#we're not going to talk about the dorm dias. we just aren't.
egophiliac · 2 years
Hello!! I'm in love with your artstyle (especially the way you did the signature spells??? I've been looking at them for a while adsgfdfsf, they look like movie posters tbh and that's fricking cool to me. anyway!! I'm a player on the NA server (btw, I've already seen spoilers of chap 7 due to tumblr/reddit/pinterest, so yeah it's not the most spoiled I've ever been so yea) and yeah. I'm getting through the story okay but do you have any advice for people trying to get through certain events with a more limited life schedule??? Also, what are some of the differences that you notice between the english (if you see a lot of it??) and Japanese versions of the game? sorry if this was a longer ask, i tried to be simple but i wanted to tell you that I loved your art and everything just spiraled AAAAAAH
thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ I've been surprised by how many people really like my posters -- it's kind of a weird style to do fanart in, I guess, but I'm glad other people think it's cool too! :D
(gonna answer out of order because the event stuff turned into a huge block of text, sorry!)
I've seen a few of the localizations, but I don't know a lot about the Eng version, so I can't speak too much about differences. (I do think "housewarden" has a better sound to it than "dorm leader" though...they need a fancy little word to match their fancy little outfits.) I did look up the unique magic/signature spells to see if they were able to somehow work in the glossing -- I'm not even sure how you would localize that without it being super weird, so I don't blame them, but I was a little sad anyway! :( in Japanese, they're all written as Japanese phrases with the English as ruby text, and sometimes they're given a little extra meaning. like -- this is where the episode 7 spoilers I'm tagging are) the words that Mal says are "Fae of Maleficence":
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but the meaning of the Japanese is "Blessing", which is a nice little "ooooh" moment given the context of it!
there isn't always an extra meaning, sometimes it's just. super literal. but my other favorite is Jack's, where what he means is "✨howl that pierces the moonlit night✨", but what he actually yells is "UNLEASH BEAST" before turning into a giant dog. what a good boy.
as for event advice (under the cut, because this was already getting long)...
speaking as someone who is 100% F2P and therefore also tends to get kind of burnt by some of these events -- the #1 most important thing is to just...make peace with not getting everyone. :') I am a collector-type person, so it definitely gets grating when I can't have all the fancy PNGs my little packrat heart desires. generally though: never do random pulls, always be saving your keys and gems between events. (once a month you can buy a 10-set from Sam for a 50 gem discount, and logging in on a character's birthday will give you a 10-set for free, so make sure to do those!). when the event info starts coming out, pick one or two cards that you really want and work specifically towards those, focusing on grinding out the items and/or using your saved-up pulls on their specific banner. and in the end, accept that it might just not be meant to be, even if you hit the 100-pull pity SSR no I'm not still bitter over fairy gala Ortho why do you ask. if the event doesn't have any cards that you really want, take it as an opportunity to save for the next one!
hoard your star fragments (the things that restore AP) -- if you're going for a card that requires grinding event items to permanently unlock, and the item is one you get from lessons, you can use star fragments to bump your AP up to 30 at a time (10 is the limit that will restore over time, but 30 is the max you can have at once). that makes for a looong lesson loop, but I usually get about 50-60 items per 30 lessons, and I just let it run in the background while doing other stuff. (usually these items are what also unlock the event story, so I'll do a huge amount of lessons first thing and then have enough to get the whole story at once. 👍) it can get really grindy, but events go on for a while so it's not usually that bad if you space it out a bit, instead of waiting until the last minute to try and get those last 600 items (cough) (cough).
if it's one of the ones where you get the item from doing a rhythmic, you get the same amount of items no matter how well you do, even if you miss every note. so you can just...tap occasionally to restart it and get the same effect. if it's a battle one, you do have to actually win to get the item, but once you figure out the sweet spot of a team setup + highest battle level where you win every time, it becomes basically the same deal.
so...yeah, tl;dr you can get away with a lot just by setting things up to run in the background and paying just enough attention to tap through some of the menus. it does require a certain amount of time to just leave your phone while still sorta-kinda paying attention to it, so it might not work for everyone, but that's the best way I've found to get through most events!
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alexxncl · 5 months
masterlist | all lessons | season 2 | lesson 34 | lesson 36
normal and hard spoilers
can i just start off by saying "the heart's murky depths" is a crazy title for the lesson opener ???
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oh he's down HORRENDOUS, but his pride won't let him show it
talking about some "not that i want you to stay or anything...but you should stay and be a professor at RAD so you never have to leave my side 🥺👉🏽👈🏽" YOU AIN'T SLICK !!! I'VE KNOWN YOU SINCE PRE-COVID 2020
*ahem* my bad
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LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER i wanna go home...kind of. like yes mc have a hard time dealing with the idea of leaving, but it's not like they'll never see a version of the brothers again. they're more likely to never see mc again, but you never know with all the time soup shit
i feel like lucifer feels indebted to them in some capacity since they did help bring the brothers closer in the span of a few months max. idk i feel like he's not only sad about them leaving, but doesn't know why they're choosing to go a roundabout way when he thinks they could literally ask barbatos to make a portal and send them home. the whole losing magic thing also wasn't explained to him, it was just stated as fact with no explanation
idk i'd be skeptical if i was lucifer too
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i still think he wants mc to stay just as much as they do, if not even more, but he's better at hiding it. i also think he's protecting, but maybe that's just me protecting ??? idk
or MAYBE he's mixing up their desire to stay in the devildom in their timeline, but can't differentiate it since he's not as knowledgeable about time itself. so he's not wrong, but he's not entirely right either. mc is split, and they think having all the pacts will make the decision easier since it's already what everyone's expecting them to do
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...we're gonna have to go with lucifer, aren't we?
don't get me wrong, i love him down, but can't they just talk like regular people 😭 the avatar of pride really can't put his pride aside for 2 seconds like damn /j
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i just KNOW he said "oh but it is" in the most sarcastic voice ever. like sharpay from high school musical type shit. love him down
dickhead older brother lucifer is my favorite kind of lucifer bc he's just like me 🫶🏽 except i'm a dickhead older sister. like there was no need for him to say that AT ALL, but he had to get the last word before he disappeared with mc for 3 days with no contact just to piss his brothers off
i love a wholesome family dynamic just as much as i love them being shitheads to each other
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damn why are you always on dia's dick ???? BACK UP
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the shitheads 🫶🏽
(random side note, idk if everyone plays the game with the sound on, but i play it with headphones on. the screeching train noise scared the SHIT outta me oh my god 😭 my dorm mates probably think i'm crazy)
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
✍ + Joker + earrings.
✍️ send a word, get a story!
"Knock knooock!" A tall, slim boy with longish strawberry-blond hair stood in the doorway of the freshman girls' dorm room, a small package in one hand. "Mail call, freshies. Which one of you was Joker, again?"
Joker looked around the room, and found herself alone. Funny, she could have sworn she didn't hear her roommate leave. "That's me, I'm Joker. Hi, Diamond-sempai. Do you usually take the mail right up to the rooms like this?" She pushed her chair back from her desk and met him at the doorway.
"Just call me Cater, okay? Or Cay-Cay, my friends call me that. It's too formal the other way, oof." The boy laughed, waving the package slightly. "And no, I don't usually, but I was curious to see which of our little newbies was already getting care packages on their second day on campus. Did you forget something, or do your folks miss you that badly already?"
"Possibly both," she admitted, catching the padded mailer as he tossed it to her. "But I can't remember what it is I forgot, if that's the case. Which I guess is part of the point of it." She looked at the return address and smiled. "Aw, it's from Pops. My father was so excited for me and my brother to come here. We're kind of a legacy family for Heartslabyul, he says. Except..." She trailed off, shaking her head. "Sorry, Dia—CATER. Cater. I'm monologuing, aren't I?"
"A little," he responded cheerily, leaning against the doorframe. "I'm a little curious about what's in the package, though. Is it ok if I see the unboxing?"
"Oh, sure. Yeah, c'mon in. Leave the door open, though." She brought the mailer over to her desk, and pulled the tab to open it. "A little box, and a card. Awwww, Pops is feeling sappy, I guess? Let's see, what'd he write."
Cater stood casually, holding his phone in one hand as she opened the card. He nodded to her as his thumb danced across the phone's screen. "Nothing too cringey?"
"Well, it's my Pops. Of course it'll be a little," Joker laughed. "Okay. 'Dear Jo, I would have packed this with your stuff but your mother insisted we wait to hear your assignments before I sent anything. Tell your brother to expect his next week; I'm gonna have to change things out a little, haha. Oh and if anyone asks, no, those aren't stolen from the old light fixtures and repurposed' oh em SEVEN what is he talking about??"
"Does he go into detail?" Cater leaned in, curiously. "Because that's some weird goss."
"Nah. But he does go on to say, 'Welcome to Heartslabyul, cookie. Show everyone you're proud to be there. Love, Pops'. Huh." She picked up the little box, and shook it gently. There was only the tiniest noise from inside.
"Well, let's unveil. If it's from Dad, it's gotta be good."
"Right!" Joker nodded at the upperclassman, and opened the box. She gasped, sitting up straighter. The small box was lined with soft white velvet, and resting inside were two bright red, tiny, crystalline roses. She picked one up, noting the "stem" was an earring post, and twirled it between her fingers, letting the light reflect from the cut-glass surface. "Wow," she breathed.
"Ain't those cute!" Joker heard a little click, and realized that Cater was taking a photo of her as he fussed over the gift. "And a perfect Queen's Red, too. They'll match your dorm uniform perfectly!"
"They really will," she said, dreamily. "I gotta put them on. Can... can you send me that pic, Cater? I wanna show Pops."
"Absolutely. Can I put it on MagiCam? Folks love to see heartwarming stuff like this."
She paused, her hands already busy removing her old hoops. "Yeah, but after he sees it, all right?"
Cater placed his hand on his heart. "On my honor, little lady. You choose the time for the reveal, and I'll post it up. What's your name on there, I'll tag you!"
"I don't have one yet."
"GIRL. Okay. Get those on and your new favorite upperclassfriend is gonna give you the rundown, okay? Let's get you started."
Joker laughed, and put the earrings on. She looked at the mirror next to her desk, tilting her head to admire the view of her new accessories. "I really feel like I belong here, and this just seals it. Wow."
"Of course you do. You're one of us, little card soldier, haha!"
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