical copies of her textbooks this year— the loss of that money would be too much to bear.
A brief knock sounds at her door, and Nesta spins to find Cassian standing there, laundry basket in hand. “I can take your clothes down for you if you want,” he offers, lifting his own basket with a hand. 
Nesta’s lips tighten. He wants to do her laundry with his. Their laundry will get cleaned together. Her underwear will get tangled up with his. 
Cassian’s brow furrows. “Nesta?”
This is her new reality now. She’ll have to accept it at one point or another. 
“We can do separate loads if you want,” Cassian adds. “Feyre told me you— well, she said you might be more uncomfortable with some things than others. It’s totally fine if you don’t want your clothes mixing—”
“No.” Nesta finally snaps out of it. “I don’t care about the laundry. My clothes are right here.”
 Because she has a sneaking suspicion she might be being unintentionally bitchy again, Nesta helps Cassian drag her bags of drenched clothes downstairs. 
“I feel sort of bad for bullying you into this deal,” Cassian rambles as he dumps clothes into the washer. “Which is why I need you to know you can enforce whatever rules and boundaries you want while you’re here. If you’d prefer I never speak to you for the rest of your time here, I can manage that, too.”
Nesta looks at him with a hint of disbelief. Sometimes he says the oddest things. “I don’t want you to never speak to me again.”
There’s relief in his sagging shoulders. “That’s good,” he says as he pours out detergent. “I mean, I was a little worried you were against this so much because you hated me, but you don’t know me enough to hate me, do you?”
Hate. Nesta rolls the word over her tongue, tastes the hard corners of it, and decides it doesn’t fit for Cassian. Not even close. She wonders how to articulate this to Cassian.
She settles on: “You seem nice enough. Obviously, since you’re letting me live in your luxury mountain cabin for free. But I don’t want to set any boundaries while I’m here. You shouldn’t have to change your normal lifestyle just for a guest. Do whatever you want; it’s your place.”
Cassian presses a button and the rumble of the washing machine begins. “I want you to be comfortable,” he says, turning to face her completely. “Whatever you need, Nesta, seriously.”
For starters, it would make Nesta comfortable if he didn’t say her name like that. His earnestness makes her skin itch, but she’s not going to tell him that. 
Instead, she bravely lifts her chin. “I’ve been pushed so far out of my comfort zone that I don’t think I know how to find my way back.” The honest truth. “At this point, you might as well keep me out here.”
Cassian’s eyes narrow. “If you don’t tell me what things bother you, I’ll have to find them out for myself, you know.” It sounds like a challenge.
“Go ahead,” Nesta deadpans. She doesn’t know what Feyre’s told him about her, but contrary to popular belief, Nesta isn’t a glass doll. Sensitive, high maintenance, yes, but fragile? Never.
She turns on her heel and leaves Cassian in the laundry room, determined not to let her circumstances get the better of her while she stays here.
Cassian takes everything back. He’s obsessed. 
He can’t pinpoint the exact moment, how or when or why he decided he likes Nesta. Maybe it was an amalgamation of different things, but by the time she settles onto his living room couch with a box of takeout Thai food, it’s safe to say he’s fascinated.
She’s nothing like how Feyre talks about her. She’s barely anything like the woman he met at the dinner party two years ago. The problem is, Cassian hasn’t pinpointed what she’s like. There’s still too many walls in place, but here, as she slurps noodles unabashedly while watching TV with an intense fixation, she’s softer than he’s ever seen her. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t feel the need to defend herself to a sitcom; there’s no self-consciousness, only a deep focus on the Community episode they’re currently watching.
Cassian splits his focus between offering commentary in an attempt to make Nesta laugh and observing her reactions from the corner of his eyes. A few things he’s noticed so far: 1) Her cheeks bulge like a squirrel’s when they’re full of food; she seems to have no shame about this. 2) She isn’t inclined to respond to Cassian when he makes comments on the show, but the corners of her mouth tilting up imply that she likes it anyway. 3) She watches sitcoms like she’s studying for a final exam about them. 
When the episode finally ends, she turns to him and glances at his hands. “Are you going to eat that?” she says. 
Cassian glances down at his untouched container of food, a little surprised, but hands it over to her without a fight. He can’t pretend it doesn’t do something to him to see her eyes light up over something as simple as curry and rice. 
Nesta’s poking her chopsticks around the box when she notices Cassian watching. “What?” she says, immediately on the defensive.
“You eat funny,” he admits. Her brows furrow so deeply he thinks they might create a permanent indentation. He’s quick to add, “It’s adorable. Seriously.��� It isn’t something he would have said yesterday, but he’s taking Nesta’s words from the laundry room to heart. He won’t put a damper on his personality as long as she can handle it. 
Her hand comes up to self-consciously touch her cheek, but she quickly drops it. “Play the next episode,” she says as she picks up her chopsticks again, and that’s the end of that.
Cassian wastes no time coming up with ways to push Nesta out of her comfort zone, just as he promised. The next morning, he greets her downstairs in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Nesta takes a long, slow blink at his bare torso, muscled arms, and brown skin, and turns around to get started on making breakfast. It’s not good enough— he catches a glimpse of her reddened cheeks when she reaches for the milk container anyway.
It’s only until they’re both settled in the living room after dinner that he realizes he doesn’t have the upper hand he thought he did. 
Nesta is stretched out on her stomach on the Persian rug in an oversized tee and nothing else. Her bare legs swing in the air behind her, and she’s listening to music and coloring. 
Cassian’s unanswered emails sit abandoned on the phone in his lap. He truly can’t stop staring; there’s just too much to absorb.
For starters, she wears glasses. Big, round, gold-rimmed glasses that are almost slipping off her nose at the moment. That revelation alone is so affecting that he has to quickly move on to other, smaller details. Like the sound of her uncapping different markers and filling in smooth lines on the page before her. Cassian feels a desperate desire to see what she’s coloring. Her hair is up in a ponytail, and her legs…
Cassian can’t say that ever since he first took notice of the beauty mark at the corner of Nesta’s lush mouth that he hasn’t wondered where else on her body she might be hiding little moles and freckles. He just never expected to get an answer so soon. Because right there, where her shirt rumples up to reveal her bare thigh, is the smallest dark spot. 
He wants to put his mouth on it. 
His own thoughts take him by surprise, and he realizes he’s gripping his phone so hard the screen might crack. 
He uncurls his fingers from the phone and squeezes his eyes shut against the wave of desire crashing into him. Desire and something else, something achingly fond and frustrated at the same time.
“Cassian?” The sound of his name has his eyes snapping open. Nesta’s watching him, brow furrowed. “Are you feeling okay?” she asks.
He feels stupid for trying to play this push-and-pull game with Nesta, because it’s barely even started and he’s already losing. “I’m gonna go put a shirt on,” he mutters, moving to get up.
Nesta’s lips turn down a little. “And ruin the view?” She says it completely seriously, not a hint of slyness to her words.
Cassian’s ass falls back into his seat in pure surprise. His eyes widen. “Was that a joke?” Did Nesta Archeron just make a joke?
Her frown turns deeper. “I don’t think so. Was it funny?”
“It was teasing.”
“Then it wasn’t a joke.” She shrugs and returns back to her coloring. “If you put a shirt on, I’m putting my pants on,” she says without looking up. 
Cassian has absolutely no idea what he’s gotten himself into. But he doesn’t move from the couch for the rest of the evening. 
By the end of the weekend, Nesta has gotten the hang of being around Cassian. There are several occasions in those first couple of days— slips of the tongue, really— where she pauses in trepidation, worried she’s said or done too much. She is always doing too much. But then Cassian grins, or laughs, or as of more often lately, teases her right back, and her muscles can relax again. 
He has also relaxed around her. Nesta knows that quiet front he put up when they first met was partly for her benefit, because the more comfortable they become with each other, the more he reminds her of the Cassian Feyre’s always talking about. And yet, the person he is with her is nothing like the person she’s seen hanging around Feyre’s inner circle. This person doesn’t make her feel excluded or ignored. It’s the exact opposite— she hasn’t been on the receiving end of this much male attention since Tomas. 
And as much as it surprises her to like it so much, she’s not in the mood for his particular brand of teasing at seven in the morning on a Monday. 
She stumbles into the kitchen fully dressed and more than a bit disgruntled, needing the strongest cup of coffee available to get through her morning classes today. Cassian is already sitting at the island with his laptop, and raises his brows to see her up this early. He dares to smile at her before the sun is even fully up. “Glad to see you woke up ready to play, Nesta.” 
Nesta almost throws her empty mug at his head. “Don’t talk to me,” she says, thumping her mug down beside the coffeemaker. 
Taunting becomes questioning as he eyes her outfit. “You have somewhere to be at this hour?”
“I’m a law student,” she grumbles, punching buttons on the coffeemaker. “I have morning classes three days a week.” It’s unacceptable, but it isn’t the worst thing she’ll go through as she tries to get her J.D.
Cassian sits up straight at that. “Who’s taking you to class?” Her car is still in for repairs, and she has yet to rent one to make up for it.
“I’m Ubering,” she tosses over her shoulder.
“That’s ridiculous,” Cassian says. “I’ll drive you.”
Nesta spins around at that. “No way in hell.” She throws whatever bite she has into her refusal. 
Cassian is unfazed. “It’s on my way to work.”
“You work from home.” He’s not even dressed.
“Then today is the day I’ll make a stop at corporate headquarters. My subordinates get to see my pretty face for once, you get to go to class, and we all win.” He grins, and in this moment Nesta truly hates his grin. It lights up his whole face in a way that should be illegal. He’s probably robbed banks with that grin. 
Nesta doesn’t have the brain capacity to argue with him. She doesn’t even feel like criticizing the fact that at twenty-seven, Cassian runs the entire security division of Night Court Inc. thanks to the help of the CEO, also known as his adoptive brother.
She’s never met anyone who makes nepotism look so good.
Grabbing her steaming coffee mug and taking a deep sip, unflinching at the feeling of her tastebuds being burned away, she meets Cassian’s expectant gaze. “Get dressed.”
When Cassian texts to ask her when she’s getting out of class, she doesn’t expect him to actually show up outside the law building with drinks and a paper bag of food. She has to stop and glance around for a moment, as if he could possibly be here for somebody else. 
Approaching him cautiously, Nesta takes the cup holder from his hand and inspects the contents. A green tea and a rainbow-colored slushie. She looks back up at Cassian, and he smiles. “Shall we?”
They end up settling under the shade of an oak tree on the lawn outside where her Principles of International Law class is held. “So how was your day?” Cassian asks as he bites into a burrito. 
Nesta can’t remember the last time someone asked her that and sounded genuine about it, and she almost doesn't know how to answer. “It's noon,” she says.
“Fine. How was your last four hours?”
“Nothing more interesting than yours.” She eyes his outfit at that. She’s never seen Cassian in this manner. Work Cassian wears expensive buttondowns tucked into slacks. Work Cassian must use some kind of fancy product on his hair to make it so flowy, because for the first time ever, he looks exactly like the amount of money he makes. “You look so...adult. I’d almost buy it if you didn't have the taste palate of a five year old.” Nesta sips from her tea.
He actually rolls his eyes at her. “You wish you had what it takes to handle an every-flavor-slushie.” Because that's what he’s drinking, a heart attack in a 32 ounce cup. 
“That's bait, and I’m not falling for it,” Nesta says through a mouthful of burrito. 
“You don't need to.” He offers the drink out to her. “Try it.” 
Nesta stares at the cup, chewing slowly. Usually the thought of sharing a straw with someone would disgust her, but— 
She just wants to know how it tastes. Swallowing quickly, she grabs the drink. “Whatever,” she mutters, and wraps her lips around the red straw. 
Cassian watches intently as she takes a deep pull. Ten different flavors hit her tongue at once, and she thinks her brain spasms. She's too tough to make a face, and swallows the slushie like it's nothing.
“You like?” Cassian looks hopeful.
Nesta slams the cup down. “It’s disgusting. My point was proven.”
He laughs. “Weak.”
More easy moments pass like this before he says, “I wish you came around Feyre’s more often. I could have gotten to know you earlier.”
Nesta stills, food halfway to her mouth. “What do you mean?”
Cassian shrugs. “It just seems odd that we’ve talked more in the last three days than in the last three years I’ve known of you. Why don’t you hang out with Feyre like Elain does?”
She stiffens, and considers whether the conversation is even worth continuing. “Feyre’s always with you guys,” she chooses her words carefully. “There’s rarely time left for me.”
She waits for Cassian to tell her that sharing exists, and that she’s allowed to be at Feyre’s place with Feyre’s friends at the same time, but he just watches her patiently. Waiting for her to go on. 
“Besides, I used to come over all the time before my sister moved to Velaris. You were there, too.”
“I was?” That gets his attention; he drops his food and turns to face her fully. “What are you talking about?”
Nesta nods, but an odd, old feeling is bubbling up in her chest. It tastes hard and a little sad. “I doubt you noticed, but I was there. In the background while you guys got drunk or laughed together.”
He huffs an odd sort of laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous. I would have noticed you from a hundred foot radius from Feyre’s apartment. We’ve only seen each other twice before this weekend.”
Nesta is caught between disbelief and disappointment, but she hides it well with a scoff. “We’ve only spoken to each other twice, idiot. I’ve seen you plenty of times.”
Cassian looks like she just came up to him with scientific evidence that the sky is green and grass is blue, and he can’t wrap his mind around it. “That just doesn’t make sense,” he says.
Nesta raises a brow. “Are you implying I’m lying?”
He shakes his head quickly. “No, but— it’s like you’re saying I failed to notice a fucking lion in the room every time I didn’t see you. It’s just not something someone fails to notice. It’s impossible not to notice!” He throws his hands up.
You’re impossible not to notice. Nesta has no idea what to make of that, or whether she should be insulted or not. He didn’t say it with the same backhanded tone as so many of the people she knew in high school, but it didn’t sound like high praise, either. On the other hand, the words are so ironic they’re almost funny.
She settles for a shrug and begins sweeping up her napkins and trash. “Well, it isn’t impossible for a lot of people.” The look she throws him says clear enough, Including you.
He works his jaw, seeming upset, but helps Nesta up from the ground anyway. Walks her all the way back to his truck in near-silence and drives them home.
A/N: you’d think the ‘ready to play’ line was a cute reference but i actually just suck at writing banter so i needed to borrow from sarah.
tagging: @ladywitchling @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @sensitiveillyrian @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy
if you want to be added or removed please send an ask or dm!
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angel of small death and codeine scene (richboy!haz smut)
“feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, i / lay my heart down with the rest at her feet / fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile / it’s bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet.” - Hozier
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summary: your encounters with harrison always starts with quick-witted exchange of insults and ends with the two of you tangled in each other. it’s a drug, and you’re slowly getting addicted.
word count: 4,317 words
song inspo (all by hozier!): angel of small death and the codeine scene / as it was / NFWMB / moment’s silence (common tongue) / sedated / it will come back / talk / wasteland, baby!
warnings: frenemies with benefits, enemies to lovers, mutual pining, profane language, drinking, mention of marijuana, A LOT OF SMUT! WARNINGS AHEAD! switch!haz, sub!haz, dom!reader, dirty talk, degradation kink, fingering, spanking, unprotected sex, choking, oral sex (m receiving), spit play
a/n: reposted bc it didn’t show in the tags and im really proud of to share with you guys lol. so here it is, folks! i wrote this in like 2 days and i fell in love hard with the concept. i hope you enjoy it as much as i did when i wrote it. happy reading!
It is much too early to be in heels and kissing ass with stuck-up, middle-aged men and women with more money than sense. It’s barely noon and the tall-ceilinged hotel ballroom feels stuffy with sugary finger food and saccharine small talks. And yet duty calls, and you have to be there for this… award celebration brunch event whatever on some swanky hotel somewhere in Midtown. Represent the family. Be the future of the company.
Blah, blah, blah.
You've been talking to Georgina Claridge, who's older than time and yet always manages to show up with a newer (younger) husband in her arm each time. You're quite impressed, but right now, she's droning on and on about her latest silent retreat in Bali that you feel like breaking your champagne glass and jamming the shard into your eye.
"I'm very sorry, will you excuse me for one second, Georgina?" you smile sweetly, slipping away into the crowd before she could say anything else.
You manage to snag another glass of champagne and find an empty little table by the floor-to-ceiling window. Relishing in the pleasant fizz and buzz of the drink on a nearly empty stomach. Taking in a moment of silence amidst a low but noisy humdrum.
"That's three glasses in 15 minutes." A familiar voice pipes up before you, his English accent laced with amusement and a tinge of condescension. "Do I need to stage an intervention for you, darling?"
You don't even have to look to see who it is.
"You're one to talk."
He allows himself to sit right in front of you, his brilliant blue eyes sparkling mischievously. You begrudgingly admit-- to yourself, that he looks like a million bucks in his crisp navy suit, a glass of champagne in his hand. You wouldn't be caught dead admitting that to him, of course.
"Surprised to see you here. Thought you'd catch fire in the sun or something, seeing as you're the lord of the underworld."
"Oh, come on, Persephone. We both know that you secretly love the underworld." he smirks.
"Persephone was forced to be there because of her shit husband."
"Nope. She likes Hades for real, and she decides to stick around. And Hades is like," he shrugs, "fuck yeah."
You can't help but snort. "You wish I'd ever want to stick around for your insufferable ass."
"Oh, my arse is a lot of things beyond insufferable. We both definitely know that."
"So thirsty for me this early in the day. Are you developing a crush?" you smirk back at him.
"Don't be flattered. You just… look so lonely, I had to come over and cheer you up," he speaks with sincerity in his eyes.
Just not at your eyes, but at the plunging neckline of your sleek black dress.
"Hey. Eyes up here."
His eyes snap up to yours. "Oh, I wasn't talking to you."
You bite the inside of your cheek. "Sleaze."
Your jaw drops open. "You did not."
"You love it."
"Not in public, though."
"We'll see about that."
This is how it's always been with Harrison. You'd met him sporadically in events and company meetings when your parents' companies had a massive merger five years ago, and you've always hated his guts. He's cocky and patronizing and embodies everything you want to beat up with a bat.
Until alcohol is involved.
And by some strange miracle, you stopped arguing and jabbing insults at one another. Instead, he gave you the best orgasm of your life on top of a pool table in his family's villa in Positano. It didn't hurt that he's easy on the eyes. And it certainly didn't hurt that his mouth is good for something more useful than his shitty remarks.
"Eager, aren't we?"
"Eager to prove you wrong, more like," he retorts.
"Really?" you drag your stiletto-clad foot up his calf, nudging his knees apart, and trailing up his thigh. Feeling that stiffness between his legs.
He catches your ankle. "You're looking for trouble."
"Oh, I definitely am."
"Wanna know what I do to little sluts looking for trouble?"
"Pray tell, old sleaze." you put your leg in his lap like a threat, holding your heel at knifepoint to his hip.
He caresses your ankle softly, though it feels just as menacing as your move.
"I give them a good spanking and put them in their place."
It's definitely a threat, and you know Harrison, as sorry of an excuse he is as a person, is a man of his words. And it's not like it's your first time or anything; you've been on the receiving end of his reprimanding. You’re more than aware he reprimands thoroughly.
But you definitely can give him a run for his money and right now, his little bluff feels like a challenge to your diamond-studded ears.
"Mm." you pull your leg away and stand up, letting him believe just for a second that he's gone too far, you're gonna throw your drink at him or slap him in the face, or both, before you bend over to whisper in his ear, "try me."
You feel his jaw flex and you know he’s in.
"My room's upstairs."
"Wonderful." you smile victoriously, finding a new sway on your hips as you walk away.
"Excuse me, sir--"
You turn back to find a server, young and timid, calling out to Harrison, who's clutching a bottle of champagne in his hand. No doubt from the serving table he passed by.
He sighs. "Mate, I paid for this event. So why don't you do your job and let me enjoy this lovely bottle that I already paid for?"
The boy, couldn’t have been older than you, apologizes profusely, looking positively pale, and Harrison pats him on the shoulder and smiles in satisfaction. "Good man."
"I'm so sorry. He's a dick." you look at him apologetically, although Harrison is already grabbing your arm, whisking you away from the stuffy hall.
He wastes no time between punching in his floor (penthouse, of course. So fucking predictable.) and pulling you in to capture your lips. Bodies clashing with one another, stumbling into a vaguely recognizable space --he’s never stayed in this suite before, but after a while, every suite just feels like the same. This encounter is encumbered with familiarity, too, and he can’t get enough of the heat of your breath in his mouth, feeling-- more than anything, alive.
You try to toe off your shoes, these black Louboutins with heels as thin as the champagne glass stems, but he stops you. "Keep 'em on," he murmurs into your neck, sucking and biting on your skin mercilessly, hands treading the back of your dress for the zipper. He undoes it and lets it fall on the floor.
You hear him curse as he peers down at your white lace bralette wrapping your heaving chest. Just as quickly as you undress, he's got his hands on the swell of your breasts, thumbing at your nipples through the thin material.
"Fuck, your tits are amazing.” he tears his lips away from your bruise-adorned neck. "Seriously, did you get a boob job or something-- ow!"
You smack the back of his head as an answer and push his blazer off of his shoulders.
"Feeling a bit rough, eh? Maybe I should tell you to smile more."
"Fuck off."
"You miss me.”
"If I missed you, I would've just scraped cutleries on a plate.”
In all honesty, it has been a while since you’ve seen Harrison. You last ran into him in LA at his best friend Tom’s premiere afterparty two months ago where you got stoned in a quiet little corner of Zendaya’s garden. He’d barely put his mouth on your pussy when you looked up to the starry sky and remarked that it looked like dandruff. You rolled away from each other laughing your asses off.
Come to think of it, it was probably the only time you didn’t have sex and feel like murdering each other.
And it was nice.
You quickly shake off the thought, remembering that you’re here on a mission; an unspoken bet to be won. And you try to focus on his usually venomous tongue, currently sweet with booze and fruity pastry bites. And as you unbutton his light blue shirt, you try not to think about how the color matches his eyes. The very ones that are undressing you from what little you have on now.
“Besides, didn't you say something about giving me a proper spanking? Shut the fuck up and get to work."
"Ooh, somebody's got their little panties up in a twist today." he teases. "Off you go, then. On all fours."
He leaves a trail of hickeys down your back, taking the scenic route along your shoulder, the dimples on your back, and the soft curve of your waist. You've joked that he has an oral fixation, but really he just wants a little reminder that says Harrison was here.
He would take this secret to his grave, but he doesn’t like how easily you recover from your little trysts. You can suck him off in a bathroom stall and flirt with the lead ballerina of the English National Ballet as you freshen up on your way out with him still waiting inside. Or ride his cock in his office and then make sweet small talk with one of his staff, this 6’4” gangly nerd whom you insist has a ‘really nice smile.’ It bruises his ego, and he wants to bruise you back in a way that he can. Maybe then it’ll deter whoever is flirting with you next.
"Bet you can't even spank me hard enough."
He knows what you're doing. These little taunts are as much foreplay as the kisses and touches. It drives him up the wall like nothing he ever imagined. His teeth sink into the curve of your backside, burning a sharp pain into your skin, and soon his tongue follows, soothing it with warm, tender strokes. And then…
His hand lands and caresses almost immediately, but inflicts another spark again with another strike. And another. And another.
You hold your tongue and bury your face in the sheets. The more it hurts, the more fun it gets. And you've barely started playing.
"Seriously, is that the best you can do? I barely feel a pat," you chuckle, wiggling your reddened ass up in the air for him.
"Really?" his palm ceases to ministrate the blows and instead, a single finger traces the inside of your thigh all the way to your panties. "How come you're all wet, then?"
"Because you're so-- oh!" you gasp, feeling him tear the fabric apart and slip one finger between your folds, all warm skin and hard metal of his signet ring.
"What's that?" he slides in another, his voice soft but mocking.
"So… fucking cute when you try. It's-- fuck!- pathetic."
"Say that again." he curls his fingers in the way he knows would ruin you, and you nearly lose composure.
You take a deep breath. "I said, you look--"
He pumps in and out of you faster, rendering you incapable of finishing your insult. He spanks you again, one two three four more, harder, as if making a point. “Pathetic?”
Your jaw goes slack. You choke out a moan, as it slips out no matter how you hold onto it for dear life. He knows your body too well. Knows just how to indulge and give you a taste of sweet, sweet pleasure.
And how to deprive you from it.
He pulls away just before you reach the height of your high, and you cry out in frustration.
“Fuck you,” you spit out.
“Ooh, so mouthy.” he chuckles, returning his fingers into your pussy (as they should be, you think), and eliciting these mewls out of you. “I think I like these sounds better.”
He makes you gush with every lash of his hand on your ass. And when his thumb circles your clit in an unforgiving pace and pressure, everything goes out the window. The willpower, the stubbornness, the loathing. It’s just waves and waves of pleasure, pulsating from your core, coursing through your veins.
He draws out your orgasm until the waves turn into sharp jolts that tread between pain and pleasure. You grab his wrist, frantically pushing his hand away from your pussy because it’s too much fucking hell I can’t take it anymore Haz I swear to God--
(You say all of this in your head. You have a pride and reputation to uphold, thank you very much.)
As soon as he tears his hand away, you find yourself reeling, your chest rising and falling in exertion, body swaying off balance. He catches you just in time, arms steady around your torso, pulling you up against his chest, fingers soothing and teasing your hardened nipples.
“See, that wasn't so bad, right?"
You're still catching your breath. "Harrison."
"Yes, darling?"
"Fuck me."
You feel him smile, cold and devilish as always. "Say please."
"Fuck no."
He pinches your nipple and you hate how much you're willing to comply. It feels so good, and you need it so much, it clouds your better judgement.
"You're a dick."
"Tell me something I don't know."
"You're a dick, but I need your dick inside me." You grind your ass against his hard-on, smearing your arousal on the fabric of his pants, and you briefly wonder why the hell he’s still wearing them.
"Um, excuse you? This is bespoke Armani."
"Boo-hoo. Bill me your dry cleaning," you ignore him-- and the breathy groan he lets out when you slide down his clothed length. "Besides, you owe me new panties."
"Fair," he chuckles, patting your ass away softly.
You lie in the center of the big bed, the smell of fresh linen now mixing with his perfume and your lust. There’s a quiet lull where you do nothing but just watch. You’ve called him every name in the book --some in fits of rage, some in deliberate provocation, some in frustration… but you’ve never called him what you see time and again in these rendezvous.
His muscles, lean and defined, bathed in daylight. Silver cross hanging down his chest. Hair tousled by your frenzied hands. Lips tinted red-- swollen and smeared with your lipstick. Teeth bared on your breast, white against dusky brown. Eyes inviting you to get lost in them.
He looks beautiful like this.
“Fuck, you look beautiful,” he breathes out as he lines his tip at your opening.
Your heart stops, wondering if he’d read your mind, but you keep your cool. “Going soft on me, Harrison?”
“I’ll show you soft,” he brushes you off lightly, bottoming out in one slow, deliberate stroke.
His thick, hard cock is buried to the hilt in your warmth, and you waste no time grinding against his hips. Goading him to draw himself almost all the way out only to plunge back in. It’s fast and frantic and you find each other wanting more as you give more and more to each other.
The dull throbbing ache in your pussy runs in parallel with the sharp pain of your heels, drawing angry red lines on his back. And the more palpable the sensation, the more it fuels you on. In a moment of passionate frenzy, you flip him over and envelope his length between your nether lips. The arrogant smirk washes off of his fine features as you sink down on his cock and bounce on it like your life depended on it.
You tug at his necklace to bring his lips to yours, caving into your craving. How you’ve gone so long without this is beyond you. It’s disastrous and sinful and everything foul, and it’s easy to disdain in retrospect. But your heart can’t help screaming for it as soon as it remembers. And how could you not? What’s left of his is yours, and yours his, just as it was before. No matter how long ‘before’ was.
He’s insatiable like this. He wants your tits in his mouth, your hips keeping him in place, your hands all over his body. And he says it in every which way. Everything, but the actual words spoken out loud.
The thing is, he doesn’t need to. You understand. You map out every contour of his torso, alternating between the soft pads of your fingers and the sharp edges of your manicured nails. Committing them to memory; the taut lines on his stomach, the prominence of his pecs, the stretch of his collar bones.
His hand covers yours, enclosing around it and guiding it to the column of his neck. You don’t need much else to start squeezing.
You feel his Adam’s apple bob under your fleshy palm, and he lets out a strained breath.
“Harder,” he whispers, barely audible. “Just like that.”
You choke him just a little harder, watching him overcome with bliss as you make broken love to him. You plant a bruising kiss on his open mouth, breathing life back into him, and he falls apart inside you, taking you along, reaching the height of your highs together.
You slow down, taking in the rawness of your pussy as it pulsates around him. Watching him twist and turn, all wrecked and wonderful, curses spilling out of his mouth like it’s the only language he’s ever known. And you want that sight for yourself forever.
It’s different. Sure, you hate each other a little less after sex, that’s a given. But it’s never been this intense. And Harrison certainly never looks at you like this before. Like--
Like he wants you wholly.
Unbeknownst to you, right then, he realizes that you've been the base of his affairs-- many girls resemble your charm, your wit, your vigor. A pale comparison at best; they’re never quite you. And that’s all he wants.
He is hooked on your flesh, and he’s ready to lay his heart down along with the rest at your feet.
He sits up and kisses you softly, much too softly than you’ve ever shared. Too calm. Too peaceful. Too… intimate, given that he’s still inside you. You almost feel like you shouldn’t indulge.
“I’m gonna clean myself up.” you break away rather abruptly, untangling yourself from him.
“Oh. Right.” he takes his hands off of your thigh. “Still want that champagne?”
“Um… sure.”
He blinks, dazed at the sudden change in your demeanor. Confused. He just watches you rush to the bathroom, his cum still leaking down your thigh. He has half a mind to pull you back into bed and lick it clean, but then scolds himself. That’s not how things work between you guys.
“What the fuck, Osterfield? Get your shit together.” he murmurs to himself, pulling his pants back up and puts on his shirt. He saunters out to the balcony, bottle and flutes in hand.
He pops the champagne open (after a few minutes of pondering whether he should wait for you) and pours it into the glasses. Downs it in three big gulps in hope of calming these newfound nerves.
Doesn’t do shit.
“You started without me?” you pipe up, leaning against the doorway in his fluffy black bathrobe, hair all mussed up and smudged makeup somewhat wiped off. Your bronze skin glowing in the spring sun and post-coital bliss.
He thinks you’re the prettiest like this.
“You’re taking too long in there. Were you doing a shit or something?”
“Well, you made me look like a total mess, so... Gotta do some damage control.” you lie smoothly. Truth be told, you’ve just been standing in front of the mirror, wondering if maybe it’s best to just get the hell out before you ultimately decide to stick around. You thought, how hard could it be? Exchanging insults and borderline hurtful banters comes naturally with Harrison, no matter the occasion.
You forgot to take into account how good he looks after sex, shirt haphazardly thrown on but unbuttoned. 
He hands you your glass and you down it in one go. His eyebrows rise in surprise when you hand it back to him for a refill not even 15 seconds later.
“Hey. You okay?” he steals a glance as he tops up the drinks.
“Yeah. Since when d’you care, anyway?”
He shrugs. “Just doesn’t feel fair going against my arch-nemesis when she’s not at her best. It’s less fun.”
“Aww. You are going soft on me, aren’t you?”
“Maybe.” he smirks coyly. “Maybe it’s just a ruse to let your guard down.”
“Oh? And then what?”
“I don’t know. Pull the rug from underneath you?”
It’s just mindless banter, you remind yourself. He’s said worse things more lightly in the years you’ve known him. But the more you try to convince yourself, the more riled up you get. You understand exactly what he means; he wants to make you fall in love with him, just so he can hurt you.
And the thought of that alone hurts.
So you want to hurt him back. Hurting is such sweet sorrow, especially when he’s enjoying it as much as you. Maybe even more so.
You come up to him, hands gripping his open shirt, pulling it down so you can capture his lips. Tasting of bubbles and sex. And just as he starts to kiss you back with as much fervor, you pull away.
“You wanna pull the rug from under me, huh?” you pull his hair back. “We’ll see about that.”
You kiss him one more time, sweetly on the mouth, before moving along his square jaw, sucking on the skin below his ear hard, prompting a hiss from him. He has a knack for leaving marks all over you, so much that it drives away the people you’re chatting up with. And through it all, he just looks on, smug as you come home alone for the night. Waving cheekily as he ushers some random girl into the passenger seat of his sports car.
Now it’s time for a payback. You’re leaving him hickeys he’d have no way of concealing, and you make sure he’s gonna feel them for days. The mark on the left side of his chest is a stark purple against his fair skin, and it sends a message, loud and clear, to his cock. His hips buck up against yours, desperate for some relief to this ache.
You come back up just to watch him. Watch how his bright eyes go dark and eyelids heavy while you palm him through the so-called bespoke Armani. Watch him chew on his kiss-swollen lip and leans back against the metal railing, one hand gripping the base of his champagne glass. You feel powerful.
“Fucking ruin me.” he groans, knowing he would just burst if you keep teasing him like that.
You're winning, and for the first time, he’s more than happy to admit defeat.
“Gladly, darling.” you mirror his drawl, using his favorite term of endearment for you. You never use pet names on him, too affectionate, but this rolls off your tongue really nicely. It feels right to say it in a condescending tone.
You get down on your knees and free his stiff cock from the strain of his pants. He can’t tear his eyes off of you even if he tried. The way your skillful tongue darts out to lick its head is divine, and when you take all of him in your mouth, he swears off all forms of worship apart from this.
The rest of his surroundings fade out forgotten. Damn the wide windows across the street. Damn all hotel complaints and grievances. Damn it all. You’re setting him on fire and he’d gladly burn in your name.
Your name.
He never calls you by your name, too personal, always resorting to darling, which somehow sounds sweet and spiteful at the same time. But that word just doesn’t seem like enough. Not now. Maybe not anymore. He’s been yearning for you, and it’s only fair that it’s your name he prays to. Moaning praises in a manic rhapsody. Begging for release, tasting the word please on his mouth over and over, until he empties out his desire in your mouth.
You return to your feet, standing tall in your heels, towering over his slouched frame. He looks at you in a mix of amazement and adoration, yet you decide you’re not done yet; you want to make him yours.
So you cup his face with one hand, signaling him to open. You watch him smile, wicked and knowing, as you spit in his mouth, giving him a taste of his own poison. He takes every single drop, eyes fixed on yours. When he has no more left, he takes the glass in his hand and empties it down his throat.
It doesn’t satiate his thirst. He doesn’t know why he bothered. He knows the only cure is you.
So he grabs the back of your neck and kisses you, hungrily. Desperately. For the longest time. Just getting lost in each other.
And then he says,
“Hey.” he calls out to you, softer than he’s ever spoken to you before. “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
You’ve heard him say this before. Out of exasperation, out of anger, but never out of… infatuation, or dare you say it, love. And you begin to question yourself, whether you really want to hurt him or was it a momentary lapse in judgement. His guard is all the way down, and you want nothing more but to run to him and cover him in your embrace.
“But oh, what a way to go, right?” he adds.
You simply answer him with a tender kiss. He’s allowed to have the last word. This time.
[Read Part Two here]
feedback is always appreciated! click here to add yourself on my taglist. or let me know if you want to be excluded from my taglist for whatever reason at all, no hard feelings ;)
Tagging  @halfblood-princess-505 @rebekkah4766 @galaxystern08 @the-panwitch @spiderbibby @angel-holland @averyfosterthoughts @u-rrose @clara-licht @bi-sk8er @tommysparker @riz-holland-osterfield @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @crazyshitinmontreal @tonguetiedholland @averyfosterthoughts @quaksonhehe @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh​ @spxder-bxcky @allegra-writes @hazmyheart @spideygirl2003 @angel-spidey @the-crazy-fanfictionist @fallinfortom​ @demureland​ @chaoticpete​ @terrifictomholland​ @hollandsamor @allmyspideys ​@fuckituplove @eridanuswave @danicarosaline @quacksonfics 💕💕💕 (I reposted it, so feel free to ignore if you have seen this!)
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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🌁Escape from the city and follow the sun ☀️
( part 2 of Okinawa trip AU)
She knew her Dad planned the vacation to give her a break but she knew deep down he just wanted a new scenery just for a little bit . When he offered she instantly accepted , maybe they would make some good memories for her to look back in the future .
She was excited to tell the rest of her friends about the trip , and she wasn't expecting Robby having an interest of Okinawa . Guessing her father and Robby had that connection of the Myagi Do History . It was cute how he was rambling telling her and Demetri fun facts .
And When Robby had stayed for dinner he wanted tell Sam more of what he had learned . She was more than happy when Dad had asked Robby if he wanted come .
..... .....
" Robby would you like to come with us ? "
He knew his mouth was hanging open , the question surprised him . He wanted to say yes but he also knew that the trip was only for Mr. LaRusso and Sam .
" That would be awesome but I don't want to intrude and Mr. LaRusso you planned it for you and Sam . "
" Well I want you to go with us and I know Sam wouldn't mind . Your part of the family Robby,  you know that . And Don't worry about Johnny,  I will talk to him . So what do you say ? "
His heart always felt warmed when Mr.Larusso would remind him , He was like another Dad . He knew there was times he had to catch himself to not call him Dad . It Didn't help now that Mr . LaRusso and his actual dad were dating . Looking at Sam smiling at him encouraging him to accept , he gives them both a smile .
" I would love to , Thank you . "
And if he hugged Mr.Larusso longer than he intended and thought he could live with two dads for all his life nobody needed to know .
...... ..... ...... ...... ..
They were all at the dojo taking a break from class . He was in the middle of Sam and Miguel while Demetri was sitting in front of him . All were talking about the lesson but they noticed Demetri wasn't talking . And they all knew he constantly talked . Robby noticed that hawk was with the other students , usually he was with Demetri .
Turning to look if Sam and Miguel noticed but guessing by looks that Sam was glaring at hawk and Miguel concerned look . He guessed he wasn't the only one .
" Demetri did you and Hawk fight ? "
He asked him , Sam and Miguel begin to questioned also .
" Did he hurt you !? "
" I don't think Hawk  would hurt Demetri , Sam."
" Wouldn't be the first time , Miguel ! "
" But Hawk changed and I know he wouldn't do it again . "
He interrupts them before anyone would notice their little argument .
" Guys , let Demetri tell us . Let's not jump into conclusions , I'm not big fan of Hawk but let's give him the benefit of the doubt . "
All three watched their friend to answer patiently . They sometimes forget that Demetri didn't react well to being rushed. They had to be patient with him .
" He didn't do anything , I just i-i-i.  I'm having problems at home but it's fine .
The three watch him stand up as his Dad calls them to fall in and break was over . And he knew he wasn't the only one of the three worried and by the looks of Hawk he was also worried.
...... ...... ..
Running up to catch Demetri she ask him if he can come over to her house to help her pack . Smiling as he agrees she discreetly turns around to give Miguel and Robby a thumbs up. Giggling went Demetri waves a goodbye , and Miguel and Robby try to act discreetly as if they unaware of Sam's idea 
.It was cute , she was glad that both Robby and Miguel got along now . Realising they have stuff in common decideding to have a truce , Now they were friends . Both were big softies , funny and loyal the plus side they were Hot .
The three agreed Sam would be the one to talk to Demetri . Knowing her and Demetri was more closer , He was the one who helped her deal with her panic attacks . She helped him with his feelings for a certain Mohawk boy , although she didn't understand why him . But she guessed know one would be good enough for her Demetri . She loved him like a brother.
Don't get her wrong she loved her little brother but her and  Demetri understood each other.  Thats why she had to get the bottom of the problem .
" Is it cold in Okinawa ? ,  just in case take a couple sweaters and coats . Better safe than sorry right . "
As Demetri pulled out her clothes , she decided  it was the right time to ask .
" Dem , you know you can tell me anything right , even if it's bad . Im ... We are worried about you and its not just today that we noticed . I just want you to know that i got your back "
" I know , I just ... I been having problems with my mother . She doesn't understand why I forgived Hawk , so I tried to not bring up anything around her . She's usually not around , so I invited Hawk over , we were playing video games and catching up . Guess who decided to show up at the moment Eli tries to kiss me "
Her heart broke watching her friend struggle , he paces around the room and she knows Demetri is trying not to break down . She goes up to him and hold his hand .
" It was so embarrising , she threw a fit saying I was ruining my life . kicked out Eli , wouldn't be surprised he didn't want talk to me again . Said pretty much I'm a disgrace to keep it short . I'm sorry  "
She hugs him as tight as she could , she got teary eyed hearing Demetri cry . She was so thankful for having her parents , it wasn't fair people had to go through .
" You don't have to be sorry ok , She's wrong she doesn't know you the way we do . You can stay with us today , and if hawk doesn't speak to you I know Robby and Miguel will knock some sense into him . "
Later that night her Dad tells her about including Demetri to the vacation . She tells him he's the best dad ever . She goes to bed listening to Demetri talk about Hawk message and the plans to the trip .
..... ...... ....
At first it was confusing and hard to adjust to her parents being divorce but once realise she realised they  were both  happier with other people . She came to terms with it , she got to talk to Miguel and Robby about their parent dating each other .
Miguel was glad her mom was happy with someone that knew how to cherish her the way she deserved . Robby wasn't mad or bothered that his dad and her dad were now dated . He just didn't like how he would constantly see his dad flirt with her dad .
When Johnny had accidently called his father Bambi in front of the class , he saw the way the blonde tried to get her father to forgive him all day  . She thought Mr . Lawrence wasn't bad after all.
Carmen and Johnny was a nice addition to the family , she gets to spend time more with Robby and Miguel .
...... .......
Miguel was excited to wake up as 4 : 00 in the morning and wait for sensei to pick him up . He never thought he would ever go to the trip with Mr. LaRusso . His mom was also going with them , the best part he was going with his friends too .
Saying Goodbye one last time to YaYa , he climbs inside the car saying hi to everyone . Falling asleep while sensei drives hoping they wouldn't crash .
" Were here , Everybody out ! Let's go ! . "
Walking up to the airport , as everyone follows their Sensei guiding them and telling them to keep an eye out for Mr LaRusso  . Turning to Hawk , he was surprised that his friend had managed to have energy to do his hair .
" This is going be fucking awesome dude , only sucks that we have to wake this early . "
" Yeah , we should thank Mr.LaRusso for inviting us and try not to start any fights with anyone meaning Sam or Robby . I know you dude . "
" Right , and I'm not the only that starts them , Who you crushing on now , pretty boy or the princess , or both "
Pushing hawk , as he says his comment with a smirk , He can't remember why he was friends with him now .
" Shut up , I don't know what your talking about . "
" Yeah and that why your blushing "
It only seemed right to flip him off and maybe push him to the floor if he didn't had found Mr. LaRusso and him mom .
" Sensei their over there , Oh My mom arrived to "  He told Sensei ,  pointing at the opposite direction , they all decided to  run towards them .
....... ....... .......
He think no one would ever get used to seeing both Senseis making out . They all showed their disagreement of the PDA even Amanda and Carmen were laughing for their childish behavior . Seeing as his dad signaling to the store the class showed their excitement as they cheered remembering Mr. LaRusso promise .
Robby didn't know what to decide on , the rest of the class had money their parents had given them . And he didn't want to ask Mr . LaRusso for money he had already bought him the ticket and clothes and not to include his suitcase .
" we can share something if you want , my Yaya gave  me extra money .  "
Turning to look at Miguel and Sam , He wanted to reject the idea but he guessed it wouldn't hurt .
" Hey pup get anything  LaRusso is paying , goes for you to Miguel . Keep an eye out on them little LaRusso . "
God his dad always had to embarrass him , he didn't mind him calling him that but in public was big No . And by the giggling of both Miguel and Sam they could tell he was blushing . He totally deserved some Oreos for this .
...... ..... ...
Everyone was vibrating with excitement as they got off the plane . Phone filled with selfies on the plane , Laughing along the random ideas to do in Okinawa . They couldn't wait for their adventure to start .
But then they lost Mr . LaRusso who was the only one that knew the place after they all got distracted because it seemed Hawks stupid products weren't here .
" Dude calm down , I think you could get some gel or whatever you use here too . "
" Miguel , I love you bro but right now I'm trying to find my shit . Hey ! What are you all laughing about  ! "
Once sensei had enough of the bickering , he told them to fall in line to find their missing Sensei  that was once spotted outside with two other people .
Waiting for a big cab for everyone to fit wasn't the best but as they were driven to their location . They were all memorized by the beauty , it seem like no picture can capture the beauty of it . Well not to Sensei apparently he rather look at the beauty of Mr . LaRusso.
He had to admit that was the best line he had heard from his Sensei .  He liked how everyone was smiling and Laughing . He also totally noticed the blush on Hawk and Demetri as they both were sitting to close . He was totally going to tease hawk as payback .
Sidenote : Part 2 of the Okinawa trip AU. Sam , Robby , and Miguel Pov . Sam and Demetri sibling dynamic . Next is binary boyfriends moodboard . Excuse for my shitty writhing
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yaboyspodcastpalace · 3 years
[send me a 📓 and I'll explain the plot of a fic i daydream about!!]
:D!!! i was originally gonna write down a petermart im writing but ive talked enough abt that one so Here:
au where peter doesnt die at the end of seaosn 4 but instead loses 1. one of his eyes (fr some reason idk) 2. his connection to the lonely and 3. his entire inheritance and finding himself godless and penniless he goes to the few people that actually like him (taddeas??? eh, simon? bit of his money problem is solved but not on the long run, mikaele... Well.) and ends up crashing at mikaele's place
(there was originally a reason why he knew mikaele was alive but i cannot remember rn)
i dont particularly have a plot beyond:
1. hey wouldnt it be funny if peter went to live w/ mikaele somewhere lovely and like neighbors like mikaele bc hes nice but they're So Very Curious abt his... friend.... boyfriend...? house mate....? who looks like a shitty vampire... also peter like needs Actual Food and sleep and all those pesky human things to live that he never thought abt since he was a kid??? mikaele?? how do you live like this??? how do you live w/o the lull of a god and breaking the fabric of reality for yur own purposes and also how do you cook? also potentially mikaele being like my dear old friend im gonna get you a fucking hobby
2. so, the apocalypse happens, and between the long drive from where they lived to that mansion he has in s5 there's a LOT of peter seeing the different domains in the distance and being SO annoyed bc those were supposed to be his, mikaele, he was supposed to have a place there (if not THE central role if gertrude hasn't ruined his ritual)
2.1. mikaele and annabelle and peter shenanigans. annabelle and peter hate each other but they both like mikaele and so sometimes he'd be playing the piano and they'd both appear at different entrance of the room and just hover there waiting for the other to get out so they can sit somewhere close. This amuses mikaele to no end, and also hes glad hes got more ppl to care abt (he misses his crew)
2.2. mikaele and peter and Martin shenanigans once he and jon arrive. and by shenanigans i mean once martin realises peters not only Alive and There but also doesnt have any power whatsoever he decks him, and mikaele just calmly sits at the side like "@ to peter you probably deserved that, but @ martin please dont hurt him too bad, im quite fond of him, you'd understand".
2.2.1. obsessed with the idea of peter learning that martin has a domain and being so conflicted about it... both of them... hhh petermart lonely moments at the end of the world, imagine(!!!!!!!!!!!)
3. uuuuuuuuuuuh honestly i think a lot about the painting of mikaele's personality and the ghosts that haunt him via statements and the man we finally see in s5 and i KNOW in s5 he lies about stuff n puts on part of an act I KNOW it... maybe i want to see how their relationship changes once peter cant feed of such and mikaele cant bask on the cold etc etc!! when all the benefits of his monsterhood are gone and all thats left is two lonely men and their complicated love!
4. it has an open yet hopeful ending bc im a cheesy motherfucker and i love Love :') peter doesnt want to die Again despite the less than ideal ways of living and he doesnt want mikaele to die, also again, so like.......... i dont know, annabelle is smart, she's got ways to do a dramatic reveal w/o the camera, maybe not as glamorous but whatever! when she leaves she wants to leave quietly so they dont notice but mikaele does and gives her a big ol hug bc literally all his friendships ended with a flash, he has no idea if annabelle is going to die or what so just, hug. Annabelle hugs back kinda awkwardly due to not being used to it but still appreciates it. Fambly.......... (peter stays inside bc he doesnt care abt her, plus mikaele has enough warmth for the both of them)
4.1. i think a lot abt mikaele going to rescue his former crew from the domains bc he CARES ABT THEM... GDI... maybe thats what they do at the end... who knows not me...
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endlayer · 3 years
Didn't draw anything for edo day for gx month so instead ill just talk about him because he makes me insane? the most guy ever
none of this is going to be linear and will instead just be a ton of simple points that exist in my brain that i cannot link together
you ever think about how edo's entire identity revolved around his trauma up until like season 3, and even then his life is still so heavily influenced by it. he was never himself, never edo phoenix. he was a machine motivated by revenge because the idea of justice was the only thing that could keep him alive. the skipping grades, the extreme sports, the pro dueling is all just something to get him closer to revenge. to justice. to closure. edo doesn't know how to actually function because his entire mind is so focused on that one point in his life that it's clouded his entire vision. he can't think about his future if it doesn't somehow involve getting justice for his father.
wahhh edo's self worth is almost completely determined by how useful he is to others this is like outright stated in season 2. motherfucker nearly loses it at the idea of not being "useful enough" to saiou which ties into how he's never "edo phoenix" he is an extension of others he is a tool used to reach a goal, his own identity and bodily safety does not matter when trying to achieve something.
he works himself two steps from death's doorway so he doesn't have to deal with his issues or process things. can't think about your trauma if you're busy kicking ass on the pro circuit!
also hi lol the reason edo took to readily to the idea of fate and destiny (other than saiou obviously introducing that to him at like the lowest point in his life when he desperately needed something to keep him going) was because it's so much easier to think that the things that have happened to you are predetermined and that you can't change anything than to process it and try to heal a little bit from it!
edo has been used by like every single man that has talked to him. other than his dad help😭😭😭😭 people look at edo and go I can use you for my benefit. come here young lad pspsppsosospsppss
wahhhhhhh edo is one of the most loving people in gx im putting them up there with fubuki. edo and fubuki stand together on a podium that says "i love so much that it will (and literally has) been the death of me." i'll never get people who say that edo is unempathetic. he literally isn't helpppp 😭😭😭😭 this kid is driven by his love for others! not even just his father. he's driven by his love for his father, his love for saiou and mizuchi, his love for judai, his love for kids. edo loves so much and in so many different ways. he's just a guarded, traumatized kid.
speaking of edo loving kids here's a hill i will die on: edo's passion is kids not pro dueling. "edo wanted to be a pro duelist when he was a kid!" yeah and i wanted to be a baker look where we are. edo phoenix, ~8 years old, saying he wants to be a pro duelist doesn't mean shit. i think i wanted to be like 7 different things when i was 8. he got involved in it way too fucking early (edo is 14 at the beginning of season 2, and considering his place as one of the most notable pro duelists, he's got to at least have been on the circuit since he was 13) and as he got older it was really just for him to collect intel on his dad's killer! even if it is his passion he's going to burn out with how intense he's been doing it for so long. here's where the kids come in (im rubbing my hands together) season 4 episode like 167 or something it's found out that edo donates like all his money to orphanages and schools and it's like cool! He's a nice kid. then there's the bit where he's playing with the kids at the orphanage and im printing this scene out im putting it on a corkboard and i am banging my fist against the corkboard this is one of the only times we've seen edo content. he loves kids he loves helping kids his biggest goal after avenging his father is making sure that every single kid is safe and cared for. thank you hope you all enjoyed that yelling segment i'm very passionate about it.
these two events aren't necessarily connected it's more just a show of edo's view of himself but if you watch the clip in episode 98 where dd calls edo a mediocrity then watch ep like 167 where edo's hand splits open during practice and he says something along the lines of "a mediocrity like me has to work 1000 times as hard as anyone else to get anywhere in the world" it's the most horrifying thing honestly.
i know i have more stuff to talk about but my brain ran out of energy ill come back and like rb this later or smth sorry i have so many edo thoughts he makes me actually fucking insane. anyways he and mizuchi have sleepovers a lot they watch shitty movies and edos like "i'm really glad i have you you're genuinely like a sister to me i love you a lot" and mizuchi goes "aww thank you so much! you're the gay brother i never had!"
and finally im closing this out by saying that edo has bpd because my psych guy was like I'm fairly certain you have bpd and i need to process it by pinning it on edo phoenix. and also he and manjoume should get into a fist fight. good night everyone!
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leaschuller · 4 years
About Lena Oberdorf:
Lena Oberdorf, 18 years old, became the youngest German World Cup player in history in 2019. She has now 13 international matches (2 goals), and she is also the winner of the Fritz-Walter-Medaille for the best young female player in 2020. In the Bundesliga, Oberdorf played for SGS Essen for the first time in 2018, and now she plays for VfL Wolfsburg (depending on success, Oberdorf’s transfer fee is around a six-figure sum. There is no official confirmation for this.) So far, Oberdorf mainly played in the defense, in the future she could also imagine playing as a playmaker.
Full Interview Translation:
This is where the future of German football speaks
Wolfsburg's new player Lena Oberdorf is an exceptional talent. The 18-year-old speaks about her rapid development, the Champions League restart - and misogynistic remarks on the pitch.
SPIEGEL: Ms. Oberdorf, at the age of 18 you switched to the German series champions Wolfsburg, and according to newspapers they have paid for you an "unusually high" transfer fee for women's football. Does that put you under pressure?
Oberdorf: I didn't even know that, nor do i know the amount. That is why I don't feel any pressure now.
SPIEGEL: In football, it's usually the case that the parties agree not to disclose the transfer fee. With the men the amount of transfer fees often gets out after all, but with the female football players you hardly hear anything at all about them. Your transfer could have set an example - according to the motto: female football players also cost money!
Oberdorf: But then I would feel pressure now. I'm glad it wasn't published. I also think it's nice that you aren't just talking about money in women's football. We are human beings and transfer fees are insignificant. It is clear that transfer fees are not common in women's football, but they are also part of it.
SPIEGEL: The Champions League will continue on Friday and you can play for your new club. At least in theory, the team is a well-oiled machine. With who do you want to compete for a starting spot?
Oberdorf: I'm not even thinking about something like that. In Wolfsburg it's common, that there is a lot of rotation. Four days after the Champions League final on August 30th, the Bundesliga starts again. It's not about taking someone's place. I'm just waiting for my opportunity. It is certainly good that i can play many positions: in central defense or on the six in front of the defense. I could also imagine playing a ten. The main thing is to play in the center.
SPIEGEL: All in all, that sounds cautious for a footballer who has already played 13 international matches und has played in a World Cup, who has already been described as the boss of German national team's defense.
Oberdorf: These numbers don't interest me at all. And I don't see myself as the boss of the defense either. A defense consists of four players, I am one of them. It's better if everyone takes responsibility.
SPIEGEL: The final tournament of the Champions League will take place in Bilbao and San Sebastián. The COVID-19 case numbers in the region are going up, Germany has designated Spain as a risk area. How do you deal with the development?
Oberdorf: We talk about it in the locker room. It's a shame that the numbers are now rising again, also for the tournament. But there are hygiene rules, regular tests for us, and we will live in a hotel with our own floor. We can't travel to Spain with fear.
SPIEGEL: FC Bayern will also be represented at the final tournament. The club has just signed many young international players. Why not you too?
Oberdorf: I only heard that Bayern were interested. But I found Wolfsburg more appealing. Also, the way football is played here suits me very well. Wolfsburg is very dominant, when I used to play against them with my ex-club Essen, we had about ten percent of ball possession.
SPIEGEL: What exactly is more appealing about Wolfsburg than about Munich?
Oberdorf: Everyone wants to go to Munich, at least as a tourist. Living there can be hectic though. I don't think I can make it to training in five minutes with the traffic. It's important to me to be in an environment with short journeys. Here in Wolfsburg, we almost all live close together, I'm only five minutes away from where Sara Doorsoun lives. I need this closeness to feel comfortable.
SPIEGEL: At the age of 18, you are now playing in the oldest team in the league - the average age of Wolfsburg women so far was just under 27. How is the difference noticeable?
Oberdorf: Oh, that's why they brought me in, to lower their average age! No, I'm lucky that, despite my age, I'm already far in my development. My parents did well. Honestly? Sometimes the players here are still like children in their heads.
SPIEGEL: Does it annoy you to be constantly asked about your age?
Oberdorf: I think it's good to be asked about it again and again. So it stays in the memory. Many media outlets forget that i am only 18 years old. But I am not a little chicken anymore.
SPIEGEL: There is a lot of discussion in Germany about the future of women's football. How do you rate the progress?
Oberdorf: The path is good, but the goal has not yet been reached. There could be even more. When the men have an international match, an advertising poster hangs on each advertising pylon. If we have a top game, it only hangs on one in ten. There is still a lot of work to be done.
SPIEGEL: Who do you see especially as taking that responsibility?
Oberdorf: Us players first. We need to use our reach in social media a lot more to bring this sport in the forefront. DFB and the clubs can certainly improve a lot when I think about marketing. the women's department is already well known here in Wolfsburg, even as a newcomer, I am often recognized on the streets.
SPIEGEL: Can you imagine being a strong voice in your sport going forward?
Oberdorf: At 18 you're not taken that seriously. But later i can certainly use my fame as a footballer.
SPIEGEL: You are a fan of FC Schalke. Does it annoy you that there - and also with their biggest rival Borussia Dortmund - they are not betting on professional women's football?
Oberdorf: Absolutely, even if I wouldn't switch to them right away. It's important that such clubs are betting on women's football. Also from an international point of view, it makes a huge difference, whether I receive an offer from Schalke 04 or from SGS Essen. A derby between Dortmund and Schalke would also appeal to a lot more viewers.
SPIEGEL: Schalke now established women's football in mass sports - they're starting in Kreisliga B (8th division).
Oberdorf: Always these excuses.
SPIEGEL: Is popular sport an excuse?
Oberdorf: If so, then do it right - with the aim of playing in Bundesliga. Other clubs show that it's possible.
SPIEGEL: There has been a small revolution in the Netherlands: Ellen Fokkema, a female player, will play in the future for a men's team in the 7th division. Do you find such a concept appealing?
Oberdorf: Yes, I do. I've played with guys for a very long time and benefited from them - I've become more robust, more assertive. I would have spent more time in a boys' team if that had been possible. But the question is whether a female player can help the men. Can she take it physically? At some point I came to the point where conflicts arose, it doesn't have to be of a sporting nature at all, but i can also be that you no longer find common topics of conversation. When suddenly only German rap was the topic in the locker room, at first, I couldn't even say anything.
SPIEGEL: At SPIEGEL, we repeatedly receive letters from readers that football is a men's sport and that women are simply not good enough for it. Have you ever been confronted with hatred?
Oberdorf: There is a story that I can remember. In the B-Jugend, a boy once said to me on the football field: "Why are you here? Go back to the kitchen." Then I just thought we are going to sort it out on the pitch. The guy never won a duel. That was my answer.
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cloudyfm · 4 years
Tumblr media
ok yes i’m here with lilia’s info ur resident demon have fun pals<3
family background - yes this is copy pasted myob<3
ya’ll ever read one of those drug ring ao3 fanfics where y/n is dating the sexy drug cartel leader? well that’s their family!
generational family blood money because that’s how cartels work i think. started running + dealing three generations back with their great-grandparents in order for them to make a living. it wasn’t until the so-called business was handed down to their grandparents that they wanted to expand and generate more money. the big pharma cover was created in order for them to manufacture, distribute, and supply at a larger scale. present day, their family name has notoriety with other cartel and mafia families.
basically avery was supposed to take over because he was the oldest right, but lilia did not want that at all. their parents started favoring avery and schmoozing up to him a little bit to get him to say yes (even though avery was fully prepared to give lilia the position) and lilia was like! what the fuck! so she told their parents about this one time that avery accidentally blabbed the family secret to a stranger at a party which broke their one rule of keeping it a secret. their parents wanted nothing to do with him anymore and completely cut avery off and kicked him out of the family.
everyone knows that avery and lilia are siblings, even though they don’t really know the actual details about their past together because avery doesn’t say anything about his family and the cartel is a secret. now that they are both at yale and in the elites together they are just kinda like haha awkward <3 they basically would just tell everyone that they grew apart if other characters tried to pry but also lilia is now telling people that avery fucked up a business decision which is why he left the family and avery is like alright but good luck trying to get other info out of them! xo, the jeongs
personal background
a legacy and a member of the yale's elite, they're twenty-one and a junior undergrad student majoring in pharmacology. they are as zealous as they are vain.
blackmails: and yes ik we only needed 2 i got pressed and stubborn (drugs tw):
blackmailing vanity fair to keep them from speaking negatively about her and her family by dealing to their reporters. she’s more so doing this to protect herself and her brother than her parents.
is aware of annie and violet’s work arrangements with her family’s drug business. she refuses to involve herself by mentioning that the family they work for is hers and is currently turning a blind eye to the questionable tasks that are asked of them.
purposely sent an ex boyfriend to prison when she was 18 due to her being tired of being in a consistently toxic relationship. she set him up to be found with various bags of illicit drugs (of which were owned by her family) and framed him with possession with intent to distribute and supply to garner a felony charge as an adult.
ok moving to present day stuff<3
ever since avery left the family, her parents have basically put immense pressure on her to fill his spot - the spot she wanted, and since her loyalty is with them and herself, she accepted it and did whatever had to be done. she was 16 when it became her job to take over, so whatever parts of her childhood she had left kind of just left when they began to prime her.
at 18, her mom finally revealed to her that avery had the intentions to give her control of the family when she came of age - something that she didn’t know until 2 years after she fucked up ! her guilt eats her alive to this day, but rather than mending her relationship with him personally, she sends him money anonymously through shorting her parents. 
she actually loves being in the elites ... it gives her such a sense of importance whether or not she is considered a legacy. was kind of excited to join actually and frankly that bit her in the ass with the blackmailer out here but its fine.
her college years have frankly been quiet like .. she’s studious to the point she needs to be but she really is not a partier, doesn’t do drugs because she’s seen first hand the shit that her parents are involved in, and barely drinks. when she does she literally doesn’t know how to handle it and fears losing control. literally if you wanna manipulate her this is how u do it lmao.
this is mentioned in the personality section but yes she is in the classics book club at yale ... she loves her classics</3
she’s actually easy to get along with ok just don’t cross her i promise my god im going to lose it
i don’t know im blanking so bad and this is alrdy almost 1500 words i cant do this anymore. UGHGHH more of her personal stuff is in the personality section im heaving
ridiculously cut throat and has no issues stepping on people to get to where she needs to be. like if it came down to saving herself or saving someone else who she doesn’t have a close connection to? she will always pick herself. 
makes a game out of other people one - upping her<3 if she knows she can win, and sometimes even when she can’t, she will purposely cause a problem just to see them fall and grow her own ego.
also will start problems casually and then just sit back and watch them unfold while drinking wine out a mug.
literally ... and i mean literally obsessed with being perceived as beautiful and pretty. she’s so mf vain that it’s actually a problem, and i can promise you if you call her ugly miss girl will cry. this mostly has to do with her self esteem issues and the pressure put onto her by her parents after avery left. yes she did this to herself dni.
loyal only to those who she cares about otherwise they can frankly rot<3 and there are times where she will break that loyalty if it benefits her.
ik this may not be believable but she actually is extremely insecure and anxious deep down lmao like she has such an obsession with proving that she’s the best to her peers and her family that it flat out consumes her consistently. this is what causes her to act out most of the time and if someone was to become close to her it would be plainly evident. yes - she can be soft.
has an overt persona of positivity and carries herself as someone who doesn’t have negative intentions and sometimes makes it hard to believe that she’s actually capable of doing the things that people accuse her of.
yes she is calculating and manipulative and miss girly will look for faults only to make them worse.
she literally wasn’t always like this but when her and avery’s relationship started to fracture, she kind of let her own selfishness consume her.
she plays stupid a lot KLNDFKNDLKFSD  will pretend to be interested in random men in her classes so they will baby her and do shit for her that she could have easily done herself. it’s not that she’s lazy but she’s only studying pharma because of her family. she has an obsession with classical lit and would have rather majored in that if given the chance. 
has a fear of emotional intimacy </3 went through a really toxic relationship from the ages of 16-18 that was basically more done to bring her family and another together for a business deal and it just ... did not end well for her and basically she was treated like shit. literally the only way she could get out of it was to frame him and then bribe people to make sure the felony charge wasn’t dropped. her family doesn’t know she did this so<33333 
full name: lilia iris jung.
nicknames: lili or lia.
age: 21.
date of birth: august 02, 1999.
siblings: avery ( older brother ).
birthplace: new york city, new york, united states.
current location: new haven, connecticut, united states.
astrological sign: leo sun / capricorn moon / virgo rising.
gender: cis female.
pronouns: she / her / hers.
height: 5′1″.
sexuality: bisexual.
religion: atheist.
piercings: double lobe on her right ear, triple lobe on her left ear, tragus on her right ear, and a helix on both her left and right and ears.
tattoos: this on her inner, right bicep, and this behind her left ear.
haircolor: brunette.
literally for wanted connections i want 2 things: (1) someone to rock her shit bc that is deserved, and (2) idk she’s wearing a mask like 80% of the time so someone who she is close enough to actual b real with :\ if this doesn’t make sense myob im taking a nap
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pumakaji64 · 4 years
fuck im gonna watch the film theory on Ratatouille even though it’ll make me mad
 part 1.
preface: It’ll probably look like im taking this way more seriously then I actually am ( I mean I love the movie so on some level yes I am ) but I tend to come across way more aggressive then I mean too in my writing oops. Like I don’t mind people having different takes on a piece of media, you can respect and authors intent while still having your own thoughts about a work even if they don’t line up because sometimes what a creator tries to convey and what they really do aren’t exactly the same. But if you’re gonna have such a wild take you better be able to back it up with some real good evidence. Overall tho I’m mostly just doing this cuz im bored lol ( also I haven’t seen the movie in awhile so my memory is a little foggy )
So going in I already know what the argument is gonna be “ good guy bad, bad guy good” whatever, so I’m just gonna comment on the argument and presentation itself as I watch the video
Ah I see we’re going with the good ol’ “ not technically lying but intentionally omitting and/or wording things in a manner that benefits my argument “ technique, I’ve used that before.
Nitpick: As someone on twitter brought up: Protagonist doesn’t mean “good guy” it’s the leading character that the story if focused on, so even if Remy is a bad guy he’s still the protagonist.
I get it’s probably a joke but Remy’s whole deal isn’t that he wants to be famous. He just genuinely loves cooking but can’t do with without fear of being murdered since he’s y’know a rat.
He doesn’t willingly leave his colony, he’s separated from them after he blew their cover by getting caught while cooking and for prioritizing taking the cookbook over escaping.
I’ll just say it now since i’m sure it’ll be brought up later, yeah Remy is kind of selfish, and thats actually a good thing. Him being a flawed character makes him more interesting and this also swiftly sets up his character arc early into the film.
“ If this sounds like an inspirational story about overcoming obstacles and achieving your destiny... you missed the point.” bruh the arc words of the film are literally “Anyone can cook”, it’s about overcoming prejudice to achieve your dreams in spite of everyone telling you not to because of the identity you are born with ( this is not just seen with Remy but also Colette, a female chef )
“Narcissist” As I said before yes Remy is selfish and at times this makes him unlikable but he genuinely cares about his family but he struggles to connect with them since they can’t understand why he’s so passionate about cooking.
Calling it now, the crux of this argument is going to be the scene where Remy gets mad about Linguini taking all the credit for Remy’s work during an interview. Which yeah I’ll agree that Remy was being unrealistic but Linguini had been ignoring Remy’s advice and had grown a bit of an ego which of course eventually leading to Remy having a heated gamer moment and doing abusing Linguini’s trust which the story punishes him for. It’s not a simple right or wrong situation but more of a two wrongs don’t make a right type.
“Jerk of a creature” Newsflash! Not all protagonists are nice, even the ones that aren’t villain protagonists!
First point: Remy is a thief and a hypocrite. I’ll admit I was agreeing that Remy is a hypocrite until he gets to the point of Remy letting his family steal from the kitchen. 1.) This was when him and Linguini were starting to have a falling out, he was angry at him and starting letting that affect his judgement. Was this wrong of him? Yes and he regrets his actions. 2.) Remy cares for his family even if they don’t always get along and his anger at Linguini makes it easier for them to pressure him into letting them steal.
“Remy never learns his lesson” maybe not explicitly but he does face punishment throughout the story. Stealing the book and food from the old lady costs his family their home and gets him separated from them. Allowing his family to steal from the kitchen leads to Linguini calling off their partnership. I don’t remember him stealing again after that.
Also is he implying that Remy is bad for stealing the will that proves that Linguini is the rightful heir to the Gustaeu that Skinner was trying to hide so he could keep profiting off of a dead mans work?
Remy is aware that what he’s doing is wrong, we are shown this through the figment of Gustaeu which represents his conscience reprimanding it but Remy continues to justify himself until it’s too late. He is a flawed character.
“In a realistic context.” Good thing this is a Disney kids film
Fraud!? You’re gonna grill Remy for fraud when Skinner is the one intentionally keeping Linguini from learning about his birth right?!?!?
“Poor Linguini. The sap that Remy controls like a puppet.” here we go again with the manipulative wording hooray
I see where he’s going with this one and it’s really funny to me that’s interpreting Gustaeu’s “Anyone can cook” line the same way Ego does for most of the film. Ego takes the opposite stance MatPat does by mocking the line because to the critic not everyone has what it takes to be a great chef. It’s by the end of the film he changes his perspective on the line to the idea that a great cook can come from anywhere even in the most unexpected of forms like Remy.
Gotta love the clip he added of pre-character development Remy being a jerk to Linguini before to two even met. It really ads to the manipulative wording he uses to make Remy look underhanded and shifty.
Is he really gonna gloss over Remy attempting and failing to teach Linguini how to cook? Remy is a fucking rat who can’t talk directly to Linguini attempting so teaching him would be really damn hard. Not only that but they are on a time crunch and don’t have the time necessary to teach Linguini how to cook like Remy can.
Also whose to say that by watching what Remy is making him do Linguini hasn’t picked up any cooking techniques by the end of the film.
It’s not like Remy freaking forced Linguini into being his man-puppet. Remy is a small animal who can’t talk to people so honestly Linguini has most of the power in their dynamic. Linguini can call of their partnership anytime he wants and even does so after Remy is caught letting his family steal. 
“And whats it for? Just so Remy can cook! Just for his own benefit!” BRUH, DID HE NOT SEE THE PART WHERE SKINNER THREATENS LINGUINI’S JOB IF HE CAN’T RECREATE THE SOUP!??!? (Also skinner only wants to keep Linguini around if he can make money off of him )
God damn he really is taking advantage over the fact that most of his viewers either have never seen the film or only watched it when they were young to straight up ignore elements of the fucking plot lmao
“Who hasn’t forced un-consenting adults to kiss “ I can’t believe MatPat is trying to #cancel Remy for being #problematic, #remyisoverparty. The stretch is real my dudes.
Jesus I feel most of what I have to say will just be me restating what I already said. Ugh lemme just summarize it: Remy is a flawed and selfish rat who often prioritizes following his dreams over his responsibilities putting not just himself but his family at risk. But guess what? He faces consequences for that! His actions get him separated from his family and lost in a giant city, the only reason he doesn’t die is because he got lucky and found Linguini ( also because it’s a film and it ending at the start would be lame )
Also so is he arguing that Remy should just accept his lot in life and give up on his dreams because he can’t change the fact that he’s a rat ( which MatPat often reminds us by calling him unhygienic a lot so far ) as if that’s not the crux of his character dilemma.
I agree it’s wrong of him to put his family at risk but that only applies to the opening of the movie. How is he the only one in the wrong later in the film when both him and Linguini acknowledge to risk of their teamwork?
Here we go with the disease thing again. This is anti-rodent propaganda and I will not stand for it! >:(
Also bruh it’s a fucking kids movie.
??? how the fuck would Remy be aware of rats carrying diseases??? does he work for the fucking CDC????????
“Remy is bad because he kidnaps the pest inspector” Because it would get the restraunt shut down if word got out about the rats!!! And the only reason there are so many rats in the kitchen during this part is because the staff except for Colette all walked out!!!!!!!!! Which, guess what MatPat, wouldn’t just fuck over Remy but Linguini too!
“Oh sure they wash themselves but only after they walked into the kitchen!!!!” and I thought I was bad with nitpicking!
No need to bring up that The Jungle is a fictional story, nope! I guess it’s only fitting to use a fictional book as evidence for an argument covering the logistics of a fictional movie!!!!!!
Remy didn’t fucking “quit” his “job” as a rat poison sniffer, he still does it but he also cooks in secret. When he’s caught he’s separated from his colony ( which MatPat still hasn’t brought up ) so of fucking course he can’t keep sniffing for a clan when he is literally not there!!!!
Also if he’s talking about later in the film when Remy refuses to rejoin the colony when he reunites with Emile then we get the moral dilemma of Remy rejoining his family while fucking over Linguini who can’t cook because Remy is a small rodent and can’t adequately teach him do to a language barrier.
lmao this dramatic emotional music he’s playing bruh
He really is taking the kiss thing that seriously
“I’m not saying Remy shouldn’t follow his dreams” Thats literally what you are saying
“Chef Skinner does nothing wrong” Okay you law-loving bootlicker lol
I’m not ready for the second half of this so im gonna take a break and make a part 2 later
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I’ve been seeing someone (not officially dating, this is important) and it’s been pretty serious, like talking about a possible future together, getting married, moving in together, having kids eventually, all that. recently though he’s done some things that have really hurt me, not following through with plans that he promised would happen, acting like it didn’t matter afterwards, and so I had to tell him that something needed to change because I haven’t been feeling loved or valued (1/?)
and idk. he answered and promised we’d find some time to talk about it and work it out, but. he said some other stuff too, like he hasn’t wanted to officially date (at first he said it was a time and money thing) because he doesn’t want to be obliged to do things for me, or he’s not ready for a one-guy-and-one-girl thing (he’s the one who pushed for us to be exclusive in the first place) or what if there’s someone else he ends up liking (we used to argue about me seeing other people) (2/?)
and....... I’m just really hurt and shocked because this isn’t anything I expected from him. I’ve started to not trust what he says anymore, I don’t believe him when he says he loves me. I found out too that our mutual “friends” actually don’t like him and think he’s rude and a player. the things he says don’t match up, I would think that he was using me for something except that he’s not. getting anything right now? and hasn’t been? so there’s no reason for him to play me like that (4/?)
and everything just kinda sucks right now. I know I should end it because we’re obviously not on the same page and I’ve been the only one fighting for us for a little while now and honestly I don’t think he does care about me. I’m trying not to make any decisions before we get a chance to have some time together and talk, I’m trying anything I can to avoid cutting him off bc I don’t want to. idk. I still love him, but I’m not.. IN love with him anymore. it really hurts :/ (?/? lost count)
I’m sorry about all that it’s just been a lot over the last couple weeks and I’m overwhelmed and just needed to vent. I’m sorry if you’re at all uncomfortable with that I understand if you don’t want to post it (?/? lost count)
first of all, do not apologize, this is a part of what we are here for. second of all im sorry thi stook so long to answer. things have happened and this was a big one to digest and build an answer to.
the best thing you can do at this point is confront him head on. doesnt matterr if hes busy, tell him exactly how you feel. heck, retype parts of this that you feel need to be said. he nneeds to know exactly how you feel so maybe he can understand the severity of the situation. it seems like hes just brushing off your feelings and thats not okay at all. and ill be honest with you, sometimes if friends dont like him and have feelings such as those, MOST times, NOT ALL, they can be right. at least in my experience they are.
moral of the story, my genuine advice is confront him, and then trust your instincts on what to do depending on his answer or lack thereof. you both need to benefit in a relationship and if you are not feeling loved or not receiving attention, theres a problem. i wish you the absolute best and good luck!
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twinklecheeks · 5 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 5
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Warnings! pregnancy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Word Count: 1.7k
David’s house:
You walk into the house and everyone is already making bets on what are the genders. Zane,  Heath and Todd bet both boys, Matt & Corinna bet a boy and a girl, Mariah/Carly/Erin bet both girls. Y/n: “Hey Natalie, can I talk to you in the car outside?” Natalie: “Sure. How are you feeling? I feel like we haven’t talked in months.” Y/n: “I’m doing great but I have to talk to you about something important.” Natalie: “Like what?” Y/n: “All the girls know who the father of my twins are and I don’t want you to freak out…” Natalie: “Why would I freak out?” Y/n: “Because Jeff is the father...” Natalie: “Wait, Jeff cheated on me?” Y/n: “NO NO NO. We kind of had this friends with benefits for months before you dated. He ended it with me before he asked you out. He was the only person I’ve been with during those months so I know it’s his.” Natalie: “Does he know?” Y/n: “No…” Natalie: “Why doesn’t he know?” Y/n: “Because he didn’t treat right. He was a player and I was under his charm. I was basically wrapped around his finger until I had enough.” Natalie: “I mean… I’m not surprised… Jeff looks like a player.” Y/n: “I just hope I don’t ruin your relationship. I told him during our last fight that I hope he treats you better than he treated me. If he wants to be in their life, that’s fine but if he doesn’t, I’ll ask him to sign his rights away once they’re born.” Natalie: “Thanks for telling me… Are you going to tell him?” Y/n: “Yeah but I wanted to tell you first incase he blows things out of proportion.” Natalie: “Understandable. I’ll go get Jeff.” She gets out of the car and goes into the house to tell him to go talk to you in the car. You see him walk out and you panic a bit. 
Jeff: “ummmm hey?” Y/n: “Hi.” Jeff: “Nat said you needed to tell me something.” Y/n: “Okay but you can’t blame me for not telling you sooner. You have been such an asshole to me.” Jeff: “Telling me what sooner?” Y/n: “These babies are yours…” Jeff looked like he saw a ghost. He went pale like he was gonna pass out. Jeff: “Excuse me??!? How the fuck you know those babies are mine?” Y/n: “Pretty simple. You were the only guy I slept with since New Years until you dumped me for Natalie.” Jeff: “I don’t believe you. I want a paternity test once they’re born. Until then, I don’t want anything to do with you.” Y/n: “what the fuck do you honestly believe I just slept around? Wanna know something dick head?? You were the only person I wanted to sleep with because I was fucking in love with you but you treated me like shit and I let you do it for too fucking long. I was blind with something that was never going to happen. But I finally realized what I deserved.” Jeff: “Oh boo hoo I don’t want to hear you sob story and you better keep your fucking mouth shut about this.” Y/n: “Oh honey, you are way too late for that. The girls and David know and I just can’t wait to tell the rest of the guys.” Y/n runs out of the car so fast and locks Jeff in her car. Jeff: “WHAT THE FUCK YOU CRAZY BITCH.” You quickly run inside and lock David’s front door but Jeff get’s in through the back door. Y/n: “hey to the guys who don’t know who my deadbeat baby daddy is, it’s Jeff. Jeff runs in right as you finished that sentence. He basically doesn’t want anything to do with me or the kids he helped conceive until he knows for sure.” Jeff: “YOU SHIT THIS IS WHY I DIDNT WANT TO FUCKING BE WITH YOU. YOU ALWAYS FUCKING THINK YOU’RE THE RIGHT. YOU DON’T EBER FUCKING LISTEN WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU SHIT. YOU ARE EXACTLY LIKE CIERRA TRYING TO ACT LIKE YOU’RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. WELL GUESS WHAT SWEETHEART, YOU’RE A NOBODY.. Y/n: “honey the difference between me and Cierra is that she cheated on you and dumped your ass cause she realized how much of a low life you are. You are such a piece of shit. I wish these babies weren’t yours cause I hope they don’t fucking turn out like drug dealers and go to prison. I don’t need you. Sign your rights away once they’re born because I’m fucking done with you saying lies about me.” Y/n turns around to Natalie. Y/n: “Natalie. Good fucking luck.” Jeff was livid. He hated when someone brought up his past mistakes so when you mentioned that you hope the twins don’t turn out like him, it stung. Jeff: “I’ll gladly sign my rights away cause It’d be hell dealing with you and those things for the next 18 years.” Y/n: “don’t fucking call my children that.”
The whole vlog squad were stunned with how Jeff was treating you. Natalie: “Jeff…. WE’RE DONE.” Jeff: “babe plea-“ Natalie: “Save the apologies. It’s too late. You think I’d pick you over her. Girl code bitch.” Todd: “dude, just leave.” Everybody is just so disappointed in Jeff. They thought he was a nice guy but he never showed that side of him. Natalie: “y/n I’m so sorry. If I knew I would’ve never gone out with him.” Y/n: “it’s fine. He seems like Prince Charming at first and then becomes a snake.” Heath: “baby, just know all of us are here for you. It takes a village to raise a baby.” Zane: “she’s gonna need 2 villages.”
1 day later (the night before the gender reveal)
(Y/n is spending the night at Kylie’s house since the reveal party is gonna be at her place)
Y/n: “I told Jeff he’s the father.” Stass: “NO FUCKING WAY.” Kylie: “HOW DID HE REACT.” Y/n: “It was bad… I explained everything and he completely flipped out. So I said if he doesn’t want anythng to do with me or these babies, sign his rights away so I can have full custody.” Stass: “Did you tell Natalie?” Y/n: “Actually, I did. Natalie and I have known each other for longer than we’ve both known Jeff. I knew she wouldn’t get mad at me. And I made sure to tell her that I wasn’t trying to get in between her and Jeff. That ship sailed months ago but she saw all the horrible stuff he was saying and dumped him.” Kylie: “Damn I would’ve loved to be there for that. I Would’ve ripped him a new one.” Stass: “We should get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow! What do you think it’s gonna be? I hear there’s a bet going around.” Y/n: “It’s a tie between twin boys vs twin girls.” Kylie: “Let’s just wait and see what the colors are tomorrow.”
Gender reveal party
Y/n is officially 4 months pregnant and it’s reveal day!
Kylie: “Wake up sleepy head. I know you’re tired with carrying 2 babies but we gotta get you glammed up. Y/n: “Ughhhhh why can’t I just be lazy and stay in bed.” Stass: “Cause you’re finding out what you’re having.” Y/n: “You can just tell me right now :)” Kylie: “ABSOLUTELY not. Kylie’s team then comes in and spends 2 hours doing your hair, make-up and picking out your outfit. You had to choose between a pink and blue maternity dress. You picked the pink dress and have your nails painted matte baby blue (Pictured below how you look)
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Once you’re ready, you head downstairs and a bunch of your friends are there. You were glad to see your family, including your dad. He still wasn’t talking to you but he was there. Everybody was having a good time eating, playing the classic shower games like guessing what chocolate is in the “poopy” diaper and other stuff like that. Kylie: “Okay guys! Gather around so we can find out the genders of the twins. Final voting. How many people think they’re boys?” About half think boys, and the other half is equal between boy & girl twin and just girl twins. Kylie: “So y/n is going to be revealing baby A and you guys are going to be revealing baby B.” Kylie gives you the powder cannon. Kylie: “Are you ready?” Y/n: “AHHHH I NO IM NOT BUT I AM.” Everybody: “3! 2! 1!”
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Y/n: “IT’S A GIRL!!!! AHHHHH.” Everybody is screaming. Stass: “To the people who bet, y’all better be praying that you’re right.” Kylie and Stass hand powder cannon to everybody at the party and the countdown begins again. 3.. 2… 1!!!
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IT’S ANOTHER GIRL!!!!!! At this point, you’re just sobbing. You’re having 2 girls. The only thing you care about in the moment are your baby girls. Zane: “Man we lost the bet. I thought it was gonna be boys.” Mariah, Carly & Erin: “Ayyyye we won!!! Now give us our money.”
A couple of hours later
David: “So I guess you’re not naming one David Jr.” Y/n: “You thought I would?” David: “HEY! You promised for 250k...” Y/n: “I was never going to accept that. A joke is a joke.” David: “How you feeling knowing you’re having 2 girls?” Y/n: “I think it’s pretty ironic. Jeff treats women like shit and look what happened. I’m having girls. But I don’t mind. Baby girl clothes are way cuter than boy clothes.” David: “I just wanted to let you know that I’m in it for the long run.” Y/n: “Huh?” David: “Y/n, I have had a crush on you since before I met Liza. I was crushed when she dumped me and you were always there. You were the only one who was always there for me through thick and thin. I know this is bad timing telling you this but it’s because I was too much of a scared little bitch to tell you. I will be there every single step of the way. I’ll go to your appointments with you if you want me to and be there helping you through labor if you want me to.” Y/n: “I’d love it if you were there for me all the way.”
Yoooo I AM SO SORRY I SAID I WAS GONNA POST EARLY. I had the chapter mostly done but it felt very boring so I basically rewrote most of the chapter. I might take longer than usual for the next chapter cause I have no Idea what to write next... Also, sorry if this chapter sucked.
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad @siemprestan @zavidzobrik @galxydefender @iminlovewithenchilidadas @ilsolee
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Hi again, I’m the one that requested about the romantic soulmate and when will it come and yes, please can you tell me more about them? I asked if I’d ever meet them because sometimes it feels like it won’t happen so I’m more like I could wait forever as long as they get here you know? But if you could tell me more, I’d be grateful. Also yes, I know that you can’t give me a specific time but I wonder more like if it’s in the near future or later on in life. Again, thank you💕
This was fun! Hopefully some of this will make sense, even if it’s not straight away lmao if you have any more questions or theres anything else you’re curious about let me know and i’ll see if any of my decks can give us some clues!
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So to start I drew 4 attribute cards to try and get a sense of this person’s personality. Each archetype has light and shadow attributes, though it doesn’t necessarily mean all of them will be exhibited. More that they are negative aspects that this person has the potential to fall into (eg: just because the shadow attribute of trickster talks about manipulating others, it doesn’t mean this person is going to be overtly manipulative of you. but they might be good at playing the system to benefit themselves or something like that)
We got:
Trickster - Light attribute: Transcending convention, stuffiness and predictable behaviour / Shadow atrribute: Manipulating others through duplicity
Mentor - Light attribute: Passing on wisdom and refining a student’s character / Shadow attribute - Inability to allow the student to move on to the role of Master. Imparting false instruction
Exorcist - Light attribute: Freeing yourself and others of destructive impulses / Shadow attribute - Fear of facing your own demons 
Visionary - Light attributes - Capacity to envision what is not yet conceivable to others. Willingness to proclaim a vision without regard for personal gain. / Shadow attributes - Selling insights to the highest bidder. Compromising your vision to make it more acceptable.
So from these it seems this person will be a little outside the box, maybe they have a particular style of dress which is unusual or a special interest/hobby that is a bit odd. With both mentor and exorcist they may have a background in teaching or social work - even if they are no longer on that path. It might not even be an official degree they have, they might just be particularly aware of the system, maybe they know someone who benefits from AA meetings something like that. It could be as simple as them tutoring school/uni/college students. With the visionary archetype it seems they’d be a bit of a dreamer, probably a creative thinker.
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Next thing i did was draw some letters and charms to try and get some more info on what they’re like.
For the letters we got D, E, I, F, R, L, I, O, P - there may be initials in here. with the two Is it might mean this person has double letters in their name. There might also be other words in here to describe them. 
I know I’m seeing DILF lmao but also Pride (so maybe they’re lgbt or just proud of who they are/what they have accomplished), Pie (maybe the like to bake?), Leo and fire (so maybe they’re a leo or a fire sign or have a fire dominated natal chart)
have a look what words jump out at you as well and see how you might be able to connect them (i can’t see any names in there but im notoriously bad at anagram things so maybe you can)
As for the charms:
The world on the dice and the eiffel tower both suggest overseas travel, so this person might be well traveled or they might have a specific connection to France. 
The shell could represent a connection to the sea or the beach. In dream interpretations shells have a few meanings. They can represent having a hard exterior but being soft on the outside so this person might come across as cold or closed off until you get to know them better. Shells can also be a symbol of wanting protection so it might be that this person has a defensive streak or they are very protective of those they love. Shells are also connected with the goddess Venus and so are seen as signs of sexual pleasure. 
words you got here are freedom, sassy and reach(ing) - freedom i think definitely makes sense with the trickster archetype above and maybe the visionary one as well. 
You also got the Make Poverty History badge so this person may donate money or time to a charity (or multiple charities). The badge also says Stand Up And Be Counted so it might represent this person being outspoken, especially about things that are important to them. 
The hand charm reminds me of the Hamsa symbol, even though theres no eye on the palm. the Hamsa is a symbol of protection or warding off evil. Aside from that, open palmed hands can be a symbol of open communication, so that is definitely a good sign. In dreams palms can also indicate a chance meeting with a stranger who may become a romantic partner so that just ties into what i said in the previous reading about you not having met them yet. 
And finally we have 2 different scissor charms. To me this represents sharp - sharp wit, sharp mind, sharply dressed. But scissors can also be a sign of decisiveness, or of a fear of being cut off for something. This person is likely the sort who knows what they want and will go after it. Once they make a decision they stick with it. And once they meet you, they’re not going to want to leave you. 
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To try and get some more info on how you’ll meet I drew some tarot cards. 
7 of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, king of pentacles, 7 of wands, the tower, ace of pentacles.
Look at all those motherfucking pentacles. Just like I said in the previous reading, this definitely has something to do with work. With the king of pents there in the middle I’m inclined to say this person may work at the same place as you, maybe in a managerial role or at least someone higher up the chain than you. Or maybe they just have more experience in the role than you do. 
The last few cards are the most interesting. The 7 of wands is a card of conflict or struggles though it doesn’t necessarily have to be negative. It can represent standing your ground or defending yourself or others. The tower is a sign of dramatic and unexpected change, often negative. I pulled a clarifying card for it as well, to see if we could get some info on what this tower moment is and i got the ace of pentacles. The ace of pents is about new opportunities, especially related to money or work.
To me this says something is going to happen that will cause a dramatic change to your work. Now, I can see this going either two way. At it’s most negative this is a conflict, maybe with someone you work with, maybe just the work environment itself. Maybe it’s one of those things where every day becomes a struggle and you start to hate your job and you dont want to be there anymore. This leads to the tower moment of you quitting and finding a new job.
OR, at it’s most positive - the conflict moment still happens, but because of how well you handle the situation you’re offered a promotion or a transfer or something like that. It’s still a new opportunity, it still has the stress and sudden change that the tower indicates, but it’s not quite as negative.
Whichever way it goes, it leads to you meeting or coming into closer contact with this person, the king of pentacles, your soulmate. 
(As a side note, in the previous reading we drew the queen of pentacles and now we’ve drawn the king so if you wanted proof that they’re The One, that’s it. Also like, the story these cards tell matches so well with the last reading, the work, the new opportunity im like a little stunned by it)
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In an effort to lean more about them and more about when you’ll meet I pulled some romance angels. You got:
Forgiving and Learning - as you release and heal the past, you experience more love in your present moments
Very Soon - clearly decide what you want so that it comes to you now
Keep an Open Mind - your soul mate may differ from your usual type and expectations
Trust - This situation is calling for you to have faith
So, in the context of when will you meet, trust is obviously asking you to have faith that the universe will bring this person towards you even if it seems to be taking forever. And also trust that this person is right for you, especially if they’re different from what you might expect as the keep an open mind card suggests. Obviously the most interesting is Very Soon which suggests that you’ll meet them sooner rather than later. I pulled a number tile as i was focusing on that card to try and get an indication of timing and you got a 3. Now, that could be 3 day, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years. It might also be a number relevant to the time when you meet them (maybe 3 weeks AFTER something else or maybe 3pm or even you’ll just see the number 3 around a lot as a warning that they’re coming)
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And finally. I have a deck of channeled messages. These are things that your person might be thinking or might be wanting to say to you. Take them with as many grains of salt as you like but I figured it could be fun. The white cards are messages from the person, light blue are messages from the deck/universe.
The one blue card we got is They are waiting for you and really I think that sets the tone of all of these cards.
I just dream and wish for everything, I just want you all the time, I lie awake thinking about our future. This person is ready to meet you, they are sick of dating around, sick of the wrong people, they want something real and long lasting. 
Please give me time I’ve never felt this way before. You’ll need to wait a little longer before you meet them but not much longer. It’s next to I think we should slow down in reverse, they want this to happen as soon as possible, they are as sick of waiting as you are. 
Definitely is designed to look like The Tower card which is very interesting but with this one there is no question of it having a positive outcome, even if it feels hard in the moment it will be worth it.
And finally, I’m too afraid to talk in reverse. It’s likely this person will approach you, there’s no fear there, no worry about what you’ll say. And once they start talking to you they’re going to keep talking to you. 
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 12: “I’ve been awakened.” - Xavier
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Well that vote went exactly how I had hoped it would... and then the super idol came out! I'm glad that it's out of the game now once and for all, but I guarantee that Liv is going to find something else along the way. It's so hard for me to summarize everything that I'm doing around here because I feel like I'm doing a lot. Maybe that's going to come bite me in the ass this coming vote but idk, I'm not mad about it. I definitely limited myself a lot by really not going for the money shot and convincing Jeff to use his vote steal on Joey to get Joey the hell out of here, but maybe in some weird way it works. Because now I have John's 8 chips and I'm going to need as many as I can get to somehow beat Livingston. I definitely think that snubbing this vote is going to be my biggest detriment only bc it provides the opportunity for Livingston to ascend higher as a threat, but also avoid getting voted out at our next convenience. I still really want Kailyn to go, but I think the goal for everyone else is to get rid of Livingston or myself (maybe Joey) at the next tribal council. Ugh. Heh... I never would've thought that I could pull off that kind of a move and have it not fully work out in my favor. It was a cool feeling regardless and I'm not crushed if it means I played myself out of the game. I give myself credit where it's due, I'm going to continue fighting as always and hopefully I come out on top :~)
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Last Luxor standing 
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Whelp, there goes the Super Idol. Jaiden is a snakey little snake snake. Pat and Jeff are naïve as all hell. I'm not 100% sure I believe Jaiden now, but apparently Joey's plan was to cut me at like final 6 or something. And people are so convinced that Livingston and I are a duo. I mean we are, but like maybe if anyone would ACTUALLY FUCKING TALK TO ME AND TRY TO WORK WITH ME, we wouldn't be??? Like don't whine and bitch that Livingston and I are a duo who are going to stick together and not turn against each other if you can't even be bothered to respond to a single fucking message of mine. I have no issues voting out whoever is necessary for me to get farther in the game. But when only a limited number of people express in interest in going farther with me? You better fucking bet I'm working with those people. Anyways, can't wait to vote out Jaiden, Kailyn and Xavier. xoxo Gossip Girl 
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Waiting on Immunity Results, but whatever happens the 5 of us need to vote together, and be smart about it! We know that liv, Keegan and Joey will vote together. Probably for me next. So Jeff Pat need to stick with us. We need to split the votes 3-2, and use a vote steal, cancel or extra to get it to 3-3 just in case of idols. We need to be smart about this. Going all out and proposing this once results are in. I am going to the Jury next anyway, go out guns blazing.
...five seconds later
OMG I WON IMMUNITY! Finally something good! I figured most people gave their correct numbers, and if not, just chose a number close to theirs. OR they didn't coordinate so well, so some gave a higher number and others gave a lower one, so it cancelled out. Also helps that I knew Liv and Pat's numbers with the advantage. Pat gave mine accidentally so I knew his was in the 40s as well. Phew. Now to figure out whether to use the Steal a Vote now or not.
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I came so close to winning immunity but it was rudely snatched away from me by Xavier. On the plus side, Livingston found the hidden immunity idol on the idol board! Heck yeah! As long as there isn’t a full blindside we should be good now! 
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(originally written 11/23, night after super idol) Anyways what rly bugs me is that Jeff is actually mad at me now for the fact that he wasted his vote on Joey and I tried to get rid of Livingston instead... and I think I put myself into a spot where I need to apologize to him and make him feel good about me again. Tbh no I don’t. Jeff said to me that he’s got to play his own game first and mine second. So why am I playing some other people’s games first? Because it benefits me to play everyone’s hand for them, yes, but also I’ve been caught trying to run the entire table a little too early. So maybe now it’s time for me to do something a little different - play my game first. It’s now fully Jeff’s fault that Joey didn’t leave. I told Jeff precisely what he needed to do to ensure Joey went home. He needed to play the vote steal and send Joey on packing... and he didn’t. So now when Pat and I finally talk tomorrow and he tells me what’s up, I’m not gonna hold back. I’m going to throw Jeff under that bus so fucking hard his head will spin. Pat doesn’t know about the vote steal and I think I’ll hold that piece of information over Jeff’s head a little bit longer - I know something no one else knows about you, keep me safe or it’s coming out and everyone’s going to come after you. So tomorrow I will blame Jeff to Pat. Sure I was the person who made the move, but it’s my game and I’m playing it now. If Pat doesn’t like my apology, then kiss my ass and take eighth place. Bye!
...five seconds later
I'm pessimistic as FUCK so I'm fully expecting to go home tonight and I'm writing this confessional against better judgment because I need to rly focus on letting my mental state get back to normal rather than Survivor mode before I get voted out lmfao. Anyways, tonight is FINALLY the night where I'm making my last move against Joey, one way or another. This is the decision that will either determine oops sorry as I was writing that, I just realized something else... this is ME making yet another move that makes Jeff think I'm controlling the whole entire game I love that for me hehe. Should I convince the entire tribe to vote out Jeff instead??? Let's go fully with the chaos mode. DRAW ROCKS BITCHES!!!! Jk Jk Back to my original point - this is the vote that determines whether I was worth being brought back for this game or not. I'm not trying to be this like crazy strategist who has all these cracked plans to take out Joey but that's where we're at rn. One side of me like, trusts Jeff but the other side of me doesn't. So I told Jeff about Joey's legacy advantage and now it's like, getting Jeff to want to turn on Joey. Even though Joey told me he wanted to get rid of Jeff it seems like Jeff is not as stressed about it. I'm pretty sure Jeff turned votes against me instead, it is what it is. It's the game. However, Jeff would be really stupid to not vote out Joey now while he has the chance... it's probably going to come down to Jeff winning this whole entire thing if he makes the correct move tonight because I'm certainly not going to turn my back on him if he follows through. But, crazy things have happened tonight. And it's about to get a whole lot crazier. :) Although I'm like, CERTAIN I'm going home tonight or at least getting votes. OK IM TRYING SO HARD TO WRITE THIS CONFESSIONAL BUT SO MUCH IS HAPPENING AHHHH IM STRESSING OUT BUT I KNOW THERES A GOOD PLAN OUT THERE FOR ME TO MAKE AND HOPEFULLY IM NOT SCREWING MYSELF OVER 
...five seconds later
OKAY I think I'm gonna be ok but I'm taking a HUGE risk rn!!! Basically putting my vote onto Liv with Joey and hoping Joey 1) doesnt have an idol and 2) gets the rest of the votes. But my logic for voting Liv is simple. If Joey actually has an idol he's been hiding, he plays it and reveals I voted for him again if I don't do it. It also prevents me/Kailyn from going home 2-1-0 since Keegan and Liv seem to be locked in on one of us (likely me). If somehow Jeff/Pat are lying and are part of split, it'll go 2-2-2-2 which is not only insane but it also gives me a PERFECT platform to light people up, namely Jeff and his vote steal advantage. But we'll see! I'm predicting to go home tonight :) But at least I made a move when I could. Good luck to me <3
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