#yandere x y/n
meo-eiru · 3 days
Going to uni tomorrow
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acid-ixx · 3 days
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a/n: shameless self promo for this fanfic.
my favorite thing about portraying platonic yandere! batfam (or any platonic yandere family) is the fact that no matter what universe it is, if you were neglected or not, a villain or hero, civilian or celebrity, human or nonhuman— their obsession is driven by the mere fact that you already belong.
to them, in the manor, with them, always and forever more. it's like a natural phenomena. it's not fate but rather an established fact that you deserve to be pampered like royalty; to the point their devotion seems holy. you could try to run away from them and you'll still be in their arms right after. you could run to the end of the universe and they'll capture you before you could run from time. because that string of attachment they have with you can never be severed. you can never cut ties with what was already engraved into your soul.
you can hate them all you want, and they'll embrace the embers of your resentment, even if they'd rather you reciprocate— you'll still belong either way.
they acknowledge every part of you, every imperfection you bare. you could bite them, hit them, punch them; yet nothing will falter their devotion towards you. because you're family first and foremost more than anything else. the only thing they won't accept is if you ever dare harm yourself— nothing is allowed to hurt you, not even you. because you're precious, you're their treasure and their pride and joy. and if it was them who had ever wronged you, they'll always find ways to repent, to atone and to make you forgive them.
"do you think we're family in every universe?"
"i hope not—"
"but we already are in this one, no?"
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yandere-yearnings · 2 days
so we’ve got vio saying something hurtful and reader being silent… how about reader saying something hurtful back? maybe they snap back at vio by saying no one’s every going to truly love his egotistical ass, not even them? :DDD
Winter nights fell fast, all the mismatched scenes that needed to be shot were swiftly wrapped up so the cast and staff could return home in time before the impending snowstorm. Dressing room completely empty save for Vio and you, the alone time was much appreciated — since you'd rather not have any witnesses around for when your patience ultimately wore thin.
"You wouldn't believe how stupid you looked, honestly, he wasn't interested in you at all."
That was the umpteenth snide remark you'd been subjected to in the past hour. You weren't sure if it was because Vio was obsessed with all the little details of every interaction you had, or just because he was bored. It didn't matter, actually, it was driving you insane either way.
You hummed — noncommittal — stuffed more things into his bag as quickly as you could; anything for the sweet relief of getting your job done and booking it. Clearly, Vio didn't appreciate your lacklustre response, because you noticed him perk up from the corner of your eye. A three second pause, observing you, before dealing the last blow.
"Hey," he opened his mouth and you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for whatever he was adamant on spewing next, "who could ever love someone like you?"
You span around. "What?"
"Was I not clear enough?" Vio raised a brow. "Who could love someone like you?"
"Vio, you did not just say that to me," you exhaled, voice shaking, "you of all people didn't."
You'd crossed the room before you could mentally step back and reason with yourself, hands fisted in the fabric of Vio's shirt and pulling him up to meet your glare. "Coming from the most egotistical piece of shit around," you spat, "you know it doesn't mean anything, right?"
His eyes widened, and for the first time, he had nothing to retort with. Radio silence, Vio's brow twitched and you'd dare say he looked hurt. Really, you should've stopped there, considering your career rested in his palms and he could end your contract whenever he saw fit. Yet, you were fed up of sucking it up and just taking it — you couldn't help yourself.
"All you are is your pretty face." You let him go, and he fell back onto the sofa limply. "With your shit attitude, you're the one no one can love," you made your way to the door, dry laughter resounding, "even I'm fucking sick of you."
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jay-joy113 · 2 days
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Thinking of getting this in a shirt, should i?
Maybe if it hits 1000 likes ill post it
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cutieeva · 2 days
Returned Home
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Female reader
Warnings : Death. Murder.
What happens if the person you love went missing and suddenly reappear in your doorsteps ? Because (Y/N) doesn't know how to react.
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Knocks at the door were light at first, almost like a whisper before turning into frantic and loud like screams that (Y/N)'s sleep broke, a whine slip past her lips not loving the thought of her rare sleep intruded, all after that incident she almost at the verge of becoming the shell of a human, always worrying, little guilty yet hollow the entire time. Perhaps time will heal her wounds and pause the bleeding unfortunately not the knocking because it keeps increasing in alarming amount. She thought in her daze mind, wrapping a soft cloth around her nightdress she step out of the sofa, how tragic despite having warm bed, beautiful home with many rooms the only place she fell asleep was on the sofa in living room in front of the still on TV which is repeatedly showing some episodes of only murders in the building her mind has almost memorized.
"Coming !" She yell, messaging her forehead, feeling her head burn from both the torturous knocks and the stress of what if the twins wake up. Her feet drum the white tiles walking towards the front door and finally her eyes open to peek at the peekhole for safety. Huh ? She rub her eyes once more to peek yet why all she can see is black ? Her fogged mind question not still awaken from the slumped when she flinch feeling the knocks vibrate the door so closely.
"Who is this ?" Her voice stern, not fearful she could have been if awake, adamant to not open the door. Silence replies her. No voice only silence along the knocks. Her eyes narrow feeling her body ache from pain and the headache worsen. "These children". Her neighborhood is fill with all age children and unlike her sweet twin angels, these ones are the demons, the one she was thankful to not have. Oh, remind of her babies, what time is it ? Her eyes glance at the clock on the wall 7:00 am, whoa ? Which child is playing pranks at her doorsteps instead of being in school ? Oh ! Today is Sunday she forgets.
Must make breakfast she thought, her lips shaped a yawn about to walk away from the door "It's......me". Her heart sank, breath sucked. "(Y/N)". She remembers that voice, her whole fabric of being knows that voice, the voice she heard, whisper sweet nothings, laughs loudly, quick to anger, arrogance in his speech. In a second her hand having a mind of it's own, touch the shivering cold doorknob, twist it to unlock and swing open fast enough to not gave chance for the creaking noise.
Revealing the visage of none other than her husband, Vesper Rufus who is missing for two months after the alone trip to mountain.
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Munch ! Cracks ! The noise of his devouring simple milk with cornflakes sends strange feelings within herself. Sitting across the dinning table of her husband who's black shirt made her recall it's original color white with his pale skin painted in faded marks of nasty bruises and bite marks belonging to animals, even insects she suspect, a grime cast her face merely thinking of what he went through to be alive in that forest where no police, forest rangers, rescue rangers even herself couldn't find. Hell, the helicopter wasn't of helped. Her eyes then slide below his body that is hidden by the counter where his pants are in the same condition, grey pants painted in coal. Her head span to her behind looking at the door to see no shoes of his as she found him barefoot with crimson hue smeared over his feet.
Click ! Her thoughts snap at the noise of his meal finish turning her vision to his face, dirt, scratchs cover his blemished handsome face. A smile lift those once perfect plump lips now dry and chapped. A happy sparkle in those pools of eyes she fell for that with time and marriage forgetton to dust leaving only a usual reflection of hers she used to bore before he went missing. Suddenly a yearning ache pull her body towards him, stand down from the metal chair, silently cross the line of space and stood under those eyes. Immediately she was hit by the smell of dust, rot, filth yet without a second she throw her arms around him, surrounding her body into his and hug him tightly, the cold body.
Her lids cover her vision, soaking into the frosty embrace and slowly she sense his arms embracing her back, gently to tightly and burying his face into her curve of neck like she was his roof, her shelter he just been gifted.
"Where were you these two months ?" Tears she thought were dried roll down her cheek, her voice soft. "The kids were crying". she added flood with the images of her twin sons wailing at the first news of their father might never returned as the police declared him dead saying no man has the capacity to survive in that stormy mountain more than two weeks and he was missing for two months. Perhaps they didn't found the body because the wild nature covet him or the animals feasted upon him. She likes to think the former. But now she knows, she knows they didn't find his body because he was alive all along.
"Children ?" She felt him title his head in her neck. "Ah ! Children, the twins". His voice muffed and horse like decades of out of speech. Softly like she handle her flowers she lean away from the embrace regardless of his hands still on her waist.
"You remember who am I right ?" Vesper nod like a good man he never was.
"(Y/N) Rufus, my wife, my soulmate". Those sharp onyx eyes that slice her heart multiple times tendered looking at her as if for the first time seen her, feel and stare so intimately at her. Never did she thought the gaze will be directly to her again after their dating phrase pass into the marriage years.
"And about the children ?" She ask, tip toe up to him, pressing her body, her breast to his and lips inches away. Intoxicated he looked, like sipped a bottle of beer he drunk with pink tints on his cheeks to ears, falling in her spell as if for first time he fell in love.
"Leo, Felix". Breathless he answered, leaning closer to her, brushing his lips with her yet not closing the gap. Why ? She wonder because never did her husband cared for her consent. If his sexual desire awaken he will use her like a escort not a wife. From the beginning he announce his ownership on her like she was a object and her past self mistook it as romantic and after marriage she was a servant. Never a wife, was a lover.
Maybe that's why his missing didn't pain her as much to shed a single tear until now when he is different, his warmth disappear, his arrogance fended leaving a stranger in her arms and she still kiss the stranger. Her lips collide his and it confirmed more. How naive his kiss is like he is exploring her, knowing her for the first time unlike him, who knew her like the back of his palm or— perhaps it's his self pleasure he knew like the back of his palm. Never hers, not after their marriage. The brand of ring tied their fates together as well as ruinning.
Not a hint of bad breath or taste she felt oddly, rather bitter taste of nature hits her when their lips met, at first like a careful of understanding he press their lips hard before she open her lips, giving him the space to enter and he mirrored it, like a learning child slide his tongue, following his guts and savoring her hotly, a contrast to his frosty body. Tips of tongue tease her inner flesh as he wish like she is his salvation before harshly mushing their body and lips more near than humanely possible, with brim of desire and addiction he bite her lips, tongue tenderly, exchanging sliver salivas and breathing heavily like he was suffocated yet not ready to leave as he continue to drove deeper, deeper into the mouth and (Y/N) felt being devoured by a predator not her husband who never with such passion held her, gave her pleasure.
Heart racing and breath threating to stop she ripped herself away, coughing fits at multiple times and drinking water unlike him, his lips hanged open, eyes beastly nothing similar to the sparkly happiness and red blush adore his pale skin. Their eyes met and without another warning he smashed their lips.
"You are so sweet, so deliciously sweet". Mumble his horse voice in the kiss, eating her lips like she was a dinner, shamelessly staring at her while invading her mouth and she let him, kiss her as if her being was the only source of meal. Been ages did her husband desire her such as this moment not to mention it proves more he wasn't her Vesper and it brought her nothing apart from relief.
Suddenly he paused, eyes wide and grip tighten. She slowly freed her swollen lips yet dig the knife deeper in his back. Yes, while he was under the spell of his lust, she went near him— more like near the knife set and stab him at his weakest moment.
"Who are you ?" Calmly she asked, hearing the thrives of her knife twisting his skin, flesh yet no trickle of blood bleeding. Strange she thought glances up again meeting his blank face. Not the agonizing look of a man being stabbed. Not her real husband who's eyes were betrayed, tears sliding and blood bled from her mouth like a fat fish squeeze out of it's body as before.
"Who the fuck are you when I killed my husband with my own hands ? When I buried his body under the solid of that mountain ?" Gritten her teeth, the mask of calmness cracked as she pulled the knife out desire to see the blood bled out of the man she loves so much, devote her life, birth children cutting from her flesh yet he cheated on her bluntly and gaslit her when confronted and spiral into questioning her own sanity. However no blood slide, no scarlet paint his pale skin.
"How ?" She whispered, in more disbelief of him not bleeding than her dead husband who she clearly murdered after planning thoroughly knowing his plan of visiting the mountain which he lied saying he is going alone when in reality his mistress and him will intertwined in ways she can't imagine and follow him before the mistress meets him and killed him brutely, stabbing him fourteen times in his entire body leading his death due to blood loss and burying deep into the soil that took hours only to return home unscathed.
Erriely quiet the stranger wore her husband's skin stare at her angered ones and part his lips. "I see, no wonder that was the most gruesome body I ever seen—" The raspy voice slowly get used to speech pause and (Y/N) sense him debeating. "And wore". The end words was something she couldn't swallow, couldn't avert eyes nor run hearing the conformation in his own voice.
"Who are you then ?" She tremble. He notice.
"Who am I ?" He tilt his head mirroring a clueless being. "Who am I ? What am I ? Doesn't matter because what am I isn't what suppose to exist yet I do and now I am your husband yet not. The body is his, yet what inside is not". Game of puzzle he answered. "I won't die, never bled nor need of humane things. I am of a being neither alive nor dead". Neutral his voice rang her ears echoing inside and frighting from the laughable answer but she knew better to laugh. No other way could her husband retrieve from dead than be possessed by something inhumane, abnormal like the myths tales of creatures she heard.
"Then, will you kill me ?" She let go the blade that isn't even paint in blood, shining her terrified reflection as it was fell on the floor with a biting click.
"No. I like you". A short answer relief her stress a little. "You taste sweet, you smell sweet and you are sweet. I want to cherish you, kiss you like I did. I want to claim you mine". Chanting every word he pepper kiss over her skin. Worshipping, caressing each curve, drinking her making her visible relax and something in her tells it's safe. He is safe—to her. Why ? maybe because her husband terrifies her more than a creature from tale.
"And my children ?" Her words carefully used. Her, not their. He halted in his actions. Inhaling her fabric when he reunite their lips again.
"Not them. Because they are ours. You are my wife, my soulmate and they are our children". Yes, it is because the moment he smell of unwelcome human scent in his home, he prepared to feast them, chew their bones and if unlucky torture them until they beg to death however it changed finding one glimpse of the beautiful woman bearing bloodlust and hatred the creature swore he saw her shining upon a halo and the way of her body soaked in blood of the man's arouse humanely needs he never felt apart from endless hunger. This hunger was different, pleasureful he seen these humans do sometimes before their withered body aside inside his stomach.
He watched the angelic woman, the lymph of paradise left the man buried and he walked out of the shadows to the place the man is under, saw his belongings along his address and the lymph is his wife— (Y/N) with twin sons. Good she killed him before he had to and now she is his, her children is his, all of her is his alone.
Tiny groans, tapping of floor steal their attention and (Y/N) watched her children wore night outfits walking towards the open kitchen, rubbing their hazy eyes.
"Mama I am hungry". Her three old years son said, the older one between them.
"Me too ! But I want pizza". The younger twin said, opening his eyes only to widen and grasp loudly. "Papa !" Following a joyful scream his tiny feet ran to the stranger wore their father's skin and the older twin also stare, face brighten in happiness the mother didn't saw since he was missing. His body was thrown to their father too and unnatural, his arms touch them back, still glancing to see (Y/N)'s visage than theirs.
Touching his familiar face, she caress saying "Yes, papa has returned home". The man lean in decided not the say one more thing, actually the real husband she killed was alive the time he was standing above the ground however he killed him again. For good and twice his death was before taking his skin.
"Indeed I have". Smiling crazily. "Returned home".
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punpunsonny · 1 day
Tw: icky behavior(pushy yandere), yandere stuff
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Empty is all he could describe of what he felt, sans of everything, sans of feeling, of emotions, why did he feel this way?
Born in a loving family, gifted with the face of an angel, his life was always easy, always carefree, nothing to worry about, everyone singing and chirping praises to him, worshiping him.
He has gotten used to this easy lifestyle, to the point he felt numb to everything, shouldn't something when his mother hugs him? Shouldn't feel something when his father expresses his pride for him?
Should he not feel anything when a girl cries her heart out to him, leaving him a hand written note. Shouldn't he feel something? Anything?
He hated himself, he couldn't bring himself to just.. feel something, anything: hatred, anger, disgust it all felt like a dream, a goal to reach the moon, something so easy to think about but hard to do.
He constantly laid awake at night, how would it feel to feel something right now? To experience happiness, to experience sadness. To cry your eyes out after a break up.
He had tried everything, getting in and out of relationships, people leaving one by one. Why were they crying when he wasn't? He itched to feel something, to fill the gaping hole in chest…
So, he took a job for modeling, maybe the constant praise of how good he did, how good he looked would invoke a feeling, anything. Anything he'd take, just to feel something.
It took a few months for his career to take off, after that he was widely sought out for, he had blown up due to his face, how he carried himself, how he walked down the runway, how he talked. He was beloved, loved in places he never even imagined going. Yet, that darkness looms still in his chest.
And there you came, like a answer to his cries, a solution to his woes, solving his empty life, filling the endless void with your presence, if he was to describe how he felt seeing you frantically run around, being the assistant of the photographer who booked him, scoring a spot to his hectic schedule. He felt like the sun itself crashed down on earth, forming you.
A little sunshine in his dark life, he felt something, his heart beated, fast. He was confused, why did he feel this way? Why was his face warming up? It was cold, too cold in the studio you two reside in to feel warm, to feel awkward posing there as you watched him, a smile on your face.
He gulped, as he watched you. By God's he felt like he saw an angel, he was always told he had a face of one, now he thinks they were lying, because now. He saw what an angelic face looked like.
It was you, you who made this stone of a man feel something. He desperately tried to become friends with you, calling the photographer who was your employer for more shoots who the man happily accepted even if the pay wasn't that good compared to the brands who blew up his phone for a photoshoot.
Soon, due to his persistent behavior, you two became friends, it was awkward going on cafe hangouts with a celebrity of a man, he would just smile, and tell you “it's fine.. my treat.” He always says,
He would only stare at you during these times, he would always say he wasn't hungry when you helped yourself to his food he pushed your way, he enjoyed that smile on your face. He liked feeling this way, liked the swelling warm feeling engulfing him whenever he saw you. He liked this.
“I love you, y/n.” He whispered through the phone in a random midnight, by this point it has been a year of you two being friends, he constantly texted you, asking for your advice of what he should wear, he could ask his professional stylist but no, he always texts you of his outfit. He liked seeing what you preferred, that way he's learning more about you.
“I really love you.” You could hear him shuffle around, soft rustling from his clothes.
“Derin- I.. I don't know.” You said, hesitantly. How did this man like you? You weren't anything special in your eyes..
“Please.. please, y/n, I don't think-” he sighed “I don't think I can handle this..” he said.
“I love you, please.” He said, he wants you. He wants to feel warm, to feel something. He loved you, he really does..
“Derin- let's.. talk about this tomorrow.” You said.
“No, let's talk about this now. Y/n you made me feel things I didn't know I could feel. Please?” He said he really was pushy. Being used to getting what he wanted.
“Agh..” you sighed, was this worth it?
“Okay.” You said, you know you'd come to regret this, but, don't celebrities get bored in their relationships a week in? You trusted that Derin would get bored and possibly cheat on you or dump you. You'd let him have his fun for now to get out of this situation you no longer want to be in, shaking the thought of you being too easy to get away.
“Thank you- I love you.. so much.” you could hear him smile through the phone.
“Mhm..” you said.
“Night night, sunshine.” He said, his soft voice coming out of the speaker of your phone.
“Night.” You said, groaning as you ended the call. What the hell just happened?
He smiled to himself, kicking his legs around as he raced to his Instagram, putting “taken :33 by @your_name” he giggled, he always wanted to do this ever since.. he knew his manager would be calling him by the morning, yelling for him to take it down, he never will.
Oh, the grave mistake you made. If you knew now how he truly was, you would had never said anything and had blocked him right there and there.
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yandere-paramour · 2 days
How would the other yans react if reader thought he was cheating? (That assumed cheating ask with Asteria and Jamie got me thinking) like maybe they have to spend more time away from darling and darling sees someone else intentionally get close to their significant other but is unsure how to react other than getting jealous? And maybe jealous sex where they are doming their yan what who said that?
Atalanta is somewhat amused, but also apologetic. When you storm middle of the day into her office, Noelle trying to placate you and herd you out, Atalanta dismisses Noelle and slowly works to extract the story out of you. She bites back a smile when you talk about your suspicions, and she will gently kiss your forehead and explain what she's been doing (not cheating). She's been working late to land the big account, not cheat on you. You know her view of monogamy is absolute, Darling girl. While she does not appreciate you barreling into her office in anger, she is so glad to see you. For the rest of the day, she whisks you off on an adventure to reaffirm her love for you. You both have lunch at the most expensive restaurant in town, go on a shopping spree, and she pre-reserves the Ferris wheel for you both to ride, knowing you think it's romantic. Feel free to challenge her speed skills because she can have you moaning and squirming on the way up, and fully satisfied on the way down.
Noelle's been spending a lot of time at work lately. Usually, Atalanta likes to wrap it up and let her go by 5, but not for the past month. You've been getting suspicious, especially when you texted Ata's Darling and she said Atalanta has been coming home early. When she finally comes home late that night, you are so angry you can't even think. You explode at her, and you think you see her legendary composure crack for a second because she's watching you with wide eyes. By the time you're done, you're sobbing in your pajamas, upset that the person you centered your life around has finally abandoned you. In a rare moment of vulnerability, Noelle herds you toward the couch, gets you a drink of water, and wipes the snot off your face. She explains that she's been working on a project and she doesn't mean to be away so long. She holds you against her small chest as best she can, and coos to you like you're a baby. The rest of the night is spent spoiling you, reaffirming her love for you, and in an unprecedented action, she asks Ata for a day off so she can tend to you.
Vivien is so, so, so, so sorry. When the new boy got hired at the shop, Vivien had to work a little harder to train him and he ended up spending a lot more time with him and a lot less time with you. You're starting to grow suspicious. You know Vivien is bisexual, and you saw that boy when you brought Vivien his lunch, you know he's handsome. When Vivien comes home later than normal and you catch him telling a story about the boy, you snap at him with some bite in your voice. No one can ever say Vivien is stupid, he understands exactly what you're trying to insinuate. He immediately unlocks his phone and hands it over, begging you to look at it. There's nothing there and everything seems perfectly innocent. He swears up and down that the only thing that's happening is legit floral training and he is so sorry for making you think otherwise. Vivien spends the next month trying to make things up to you by baking, bringing home bouquets, and generally loving you as best he can. He also (remember he is the manager) gets the boy's hours changed so Vivien isn't near him, anything to ease your mind.
And trust me, the jealous sex ask is coming.
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jinwoosungs · 4 hours
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09/26/24; 12:20pm
- the academy arc -
yandere!sung jinwoo x fem.reader
anonymous asked: Hello! I've always admired your writing, and finally thought of an ask for you! What about yandere jinwoo with an oblivious reader? Its kinda funny how the reader has so much influence over him, and dont realize it, after all, how could they think he's dangerous when he's all soft for them, and only them... Oblivious to all the danger he causes to others
warnings: incredibly dark themes; harassment and petty bullying.
you felt butterflies erupting all across your abdomen, feeling your gaze darting all across the new sights and scenery of your high school. feeling a bit uncomfortable, you pull at the collar of your blouse and adjusted your tie at least a hundred times leading up to this very moment.
tightening your grip on your bag, you hardened your resolve and nodded, stepping into the school with as much confidence that you could manage. avoiding the crowd of students, you kept to yourself and take the flight of stairs up to the second floor. you trail your eyes across the labeled classroom before entering the one labeled 2-a.
you pass by a boy wearing a single glove, reading his textbook while flipping the pages with a bored expression. he sits near the back row, and you take the opposing corner, trying to remain as small as possible while getting out your pencils and notebooks for the day.
the sight of you settled off to the side makes the boy stop reading, and you caught a glimpse of how he was staring at you from your periphery, but wasn’t brave enough to meet his gaze. instead, you distract yourself by writing reassuring mantras in your notebook.
it’s going to be fine.
today is the first day of class for everyone.
surely no one is going to notice how you’re the newbie.
as the minutes ticked by, you became increasingly aware of the students that walked in, laughing while talking about their breaks. just as the bell rings, signifying the start of the day, your homeroom teacher just had to notice you as he forced you to introduce yourself to the whole class.
throughout it all, you were a stuttering mess, forcing out the syllables that made up your name all while feeling like your knees would give away at any minute now. the heat was felt burning against your cheeks, traveling down the length of your neck by the end of it all. when the teacher lets out a grunt of approval, you sat back down as quickly as you could.
a rich chuckle was heard coming from your left, and you took a quick peek over to see the same, perfect boy who had been studying softly laughing at you. his attention was on his open textbook, but you could tell that he was still looking at you from his periphery, those grey eyes drawing you in-
you clear your throat and look away from him, feeling the warmth now spreading to the rest of your body. the hours kept ticking by until finally, it was lunchtime. you grab your lunchbox from the confines of your bag, but found that you didn’t have much of an appetite.
as you debated on what to do for lunch, a loud whistle makes you gasp, looking over to see a group of rowdy looking boys making their way towards you. you visibly stiffen, willing them to go away, but your prayers were all for naught when the entered the classroom, already sauntering their way closer to you.
“man, when i heard there was a new girl here, i didn’t expect her to be so cute.”
you cling to your lunchbox, ready to bolt when needed. your anxiety was shot through the roof now, watching as the boys came closer to you when they suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. it appeared that they had a difficult time moving, like there was an invisible wall that kept them from coming closer to you. noticing their strange behavior, you viably relax, watching their stiff movements as they walked out of the classroom and fell into a pile in the middle of the busy hallways.
laughter was heard erupting all across the hallways, and you breathed out a sigh of relief. the same soft chuckle was heard, and you look upwards to see your classmate standing before you. he had perfect, ebony locks of hair with grey eyes that shone with a startling clarity. “hey, are you alright?”
“oh, i’m fine! thank you for asking…”
the boy shakes his head. “there’s no need to be so stiff around me. just think of me as your new friend.”
your mind was spinning now, practically on cloud 9 at the thought of having this cute boy as your new best friend. you smile up at him, watching as he sheepishly brushes back his hair before reaching out a hand for you to take. “the name’s sung jinwoo, and would you like to have lunch together with me?”
you nod and stand from your seat with your lunchbox in hand. “of course!”
jinwoo gives you a kind smile, stepping out of the classroom with you. you see the same rowdy boys glaring daggers at jinwoo, yet he doesn’t relent, standing protectively in front of you. the boys end up scoffing before walking away. as jinwoo leads you in the opposite direction, you remain blissfully unaware of how shadows seemed to dart away from jinwoo while aiming toward the group of boys who dared to make you uncomfortable.
{ … }
the trio of girls had purposely intercepted your walk to school, pulling at your hair before tossing you aside, making you land against the hard pavement of the sidewalk. you had the air knocked out of your lungs when you suddenly felt the contents of your packed lunch land over your head.
tears were felt filling at your eyes, and you watch as a girl leans down closer to you, her blond curls framing at her face while icy blue eyes glare down at you, “who the hell do you think you are, getting so close to my jinwoo like that?”
her lackeys stand beside her, all sneering at you while exchanging looks of disdain towards you. ah, it seems as though your seemingly perfect life was coming to an end, with jinwoo’s own fanclub coming after you now. you had barely been basking in your school life and newfound freedom with jinwoo for a month when the drama suddenly started.
it started about a week ago, when you found safety pins on your seat and your notebooks ripped to shreds. you did your best to ignore it while hiding your troubles from jinwoo, yet it only seemed to strengthen the bully’s hatred for you.
and now, it had come to a boiling point, as the three girls continued to mock and sneer at you, teasing you, making fun of all your imperfections while stating how you were a mere “charity case” for jinwoo.
by the end of their torment, you were a sobbing mess, all alone as the girls quickly left you behind with their harsh laughters echoing in your ear. the stickiness felt from having your lunch dumped all over you made you feel worse than you ever felt, and you knew that you couldn’t go to school like this.
while you were wallowing in your misery, you remain completely unaware of the way your shadow lengthened, reveal jinwoo as he steps out of it. he says nothing, simply falling down to his knees before taking you in his arms. “i was worried about you not being in class today.”
hearing his voice makes you cry out to him, facing him as you hugged him closer to you. jinwoo didn’t mind how messy your uniform was, simply holding you closer to his chest. he lets out soft coos of your name, allowing you to let out all of your tears and frustrations. while keeping your head kept protectively against his chest, his eyes began to glow a startling purple hue, already commanding his soldiers to get rid of three, new targets.
{ … }
after your encounter with the bullies, the next day, you felt a strange sense of dread consuming you. you truly wanted nothing more than to skip-
or transfer-
yet jinwoo stops you from even considering moving away from him. and after much convincing from his end, (“don’t worry, i’ll be by your side the whole time if those girls come back!”) you relent and head to school with him.
upon entering your classroom, you felt a strange sense of relief filling you. you saw no signs of those nameless, petty girls, and you visibly relaxed. upon entering the classroom with jinwoo, he seemed to flash you a knowing grin, as if silently telling you i told you so.
needless to say, with those girls seemingly gone, (maybe even transferred to a different school?), you were able to resume the peaceful school days with jinwoo by your side.
and of course, he shared his lunch with you because he “always made extra” and knew of your healthy appetite.
of course he walked home with you every single day after your club activities, simply because “it was dangerous for girls to walk home at night” and he was your “best friend who wished to keep you safe.”
you saw no red flags-
becoming so blinded by his own brilliance that it made you blissfully unaware of the neverending darkness settled in the depths of his heart and soul.
{ … }
it was amazing how you couldn’t see just how obsessed sung jinwoo was with you.
ever since that first day, where you had entered his classroom and introduce yourself, becoming a mess of stutters in the process-
you had completely captured jinwoo’s heart.
throughout that first day, he kept sneaking glances at you, thinking of way to properly approach you before wrapping his tendrils of darkness around your heart, further trapping you within his web.
with beru and igris talking his ear off, knowing of their king’s desire to capture your heart as well, they were obnoxiously supportive, thinking of ways to help with winning you over. and just as he was ready to approach you-
those damn men had to ruin it all.
jinwoo could see the fear and discomfort in your eyes-
the way you stiffened in response and how you looked like you wanted nothing more than for the earth to swallow you whole.
but he stops them from coming any closer to you, using his abilities as the shadow monarch to freeze them, controlling their jerky movements until they were tossed out of the classroom.
later that night, after beru had dealt with them, jinwoo reappears and gazes down at their lifeless bodies.
he commands their shadows to awaken, tying their souls to him for all eternity as they now obeyed his every desire and whim. even when the teachers questioned their absences, jinwoo made sure to dispose of their corpses. he had thought about erasing everyone’s memories pertaining to them-
but he was achingly aware of how it would alter your memories as well, which made him hesitate when it came to executing it. for now, as long as you remained blissfully unaware, then he would allow yours (and everyone else’s memories) to remain intact.
after all, what did he have to worry about? to the whole world, he was the ideal student, making 100’s on all of his assignments while doing his best to win the heart of the girl he adores. no one has any reason to suspect him of any foul play.
and he was going to use this seemingly perfect image of him to his advantage.
once jinwoo saw you again, he pretends to bump into you, successfully gifting you his freshly made soldiers by having them morph into your shadow as you remained clueless to his abilities.
after all, seeing your smile and how much happier you were with them out of your life was like receiving a piece of heaven for jinwoo. he lived for your laughters and could feel his devotion for you growing by mere seconds.
that was his first act of love and devotion toward you.
and the second act?
i believe we know when that was, too.
red hot anger was felt coursing through jinwoo’s veins when he found you broken and tossed aside, with the contents of your lunch thrown over you. though it pained him a great deal to watch your suffering through the eyes of his shadows, he had to confirm the identity of your pursuers before taking action.
as you sought comfort within his embrace, jinwoo commanded at least a hundred of his soldiers to stalk those who dared to bully you, not even feeling an ounce of regret when not even their corpses were found due to how they had all been ripped to shreds.
jinwoo didn’t bother extracting shadows from his latest victims, knowing that you would be so much happier without any traces of them close to you.
so, as he lay in bed with you sleeping so soundly within his arms, he silently vows his loyalty to you alone. his heart already burning with an inferno of emotions when it came to you and how you made him feel so alive-
and he never wanted this feeling to end.
he would never tell you the truth of his darkness either, or the things he had done to keep you safe and happy, oh no-
for why would he when you could forever remain his precious girl, living in a perfect sandbox that he had made specifically for you, all while swearing to protect it with his life?
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all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
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platinumrosetail · 2 days
yandere Thor x female reader: A young goddess and shorter than him. Thor is her husband, the female reader is a goddess of war. Many of the gods trust her, however in Ragnarok she is secretive and manipulates everything. He wants humans to live, that's why he betrays the gods without r repentance, including her husband. That is to say, she loves humanity and does not mind betraying the gods.
Oooh interesting! i'll try my best!
warning: noob author, female reader, yandere character, and others.
character: thor.
you were the wife to thor; the god of thunder, you were the goddess of war, many gods and goddesses all trust you no matter which pantheon they were from as you give strategies to defeat enemies of the gods like giants or the like. but what they didn't know was that you'd betray them after their decision to kill all humans.
you had loved human kind ever since you were first born and so you decided to side with them when the decision to finally wiped humanity was made by the other gods. you had helped brunhilde try and save humanity both with different reasons.
you told your husband of what you were planning; you also threatened to leave him if he tried to stop you from doing this, thor wasn't going to let you go as he loves you that he would do anything to keep you with him so he joined you but not to save humans but to make sure you didn't leave him.
the other gods were shocked that you and thor had betrayed them especially thor's father and cousin; they were angry that thor had betrayed them along with you as that would mean humans actually had a chance to live for another 1000 years.
what with you being shorter than the god you were fighting you gained a upper hand along with many, many years of being the goddess of war and such.
(i'm picturing ares as your opponent as god and goddess of war versus each other seems interesting but if y'all don't like that idea y'all can decide who you fight as i won't mention much about your opponent.)
you manipulated a few other gods and goddess to join the human sides which shocked both sides with how many gods were on the human side now.
you told the gods that still think humanity should be killed off that they should've lead humans to the path the gods wanted if they felt unhappy with what humans were doing instead of ignoring and thinking the humans would just know what to do to be on the gods good side.
(A/n: so hope y'all liked it! i was kinda not feeling well when making this so i'm sorry if it turned out bad along with something else that almost made me unmotivated not to do this all together. anyway hope y'all have a wonderful day/evening/night.)
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2-dsimp · 1 hour
Rivius please, I don't have any ideas but he's my favorite
Featuring your yandere Archdevil being a dork
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The real question is will you correct the equation to make it true? 👀
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gracemain919 · 2 days
The Priest (oc) and “Mother” (oc) really short story:
(The Fungus universe)
Tw: Yandere, Mentions of religion and corruption, slight infantilization like if you squint.
(quick writing there might be many mistakes)
A Beautiful Pendant
In a classy theater, you stood, dim lights hiding away the packed crowd that was very intent on watching the show. You hid behind the curtains only taking small peeks towards the performers that twisted and twirled telling a story you were all too familiar with.
The woman in the act raised her body getting on her tippy toes before circling a man in the middle. The man seemed unbothered by her looks, a mask hiding away any reaction he may be showing. Even with her hands on his shoulders, he didn't flinch.
She appeared graceful; thanks to the white flowy dress of fabric that overlapped with the floor. It made it seem like she was dancing over a quiet river of white by the way it flowed perfectly along with each of her movements.
She tried to move him. She tried to guide his limbs gently. A small tug on the arm, a delicate push on his leg. She was acting like a mentor, but he wouldn’t follow. The man pushed her aside before going to his own part of the show. Raising his hands like a magician, he kneeled on the ground while grabbing an odd pendant.
You could yawn… you have seen the show before. You’ve seen the way people interpret the story and they always get so close to the actual truth, but never quite there. The audience has their theories or are just rich folk who want to see a visually pleasing performance. Either way, neither parties will understand.
Sometimes, you can’t find the fine line between truth and exaggeration either.
Not even when the older man curled the pendant between his fingers manipulating the string tight in his grasp. He raised his fist to his face whispering something to the trinket before placing it on the idle circle that was carved into the floor.
The woman never really stopped moving, but when she saw the object she acted surprised, placing her hands on her chest and walking closer to the circle with curiosity. She acted so interested in this foreign object while the man kept his mask tight and secure.
She didn't kneel unlike the older man, but soon others passed you. Other performers quickly exited the curtain to surround this useless trinket. They all were transfixed by it-
Shit, the lights were turned off… Now it’s your turn.
Swift hands grabbed you in the darkness promptly pulling you on the stage and before you knew it you were laid in the circle. A special spotlight flashed on your face as your particular black clothing made a deep contrast with the other woman. The whiteness in her outfit flowed away as they all focused on you.
You weren't completely engulfed, no, they still had an audience to entertain so there was a direct hole where you could see the crowd act just as shocked or amused as the actors. However, the ones that weren't looking did become nosy when the older man lifted you to your knees. The members broke the circle, leaving you more exposed to the crowd, and you couldn't do anything but stay still.
Still, you couldn't move when his fingers lingered on your form as if you were a delicate object, heck even a being. He treated you with such softness as if you were a god while he raised you to your feet.
Now the humiliating part….
With bated breath you allowed your body to be manipulated as he made you follow each of his movements in a short dance. If he raised his hand then you can bet yours is tied along. If he moved to the side, a firm grip on your torso would soon follow. You were puppeteered just as much as you were watched upon in amazement.
The crowd loved it, some clapping while others gave their silent approval… all for you. Even when the white doe-like woman remained ignored letting your forgettable color shine. She just smiled towards you when she stood with the others as you were forced to dance. You practically stole the spotlight from her, but she was just an ‘actor’. She was acting as if she was such a pure thing when in reality she was darker than the clothes you were wearing.
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meo-eiru · 2 days
Moments like these is when you truly yearn for Silas
I want him to make all my pain go away with his blood, gently make me drink from him while patting my head. Or maybe he’ll think I won’t have enough energy to drink it like that so he’ll feed me mouth to mouth.
I want him to gently lay my head on his soft thighs and let me squeeze them as my headache starts going away thanks to his blood. He can run his fingers through my hair, maybe gently tuck them behind my ear, as I lay there with my finally relaxed body. Nose no longer stuffy, being able to breath comfortably and inhale his relaxing smell.
He probably won’t stop being a worrywart even if he knows his blood would heal me within a few minutes. His poor baby went through so much :( What if his blood doesn’t work for some reason? What if you continue feeling bad? He should obviously continue spoiling you until he’s sure you’re no longer sick.
And then he’ll continue spoiling you, but you know, he’s spoiling you EXTRA
He’ll tie my hair up in a comfortable style so that I can lay on his boobs to my liking, let me roll his nipple in my mouth like candy in my sleepy state. Now that I’m no longer sick my body is relaxed and the tiredness I felt hitting me.
I want him to bake me my favorite sweets and meals, the ones he spent hours and hours learning so he can make them exactly to my liking. Then I want him to sit me on his lap. My right side pressed against his warm body, head resting on his left boob as he spoon feeds me what he just baked. His left arm wrapped around me to keep his hand under my mouth in case I spill anything. He wouldn’t want any of it to go to waste, he made sure to pour in all his precious juices to make you feel better as soon as possible. It’s filled with love to the brim so you should finish it all up <3
Once I’m done eating he’ll lick my mouth clean (or use a napkin if you insist on that instead🙄) say I did a very good job and that he loves me while peppering my face with kisses, and then start preparing me for the night so that I can have a good nights rest without a stuffy nose, resting against his soft and big body, while hopefully dreaming about him
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acid-ixx · 1 day
A little doodle of my neglected y/n + a very rushed doodle of my y/n with bruce
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— masterlist !
hold up let me learn how to spell out gorjus... BECAUSE THIS IS !!! i love love love the white streak in the back of their hair ! very reminiscent of jason todd after his resurrection from death but instead of the death being physical, it reminds me more of the symbolic death of mc's love towards their family. they've exhausted the hope, determination, and ambitions they had planted towards their family and what remains is a burnt out young adolescent with no direction in life whatsoever.
but hey! at least this portrayal of the mc makes them look badass with their fashion style! it makes me want to give the mc dangerous habits for coping like surfing through trains or whatnot.
and them trying to kick batman is so adorable like yes, bruce! that's your baby but that's the same baby you haven't acknowledged for a decade and more so no they're also not you're baby >:( tysm for sending this in, i love their style, it screams very street like wear and it's good they're wearing a jacket since the setting for my story is actually nearing winter (we don't have winters in the philippines...)
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yandere-yearnings · 2 days
long time no see! It’s been quite a while since I have sent in an ask.. Or at least I think so! I was reading Vio’s whole master list again and I read everything and I mean EVERYTHING! So I was checking out the comments and noticed you said something about a clingy Vio? I wonder how that may be and why? Can someone as bratty and stuck up tsundere like Vio become clingy? o(゚Д゚)っ!
nonnie!! it has been such an incredibly long time, i hope you've been well🥺🩷 it's always a pleasure to have you back in my inbox w/ all your wonderful thoughts and i'm incredibly sorry this took a while to get to😔💔 also the fact that you went back to read vio's entire masterlist + the comments is totally flattering, thank you😭💕
Vio isn't oblivious. He's well aware how much words can have an impact — it's a choice he's made to sharpen his, to keep away the world he has no interest in. Although he likes you, he still hasn't figured out what place you have in his life, or how he'll open the door to let you in without being flooded by everyone who's undoubtedly riding your wave. So he dances with you instead, tests the waters, sees how much he can step on your toes before you pull away. It surprises him when you don't, when you give him patience enough that it numbs his brain and suddenly, all he has is a melting heart for you.
It's at that point, worries begin to eat him alive. He knows every bad thing he's said has surely piled up. In the past, frankly, he didn't care, but now he knows he loves you and what if he's already driven you away? Clingy doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what he becomes when he realises that. You of all people are well acquainted to the person he is when the cameras aren't rolling; there is no chance of concealing himself behind smiles and sweet talk anymore. Desperate, Vio gives you his vulnerable and insecure self — the one that no one else has seen — because he doesn't know what else to do.
He's hoping he can keep you, if you see the only sincere side he has. Crawling into your bed at night, beside you every waking hour. Messaging you every three seconds, asking where you are and when you'll be back. He won't sit still unless you're in his line of sight, won't change sets unless you're travelling in the same car, he won't even act until your eyes are on him. Vio shows you how absolutely useless he is without you. If not anything else, you'll have to pity him, right? Pity will keep you close. He prays it will.
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rxmye · 5 months
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𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐉𝐎𝐂𝐊 — a confident athlete who turns into pathetic putty at the thought of you . . .
nsfw / sixteen + content / smut / gender neutral reader / yandere content / sub!yandere / masturbation / pervert yandere (he literally breaks into the locker room for your shit) / olfactophilia/osmolagnia (scent/smell kink) / dacryphilia (kink for crying) / breath play / yandere oc x reader
masterlist | requesting rules | character info . . . a/n: haven't wrote smut in awhile, so im a bit rusty . . .
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Lucas dangled the keys in his hands, a grin playing on his face as he walked towards the locker room—using the key to unlock the door—it was pretty easy grabbing the keys from the janitor's room, not that this school was particularly secure with their locks. It would be pretty easy breaking in, if he tried hard enough . . 
Lucas scanned the area, looking through each locker trying to find which one was yours . . he had your lock combination memorized, though he did get a little help from a friend in order to figure it out.
His hands reached for the clothes that you had left in your locker, lifting it up to his face, eyes going half lidded as he inhaled your intoxicating scent, he felt his face growing warm and his body growing weak. Lucas leaned down onto the lockers for support, almost losing balance as he slid down onto the floor.
Lucas pressed the flimsy piece of clothing further onto his face, engulfing himself in your smell—so much so that he could almost taste you—all the while his other hand travelled downwards, clumsily unbuckling his pants in a hurry . . hasty movements contradicted his rational mind, not bothering to care if he'd get caught.
He slid his pants down, just enough to reveal his semi-hard cock—a soft whine escaped him at the feeling of the cold air—his free hand now teasing his tip, as he relaxed his body, closing his eyes shut . .—imagining how disgusted you'd be seeing him in this pitiful state— . . that really turned him on, he cussed under his breath at how pitiful and pathetic his thoughts were . .
Lucas wrapped his hand around the base of his cock, slowly moving his hand up and down—his vision growing hazy—as he let out breathy sighs of pleasure—whines growing louder when he moved his hand faster.
Lucas stuffed the clothing he took, and pushed it into his mouth—drool escaped the corners of his mouth—blocking his ability make a sound, as he moved his hand faster around his cock—little tear droplets stinging his eyes, as he felt his legs shake slightly at the sheer pleasure—he used his now free hand to pinch his nose, closing his only source of air . . .
All he could taste was you, the clothing taking away all the moisture in his mouth, as tears begin to escape his eyes, saliva escaping the corners of his mouth, dripping onto his clothing—his legs began to convulse—his back arching slightly, as he finally came, all over the floor . . .
Lucas spat out the fabric, "fuck", the bell rang . . How is he gonna clean up this mess fast enough? . .
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@ rxmye , do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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bunnis-monsters · 2 months
warning: yandere behavior, power imbalance, implied baby trapping
Yandere!Ceo that’s a professional business man at work but once he’s behind closed doors he’s your pathetic, needy lover boy.
Kisses your feet and legs, peppering soft kisses all the way up to your thighs.
“My beautiful girl, did you enjoy the roses I sent you?”
He purrs as you play with his hair, looking up at you with those warm golden eyes.
“They were lovely… though the note was a bit… alarming.”
Your lover paused, his fingers on the waistband of the expensive lingerie he bought you.
“… how so, my love? It was the best stationary I could f-“
“I mean the words you wrote… about getting rid of anyone that got in the way of our love.”
He pulled your panties off, placing a wet kiss on your fat, wet cunt. “Oh, that? Don’t take it so seriously, darling. You know I love you, it’s just… a badly worded joke.”
And you quiet down, unable to protest or continue arguing as he’s eating you out. His tongue was on your clit, fingers stretching out your pretty pussy to prep you for his cock.
He’s quite good at distracting you from his alarming behavior, kissing along your neck while bouncing you on his thick cock. Keeping you on his lap as watching your ass jiggle while he moves you up and down has to be one of his favorite things in the entire world.
“That’s my girl, my baby… just take it, sweet thing…”
And slowly, as your previous friends and past lovers start ghosting you or straight up disappearing, he keeps you occupied with gifts, lavish vacations, and eventually a pregnancy.
Even if you wanted to leave, you couldn’t. Everything you owned was paid for by him, he had all of your information and knowledge of your friends and family…
But who would want to leave when they were treated like royalty? All you had to do was be his sweet housewife and give him all of you attention~
YANDERE TAGLIST: @katerinaval @sunset-214 @avalordream @atransmuter @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @enchantedsylveon @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @midromiell @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat @bubblez-blop @sunshineangel-reads @heroneki-neko @soapybabyboop @sandramalikstyles-blog @anonymouskiwi
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