#nesta archeron
c-e-d-dreamer · 2 days
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Happy final day of @nessianweek from myself and @melphss 🩵 We agreed that if there's one thing that Nesta and Cassian deserve after the events of canon, it's a nice honeymoon! A relaxing vacation where they can be soft and happy and in love and mated 🥺
They stroll through the streets of the Day Court, and Nesta makes them stop at every book store, but Cassian doesn't mind because he loves the way she smiles and her blue eyes spark when a particularly good book grabs her attention. He then buys out the whole store just for her like the simp he is
A very big thank you to @/lamonyo for working with us to bring this scene to life and create this breathtaking art! 😍
🚫 Please do not repost without credit and do not feed into AI programs
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nessiandaily · 24 hours
Nessian by artoffrostandflame [instagram]
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dustjacketdraws · 2 days
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Cruising up on the last day of appreciation week's is the only way I do things
Here's nessian as Eros and Psyche to close out @nessianweek. Redraw of an eros psyche statue, circa 1900, artist unknown, private collection
Do not repost without permission
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blimpintime · 3 days
a jar of wind
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Wynnie Lara is a fairy that was saved from a jar from Amarantha's reign of terror, but is soon figuring out that her time of peace is coming to a end.
warnings: angst, azriel sucks :p and unedited
word count: 1.4k
eventual Eris x OC
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“Rhys! You will never believe what I managed to do with my-” I bursted into the kitchen with a warm glow, my green dress flowing around me and headed towards where he was sitting with a cup of tea.
“Wynn, I have been up with Nyx for the past three nights and days with him teething. I would love some silence. Please.” He said with a low voice and eyes closed in annoyance. 
“Oh! Right, yes. Sorry.” I wince, I twirl my finger and use the wind to brush through the mellow sounding wind chimes I have placed around the River House. 
The tension seemed to leave his body, and I placed a sisterly kiss on the top of his head, my ginger bobbed hair layering over his black hair. In doing so I managed to remove the growing headache from him and take it on for myself.
“I didn’t ask you to do that, Wynn.” He said softly.
“I know, but that’s what family is for Rhys.” I respond with a light touch on his shoulder and whisper words of encouragement as I leave. 
As I walked out of the River House where the sun is setting, I ran into Azriel and Cassian. I smile and my subtle pink glow brightens.
“Hello you two!” I say with a wave and notice the grimm look on their body language and my face falls and my glow dims. “What happened, who's hurt?” 
Cassian winces and Azriel gives me a sharp look, “Stay out of it Wynn. You do enough damage as is.” 
I flinch back and the wind around me goes cold, “What is that supposed to mean?” 
He walks closer to me and leans over to get in my face, “It means that whatever magical experiment you tried this time back fired and hurt Elain.”
“What are you talking about?” I whisper back. My mind reels trying to remember if I left a magic trial unattended in the open, but I draw a blank. Unless… 
“She snuck into my cottage?” I question brows furrowing. There was only one trial I left at my house and that was my attempt of getting my wind to play instruments on its own, but wind is finicky and if interrupted incorrectly can cause a spiral of sharp and messy wind.
“Snuck? Wynn, you let everyone into your home all the time, there was no reason to lock your doors.” Cassian responded. I go hot with anger. 
“So just because I host all the time means my house is fair game? There are wards around it for a reason when I am not home. If that is your logic here then allow me to go into your guys home whenever I feel and do what I please.” I snap back.
“You’re being unreasonable Wynn.” Azriel says while rolling his eyes. “It was just Elain. She is harmless.” 
“I do not care who it was Azriel, it is my home. What did she need from me anyway? I just saw her this morning.” I ask him and he storms by me to go inside the house. Cassian and I follow him.
“Rhysand!” Azriel yells. Rhys walks out of the kitchen looking a little better than he did before. 
“Why are we yelling?” He asks.
“Wynn has caused more damage to this court.” Azriel says and I wince back. Rhys turns to look at me with an eyebrow raised. 
I raise my hands in defense.
“Wynn, was it another silly experiment?” Rhys asks. My heart tugs and I nod, and I feel as though I should defend myself. They’re not silly, they are fun.
“Did I do something to personally offend you Azriel?” I ask softly. 
“Yes! Since you’ve shown up to this court all you have done have been attached to the hip with Feyre, surprised she hasn’t told you that you are suffocating. You’re nothing more than an annoying weed.” He spat, “You buzz in and out loudly all the time, you cannot read a room to save your life, your experiments are juvenile and lack actual use, and whenever you shrink down to your pixie form is the only time you're tolerable because we can barely hear you.” He said like a weight has been lifted off his chest. 
I can only stare at him, shock and hurt cover my face. The glow of pink on my body fades down to a low humming blue, and suddenly I am back in that damn jar. 
The jar I am in is hot and stuffy. I do not remember how I got here but I do understand that this is cursed glass and I won’t be able to be let out unless the lid is opened by the one who placed the curse or is killed. 
The jar sits in the middle of a long dinner table as decor, with being alive I always have a glow to me. When I am neutral and healthy it's normally pinkish orange, right now it’s bluish purple relating to my mood and terror. It hasn’t changed in the past decade of being here.
Being small and trapped in a jar and treated as entertainment by those who are desperate to feel power again is something I would never wish upon anybody. They like to cover the oxygen holes on the top and force me to dance or create wind art. Which is borderline impossible with the lack of airflow in here anyway.
“Tell me pretty, what other colors can you turn?”
“Az-” Cassian whispered.
“Fuck you Azriel. You know why I don’t go into that size very often and you of all people should understand why.” I spit at him, and he for just a moment looks guilty. 
“What? You all say this behind her back anyway. Now that I tell her to her face it’s a problem?” He looks at his two brothers. And they both won’t look me in the eye.
“Is that true?” I choke out with silent tears running down my face. Rhys looks at me and takes a breath, “There could have been more tact to how we said this but to put it bluntly yes.”
My wispy iridescent wings pop out of my back. And I start walking backwards towards the door, “I will see myself out then.” 
“Wynn, wait please let's discuss this more maturely.” Rhys says. Azriel scoffs in the background. 
“If it wasn’t for her, Elain wouldn’t be hurt again.” I flinch again feeling sick to my stomach. 
“I am sorry.” I choke out. Cassian reaches for me and I step back curling into myself feeling betrayed by those I called family. 
“No, that was completely uncalled for.” A new voice responds. I turn around to say Nesta and Elain. I look over Elain and all I notice is a few wind burns on her arms. She gives me a soft smile and I look down with a frown.
“Azriel, what is the actual problem here? Because I am fine. I went into her cottage because I forgot my tea recipe book there and completely forgot she was running an experiment.” Elain comes up to me softly and puts her hand on my shoulder. I lean into her warmth. Nesta stares at him with a cold hard glare. 
“He’s jealous.” She observes. Azriel looks shocked for just a moment before he stalks closer into Nesta’s face. To which signals me and Elain to step back and Cassian to intervene. 
“Enough.” Rhys says rubbing his temples again. “Azriel you were out of line with the way you approached this situation and Wynn maybe just be a little less, you.” 
All three girls flinch with the wording. 
“Have you lost your fucking mind Rhysand?” Nesta barks. “Wait until I tell Feyre.” 
By the time the two of them are arguing I shrink down to my pixie size and fly home to my cottage. I arrive at the front stoop back to normal size, and burst into tears against my front door barely making it inside before I collapse into a pile on the floor. 
In a panic I start shoving some of my emergency belongings in a satchel; clothes, my hygiene products, and my magic trials notebook. 
Frantically rushing around my small cottage I see a teacup Elain painted for me, with little orange and pink flowers all over it. I wrap it in one of my shirts and stuff it into my satchel.
By now the sun has completely set, and I take off my porch, my holographic wings sparkling in the moonlight and head towards some place I know will bring me some comfort. 
The Autumn Court. 
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a/n: please enjoy! I have been thinking about this idea for a while! Leave comments, like, and share. if you have any questions plz let me know!
I do not own any of the characters that Sarah J Mass has created. but I do own miss Wynnie Lara :p
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artinelysian · 2 days
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A quick little piece I made for @nessianweek! I love to imagine that Nesta uses Cassian’s man boobs as a pillow😌
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reblogandlikes · 2 days
I'm convinced I'm not the target audience for the acotar series because I just saw someone say that they're rereading it and somehow love Rhysand more...? The first time I can understand the lack of introspection and caught up in the hype, but the second time? Seriously? Do people honestly think as Feyre and the IC does about him and are unable to see past the false persona of "amazingness" when he's a terrible leader and throws his power around to those who rightfully challenge him as a form of intimidation?
Maybe because they know where they story ends, they're now reading everything from a 20/20 romantic lense because they "understand him", but even with this understanding, to me, makes his entire personality even more underwhelming, forced and unnecessary. Oh so powerful, yet barely does anything substantial with it. Then what's the fucking point of you other than to fill a "morally ambitious", super powerful, dark haired quota trying to convey feminism, but not actually?
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And then, when I'm critical, I have to check myself and ask if I'm being bloody pompous, but no. No, I'm not. The love for Rhysand is baffling for the genre he is in, and i think that's one of my main gripes. Dark romance, sure. But not in a series that has the audacity to hammers down "abusive" behaviour on one character but not the other in the books and by fans in online spaces. It's so weird. If you have fae's, let them be viciously so, because they are not human. Their behaviours and customs should be the differences highlighted. That should be the appeal, or am I wrong? Not for the faeness to used to be OK in one moment, but not in the next because it doesn't suit the convience of the plot or may paint your beloved in a bad light. You've then just convoluted your own world, sjm, and takes away character depth.
I'm tempted to say that I've aged out of sjm's storytelling style, but i've witnessed fully grown adults eat this shit up. But age has nothing to do with this, and I'm just honestly at a loss. I feel like an outlier. Like, I'm just not getting the appeal to these favourable characters and get frustrated when things are clearly unjust or misrepresented, yet others swear ones actions and behaviours are perfectly fine yet hate to see it in others. You can't just pick and choose when shit is ok or not, especially when the characters have very similar reasoning behind their actions. Maybe I like shit to be nuanced too much, which would explain why it irks me of being told what to believe in contrary to evidence.
It's ok to like whatever book you want, but just dont lie about the content within or delude tourselfninto believing characterisations that are false because even authors fall victim to their own character bias. *Sigh* So I'mma chill and go tackle the books on my tbr.
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Since so many characters seem to struggle with the concept
Please compliment me for drawing all the backgrounds myself and making a custom font out of my handwriting.
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nessianweek · 1 day
Nessian Week 2024 Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who participated in Nessian Week 2024! You can revisit all your favorite creations below, organized into smaller round-up posts for each day. Don’t forget to check out our Instagram and our AO3 collection too!
We can’t wait to see you again next year for Nessian Week 2025 🩵🩵🩵
Day 1 ✷ Banter
Day 1 Round-Up
Day 2 ✷ Yearning
Day 2 Round-Up
Day 3 ✷ Symphony
Day 3 Round-Up
Day 4 ✷ Alternate Universe
Day 4 Round-Up
Day 5 ✷ Behind Closed Doors
Day 5 Round-Up
Day 6 ✷ Legends & Destiny
Day 6 Round-Up
Day 7 ✷ Free Day
Day 7 Round-Up
✷ Previous Masterlists ✷
Nessian Week 2023
Nessian Week 2022
Nessian Week 2021
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oristian · 1 day
I want to shoutout the lovely admin team for hosting such a wonderful @nessianweek and for all of the creators who contributed for this week! I will be living in the AO3 Nessian Week collection for the rest of the month.
D A Y T W O — Y E A R N I N G
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D A Y T H R E E — S Y M P H O N Y
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FOUND ON MY INSTAGRAM / TUMBLR @flaviedub @eluciensversion
D A Y T H R E E — S Y M P H O N Y
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FOUND ON MY INSTAGRAM / TUMBLR @melphss arda.arts
D A Y F O U R — A U
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FOUND ON MY INSTAGRAM / TUMBLR @tamdrry @melphss
D A Y S I X — L E G E N D S a n d D E S T I N Y
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FOUND ON MY INSTAGRAM / TUMBLR @lulybot-blog @lulufoxlainfawn
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melphss · 2 days
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@nessianweek | Day 07: Free Day
For Free Day, I wanted to share this AU of Nesta & Cassian as Andie & Ben from "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". This is one of my favorite romcom movies ever, and I think Andie & Ben dynamics are very similar to Nesta & Cassian before ACOSF. Once again, @/lumie.art did a marvelous and I couldn't have loves this art more! Thank you so much for creating this piece of artwork for me.
Art by: @/lumie.art
Commissioned by: @melphss
Characters belongs to: Sarah J. Maas
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c-e-d-dreamer · 2 days
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What better way to close out @nessianweek than reminding everyone of the hottest couple at HoW training, the hottest couple in Prythian 💪👑
Huge thanks to @sassyhobbits (j.sgrey on IG) for bringing this delicious art to life! I said, sexy mirror selfie? And she said, say less 💅
🚫 Please do not repost without credit and do not feed into AI programs
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idk how to explain it, but they just match each other’s energy.
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(eris fanart by vaieart, nesta fanart by book_s150)
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autumnshighlady · 2 days
sometimes i remember how nesta gwyn and emerie kept their valkyrie research to themselves and have it be just for them and the second cassian snooped and found it he RAN to the inner circus… cassian they could never make me like you. what a dumb, spineless disrespectful blabbermouth my god. just leave my girl alone
and in acofas he was SO mad at nesta at the solstice like… homie she was sitting there quietly the whole time and letting everyone else do their thing how are you mad
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berryyybunnyyy · 1 day
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The Archeron sisters from A Court of Thorns and Roses: Feyre, Nesta, & Elain by Frostbite Studios
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yennas-stuff · 2 days
Guys... hear me out... It's just for research. I'm just asking about your opinions. For reasons. Out of curiosity. As a fandom scientist (self appointed).
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ACOTAR Headcanons
In which the fae of Prythian discovers bubble gum.
*This is based off of a cold medicine induced nap dream I had earlier today - so if the vibes are off blame the Mucinex.
Everyone is intrigued mostly.
Eris is just confused. Doesnt understand why you would want to continuously chew something.
Elain immediately starts thinking up different flavors she would want to try to make.
Rhys is big on the idea of fresh breath at any time of day.
Eris eventually comes around when he learns that cinnamon gum is a thing.
He is a Big Red fan. Which immediately earns him a new nickname.
Az is the last to partake - he needed to make sure it wasn't poisoned first.
Cassian is astounded at how stretchy it is.
Constantly has to be told to keep it in his mouth like a child.
Nesta isn't into it - claims it makes her jaw hurt.
Cassian cackles like an idiot over that remark.
Once they are shown that you can blow bubbles with it - mind blown.
It immediately becomes a competition.
Az is methodical - carefully testing each flavor and type to see which will produce the biggest bubbles.
Elain is delighted and just thinks the entire thing is magical.
Lucien of course jumps into the competition just to see her giggle more.
Cassian severely overestimates how much gum he can chew at one time.
The result is him trying to blow a bubble with a giant wad of gum but instead just catapulting the entire mouthful across the table.
Eris tries a couple times but the second a bubble pops and sticks to his face - hes done.
Mor starts trying to show everyone "the trick" to do with their tongue to get the gum to cooperate right.
Rhys pipes up that if thats the key to winning then Feyre has this competition LOCKED.
Az ends up winning (he did the research).
His conclusion is that the Hubba Bubba original has the best bubble blowing capabililty.
Although he is partial to the strawberry watermelon.
This also earns Az a new nickname (Hubba Bubba)
Eris secretly loves the new nickname and can't wait to use it later.
Cassian just ends up with a mess of gum stuck in his hair.
Luckily Elain comes to the rescue (because Nesta would be terribly upset to see his hair cut off) and uses some cooking oil to tame the sticky mess.
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