#wlw x reader
waterpuddle10 · 2 years
a phoenix person.
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word count: 2.7k
a/n: this is my debut fic!! enjoy🙏
pairing: phoenix x fem!reader (technically gender neutral but written originally for fem!reader…because this was very self-indulgent), friends to lovers ! ft. the whole main cast of recruits being silly little fellas
summary: what was supposed to be a chill movie night with the people you care about becomes more when one specific person makes the first move. 
warnings: mentions of alcohol, cursing, painful pining, slight moment of angst, FLUFF
After wrapping up a surprisingly early night at the Hard Deck, a mildly buzzed Coyote and Payback convinced you to join them and a couple others for a movie night back at…someone’s apartment. The plans were so haphazardly formed that details were barely solidified, especially one very important detail of a certain someone’s attendance that you really wished you would’ve known before you so recklessly agreed. 
It wasn’t that you and Phoenix weren’t close, but even the help of a drink couldn’t ease away the odd tensions between the two of you recently. You would’ve just brushed it off, if only she wasn’t on your mind so damn much. 
There were actually a number of instances in the past couple of days where eye contact lingered, or she seemed to say your name more often in conversations. You felt stupid for overthinking your every miniscule interaction, but you didn’t want to let go either. 
“Let’s watch Cars…can we watch Cars?” shouted Coyote as he and Rooster clambered into the living room. Reaching past them to hold the door open for everyone else, you tried not to lose it a little as Phoenix brushed close past you with a brisk, “Thanks B.” 
B was a nickname Phoenix coined for your callsign, which was Breeze. When everyone took notice of how disturbingly quick your normal walking speed was paired with the gentle breeze you left in your wake whenever you sped past someone, your odd habit ended up quickly inspiring the title.
“Yes, thank you B for the door, can we get a round of applause everyone.” said Hangman as he and two others passed by you. “Chivalry is not dead.” He shot you one of his signature grins, to which you fondly flipped him off as everyone laughed. You couldn’t help but let a smile grace your features either.
You glanced around the dimly lit room to see Bob sitting on the floor, scrolling through Netflix on the television. The other guys eventually piled around him, and a comfortable silence fell about the room with the occasional “Ew, no we’re not watching that.”
Not wanting to be a part of the now cuddle session taking place on the floor, you and Phoenix sat on opposite ends of the worn down side couch. Feeling the side effects of scream singing at the bar just earlier, you tried to get comfortable, stretching out your legs but being careful not to kick them out too far onto Phoenix’s side. Upon your movement, she did the same, and even with your sock-clad feet not touching, just the warmth emanating from her made your heart rate increase. Going into brain autopilot, you caught yourself imagining a scenario in which it was just you two, her arm around you and heads leaned onto each other. Existing together. 
The clamoring of voices snapped you back into reality. 
“We were doing nose-goes man…just GO you LOST!” yelled Rooster as an indignant Hangman stood up in whiny protest. Payback, Coyote, and Fanboy snickered to themselves, and even Bob had his lips pressed into a thin line, trying not to crack. 
“I just sat down. I JUST,” Hangman took a dramatic deep breath. “Okay, fine. I’ll go get your dumb snacks but you’re all not allowed to start the movie or play anything until I get back,” he said as he headed for the door. Groans of exaggerated exasperation erupted from the mass of dudes on the floor, but they let the pact slide.
You took a cautious glance over at Phoenix to see her already returning the eye contact. The glint in her eyes shimmered like sunbeams on the sea. She smiled, rolling her eyes at the antics, and you sniffed out a small laugh. 
“Just take a nap or something,” Hangman called over his shoulder as the door closed. 
They did indeed take a nap. 
Strange conversation about whether a hot dog was a sandwich eventually became droning silence as one by one, each person in the heap fell into slumber. You resisted the urge to turn and look at her, as if you didn’t already do that enough during classes. 
As much as you wanted to attempt to talk to Phoenix, the quiet became too overbearing, and you ultimately decided to just enjoy the rare moment of peace. Your train of thought, however, was halted as a horrific snore echoed throughout the room. Phoenix’s head popped up to look at you with an expression clearly reading: The fuck was that?!
You looked over at the floor, exhaling hard through your nose in a shocked laugh, and motioned for her to come closer. Phoenix scooted to toss herself next to you, body lightly bumping into yours, and peered down to see your flushed teammates all asleep, heads resting on Bob’s shoulders and lap as if he was a dad. 
“How cute,” Phoenix jokingly murmured, and all of a sudden you became acutely aware of how close she was to you. Your shoulders pressed together as she craned to see the unexpectedly angelic sleeping faces of your friends, a strand of her dark hair slipping out from her loosely tied bun. She let out another snicker before turning to look at you. The beers you had both downed earlier set a gentle rosiness in her cheeks, and her eyes twinkled in amusement.
You tore your eyes away from hers, letting out the breath you had been holding to laugh quietly. 
The blob shifted for a moment, and after about a half-second of silence, Payback unleashed the most comical snore you had ever heard. It was as if the ground literally rumbled from its power. 
Both you and Phoenix exploded in laughter, and you clapped a hand over your mouth to try to stifle the cackles. Phoenix started hitting the side of your arm as you both tried to control your volume, and just the sight of her smile made your heart entirely skip a beat. 
After you both had calmed down, you swept a hand through your hair and exhaled heavily, stomach hurting from the restrained laughter. “They look like puppies or something,” you whispered. A grin crept up on Phoenix’s face. “Good thing I’m a cat person.”
With a hum, you nodded, staring straight ahead of you. “I could see that. You seem like a cat person.” 
Phoenix scoffed in pretend hurt, giving your shoulder a shove. “What is THAT supposed to mean?!” 
You broke out in giggles. 
Why am I giggling. 
“I- I don’t know? You’re just, like…you don’t like people touching you randomly, you’re independent and…” you met her eyes for a second before instantly looking away. “...You’re strong, and…majestic?”
“Why are you describing me as if I’m a landmark?”
You start to laugh again, and you catch her heartstopping smile before looking away, blurting out a flurry of giggled apologies. 
Phoenix reaches over to good-naturedly shove you again. “Am I just a landmark to you?!” she whisper-screamed. 
“You’re NOT!” you burst out in a matched whisper-scream reply. 
Nervousness rose in your chest as you felt her eyes on you while you tried to laugh off the indescribable amount of panic you felt with her being. Right. There. 
Phoenix softly grabbed your wrist, pulling you to look at her despite your effort to shift away. 
The guys were still snoring.
“Then what am I?” 
You just stared. 
“What am I to you?” Phoenix finished. 
You drew back, the shock of what she had just said absorbing. Her expression faltered, and you felt your heart start to sink (despite it racing against all odds) as the twinkle in her eyes faded. Her eyebrows furrowed in regret. 
“Sorry. Sorry, I uh-” she started.
“No, no, it’s okay I was just…” you tried to explain. But how could you?
The only thing you could do was clear your throat.
She pulled away, and both of you sat side by side, the silence making its return.
Say something. Literally anything. Just say it. Oh my god just say it you idiot. 
Right as you opened your mouth, the door burst open. Hangman re-entered, bearing multiple plastic grocery bags. “I got the snack- What in the hell.” You turned and traced his stare to the pile of sleeping men on the floor. 
Phoenix turned to him with a quick laugh. “You said take a nap. We didn’t wanna wake ‘em up.” 
There were still traces of some unidentifiable emotion muddled within her expression. She definitely seemed more tense than before. 
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. 
Hangman snorted. “Well someone’s gotta. WAKE UP MANBABIES,” he shouted, reaching into the bag and pelting the cuddle buddies with a can of Pringles. As the blob began to emit grunts of consciousness, you found interest in staring at the beige carpet as you tried to gather your thoughts. You sensed the couch raise, and you glanced up to see Phoenix walk away. Her figure slowly disappeared as she presumably crouched to sit on the kitchen floor, head vanishing behind the island. 
A different hand placed itself to rest on your left shoulder, and you acknowledged Bob with a quiet “hey” as he took a seat next to you, rubbing his eyes through his grandpa glasses. Or at least that’s what you and Phoenix liked to call them, anyway. 
“Are you okay? Sorry we all passed out. You look like you’re in a daze.”
You gave the concerned man an appreciative smile. “I look dazed? You literally just woke up from a snuggle nap…and a pretty long one at that.”
He dropped his head with a kind laugh before turning to seriously look at you. “Okay, answer the question.”
Your eyes settled back on the ground, but a soft poke on the arm convinced you to look back at him. “I don’t know what’s going on but you’re probably one of the few people who still won’t get this through your head. Took me a while too, but don’t think, just do. Remember? That whole mission-” Bob began.
You let out a puff of air in a half-cringing, half-grateful laugh. “Okay, Maverick. I’m going. I am doing. Watch.” Bob gave you a proud singular pat on the back.
As you got up to head towards the kitchen, Rooster suddenly rounded the corner, making you jump a little. 
“Hey. You goin’ somewhere?” he asked.
“Are you?”
“I was going pee.”
Oh right, this was his house. 
You paused in your step. “I was just going to...get…beer?” 
Your eyes flickering off to the side to glance at Phoenix must’ve given you away. Rooster quirked an eyebrow, and turned as subtly (and yet still very unsubtly) as he could. His brown eyes shimmered with understanding, silently mouthing, “ohhh.” 
He somehow always got it with you, and although you disliked how easily he could read you sometimes, you appreciated him being there. He offered you a fist and a quiet “You get those beers,” to which you scoffed and moved past him, returning the fist bump with a hint of a smile. 
Somehow, the comforts your friends gave you made facing the situation at hand feel much more difficult, now that you were here.
You stiffly approached Phoenix’s right. She held an empty can, toying with the tab. To your surprise, she silently moved to the left as you crouched down to sit next to her, both of you now snugly hidden behind the kitchen island. The playful bickering coming from the other room started sounding muted as your world seemed to shrink.
You took a deep breath, but Phoenix beat you to the first move. 
“You’re fine.”
Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Phoenix tossed the can away with a clatter, now staring at her hands. 
“I know you think that was your fault or something, but it’s not. I was…I just lost my filter.”
She looked up, eyes intense but mesmerizing all the same. It seemed she underestimated the proximity between you as her gazed flitted downward to your lips for a split second. She swallowed.
“I was being weird. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
She started to get up, but the nervousness subsided enough for you to grab her hand. 
It was warm. She didn’t pull away, even as you stood to match her. 
“No, I’m sorry,” you said, fighting for your life to keep your voice steady. You paused to look over your shoulder at the rest of your friends. 
Still holding onto her hand, you dragged Phoenix along to the short hallway that led to the bathroom. It was dark, but the warm orange light from around the edge of the wall cast a sunset-like glow on her features. Her dark eyes searched yours, and you felt like you were going to freeze up again just from the way she looked at you.
“Okay. It’s just. Hm. I should’ve planned this. Uh…” you said, voice growing smaller by the second. Phoenix’s grip on your hand tightened slightly, the action barely noticeable had your senses not gone into overdrive with her presence.
“...I just wasn’t sure? Well, I’m definitely sure that I feel, that I have a crush, of sorts, on you. But. The thing I wasn’t sure about was you.”
Her gaze was unwavering.
“From the first time we all met,” you continued, “You were so clear about your personal boundaries and rules, and I really respected and admired you, first of all because you’re an amazingly talented pilot, but over time…I realized it was because of something else.”
You decided you would let your words take their own course.
“Recently…it’s felt different, I guess. Not that I don’t still respect you, because of course I do, but it’s just the way you look at me, and I don’t even think you’re meaning to, but it just makes me feel like I am going to genuinely shrivel up. And I just keep…wanting you to. To look at me. You’re always on my mind, and frankly it’s becoming a problem.”
You exhaled.
“And to answer your question from before, you’re definitely..way. way more than a landmark to me.”
You couldn’t read her expression, and couldn’t tell if it was because your brain had gone completely foggy or because…no that was probably it.
Phoenix finally spoke.
“So you aren’t dense.”
She broke out laughing, head tipping down and hitting your chest gently before lifting her eyes. Phoenix was taller than you just by a little, but her slight downward gaze and the way your breath caught in your throat sent a wave of tingling warmth across your face. 
“And here I was, thinking you didn’t get any of it,” Phoenix breathed out.
You didn’t even notice that you too, had been holding your breath again until a laugh burst out of you. Your eyes lingered on your still-linked hands. “I’m still kinda not believing it, to be completely honest.” 
She blinked in slow disbelief at you, rolling her eyes and letting go of your hand to softly hold the sides of your face, leaning in to close the distance between you. Heart beating out of your chest, you let your eyes start to shut.
“Is this okay?” Phoenix whispered.
You nodded, and her lips met yours. Your hands reached to grasp the hem of her shirt, and it felt as if a million multicolored butterflies were just released from your chest. You stepped forward slightly, Phoenix’s back faintly hitting the wall. You felt her start smiling as she pulled back to teasingly whisper “..You believin’ it now?” before you leaned back in again, shaking your head with a smile of your own. 
When you both finally let go, every fiber of your being felt as if the most golden, warm, beach sunlight had been shining on it. 
Phoenix’s hands slid down from your face and onto your arms, thumbs softly caressing them in a way you never thought you would enjoy from anyone ever. 
“For the record, I do like people touching me.” she deadpanned.
You somehow mustered the balls to hold eye contact with her, but tilted your head in a moment of bewilderment.
“...People being you only.”
With an incredulous scoff, you shoved her away, both of you quietly bursting into laughter once again. “You are so corny,” you whisper to her, poking her shoulder.
“Yeah and you have a crush on me, so,” Phoenix retorted, a smile growing on her face.
“Stop, that is so embarrassing to say. Get away from me.” you said, laughing into the end of the sentence.
Even as you both emerged from the hallway with badly hidden grins and sat back on the couch, the chaos of what you quickly identified as Wii Sports managed to keep everyone’s eyes away from you. Watching Payback, Rooster, Hangman, Fanboy, and Coyote erupt in whoops and cheers as Bob hit a strike in the animated bowling alley, you couldn’t keep holding back your smile. Nothing felt better than right now. 
“Hey,” Phoenix said, leaning in so you could hear her over the absolute racket. 
Phoenix’s face was less than a couple inches away. “If I’m a cat person, then what are you?”
You bit your lip and looked up at the ceiling, in a mock state of deep thought.
“Hm. I guess I would consider myself a Phoenix person.”
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dearbraus · 2 years
— Take Them Tiddies Out ‘Cause I’m Trynna See ‘Em
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Starring; Various Attack on Titan Characters
Warnings; 18+ minors dni + gn reader + general nsfw themes + mentions of insecurities + mentions of piercings//tattoos.
Wordcount; 1.1k
Note; Repost from my old blog <3 Enjoy <3
 Aot women and their tits —
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꒰ Mikasa Ackerman ꒱
⊱ Her breasts are on the smaller side and fairly perky. She’s always wearing lacy bralets, and sheer demi bras. If she doesn’t have to wear an underwire bra she isn’t going to, finds them much too uncomfortable. ⊱ Mikasa has her nipples pierced, they were already pretty sensitive to begin with and now with the piercings even the slightest touch has a shiver darting up her spine, a satiny sigh threatening to spill past her lips. You’ve always got your hands crawling all over her so she’s gotten pretty good at masking how you made her feel. ⊱ She only ever wears straight barbell jewelry but does frequently swap them out for sets with decorative beads. Her favourite pair is her butterfly set, with her skeletal-hand set coming in a close second. On occasion Mikasa does enjoy wearing nipple rings with chains attached since she knows how much you enjoy lightly tugging it. ⊱ She always gets a bit flustered when you give her tits all your attention, it’s one thing to be idly feeling her up when cuddling but something completely different when you’re slotted between her legs, honeyed praise falling off your tongue as you lavish her breasts. ⊱ She’s got a couple of freckles and moles spattered around her chest and breasts that she’s never paid much mind to but you’re always tracing your fingers along her skin, leaving balmy kisses on each one before. Mikasa all but whines when you do that because your hair’s tickling her nipples, you’re just barely where she wants you and you milk her pouts for all their worth since she very rarely gets this way but when you so blatantly neglect her, she has no choice but to beg until you give her exactly what she wants.
꒰ Sasha Braus ꒱
⊱ She has big mommy milkers but is always wearing sports bras which tend to compress her chest. Sasha leads a somewhat active lifestyle and just prefers to wear practical bras rather than cute ones. It takes a lot of begging on your end for her to wear something a bit prettier, with a bit of lace and padding for her comfort, so it’s very rare for anyone to see her breasts in all their glory because she’d still rather wear something with the most support. ⊱ And they are glorious. They may not be all that sensitive but they're fun to squish and rest your head on after a long day. Sasha really loves when you play with her tit so she’ll let you do as you please so long as you’ll slink between her legs and make her cum properly once you’ve finished leaving hickies all over her supple skin and sucked her nipples raw. ⊱ She always lets out the most pornographic and exaggerated moans when you massage her back before bed. No matter what she does or what she wears there's always this lingering pain and stiffness that comes with having larger breasts. Sasha isn’t above pouting and begging you to help her out from time to time, not that she really needs to since you’d do anything to make her feel good. But you play it off like like a few massages a week was a fair trade off for spending hours sucking on her breasts. ⊱ She has a lot of very visible stretch marks on her breasts that she used to be insecure about since she didn’t think they were very nice to look at. But with some heavy praise and long talks she feels much more comfortable in lower cut tops that show off her stretch marks.
꒰ Hitch Dreyse ꒱
⊱ She has small breast, they’re really very cute and she loves to wear tight fitting, almost sheer shirts without anything on underneath. Hitch isn’t very shy about her body so she loves to show it off whenever she can. While she’s definitely had some insecurities due to how small they were she could never feel too bad when they fit so perfectly in the palm of your hands. ⊱ Hitch never wears what most would consider to be a “real” bra. If she does wear a bra it’s always unpadded and made out of a thin, breathable material. Even then you can still see her nipples since the material is so thin and they’re very prominent. ⊱ Her nipples are very sensitive too, she’s cum from you playing with them more times than she can count. Even when she tries to hide it, she’s much too obvious and you know her body too well for her to play things off. And even if she did the moment you peeled back her panties you’d come face to face with her cum slicked pussy. She always has to push your greedy hands away from her chest because they very quickly become too sensitive, boarding on uncomfortably achey. ⊱ Hitch always makes you peel off her pasties for her. Every time she tries to take them off herself she ends up in tears because she pulls them off in a painstakingly slow manner. Once you’ve successfully removed them you must tenderly kiss each breast and make sure there’s no residue on the skin, lest you wanted Hitch to pout because you “clearly don’t love her tits like she does.”
꒰ Pieck Finger ꒱
⊱ She’s got droopy boobs, they’re a medium sized and she tends not to wear underwire bras unless she absolutely has too since it’s a bit difficult to find wireless bras with the support she needs. Pieck doesn’t hate wearing bras she just finds most kinds slightly uncomfortable, always finding that there’s marks left on her skin most days. ⊱ That being said she loves lingerie! She has more sets than she can count because she loves looking pretty for you. Every time something new comes in the mail you’re treated to pictures of her tits swathed in silks, chiffon, and charmeuse. Pieck loves watching you drool all over her breasts, just barely unclasping it because you’re so eager to get your hands on her body. You’re just so cute when you’re desperate! ⊱ Really likes when you use nipple clamps on her. Pieck isn’t very sensitive so it takes a bit for her nipples to get hard to the point where they feel good when you play with them, but the clamps add a little something more. She’s always just the slightest bit louder when you use them on her, a bit bashful when you openly stare and watch how they jiggle with each movement. ⊱ She has a tattoo on her rib cage, right underneath her left breast. It’s nothing special, just of her favourite flower but she always gets this dopey look on her face when you caress the skin, when your head resting on her chest, and her heart beats filling your ears. You never knew why but you assumed it was because she felt so close to you like this, your heated skin flushed with hers.
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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wlw-imagines · 2 years
Ask Me - Eloise Bridgerton/Reader (Bridgerton)
a/n: a little short bit that wasn’t technically requested but anon asked me if i could start writing for bridgerton and hey presto here i am! hope u enjoy a bit of angst xoxo
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There were many things you loved about the Ton. You had to admit that you loved the parties, the elegance, the dresses... it had been your whole life. And yet you still weren’t particularly ready for what you had spent your whole life training for. 
You were due to be wed in two weeks time.
It had been announced today. You husband-to-be had just left your house. You were glad that someone had proposed in all honesty, and you were glad that your whole life leading up to this point hadn’t been for nothing and that he was a good enough man but, at the same time, you were completely and utterly bereft. After all, your heart belonged to another. Eloise Bridgerton.
You were sure she didn’t even know it, but she had your heart all the same. And there was nothing you could do.
The two of you had met when you were young. You were friends first and foremost, playing together and learning stupid skills to please your future husbands at such a young age. You had grown up a bit and drifted apart until Daphne’s season began.
When you saw Eloise again last year it was like nothing had changed and yet, at the same time, everything had. This time, you were wholly and fully in love with her.
You became as thick as thieves again, with Penelope too when she was able to join you, and with Benedict whenever he was around. You did your best to keep your feelings private, you thought she was never going to be like you - to like another woman.
But today, you found yourself at the Bridgerton house, hands shaking as the house maid let you in. You had so much to say and only two weeks left in the Ton, with Eloise so close.
And before it was too late, you were asking to speak to Eloise.
And all of a sudden, she was standing in front of you.
You could tell she knew about your engagement, how could she not know, it was in Lady Whistledown’s latest paper. And you could also tell that she was pissed, or angry, or something bad. Of course she was, she had heard about your engagement from a gossip paper and not from you. What made you feel worse was that you had no idea how she would feel after you had talked to her. She may never want to talk to you again.
You attempted to push the fear down and took a deep breath before looking up. Your gazes locked and she nodded, “Y/N.” She said, greeting you.
“Hello.” You let go of the breath you were holding, doing your best not to break down and cry right there.
She frowned slightly, and pretended to check her nails, “I wasn’t expecting you.”
You tried to defuse some tension in the air by putting on your best cheeky smile and asking, “Are you ever expecting me?”
Eloise blinked a few times, almost cracking, “We’re having dinner soon.” She hesitated, looking over her shoulder.
“Do you have a moment to talk?” You asked, quietly, your hands anxiously twisting your dress up, again and again.
She finally let out a sigh, breaking and rushing over to you, “Of course.” She let out a small smile and held your hands, having noticed your anxious actions, she squeezed them reassuringly, “I heard-”
You quickly shook your head, “Can we please talk somewhere private?”
“Of course.” She didn’t ask any further questions and instead, held onto your hand and pulled you out to the garden, stopping at the swings.
Without talking you kept walking, this time dragging her behind you, until you were behind a small cluster of trees. You were sure that no one would be able to see you from the house and definitely not hear what you were about to admit. Having Eloise hear it was going to be bad enough.
She frowned slightly and cleared her throat, pulling your attention to her. She couldn’t understand why you were acting this way, "So... you're to be married?" She said, doing her best to sound somewhat optimistic about it.
You let your gaze drop to the floor, "Yes."
"Are you not happy? I hear Lord Corsley is a kind man. I'm sure he can make you happy."
You tried to calm your breathing and closed your eyes, "Eloise-"
"And I know you like the country, Y/N. Have you seen his country house? Rather grand, or so I've heard-"
You clenched your fists and took a step forward, raising your eyes to Eloise’s, "Ask me not to marry him." You rushed out, before you could convince yourself not to. There was a few seconds of silence in which Eloise watched you for any sign that you were messing around or joking. When it was clear you were serious, she moved closer to you.
"What?" She asked, her hand on your arm. You glanced down at the contact and tried to formulate your thoughts.
"If I were told not to- If you asked me not to marry him... I wouldn't, you know that, don't you?" You searched her eyes desperately, trying to convey the message, trying to get her to understand. How do you say ‘I love you’ without having to say those three words out loud?
Eloise’s mind was racing at all the possibilities and what you meant, surely... surely not what she was hoping for? But she shook her head, "Y/N, I couldn't-"
"And why couldn't you, Eloise?" You stepped even closer, your eyes brimming with tears. You closed your eyes, not wanting to cry in front of her right now. You rested your hands on her waist and leant your forehead on her collarbone, "Just ask me. Please." You mumbled into her dress, pleadingly.
You could feel her breath on the back of your neck and her words reverberated through your upper body, "What would it change?" You brought your head up and wiped at your eyes.
"What would it change? Everything. El, I- You must know how I feel.” Your lips trembled slightly. You’d gone too far now to go back and besides, did you really want to take any of this back? You were terrified but you already felt lighter. You brought your hands up to cup her chin and gently swiped the pad of your thumb over her cheekbone.
Her eyes squinted slightly, "How you... feel?" She whispered out the question, her eyes searching yours for an answer. She raised her own hands and put them over the top of yours.
You let out a huff of frustration and dropped your hands from her cheeks, taking a step back and pulling some hair from out of your face, "For someone who reads so many novels, and novels of love, you sure are being dense right now." 
"Love?" She repeated, though she hardly spoke the word and it came out as the faintest of whispers.
Your eyes widened in panic and you wrung your hands slightly, screwing up your dress again and pulling at it. You shook your head and took a few more steps back, "I didn't mean... I don't mean love. I just, I mean maybe I do but-"
"And if I told you- If I asked you not to marry and instead to stay here, with me, what would you do?" Eloise followed you, every step back you had taken she had taken that same step forward until your back was against one of the tree trunks. You tried to avoid her gaze but she simply followed it until she’d had enough and grabbed your chin to steady you. Your eyes connected.
A tear slipped down your cheek and you let out a shaky breath, "I'd stay."
She tracked the tear with her eyes until it landed at your lips, her gaze lingered, "Y/N, please, don’t make me...” Her voice trembled and she let go of you but didn’t move back, “I’m telling you that I can’t be the one-"
"No, Eloise, please, you can because I would- I'd stay." The tears wouldn’t stop now, and your chest tightened. You licked your lips, “I’d stay for you, Eloise. I’d do anything for you.”
Eloise stood motionless, hardly breathing, "And that is why I cannot." It dawned on you, maybe you’d got your hopes up too much but she was trying to let you down carefully. You’d got your wires crossed, she didn’t like you. She was your friend after all, "Y/N-"
You rubbed the tears from your face, angry at yourself more than anyone else right now. You felt like a fool, "No, you're right. It was stupid of me to-"
"Y/N, please." She grasped for your hands as they flailed around but you pulled them out of her grip each time.
You shook your head, trying to get out from under her. You needed to get out of this garden, away from the tree, away from her, "I can't."
"Just wait." She begged, you finally managed to get out from between her and the tree.
You kept shaking your head gently, sniffling as you backed away from her one step at a time, trying to excuse yourself, "I wasn't thinking properly... the engagement, it's a lot and it's a big change. I wasn't in my right mind at all and you must forgive me. I-"
You felt yourself jolted towards her and brought back behind the cover of trees. You looked down to see her hand clasped around the front of your dress, which she had used to pull you back into her.
Before you could protest any further, her arm was around your waist and her other hand was on your chin and she was kissing you. She was kissing you. Eloise was kissing you.
You didn’t want to stop but you took a moment to breath, your nose gently brushed against hers. She drew back only to immediately envelop you in a hug, hiding her face in the crook of your neck, “El?” You gently wrapped your arms around her body. You only realised she was crying when your neck became wet.
“How didn’t I notice?” Her breath shuddered as she sniffled.
“Notice?” You asked, frowning and only hugging her tighter.
She pulled back, tear tracks on her cheeks, “I’ve loved you since we were young.”
“You did?” You whispered. 
She nodded and closed her eyes, “And we could have had longer.” She sighed, biting her lip.
You tried again, taking her cheeks in the palms of your hands, “I’d stay, El, I would.”
She pressed a light kiss to the tip of your nose and brought her lips close to yours, "When are you to be married?"
You gulped, wanting to protest again but not finding the strength, "I... a fortnight from today." You admitted, sure she already knew but needed to hear it from you.
This time the kiss was different. Before it had been hungry and long overdue. Now she kissed you so softly, so gently, like you would break. She pulled away, just a few millimetres. "So soon?"
You swallowed the feeling of resentment against your future husband, "Lord Corsley has business to attend to at the end of the month that will take him out of the country. He wanted the wedding and the honeymoon over before he leaves for the continent."
"Perhaps I could come and visit you whilst he is away." Eloise looked at you, her eyes bright with tears and her nose slightly red. Your chest ached and you tried not to cry again. She wasn’t going to ask you to stay. How could she?
"You would?" You asked, instead.
"And we still have two weeks." She whispered, moving to hug you again. She pressed soft kisses to your ear lobe and your jaw.
You pulled away and looked into her eyes, one more attempt - that’s all you had, "I wish we had more, and I wish I didn't have to marry. I wish..."
She shook her head, taking your hand in hers and bringing it up to press a kiss to, "Come, we should return, before they send a search party." You nodded. Your understood her. Your future together would be more secure if you both had husbands than it ever would be if you became spinsters. People would talk. It is the Ton after all, and how could you ask her to do that to her family name. Her younger siblings.
There was a bit of rustling and Benedict popped into view with a lopsided grin as he brushed his jacket to get rid of the leaves, "Too late, I'm afraid. I tried covering for you, sister, but Mama was starting to get suspicious." He looked around the spot you’d found for yourselves, “What on Earth are you doing in this part of the garden? I spent ages looking for you.”
Eloise tightened her grip on your hand, "How long have you been there, brother?" She asked, tense with fear.
"Only as long as I’ve been speaking to you. Why, did I interrupt something?" He asked with a cheeky tone before taking note of the mood. Both of you still had tear tracks down your cheeks and red eyes, “Is everything alright?”
You sniffled and cleared your throat, quickly making up an excuse, "Yes, fine. Uh, you didn’t interrupt anything at all. Why, we were just discussing the latest Whistledown."
Benedict turned his body to you and mock bowed, "Miss Y/L/N, good evening."
"Evening, Benedict." You responded fondly, letting a smile grow on your face. He was like your very own brother and you’d miss seeing him so often.
"I hear congratulations are in order? Your engagement?" He grinned.
You did all you could to not visibly flinch at his words. Instead, you nodded and put on your best smile, "Yes, thank you." You took in a deep breath and removed your hand from Eloise’s, "I should leave you all be, I just came to speak to Eloise and, well, I have a wedding to make preparations for."
She moved to take your hand again but you nodded to Benedict and she settle for walking back to the house next to you, brushing hands as you went.
Benedict walked the other side and nudged your shoulder, "You are sure you don't want to stay? Mama won't mind, we will always make a space at our table for you. Eloise? Y/N can stay, can’t she?" He asked, leaning in front of you to check in with Eloise. You cast your eyes to floor, refusing to make eye contact with Eloise despite knowing she was looking your way and shook your head firmly as you reached the back doors.
"Thank you, but no. I will take my leave tonight. Enjoy your evening, both of you."
You turned around and did a half curtsy, just wanting to leave at this point. You could hardly keep on your feet after all that had happened tonight, you needed to sit down and process.
El tried to stop you from going and reached out to you, "Y/N-"
"Good night, Eloise." You took a step back and turned away, thanking the house maid for opening the door for you as you left the Bridgerton house.
Benedict watched as you went, taking note of the way the two of you acted with one another. He noticed the glances and the touches. He remembered the messed up hair and the way the two of you were standing so closely to one another back amongst the trees.
He watched Eloise as her gaze fell on the space you had just been occupying. He sighed and stepped forward, wrapping his little sister up in his arms just as the tears began again.
“Sister?” He asked, worried about her. He need to let her know that he knew and that she could trust him wholeheartedly.
“I-I can’t-” She shook her head, keeping her face directed to the ground and avoiding his sight. Her chest was rising and falling too quickly and she couldn’t breathe. He rubbed her back and held her hand.
“Breathe, it’s okay.”
She shook her head harder and cried out, sobbing, “No, no, it’s not.” She sat down on the steps into the garden so he joined her, pulling her to rest on his shoulder.
He allowed the silence to gather as her breathing became normal again. Benedict clenched his eyes shut before letting out a sigh.
"You know, sometimes Society wants things from us that we are unable to give.” He began, stumbled a bit and tried again, “They all want us to fall in love on their very own terms. It is thought of as unacceptable any other way." He whispered, leaning into Eloise.
She tensed up, sure he knew something he really shouldn’t, "I don't want to talk about it, brother."
"I have found it difficult myself, you know." He finally admitted, looking out into the garden, "I have learnt that it's- it’s okay to love the people that they... don't want you to."
Eloise’s tear stained face turned to him, her eyes lit up by the light coming from inside the house.
"I... You have?" Her voice trembled. His hand shook slightly but Eloise took them in her own.
Benedict looked at his sister, "It's okay to love her."
Eloise’s bottom lip trembled slightly, "She's engaged to be married." 
"Does she love you?"
She shook her head, "That doesn't matter."
"Of course it matters." He squeezed her hand.
"I couldn't ask her to stay. She wanted me to but... how could I?" She leant her head against Benedict’s shoulder. The things he would do for his sister... and yet, here he was, feeling powerless against the whole of the Ton.
"Come, I'll tell Mama you're not feeling well and we can talk. I’ll give you my best brotherly advice.” He smiled a warm smile and stood up, helping his sister to her feet. “It'll be okay, Eloise, I promise."
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moonbeamoclock · 2 years
Reader pranking the girls by telling them "I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight" for absolutely no reason 💀💀
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tw: language, anger
a/n: wait why is this so funny to me please continue to send me asks like this
"I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
"why, is something wrong?"
she just squints her eyes at you trying to figure out why you don't want to sleep in the same bed as her anymore....
she just walks away and decides to wait it out
you lay down on the couch and every once and a while you can hear her try and sneak out to the living room to see if you're any closer to giving into coming back to bed with her.
each time she walks away she huffs a little bit louder
you actually start to doze off and that's when she nudges you awake with her arms crossed
"stop trying to prank me and come to bed, you're not being funny"
6/10 it was less of a prank and more of you being annoying but her reaction to it was funny nonetheless
she's got an attitude about everything
"i'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
"if there's a fucking problem we can just talk about it don't be a fucking brat"
"there's no problem I'm just letting you know that I'm sleeping on the couch tonight"
she'll just storm away and slam the bedroom door closed behind her
give it like two hours before she comes waddling out of the bedroom wrapped in a comforter mumbling something about
"the bed is too cold can you please come to bed with me? I'm sorry for whatever i did."
8/10 was genuinely under the impression that you were mad at her for something
"I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
"okay! then I'll sleep there with you. It'll be like a sleepover!"
"no i'm sleeping on the couch by myself tonight"
"why would you do that?"
"....... Because"
"because of what?
"i-i don't know just because i want to!"
👁👁 "thats stupid"
like okay sash we know that you can do absolutely nothing wrong but for once could you fall for a couple's prank
0/10 she didn't fall for it because every time you tried to move to the living room she just scooped you up and threw you back onto your shared bed
"I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
she froze..."um...okay, do you just want some space tonight? Is something the matter?"
you just shrug (because how are you supposed to lie to her when she just cares about you so much.)
"okay, that's fine i'll grab some blankets and a pillow for you"
how can someone be so lovely 😫
she quite literally tucks you in and says goodnight before she goes to bed herself
of course, she's worried about why you would feel the need to sleep separate from her but she also understands that sometimes people just need their space
this time you're the one that goes crawling to the bedroom wrapped in a blanket asking to be allowed in with her
10/10 because she just wants the best for you and her response really shocked you and she had no idea it was a prank
"I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
(another one with an attitude problem)
"what are you talking about"🤨
"i just want to sleep by myself for tonight is that okay?"
"no?? get in bed i have places to be in the morning and neither of us can sleep without the other so stop being stupid"
"well i'll learn to sleep without you"
and now you've started an argument because now shes mad and the anger is basically radiating off of her
she takes a couple deep breaths "this better be one of your stupid fucking pranks because why would you say that????"
8/10 you got her she was mad, she didn't find it funny but she smiled a bit when you started to laugh as you explained it to her
the third and last gal with an attitude problem
you guys are literally attached at the hip so it was no surprise that this was going to be an issue from the start.
"i'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
"shut the fuck up, no you're not, go get ready for bed"
.....because what do you say to that??
"thats what i thought now.....i'll bring your water bottle and then we can watch a movie to fall asleep k?"
she's fully aware that she might be in the wrong about something but she also is the kind of partner to not understand why that means you need to not sleep in the same bed, usually in your relationship sleeping on it together usually fixes itself
0/10 didn't work at all she doesn't fall for pranks and is the kind of partner that has that charming effect so its hard to actually mad at her
"im gonna sleep on the couch tonight"
"wha-wha-why???? are we okay?"
"yeah......i just want to sleep by myself for tonight...."
"wait lets talk before you go to sleep we should try to figure this out"
"no thanks"
"hey, i don't think you should go to sleep without talking to me first" 😠
its a bubbling she's gonna snap if you dont talk to her
as you're gathering your stuff to move out to the living room she's following you around with an angry look on her face waiting for you to respond to her
"HEY, tell me whats wrong this isnt fair, stop keeping things from me!"
ouch! say sorry poor babey is hurt!!!!
"awww i'm so sorry i didnt mean to make you upset i was just trying to play a little prank on you!"
3/10 she's mad because she did NOT find this prank funny at all and now you're actually sleeping on the couch wa wa
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yaeluvz · 2 years
Run 2 U
★ eighteen : cookie run yuna version
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AN: hi yawl 😓 i hope everyone is doing great !! here u go as promised an update and i think i'll do one tmr as well ^^ pls do send asks or feed back <3
Tag List : Send Asks !!
@person-standing @nar-nia @maeum-your @ddeonuism @blessed-sky @chimajeyn @neozon3nha @acciomylove @forneveryoung @bloomedberry @hoonieswrld @centheodd @jniscvl @hiqhkey @idyllicangel @lunaflvms @soobin-chois @archerheejin @shinsou-rii @anik-4 @xranex @soobzao @fairycheol @ifwtyun @bigtoewinwin @strwberrydinosaur @certainyouthpeanut @w4nyoung @babygay-stay @tbzloonar @cha0thicpisces @luvelyxp @wonzzz @kisseulgi @chiyuv @ahnneyong @rukimisser @mierumiko @uwudaizy
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ꗃ about : Wonyoung has two things on her mind. One hoping to pass her classes and TWO to finally get the attention of her long time crush. Determined to make "yn" finally notice her she accidentally might've led the girl to believe she's this creepy (but cute) stalker that comes to her workplace everyday without a fail.
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depressed-lemonn · 3 years
Chloe Price HC’s
A/N - hello, I’m rebinging Life Is Strange and my previous crush for Chloe has resurfaced. so if y’all are little gay babies like me then i hope you enjoy.
- As we know, Chloe is a massive stoner so you guys would constantly be lighting a spliff
- Also, she’s pretty clingy
- Always wanting to touch you and have her hands on you, even in class 
- Can be distracting, especially when you’re trying to do an assignment 
- One of your first dates would be at a tattoo shop lets be real, I’d like to thing you picked each others one 
- “y/nnnnn, please come back to bed, its colddddd”
- Will continue to annoy you until you join her in your frameless bed 
- ✨shower sex✨
- lets be honest, is more of a giver then a receiver 
- will continue to do anything until you or her are satisfied 
- she loves to give little kisses on your neck
- once accidentally left a hickey on your neck and freaked out 
- “what if your mom finds out?!?!” 
- “Chloe, she knows we’re gay”
- “oh, right”
- will continue leaving them now she knows you (or your mom) don’t mind 
- oh, lets not even BEGIN to ignore the fact shed probably force you to dye your hair with her 
- “c’mon y/n, it’ll look so cool!” 
- “fine, but I get to pick what colour”
- will agree because she wants to see you with blue hair 
- you look great with it 
- you would probably steal her beanies 
- ..... and her tops 
- she’d pretend not to notice
- although when you show up with a piece of her clothing, you will be teased  endlessly about it 
- even Max joins in on the teasing 
- Chloe borrowed Max’s camera once just to ‘capture your beauty’ or so she says 
- that polaroid is in Chloes phone case
- and last but not least, you guys would always have long midnight drives, talking about life and such 
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Distraction (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
Request: hiii first of all, my gosh. i love your fics!! they're so so good, thank you for writing them 🥰 my request would be oneshot of agatha x reader smut please 😙 the idea is agatha is working so to distract her for fun, the reader starts moaning and teasing her about the dirty things she wants agatha to do to her. agatha can't take it anymore and rails her w a strap to make her pay for what she did (thank you!!!) (anon)
Contents: NSFW, smut, 18+, bratty r (kinda), masturbation, mommy kink, praising, strap-on, (light) magic play, (light) overstimulation minors DNI
A/N: I really liked writing this one, thank you for the amazing request anon <3
NSFW Tag List: @poetsdeadxo @academiagaymess @musicalmemesandstuff @shinkomiii @vintagegoddess12 @thatmacrameisnotgonnahitchitself @stone-hearted-seymour @agnessharknes @jesterofrohan @sky-not-found @artificial-cup-of-tea @agathaharknessslut @nickalpatel
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You watched Agatha as she flipped through another one of her spellbooks at her desk across the room. She’d been sitting there for hours, reading and practicing spells only getting up once for the bathroom and lunch.
One thing about Agatha: she knew how to focus. You don’t become a powerful witch of her stature without a sharp mind, that’s for sure.
It was a trait of hers that you usually admired, but not right now.
No, right now, all you could think about was how badly you wanted her to touch you.
You eyed her hands as she went through the motions of another spell. Her gorgeous, veined hands with fingers that knew exactly how to make you cry out. Oh how they would rub you, coat themselves in your slick and tease your entrance, making you beg for her until she’d finally decide to plunge them in and-
“Your thoughts are quite loud, sweetheart.” Agatha’s voice interrupted your fantasies. Your face flamed and you suddenly became fully aware of the dampness between your legs.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said in a tone that said quite the opposite. You stood up from the couch you had been lounging on and walked over to her desk. You leaned towards her, cleavage on full display. “You’re just so sexy when you’re focused honey.”
Agatha arched a brow. “Is this your method of distracting me, Y/N? Because if so, you’ll have to work a lot harder than that.” With that, she opened up her book again and resumed reading.
“Oh come on,” you whined. “Don’t you want a break?”
“Mm mm,” she hummed in response.
“Fine.” She could play hard to get, but you’d make her pay.
The witch was of course bluffing right now. She was more than ready to bend you over and take you at that moment but where was the fun in that? Besides, she secretly enjoyed it when you got defiant.
“You know, that’s really a shame Aggs,” you said, taking off the shirt you were wearing and throwing it to the floor as you returned to the couch. “I had a few ideas for what we could do during your break.”
You slipped your pants off in a swift motion, leaving you in your bra and panties. Agatha’s eyes were still focused on the book in front of her, much to your annoyance. Off with the bra too, then.
You began massaging your tits, pulling at your nipples and feeling them harden in your hands. You let out a moan of satisfaction at the sensation, pleasure building low in your abdomen. “Mm I’m getting so wet, Aggs.”
Your hand began travelling downwards and you grinned when you noticed Agatha’s clenched jaw.
Slipping your hand under the waistband of your panties, you began lightly teasing your clit. Light jolts of pleasure shot through you, making you gasp.
Though she was trying to act indifferent, you were getting to Agatha. She had been reading the same sentence over and over since you started your antics, unable to focus. At the sound of your moans, she felt a throbbing sensation begin between her own legs.
“You sure you don’t want to join in,” you smirked. “I think your fingers would fit so well in my aching, dripping cunt.”
You watched with a thrill as Agatha’s features became more flushed, turning her cheeks and the tips of her ears pink. But she still refrained from looking at you, resulting in you taking your panties off.
You settled into the couch comfortably and spread your legs wide. While one hand rubbed circles around your clit, you used the other to tease at your entrance. Agatha would probably make you pay for this, and that’s exactly what you were counting on.
“I know you want to,” you hummed. You pushed two digits into your hole, your juices coating your fingers as a moan escaped your lips. “Imagine if this was your strap instead.” The thought of Agatha fucking you in her office made your walls clench around your fingers.
Agatha couldn’t take it anymore. The lewd sound of your fingers pumping in and out of you and the smell of your sex were filling the air, making her head spin. She finally looked up from the book she wasn’t even reading and was greeted with a sight worth drooling over.
Your eyes were trained on hers as your hands continued their ministrations. There was a sheen of sweat on your flushed skin, making it shine. Agatha’s eyes drifted to your fingers, admiring the way they pushed their way in and out of your swollen sex, glistening with your juices.
The sight was enough to make Agatha reach her hand down between her legs to try and still the incessant throbbing there.
“It feels so good mommy,” you gasped as you continued fingering yourself.
That was the final straw. The brunette stood up from her chair and walked around to lean against her desk.
The hungry look in her blue eyes as she watched you only made you want her more. Your breathing was becoming erratic and you were so close. You closed your eyes and threw your head back, ready for the tension coiling inside you to snap at any moment.
The single word startled you into opening your eyes, your hands stilling their movements. Mind foggy, you furrowed your brows, “What?”
“You heard me baby,” Agatha said, walking over to you, a wicked grin on her face. She placed one hand next to your head on the back of the couch as she hovered over you.
With a whimper you withdrew your hands and placed them at your sides instead. You figured your odds of getting touched were better if you obeyed her right now.
“That’s my girl,” she rewarded you with her other hand coming down to cup your sex. “So needy, aren’t we?”
Agatha traced light circles around your clit, making you gasp. “Just couldn’t wait for mommy to come and touch you hmm?” Her tone was dripping with fake sympathy.
“Yes mommy,” you nodded vigorously. “Need you so bad. I want to be your good girl.”
She withdrew her hand, eliciting a whine from you until you saw she was unbuttoning her shirt. “Good girl, hm? Good girls don’t distract their mommy while she’s working, hon.”
Agatha’s words only fuelled the arousal making its way out from between your legs.
Taking off her pants, she revealed that she was wearing her favourite purple strap underneath. Somehow the witch had known that today would end with it inside of you.
Agatha guided you onto all fours, your hands gripping the back of the couch. All you could focus on was your cunt, throbbing from its robbed orgasm.
Her hand left a trail of goosebumps down your back as it came to a stop at your ass, where it caressed the supple flesh gently. Without warning, her hand drew back and came down in a sharp slap, making you hiss.
She immediately soothed the heated flesh with her hand. “Oh I’m sorry baby, did that hurt?” Agatha cooed. You nodded, looking back at her while biting your lip.
“Well maybe you’ll think twice before teasing me like that again, hm?”
“I’m sorry mommy,” you whimpered.
“That’s alright bunny,” Agatha said, lining the strap up with your sopping cunt. “But you still need to learn your lesson.”
The tip slid through your folds and pushed against your sensitive bundle of nerves, making you gasp with need. “Please,” you moaned. “I need you mommy.”
She slid the strap into your core suddenly, bottoming out inside of you. You couldn’t help the moan that made its way out of you at the feeling of being filled up to the brim, Agatha’s hips flush against your ass.
Agatha quickly picked up a rhythm of drawing her hips back and slamming them back into you, ensuring her strap was buried deep inside before pulling out again. Your hands gripped the back of the sofa, knuckles white as the strap hit the sweet spot inside you over and over.
The hand that wasn’t gripping your ass came up to grab a fistful of your hair, pulling you back so she could lean close to your ear.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it baby,” she cooed. “You wanted mommy to bend you over and just fuck you like the slut you are hm?” She punctuated this with a particularly hard thrust, making the knot in your stomach tighten.
When you didn’t respond right away, mind too foggy with pleasure, Agatha tugged at your hair sharply. “I think I asked you something,” she snapped, stilling her hips.
“Yes,” you choked out, desperate for her to keep fucking you. “This is what I wanted!”
“Mm,” she hummed. The grip on your hair loosened and Agatha pulled out of you momentarily, making you whine. The walls of your aching cunt clenched around nothing.
“Turn over for me, princess,” Agatha said, helping you onto your back. “Mommy wants to see that pretty face.”
You laid down on the couch, head against the arm rest. Agatha kneeled between your legs and guided the strap back into you. Your walls clenched around it as Agatha began pounding into you again.
Your breathing became more erratic, making your chest rise and fall rapidly. You bit your lip to try and stop your loud moans.
“Uh uh honey,” Agatha gripped your jaw, forcing your mouth to fall open. “Let’s hear those gorgeous sounds.”
“Fuck mommy,” you cried out. “It feels so good!”
“Oh I know it does sweetheart,” she cooed. Sensing you were close, her other hand travelled down to your sex, where she pressed the pad of her thumb against your clit. “You just love having mommy’s big cock inside you, don’t you bunny?”
“Oh fuck, y-yes!” Your hips were bucking upwards, your back arching as you tried to push yourself closer to Agatha. You could feel heat spreading under your skin as you neared the edge.
“Come for me baby,” Agatha savoured the sight of your orgasm ripping through you, pleasure overtaking your body. She leaned down to capture your lips with hers in a hot kiss, her tongue slipping into your mouth.
You pulled away after a moment, breathless. Agatha was still slowly thrusting into you and you could feel the fire in your abdomen starting all over again. Your cunt was still sensitive though and you found yourself whimpering every time Agatha hit the spot inside you.
“Don’t tell me you can’t get out another one, princess,” Agatha pouted, her hand reaching out to move the strands of hair stuck to your damp forehead. Her own face was flushed, as she watched you intently with her blue eyes. “What, with you begging so hard for it earlier.”
You didn’t respond, instead opting to bring her head back down to you for another kiss. Your fingers wrapped themselves in her hair as you nipped at her lip, making Agatha moan into your mouth.
The embrace seemed to spur her on as she picked up her pace, determined to make you come undone again. “You’re doing so well, my pretty girl,” she panted against your lips.
Suddenly you felt the familiar tingling of Agatha’s magic caressing your nipples and clit. The feeling was simply delicious and it upped in intensity until you were writhing under Agatha.
“You’re so pretty like this baby,” Agatha whispered in your ear, her hand holding up your head close to her. “So desperate for mommy.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. “Mommy I-I’m going to come,” you cried out. Your legs were wrapped around her waist now, pulling her as close as you could to you.
“Come for me baby,” Agatha gasped in your ear. “Come for mommy.”
Her magic intensified even more somehow, sending you over the edge. Agatha bit down on the shell of your ear as you wrapped your arms around her neck.
Your muscles tensed right before you dissolved into pleasure, a guttural groan making its way out from your lips. Agatha held you close as the aftershocks wracking your body stilled, and you slumped in her arms.
Agatha slowly untangled herself from you and stood up. You watched her through hooded eyes as the strap around her hips disappeared and she summoned a towel into her hands.
She returned to you on the couch and leaned over you with a smile on her face, wiping your forehead with the towel.
“My good girl,” she whispered softly, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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libra-kirishima · 3 years
𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓦𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷
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Number five - “I’ll walk you home.” & Toga Himiko
She wasn’t sure at what point the man behind you had started following you. It had to have been longer than Toga had been following him, of course. She supposed that that meant she was also following you.
Well she never claimed to be a good person anyways.
Regardless of the choices that were entirely her own, she wanted to get you out of this situation. Toga wanted you as far away from him as possible. She could stab him.
No, no. Too messy. Especially not on this street corner with this many people around. She concluded. This needed to be more discreet. She tried to think of her school friends, and what they would have done. Nothing useful. Her mind then drifted to the League, and what they might do in something similar. Also nothing. She didn’t think her colleagues were even capable of complex emotions like love or adoration.
Toga wasn’t sure what she expected from working alongside literal serial killers.
The less of a disaster, the better of a chance she has to connect with you. She’d thought. It doesn’t need to be good so long as it’s not messy.
No fun for today…
She dashed around a few tables in the plaza you were walking through, pushing herself in front of the man pursuing you so she had first access. There were very few people here this late into the evening, and she wondered how you didn’t see that someone had been following you since you stepped off the train. One last glance to ensure he was still there was all the push she needed to take the plunge.
“Y/N? Oh my god, it is you!” She gave you a wide smile when you turned to see who the voice calling your name belonged to. Her arms quickly extended to embrace you. “So good to see you. It’s been so long.” When Toga had you wrapped up in a tight hug, she leaned in to whisper into your ear. “I know you don’t know me, but that man in the green shirt has been following you since you got off the train. Maybe longer.”
This warm embrace shared between two strangers pretending to be friends was enough to scare off your stalker, it seemed. When you glanced over Toga’s shoulder to see what she was referring to, the only person you could see was a fading silhouette in the distance.
“Thank you.” You spoke into her shoulder while she still refused to let you go. When she finally did, she slipped her pocket knife into her bag subtly before extending her hand to you.
“Come on, I’ll walk you home.” She said to you. You didn’t know her name or anything about her, but you trusted her. And her face seemed so familiar. You gladly accepted her offer.
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wlw-imagines · 2 years
& the Reunion - Leah Williamson/Reader (AWFC)
part 3 out of 3 for the request: "leah williamson x uswnt reader who's on a loan to arsenal and the loan is going to an end so they'll have to do long distance"
a/n: um.. idk what happened i meant for it all to be fluff and then SOMEHOW a huge massive chunk of it became like angsty? sorry lmao! but also ! enjoy! last part of this mini series thing unless there are ideas for more but i feel this is a good place to stop :-) also sorry if anything is bad or doesn't make sense i did not proof read because i think if i did my brain would have exploded xox
part one (The Start of the Loan), part two (The End of the Loan), part three (The Reunion)
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It had been a rocky few months, you couldn't lie...
It had only been an international friendly.
You hadn't expected this kind of thing to happen to you at all but in a friendly of all games?
Time had kind of slowed down since the accident. Even if you really tried to remember the game you'd been playing, there was hardly anything there. You remembered the good luck call you had made to Leah just before the game, as always, and maybe you remembered parts of the half time talk by an overly-enthusiastic Sonnett. Other than that it was like a blank slate.
That probably had a fair amount to do with the drugs you'd been put on though.
Although, there were a couple of major things you did remember, that you really wished you didn't. You could recall the sound of your shin shattering to pieces and breaking through skin. You remembered your own primal scream as you went down. You remembered an explosion of pain in your knee. More than anything, you remember the horrified expression of your teammates as they saw you, and whilst they tried to comfort you. You saw it, felt it, and heard it all play out whenever you shut your eyes. On repeat. Again, and again, and agai-
"Leah's calling." Kelley's voice brought you out of your thoughts, momentarily breaking the never-ending cycle of events.
You slowly dragged your eyes from the frayed hem of your blanket covering your hospital bed, and over to Kelley, who was sat in the corner of the room. She had been sat there with you ever since you had arrived.
She nodded down to your phone in her hands as it vibrated and a picture of your girlfriend popped up.
You frowned slightly and just kept staring. She saw the vacant look in your eyes and stood up, "Hey, Y/N, babe?" Her voice called out again, and you saw her move towards you, "It's Leah." She stopped next to you and touched your hand, making you jump out of your stupor and focus on her properly, "It's going to ring out, do you want me to-"
You shook your head and turned it to face the other wall, "Leave it." Your voice was scratchy and dull but you didn't want to ask for water. You didn't want to do anything.
Kelley bit her lip and stayed next to you despite the fact that you refused to look at her. It was breaking her to see you like this. It had been mere hours since you had been admitted but it already felt like weeks.
She sighed and cleared her throat again. You heard the quiet buzzing resume, "She's calling again," This time, Kelley took your hand in hers and squeezed. "Y/N, come on."
"I don't want to talk to anyone. Please." You bottom lip trembled slightly as you withdrew your hand from hers.
"I-" She let out yet another sigh and stood up, answering the phone and putting it to her ear, "Hey, Leah."
Your eyes snapped round to her and you shook your head in disbelief, "Kelley." You hissed, shooting a glare her way.
She ignored you and nodded to the other person speaking on the phone. It was a few more seconds before she responded verbally, "Yeah, give me a second. I'll put her on."
You grunted as your muscles tensed slightly with your frustration. God, everything hurt, "Kelley, I don't-" You shook your head again but she kept her hand out, trying to get you to take the phone. Like a child, you refused to take it, keeping your hands firmly at your side.
In the end, she narrowed her eyes and held the phone to your ear herself. Without any more excuses, you managed to mumble out a greeting, "Hey."
Immediately Leah's warm, loving voice floated down the phone line. The comfort it brought you made tears prickle behind your eyes and you had to blink a few times and swallow the rising bubble of cries in your throat, "Y/N? Oh my god, my love, I just saw the news, that you're... are you okay?" You wished more than anything that she could be right there with you.
But something in the depths of your brain had shut down. Before you could say what you wanted to say - that you were hurt, scared, and overwhelmed, or that you weren't sure whether you could come back from this physically or (more scarily) mentally, or that you wanted to be at home (and by that you would mean with her - that home meant Leah) - before you could say anything at all, your brain just shut down, "I don't- I'm not really in the mood to talk to anyone right now."
She faltered, you could hear her confusion. You wanted her to point it out and say that you didn't sound like yourself, or that normally, if you could talk out your emotions with anyone, it would be her. But how was she to know to say that? "Yeah... yeah, of course, okay." She was trying to be supportive and do what you wanted her to do but you were shutting down and how do you say the right things when you can hardly stay awake and present.
The silence pressed on. She might have said something else but your body just wasn't working with you. Your ears were ringing and your brain hurt. You fumbled over what to say as your eyes glazed over slightly, "I'm just... I don't know what to say."
She spoke again and you could only just hear her, "Y/N... What's happened? Have you been seen by a doctor?" She asked more questions but your eyes became laser-focused on the fraying blanket edge, and you couldn't take in anything else.
"Leah, I've-" You swallowed, your tongue felt heavy and you felt sick. You couldn't do this right now, "I've, um, got to go, I- I'll give you back to Kelley."
She called out, "Y/N-"
You moved your ear away from the phone and shut your eyes, "Can you...?"
Kelley didn't move, "Y/N, talk to her," You pushed your head further away, "Fine, okay... Hey, Leah. Sorry, yeah, we're just waiting for news back from the scans and-"
Her footsteps receded from you and she walked out of your room, softly shutting the door behind her.
You winced and shifted as best you could. Despite the copious amounts of drugs being pumped into your system, there was still an insane amount of pain coursing through your body. With, what looked like, a shin fracture and a shattered knee cap in your right leg and your other ankle bruised and swollen, things weren't looking bright for your soccer career.
How were you going to get through this? You'd overcome a lot but... this? You weren't sure that it was even possible.
After another ten minutes or so, Kelley stepped back into the room. For the first time you noticed she still had her kit on. You blinked. You could see the grass stain on her shirt, a red stain too. You could see your team-the team's crest... she did her coat up. "Uh, I told her you'd talk later."
"You're not wearing shoes."
She looked down at her feet, and she wiggled her toes through her thick USWNT socks.
"Alex is getting me a change of clothes. They'll all be back soon."
"I just don't know what to say." You admitted, your chin wobbling again as another wave of tears threatened to spill.
"I am sorry," She spoke softly and came back to your side, gripping your hand, "I thought talking to her would make you feel better."
"I don't know what to do."
"It's okay."
You shook your head, "No, it's not."
"Let it out, you can cry." And just like that, the floodgates opened.
You sobbed in her arms, "I'm scared."
"I know, I know. Come here," She cradled you and kissed the top of your head, "I'm here for you, okay? We all are." She used her sleeves to wipe your tears and whispered comforting things in your ear, over and over again, "Things are going to work out, whatever happens," Kelley sat up, cupping your face with her hands and looking into your eyes, "Okay?"
"I-" You hiccuped and felt lost for words but you could see the honesty in her eyes and you believed her, "Okay. Yeah, okay."
The door opened again, "Miss Y/L/N," Your doctor smiled, "Let's have a look at your options, okay?"
"Hmm." You grunted and shifted in your bed, bringing the blankets further around your body. You could see that the lights in your bedroom had been turned on as the light crept its way through the blankets covering your head.
Christen tiptoed around the mess of your room - the clothes and rubbish from the past week strewn across the floor, "It's been a couple of days, how- How are you doing?"
You grunted again but this time followed up with a response, "Fine." You dragged the blanket off your head and blinked as your eyes got used to the light.
Christen smiled at you, "I'm gonna open a window, okay?" You didn't say anything in response and watched as she crossed your room and opened the curtains. Your eyes hurt as you looked out at the blue sky and you turned around in your bed so your back was to the window, "Where are your crutches?"
You shrugged, "I don't need them."
Christen bent down to start picking up clothes, "Have you done your exercises today?" You sighed and turned to look at her but the sun was still hurting your eyes.
You lay the blanket back over your eyes and sighed, "Can you shut the curtains?"
"When was the last time you went on a walk?" She ignored you as she threw the clothes into the laundry basket and put the rubbish in a trash bag she'd brought into your room.
You left the question unanswered again as you watched her go through all your stuff, making you weirdly annoyed. You felt that a lot recently for no apparent reason, "You don't have to tidy. I can do it."
"When was the last time you tidied up?"
"What's with the interrogation, Chris?"
Chris stopped what she was doing and sat next to you on the bed, like she had so many times before in the past month, "Y/N, you've got to look after yourself." She took hold of your hand.
"I am." You frowned.
"You're not."
You bit your lip as tears prickled behind your eyes and you turned away from her, "Is that all you came here to say?"
"Everyone on the team is doing everything they can to look after you because we love you, but you've got to start looking after yourself. Please."
You knew you weren't treating yourself well and how much longer could this go on? You were miserable.
You shuffled back over and turned to face Chris, who looked almost as upset as you, and took her hand again, "Okay." A smile immediately broke out on her face and her shoulders relaxed. She squeezed your hand, hard, and wiped the tears from her eyes as she got up.
"I'll put a wash on."
You pulled yourself up to a sitting position and sighed, looking around your mess of a room, "Can you just shut the curtains? Please?"
"Get up." Chris clapped her hands and you winced at the harsh noise.
Chris stood in front of you and held her hands out, "Come on. You shut them."
You pouted and brought your left, uninjured, leg to your chest and hugged it, "But... you opened them."
Chris gently lifted your right leg and helped you to stand to your feet, putting your arm around her shoulder so she could support you, "You're getting out of bed. Then, you're going to shut your own curtains. You'll have a bath and then I'll fix you something to eat and find your crutches. Sound good?"
"I don't-"
She ignored your objection and started walking to the window, forcing you to start walking with her, "Then we're going to do your exercises together - out in the garden because who knows when the last time you saw the outside world was."
"And after that you are going to call your girlfriend and-"
You tensed at that, "Okay, okay, I get it." You mumbled, looking down at the floor. It had been ages since you'd spoken to your girlfriend. You didn't even know where your phone was. The guilt of icing her out ate at your chest.
"She misses you."
"I know and I, I-" You took a deep breath, forcing her out of your mind just so that you could start on the little things and work up to calling her, and apologising for everything, "Curtains first?"
"Yep, curtains first. One step at a time." Chris smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
As soon as you heard the knock at the door you knew who would be waiting for you on the other side. You'd been counting down the days ever since the two of you had been in touch and organised the trip.
Even though she had been the one to knock on the door, she still did a double take when she saw you, "Y/N?"
"Hi." You shifted slightly on your feet, feeling a bit of awkward tension in the air. There was so much you needed to say to her.
She smiled gently and nodded past you, asking to come in, "Can I-"
You just nodded, taking a step forward to help her with her bags. She hesitated when she saw your crutch and put a hand on your shoulder to stop you. "It's okay, I can." You smiled stubbornly, not making eye contact with her. Leah ignored your comment and carried her own bags in. You bit your lip but you stepped back and let her into your place without further comment.
There was another moment of silence as she put her bags down and had a quick look around, taking in all the things that had changed.
You rested against the kitchen counter, bit your lip, and took a deep breath, "Leah? I'm so sorry."
Your girlfriend shrugged and played with her fingers to distract herself, "It's- I'm..."
"I really am sorry, I-"
She shook her head and moved towards you, stopping in front of you and taking your hand. Her other hand delicately placed on your cheek and her thumb wiped away a tear you didn't know had fallen, "You don't have to be. I forgive you, but you don't have to be sorry."
"I was so scared, and- and selfish." You sniffled, wrapping your arms around her waist and nestling your face into the crook of her neck. She hugged you back and repeatedly pressed gentle kisses to your shoulder and neck.
"No, I- I should have come sooner. I was scared you wouldn't want to see me."
You pulled back, wiping your cheeks with the cuffs of your jumper, "I'm happy you're here now." You gave her a smile, despite your tears and, for a moment, she just looked at you. You'd never felt more loved in your life.
"Me too."
You spent a few minutes just together again, getting used to how it was before your accident. You wished you'd never blocked her out, just being under her gaze made you feel unbelievably better - as if you could conquer anything.
Thinking about it all inevitably brought more tears to your face. Your thoughts spiralled slightly and your face crumpled.
"I'm never going to play again. Not at all like I used to." You whispered, pulling your gaze from her eyes and focusing them onto the floor. Every time you were forced to admit this out loud was painful and constricted your heart. This was meant to be your life.
She nodded, lifting your chin so that you were looking back into her eyes. "I know. I know, I'm sorry." Leah pulled you back into her body, tightly wrapping her arms around you. You didn't have the energy to bring your hands around her too but that was okay. She was letting you grieve.
You stayed like that for a few minutes. Leah stayed there with her arms protectively around you and swaying you to and fro. After your breathing had calmed down slightly and the tears were starting to dry up, you let out a shaky breath and she let you go and leant back slightly.
"It's - I'm okay, I'm coming to terms with it." You nodded to yourself, trying to convince yourself rather than her. You could see in her eyes that she didn't believe you but she also didn't object, "Have I said that I'm glad you're here?" You laughed, "I missed you. I've missed talking to you."
Leah's eyes lit up and she nodded, "I missed you too." She gently brushed your hair out of your eyes, everything she did was brimming with pure love. "I like being able to talk to you."
"I broke my phone." You said, in way of an apology and also a small part of an explanation of the complete silence from your end. That and you'd spiralled completely after the accident.
She raised an eyebrow, challenging you, "You broke it? I heard you threw it out of the window as a lorry was driving past."
You let out a snort of laughter at the absurd memory. You'd been in, and in many aspect still were in, a really dark place but there was something quite funny in your memory of chucking your phone out into the road and watching with joy as it was run over by the biggest truck you'd seen. Christen had not been impressed and had tried to make you go out and clean it up. You had just made Tobin do it.
You nodded, "Yeah. I have bad days and good days." You smiled.
Leah took your hand in hers again and helped you over to the couch, "More bad days than good?" She asked tentatively, sitting down next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders and protectively placing her hand on your thigh.
"Probably. Until last week, it was all bad days so I'm getting somewhere. Chris kicked me out of bed so that helped." You answered honestly, doing your best to stay honest with those that were important - you hadn't done enough of that lately.
"I'm proud of you. And of Chris, for kicking you out of bed."
"Meanie," You turned to stick your tongue out at her, "How long are you here for?" You asked gazing up at her.
"Jonas said I could take all the time I need. To start with, he's said I can have until the end of November."
You looked down and fiddled with the hem of your jumper, "You'll miss some games though."
"I should have missed more to be here earlier but from now on you are my one and only priority." She leant in to you and kissed your forehead.
"You should be back in London, playing." You persisted, letting out a guilty sigh.
Leah hugged you into her side, "You can't get rid of me that easily," She lifted your chin again to look her in the eyes, "And not until you're okay."
"What if I'm never okay?" You asked.
"That's alright too. I'll still be right here with you. Yeah?"
After five months of intense work on yourself, and with some incredible help from others, you were elated to say that you were in a much better place - both physically and mentally.
Leah stayed with you for the entirety of November, and took the last game of the season before the Christmas break off too in order to be able to stay with you that bit longer.
Luckily, by Christmas, you'd progressed enough that you could travel back to England with her and spend both Christmas day and New Years with her family. The flight had been long and difficult at times, and you'd probably been more grouchy than you would normally be, but part of your process was being more open and honest with your own emotions, and more honest with Leah as well.
No more icing her out.
By the New Year it was clear that you could never play soccer again. You may be able to kick a ball just fine but if you couldn't play anywhere near like you used to, then you knew you would never be happy as a soccer player. Besides, you felt that no team would ever want to sign you now.
You had cried plenty about it in Leah's arms but you were starting to seriously accept it. You started to join Arsenal practice sessions alongside Leah, only as a spectator and just for the nostalgia of it really. But every now and then you got to coach a small group of the team and actually - bossing people around was quite (very) fun.
After you got home with Leah, whilst she was in the shower, you sent a few messages to a couple of your contacts and looked into the training you'd need to take to be a coach. Casey Stoney was ecstatic to talk to you about it all and Vlatko suggested a meeting for when you returned to the States and Jonas said he'd keep an ear out for any coaching jobs.
You asked them to keep quiet about it all and quickly slammed the laptop shut as Leah entered the room, earning a suspicious look from her.
She raised an eyebrow and walked over to your side, leaning over your shoulder and hugging you, "What's that about?"
"Nothing." You smiled, dragging out each letter of the word and shooting her a cheeky smile over your shoulder. You could smell her shampoo from here and it made your heart warm.
She laughed, sending hot air over your neck and making you blush slightly, "Messaging your secret girlfriends, hmm?"
"Shit, how did you know?" You jokingly asked, turning round and wrapping your arms around her waist and flipping her onto the bed, giggling.
You were getting there. One step at a time.
A month later, you found yourself back on American soil, watching your old teammates warm up in preparation for the SheBelieves Cup.
You felt something soft collide with your head and you frowned, looking around you to see who'd thrown their... jumper at you? "Well, well, well, if it isn't the infamous Y/N Y/L/N." Emily Sonnett. "I thought you were never going to get back to the States. London has it's grip on you now, huh?" She grinned, putting her hands on your shoulders from behind and shaking you in greeting. You laughed and turned around, giving her a big hug.
Rose winked at you, "More like a certain blonde has a grip on her." You rolled your eyes and laughed, opening your arms to give Rose a hug as well.
"We've lost you to the English. Your babies are going to be British with their fancy little accents." Emily jokingly gasped, being overly dramatic as always.
You pushed her shoulder back, "Yeah, yeah, tease all you want Sonny, you're just jealous."
Sonny just brushed you off and chose to ignore your comment, which only made you laugh harder, "Have you come to shout at us and make us run faster? I hear you're causing quite the drama at Arsenal, playing coach and making them all do push ups at the slightest thing."
"Oh yeah? I'll have ten push ups from you for that." You winked at her and she scoffed.
"For what?"
You shrugged, "I just feel like it."
"You're not my coach, I don't have to actually do push ups... Right?" She looked at Rose uncertainly when a voice came from behind her.
"Sonnett, on the ground! 10 push ups!" Vlatko shouted, smiling at you.
"You're kidding." She groaned and turned to look at him in disbelief.
She tried to protest again, "But-"
"That'll be 25 push ups!"
"Okay, fine!" She relented and got down on the ground, but not before sticking her middle finger up at you. You laughed and watched as she started the push ups, throwing her jumper back at her whilst she did them.
Vlatko walked to your side and nudged you, "Ready for our chat? They can get started whilst we talk."
"Yeah, sounds good!" You nodded eagerly, and followed him to the side of the pitch.
He took a seat and motioned for you to sit down next to him, "It's good to see you again. It's been a while."
"Yeah, thanks for having me."
"It's our pleasure," He shook his head and smiled, "How have you been doing?"
You took a deep breath, "It's been... hard. I've learnt a lot about myself. I'm lucky to be surrounded by such great people, I owe them a lot." You looked out to the field and nodded towards your teammates.
"From what I can tell you've been doing well for yourself." He grinned and you raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah?"
"I heard about the new job." He leant towards you and lowered his voice to share the secret.
"You did?" You smiled. It felt good to talk about it, it made it seem way more real, which was exciting.
He nodded and shrugged, "I have my connections."
"I haven't really told anyone yet. I'm waiting to surprise Leah."
"Your secret is safe with me. I promise."
"Thanks," You laughed, "Yeah, well, I'm actually back here to pack up my stuff ready for the move."
He nodded and leant back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest, "Well, if you need any help you know where I am."
"Thank you, seriously." You turned towards him to make eye contact, wanting to get across how grateful you truly were.
"No need to thank me," He shook his head and put an arm on the back of your shoulder, "I am so very proud of you. You really deserve this."
You smiled and nodded to the pitch, "Well, if you ever need an assistant coach-"
"You'll be the first one I call." He smiled and stood up.
"Am I okay to stick around for a bit? Pick up some new coaching tips maybe." You stood up too and stretched out your leg.
"Of course, stay as long as you'd like. You're always welcome, Y/N."
You smiled as you watched him walk off, feeling good about how things were turning out. When you turned to look back to the pitch where the girls were still doing exercises and warming up, you saw Alex making her way towards you.
"Y/N!" She yelled and waved excitedly.
You grinned and mirrored her, waving back as energetically as you could manage, "Alex!"
As she got close enough you both wrapped your arms around each other in a big hug, "What are you doing here?"
"This is my new hangout spot, apparently." You shrugged and smiled.
She pulled a face that made it clear she was scheming something and said, "It could work out very well that you're here..."
"Do I need to be suspicious?" You asked, looking around you to try and spot what she was planning for you.
"No, I just, I had to bring Charlie today - and feel free to say no - but ever since we saw you the other day, she hasn't stopped talking about it-"
You brightened up considerably, "Charlie's here?" You looked around again, this time looking for a Charlie-shaped human.
Alex linked her arm with you and rested her head on your shoulder, "Yeah, last minute childcare issue. Would you mind watching her until her nanny arrives?"
"Are you kidding? Of course." You nodded. You'd seen a lot of the pair over the past few days but you could never get enough of little Charlie - aka the cutest human on the Earth (sorry Leah - obviously meant to say Charlie is the cutest little human on the Earth).
"Are you sure?" Alex asked.
"Completely! Yes, it'd be a treat."
She squeezed your hand and let out a sigh of relief, "You're a dream, she's with Kell at the moment."
"I'll come over with you. I always need a Kelley hug." You grinned as the two of you made your way over to the group of girls.
"Honestly, thank you so much."
You shrugged slightly, "No worries, Al, trust me. Anyways I'll take all the practice I can get," You said before hesitating and processing what you had actually just said. You felt your cheeks go red and you shook your head, "I mean, that didn't come out right."
"You and Leah?" Alex raised an eyebrow.
"No, no, we haven't even talked about it. I just meant... if we were to-"
Alex let out a laugh and interrupted your chaotic train of thought, "Don't sweat it. If it makes you feel better, you don't have to give me any kind of answer. But I will be talking about this at your wedding."
Your protest was cut off as you arrived to where Kelley and Charlie were, "Charlie, guess who's here? Aunty Y/N!"
"Aunty Y/N!" Charlie put both her hands in the air and cheered.
"Listen, I'm going to dash and call Lisa, the nanny, I'll be back in a sec." Alex said and you nodded. She squeezed your arm and mouthed 'thank you' again before she left.
You forgot all about your awkwardness of the previous conversation about kids with Alex and you reached out your arm to wave at the little girl, "Hello, gorgeous!"
"I'm so sorry, I have a girlfriend." Kelley smirked at her joke and you just rolled your eyes.
"Ha ha." You stuck your tongue out at her, "Hi Kelley. And hello to my favourite Charlie in the world."
"Y/N!" She laughed and reached for you. You smiled and lifted her up on to your hip, giving her a big hug.
You also gave Kelley a half hug with your spare arm, "How are you?"
She squeezed you tight and then tried to lift both you and Charlie a little into the hug, "Doing well, you?" You laughed as she let you go and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm doing good," Putting Charlie back on the ground, you took a hold of her hand, "I'm here to steal Charlie off of you. We're going to hang out for a bit, how does that sound?" You asked Charlie, swinging her arm lightly and she grinned up at you, nodding.
Kelley cocked her head to the side, "You're staying?"
"Yeah, I have to head home later to pack but I think I'll stay for training." You smiled, feeling happy to just be back on the pitch and with the same people you'd spent years around.
"Back to England so fast?"
You bit your lip as you checked your surroundings and leant into Kelley, "You can't tell anyone or I will kick your shins but yes, I've got a job offer so... I'm moving." You grinned. Seems like one person had found out and now you couldn't stop yourself from talking about it.
"No way! Congrats! Does Leah know?" Kelley beamed at you, a look of joy on her face.
"Not yet. I'm flying over at the weekend to surprise her so I'm going to tell her then."
She smiled and hugged you again, more gently this time, "That's amazing. I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks Kell, honestly," You smiled and took in a deep breath, trying not to cry. You'd come so far and you would never have got here without your friends, "Anyway, I should let you get to work."
"Yeah, geez, stop distracting me." She smiled before waving down to Charlie, "Goodbye, cutie."
You smirked at her, "I actually have a girlfriend."
"Oh, ha ha." She rolled her eyes back at you and you laughed, watching her run off to the rest of the team.
"Ready, Charlie?" You asked and she grinned, nodding, "Let's go!" You cheered, running off to where her bag had been left.
She tried to race you so you pretended to trip a bit to let her overtake you before running at the slowest pace you may have ever had to run.
When she beat you to the bag, she cheered and laughed so hard, it made it worth it to let her win.
"I'm the most fast in the world!" She yelled. You clapped whilst she took a bow, before sitting down and getting some toys out of her bag. "Will you play with me?"
"Of course I will, thank you." You sat down next to her, and took the character figurine she was holding out to you.
As you were playing and making up extensive story lines for Charlie's toys, your phone began to ring with a FaceTime call from Leah. You paused your playing, much to Charlie's annoyance, so you could accept the call before starting to play again.
"Hello, my love." You smiled into your camera. At first the screen was black but then there was movement and Leah appeared.
"Evening, sorry, I dropped my phone." She wiped at her eyes and let out a yawn before snuggling beneath some blankets.
You frowned, worried about your girlfriend and annoyed you couldn't be there in person to check in on her, "You sound like you just woke up. You doing okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, I've just been tired a lot lately." She grumbled and then pouted, "I miss waking up next to you."
"Me too." You wanted to be there next to her so desperately but you had to make yourself feel better by thinking about your permanent future together - as soon as you started your new job you could see her every day, "I'll be back soon, I promise."
"I'm counting down the days already." She shot you a tired smile, shuffling her head over the blankets in the way of the phone so she could see you as clearly as possible.
"Hopefully just a couple weeks." You lied, sending her a wink to make up for it.
"Hmm," She grumbled again but she perked up when she head Charlie's voice next to you, "Is that Charlie?"
You turned your phone to Charlie, "It is! Say hi, Charlie."
"Hello!" She waved and stood up to come and stand next to you so you could both be on the screen at the same time.
Leah's face brightened as she sat up in bed and waved to Charlie through her phone, "Hi baby!"
You pressed a kiss to the side of Charlie's head and let her go on playing, watching her walk back to her toys and lay them out in a different way so she could start playing again. You glanced back to your phone and caught a glimpse of Leah looking at with what could only be described as complete and utter heart eyes, "Don't give me that look."
She shrugged innocently, "What look?"
You just smiled, "She's cute, huh?"
"Yeah, she is." Leah agreed, and there was a short silence. You thought she was going to say something else but there was knock on her door and someone talked to her. She appeared back on your screen, "Katie's cooked dinner tonight so I should go," She got out of bed and sighed, "I just wanted to see you and talk to your for a bit."
You leant your chin on your hand, "I love you."
"I love you too." She smiled close to the camera, "Talk later?"
"See you later. Bye!" You kissed your camera several times before hanging up and putting your phone on the grass.
You laid down on your front in the grass next to Charlie and picked up one of her toys.
"She's right, you are the cutest, huh?"
She nodded in the most matter of fact way and said, "Yeah."
"Yeah?" You laughed, "Do you think I should have a little baby? A cousin for you to play with, huh, would you like that?"
"Yes! I think you should have a girl, like me." She smiled.
You leaned towards her to share the biggest secret of all, "Hmm, I think me too but, shh, don't tell anyone."
"I could show them my toys!" She went back to her bag and handed you one, "She could have this one. When I am old." Your heart melted at her smile and you nodded.
"You could? Wouldn't that be lovely!" You grinned, letting your heart get ahead of itself. You hadn't even moved back to England yet and you were already planning big things for the future.
Charlie pointed to someone behind you, "Look. Mama!"
Alex heard her kid call for her and looked up from the ball, you smiled, "Hi Mama Alex! Wave, Charlie!" and the two of you sat together on the sidelines, waving at whoever came close enough and playing with her toys.
Sneaking into Borehamwood was like a secret spy operation. (It really wasn't, at all, it was the easiest thing you've done - no one on the team saw you).
You sat in the stands with your cap and sunglasses, watching the match and cheering on your girlfriend, as well as all your friends whenever they got a touch.
Looking back, you really did an awful job going undercover as, by the half time whistle, photos of you at the game were all over twitter and the camera man for the tv coverage had panned over to you multiple times.
As soon as the game ended, Leah made eye contact with you and grinned, rolling her eyes.
"A couple more weeks! You liar!" She happily yelled over the barrier as the two of you walked towards one another.
You made your way through the crowds and were allowed to go through the barrier onto the pitch, and immediately wrapped your arms around her waist and lifted her gently, "I'm sorry I lied, I wanted to surprise you."
"It's okay, I forgive you. But only because it was such a great surprise." She quickly pressed a quick kiss to your lips before looking around and blushing.
You grinned, "You're cute, you know that?"
Katie put her arms around the two of you and squeezed into the hug. "You know, it's only been two weeks and she was genuinely going crazy without you." She put her arm around your neck and ruffled your hair.
"It's good to see you, Katie." You laughed, trying to duck out of her grip.
She gave you a side hug, "Same to you. I'll see you at home?" She winked at the two of you and disappeared off to see some people waiting and asking for pictures and autographs.
"I'm so, so glad you're here," Leah kissed your cheek, "I'm going to say hi to some fans and then we'll leave?"
You nodded, letting go of her so she could join Katie at the barriers, "No worries, take your time."
As she was walking off, Tobin ran to you and jumped on your back, wrapping her legs around your waist. She completely unbalanced you and you both went tumbling to the floor in laughter.
Leah's voice came from far away, "Careful!" She called out and looked for your reaction, you gave her the thumbs up.
"I'm okay!" You called out and she visibly relaxed, returning to the girl she had been speaking to.
Tobin patted your stomach with her hand, "You good?" She asked, rolled onto her side and propping herself up on the grass with her elbow.
You smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm great." You sat up on the grass and pushed her so she fell on her back, "Thanks for rugby tackling me to the floor."
She laughed and sat up too, facing you, "Anytime! It's so good to see you!"
"You too, it's been a while and I missed you when I dropped into camp." You pouted, she'd chosen to sit out on the camp that had just passed with the team in order to start up with Arsenal.
She shrugged and nodded, "It felt weird not the be there but wanted to settle in here. I missed everyone though."
"Yeah, it makes sense. They obviously missed you too," You pulled at her shirt and winked, "You really suit the Arsenal look, Tobes."
"Thanks," She laughed, looking down at her kit. Her face lit up and she leant towards you, "And congrats by the way! Kelley told me about yo-"
You shook your head and shushed her quickly, "I am never trusting Kelley with a secret ever again." You groaned, looking to Leah to make sure she hadn't heard anything.
Tobin followed your gaze and raised an eyebrow, smirking, "You haven't told her?"
"Not yet. Tonight." You bit your lip to surprise a grin but Tobin caught it all the same.
"You're such a romantic."
You shoved her to the ground again, "Shut up."
"You're so in love!" She shouted from the floor, grabbing you and pulling you down with her. She lowered her voice again, "I mean, moving halfway across the world for a girl? For the second time? Come on."
You managed to sit back up, "Pfft." Your gaze was drawn to your girlfriend who was laughing at your antics with the fans.
You waved and smiled before Tobin tapped your back, "Let's go, before she takes her shirt off and I lose your attention completely. You'll start drooling soon."
"I don't drool."
"You sure?" She raised an eyebrow and turned around. Whilst she wasn't looking, you quickly checked just to double check you weren't drooling - nope, definitely not, take that Tobin!
You felt Leah snake her arm around your side, "Hello, my love." She kissed your cheek, close to your ear.
Katie appeared the other side of you, "Are you guys coming out for drinks?"
Leah looked at you and you looked back, "Uh, actually I was wondering if I could talk to you... back at yours?"
"Is this code for something?" Katie asked, looking between the two of you with a suspicious look.
Leah hesitated, "I- no? I don't think so." And you shook your head, smiling.
"No. I genuinely just need to talk to you about something. No code, I promise." The group of you walked off the pitch and into the kit room.
Katie raised an eyebrow, "Well, now I'm intrigued."
"Nothing to worry about. It's good... I think?"
"Okay? Yeah, of course," Leah nodded, her arm still around you. She nodded to the others, "You guys go ahead and we'll see you later."
Katie gave one last suspicious look between the two of you before shrugging, "No worries, see you later."
"Good luck." Tobin fake whispered as she walked past you, patting the back of your shoulder.
Leah stopped in the corridor and raised an eyebrow, watching Tobin go before turning to you, "Good luck?"
You just shook your head, shrugging it off, "It's just Tobin being Tobin."
"Stop being suspicious, I love you." You smiled, pressing a kiss to the her nose and then her lips.
"Okay, fine, I love you too."
As Katie left to go to the car park, she walked past the two of you, "My money is on Y/N being pregnant." She jokingly shouted as she walked out.
"Yes, Katie, you've cracked it. I am pregnant with Leah's baby." You called after her and she cheered.
"Got it in one."
The front door to Leah's place shut and immediately Leah dropped all her bags. You left your suitcase in the hallway and walked into the lounge with her.
She fidgeted around for a few seconds before turning to you, "You don't have to tell me what you want to talk about now, but do I need to, like, prepare for what it is?"
You stepped towards her and took her hands in yours, stopping her from fidgeting, "I'm sorry, I feel like I've stressed you out. I can tell you now, it doesn't need to wait for anything in particular. I just wanted to tell you when we were alone."
"No, I'm fine, I just- It's not bad, is it?" She asked, biting her lip.
You smiled and squeezed her hands, shaking your head, "No, not bad," You sat down on the couch and, when she joined you, you moved to sit cross legged so you could face her, "I've been offered a job."
Her eyebrows shot up and she turned to face you too, "What? Oh my god, I- congratulations! As a coach?"
You nodded, "Yeah."
Leah's face lit up as she gazed at you, "I'm... I am so proud of you."
"I'm sorry I made it seem more serious than it is." You winced and she shook her head.
"No, this is serious! Well, I mean good serious. It's big news." She licked her lips and leant forward to press a kiss to your lips.
She pulled away slightly and you bit your lip, "Yeah." Leah sat back down but pulled you closer to her so you were almost in her lap.
"Where... where would you be working?" She asked.
You rested your hands in between the two of you, "Angel City offered me a contract as a coach, starting straight away." You could feel her tense slightly and her eyebrows rose again, but not as much as before. You could tell she was trying to hide her disappointment.
"That's- oh my god, yeah, that is great news! With Christen there, especially." She nodded to herself.
"Yeah..." You shrugged, "Well, so did Lyon, actually."
She made eye contact again and her smile grew slightly, "Really? I'll support you whatever you choose, but... Lyon! That's- It would be amazing. I mean, it's closer than LA. It's pretty much the same time zone as London. Did you- which one did you choose?"
"I turned Lyon down." You scrunched up your face.
"Oh?" She asked and then quickly changed to try and sound more positive, "Yeah, that's good. You know, the stuff going on at Angel City sounds really exciting."
"Yeah, but I-"
"And I think California would be a nice! The sun, the water, the... it will be fun!"
You tried to shuffle as close as you could to stop her from talking, "I turned Angel City down too."
"What? But- I thought you wanted to go into coaching. This is such a great opportunity for you." She frowned and looked at you, trying to work out where you were going with this, "I don't get it."
"You know how much I want to be with you? And be here-"
She grinned and rolled her eyes, "And be my WAG, yes I know. And I love you so much, Y/N. But I can't be the one that stops you from going after what you have worked so hard for."
"You're not. I promise you." You took a deep breath, here goes nothing, "I was also offered a job here, by West Ham, working with their Women's team and Academy players."
Leah seemed to stop breathing for a moment and you swear that, if you listened closely, you could hear the cogs turning in her brain.
She blinked slowly, "In- here? In London?" She asked and you nodded.
"Oh my god." She breathed out but didn't react any further. You gulped silently and searched her eyes for any other meaning behind her reaction, or lack there-of.
You put your hand on her forearm, "That's a good oh my god, right? It's not the 'oh my god' of someone who's disappointed or like, I don't know, signed a contract somewhere else to be with her girlfriend?"
Finally, her eyes sparkled again and a grin broke out on her face, "No, no, it's a good oh my god." Leah shook her head, "I mean- they've asked me whether I want to renew and I haven't decided yet because I wanted to talk to you first but-"
Your eyes widened, "Oh my god."
"What should I do?"
"Are you kidding? Please stay. Arsenal is your home. Plus, who am I going to live with if not you?" You laughed.
"You don't have a place to live yet, do you?"
"Who do you think I am? Of course not. All my stuff is currently being shipped across the ocean and I have nowhere to put it."
She leant forward on her knees and wrapped her legs around your waist to sit in your lap, "I love you. Never change," She put her hands under your cheeks and smiled, "At least the spare bedroom is still free."
You put your hands on her hips, "If I remember correctly, I didn't make much use of having my own room last time I lived here."
"Or the times you weren't technically living here but came to live with me all the same." She brushed her nose against yours.
"It's just comfier with you in your room." You spoke softly, just before she connected her lips to yours. You moved your hands up to her waist under her shirt and leant back.
She smiled, "Hmm," She pushed you back and followed so that you were both lying on the couch, her slightly on top of you, "I can't believe we're getting to live together again. I can wake up next to you everyday."
You stretched out your legs and circled your arm around her, pulling her further on top of you, "Maybe we should start saving up for somewhere, just us?"
"Have our own place?" She rested her arm on your stomach and put her hand down to rest on your chest, just over your heart.
"I just like the idea. Me and you." You mumbled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
She sighed, both of you in a complete sense of comfort and love, "We could get a house with a nice garden and lots of space for kids and a dog and- what?" She lifted her head to look up at you.
You kissed the tip of her nose and smiled, "I just love you so much. That's all."
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moonbeamoclock · 3 years
really just friends? Annie Leonhart x fem!reader
a/n: ….i know that this is lazy but i feel bad for not posting anything for awhile so i wanted to give you this abandoned draft. it had started out as a request but i decided to do something else entirely with it so they’ll be more annie content soon i promise. but for now here’s some scraps 🤲
tw: language
A compilation of Annie and the Reader being just totally best friends and nothing more... 👀👀
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“Why are they sitting so close together like that?” Connie asked Jean lowly.
“I don’t know it’s kind of weird. Do you think they’re dating?” He questioned.
“Maybe, that would explain a lot...you should ask.” Connie nudged him with his elbow.
Whipping his head to give the other boy a baffled look, he practically shouted;
“No way, why me!?”
As the two boys were busy arguing, Armin and Eren walked over and sat down at the table watching as their disagreement started to get more heated.
“Okay wait, what are you guys even fighting about?” Armin asked.
There was an awkward pause before Connie spoke up and said:
“We’re trying to figure out if Annie and Y/n are dating.”
Armin had almost choked on the bread he was eating, coughing a bit as he spoke, “What would ever give you the idea that they were dating?”
Eren then chimed in gesturing over to the table where the two girls sat quietly, “They are sitting oddly close right now.”
As inconspicuous as possible (and horribly failing) the boys turned their heads to study their fellow cadets.
“It just looks like they’re friends eating dinner together to me,” Armin said turning back to his food in front of him.
“I think you’re right Armin, I don’t think they’re together like that” Connie agreed.
Jean shook his head saying, “If they were friends they wouldn’t be sitting like that.”
There was a pause before Eren replied with a smirk on his face “Well you and Marco sometimes sit like that, what does that mean?” relishing in the way Jean’s face turn about three shades darker as he tried to stutter out an excuse before speaking again, “Shut up, they look like they’re in love, they have to be dating.”
Connie straightened up exclaiming, “We should place a bet and then try and figure out who’s right!” All the boys excitedly agreed, starting to discuss how exactly they would go about observing their subjects without being caught.
At the same time across the room, Annie and Y/n sat quietly eating their dinner. Finding comfort after a grueling day of training in the feeling of each other’s shoulders pressed lightly together and the sounds of Mina and some other cadet talking quietly.
Both of them were completely unaware of the conversation about them going on just a few tables away.
Annie turned to speak to the (y/e/c) eyed girl, “It’s supposed to be a clear night tonight, we should go look at the stars later.”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, “I thought you were tired, don’t you want to go to bed?”
“Yeah, but you like looking at the stars, so I’ll stay up a little while to watch with you if you’d like.”
A smile spread across her face as she nodded her head, “Okay, let’s go then.”
The two of them got up to leave gathering their things to leave. Annie quickly snatched Y/n’s tray from her hands carrying it herself over to put it away. She just shook her head while smiling, following after like a puppy. Then the two girls walked outside, shoulders still brushing against each other.
Jean leaned in to whisper to the group as the girls walked past, “Did you see that? Since when has Annie ever done anything nice for anyone?”
“Jean they are best friends, none of us are close like that with Annie so we don’t really know how she acts towards her good friends,” answered Armin. “I’ll show you tomorrow, they’re really just friends.”
2. The next morning, they were practicing hand-to-hand combat. Y/n was desperately trying to convince Annie to spar with her while the other girl simply ignored her.
“Please, please, please? Just the once, it’ll be fun!” Y/n pleaded gently poking the girl's arm.
Annie rolled her eyes but moved to create space for the two of them to spar. “I’m not gonna go easy on you though so just….pay attention.” she finally said lifting her hands in front of her face.
Across the field, Eren stood with Reiner as he tried to quietly explain the discourse about their fellow trainees.
"What do you think Reiner? What side are you on?" Eren asked as the two of them watched Y/n hop excitedly in front of Annie.
"Honestly, she's not really the kind of person to....care for...people like that," Reiner responded shaking his head to get rid of his wandering thoughts.
The moment Eren was about to argue the unsettling sound of a body hitting the ground startled him out of his train of thought, looking over to see Y/n splayed out on the ground and a worried-looking Annie hunched over her. There was a small group forming around the two of them wondering what had happened.
"Dammit Y/n, I thought you said you were ready you know how to defend against that move what the hell. Oh God, are you okay? Can you breathe? Hold on don't move I'll take you to the infirmary, okay?" Annie panicked scrambling to pick the other girl up without jostling her too much.
"What's your problem, huh? Mind your business!" Annie snapped at the people starting to mumble around her. Carrying you away from the eyes of your fellow cadets.
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yaeluvz · 2 years
Run 2 U !
★ eleven : Pretty Girl
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AN: a little glance on yn's side 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 asks are greatly appreciated !!
Tag List : Send Asks !!
@person-standing @nar-nia @maeum-your @ddeonuism @blessed-sky @chimajeyn @neozon3nha @forneveryoung @acciomylove @bloomedberry @hoonieswrld @moatrash @centheodd @jniscvl @hiqhkey @idyllicangel @lunaflvms @soobin-chois @archerheejin @shinsou-rii @anik-4 @pixyseeun @xranex @soobzao @fairycheol @ifwtyun @bigtoewinwin
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ꗃ about : Wonyoung has two things on her mind. One hoping to pass her classes and TWO to finally get the attention of her long time crush. Determined to make "yn" finally notice her she accidentally might've led the girl to believe she's this creepy (but cute) stalker that comes to her workplace everyday without a fail.
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asgardwinter · 2 years
⚠️🤎😭 (bonus points if the commoner works at the palace/castle where the royal lives cause I'm obsessed with that dynamic)
i looove a good royal au and the royal x commoner trope is perfection, hope you like the outcome <3
Perfect Start
summary | The perfect start for a non-existent love story.
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pairing | Princess!Wanda Maximoff x Commoner!fem!Reader
warnings | fluff in the very beginning, unrequited love (at least one side thinks it is), angst angst angst and no happy ending (but i need to say that i wanted they to be happy 😭)
word count | 688
author’s note | this is completely historically inaccurate, it’s my first time writing for Wanda because she just give me those royal vibes and i hope i made her justice
prompts: ⚠️ - a love triangle, a character making their final choice; 🤎 - royal x commoner; 😭 - unrequited love
Misc. Characters Masterlist | join the taglist! | Main Masterlist
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When you thought about how the two of you had the perfect start for a book romance you weren’t exaggerating nor lying. The princess' usual trips to the palace kitchen — the kitchen you worked in every day — turned out into more than you were expecting.
The way Wanda would come down to visit you exactly on time for your very small lunch break and you’d steal some of the food for the fastest picnic that ever existed under the trees of the most hidden part of the garden.
You started baking more of those muffins she loved so much for breakfast, the king and the queen suddenly confused about the pile of sweets in the center of their huge table, but Wanda’s smile was enough to make you make up an excuse about how you accidentally made three full recipes. Pietro found out that day because of the looks the both of you exchanged, the teasing that came from him was so obnoxious but you gained a good friend in the middle of that mess.
If you were going to look at your relationship you were friends, very good ones but it didn’t go past that. You couldn’t kill the hope that bubbled up inside you when you held her hand under the trees and she squeezed it back, when you placed a strand of hair behind her ear and she leaned into your hand.
As a suitor for her got in the palace you figured it was time to tell the princess you’d follow her till the end of the world, that you loved her with all her heart. You didn’t want to lose her as they started to spend more time together, hoping it was just an obligation.
You chose the woods right outside the kitchen, the perfectly hidden place only a few feet away from the most busy place in the palace. Breathing deeply as you crossed the back door and saw her standing there in simple clothes to not call attention. Wanda could look as beautiful in those as she was in a ball gown and you had no idea how.
“The note you left me seemed very urgent.” Wanda looked at you, the worry was all over her face. “Did something happen to you?”
“No, no.” You were quick to light it up. “I needed to tell you something.”
“So don't waste your time! I’m a curious person.”
“I love you.” You blurted out
“Oh.” It was Wanda’s only response.
The silence extending itself only made your heart beat faster in the waiting for her next words, the words that were stuck in her throat and she swallowed the back.
“I can’t… I don’t love you like this.” Wanda made sure to punctuate that specific word, the one that shattered your heart in microscopic pieces. “I’m getting married in three months, you know it, we’re announcing the engagement this week.”
You nodded, trying to hold the tears inside as you smiled. “I didn’t know you were so sure about Prince Vision, that the both of you were so… committed.” She didn't miss the bitter tone in your voice. “Well, so congratulations.”
“Thank you.” Wanda answered unsure. “I…”
There was no way you could keep yourself there listening without breaking down. “Oh! I forgot that they needed me back in the kitchen.” You gave the shitty excuse, already moving away from her. “We can talk later if you want.”
She called you but you only walked faster to the back door, disappearing inside to find the first hidden place to lock yourself in for the next half hour.
You missed the single tear that slided down her cheek, how she buried her face on the pillow that night. You didn’t see how the facade she put on crumbled down to pieces as soon as you were out of sight. But she had a duty and marrying Prince Vision was a part of it.
It didn’t matter that her heart only felt that warm when she was next to you, Wanda wouldn’t allow you to live half a life by her side because of it.
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Everything: @writing-for-marvel @ju5tyna20
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mrtwizz · 2 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
Last Edit: January 23, 2022
None of the Gifs are mine 
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Nothing here yet...
Max Mayfield-
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Nothing here yet...
Nancy Wheeler-
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Nothing here yet...
Robin Buckley-
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Nothing here yet...
Billy Hargrove- 
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Nothing here yet...
Steve Harrington-
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The Plan -
Summary: After a hectic few days of life threatening situations, Steve and Y/n realize they can’t live without each other and confess their love
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pughpughpughbitches · 3 years
Childhood Crush to Celebrity Crush
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Florence Pugh x Reader
Idea by @ideas-for-you-to-adopt .
TW: none, just fluff… , Word Count: 1,252
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(Y/n) was in a band that was just getting big thanks to their new single ‘Still Not Over You.’ It’s a song about not being over one’s childhood crush. It was relatable to so many and quickly became a chart topper. That led the band where they are now. (Y/n), Steve, James, and Sam talking about the single that was taking over the nation in a live studio audience interview. They were honored and excited, and the boys were pretty excited to spill the tea on (Y/n) true intent on writing the song. Sitting down before Jimmy Kimmel, it wasn’t long before the four were asked about it. “So, I heard (Y/n) is your designated song-writer? If that’s true, then, (Y/n)… What was the inspiration to your song? Everyone wants to know!” He said as audience cheered to emphasize his point. This made the three boys blush as their only female member turned red in the face.
“Jesus, Jimmy,” (Y/n) exhale as the boys stared at her with gigantic, shit-eating grins on their lips as they waited for her to answer. They could already tell she was nervous by the red tint on her cheeks and by the fact she quickly took a sip of her water. “I swear, these boys are going to torture me after this. Okay, I tried to keep it gender neutral because I know that there are listeners that are into people that might not share the gender of my crush. I’ll start there. My childhood crush was and still is a girl. Is that a good hint for everyone in the crowd?” The sound of cheers made (Y/n) feel confident in her answer, a hand pressed to her chest to calm her nerves. Jimmy quickly noticed this, grabbing her another water from behind his desk, passing it to her. Something she accepted greatefully.
Drinking more of the water, she glanced at James who cleared his throat. Obviously, he was going to expose her some more. Something she was not prepared for. Especially know how quickly social media would figure it out. “Here’s what I know about her, Jimmy. They’re childhood friends, obviously. She crushed on her since they were kids, like the songs entail. They pretended to be married, again, in the lyrics. But, here’s what you don’t know. She is in the industry. The filming one.” He said with a smirk as everyone began to go wild in the crowd and Jimmy looked at (Y/n) who turned a darker shade of red as she threw a glare towards her bandmate. His words and the glare caused Jimmy, Steve, and Sam to laugh loudly as (Y/n) shook her head playfully at the boy.
Steve then decided to join in on the fun. “You know, I heard she really enjoys to cook. She does like these little Instagram stories that have her cooking so many different dishes. (Y/n), here, has attempted to make each one and has failed.” He teased, causing (Y/n) to nudge him gently. Steve laughed loudly at this. “Okay, okay… One more hint from me and then I’m done. Her laugh is infectious. Genuinely. They’re still friends and have FaceTimed, and when she talks to us, we all have a good laugh together.” Steve finishes, his band mates nodding in agreement as (Y/n) placed her head in her hands. She couldn’t believe all this was happening.
Sam rubbed his hands together as everyone looked at him expectantly. Even (Y/n) spared him a glance to see what he was going to say as the last one speaking on the matter. “Aw, shit, they took all the good ones. But, I have one better. She is a fantastic dancer.” He mentioned, leaning back as he winked at the crowd, hoping he tied it all together, working with Steve’s mention of the Instagram content. The crowd seemed to be searching frantically on their phone now as the interview time came to an end, leaving (Y/n) there to smile sheepishly as she waved goodbye. She knew this was going to happen, but it didn’t make it any less scary. Now, Florence was going to know about the crush she had on her since they were six, playing in the sandbox. Now, Florence was going to know she lied when saying she had a crush on Justin in their last year of school.
(Y/n) wasn’t mad at her band mates either. She knew it was going to happen and if she told them to stop, they definitely would. However, she really did think they would use less detail. It wasn’t going to take Sherlock to guess who her very obvious celebrity crush is. It seemed like people were already on top of it as her phone dinged with messages from Florence. However, she avoided the texts, not wanting to talk about it until she had the right words. And, who knew when that would be. She wanted to be ready. They were flying back to England tomorrow, so she would rather wait and talk about this in person. Even with the spam calling Florence was now doing, causing her to turn her phone off. Sighing, she ran a hand down her face. “Hey, sorry if we went to far out there. If we did, please feel free to tell us and we’ll clear the whole thing up.” Steve said with a gentle hand on your shoulder. He was always a gentleman.
Smiling softly at his words, (Y/n) shook her head. No, they didn’t go to far. It was her song that exposed her. Her band mates just gave her a teasing push. Steve’s phone went off and he looked at it confused. “Hello, Florence?” (Y/n)’s eyes widened at the name Steve spoke of before turning the corner to escape it. “Oh, no. I think she is doing something right now. Maybe she’ll call you late.” She heard Steve, smiling thankfully at the save. Sighing, she got in their shared rental car, heading towards the hotel. Tomorrow, she was going to go to Florence’s and face her properly. (Y/n) promised herself that as she attempted to go to sleep before she had to.
The next day, she read through messages of people guessing about the celebrity crush. Some said Elizabeth Olsen, which was not too far off. They did both star in Marvel movies with Scarlett Johansson, after all. Plenty of them connected the dots though, already making edits and publishing photos paparazzi got of Florence and (Y/n) hanging out on several occasions. Boarding the plane, she rubbed her temple. She was still unsure on how she was going to approach Florence. However, she did have a long flight to think about it as she switched her phone to airplane mode, resting her head on Sam’s shoulder. Sam was honestly the closest to her since Steve and James were often in their own little world. She didn’t mind though. They got along well, and she enjoyed his snarky comments on the two being dinosaurs. Or the fact he joins in with (Y/n) to tease them of their obvious crushes on each other.
As the plane landed, (Y/n) found herself not wanting to get off the plane. Maybe she would confront Florence tomorrow. “(Y/n)!” Whirling around, (Y/n) came face to face with a very annoyed Florence who obviously waited on the plane. So, maybe she’ll actually confront Florence now. “It’s rude to ignore someone, you know?” The girl looked over her best friend before kissing her deeply, Sam, James, and Steve cheering for them loudly on the sidelines causing (Y/n) to flip them off as she kissed back. “You’re not forgiven for ignoring my texts or calls unless you join me at my place for dinner tonight. Now, let’s get you home, I’m sure you’re all ready for a nap at least.” Florence took (Y/n)’s hand, taking her out of the airport. (Y/n) grinned to herself, reminding herself how much the song changed her life. Now, she didn’t only have a top song, but the girl of her dreams had just kissed her and hasn’t let go of her hand since she landed. Nothing would ever be the same for (Y/n) and she could thank Kimmel and her band mates for that.
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All Mine (Jealous!Agatha Harkness x Reader)
hi, can you please write something with wanda making agatha's wife someone's else's wife in the hex and it just drives agatha crazy? (anon)
you said you were out of your comfort zone when you wrote spell practice, but THAT was really good, so 👉👈 maybe you could write another NSFW? Involving maybe some jealous Agatha and a strap? If you're not comfortable it's 100% ok and I still love your work (anon)
Summary: Agatha reminds you who you belong to
Contents: NSFW, smut, 18+, jealous agatha, fake marriage, strap-on, some praising, some overstimulation, minors DNI
A/N: yes it’s finally here!! Sorry for taking literal months to finish this. I combined two requests because I feel like they went well together, I hope you guys like it!! 🖤
NSFW Tag List: @poetsdeadxo @academiagaymess @musicalmemesandstuff @shinkomiii @vintagegoddess12 @thatmacrameisnotgonnahitchitself @stone-hearted-seymour @agnessharknes @jesterofrohan @sky-not-found @artificial-cup-of-tea @agathaharknessslut @nickalpatel
F/N: fake name
GIF credits: @notsosecretlyalesbian 🥰
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Agatha tried to tamp down her rising fury as she watched the two of you across the street. You were laughing at something he said while you tended to the flowers in the garden of the house you and your fake husband shared.
How dare Wanda? You and Agatha had entered Westview together, but for some reason, the redhead’s ideal fantasy meant that you were married not to Agatha, but to him. Harold. Just the sight of the man made Agatha’s blood boil.
She watched as he handed you a glass of lemonade. It was no doubt your recipe, the one Agatha loved to have on hot summer days. She felt her face flush, though not with anger, as you gulped down the drink, a trickle of sweat making its way down your neck. Agatha let the curtain fall and turned away from the window, exasperated. She had to do something.
“Lemonade’s great, F/N,” Harold said cheerfully. You gave him a smile. Setting down your glass you glanced over at your wife’s house. You noticed the curtains of the front window swaying slightly. Had Agatha been watching you?
You couldn’t blame her. You missed Agatha terribly. You hated not being able to touch and talk to her in the ways you wanted to. You'd even found yourself watching her house, waiting for the moments she would step outside for the day. You sighed and went back to tending to the azaleas. They were Agatha’s favourite; she in fact had her own garden of them in front of her house.
"Hey Agnes!" Harold called from the porch. "What brings you here?"
You stood, wiping sweat from your brow, and turned to see Agatha walking over to your side of the street. It took all your willpower to not run over and wrap your arms around her.
"Harold," she greeted, though not too kindly. Turning to you she said, “I was just here to invite F/N for a little girls night. Movies, magazines, a sleepover. You know the deal,” Agatha’s words were light but her tone was anything but. You felt your heart race when her eyes met yours.
Harold chose this moment to come over and put an arm around your waist. You cringed inwardly when you saw the fire light up in your wife’s blue eyes. Agatha wasn’t one to share, even if it was necessary for her to achieve her plan.
“That’s a great idea,” he said, completely unaware of the way the brunette’s gaze was zeroed in on his hand at your waist. “I think it’ll be good for F/N to spend some time out of the house.” He smiled, looking down at you.
“Yes,” you nodded enthusiastically. Agatha’s blazing eyes met yours again. Never mind her mood. The sleepover would be the perfect cover for the two of you to finally be together, even if it was for just a night. “I’d love to,”
“Good,” Agatha smiled and turned to leave. “And don’t worry Harold, I’ll take great care of her!” She called over her shoulder and you swore you could hear the smirk in her voice.
Later that evening you stepped out of the house, ready to head over to Agatha’s. You couldn’t help the way your nerves were abuzz, excited to finally be with your wife again. You’d already said bye to Harold who seemed happy that you were spending time with the brunette. You pitied him a little; he seemed nice enough and he definitely deserved someone who wasn’t already in a relationship.
You hurriedly crossed the street, worried about being spotted by Wanda. While a girl’s night wasn’t exactly suspicious, the lacy number you were wearing under your dress might raise a few brows. You couldn’t really help it; you’d missed Agatha in more ways than one.
You walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell, hands trembling slightly. She didn’t answer the door so you rang it again. No answer. “Aga- Agnes?” You quickly looked around to make sure no one heard your mistake. The street was empty and quiet.
Still, no answer. Sighing, you tried the doorknob and were surprised to find the door unlocked. You walked in and shut the door behind you, leaving you in the dark. “Aggs?” You called. “What’s with the spooky vibe you have going on here?” You laughed uneasily. You noticed the kitchen light was on and headed in there.
Agatha was standing in the kitchen with a glass of wine in hand, the bottle and another glass sitting on the counter. “Oh you made it,” she said, swirling the wine and not looking at you.
You’d been ready to embrace your wife but her tone threw you off. “Yes, I’m sorry. We were having dinner so I got a little late...”
“We,” Agatha looked at you and you saw that same fire in her eyes. “You and your little fake husband?”
She sounded a little too accusatory for your liking. “Where is this coming from?” You frowned.
“The longer we’re in here the longer he gets to pretend you’re his,” Agatha said bitterly.
Putting down your bag you walked over to the kitchen island, standing across from her. “You think I don’t know that?” You said, more sharply than intended. “It’s necessary for your plan. We can’t let Wanda become suspicious.”
“You’re right,” she sighed, walking over to where you stood. Her hand reached out to caress the side of your face. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and lean into her touch. “You’re always right, angel,”
Your eyes shot open as you felt Agatha’s hand begin to travel downwards. “But I don’t like the way he puts his hands on you. The way he thinks you’re his when in reality..” Agatha’s face hovered in front of yours, her hand coming to wrap around your throat. “You’re mine,” she growled.
“Agatha...” you gasped, her words sending a shock to your core. Her hand tightened. “Enough talking. On your knees.”
The brunette unzipped her pants to reveal her dark purple strap. You felt your cheeks warm looking at the size of it. “Now be a good girl,” she purred, mouth parting as she watched your lips wrap around the strap. “And get my cock ready, hm?”
Agatha threw her head back and let out a moan as you took the strap deep into your mouth. There was definitely another end of it inside her. The thought only made you suck harder. Her blue eyes caught yours as you pulled your mouth away, a trail of spit following you. “My dirty slut,” she grabbed your jaw to pull you up. “I’ve missed you,” she murmured, before pulling your mouth to hers.
The kiss was rough, rougher than usual. Agatha’s tongue dominated yours easily, making you moan into her mouth. You broke the kiss, sure that your lips must be swollen. But Agatha was relentless, pushing you against the wall before attacking your neck with wet kisses. “Mm, what do we have here?” The brunette hummed in your ear when she saw the lace of the lingerie you were wearing underneath. “You came ready for me, didn’t you baby?”
With a puff of purple magic, your dress was gone, leaving you in the matching purple set you’d been wearing underneath. Agatha stepped back to admire you, her eyes shamelessly tracing your figure. The look on her face gave you a confidence boost. “Like what you see?” you smirked.
“Oh, very much,” your wife grinned as she slipped a hand into your panties. “And based on how wet you are, I’d say you’re liking what you see too, sweetheart.”
Your mouth fell open and you threw your head back as Agatha slid two fingers inside you. Her palm ground into your clit, the friction causing the knot in your stomach to tighten. You threw your arm around her, pulling her closer, and Agatha’s mouth attached itself to your neck. Her fingers, familiar with you, knew exactly how to make you cry out.
“Aggs,” you moaned, your breathing becoming ragged. “I’m going to...” the pleasure was building in your abdomen, threatening to spill over.
“Come?” Agatha husked in your ear, pulling her hand away right before your release. Your back arched from the wall as you groaned. Agatha let out a low chuckle. “Did you really think you were going to get rewarded tonight, Y/N?” Your cunt throbbed desperately between your legs and you couldn’t help the whimper that left your mouth.
Agatha stroked your flushed skin lovingly. “No no no, dearest,” she tutted. “Tonight’s about reminding you of who you belong to. You’re not coming until I let you.”
Before you could say anything, Agatha waved her hand and suddenly the two of you were on her bed upstairs. Her clothes had disappeared, leaving her in nothing but the strap. You felt throbbing between your legs as you admired your wife’s form. But Agatha was set in her plan and she turned you over onto all fours so that your ass was facing her.
“Now this is something I’ve missed,” she said, her voice husky. Her fingers lightly traced the damp spot on your panties. You pushed your hips towards her, your aching cunt desperate to feel more. Instead you were met with a sharp slap to your ass, making you hiss. “Try that again, I dare you,” she said darkly.
You felt Agatha pull your panties down and the head of her strap gently teasing your entrance. She ran the strap through your folds, your slick making it glide easily. The tip nudged against your clit making you gasp, your nerves feeling like they were on fire. “Please,” you whispered, biting down on your lip.
If Agatha heard you, she made no move to give you what you wanted. She continued to rub the head of the strap along your slit, occasionally touching your clit but never going deeper. “So wet,” she murmured as your slick coated her strap. “So desperate,”
Suddenly she pushed the strap deep inside you, making you gasp. You’d barely adjusted to the size of it before Agatha pulled it out and slammed into you again. She picked up this torturous rhythm of filling you up before pulling the strap completely out. As soon as she’d hit the spot inside you, she pulled back out, refusing to let you enjoy the pleasure. Her hands gripped your hips, nails digging into your flushed skin.
You were becoming a mess under her, the ache between your legs was unbearable. “Fuck, Agatha,” you groaned as she once again pulled the strap out. “I-I need more,”
“Do you, sweetheart,” she hummed, leaning forward so that the strap was buried deep in you again, her mouth by your ear. You nodded your head vigorously, knuckles white as you gripped the sheets. “More of what,” she whispered, pressing herself closer. The strap shifted slightly inside of you, making you whine. “If you don’t use your words, angel, how will I know what you want?”
Staying pressed against you, Agatha pulled her hips back slightly and pushed herself into you again. The strap hit just where you needed, sending a delicious jolt of pleasure through you. “That,” you cried out. “I need more of that. Please,” you begged.
Agatha wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you up into a kneeling position. “Well why didn’t you just say so,” she smirked, before thrusting into you completely. With every thrust you felt the knot in your stomach tighten, making you heady with pleasure.
Agatha’s own breathing became ragged as she continued to pound into you. The arm around your waist trailed upwards to your tits, teasing and pulling at your nipples. Sensing you were close, her pace slowed to a more languid one. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” she cooed in your ear.
Her praise spurring you on, you began matching Agatha’s thrusts, bouncing down onto her strap. “Fuck baby,” Agatha husked as you rolled your hips, the other end of the strap hitting the sweet spot inside of her. “That’s it,” She let out a deep moan before pounding into you faster than before, riding out her high. “You’re such a good slut for me,” Agatha panted.
Suddenly, the hand that wasn’t groping your tits was holding a vibrator against your clit, which Agatha conjured from thin air. "I remember you saying 'more' earlier," the brunette teased from behind you. The added sensation, along with her rhythmic thrusting, made you see stars. You threw your head back against her shoulder and moaned in her ear. “God, please Aggs,” you begged.
“Come for me baby,” she breathed in your ear, giving your nipple a satisfying pull. Her permission was all you needed; the pleasure that’d been building finally spilling over. Agatha held onto you tight as waves of pleasure rolled through you, making you let out satisfied moans. You felt heady with pleasure but Agatha kept up her pace, reigniting the throbbing between your legs.
You felt your walls grip around Agatha's strap as she continued to thrust into you slowly, the sinful sounds of skin hitting skin making you groan. The vibrator was gone, instead, both of Agatha's arms were wrapped around you and you reveled in the feel of her tits pushed flush against your back. "Come on princess," she cooed in your ear. "You can get out one more, can't you? For me?" Her hand drifted down to rub circles around your clit, which was enough to send you over the edge again, turning you into a shuddering mess on her strap. Agatha whispered praise after praise into your ear, reminding you how good you were for her and only her.
You sighed as you dismounted from her and collapsed onto the pillows. Agatha took off the strap and laid down next to you, so that your head was nuzzled into the crook of her neck. You felt her press a kiss into your hair and she whispered, “I’ve missed you, my sweet girl,”
You lifted your head to look into her blue eyes. “I’ve missed being yours,” you said, before pressing your lips to hers, content.
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libra-kirishima · 3 years
𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓦𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷
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Number two - "It reminded me of you." & Yaoyorozu Momo
When you returned from the gym, you didn’t take much stock of your dorm room before grabbing new clothes and leaving to take a shower. The energy from your workout was beginning to wean and you wanted to wash yourself off before waking up to do it all over again.
Upon returning to your dorm, you crashed down on the bed without much regard-
Leaping up off your sheets, you reached behind you for the object behind you which stabbed you in the back. The wandering hand roving behind you was soon met with a heavy white box. Pulling it before you, both your hands began twisting it around carefully to let you see the exterior in its entirety. On the front, there was fancy gold lettering in a language you couldn’t read. “What’s this?” You wondered aloud as one thumb ran over the same gold lettering you were marveling at. Once you ran out of things to marvel at on the exterior, your curiosity allowed you to open the box in your hands and finally see what’s inside. From the box, you pulled a white bottle with similarly lavish gold lettering. Gold embossed leaves formed the shape of a heart around a bird and the label of the bottle you were holding. When your eyes had finally consumed the surface of the bottle in its entirety, your hand slowly moved to remove the cap at the top, to be met with a gold atomizer.
Letting your curiosity fully take the reigns, you brought the bottle up to your nose and inhaled.
Oh, that smelled good...
Once your curiosity with the object in your hands had been satiated, you turned back to the surface which you had encountered it. There was a slip of paper on your comforter. Carefully setting the bottle in your hand down, you replaced the vacant space in your palms with the folded slip of paper in your hands. There was no message or explanation. Just a card indicating who left you the bottle of perfume.
Yaoyorozu Momo
Her name was signed with a similar fanciness to what you found on the packaging of what she’d given you. Without wasting much time, you placed the perfume bottle carefully into its packaging and brought it along with you as you entered the elevator. Your feet almost moved themselves to her door. Knocking three times, you heard the silent shuffling from the other side of the door before she spoke.
“Coming!” She called. You bounced from foot to foot nervously as you waited for her to answer the door. As the door slid open, you were met with long dark hair. Worn down and brushed out for the evening. “Oh, it’s you.” She added with ease.
“Hey!” You greeted, gladly stepping inside when she moved to her left to let you in. “What is this?” You asked with timid curiosity, holding the box left on your bed for her to see.
“Perfume.” She answered simply. “While I was with my parents over the holiday I went shopping with my mother and while I was out I got it for you.” Her calm demeanor quickly shifted to nervousness. “Why, do you not like it?” She added quickly.
“No, I love it. Don’t get me wrong it’s so good, but… Why?”
“There was a perfume display at one of the stores we were in and when I smelled that one it reminded me of you.”
“That’s it?” You asked with a small smile etched onto your face.
“That’s it.” She answered. “I figured you might like it. I wanted to give it to you in person but when I went you weren’t there. Either way, I figured there was no harm in giving it to you for you to try, right?”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right.” You muttered softly. “Well, thank you. You have good taste.” One of your hands tentatively placed the box onto her desk while the other extended out to her in an invitation for a hug. An invitation which she took gladly. “Thank you.” You repeated into her shoulder. She took a moment to pause before electing to respond with
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You call over your shoulder before slipping out of her dorm room.
“Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Yaoyorozu.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
That night, both of you drifted off in your separate beds with the memory of that hug and the woody scent of that perfume lingering into your dreams.
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