#yeah i know an embarrassing amount of crap about this kids show
bixels · 5 months
Learning that fans hated Applejack and called her "boring" is crazyyy to me because I genuinely, unironically believe AJ's the most complex character in the main six.
Backstory-wise, she was born into a family of famers/blue collar workers who helped found the town she lives in. She grew up a habitual liar until she had the bad habit traumatized outta her. She lost both her parents and was orphaned at a young age, having to step up as her baby sister's mother figure. She's the only person in the main gang who's experienced this level of loss and grief (A Royal Problem reveals that AJ dreams about memories of being held by her parents as a baby). She moved to Manhattan to live with her wealthy family members, only to realize she'll never fit in or be accepted, even amongst her own family. The earlier seasons imply she and her family had money problems too (In The Ticket Master, AJ wants to go to the gala to earn money to buy new farm equipment and afford hip surgery for her grandma).
Personality-wise, she's a total people-pleaser/steamroller (with an occasional savior complex) who places her self worth on her independence and usefulness for other people, causing her to become a complete workaholic. In Applebuck Season, AJ stops taking care of herself because of her obsessive responsibilities for others and becomes completely dysfunctional. In Apple Family Reunion, AJ has a tearful breakdown because in she thinks she dishonored her family and tarnished her reputation as a potential leader –– an expectation and anxiety that's directly tied to her deceased parents, as shown in the episode's ending scene. In The Last Roundup, AJ abandons her family and friends out of shame because believes she failed them by not earning 1st place in a rodeo competition. She completely spirals emotionally when she isn't able to fulfill her duties toward others. Her need to be the best manifests in intense pride and competitiveness when others challenge her. And when her pride's broken, she cowers and physically hides herself.
Moreover, it's strongly implied that AJ has a deep-seated anger. The comics explore her ranting outbursts more. EQG also obviously has AJ yelling at and insulting Rarity in a jealous fit just to hurt her feelings (with a line that I could write a whole dissection on). And I'm certain I read in a post somewhere that in a Gameloft event, AJ's negative traits are listed as anger.
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Subtextually, a lot of these flaws and anxieties can be (retroactively) linked to her parents' death, forcing her to grow up too quickly to become the adult/caregiver of the family (especially after her big brother becomes semiverbal). Notice how throughout the series, she's constantly acting as the "mom friend" of the group (despite everything, she manages to be the most emotionally mature of the bunch). Notice how AJ'll switch to a quieter, calmer tone when her friends are panicking and use soothing prompts and questions to talk them through their emotions/problems; something she'd definitely pick up while raising a child. Same with her stoicism and reluctance at crying or releasing emotions (something Pinkie explicitly points out). She also had a childhood relationship with Rara (which, if you were to give a queer reading, could easy be interpreted as her first 'aha' crush), who eventually left her life. (Interestingly enough, AJ also has an angry outburst with Rara for the same exact reasons as with EQG Rarity; jealous, upset that someone else is using and changing her). It's not hard to imagine an AJ with separation anxiety stemming from her mother and childhood friend/crush leaving. I'm also not above reading into AJ's relationship with her little sister (Y'all ever think about how AB never got to know her parents, even though she shares her father's colors and her mother's curly hair?).
AJ's stubbornness is a symptom of growing up too quickly as well. Who else to play with your baby sister when your brother goes nonverbal (not to discount Big Mac's role in raising AB)? Who else to wake up in the middle of the night to care for your crying baby sister when your grandma needs her rest? When you need to be 100% all the time for your family, you tend to become hard-stuck with a sense of moral superiority. You know what's best because you have to be your best because if you're aren't your best, then everything'll inevitably fall apart and it'll be your fault. And if you don't know what's best –– if you've been wrong the whole time –– that means you haven't been your best, which means you've failed the people who rely on you, which means you can't fulfill your role in the family/society, which makes you worthless . We've seen time and time again how this compulsive need to be right for the sake of others becomes self-destructive (Apple Family Reunion, Sound of Silence, all competitions against RD). We've seen in The Last Roundup how, when no longer at her best, AJ would rather remove herself from her community than confront them because she no longer feels of use to them.
But I guess it is kinda weird that AJ has "masculine" traits and isn't interested in men at all. It's totally justified that an aggressively straight, misogynistic male fandom would characterize her as a "boring background character." /s
At the time of writing this, it's 4:46AM.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
✨Galaxy Anon ✨ here!
*Sees your reaction and starts laughing* Hey hey listen you gotta admit I got a point. You can’t deny it. Maybe out of pettiness which fair honestly or you love to feel the crushing pain of sadness in a scenario and think of more ideas to make it worse.
Oh no no thank you though! I couldn’t ask that if you viví besides it’s more of a mom has access to my bank account and if she sees the content well I wouldn’t be alive on this earth anymore of embarrassment and shame. I also feel I would take advantage since I always feel the need to give anything back to extremes but no you weren’t over steeping boundaries no worries. But thanks so much for offering viví that means a lot of to me since honestly no one has ever offered that before. Now I’m going to cry * sobs on how precious you are*
My god math is the worst. I also feel stupid since mostly everyone else acting like it’s just as easy as walking but nope me I can’t focus and I don’t understand why the hell point a or point b is! I wanna go home! Math just sucks not gonna lie. What’s fasfa? Don’t tell me it’s something important I forgot at school! I’m hoping you get whatever it is so you can go to college!
Oh goodness glad I didn’t offend you. Makes sense since they know why you do it and also respect the authority you have. I can see why since like I said to them they just maybe see you as a bossy sister and doesn’t grasp the amount of things you done for them. I believe they will, once they realize the gravity of the situation they will appreciate you gave a crap about them and not neglect them especially with how those kids turn out.
Good you were cautious around him if he made you uncomfortable. Though I wish you didn’t have those bad experiences to be on guard. Don’t feel bad for being careful, unfortunately I this world many aren’t careful and well unfortunately that’s maybe why we see so many horrid cases.
Yeah I’m just glad I actually could stay calm because if this was me but a month before I would’ve gotten more emotional so yeah glad I kept enough patience. Yes like damn lady have some fucking shame your in a restaurant for goodness sake. Yes like it wasn’t even about if something was wrong about the food or wrong order but not serving alcohol because you didn’t have the correct identification? Grow up if you act like that good thing you weren’t given the alcohol you definitely drive recklessly.
Honestly, I don't mind at all. My way of showing I care I through gift-giving since I'm terrible at using words. I also see it was a win all the way around. So when your birthday or holidays roll around my offer stands 👀. Let me tell you I stopped being embarrassed by it since I bought this hoodie
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And wore it everywhere. Unfortunately, I lost that hoodie and they are no longer selling it. If they did I would have got another to wear around town lol.
I will forever hate math. It just make miserable and unhappy, but I will do it to achieve my dreams. Fasfa helps me pay for college. I have to have so many hours of class, and good grades to keep it. It's helpful, but also stressful.
I love them, and I hope they see it. I don't want them to see me as I see my older siblings. I want to be better then that.
Your not wrong It's scary how on guard you have to be these days.
Not only that if she acts like that sober can imagine of she did drink?? Dear God what a monster. I'm also glad you were able to keep your head. I lowkey would have cried 😭
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Along for the Ride PT 3
Pairing: KirishimaxF!Reader
Summary: The cat is out of the bag and the plane hasn't even taken off yet! How long until things boil over?
Contains: Kirishima and Reader both come from very well-off families. Plus-Sized Reader. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort. Angst. Struggles with not feeling good enough ((there's a fair amount of self-doubt struggles this time around))
Warnings: TW: Manipulative Family Relationships. TW: Body Image Issues. TW: Anxiety Problems & Self-Doubt. Mild depression.
A/N: This was a lot harder to write out than I thought it would be! I didn't really know where these two crazy kids wanted to go! This was kinda a shit show, I should probably wait to post this but I'm excited and here we are. And yeah, the plane actually takes off this time. Crazy ass wedding, here we come!
Part One | Part Two
Tags: @lastroseofspring @black-bhabie-2000 @meadow-arts @sarahschance - thank you for following still <3
Word Count: 3,883
Your brain reeled, it was like time had slowed while your heart managed to speed up somehow.
He knew. Eijiro remembered. He said again. He believed he made you uncomfortable?
No no no no no...
You couldn't take your eyes from his back, stuck in shock only able to watch as he got further and further away. You could pretend you didn't hear him, didn't understand what he was implying but then this fissure you felt beginning in your friendship would only expand.
Ignoring it when you thought he didn't know, that was one thing. He put it in the open. Kicked the ball into your court and... what? What did he expect you to do with it? Did he want you to do anything with it? Obviously, Eijiro wanted something done or he would have just kept the whole thing to himself!
Then again, what if he just remembered? What if it hadn't been this whole time? What if this was his way of trying to start the conversation? You couldn't really fault him if that was the case. But, if he'd always remembered, always knew, then why now? What changed? Why would he let you think he didn't remember all this time? Was he embarrassed about it, fuck, did he regret it?
Your brain ran through about a hundred different what-ifs and whys in the time it took him to cross the living area. The moment he was out of sight, something in you snapped.
Damn the neatly tucked blanket, you sped after him nearly tripping over a footrest and most definitely banging your thigh on an end table but you made it to the conference room before he crossed into the bedroom. Your fist slamming the button on the wall causing both sets of doors to slide shut, effectively keeping you both inside because there was only one way you were going to get answers.
"You remember?"
"Yeah, I eh, never forgot in the first place."
"The whole night? All of it?"
Eijiro kept his back to you, hands still in his pockets, the toe of his shoe lightly tapping the closed door in front of him. "Listen, we don't have to talk about it. I know you don't want to. I-I didn't mean to bring it up or make this a- wha!"
You crossed the room and tugged his arm hard enough to make him whirl around so you could jam a finger into his broad chest. "We should have talked about this months ago. You shouldn't have kept it from me!"
"Well, you didn't say anything either. You snuck off in the middle of the night."
You swallowed trying to wet your suddenly dry throat because he was completely correct, that was exactly what you'd done. The realization that you were both at fault in your own ways settled over you and, man, did it suck!
Could you really be mad at him when it was you who walked away? Didn't face it? Crap, if he'd known this whole time, if he saw you leaving that night... you didn't even want to imagine what that looked like to him.
His voice sounded so incredibly small, ripping you away from your spiraling thoughts, "Ya coulda stayed, yknow?" It dissipated your anger, replacing it with guilt. You couldn't even bring yourself to look into those ruby eyes of his, only fold your arms around yourself and stare at your feet beside his. The fear and doubt awakening yet again.
That little voice reminding you wouldn't really be enough. You weren't who he really wanted to be with. Nails dug into the heel of your palm deeper and deeper until you could finally get the words out. He'd just want an explanation, nothing more.
"Yeah, Eiji, I don't think I could have."
"So... so you do regret it then?"
Five in the morning was such a shit time to be vulnerable. Although, the upside was your filter was damn near shot. You needed at least a solid five hours of sleep to get it back in working order so everything that fell out of your mouth was as honest as you could get. For as terrified as you were, you couldn't let him think you didn't like what happened between the two of you. That you didn't enjoy yourself. And before you knew it, one truth was leading to another.
"I sure as hell didn't say that, ya big dummy. It's just, a lot to wrap my head around. I don't know what came over me that night. I didn't- I don't wanna mess up our friendship over some drunken random happenstance."
He took a long and steady breath before closing his eyes and nodding in agreement.
"Yeah. Guess I didn't want to either. It's why I didn't tell you I was awake." You let him burrow his fingers inside the sleeve of your hoodie, brush against yours until he wove them together because despite the pain in your chest you still relished the feel of him.
"But, I don't think anything's been messed up and you sure as hell aren't gonna lose me! Maybe things are a little more complicated but nothing too bad. We could, yknow, talk about it though? Unless... you'd rather we just forget it happened."
He'd never been great at hiding his emotions when he wanted something. The twitch of his fingers in yours and the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek, they were more than enough indication of what he'd hope you'd say.
Why now? Why when your brain was a jumbled mess? He actually wanted to talk, possibly consider what happened?
You wanted to ask him, pour out all your questions but couldn't find the words so instead your head fell against his chest with a sigh, "Ei, I'm just scared."
Eijiro wasted no time before offering reassurance, "You don't have to be. 'M not goin' anywhere." Luckily, as easily as you could read him, he could read you in return. "You've got a lot on your plate right now." He wound his free arm around, over your shoulders, and held you near. "Why don't we get you through this wedding thing and then we can figure out things between us without other distractions? Okay?"
You nodded your head against him, ruffling your hair in the process, and stole a moment.
For now, he was still your best friend, even if you couldn't deny there was something different about the way you fit in his arms. So familiar that you were able to find solace in it and yet his heart was clearly drumming faster than you were used to hearing; like he'd held a small army back all on his own.
His hugs always lasted the perfect amount of time; exactly how long you needed them to, always waiting for you to pull away. But, something about the way he held you brought you back to that night without you even realizing it.
Fingers coiled in the grey fabric of his hoodie and you tugged downward twice.
"Yes?" Eijiro snickered, stooping down to your level.
All the worries in your head, everything that piled up within your mind, everything that could go wrong, all that you could lose, it didn't change your silly heart.
You tilted your head to the side and it was easy to catch him off guard. Just a quick peck of your lips against his while you still had to nerve to do so. You were met with wide, unblinking eyes, his mouth just barely hanging open.
"'M scared." You whispered, bringing him back to life, "Ei, I dun-"
His hand moved to the back of your neck, bringing you forward until you clashed together again effectively cutting you off. His tongue sliding into your mouth with a lot more grace than it'd been on that night.
The scratch of his stubble was welcomed with the way you moved against each other. "I told you not to be." His hand squeezing yours as he brought it around his back, letting you hold on before he wound his around your waist to pull you up on tiptoes, so high it felt like he was going to lift you right off the ground.
When your hands traveled upward, holding his face to yours, he deepened the kiss further, a noise so small and desperate escaping your lips had him breathless. Setting you back on the ground while you brought him down to your level, strong arms snaked around you, bending you backward ever so slightly before those hands began to roam.
There was a chance Eijiro was going to pick you up like he had that night in America, let you wrap your legs about his torso, and carry you off to bed. Or maybe he would have just backed you up against the shiny black conference table. Your mind shoved all the fears down and used them to jump from one dirty thought to the next.
"Mr. Kirishima Ms. Y/N! I'm so sorry! I just had to put these away before we began taxiing! I assumed you were in the bedroom!" Poor Luce. She set down the small box she was holding and quickly backed out of the room, closing the door again. "We are about ready to go." She called from the other side, "We'll need to have the doors open and both of you buckled in seats for that. Sorry!"
"Yeah, not a problem! We'll be there in a sec!"
You hid your heated face in Eijiro's chest, burrowing further as if he could shelter you from the world while he laughed and kept you close. "'Member, they can't say anything."
"Yeah, I know."
"And, and what happened to waiting until after the wedding and talking this out!"
"Hey! You started it!"
"Well you, you, yo-" He kissed away your stammer. There was a lack of tongue this time. Just a slow kiss that had you damn near melting in his arms.
"Sorry." He pecked another time, "But, you're really cute when you get flustered. Did you know I've always thought that?" And one more while your heart hammered, "I did say I wouldn't be a distraction though, so, I'll behave."
You raised a brow, "Will you?"
"Unless you'd like me not to."
That small part of your brain that had a minuscule thread of common sense remaining, you clung to it for dear life. It would only complicate things, more to worry about than you needed.
"Sunday?" You asked.
"We will sort it all out on Sunday, yes, ma'am. I'm gonna change clothes real quick before we get moving. Are you tired?"
"Well, not anymore."
He smirked. "I packed some movies. Why dontcha head out there and I'll meet you in a sec."
Tali was already grinning like a cat when she asked if you needed anything prior to taking off, making it all too obvious that Luce had mentioned what she'd witnessed. They might not be able to tell anyone publicly but that didn't stop them from talking amongst themselves.
All the windows had their shades up leaving only dim light in the cabin, which, you were thankful for assuming the sun was already starting to breach in the sky. It might have even been a lovely site to see if it wasn't for the fact you were exhausted. You couldn't go to sleep, you were pretty sure of that, but that didn't mean you weren't tired.
Eijiro joined you shortly. Bag of snacks and movies in hand. Mostly animated, some action, and a couple black and whites that he knew were among your favorites and thus had a permanent place in his personal collection.
He had Treasure Planet playing by the time the plane began moving. And when the pilot announced you were cleared for takeoff, he plopped his hand palm up, in the space between you. You took it without even thinking. A habit from the first time you flew together. A rocky takeoff had you clinging onto both him and Mina absolutely terrified and ever since Eijiro made a habit of making his hand available to you for both takeoff and landing, just in case.
Luckily, you didn't actually need it this time around, but that didn't stop you from keeping hold of him though. One habit led to another as you reclined in your seat and soon enough, Eijiro's head was in your lap, your fingers combing out his hair.
You told yourself it was fine though, this was the way you usually ended up when watching movies, both before and after what happened in America.
But when his soft snores began a little over halfway through the movie and Luce came around to offer you another blanket and turn off the already dim lights, which you thanked her for doing. As the soft blue lights came on to illuminate walkways, your heart tugged.
The dread of dealing with your family was starting to weigh on you more and more. You couldn't help but feel like Eijiro was going to never want to speak with you again after having to endure them let alone actually possibly get into a relationship with you. And that thought had your heart racing.
So much could happen before Sunday. So, many things could go wrong. Dealing with your family as a friend would be one thing but, man, you couldn't think of anyone who'd willing want to put up with them for the foreseeable future.
Keep your expectations low you'd been reminding yourself since that little makeout session. He can always change his mind. You're no Katsuki Bakugo...
Eijiro grumbled something inaudible in his sleep before rolling over, his long legs now off the side of the sofa and face up against your tummy.
You continued to card fingers through his hair, unable to turn off your brain. You weren't able to stop it from taking a turn for the worst. Listening to that damn hissing voice in the back of your mind reminding you to keep your expectations low, something you'd been reminding yourself since that little makeout session. He can always change his mind. You're no Katsuki Bakugo...
You hadn't realized you were crying, only that his hand had moved and now rested on your cheek, thumb whisking away a tear. "Aw cutie," He cleared his throat, "I know the movie's a lil emotional but tears?"
"Sorry, Eiji. G'back to sleep."
"Not without you." He sat up, gathering the blanket in his arms, "C'mon, I promised I'd be a good boy. Plus, we both know you sleep better when you cling to somethin'."
Sometimes it really sucked how right he could be.
You left the movie on, nearly over now, letting Eijiro pull you back to the bedroom without complaint.
Ducking in the bathroom to change into sleep shorts, knowing full well you'd kick the sweats off in the middle of the night if you didn't, and something told you waking up in your panties with Eijiro in your bed would make you an unintentional tease and you weren't gonna be that person.
When you stepped out, he was already in the bed, sheets pulled back awaiting your arrival. His shirt was off. Much like you could sleep in sweats, Eijiro wasn't capable of sleeping with a shirt on and not sweating worse than Katsuki.
You cuddled in beside him, not saying a word. Even in the low light of the room, you were able to see the faint remains of the tan lines his hero costume left across his arms and shoulders. The ones from his face guard had long since faded.
"Gonna tell me why you were crying?"
He scowled, such a rare thing to see. He'd want to fix things, make them all better, and while he could help with some things, certain others were just out of his control.
Eijiro propped his head in his hand so he was looking down at you laying beside him. "I really don't wanna add to your troubles. I'm supposed to be here to make you feel more at ease, not cause more stress. So, tell me what I gotta do."
"Just get back down here and hold me." He obliged.
"'N what else?"
You tangled your legs with his. "Can you answer me a question?"
"Always. Or, I'll give it my best shot."
The words fell from your lips before you had the chance to rethink them. "If Katsuki asked you to take him back, would you?"
"You really wanna talk about this now?"
"I just need the honest answer to this one question, Eiji, everything else can happen later."
If he could put your mind at ease about this one thing, maybe you could get through this weekend. Maybe you could put everything else aside and see that there was a possibility of happiness if all the other stars aligned.
He shifted before answering, rolling onto his back and pulling you up onto his torso. "To be honest, it depends. In this scenario am I with a particular person who's happened to change my entire world in the best way possible?"
"Sure." You rolled your eyes.
"Then not a chance." He didn't even hesitate, "Katsuki, he made his choice, and now I'm free to make mine. I'm able to see things more clearly thanks to him, able to know what I want and have the chance to go after it." He arched his hips making you slid up towards his face with a squeak, "And, yeah, what I want is you." Your cheeks burned when he kissed them but, true to his word, he didn't take things further. "Does that relax that busy brain of yours for now?"
You slid into his side, "Yeah. But, 'm gonna have more."
"Don't worry. I'll answer 'em all as long as you answer the few I've got. But for now, try and sleep. If you can't, wake me up. Okay?"
You listened to his instructions but with his arms secured around you, the steady drumming of his heart, and the rise and fall of his chest, it all had you drifting to sleep quicker than you would have expected.
What time was it when you woke, hell if you knew!
It took you a solid minute to even remember where you were!
A plane. Right. A private plane. One that belonged to Eijiro's family-
You flipped over in bed only to find it empty, the blankets haphazardly tucked in. The lights were still off and you had to feel around for your phone just to find a light switch. The room was in fact empty. The light off in the bathroom.
Sliding out of the bed you pulled your sweats back on over the sleep shorts to go find Eijiro.
Not in the conference room, and he didn't appear to be in the main cabin either. You were able to follow the sounds of laughter though, growing louder into chatter. Behind a door was the tiniest kitchen you'd ever seen, though, that could have just been because Eijiro was inside with Tali.
Her hair wasn't as perfect as it'd been last night, the sleeves of her white dress shirt rolled up, and an apron covered the rest of her uniform. "I can't believe you like it this burnt!" She was laughing, poking at something sizzling in the pan, bacon by the smell of it.
"I can't believe you ate it when it was still oinking!"
She smacked his arm at the same time, catching your eye. A mischievous smile bloomed across her face and Eijiro quickly whirled around.
"Your up! I was gonna let you sleep a bit longer! Wake you with some breakfast." He held up the tray of food Tali was apparently preparing. Fruits, eggs, toast, and some of the omelets she'd spoken so fondly of the night before.
With her shoulder, Tali nudged Eijiro forward a step, "Go." You barely heard her whisper, "I'll bring your bacon when it's charred to your liking."
"How'd you sleep?" He asked once back in the bedroom. You could have eaten in the cabin, it probably would have been less of a mess but Eijiro insisted the bed was more comfortable and, well, he wasn't wrong.
"Honestly, that's the best sleep I've had in a while. I might need to invest in a new mattress. I'm being spoiled."
He popped a piece of fruit in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully before adding. "Right, because it had nothing to do with the company."
You flicked a blueberry at him. "I'm just sayin'! You did sleep pretty much on me the entire night so..."
"No. No, I didn't."
He nodded. "I felt like a turtle. You held on like a little shell." You knew you liked to sleep cuddle, you'd always cuddled with people regardless of your relationship! But never physically on top of someone! "Don't look so scared! Damn! It's not like I minded! Not like it's the first time you've done it either!"
"Excuse me!"
"Well, there was the time in the sleeping bag. I kinda expected that though since there wasn't a lot of room. You also did it when Denki fucked up the room reservations third year at the expo, oh! And I can't forget about all those movie nights on the sofa too when you'd fall asleep."
Your face was burning up. You'd been climbing on him in your damn sleep and he said nothing! Who else had you done this to? You furiously texted Mina, needing to know, while Eijiro nearly choked on a piece of toast while laughing.
My Queen: Yeah babe, all the time! It's sweet though, you wiggle your little nose and-
You stopped reading, ready to throw the blankets over your head and hide. In fact, that was exactly what you did. Breakfast forgotten. You didn't need to eat. Too full of embarrassment.
Eijiro, still laughing, flipped the blanket up by your feet and dove in beside you, making you squeal, "It's adorable! Don't hide from it! I like it!" To prove his point he scooped you up and set you on top of him much like he'd done the night before.
His hair fanned out against the white sheets like a fiery mane while he continued to roar with laughter with you wiggling in his arms until you both settled and he was able to free you from the sheet cacoon you'd created.
"I love having you in my bed. I love having you so close to me. I love that you trust me so much. Y/N, it's a great feeling." He pulled the bowl of fruit onto the bed. "Seriously, I'd stay like this all day if I could."
"Well, I don't know if that'll be possible today. I mean, we're landing at some point."
"Still have a few hours at least."
"But you don't have your bacon."
He pondered. "It'd be tough without bacon... but worth it if I got you."
As if on cue, Tali knocked on the door, "Why have one when you could have both?"
You sprung up to get it, thanking the woman with a smile before Eijiro demanded you join him back in bed.
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gojology · 4 years
Coffee With Extra Sugar.
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | Whew! I finished this after 1 hour and holy crap this is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written, I hope you like it. I’m literally sweating. 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Gojo Satoru x Teacher Fem! Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2,314 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | None! 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | Gojo Satoru, the man who didn’t ever get rejected, got rejected by you. Unknowingly having a teensy tiny (or maybe not) crush on him, Nobara gets you to go on a coffee date with Gojo. Through the jumble of mixed feelings, you accept, and find yourself in a position you never thought you’d be in. One-shot.     Often times, you found yourself enjoying a nice cup of coffee with extra sugar after teaching the exceptionally unusual teens that Gojo had forced onto you. One was unlike any other, Sukuna’s vessel. Even with the threat of death looming over his head, he was one of the happiest teens you knew. Bouncing around, reminiscent of Gojo in a way. The most remarkable thing about him though, were the eyelids below his very own. Marking Sukuna’s existence on the boy’s body.        The other boy, named Fushiguro, had a troubled backstory. His father was the only one to have a complete lack of cursed energy. Maybe that was why he was always brooding, he always seemed to be off in his own land.     As for the only female, she was your favorite student. Nobara was albeit, a bit cuckoo, but that’s what you loved her for. Outside of the educational setting, she made an amazing shopping buddy and had an endless bucket list of things to do in Tokyo. Headstrong, stubborn. Happily willing to give you any sort of advice in men, even though she didn’t seem to show a particular interest in them. You told her all about the weird stuff that Gojo would do around you, and she always said that he might have a thing for you, but you never believed it until now.     The latest event had been when you were lounging in one of the spare rooms at Tokyo Jujutsu High, drinking another cup of coffee after the extreme levels of stress and torture that was training the trio. Gojo had casually strolled in, loudly announcing himself as he slid the door roughly shut.          “Oh (Y/N)! I was looking all over for you!”         “Really? I wasn’t. Leave me alone, I’m not talking to someone who calls himself a teacher and then dumps a buttload of crazy teens onto me.” you calmly replied, sticking out a pinky whilst sipping your coffee. Although you found your eyes to be glued onto Satoru.        He dramatically stuck a hand onto his chest, leaning backward just a little as if he had been told he shouldn’t have ever been born. “Me?! Oh no, I wasn’t dumping the kids onto you sugar. I’m a busy guy, being the strongest sorcerer and all.” he gloated, grinning a little.     You grunted before pulling out your phone.     “Pay attention to me, why don’t you?” he muttered softly, digging his hands into his back pockets.     Did you hear that right?    Clearing his throat, he loudly sat down next to you, even though there was another chair on the other side of the table. Crossing his legs, he began to speak.     “So, (Y/N), I felt really bad for dumping the kids onto you, and I thought, hey! Why don’t I take you out for a meal or two? You know we don’t really know each other out of work and I’ve been meaning to talk to you more-”     “No.”     “Why not?” combing his hair with his hands, he almost looked sad, but you knew where it was going to go. You had seen Gojo date girls for 2 weeks and break up with them after. It’d be weird to date a co-worker for an astounding total of 2 weeks and then immediately get broken up with afterwards. Besides, he was probably horny and hadn’t found a girl willing enough to talk to him back, even despite a face and body that looked like it was sculpted by the Gods.     “I know what you do with girls, just fuck with them, not looking for that.” You scrolled through the article you were reading, something about some 11 year old child getting their cancer removed miraculously, probably a super nice jujutsu sorcerer.    The silence grew between you two, Gojo’s eye shifting to you when you weren’t looking, and your eyes shifting to him when he wasn’t looking. You almost wished you were a bit friendlier.     “Right.” he mumbled to himself, before getting up and walking to the door. You felt something bad growing inside of you.    Looking back at you one last time, he shut the door.     “I’m telling you, (Y/N), Gojo-Sensei was trying to ask you out, ARE YOU THAT DENSE?” snapped Nobara, who was busily lecturing you about how you had seriously fucked up.     “I didn’t know!” you whined, “I thought he was just being stupidly friendly! It didn’t cross my mind!”     “Gosh, woman, men aren’t hard to work. Gojo is 100 times easier, hand him a box of candies and he’ll probably whip out a ring. All you had to say was yes!”     “...What if I didn’t want to say yes?” you shot back.     “Hah, shut up, I’ve heard the way you’ve described that man, acted as if he descended down from heaven”    You definitely didn’t have a crush on him, but you did let your mind wander sometimes, in some indecent areas sure, but wasn’t that true for everyone?    “Okay, and what do you want me to do now? Want me to just.. Go talk to him and ask for the chance back? That’s embarrassing, and as I said, I don’t have a thing for him.”    “I’ll snag that chance back for you, but you seriously owe me one. I’ll even get Fushiguro and Yuuji on board, but they’re almost always doing stupid stuff and I have to convince them with the weirdest shit to get them to cooperate.”     “Nobara, no cursing first of all, there was no reason to, plus I don’t NEED the date, why are you even-”     “Oh shut up.”     The next day, you found yourself urgently rushed to a coffee shop by a poorly disguised Nobara, Yuuji, and a less then willing Fushiguro. You scanned the shop, the scent of coffee so strong it wafted out of the interior. Gleaming windows with, “Kento and Coffee Inc.” proudly painted on the window.     Wearing a white t-shirt and a long trench coat, with a long plaid skirt, you found yourself self-conscious. Were you too overdressed? Nobara had told you that you were supposed to dress in a cute “dark academia” (whatever the heck that is, she showed you a few pictures of it online though.) style of fashion.     “Don’t worry! Just follow whatever I said earlier, I’m an amazing Cupid and I just know there’s something between you two! I’ll be in the corner, watching you guys, just don’t mess up!” Nobara chirped, handing you a red scarf to borrow from her closet.     You hastily threw it on, taking a deep breath in and breathing out. Trying to casually stroll into the coffee shop.    There Gojo sat, casually dressed in a black t-shirt. A pair of circular black shades perched on his nose, lazily eating a cake pop.     Your heart skipped a beat, even though he probably didn’t even try with the outfit he wore, you still found him absurdly attractive.    He jumped up, “Oh fuck, I thought everyone ghosted me.” he looked at you, tilting his head slightly as if he was confused. “I thought Yuuji and the crew were gonna be here too. Didn’t ever show though, do you know what happened to them?”     “O-Oh, um, yeah, I think I heard that Yuuji and Nobara got distracted and was going to some newly opened sushi restaurant instead. Fushiguro didn’t wanna thirdwheel or something like that.”     You swore you saw him smile slightly.    “So it’s just you, and me?”    You looked around, hoping to God that Yuuji would pop up and tell the world about his love for Jennifer Lawrence.     “It would.. Appear so.”    He clasped his hands together, beckoning at the cashier at front. “I’ll go get some coffee for us, any idea what you want yet?”     “Uh, just coffee with extra sugar.”     “Gotcha.”     You found yourself staring at his hands, playing with the hem of his pocket as he walked up to the small line. His fingers were impossibly long, and you couldn’t help but realize how veiny and large his hands were.     Snapping yourself out of your daze, you grumbled, taking the trench coat off, it had suddenly gotten hot. Pulling out your phone, you pretended to read, but in actuality you found yourself ogling his impossibly tall body, and how undeniably hot his voice was.     It was alright to find him attractive right? Sure, you hated a lot about him, like, like... Well, you couldn’t think of anything off the top of your head right now. But you for sure knew you hated him.    Yuuji snickered, “Gojo’s girlfriend is getting flustered, look at her cheeks.” He giggled, pointing at you. Fushiguro slapped Yuuji’s pointed hand down, hissing at him, “You’re going to fuck over this operation. Didn’t your mom ever tell you to NOT point?”     “I don’t even have a-”     “SHHHHHHH!” Nobara shushed them, gesturing to Gojo now walking over to the table where you were sitting.    He slid the chair out and sat down, grunting as he did. He looked down at you. “So, anything new with the kids?”     You gulped, a warmth flooding to your cheeks, the way he looked at you made you feel weird, and you couldn’t find yourself to make a cheeky remark.     “U-Uh, um, no, uh, Fushi-, I meant Yuuji, he’s doing as good as usual... And uh, Nobara’s doing pretty good too! Fushiguro’s just... Uh, you know, haha” you giggled nervously, “acting as normal.”    He laughed, “That’s Fushiguro, guy doesn’t even crack a smile. Yuuji’s a special one isn’t he? No idea how he acts all cheerful even though he knows he’s gonna, you know.”     “Guy doesn’t deserve it.”     “I know.” you pursed your lips, not wanting to talk about such a serious topic.     Seemingly noticing your discomfort, he turned his head over to the cashier who was now loudly shouting, “Order 132! Order 132! Two regular coffees with extra sugar, 2 donuts, 4 cake pops, and a slice of cake!”     “That’s our order~, what good timing!” Gojo sang, immediately springing up to fetch the coffee and the absurd amount of sweets Gojo had ordered.     “Gojo-Sensei sure does have a sweet tooth.” Yuuji pointed out, looking at Gojo casually walking back and handing you your coffee.     “Yuuji, did you seriously just notice that?”     “Yes. Why? Do you look at Gojo-Sensei eat? You’re really weird Fushiguro.”     Fushiguro let out a sigh, and Nobara giggled, but now all their attention was focused at the pair, drinking their coffee.    “So, uh, any idea why the kids invited us here?” he said, playing with his strikingly white hair. Your stomach did backflips, it looked so soft. Wait, fuck, why were you even thinking these things?
   “Uh, yeah, something about.. Um,” FUCK. You were supposed to say you didn’t know.    “Something about... Putting us on a... Blind date?” You mumbled sheepishly, Nobara crumpled on the table, murmuring about how stupid you were.     Shit, fucking shit, you weren’t supposed to be honest. 
   “Really now?” Gojo inquired, lifting an eyebrow and putting his arm on the table, leaning his face onto his hand. He took a bite out of his donut.     Now your face was really burning, why were you acting so strange?     Could it be true?     You had a crush on Gojo Satoru?     At first, you wanted to reject it, but the feeling settled in. It made more sense to you then not having a crush on Satoru. The feeling of regret when he tried asking you out, the many times where you found yourself ogling when he was naked, the amount of dreams you had about him.    You really did have a crush on him, huh?    You stammered, a rush of self-confidence flooding into you, “Fuck it.” you breathily mumbled, “I like you, Satoru.”     The doubt settled in as soon as Gojo looked at you, wide eyed, mouth slightly agape. Nobara was even shocked herself, she had never seen you as headstrong as this.    Fushiguro and Yuuji were in an intense discussion about their preference in women, well, more like Yuuji, Fushiguro was ignoring him, looking at the wall instead of the surprising twist in the date.    “You like me, (Y/N)?”     “Fuck, yeah, yeah I do.” you looked at his shades, oh how you wish you could see his eyes right now.     A slow grin spread across his face.     “I like you too, (Y/N).”
   Nobara, now quietly cheering and shaking Itadori and Fushiguro gesturing to you two, chewed them out for not seeing the events building up to the climax. 
   “Yes, really, sugar.”
   Everything felt unreal, you had never thought you would find yourself in this position ever, was this a dream? You tried pinching yourself.
  He snickered, “No (Y/N), this isn’t a dream. I really do like you.” he rubbed the back of his neck, readjusting his crooked shades. “I would even say I’ve liked you for a while.” 
   It had never dawned on you that he wasn’t being flirtatious just to be flirtatious, he was actually actively trying to
get you.
“I can’t wait to tell the kids this.” he grinned to you, smiling widely. “Fuck, this feels like a dream to me too. I didn’t think you actually showed any interest in me.” 
   You couldn’t even be cheeky back, you were in a state of euphoria. 
   “Actually sensei.” you turned to look who was talking, Yuuji was excitingly bouncing up and down. Fushiguro looked like he wanted to be launched off a roof.     “We set up the blind date.” Nobara smiled, looking at the pair. “You know, I’ve always seen the romance and chemistry between you two, and you guys finally worked it out like adults!”   
    Why did you get the feeling that she was mocking you too?       Regardless, you had walked into the coffee shop single, and you walked out with the guy who had stolen your heart for years now, without you even realizing.     All thanks to Nobara.      
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holykillercake · 4 years
Strawberry and Cigarretes
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pairing: Sanji x Reader
word count: 2.6k
highlight: ¨Everything hurt, and for the first time, you wished to forget what the ocean sounded like.¨ 
warnings: slight angst
notes: This was a request from @vemuabhi​! <3 Very special because it was my first ever request! I wanted to doge the obvious path (which I almost took) and do something that didn´t involve Whole Cake Island, so maybe it is not the biggest angst (hats off to Mr. Oda cause he is Father angst) but I did my very best! I hope you all enjoy and Happy Birthday, Sanji-kun! <3
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𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤, 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤, 𝕠𝕣 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤!
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Do you remember when you were a kid, and you´d find a shell laying on the sand? And you would pick it up and put it on your ear, hoping to listen to the ocean? It´d always make a smile grow on your face before you tossed it aside and jumped into the water.
That time was different. When you heard the ocean share its endless secrets and tell its adventurous stories, you just wanted to sit there all day and listen. 
This specific event happened a couple of months after you joined the Strawhats. Chopper had borrowed you his stethoscope cause you thought it was cool, and in the middle of thousands of things you´ve already heard in your life, good and bad, the heartbeat was something that you were oblivious to. 
Some would think that asking to hear someone else´s heartbeat was weird, but inside the Thousand Sunny... well, those guys put ¨weird¨ on another level, and you would have to work your ass off to surpass that. 
Chopper got all blushed when you leaned closer to his tiny and furry torso, Usopp told you stories about a war he once won but had to have his heart replaced by a lion´s, Franky said that if you wanted to see a heart he could simply pull it out for you, Brook invested on the same ¨Oh, I don´t have a heart. Yohohoho¨ joke, Zoro let you listen to his wrist, Nami and Robin almost had you sinking into their generous breasts, and Sanji... you left him for last because you didn´t know how to ask him. So you just tiptoed quietly inside the kitchen, sneaked behind him, and tried to listen to his heart through his back. You feared that your nose would start bleeding if he faced you while you were doing it. 
That was exactly what he did, by the way. He poured more water into the stew he was cooking and turned around, putting out his cigarette so ashes wouldn´t fall on you. Immediately you began to sweat, your breath quickened, and hold the stethoscope with a steady hand became a herculean task. 
His lean fingers moved to the collar of his blue shirt and started to unbutton a few, enough for you to have better access. At that point, you believed that the reason why you weren´t bleeding yet was that you were slowly having a stroke, and Sanji´s action was God´s gift to you for being a good person while alive. 
Then he didn´t do anything else, just put both hands in his pockets and waited while you listened to every single bubble popping inside his chest like you were afraid to miss one. In the end, he tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and went back to his stew.
But that was all about it. The following months were just like any other, the crew kept acting as weird as their minds allowed, and you kept shutting whatever your stupid heart was yelling at you. Although... if you could be honest for one moment, deep down you were hurt. 
Maybe you scared or crept him away with your childish curiosity. Maybe he had noticed your feelings for him and got disgusted. Well, not disgusted, he probably didn´t like you the same way and didn´t know how to tell you, so keeping words to a minimum was his way to go. 
He stopped singing and twirling around you, he´d rather call your name respectfully; when you shared the night watches, he just remained quiet by your side, answering briefly to your questions or comments; he even stopped trying to sneak into your baths or make suggestive comments - which you didn´t love before, but you know, you only miss something when it's gone. 
The whole crew had noticed the change in both of your behaviors, but they too were not sure how to address it. Whenever someone asked something about it you would say ¨Really? I didn´t notice anything.¨. Either too proud to confront him or too afraid of the truth. 
¨Oi, you ok?¨ Zoro asked, breaking into your personal bubble of sadness. 
You knew it was Zoro because you two were taking the night watch, but you didn´t expect him to show interest or concern about your upset state. 
The night was chilly, so you were sitting on Sunny´s grass, arms around your knees, holding them close to your chest to keep the warmth. 
¨Why do you care?¨ you answered bitterly, but he didn´t mind since he was the king of freaking Bitter Land. 
¨I don´t. But I´ll go crazy if I hear you sigh one more time.¨ he sat close to you, not too close, just enough for you to listen to each other.
A chuckle left your mouth involuntarily, you never expected his grouchy temper would come in handy in times like this. Then your frowned expression came back, and you let out another sigh. 
Before you realized Zoro had pushed you with his Sandai Kitetsu scabbard, making you fall to your side with a squeak. 
¨I told you.¨
You sat again, taking some grass off your leg ¨Yeah. Can´t deny it.¨
¨Yeah, you´ve been doing that a lot lately.¨ 
He didn´t look like he was teasing you, his eyes focusing on the line where the sky met the ocean, where the stars disappeared and became blurry white brushes on the water. 
¨I... I don´t-¨
¨I think you can do better than the stupid cook.¨he kept his usual tone ¨ But I guess we don´t get to choose these things.¨ 
You were taken aback by his words, and despite you trying to fight your lips from trembling and tears from falling, it was useless. You had been crushing these feelings inside you for too long, and it killed you the more you ignored it. 
The swordsman wasn´t saying those things because he loved you or anything like that, but because the entire crew - except for Luffy - had already noticed and began acting weird about it. And despite being the captain´s duty to solve any problem or an uncomfortable situation, your captain was a bit too oblivious, so he had to step in. 
Besides, his nakama was getting hurt. He didn´t care about the ero cook. 
¨If you want me to beat him up... just let me know.¨ 
He said it to cheer you up - not that he didn´t mean, he´d do it for much less - but nothing seemed worth smiling for now. You just bit your lip in order to avoid an embarrassing whining, since you were unable to stop the painful tears from rolling down your cheeks. 
Everything hurt, and for the first time, you wished to forget what the ocean sounded like.
¨W-What should I do?¨
¨That´s not my problem to solve, Y/N.¨ he stood up beside you ¨But sometimes, when I have a difficult problem that I can´t solve my way...¨ his gaze still locked with the horizon ¨... I think about what my captain would do.¨ he left without any further words, leaving you not only sad but confused as well. 
You slept on it for the next couple of days, still not understanding what he meant. Maybe he just wanted to leave the conversation and said whatever came to mind. But even that didn´t fit right. If he didn´t want to be stuck in an uncomfortable conversation, he wouldn´t have started one. 
So you took as a personal mission to observe your captain until you learned how to think like him, hoping that figuring that out would solve your problem. 
You had joined the crew as a historian, the person responsible for writing down every adventure meticulously, every tiny detail of every battle, and every glorious victory along the Strawhats journey. So in one dusk, when you were in charge of the night watch with Robin and the moon was full and bright, you took your journals and began rolling through the pages, looking for a pattern, something that anticipated every major decision of your captain.
You even borrowed old diaries from the time you were not part of their crew. The stories lacked details, but they served to paint a picture. Basically:
Luffy insults an ugly lady, saves a kid, eats something, finds Zoro, beats the crap out of a crazy marine, saves the day, gets his first crewmate. 
Luffy gets eaten by a bird, then vomited in a town, finds Nami, eats something, is put in a cage, beat the crap out of some pirates, saves the day.
 Luffy wants a new ship, meets Usopp, eats something, gets thrown from a cliff, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets Going Merry and a liar. 
Luffy wants a cook, explodes a restaurant, becomes a waiter, eats something, meets Sanji, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets a cook. 
Luffy eats something, finds the fishmen, goes for a walk, is thrown in the water, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets a navigator.
Luffy wants a doctor, eats everything, fights some crazy ass bunnies, climbs a mountain, meets Chopper, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets a doctor. 
Luffy eats something, wants to fix Going Merry, meets Franky, loses Robin, beats the crap out of some world government agents, saves the day, gets an archeologist, a shipwright, and Thousand Sunny. 
Luffy hears a ghoulish singing, finds a speaking skeleton in a busted ship, has his shadow stolen, beats the crap out of some Warlord of the Sea, gets a musician.
When you finished the last journal, the weight of your body pushed you to the floor, and you laid on your back for a couple of minutes, overwhelmed by the amount of information in your head.
¨I know what to do...¨ you took a deep breath ¨... I´m gonna eat something.¨
You mumbled something to Robin, telling her that you´d be back in a few minutes, and wandered to the kitchen. 
As soon as you entered the room a sweet and comforting aroma like whipped cream and strawberries invaded your senses, making your head turn to the counter immediately. 
¨Y/N-chan...¨ the cook said.
You opened and closed your mouth a couple of times, looked at him, and then to your feet, your fingers fidgeting as a sign of your anxious state. 
¨D-Didn't know you were awake.¨ you marched to the table and helped yourself with some sugar cookies.
¨Oh... It won´t take much longer...¨ you heard his muffled voice somewhere in the back of your mind, all you could hear was the blood pumping in your ears ¨... cake because today is my birthday and I thought we...¨ your vision was focused on the cookie jar, crushing the granular biscuit with your fingertips ¨...and I...I didn´t know if-¨
¨What would Luffy do?¨ you whispered to yourself.
¨What would Luffy do?¨ 
The question wasn´t for him, it was for you. You felt something growing inside your chest, like the blood that pumped in your heart was boiling and burning, giving you the strength and courage you needed. 
¨I have been trying to find answers to a lot of things, you know?¨ you stood up to face the cook, palms spread on the table, ¨I ... do you hate me, Sanji?¨ 
He stopped what he was doing and let the knife rest on the cutting board. When his gaze found yours, there was no way back. That is what Luffy would do. He´d eat something, do whatever came to his mind, and deal with the consequences. No need to go back. 
¨Y/N-chan... why do you...¨
¨I mean, I ask this because...¨ you clenched your hands, cursing yourself for feeling the need to cry ¨I can´t take this anymore, Sanji! If I did something to offend you or if I said something...¨ your voice was broken and weak, and you were a mess of tears and sobs ¨You don´t have to love me back, that´s not what I am saying, but... I can´t stand-¨
¨Y/N-chan... why do you think I hate you?¨ he wiped his hands with a towel and made his way towards you, slowly.
¨Oh, come on, Sanji... You treat me differently, you´re cold and distant, you don´t say a word to me even when we share night shifts! If you don´t hate me, then this must be a sick game you´re playing.¨ your legs felt wobbly, and you sat back in the chair, not being able to face him anymore.  The courage and strenght you had minutes ago was gone.
You just watched him get closer and kneel in front of you, his cold fingers gently brushing away the hot tears on your cheeks. 
¨I could never hate you, Y/N.¨ he said softly ¨I am sorry I made you feel like this, I am sorry I made you cry...¨ his fingers touched your trembling lips. 
¨Then why...¨
¨I didn´t want to scare you away like I always do, Y/N... I know I can be too much sometimes, with the nose bleeding and everything. But that´s how I am, and I didn´t want you to think of me as an idiot... so I prefer being silent, then say something stupid and... ¨ 
¨You don´t have to say this. I don´t need pity talk...¨you spoke as more tears fell, giving him a chance to take his statement back.
¨I have to, Y/N. But not because of pity talk.¨ he gently pressed his forehead against yours, like bunnies do when they apologize. 
¨Then why?¨ 
¨Because I love you, Y/N.¨ the blonde closed the space left between the two of you, kissing you passionately. 
He helped you get up without breaking the kiss and leaned you against the kitchen table, his hands holding your body close while yours ran through his golden hair. His mouth tasted like strawberries and cigarettes, a flavor to which you could easily get addicted. 
You parted the kiss just enough to get some oxygen, your noses were touching, and you could feel his heavy breathing against your skin. 
¨I didn´t know today is your birthday...¨ you whispered, afraid that this was a dream and you´d wake up alone again. 
¨Yeah, I was hoping to get a Happy Birthday from you, you know.¨ he chuckled.
¨I think you´ll be getting more than that.¨
You stared into each other´s eyes for a moment before he pulled you to a hug. When you leaned against his warm chest you heard it again, the same babble of the ocean, only this time you smiled, knowing that it wanted to listen to your stories and secrets as well. 
¨Happy Birthday... I love you.¨
¨I love you too, Y/N.¨ he kissed you again.
¨Please, don´t have sex on the dinner table.¨ you jumped when Robin spoke.
 When you turned, you saw all your crewmates dressed in pajamas and messy hair staring back at you with sparkly sleepy eyes. You spot Zoro back in the crowd, you smiled and gave him a silent ¨Thank you.¨. You couldn´t help but wonder how the guy who manages to gets lost walking down a straight path was able to guide some sense into you. 
In any way, you´ve found it. Inside of his chest, inside of his heart was the All Blue you heard so much of. Maybe that was the thing with it, and why only a few people found it. Everyone assumes that it is a place, where the four Blues meet, but it´s easy to forget that when you´re a pirate the ocean becomes the essence of who you are.
Little did you know that Sanji had found his All Blue too.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.5: Mukami Yuma [Track 3+4]
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Original title: 野蛮で乱暴 & 砂糖より甘い血
Source: Diabolik Lovers More, Blood Vol. 5: Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here (08:29 ~ 19:00)
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Yuma’s perverted nature is definitely more emphasized in this. I did chuckle a little when he calls the MC out for having kiddo panties though. There’s also a fair amount of blood-sucking in this CD which is not great news for me since I don’t particularly enjoy listening to all of the slurping but I’ll manage. It’s not as bad as Laito’s MB CD where he’s also moaning into my ear every two seconds. 
Track 1+2 ll Track 3+4 ll Track 5+6 ll Track 7+8 ll Track 9+10
TRACK 3: Wild and Ferocious
“Anyway, let’s get started. I’m darn hungry ‘cause of that delicious scent of yers waftin’ through the air...”
You swiftly escape his grip and run towards the door.
“...Hey! Don’t try and run!”
You try and open the door, but to no avail.
Yuma approaches you.
“...Shut up! Argh...What a drag. Don’t cause me extra trouble, ugh!”
He drags you back.
[00:38] “Geez...Do ya even have a brain inside of yer head? Should be pretty obvious you’re no match for me just by lookin’, no? If I wanted to...I could easily snap yer neck with my bare hands.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Pinnin’ ya down ‘gainst the ground like this is child’s play...”
*Rustle rustle*
[01:10] “Geez...Ya want to be treated hard-handedly, don’t ya? That’s why you’re workin’ me up, aren’t ya? ...Oh well, whatever. No matter how much ya try and stall, ya can’t avoid the inevitable.”
*Rustle rustle*
“You’re just a prey layin’ on top of the plate, waitin’ to devoured...I’ll make sure to...”
“...savor ya thoroughly. Ya should be happy. Anyway...”
“Ya seriously smell amazin’...Where is this scent comin’ from...?”
[01:58] “From here? ...Hah! What kind of underwear is that? Ya really lack any shred of sex appeal. Can’t ya wear somethin’ with a lil’ more ‘bang’? Geez. What a turn off. Next time go for somethin’ worth showin’ off. (1) ...Well, guess that rules out this place.”
You get mad.
[02:21] “...Aah? Yeah. I flipped over yer skirt knowin’ damn well the smell wasn’t comin’ from there, so what? I won’t get turned on from yer kiddy panties so don’t worry.”
You continue protesting.
“Aah...So noisy...Shut up already!! I’m lookin’ for the source of this delicious smell...Is it comin’ from inside after all...? I can’t tell...Well, in that case, I gotta do some lookin’ ‘round, huh? Hehe...Yuma-sama will do you the honor of tastin’ this body of yers which Ruki is oh-so interested in.”
[03:05] “It’s taste-testin’, ya see. When it comes to cookin’, the person preparin’ the dish has the right to have the first bite, no? In other words, since I caught ya, I deserve to take a lil’ nibble out of ya as well.”
*Rustle rustle*
“Ahー ...I can’t get enough of this scent...Honestly...is it even legal for a human to smell this good?”
*Rustle rustle*
[03:45] “Aah...You’re so skinny all over...You’re severely lackin’ in curves but...Haah...Your scent is sublime...Oi. Imma turn ya into my toy right now, so ya better watch closely. ...I’ll pierce your skin with my fangs...thrusting all the way through your flesh down to the nerves in one go.”
TRACK 4: Blood Sweeter Than Sugar
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma bites you.
[00:22] “Haah...Wow...What’s this...? Oi...I’ve never...”
“...had blood even tastier than sugar...”
*Rustle rustle*
[00:44] “It’s fuckin’ sweet...What’s up with yer blood? Don’t ask me for the details, but I was told that there’s somethin’ special ‘bout yer heart, but is that really enough to yield these kinds of results? Nah, I doubt it.”
[01:03] “Oi, ya know what’s up, don’t ya? Did they fiddle with yer body or somethin’ ...Ah...Fuck...I’m feelin’ kinda dizzy...is it ‘cause of yer blood? ...Actually, you’ve got that dazed look in yer eyes as well...Not a bad look at all. Both of us get to feel good. ...This experience is a first for me. Usually they either succumb under the intense pain or go batshit crazy, but never have I seen someone make a lewd face like you.”
Your eyes widen in surprise.
[02:02] “Hehe...Shocked to hear that? Don’t worry, honestly. Just enjoy it. If ya beg me to indulge in more of yer blood, I wouldn’t mind dotin’ (2) on ya a lil’, ya know?”
You protest again.
“Che...You’re still fightin’ back? Ya really aren’t cute at all. ...What’s yer problem? God gifted ya with this special body, didn’t he?”
You shake your head.
[02:34] “...Ah? Ya never asked for it? ...Hah! Well, I honestly don’t give a damn ‘bout how you feel ‘bout this. I like pleasure, simple as that. Besides, I would never turn down a delicious snack either. ...I’ll suck ya down to the very last drop.
[03:04] ...Honestly, I don’t care if ya stick to or try to change your morals. I think it’s bullshit and I have no interest in that sorta crap. The only thing that interests me...is yer blood. Besides, ya could never beat me in terms of strength. ...I mean, just take a look at our difference in height!”
[03:30] “You’re a midget! Ya look like a lil’ kid next to me. Haha! Which means...All resistance is futile. Guess you’ll just have to behave if ya don’t want to be in a world of pain, huh? ...Altho’, I have to admit that when they don’t even attempt to fight back, there’s really no fun in beatin’ them up. So if ya wanna resist, be my guest.”
You try and speak up.
“ー Stop right there. Ya talk way too much. Well then...Where should I bite ya next? Maybe I should go for yer leg?”
[04:20] “Your scent only keeps gettin’ better...How should I describe it...? Nnh...”
Yuma bites you once more.
“Aah...I can’t...My body’s burnin’...and I feel unbearably hot...Haahn...”
[05:00] “Nn...I can feel it flowin’ inside of me...Somethin’ as hot as magma...right into my body...Hehe...This is the best...You’re way too delicious...”
“We’re still nowhere near done yet...”
“Sick...It feels like even my senses have become numb...The fuck’s this stuff? Nnh...”
*Rustle rustle*
[05:39] “Hm...Honestly, I’m embarrassed that such a dull chick is makin’ me feel this way...You’re way too intense...What have ya been eatin’ to get yer blood to taste like this?”
You frown.
“Vegetables turn out perfect with the right amount of fertilizer and water. So what’s the secret in yer case? ...Oi, ya listenin’? Now’s not the time to space out...Hey!”
*Smack smack*
“Can ya hear me?”
*Smack smack*
[06:14] “Che...She lost consciousness. Did I scarf down too much from the very start? Should I have minded my ‘table manners’ a lil’ more? Ah...What a drag. ーー Oi!”
*Smack smack*
*Smack smack*
“Wake up, ya bitch!”
*Smack smack*
Translation notes
(1) Yuma says ‘go for something where you don’t have to worry about people flipping up your skirt’, implying that a sexy pair of underwear is worth showing off, I suppose. :p
(2) While かわいがる or ‘kawaigaru’ usually means ‘to dote on’ or ‘to spoil’ in a positive sense of the word, in DL it is often use ironically and actually means ‘to treat badly’ instead.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
How The OP Boys Wish You A Happy Birthday » SFW
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A/N : Yep! It’s my birthday, that’s why this is here. And I apologize in advance for not writing anything for Sanji’s birthday 😭 and yes I had to clarify that this is a sfw version ... small af HCs.
This wasn’t as great as I hoped, obviously but I’m happy about it and I like it. :>
Note : Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Law + Kid, Mihawk, Katakuri,
Summary : How these boys would wish you a happy birthday in their own ways.
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The loudest one. Will scream it first thing when he even realizes that it’s your birthday.
Definitely does forget it though. I know people canon that Luffy is one of those whos dense and all but would actually remember all of his crew’s birthdays but I mean come on, I’m sure he’ll definitely forget..
But when he knows, man is it one hell of a party and day for you.
Demands Sanji prepare a giant feast for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Any meat there is, Luffy is forcing it all towards you to have before he takes the rest. It’s your special day after all! So you get to eat the meat first. ( just don’t take too long, he’s drooling )
Demands the crew to celebrate with a huge ass party and goes to the nearest island to buy you anything and EVERYTHING, he has no boundaries, especially with no money.
It’s a seriously good time though.
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Zoro is definitely more chill and laid back. He won’t realize it at first until he sees you and he just casually says it.
He doesn’t really care too much about celebrating it or just doing anything for any birthday in general but he’s not opposed to anything you want, especially if there’s booze.
Definitely teases you about your age though. Already a year older? How old, he can see gray hairs already~
He’s not about the gift giving or shit either, he’s more of spending time with the person type, to show he cares. So he’d offer you to join him in the crows nest or he’ll just lay or follow you as you wish.
“Oh. Happy Birthday, old man/woman.” Of course, it’s just for laughs and jokes.
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This boy is the first to say it, first thing in the morning once you wake up.
He’s so cheery and smiley for you and is set to give you the perfect birthday, with a delicious birthday breakfast, or breakfast in bed if you’re still tired.
The rest of the day is him just never leaving your side, doing whatever you need, even the smallest things ever. He wants to make sure you don’t do anything other than the fun things for your special day.
Prepares a giant feast of all your favorite and native foods that he’s been practicing to perfect and finally, is a huge gift giver, buying you a rather expensive jewelry he thought would look amazing on you.
“My lovely, sweet, [Name]. I hope you have the most wonderful birthday today, and accept this beautiful gift that I know will look stunning on you, only adding to your gorgeous appearance.”
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Oh boy, this freckled one is loud. He sure loves birthdays, especially celebrating them and the giant ass parties you have.
Reminds everyone in the crew and pleads Whitebeard every year to make a big celebratory feast and party for you.
Does attempt to make it a surprise party but with it happening every year and trying to make it a grand one on the ship usually doesn’t succeed in surprising you.
His drunk speeches are embarrassing and hilarious, even more so when he pulls you to the center to give a speech and encourages you to say something.
He’s a lot but he means well, and when you two are alone, he offers a kind and sweet smile before holding out his present for you, something he knows you’ve been eyeing and wanting for a while.
And with the brightest, warmest grin in the sunset, he speaks.
“Happy Birthday, [Name]~. May this day and year make your wishes come true.”
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Sabo remembers, he remembers the littlest things so of course he’ll remember it!
Now, the revolutionary army is a family but not many of them are a huge party celebrator but are always up to celebrate anyone’s birthdays.
Fortunately, Sabo manages to convince Dragon to have a small party to celebrate yours and it’s nothing too big, just some food, a cake and the closest members of the army there with you.
Koala and Hack are congratulating you and wishing you well while Dragon, not a huge partier, offers his wishes as well before sitting off to the side to work as usual.
Ivankov is the most enthusiastic, making sure the whole party is swell and is the one who sets up all the decorations and has the biggest present.
Sabo is the one who sticks by your side most, taking you everywhere you want and has the most memorable / amount of presents for you.
First is some nostalgic items that reminds him of when you two first met, then it’s items that represent interests that you both share, then it’s something he knows you’ve been wanting for forever, and lastly, it’s something that reminds him most of you, the most special one.
Yeah, not a big party but Sabo will do anything for you, so if you don’t want one, there won’t be any. Sabo just wants you to be happy and will do what it takes to make you smile. He’s a huge gift giver, but only things he knows you will love. Hopefully.
“Happy Birthday [Name]! I got you some gifts and I’m not taking any refusals, it’s your birthday. Now, let’s get going to the city so I can take you shopping.”
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Of course Law remembers, it’s Law. However, the most he’ll do is wish you a happy birthday, that’s it really.
He’s not really one to make a big deal out of things, he’s not one for parties clearly, as seen in Dressrosa aftermath, so he won’t really have one unless you really want one. Or, if the others happen to catch word of your special day and wish to celebrate it with a party.
If there has to be a party, Law expects it to be a small one at the very least, nothing too crazy. Just some simple decorations, gifts and presents, but it’s his crew. Of course they’ll go all out.
However when he actually comes to it, after being forced to rest, he actually enjoys it. Even more so when he sees how happy you are, your bright smile filling the mood in the room and the way your eyes light up when he comes.
Law’s a bit embarrassed when the two of you are finally alone. He didn’t really care for birthdays in general but he still got you a little something, and tries to act casual about it when he hands you the thin box.
Inside, is a gold charm bracelet with mini heart charms around it and in the middle is a skull and crossbones.
“Happy Birthday, [Name]-ya.. I got you this.. hope you like it.”
( yk he’s going to be awkward and kinda shy )
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Does not remember. Killer has to remind him, despite the uncertainty that the red head would care.
The red head wouldn’t really care at first, especially when he sees you aren’t really mentioning it or excited about it before deciding to celebrate it on the nearest island.
Totally not an excuse to just spend the whole day crashing a pub and drinking the place dry in celebration.
You’re the star of the show, celebrity of the day, so Kid makes you pay for everything if he doesn’t threaten the owner to give everything for free. Plus, he will make you drink as many beers as you can until you pass out and challenges you to many drinks and such.
Kid doesn’t give a shit about gift giving or making a big ass party with food and stuff, but the most he’ll do is let you off the hook for the day and not do any work. After that, you’re back to your duties.
“Oi. I don’t give a shit about this birthday crap, but whatever you want, it’s yours. Nothing too fuckin’ ridiculous obviously.. only for today, ya hear?”
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This man will definitely remember and if you are dating him, prepared to be swept off your feet and romantically pampered.
Breakfast is already set on the table when you awake, along with a simple rose on the table in a vase.
There is no parties, and no way is he celebrating this with Shanks unless you truly wish to, or if Shanks appears unannounced. Mihawk prefers to celebrate with just the two of you.
The whole day is just spent together, cuddling, wandering the island and just doing whatever you want because it’s your special day. It ends with some wine and cuddling by the fire before he hands you his present.
The box is small and you open it to reveal a diamond necklace with a skull and crossbones, along with a cross. ( idk man )
With the soft kiss to your temple, he holds you closer in his chair by the fireplace.
“I wish you a Happy Birthday, mi amour. I hope today has been a great day for you.”
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Knows from the beginning, but the amount of guilt he feels when he possibly won’t be around for it, reallyyy hurts him :<
No doubt that he will definitely be there though. He’s always there for everyone’s birthdays :>
Katakuri won’t eat any of the giant ass cakes that Pudding makes and he’s not a big gift giver either, he’s more quality time kind of person.
But, when it’s time for his special meriendas, he asks the chefs to make a particular bigger one and stick candles around before giving it to you.
It’s the least, smallest offer he can give you, a birthday donut. :) he’ll be looking serious and all but under his scarf is a hidden small and proud smile and maybe a small flush of his cheeks.
“Happy Birthday, [Name]. Make sure to enjoy today, alright?”
A/N : so yeah! My view on how these boys would wish you a happy birthday. Some of it is a bit rushed because I made this so late. It was a last minute thing.
Anyways, hope you are all doing well and having a great day/night! :> ily.
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kpop-cakepops · 4 years
So... We Love Each Other? // Vernon Chwe
Friends to Lovers au. 
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3,878
Warnings: None.
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"The rule to remember is that opposites attract. Every magnet has both a north and a south pole. When you place the north pole of one magnet near the south pole of another magnet, they are attracted to one anothe-"
You switched the television off whatever kid's show had been on. It was an early Friday morning and you had accidentally fallen asleep with the TV on the night before.
The night before.
If only you could you would erase the entire night from your memory and just live your life as if it had never happened. Too bad you didn't have the power to do that, nor did you know anyone that could.
With a distraught sigh, you push yourself from your bed and drag your feet in the direction of your kitchen only to be startled by your best friend and roommate Vernon, who was standing with his back pressed against the counter.
"Holy crap. You scared me!" You exclaimed holding at your chest to alleviate the rapid beating of your heart.
"You're one to talk. Mingyu is now officially terrified of you and wants you to pretend not to know him. He stated, and I quote, 'I've never seen someone get so upset over turtles.' He is also making me pay him back for the date." The younger boy glares at you and chugs down the rest of his chocolate milk. "Care to explain how you managed to ruin a blind date with Mingyu? Kim Mingyu?! The epitome of tolerance and acceptance?!"
You winced at every word he spoke until you finally broke and dropped to the floor. "Animal life preservation" you mumbled. "He brought up my favorite books and then he started talking about animals and I got excited, and may have spoken a little too much about saving the turtles"
"Y/N, I'm running out of friends to set you up with. Seungcheol joined the army as an excuse to not see you, Jeonghan moved to the dormitories on the other side of the campus, Soonyoung said he'll never date again... are you cursed? Should we see a shaman?"
You grunted from your spot on the ground before standing. "Just stop setting me up with people. I don't think I'm cut out for this dating thing... maybe I should join a convent and become a nun?” You asked him as you grabbed a bowl to pour cereal into it. “Maybe it’s a  sign from the heavens, I should learn the ways of God and become the next Mother Teresa."
Vernon’s face softened slightly at the sight of you defeatedly picking at your fingernails but instead rolled his eyes and moved you out of his way when you turned to face him. "Move. You're hopeless and I have class. I swear if I come back to find out you've called the local church I will send Seungcheol all your embarrassing love letters, and before you ask, yes, they are under my custody."
"Excuse me?! Hey come back here! You little- I'm older than you!”
“It’s just a year” he retorted.
"Yeah?! Well, blackmailing is illegal you know!”
He was gone.
Seeing that you had already missed your first class of the day, you decided to take the entire day off as a day to self reflect and find your zen. (You also didn't want to see Kim Mingyu again, so staying home would probably be the best option for you.) Promptly you grabbed your favorite book and flopped onto the only couch in the apartment throwing your legs up against the wall and pretending to read when in reality you were contemplating dropping out of your ethics class to entirely avoid Mingyu... and Jeonghan...
After about 2 hours the front door of your apartment swung open and in walked Vernon’s girlfriend Minji. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw you, her already red face became even redder as she muffled a scream into her hands and stomped in direction of your roommate’s bedroom.
“Uhhhh...” You rolled yourself off the couch and instantly scattered for your phone, dialing Vernon’s number quickly.
“Hey, um just a real quick question. By any chance did you and Minji fight again?” you asked as you heard things tumbling around inside Vernon’s room.
“Damn it. I told her not to show up at the apartment. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. Please protect my shoe collection with your life, Y/N. It’s all I ask of you.”
The line was cut before you could muster up a response. A loud crash rumbled down the hall and you found yourself sighing. It was time for you to step in as usual, which was probably the thing you most hated to do, especially since your best friend’s girlfriend wasn’t exactly fond of you.
With careful steps, you moved in direction of Vernon’s bedroom and knocked lightly. “Hey, Minji... you in there?” After a few seconds of receiving no response you called out again, “Minji? I’m gonna come in okay?” slowly you opened the door only for your mouth to fall agape.
A crying Minji was sitting on the floor surrounded by Vernon’s clothes, his drawers pulled open and emptied while his closet doors remained open with yet another mess made up of his clothes, some with hangers still in. “Jesus Christ, Minji, what is this mess?! You haven’t even been here 5 minutes!” you exclaimed walking further inside to try and salvage the room.
“What do you care?! These aren’t your things, Vernon isn’t your boyfriend! So what do you care?!” She yelled standing up from her spot on the ground.
“I care because this is my house, and these are Vernon’s things. Being his pissed off girlfriend does not give you the right to just storm in here and start ripping his bedroom apart! We’re hoping to get the deposit for this apartment back when we move out!” you fought back as you picked up your friend’s clothes off the floor and placed them on the bed.
“... stop referring to Vernon as part of your ‘we.’ Do you have any idea how fucking annoying you are? Do you have any idea how much I hate you?!”
You stopped in your tracks and looked over at her in disbelief. “Don’t you think you’re being unfair right now? I’m having as much a rough day as you are and you break into my house to make a ruckus? Do you really think I like you? All you’ve done since you started dating Vernon is push me away from him as his friend, it was like you decided I was the enemy before you even met me. You’ve been nothing but a bitch to me, so do you think I like you?!” You didn’t know where all the resentment was coming from, maybe the words had a cutting edge on them because of the amount of stress you were under what with the failed Mingyu date and your upcoming exams... whatever the reason, you wanted to hurt her feelings.
She looked shocked by your words. Understandably so, you hadn’t ever really talked back to her when she threw a tantrum, usually Vernon would take her away before anything could escalate.
“You must be really happy. Look at you getting brave, you must be really happy to be the reason Vernon won’t marry me. You must be really happy to know he wants to break up with me over you. You’re dead wrong if you think I’m going to allow you both to date peacefully. I’d rather DIE than see you both together, you hear me?! I’ll make both your lives a living hell” Her erratic words felt like a bucket of ice-cold water had been dumped on you.
"Minji... what do think you’re doing?” Vernon was finally home. You looked over at him to find that his eyes were trained on you as he walked up. “Are you okay?” he asked grabbing you by the shoulders and looking for any signs of a fight.
You nodded your head and pushed the shirt that was in your hand into his chest. “Get her the hell out of this house before I have an aneurism,” you told him quietly before walking out of his room and straight into yours.
With your back pressed to your bedroom door, you heard Minji go into another yelling fit while your best friend calmly tried to deescalate the situation. You rolled your eyes at the sound of him being the nicest while Minji continued to vociferate. It was always like that, you wondered why he always put up with her when she obviously only ever used him as a trophy boyfriend.
You plopped down on your bed putting in your earbuds in an attempt to drown out the outside noise. Only then were you able to process what had just happened. You knew you’d been wrong to vent your frustrations out on Minji who wasn’t really at fault for your failed love life... but it’s not like you were at fault for her failed love life either, right?
“ you must be really happy to know he wants to break up with me over you.”
What had she even meant by that? Was Vernon really thinking about breaking up with her? Even if he were thinking about doing it, how would that be your fault? Everything was starting to become too much for you, the gold medalist of the overthinking Olympics, so you decided to block everything out and do the one thing you were best at: sleep.
It had been 2 weeks since your disaster Mingyu date and the epic Minji and Vernon showdown. Minji had not stepped foot in your apartment since and Vernon, who had kept quiet about the entire situation, was rarely home. The number of times you’d seen him in the last 2 weeks were so small that you could probably count them in one hand.
Truth be told, you hadn’t exactly made an effort to talk to him either. You knew if you talked to him you’d ask about Minji and that would lead to a conversation about his fight, which would lead to you asking why Minji blamed you for it. God forbid he say something like ‘I like you’ right? Or were you more worried about him saying he didn’t?
A soft groan left your lips as you allowed your head to drop onto your desk. You were overthinking again. You were almost sure your head was going to burst suddenly.
You looked up to find Mingyu standing next to your table with his hands in his pockets. “What’s up?” you asked as you grabbed your bag and shoved your laptop inside.
Mingyu looked at you with raised eyebrows and handed you a shopping bag with what looked like clothes. “These are Vernon’s can you give them to him?” he asked.
You took the bag from him and nodded, “Yeah, I’ll get it to him.” With that, you walked around him and started to leave the lecture hall not really having anything else to say.
“Um... hey, wait.” his hand was around your arm and you looked at him expectantly. He dropped his grip embarrassed before he scratched at the back of his neck. “Aren’t you gonna... ask why I didn’t call you?”
You frowned a little, “Call me? why would you...oh! The date!” you chuckled. Funny how only 2 weeks ago avoiding Mingyu was all you could think about.
The tall boy blinked confused, “Y-you forgot we went on a date?”
“What? no... kind of... but it’s okay! I understand you’re not about that ‘SAVE THE TURTLES’ life”
“Save the turtles?” He questioned.
“Vernon told me what you said, and I’ll be the first to admit that I can get pretty scary when I talk about animal life conservation. You can act like I don’t exist if I make you uncomfortable, I regret my actions, but it’s not that important.”
“it’s not?” he asked.
You hummed in response. “By the way, has Vernon been staying at your place? Truth is he hasn’t been coming home for the past 2 weeks. I heard him and Minji broke up...and I guess I was a little worried”
Mingyu smiled to himself, “Hold on, do you seriously think I didn’t call you because you got excited over saving the turtles?” the tall boy couldn’t help but laugh. “You guys are seriously so stupid.”
“Excuse me?” you queried unsure as to why you were suddenly being called stupid.
He patted your head, “You’re a beautiful and smart girl, Y/N. Getting excited over the turtles was actually kind of hot. Jeonghan thinks so too...”
You couldn’t help but choke out a soft “He does?”
“Of course he does. It’s the Vernon part that pushes a man away.” Mingyu told you. “He was staying at my place after Minji dumped him for not wanting to get more serious about her... but I kicked him out last night. His wallet is in the bag and so are his keys to your place... you should probably go check on him”
You couldn’t help but stare at Mingyu as he left. “It’s the Vernon part that pushes a man away? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” there was a part of you that was offended for your friend. He had been nothing but sweet and caring...
Before he could leave, you ran after Mingyu and cut him off by stomping your foot in front of him. “You... I take back what I said. I don’t regret my actions on that night. In fact, I’m glad you didn’t call me back because I would never date a man that doesn’t like Vernon. Do you have any idea how much he has helped me? He listens to me, he takes care of me when I feel down, he makes me laugh even though he’s possibly the least funny person I have ever met, he left a comfortable dorm life with his best friends so that I could afford living close campus, he pretends to not care that I use his body wash when mine runs out even though I know he hates it, he puts up with my crazy ideas even if they fail... which they do 90% of the time-”
“Only 90%?” asks Mingyu with a raised eyebrow.
“OKAY MAYBE 99%, but that’s not the point! Vernon is the best friend anyone could ask for and if the guy I’m dating doesn’t like him, then I don’t want it. ALSO, YOU’RE A FAKE FRIEND. BAD MOUTHING HIM BEHIND HIS BACK. You ought to be embarrassed!” You could feel your face redden as you ranted away only for Mingyu’s face to light up in a soft smile.
“Do you even hear yourself?” he asked. “It’s not that the men in your life don’t like Vernon... it’s that none of us can compete with him.”
“It was pretty intimidating to sit through my first date with you and hear you say all these wonderful things about Vernon... it made me realize you are both idiots that don’t realize what’s right in front of you even if it hits you in the face...” you opened your mouth to speak but were stopped by Mingyu’s large hand pressing over your lips. “...so let me help you out a little. You’re in love with Vernon and that Idiot is very much in love with you too. All you ever talk about is Vernon and all Vernon does is date dumb stuck up girls because apparently, that is easier than telling you how he really feels. So how about you do all of us a favor and go back home and talk your feelings out? You know, like two grown adults.”
Your face went slack unable to say anything back to that. You weren’t sure if you were in agreeance or absolutely baffled by everything Mingyu had just said, but you had the whole walk back home to figure it all judging by the fact that Mingyu had already walked away from you.  
After what seemed like an eternity you decided to take the 15-minute walk home and face your best friend... or crush... or possibly the love of your life, as you had eventually concluded after sitting in your empty lecture hall for 30 minutes. You were ready...
Or so you thought.
The moment the elevator doors slid open to reveal your floor, your eyes landed on Vernon’s slumped form against the door of your apartment dressed in his favorite pink pajama pants. That sight alone was enough for you to freeze in your spot with your finger deeply pressing the ‘door open’ button, but your feet unable to take the ONE step needed to get out of the elevator.
There it was, the little push you needed. Vernon was staring at you from his spot on the ground, hair tousled and dark circles framing his pretty eyes.
“Hey” you mustered raising the shopping bag in your hand. “I have your stuff,” you told him as you watched him stand up.
“Cool... why are you standing inside the elevator?” he questioned nodding over at you.
You looked around you realizing then that you had not left the safety of the elevator. With a forced out cough, you stepped out and over to him. “You want to come in?” You asked gesturing to the door of your apartment only to wish you could melt into the ground below you.
“Yeah, I live here” he stated the obvious.
You stopped yourself from saying anything else and simply opened the door for both of you. Vernon, as expected, beelined for his bedroom leaving you behind with his things. Things were very obviously awkward... maybe subconsciously you’d known it’d be like this if you ever faced your feelings for Vernon... but it seemed there was no turning back anymore.
You knocked on Vernon’s bedroom door but were greeted by the sound of the shower running instead. With a small sigh, you walked back to your own room to wait for him to finish up before finally starting the conversation you’d been preparing yourself for since your talk with Mingyu.
After minutes of sitting on your bed feeling antsy and nervous, you decided to go check on Vernon again. With a deep breath, you raised your hand to knock on his bedroom door, but before you could react, his door had swung open and instead of the door, you knocked him on the face. “Oh shit!”
“Dude, what the hell?”
“Vernon, I am so sorry!” you scrambled over to his doubled over form and grabbed at his arms trying to get a better view of his face. “I didn’t mean to hit you!”
“It’s fine, don’t worry, you still can’t pack a punch, I’m fine,” he assured you as he grabbed at your shoulders, a soft smile gracing his lips as he looked into your eyes for the first time since you had left the elevator.
Unknowingly, tears began to fill your eyes. Not only had you missed him for the past two weeks, but now being face to face, looking at him as he smiled at you, made you realize how right Mingyu was.
“Are you crying?” he asked, the smile dropping from his face.
“Vernon...” you looked straight at him as you spoke, you had to get it done now or never. “why did you break up with Minji?”
Almost instantly, Vernon moved his eyes away from yours. “Don’t worry about it. Whatever she said, don’t let it bother you.”
You slowly trailed behind him as he made his way to the kitchen. “So it wasn’t because of me?”
He stopped and turned around, “Because of you? Don’t tell me you’re feeling guilty about my failed love life.” he teased as he ruffled your hair.
You grabbed his hand and shook your head, “I’m not. I’m trying to figure out if I’m in love with my best friend all by myself or if he’s in love with me too.”
Vernon’s mouth opened and closed as he tried to find words to your very sudden confession. “In- in love?”
Oh god... You were starting to hyperventilate. Was Mingyu an idiot? Did Vernon not like you like you liked him?
“Oh my god...” heat was starting to crawl up your neck. “Did I read it all wrong? Oh my god... Oh my god, I’m going to actually kill him. Why did I let him talk me into saying this?”
“I do.”
“Love you.” He said. His face was as red as you imagined yours to be. The room became silent suddenly. You had been so adamant on finally confessing your feelings to Vernon that you hadn’t managed to think what would happen after that.
“So... we love each other?” you asked like an idiot still avoiding his eyes.
“I mean, I guess so.” he chuckled nervously, hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so used to going on blind dates and never getting past the first date that like... what now?” You asked.
Vernon cleared his throat and took a step forward, his hip bumping against yours. “Well, for starters... can I kiss you?”
You squealed. “Why did you ask me, now I’m embarrassed!” you smacked his arm making him laugh.
“Fine, we don’t have to” he shrugged his shoulders and started for the kitchen once again.
Before you could help it your hand grabbed at the end of his t-shirt stopping him, “Wait... I said I’m embarrassed, not that you shouldn’t kiss me.” You mumbled.
“Well shit... now I’m embarrassed” He laughed.
With a surge of bravery, you grabbed his face and pressed your lips against his. You could feel his breath catch in his throat as you did which made you internally panic. Did he not like it? Yet almost as if he’d read your mind he wrapped his arms around your waist almost as if holding you in place, reassuring you that it was fine.
It was more than fine, really. Your heart was racing and tummy fluttering like it’d never done before. You never would have imagined Vernon’s lips were that soft and sweet... or maybe you had, you’d just never admit it to yourself.
Not wanting to, but rather having to, you pulled away from the kiss. “If I’d know you were this good a kisser, I probably would’ve admitted my feelings a long time ago” you joked.
“Is it normal that I’m so happy I could cry?” he asked as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
"I wouldn’t say normal, but judging by the fact that I could also cry, I’d say it’s understandable”
“Does this mean I can start sleeping in the master bedroom with you now?” he asked.
“Wine and dine me first, sweetheart. I’m a woman of dignity.”
“If I wine and dine you tonight, do I get to sleep on your king-sized bed?” he walked you towards the kitchen counter until he had you trapped.
“Maybe... If you agree to be my boyfriend, I would positively consider it.”
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okayyyy chappy seven 🤩 Here we goooo 🥳
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Lord, Katniss always had nightmares 😭 even before the games, between her father’s death, her mother’s abandonment and the other traumatizing things she saw in her life, my girl never slept peacefully a day in her life 🥺.
She even indicates that she sometimes has nightmares about past hunger games 😭😭😭. Someone protect my smol child. Please. Someone.... Someone? Anyone? No? Okay 🥺
“I bolt up screaming for my father to run as the mine explodes into a million deadly bits of light.” This is such a powerful image and it really does show that Katniss has literally envisioned all the gory details of her father’s death for the last four years. This is so sad 😞
Also though. Katniss really doesn’t talk much about her father’s death after the first book and definitely doesn’t describe nightmares about it. So .... like basically, the games traumatized her so badly that, her father failing to escape the mines as the collapsed in on him, crushing him into the pits of despair, the possibility of rescuing his corpse deemed unimaginable, pales in comparison? Yes I just tried and failed to phrase that long run on sentence the way Katniss phrases her nightmares about her dad dying, yes that was over the top but you know what? So. Is. Katniss.
“Dawn is breaking through the windows” Twilight reference 😬😬😬. I couldn’t stop myself, y’all. Forgive for please.
“The Capitol has a misty, haunted air.” Katniss, you’re from the butthole of Kentucky, the air you’re used to is probably humid as all get out 😓😓💦😅😅
“I must have bitten into the side of my cheek in the night. My tongue probes the ragged flesh and I taste blood.” 😒😒😒😒 this feeling ..... is .... v v v .... distinct .... and .... familiar 😕🙁☹️
“I end up hopping from foot to foot as alternating jets of icy cold and steaming hot water assault me.” Why is this so funny omg 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😅😅😅😅😅 Katniss is just like pressing buttons like, “Ah! Too cold! 🥶 Ah! Too hot! 🥵 Ah!!!!!” All while jumping like a .... cat 🐱🥁
Lemon foam? 🍋 Whatever. I guess there’s weirder flavors of soap we have today but like where’s the Philosophy flavors that give recipes on the bottles??? Surely they’d survive an apocalypse??? Everyone uses those???
I’m so glad Katniss didn’t forget to moisturize, even as she prepares for a death match 😅😅😅😅 even if it’s just as simple as pressing a single button, why is she even taking the time to press it?
I know, I know. She just wants to make sure her skin is so smooth for the arena that the knives and arrows just slide right off 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“This is the first time since the morning of the reaping that I resemble myself.” Lolololol which means Mr. Romantic is gonna be even more turned on by the sight of ya, since he’s crushed on you looking like this for the last decade of his life 🥳😎🤗💁🏼‍♀️. Peeta ain’t even here yet and I’m already making the shipper comments Samantha calm down 🙄😶😑🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
Seriously there where is Peeta? Did he also have to figure out the temperature controls in the shower? Did he also moisturize? I miss him I wanna know about his morning too 😔. Katty, is it too much to ask for you to go take a lil ... sneak peek into his room for me? 😏😏😏
Twenty dishes seems like a lot for like four people eating? Eh, maybe six people, if we count the stylists who magically pick and choose when they’re coming to a meal... Hmm, I’ll calculate just so no one else has to. 🤓😬🤗 No one else cares, Samantha. 🤐🥱😴😶 Twenty dishes amounts out to about five plates without the stylists and three and a half-ish with so.... idk it’s not that much food I guess but it seems like a lot for one meal, esp if people in the Capitol intend to keep their trim figures. This is why that one prep team girl is chubby. 🤐🤐🤐
Awww Katniss copying Peeta’s weird lil eating quirks 🤗😎🥳. She’s already taking interest in him, she just don’t realize it yet 💁🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ shipper comment alert 🚨🚨
But also has anyone actually tried dipping bread on hot chocolate and was it good or does it taste as repulsive as it sounds to me? I hate it when my food even so much as dares to touch though 🤢😡😤😓
Oooo I always forget Prim has to be utilizing her goat, milking the thing every day until it’s dry I’m not a farmer idk how milking animals works ... so she contributes more than I give her credit I suppose.... I’m making an effort for you, Primmers. You seem useless and immature but I’m trying. 😪😶 Taylor Swift voice 🎶 *this is me trying* 🎶
Oh wow it was only two mornings ago? Man. The first book is slow moving. 😅😭 six chapters in and we’ve gotten through one point five days 🤣
“It makes me irritated that Peeta is wearing exactly the same outfit I am.” “Listen, Peeta, one of us has to change, this is getting embarrassing, you have to stop borrowing my clothes!”
“This twins act is going to blow up in out faces once the Games begin.” Ahhaahahahaha blow up 💥 💣 🔥. Get it, get it. 🥁 Because she represents fire. And she also blows things up in Every. Single. Book.
But seriously, did Cinna and Portia and Haymitch all plan on presenting Katniss and Peeta are like, tight friends or whatever, and then Peeta is like “oh b-tee-dubs, I have a massive crush on K-dog” and they just decided it perfectly fit into their plans?
I’m so jealous that their breakfast has bread baskets 😩😩😩 I know they’re headed to the slaughter but still. Bread.
if you like, I'll coach you separately. Decide now." "Why would you coach us separately?" In case one of you ... not naming names .... Peeta .... wants to reveal your lifelong crush on live television 😎😎😎
Also Haymitch is like “make an important decision but take zero time to consider it, I’m tired and hungover, kids, idc for your drama 😒”
Which as an auntie to a wonderful little two year old ... is v relatable 😅🥲🙃🤭
“And I already know what yours is, right? I mean, I've eaten enough of your squirrels." I wanna make a dirty joke here so badly but the lord himself is saying no.
“Town families usually eat expensive butcher meat. Beef and chicken and horse.” Ohhh this is interesting. Katniss believing Peeta and the other merchants live high on the hog while Peeta is later is like “I eat expired bread for every meal, Katniss” I mean, better than starving like her, but also not how she’s painting the picture in her mind. 😶😭
Also Katniss never mentions horses in Twelve, where’s the butcher getting horses from to slaughter and sell? That’s why Katniss never sees them, Samantha, duh 🙄
“I can't do anything. Unless you count baking bread.” "Sorry, I don't.” This was such a quick and matter of fact brush off, poor Peeta 😭😭😭 my baby I’m still rooting for you don’t worry you got this
Also. Lowkey, highkey, that tiny exchange triggered me. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Those awkward moments where people brush me off or glance over me live in my head. Rent free. For life.
I wonder sometimes often times if Katniss’ father and Gale’s father knew each other? Both hunted and worked in the mines. Just a random sidebar 😅🤭🤐🙃
“She’s excellent” He’s so proud of his wife 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
So uh.... is it safe to say Mr. Mellark is an Everlark fan? If he likes and admires Katniss and Peeta and him apparently have some kind of close-ish bond (okay, maybe not but maybe) then perhaps he is carrying the shipper banner back in Twelve for them 🥳🥳😎😎
Katniss, you dingaling, of course he noticed you 🙄🙄🙄
Peeta compliments her and her instant reaction is “what are you doing, weirdo?” 😅😭
“Don’t underrate yourself” Peeta, love of my life, take your own advise. Stupid. 😪😪😪
“I've seen you in the market. You can lift hundred-pound bags of flour” Katniss in the market, staring across the way at Peeta, 👁👄👁, watching him lift flour over his shoulder.
“He came in second in our school competition last year, only after his brother." This is criminally undiscussed. Peeta being a wrestler alone is undiscussed but also.... did you go to his matches, Katniss? Miss Anti-Social, Hunting-First-Everything-Else-Later? 😏😏😏 If this ain’t proof of her lil crush idk what is
“All you need is to come up with a knife, and you'll at least stand a chance.” “You'll be living up in some tree eating raw squirrels and picking off people with arrows.” Does no one else realize that Katniss and Peeta literally took the other’s advise for the first part of the games? How did Peeta get in with the Careers? The way she just said. Where is Katniss when Peeta and the Careers discover her? High up in a tree. Okay, this maybe didn’t compute right but I had a thought here so I said it
Peeta’s mother is just a monster. Who says that crap? 😔😔😔 don’t worry, baby, I’m rooting for you
“She said, 'She's a survivor, that one.' She is” Yeah, she is, no thanks to you, Mrs. Mellark 😤. Stingy ho.
Peeta’s got pain in his eyes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Awww, Katniss accrediting her survival to Peeta’s help 😭😭😭😭. This is so pure. Also kiss now, you little freaks.
“She has no idea. The effect she can have.” This is such an iconic line... but the can has always had me laughing. She can have an effect, if she really wants to. Or not, depending on the day.
Katniss is so stupid, how did she construe that as an insult??? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ y’all ever just wanna smack her into a wall?
“In public, I want you by each other's side every minute” If Peeta didn’t have a long life crush, what was the ultimate plan with all this friendship act they’re being forced into? 🤔🤔🤔
Even Peeta’s trying to object to it 😭😭😭😭
“You will be together, you will appear amiable to each other.” You will fall in love. 🤩🥳😎
“I bite my lip and stalk back to my room, making sure Peeta can hear the door slam.” Okay, now imagine how much she’s hurting his feelings right now 😖😣 what a little brat
“But that didn't mean I wanted to do everything with Peeta. Who, by the way, clearly doesn't want to be partnering up with me, either.” Lolololololololol this is so funny in hindsight 🤣🤣🤣. Also if you showed a little enthusiasm, Peeta would probably be happy to partner with you.
“But a tiny part of me wonders if this was a compliment. That he meant I was appealing in some way.” No, really, Katniss? A compliment? Who’d give you one of those? 🙄🙄🙄
“It's weird, how much he's noticed me. Like the attention he's paid to my hunting.” A normal person at this point would put together a crush 😅
“And apparently, I have not been as oblivious to him as I imagined, either. [...] I have kept track of the boy with the bread.” Anddd a normal person would figure out their own crush at this point 😅😅.
“I do a quick assessment. Peeta and I are the only two dressed alike.” We stan a matching couple in this house 😎😏
“Almost all of the boys and at least half of the girls are bigger than I am” That means 18 out of 24 tributes tower over my girl here. Smol Katniss. The movies did such erasure on this front I’m still bitter 🤐😒😤😩
“I may be smaller naturally, but overall my family's resourcefulness has given me an edge in that area.” Just a tiny muscular thing standing next to a bunch of tall, lanky kids. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Awww “Each [Career tribute] must have fifty to a hundred pounds on me.” I mean ... let’s calculate. A muscular girl would probably weigh like 150 pounds... so basically Katniss is at most, 100 pounds. Tiny Katty.
“I'm thinking that it's lucky I'm a fast runner when Peeta nudges my arm and I jump.” This is a random, cute interaction 😍😍😍. Shipper blinders are on and tight.
“Suppose we tie some knots.” “Right you are.” I legitimately just scratched my face, who says right you are? An 87 year old man, that’s who 😅😅😅. Not turning your girl on very well, Peeta baby.
Although it does sound a bit like a backwoods southern thing soooo.... hillbilly Everlark nation rise. 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
“We concentrate on this one skill for an hour until both of us have mastered it.” Awww, so Peeta knows how to tie a snare? He’s not as clueless as half the fandom acts.
How exactly is frosting cakes equating to amazing camouflager in a death match? Books crack me up with these connections. “I’m an amazing artist because I write birthday cards!”
Lolololol Prim admiring her future brother-in-law’s handiwork 🥰🥰🥰🥰 too bad she dies before they can get together for real for real.
“Somehow the whole thing - his skill, those inaccessible cakes, the praise of the camouflage expert - annoys me.” Dude, you get praised by everyone and their brother while Peeta gets overlooked, give him a moment to shine. 😑🙄 jealous wife much?
Also she’s already picking up on Peeta’s eye for beauty 😅😅😅
“It's lovely. If only you could frost someone to death.” "Don't be so superior. You can never tell what you'll find in the arena. Say it's actually a gigantic cake-“ "Say we move on.” She’s such a little snot. 😒😒😒
But also I love that already in this point of their relationship, Peeta is noticing when she’s being a brat 😭😂😅. “Don’t be so superior.”
“Despite Haymitch's order to appear mediocre, Peeta excels in hand-to-hand combat, and I sweep the edible plants test without blinking an eye.” Lolololol their mentor’s advise went into one ear and right out the other 😂😅🤣.
But also why did the movie make a point in adding an extra scene of Peeta looking weak and the Careers staring at him? That literally took up time and served no purpose at all. 😤😤😤 I’m coming for you, Gary Ross
Awww, everyone but the careers eat alone. But Katniss and Peeta eat together 🥺🥺🥺. It’s like a forced first date 🥳🥳🥳
I like how Katniss says they include bread from every district but she then proceeds to only mention the two districts that later have relevant tributes. 😅😅😅
Lolololol their fake friendship “laugh ... now! Okay, I’ll smile, try to say something interesting”
“Ever since I slammed my door, there's been a chill in the air between us.” Well yeah, you probably hurt his feelings 🥺🥺🥺
Umm, Katniss just casually drops that she was chased by a bear.... how did homegirl live? 😬😳
Peeta knowing Rue’s name and being the one to take notice of her first 🥺🥺🥺. If the games had come down to Katniss, Peeta and Rue, y’all know Everlark would have swallowed the berries and gotten Rue home. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Don't. Don't let's pretend when there's no one around.” "All right, Katniss.” He made a single comment to you, ding dong. He didn’t ask for a goodnight kiss 🙄🙄🙄.
Also anyone ever think of how lonely Peeta’s life must be? He’s not close to his family that we can see, Delly’s his only real friend, after he wins he lives in that huge house all alone... I feel sad now. I did this to myself. 😬😭🥺
Katniss’ “Oh! The weapons!” When she sees the bows and arrows is so cute 🥰🥰🥰
Katniss has such a rage built up inside of her. Let it out, girlfriend
See, I’d have done this too but in my rage, I’d probably have shot a real person and not the pig ... goodbye, Plutarch 👋🏻
Andddd I think that’s all for this chapter! Sorry my comments weren’t as interesting as usual 😬.
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hanii-rose · 4 years
•Because I can't send anon ask in askbox, can I submit it on here instead? So I have this thought:
Garou and the s/o were childhood friends but separated after Garou began to train himself in Bang's dojo. Now after Garou was defeated he comes to visit s/o's house for temporary hiding and also to rekindle their relationship.
Expect both of them getting closer after that. It mostly fluff sfw but you can throw some hot nsfw stuff for the thirst 🔥🔥
But can I request that the s/o is gender neutral, please? It's kinda sad that I rarely find a writing for gender neutral or male s/o, so I will be very grateful if you write the s/o as a gender neutral.
Thanks so much and have a nice day! ❤•
Yay another request ☺️ I tried to write reader as gender neutral, I'm not that great at it, but hopefully it's good enough to post haha
Garou x GN! Reader
It had been a few weeks since Garou had inexplicably showed up at your front door, bruised and weakened. When you first saw him, you instantly recognized his signature hairdo and blazing gold orbs.
It was that kid from school! You occasionally played with him in your younger years, and the two of you had become particularly close, talking, pulling pranks and acting out other childish activities. But as you grew older, you focused more on your books and slowly started seeing less of him, ultimately drifting apart in highschool. You never saw him again, until two weeks ago that is.
After he came hobbling through your doorstep, you let him in, fed him and even bathed him. He took care of his own injuries and he's been staying with you ever since. You assumed he remembered you due to the fact that he called you by your name multiple times without you telling him. When you asked him why he showed up here and now, he explained his situation. His hero-hunting, the Monster Association, Bang's dojo and his pathetic defeat at the hands of a bald guy in a yellow jumpsuit. He told you he needed sanctuary for two or three months, at least until the search for him died down.
You understood his reasoning, albeit feeling a bit sad that he didn't come to you mainly to see you. Truth be told, you had developed quite a crush on the silver haired Adonis, even back then. But in the past, you were much too busy with your studies and his sudden disappearance left your desires unfulfilled. But now he was back, taller, stronger and much much more handsome. It reignited a little spark in your core and you constantly began to crave his touch and attention, often picturing him in the most lewd scenarios you could think of. You touched yourself so many times that you lost count. You tried not to most of the time, in hopes that he wouldn't notice your arousal. Little did you know that Garou was going through something similar.
Presently, you had just returned home from work with a bag of store bought food. You hung your coat and scarf on the coat hanger and neatly discarded your black office shoes on the wooden shoe rack. You walked all the way to the kitchen, placed the bag of food down and rushed to the living room in hopes of finding your wolfish guest.
You walked in on him, shirtless, crouching on the floor and fiddling with something. His back displayed all of the hard work he had put into building himself these few years. Littered with bumps and crevices that most people could only dream of in their lifetime.
You, unbeknownst to him, gently pressed a finger down onto the back of his neck and slid downwards, following his spine to the middle of his gorgeous back. He visibly tensed and turned his head, staring deep into your curious eyes.
"You're back..." he stated, turning around and getting back to work.
"Yeah, had a long day today. What have you been up to?"
He shook his head softly and muttered, "Fixed yer damn side table. The wobbly piece of shit almost fell over when I walked by it."
You chuckled at his words while patting his defined shoulder and replied, "Well you're pretty nifty, aren't you? Maybe I'll keep you around longer, huh?"
He smirked and stood up straight, taut muscles glistened with sweat and biceps flexed as he scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah, you'd like that wouldn't ya? A personal slave to do all of yer work for ya?"
You replied with an obnoxious 'MHMMM' and exited the living room, walking yourself to the kitchen.
Opening the fridge door, you grabbed the large 2 litre bottle of coke and two large sets of glasses and decorated them atop a tray.
Holding the tray and kicking the fridge door shut with your foot, you treaded back to the living area and set the tray down on top of your now fixed table.
"Sit down, I'll fix you a drink."
Garou complied, sitting himself comfortably on top of your black couch, the leather making scratching noises as he shifted around for the perfect spot.
"Thanks for the table. I've been trying to fix it for ages."
He nodded and grinned, "No big deal. It's the least I could do."
You sat down next to him on his right, leaned forward and poured the chilled coke into the two cups. Closing the cap, you handed him a glass and sipped on your own coke. You relaxed back into the couch, your shoulder brushing his ever so slightly as you unwinded. Work was getting frustrating, even for a desk job, not to mention your desires for the wolfish man would not relent, leading to many restless nights.
"This feels way too good." you lazily stated, stretching back and leisurely taking small sips from the cup.
"Yeah..." Garou agreed softly, his cup already empty.
You noticed the lack of substance in his hand and offered a refill.
"Hold your cup right. I'm gonna give you some more..."
You grabbed the large plastic bottle from the table and twisted the cap open, pouring carefully, a good enough amount of the sweet liquid.
Unbeknownst to you, Garou had outstretched his arm behind you, resting it at the headrest of the couch. His right knee brushed up against yours gently as he scooted closer to you, inhaling your intoxicating scent. Somehow, your smell was so much more stronger when you came home from work. He noticed it once, after you had accidentally bumped into him. And that unique smell drove him absolutely wild.
You turned back after filling his cup and placed the half empty bottle down. You again leaned back getting even more comfortable, somewhat leaning against him. From this position, he could trace your body through the white flimsy fabric of your office shirt.
It was turning him on more than anything.
He chugged his cup until it was completely empty, savouring every last drop of the fizzy drink. He placed his cup down and his now empty hand found purchase upon your clothed knee. His right arm still behind you, wrapped itself around your shoulder, trapping you.
"So tell me about work." he suggested, rubbing your tired shoulder.
"Oh my gosh, you have no clue how annoying some of my desk mates are!" you began.
"They constantly take things from my desk without asking and they are so unorganized, like at least learn to number your reports when you give em' to me, ya'know?"
He hummed and sighed with whatever you said, but honestly, he didn't give a crap about your asshole co-workers. Just let him stare at your stunning legs for a while longer. He could feel his cock twitching in his trousers, your lips trembled as you angrily ranted about your fellow employees. Those same lips he wanted to ravish with his own.
"-And then I said, I'm not going to your fuckin' baby shower and..." you suddenly quieted down.
Why was he staring at you like that?
"Umm Garou, you okay buddy...?"
He ignored your question again. He was so close, you could feel his breath on your cheek! You tried scooting away, but you were held in place by his left hand on your knee, gripping with force and his right arm wrapped around your shoulder.
You placed your palm on top of his hand and he snapped out of his trance, face red and pouting.
"... Is something wrong?"
He vigorously shook his head and scratched his cheek, the blush still faintly prominent under his chiseled cheekbones.
"Are you sure?" you asked, thoroughly concerned. You placed your open palm on his back and rubbed languidly, relenting your weight on top of his. Before you could get up from your position next to him, he yanked you downwards and you plopped down onto the couch, your back hitting the foam armrest.
"Yer so fuckin' sexy, ya'know that?" he asked, sounding somewhat angry.
"I said, yer so fuckin' sexy. Such a fuckin' turn on!"
Before you could protest, he swiped his hand down your middle, swiftly popping off all of the buttons on your shirt and exposing your chest and stomach. You tried to push him off but to no avail.
"Garou! What are you doing?" you inquired, feeling absolutely embarrassed. Your cheeks dusted with red and you swallowed hard.
"Fuck... What the fuck am I doing?"
He sighed exasperatedly and got off of you. Standing up, he started walking towards the guest room, no doubt to put on his shirt and leave. But before he could turn the corner, you grasped his hand tight.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving. I shouldn't be around you anymore. I can't fucking control myself..." he replied, sweat dripping from his temple.
"What do you mean?"
You strutted closer to him, placing two hands on his bare chest.
"I like you, a lot. And I wanna fuck you all the time."
You were surprised, pleasantly. You giggled at his confession and leaned closer, almost falling on his hard chest.
Rubbing your hand down his stomach and over his delicious abs, you wiggled in his sight.
"I don't mind..." you spoke, tone awfully sly.
Your expression gave away your intentions and Garou found himself grasping your hips, bringing them closer towards his.
"Oh really?" he asked, equally mischievous.
You made a lusty 'mhmm' noise, confirming his suspicions.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned closer to his smirking face, and whispered, "I want to fuck you all the time too..."
"Fuck, yer such a tease!"
Giggling, you brought your mouth upto his and waited for him to place his on yours.
When your silent request was met, you closed your eyes and revelled in the passion.
He feverishly gripped your waist, slid his hand downwards, giving your ass a quick squeeze.
Breaking the kiss, he kept his face near yours, taking in your form.
"I've wanted to do that for so long..."
"Me too." you replied.
"So you wanna fuck me all the time too huh?" he asked.
"Yeah, you're the only one who can take my mind off of my demented office."
"Well then, should we get started?"
You nodded, lustfully looking into his eyes.
Sitting down had become an issue for you these days. As the days progressed, so did your monster boyfriends hormones. But you two got by. You had to buy a new shirt though, and everyone at your office could tell you'd been fucked out of your mind. But nothing bothered you anymore, not even your moronic deskmates.
It seemed life had gotten better for the two of you, except for the severe back pain you had after Garou finished his dubious acts. Other than that you were fairly content with what you had right now.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Leonardo- Oneshot
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At the indication of Splinter's voice, you tightened your hand on the wooden sword, charging at Leo. He braced, taking the first hit. His ability to block just made you fight more. Donnie, Mikey and Raph were at the side watching. When you asked to be trained the same way they were, Splinter was a bit skeptical.
They were mutants, there was a certain amount of training he knew they could handle. They were always exceeding his expectations with their progress. But you were a little more fragile. At the beginning you could barely even hold a sword correctly. 
Despite that he could see your determination. Where you lacked in skill, you made up for it with hard work. Now you were as equipped for battle as anyone of his boys. He was so proud at how much you improved over the months. From the side it must have looked like Leo wasn't putting much effort, but Splinter knew it was taking some energy to avoid getting hit. He was mostly blocking. You were more adept in offense, whereas Leo was defense. It's what made the both of you great partners.
You swung and dodged each and every attack he delivered. Leo smirked when you did a flip to avoid a very close blow he struck, spinning around you even managed to knock the stick right out of his arms, placing your own at his neck. He froze with his hands raised.
"Well done (Y/N). '' You grinned, dropping your weapon and jumping around as you high fived Mikey. "Heck yeah! Who beat Leo, I beat Leo! I said who beat Leo!"
"You beat Leo!" Mikey joined in your little singing fest and Leo just chuckled, bending to pick up both sticks.
"Don't go getting a big head, I was going easy on you."
You scoffed. "Like if you were struggling to keep up Leo-sensei~" you teased. He stammered at your words, shuffling back and almost dropping the sticks in his hands. You giggled. You had no idea why but whenever you called him Sensei he always got embarrassed.
"You've gotten quite good at this. I must say your dedication is quite inspiring. " You bowed. "Thank you Master Splinter. I'm forever grateful." They were all aware of your need for self defense. You were one of the more sadder cases they dealt with. Some men had gang up on you while you were walking from your late night job. When they found you, you were battered and bruised. You never thought you would ever recover.
Leo and the others found the men responsible and gave them a severe beating of course. After thanking them, you decided you were done being a victim. You were going to fight back. So you trained hard for months. You never had to worry about being scared again, you even opened your own little dojo. Teaching self defense to other victims, and even little kids. That horrible night provided something wonderful. You had purpose, and a great set of new friends.
"So Leo let's talk business. " Mikey's words made you smile, a little confused on what he was referring too. Splinter, already used to his son's antics left quietly. "What are you guys talking about?" you said moving to grab a towel and your bottle water. You draped the cloth around your neck, sipping from your bottle. Leo was looking a bit nervous now. "Ya can't back out." Raph urged.
"Yeah you promised." Donnie stated. They all seem to know but you. You pulled back the bottle, raising a brow.
"Come on don't leave me out of the loop. I wanna know?" When Leo walked over to you, your head titled. He cleared his throat.
"(Y/N), would you like to go on a date with me?"
You blushed, not sure if you were hearing right.
"E-Excuse me?"
Leo scratched his neck, flustered. "The guys they made me promise that if you won I'd finally own up and..ask you out.." he mumbled the last part. From the back you could see the culprits sneaking out. Mikey was showing you a thumbs up mouthing a "I got you girl."
You couldn't believe it. He was asking you out. Like actually doing it. Yes, it was because of a dare, but from what he said it was more a dare of courage, because apparently he'd been wanting to do it for a while.
"Listen, they're gone. I can just tell them you said yes. You don't actually have to go out with me."
"I'd love to go on a date with you Leonardo." he paused, blinking. "Are you sure?" Leo wasn't the self conscious type. It wasn't because he thought he didn't have a chance, or even because he was a mutant. He knew the type of person you were, and he was positive that things like that weren't what you cared about. His main concern was your healing process. He still remembered that day when they found you.
He hadn't even known you back then, yet he wanted to protect you from everything. The pain and hurt you would experience as you got through your trauma. That was the main reason he kept visiting. It's how the both of you officially met. He was always checking up on you in the hospital. He kept telling himself it was crazy. You were a complete stranger. But he couldn't stop. Slowly but surely you started to notice things, then you noticed him. Now, those days seemed so far away. From strangers, to friends. Maybe now something more?
He took in the way you shifted on your feet, that adorable little shuffle whenever you were caught off guard. Then there was the little hair gesture. You would twist and twirl a lock of your hair when you got nervous.
"I-I mean we kind of have to now you know. You did make a deal. And a ninja's word is solid." It's cute, the way you were trying to justify it all. Leo couldn't stop the smile on his face.
"You're right, I wouldn't be much of a leader if I couldn't stay true to my word."
"Mhmm." he could see the way your eyes light up in agreement.
"So is tomorrow night at nine okay for you, we'll be patrolling at seven."
"It's great Leo." Excited, you reach down to grab your duffle bag, slinging it over your shoulder.
"I can't wait!" you weren't even trying to hide your happiness. You turned practically skipping out of the room. Raph and the others peeked from behind the wall.
"See, that wasn't so hard now was it." Mikey spoke. Leo's eyes were still watching in the direction you left.
"Leo, earth to Leo!" Mikey was waving his hand in front of him with no response.
"Guys I think we killed him!"
Raph just smacked Leo at the back of his head. He stumbled, looking back with a pissed expression.
"See, he aint dead." They all knew Raph would look for any opportunity to hit Leo.
You were running from room to room. Cleaning, fluffing, just pretty much checking it all over to make sure it was spotless.
After you were done, you searched for a dress. Something that said cute, but not too much. Not trying too hard, just trying a little sort of feel. Leo would get here at nine, so you still had time. You rushed into the shower. All you needed was a nice shower and some decent make up application after. You left your apartment window open just in case you lost track of time. You didn't want him waiting outside long.
You weren't in the shower for too long. After a relaxing ten minutes, you dried yourself off and looked for your sexiest pair of underwear. "Just in case." you assured yourself. Sifting through your closet you found a little blue spaghetti dress. 
"Perfect!" Slipping it on, you moved to your bedroom to apply makeup. It wasn't much, just some mascara and a little touch of lip gloss. Since you weren't exactly going out. You settled for a pair of flats. Smoothing out the dress,you jumped when you heard the doorbell ring. " Crap! Pizza right." taking some cash from your purse you went for the door. Opening it, the delivery man handed you the two boxes. You took it, giving him the money. "Thank you." you said politely, closing the door as he left.
Placing the pizza on the table in your living room, you sat on the couch, waiting. It was a bit nerve wrecking. The little tap on your window made you stand, and you brushed your hair over your shoulder heading for the kitchen. Leo was on the fire escape, and when he saw you he slipped inside, closing the window behind him. You smiled, even though you left it open he still knocked.
"Hey. " you greeted. He raised his head to do the same, but stopped when he took in your attire.
"(Y/N)...you look beautiful." He was so used to seeing you in yoga pants and t-shirts.
"Thank you. "
"Mission success!" Seems like the dress did its job. "Come on you must be starving after your patrol let's eat." Leo followed you to the living room, his eyes brightening when his nostrils caught the scent of pizza. You couldn't stop your giggles when he was right beside you in seconds. You opened the box, taking a plate and giving him two slices. 
He took it gratefully, taking a seat on the couch. You did the same when you got your own slice. "So how was patrol, catch any bad guys?" you bit into the slice and Leo nods, swallowing his piece. "It was fine, Mikey got a little excited when we took down some guys that were trying to rob a convenience. I felt bad. It was just a couple of kids. "
"Aww, did you guys turn them in." He shakes his head. "We didn't. Raph scared the crap outta them. I don't think they'll be robbing anymore stores in the future. " you laugh at that. "I could only imagine, poor kids. "
Leo has already finished his pizza, and as the night progresses the both of you fall into easy conversation. You fill him in on how your business is going. Your favorite part of the day was probably your job. He knew that for certain. He's still a bit taken by you. Maybe it's the cute dress, or the way he feels like he can tell you just about anything. Possibly the way your lips are still glimmering with gloss, despite the slices of pizza you've already eaten. He can't pull his gaze away.
He's apparently drifted off. "Yes, sorry about that, what did you say?"
"Do you want another drink?" you ask standing and heading for the fridge. He's only had one sprite, and you're feeling a bit thirsty, so you wonder if maybe he is too. "Oh, no I'm okay thanks." So you're going to get yourself a glass of water. Sipping the drink, you let out a soft sigh. The night was really going better than you expected. At the beginning you thought it would be a bit awkward. It wasn't a secret you found Leo attractive. In every sense of the word. His personality, dedication, damn even his body was breathtaking to you. It was easy for you to communicate when it was all the boys, but with just the both of you it was different. And you were glad you could still talk with him casually.
When you walked back into the living room you almost crashed into him. He grabbed you by the shoulders apologizing. "(Y/N), I'm sorry I have to go. Donnie caught some interference on one of the cameras. " you nod in understanding. "That's okay Leo." you were grateful for the time you did get to spend with him. You knew there was probably someone who needed him more than you right now. His hands were still holding you gently. 
"I had a really good time Leo.." He smiles.
"I did too." For a moment you don't know what to do. The both of you just stand there, looking at each other. His eyes are possibly the bluest you've ever seen. You could get lost in them forever. "(Y/N)...is it okay if I.." his eyes move to your lips for a split second. You swallow.
"Yeah.." you breathe. His hands are still resting gently on your shoulders. He leans down to meet your lips and you're a bit nervous. It's been so long since you've been on a date, even longer since you've kissed someone. But this isn't just anyone, it's Leo.
His lips meet your own, and all you could think is why the hell did it take you this long. Your arm reaches up a bit hesitant, and you shift, taking a step forward to lean into him. Leo's hands have changed position. One on your waist, the other on the small of your back. He urges you in, closer to him, and you deepen the kiss. His arms have now encased your body, and you don't ever want to pull away. Not for anything.
The kisses are slow, and sensual. He wants to taste all he can, and when your tongue slips pass begging for entrance. He inhales, giving in. When his mouth opens and your tongues touch, you can feel the way your pulse gives an appreciative thump. Leo moans, and it's music to your ears. You've never heard such a sound leave him. It's amazing what that simple thing does to your body. You're on your toes, refusing to part. You have to though. You're beginning to run out of oxygen. Pulling back slowly, your eyes are still closed, and you lick your lips. You can still taste him. When you open your eyes, he's staring at you. His pupils are dilated, and you almost want to lean back in and completely ravish him. But he has to go. More pressing matters.
"You...should probably get going." you pant out. Leo needs to compose himself. How can he even think of fighting now when you've clouded his mind with the feel of your lips. He somehow manages to release you with a soft smile. "I should." he agrees. He gives your lips one last peck, and you grin.
"Dinner is on me next time."
"Sure Leo." You can't wait for your next date, because if it's half as good as this one, then you might as well just marry Leo right now.
"See you later Leo."
"Bye (Y/N).'' He's heading for the kitchen, but almost trips because he doesn't want to look away. You giggle when he catches himself, making a very ungraceful exit.
"It was definitely the dress."
You have absolutely no doubt.
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pedroscardigan · 3 years
i have so much to say y’all regarding gilmore girls. I LOVE this show. i have a very tension filled hatred for some parts but most of all LOVE.
after watching seven whole seasons of these girls lives, i have to say i truly understand the complexities of these characters. we’re not even gonna get into the years of a our lives thing, no this is about the freaking original. god, the amount of shit that rory did, lorelai did, chris did, luke did, emily and richard, I MEANNNN god it’s a lot
1. Rory.
gosh this girl was so frustratingly annoying. a perfect gem and pearl in the first year, and then later she becomes a nuisance. but what i truly see is her finally getting out of that naivety/handholding/dewy eyed phase and onto things like being a teen. this girl really stole a boat and got it on her record and what i hated about the show is that they never bring it up again. like that def affected her getting into places bUT NOOOOO. they wanna paint her out as some saint. i think the only sympathy i have to her behavior is that she was growing into who she was. i thought thank goodness Jess screamed at the girl to go back to yale because Logan wasn’t gonna do it!! gosh the whole relationships this girls gone thru, ruining deans marriage, cheating on logan with jess and making jess sad, going back to logan again and again after he treated her like crap? like NO honey that’s toxicityyyyyy. anyways she was annoying but at the end i love her.
2. lorelai.
I LOVE THIS WOMAN. no matter how many times she screwed up i could never stop loving this woman. does this mean i have bias ? YES. sorry y’all. i just related so much to these two. the dynamic of a single mom and her kid spoke so much to me and my mom. but also i am not like lor and rory, i’m more like lor and emily. i have the same mommy issues, caffeine addiction, and a incessant need to ramble on about god knows what. i do not have the sexy, charming wit she has, but i do think i’m funny and i talk a lot (i mean look at this long ass text post) BUT she’s just so beautiful and wonderful. she went thru so much for rory and made her into the kid she is today and just was so understanding. i wish she gave emily grace but at the end like i truly get why she was always so frustrated. there were times where she was excessive but damn it i get her. i love her and luke. why tf did jason happen. also the chris marriage so nasty, but all in all she deserves love and to be cherished.
3. luke
this man holds my heart gosh damn it, i love him. i don’t know why april came into his life, maybe to add some spice. i think he never would’ve forgotten to wear a condom lowkey he’s so responsible. but hey, whatever the show includes. i think he handled that part so well tho , and only fighting for partial custody , i truly loved that. he didn’t wanna make it a big thing cause he knows that april needs her mom, but i thought it was rude that Anna (ew), someone who knew Luke’s character, and knows what kind of guy he is, would not tell him he had a kid. and then expects him not wanna be a dad? like he is the ultimate “i wanna make sure everything’s done right on my end, i’ll always do what i think is right” type of guy. he did that with jess i mean come on. i love his anger about things cause it reminds me of my own dad, and like i wish there was more complexity to him, but i think he repetitive nature suited him. he had a lot of chaos in his life and tranquility in the small things in life like routine and filling the salt shakers really helped him feel grounded and have a sense of control. i love him, the most caring dude in the world, and i would want him on my side in a war.
4. dean
we gotta start somewhere for rory’s boyfriends. i think he was a good first boyfriend, treated her right, but goSH DAMN IT HE WAS SO FUCKING ANNOYING LATER ON. see i even started watching gilmore girls cause jared padalecki was in it, and i was so awestruck by it cause of the characters but DAMN if a character could be even more annoying. dean was not into the things rory was into and they had no spark, but they had comfortability and it was sweet and he helped lorelai out a lot and treated her good, but he legit was so clingy and all that shit later on. and like he wasn’t even trying wiyh life with her in it either and it just frustrated me. he messed up a marriage for her, it’s so wrong man. like ugh.
5. jess
if i could hug someone i would hug him omg. he looks like he smells like those manly colognes, books, and hair products but the fruit scented kind like coconuts and berries that he’s embarrassed to tell you about. gosh he is such a character. i love him so much and he went thru so much as a kid and i wish he never had that scene of pressuring rory cause that was a HUGE ick but all in all, he just had to go to therapy and know he could make it big. i wish they input his story more and that whole outfit at the poetry house thing was vomit, the hair and goatee made me choke i was like this aint you bby boy, but alas they had to make him look like those 2000 poet guys (i mean it was in the 2000’s but i digress) it just wasn’t his leather jacket and jeans look i missed. he was the one who understood rory in all her creative mess. he was the one to spark up that drive for yale again and told her to pursue whatever she wanted (granted i didn’t like how he showed up at her dorm and was like let’s run away together) but he was there for her in the ways he could. he had so much trauma tho that i think it was best they let go of each other and i think if they found each other again later and pursued it it would be beautiful.
6. logan.
i hated him at first yall. i’m so sorry i really did. he was a player, immature, immoral, and annoyingly right about things. rory did not need his influence. they stole a boat together, he wanted her to be out of her comfort zone yes but damn to what extreme? i think after he matured up, it was so beautiful tho. i hate to admit it but i love him now. he grew on me, he truly started caring for rory in a responsible way, he started working, he started realizing he could lose rory, and in the end it was sad she didn’t accept but he took it like a champ. i think he was so ready for it cause he loved her but he couldn’t have expected her to drop all her career options and just go with him to san francisco. i think he should’ve known her well enough but i also get why he didn’t wanna do long distance. i think he connected with her very well. in the way that pointed out her ICKS she never knew she had. she also was a trust fund baby with a rich family and is at Yale and doesn’t have to work through college. i hated that she never acknowledged that and thought she was some fucking hard worker. like yes you study a lot ma’am but you don’t work you’re not someone who knows what it’s like to worry about rent the next day. like damn she had a mom and she had her pool house shit and i also think it was so ungrateful the way she acted towards emily and richard. like they did so much shit for her and she took it for granted. yes they can be extreme but rory needs to be nicer. she is literally another pompous kid who attended an ivy league and she acted so high and mighty in that article ugh. anyways logan was able to show her that hey you have flaws too don’t think you’re perfect but also showed her her TRUE potential. he wanted her on a newspaper and wanted her things to excel and was there with her every step of the way. paid for an apartment, dor a car, and i feel she never really acknowledged that. it was frustrating. but he was frustrating in ways too with the bridesmaid things and the player things and the gambling with Colin and Finn (why did they exist) and yeah. but anyways 9/10
7. christopher hayden.
can i say i fully loathe this man? HATE. i despISE this man. the amount of times he messed up? the amount of times he broke rory and lorelai’s heart?? TOO MANY. he’s a dumb dad and he acts stupid with GG too and i stand by it and sherry is a bitch but damn oh damn did chris get himself in shit. lorelai was ready to marry him and be with him and he went to sherry. SHERRY DIDNT EVEN WANT THE KID. well she did and then it came by and she didn’t and then she left and that was confusing asf. cause she was over here talking rory’s ear off about chris and kids she was the most annoying character ever. hated her . BUT I HATE CHRIS MORE. then lorelai dated luke and pushed her and expected her to be with him and it to be fine. no. and thank god they split but damn the hurt lorelai went thru? it’s embarrassing when luke is the one at the hospital for lor’s dad instead of the husband. anyways it was stupud of him to always try. and then like mess it up between him and rory and act like a dad when he was barely there for her, but either way i’m happy he paid for yale and he’s out of their lives as much as he was in it.
8. emily.
EMILY MY LOVE. you are so stubborn and so conceited but damn do you love your family to the moon and back. this woman was a wife through and through and i have so much respect for her and it’s so weird because i’d never want that for me and it’s so traditional but she’s such a caring woman. only for her blood tho it’s so funny the way she could care less about those around her. um, i hate the rich things ya know the “status, and being poised” thibg but i have to realize it’s becaus of how she was raised and what she was taught was correct. i think lorelai never deserved that uobringing but i think emily tried her best in what she knew. and she tried to be better and wanted to be included in rory and lorelai’s life. even if she was always annoyed by lorelai’s jokes, she knew that was their dynamic and i loved that lorelai agreed to friday night dinners even after rory left it meant so much to her. and i love emily. she loves lorelai so much in her weird and twisted way, she does. that girl would kill for lorelai. i’d move mountains for this woman
9. richard
i needed time to get used to him at the beginning of the season but later on i found that i loved him too. the loving at first about the rory cryibg about yale thing was cute cause it was his first “i’m your grandpa i’d do anything and spoil you silly” event he ever experienced but it was so intense and i totally understood why he coddled her. i wish he didn’t cause it caused all the problems but it was necessary to see his love for her was strong.
they had to find ways in connecting in the beginning with the golf and the hat and books and all that but rory and richard were so close and i love that man. at the end, he saw no use in fighting with lorelai and even laughed at her jokes and was a mediator between emily and lor and the heart attack def did shit to him for him to say he knew lorelai was adored because she turned out to be a great person and that’s why the town loved her, it wa all so cute. i think at the end of the seasons we grow to love richard and emily so much so that we forget all the bad things they did.
100000/10 he’s amazing i never would give him up.
enough daid, this show is great i love the complexities and i love the dynamic, the jokes, (some are problematic like the body shaming, r word, culture stereotyping, and sexuality jokes) i think that it was a great show focused on plot. i hated the first episode of the life thing the spin off i forget what it’s called, but you know. they made a lot of “spanish i don’t speak spanish” jokes and there’s barely still any diversity in the cast, and the jokes are so bad like they’re trying to be accepting of the lgbtq+ community but they made jokes so many times in season 7 that it can’t be ignored and like the amount of times they are so stereotypical to the asian community like “rory’s trip to asia”? like that whole episode was so rude with the hello kitty sign, but like idk
it’s a complicated show, i loved it and hated it, i have a love relationship with it that includes such tension it’s toxic. like i’m even hispanic and the whole bit of them not knowing soanish nor thinking they can learn a bit (idk as a inn owner maybe pick up a language/trade?) is not even that effecting to me cause i know them as characters on the show and the girls we grew to love are not like that at all. idk it’s so weird. idk y’all. anyways i finsihed it thank goodness now someone pls recommend new shows :))))
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springday-aus · 4 years
Figure Skater!AU with Jimin
moodboard link
Group: BTS 
Member: Park Jimin 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 2.1k 
I think Jimin would make a fantastic ice skater
like Olympic gold kind of ice skater
have you seen this man’s form when he’s dancing? now just imagine that with skates
even tho homeboy is a lil clumsy
(*cue the compilation of him falling off chairs on his own*)
but yeah, he’s an ice skater and he’s beautiful—thank you for coming to my ted talk
just kidding
kind of
so Jimin started young
his dad signed him up for dance classes originally
and Jimin loved it
but then Jimin went ice skating
he struggled at first, but after a couple of tries, he got the hang of it and he fell in love with it gradually
and it was history from there
it was like a slow burn love rather than instant and that’s what makes him so committed
Jimin still does dance every once in a while, but he really committed himself to ice skating and got really good
he entered an amateur ice skating contest and actually won (to the much of his shock)
and then homeboy kept winning and winning and next thing you know
he’s in the top ten ranking for ice skating in Korea and that meant Olympics and well
while he hasn’t won like gold or anything
he’s been super close to it and that proves how good he is tho
these competitions are basically him dancing on ice
it’s such a wild card because he has so much range
one time he did classical music and incorporated elements of ballet
another time he did a Big Bang song and everyone was not prepared
he’s absolutely eating these performances up and still managing to feed it to ice skating fanatics
speaking of which, he’s pretty well known in the ice skating world
especially since he basically captures everyone with his performances
and his face
but also his butt
it’s everything
everyone loves jimin
does Jimin know it?
there are times he uses it (like getting Yoongi to buy him snacks)  
and other times, he’s 1000000% oblivious to it
you know how people throw winnie the pooh bears at Yuzuru Hanyu?
anything that looks remotely cute is thrown at Jimin
so you can just…. imagine
he’s gotten so many of those gigantic stuffed dogs since people say he resembles a puppy
but he started getting thrown otter plushies
which he didn’t think was a thinguntil a bunch of people started throwing for him and now he gets an obscure amount of otter plushies when his performances are done
because lbr, Jimin is super affectionate, loves his family and is super cute
otter = Jimin
speaking of performances tho, the bts boys always try to make his competitions
they’re super supportive as always
Seokjin always brings snacks and Namjoon always brings flowers
Hoseok cheers the loudest (obviously) and waves a lot of flags like some goddamned color guard
and Taehyung and Jungkook bring signs that are supposed to be supportive… but then like
it’ll say shit like “Korea’s Thighs! PARK JIMIN”
Yoongi: “guys, it’s supposed to be Korea’s pride……”
Jungkook: “well, it’s already made” :)
Taehyung: :)
they’re like the most attractive group of people in one spot, so even if you only came there for Jimin, you’ll get like six more attractive pieces of eye candy to look at
(which is probably why Jimin’s crowds are noticeably bigger)
there was this one time tho that this one dude was competing, saw Seokjin and almost tripped
I mean who wouldn’t
but Jimin had to deal with Seokjin’s ego for the next week and it was a pain in the ass
speaking of pain in the ass, Jimin spends a ton of time to practice at the ice rink
he’s basically a perfectionist when it comes to his performances and he ends up spending all day there
there’s usually his manager, his trainer, and one of his friends
they all come in rounds to make sure he isn’t going insane
this is actually how you meet him 
you happened to be there one day to ice skate with some of your friends
only, here’s the catch
you cannot ice skate for shit and you are very aware of it
it took a couple of bribes of free food and hot cocoa that led you out of the house and into the skates
realistically speaking you could’ve stood on the side, but they were like come onnnnn
and, like an idiot, you let them peer pressure you into getting into the rink
and now you’re grasping on the rail for dear life and your friends are all making fun of you and recording it on their phone bc ✨memories✨ or some other crap
well, not all of them
two of them are skating next to you to help hold you up and convince you to let go of the rail
and this is where things kind of go awry
basically, let’s just say that your friends got a little distracted by some of Jimin’s friends (i.e. Jungkook and Taehyung) who were visiting him
they were on the rails, watching and supporting Jimin  
looking handsome and shit
ofc your friends dropped you—they were distracted
lbr, you would have been distracted too but you couldn’t be
because when they let go of you….
you fell flat on your face
like flat flat on the ice and a part of your soul died
you kind of got stuck and struggled getting up, especially since you kept falling back down on the skates
and then another pair of skates appeared and a hand reached out to you—aligning with your vision
Jimin: “do you need some help?”
You: “yes please”
he manages to get you up and you manage to stabilize yourself as he holds you up with both hands
while you’re trying to balance yourself, he chuckles to himself at the sight
you’re basically clinging onto him at this point but he doesn’t really mind
you’re cute
You: “I’m so sorry, this was not my idea”
Jimin: “first time skating?”
You: “um, actually, no”
You: “this is like my third time”
You: “I’m just a klutz and my friends are assholes”
Jimin: “oh?”
You: “not like that, but also like that”
he spends a bit more time skating with you to help you out for a bit
next thing you know, you’re spending another hour with him
learning more about one another
as you held onto his hands and skated around with him
it’s a fun
he’s basically done practicing and, even afterwards, you two got some hot cocoa from the stand
(along with his number)
it was a super cute lowkey first date
as you two texted and got to know each other a bit more, he invited you to another rink where he practices
when you walked in, no one else was present—it was just him, on the ice, in the middle of a routine
you quietly get closer, admiring the gratefulness that is displayed until you’re at the rails
when he’s finished, you applaud
indirectly scaring him, causing him to break his form and practically fall onto the ice
You: “oh my god!”
you run over to him, checking if he’s okay
You: “I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry”
Jimin: “it’s okay, I didn’t know you got here”
You: “yo, that was really good tho—you should do this as a job or something”
Jimin: “..... this is my job tho?”
Jimin: “I’m an Olympic ice skater”
You: w h a t
you two spend a bit more time in the rink, especially since he’s preparing for the Olympics once more
so you’re like friends, but like there’s something more (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
speaking of friends, you’ve met some of his
wild times
especially since Taehyung tried to show up Jimin on the skates and then falls on his face
Namjoon was self-monologuing as per usual
Seokjin was admiring his reflection on the ice, but still making as many dad jokes as possible
meanwhile Hoseok was trying to maintain balance but Yoongi was trying to trip him
Jimin: “I’m so sorry”
You: “why? this is hilarious”
they all know what’s going on tho, especially since all of them have met you at least once
*cut to Jungkook making fun of Jimin at some point*
things don’t really change until he has his first performance and you’re in the crowd (sitting with the boys obviously)
(for which you got a lot of stares for)
you cheered for him really loud before and after his performance
and you came with a cute sign
and it’s bigger than Taehyung and Jungkook’s embarrassing one
it wasn’t until the scores were released and Jimin’s adrenaline rush came through
with all the congratulatory remarks and celebratory mood, he was in the locker rooms to get ready for the party his family was setting up at home
his coach let you him since he knew no one else was present
you lightly knock on the doorway to let him know of your presence
*unfortunately* he’s already clothed by the time you’re there
You: “congratulations, I knew you would get first place”
You: “I got you flowers, but I didn’t know if you were allergic, so I got plastic ones”
Jimin gives you a charming smile, with his eyes turning into crescents
Jimin: “thanks, you can set them down if you would like”
you seat yourself on a nearby bench as he brushes through his hair and puts on his shoes and whatnot
Jimin: “are you coming to the party?”
You: “I don’t know if I’m invited”
Jimin: “well, I’m inviting you—if you would like to go”
You: “like………. together?”
Jimin: “yeah, you can be my date?”
you both show up to the party with your hands held together
your dates are mainly at the ice rink for the rest of the season
whether you’re skating with him or just watching him practice and reminding him to take breaks, both mental and physical
you’ve improved your ice skating abilities btw
considering your boyfriend is a professional ice skater
you always make time to go to his performances and you absolutely refuse to miss a single one even if you’ve seen it a thousand times when he practices
there’s just so much gracefulness and agility and Jimin’s so beautiful to watch
and he’s so glad to have found someone who supports his dream as much as he chases after it
also you asked him to dance to Twice once as a joke and he actually did it for a performance so
now you have many requests and ideas
Jungkook: “tell him to do One of a Kind by GD”
You: “why don’t you tell him?”
Jungkook: “because he doesn’t listen to me”
Yoongi: “I think he would know if it was your idea even if (Y/N) is the one who told him to do it”
Jimin: “I’m not doing GD”
Jungkook: “wow okay”
after the season is done, your dates have more range
he’s a big softie and it’s 1000% applied to relationships
so that means lots of romantic walks, coffee dates, picnics
of course lots of restaurant dates when he’s off his diet
in which you always pinch his cheeks bc he looks so cute with puffy cheeks
but there’s some dates where you two just stay in and watch some movies but you get a bit distracted with his plump lips and nice torso………. however you want to take that information
since he’s so used to the cold at the ice skating rink, it also means he loves to just pile blankets onto the two of you
but also he needs cuddles and it gets super heated real quick
and I mean like heated heated because of his body heat and the giant blankets
altho, it could also be heated
you two built a blanket fort once and it was knocked down real quick - in what ways? I’ll leave that to your imagination
oh and since you’re openly so supportive for him
he tries to reciprocate it
even if it’s the most mundane things
he wanted to make a sign for you once
Jimin: “do you have bigger banner paper?”
You: “why?”
Jimin: ………… “now that I’ve said it outloud, I think I’ll just save it for my phone or something”
You: “yeah, let’s never say that again”
you repeated it back to him once and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him this flushed since that one fan tried to propose to him
he’s a shy baby
kind of
because he needs a lot of attention and a lot of praise
but if you do it in front of other people, he will combust
anyways we’re all simps for Jimin and it’s great we’re having fun
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Let It Happen (1)
Pairing: Amy Santiago x fem!reader
Summary: Amy made the mistake of dating Teddy and vowed immediately after to never date another guy on the force again. Luckily, her new coworker is a woman. Reader insert with female!reader, told entirely from the point of view of Amy Santiago. Doesn't follow the show plot line and no Peraltiago. First five chapters are reposted from my wattpad!
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: jealousy, Amy’s bi panic
It only happens once, I believe, that you meet someone that makes your head pop right off its place atop your neck and spin in circles. Everything feels like chaos, and yet it's the only thing that brings you serenity. Like meditating after exiting the pit of a metal show. Fast or slow, right in the middle of fast and slow, sometimes fast then slow.
The feeling of comfortably warm water suddenly burning hot. Your hand jerks away fast at the change and your heart is beating a mile a minute because you never thought something could happen so instantly. Eventually you come back to find the temperature isn't as unbearable as you thought. New territory just scares you.
It has always scared me. All the new classes and new jobs and every other new skill I've attempted just in the fear of missing out on knowledge couldn't have prepared me for the fear of a new person coming in and changing everything I knew while somehow keeping it all the same.
On Monday morning, I was in the briefing room at the start of my shift. Nothing unusual about sitting with a bunch of detectives and officers and waiting for the Sarge and Captain to appear at the front of the room. Except something did feel different. It could've just been the weird nightmare I had of libraries closing forever that was throwing me off, but I wasn't so sure.
I watched as Terry finally entered the room with Holt, but my eyes widened when I noticed a woman following them to stand at the front. My gaze roamed carelessly and carefully all at once over her, noticing the smoothness of her skin and how a simple outfit seemed a lot less simple on a body like hers. Without warning, I'd entered a daydream of wrapping my arms around her waist and moving my fingers along the tail of her shirt, drumming a light representation of what her presence did to my heartbeat.
I broke away from my very inappropriate and borderline creepy evaluation of her appearance just in time to hear Holt introduce her. Y/N L/N was our new civilian administrator, replacing Gina now that she was off running her own company and associated G-Hive. So she was working here...with us. With me. Fantastic! I can handle that. Maybe. Hopefully.
Hours later, I'd finally gathered the courage to approach her desk to introduce myself, but unfortunately courage went out the window when I got there and realized I didn't know how to begin the conversation. How do you even start talking to an angel? Especially one that sees you walking over and smiles like you've known each other for years. God, I'm a puddle in a pantsuit.
"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Her voice. Is it obsessive to say I want to hear more? Of course, I have to talk to her in order to do that.
"Yeah, yes. I'm fine, just wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Santiago Amy--wait, no. Amy Santiago. I'm sorry, I'm not usually this bad at using my words and mouth and this is going terribly."
I let my face fall into my hands, ready to turn on my heels and find the nearest bathroom to spiral in when I heard her laugh. Wait, she's laughing. Is that good?
"It's okay, Amy. I get really nervous talking to new people, so knowing that others do too makes me feel a lot better. Nice to meet you, by the way."
I met her eyes again and finally gave her a smile that wasn't fueled by a bundle of nerves. "Glad I could help, then. How are you getting along so far?"
"Really great, although I can't seem to decipher Gina's filing system. Do you happen to know anything of it?"
"No, and honestly you might as well start over. Finding Waldo would be easier than figuring that out." My shoulders relaxed further when she laughed again. This feels good.
"Well I guess it's a good thing I brought this," she stated cheerfully as she placed a box on her desk.
Wait. Binders with three rings, pockets and sturdy spines. Countless divider sheets with strong tabs for intense filing. Overwhelmingly beautiful new binder smell.
"Holy crap," I mumbled out breathlessly before I could stop myself.
I think I love you. "I think you might be my new best friend." Okay Amy, that's worse.
"Wow, you like organizing too?" she asked with a gleam in her eye that had my heart racing, the moment quickly interrupted.
"Like organizing?" Jake scoffed, his arms folded with a cocky smile gracing his lips as he approached us. "If organizing was a person, Santiago would be married."
A death glare was sent in his direction before I could stop myself. Whether it was because of his uninvited entrance to our conversation or for making Y/N laugh in the same way I did, I couldn't be sure.
The unwarranted death glare only got stronger as time went on and Jake showcased his goofy and commanding personality while trying to get to know Y/N and make her feel included. I wanted her to feel welcome of course, but I wanted to be the one to do it, not watch from the sidelines as they did a Fire Extinguisher Roller Chair Derby while Terry and Holt were in a meeting downstairs. Side by side, gliding across the bullpen together. The sight made my fists clench, my nails pressed down into my palms like shovels digging up embarrassing amounts of jealousy.
I noticed Charles coming over with a grin as Y/N stopped Jake from eating foam that got on his hand, letting out a laugh that bounced on the walls until it landed in my ears. "Check your class schedules kids, because I think you two have chemistry!"
The only thing that stopped me from creating daggers with my eyes and aiming them at Charles' heart was Y/N speaking up with just a hint of nervousness in her tone. "Well I didn't exactly plan on announcing this but I'm actually only into women."
Well, would you look at that. My palms are sweating. We can blame that on my hands being folded up for so long, right?
"Oh Jake, I'm so sorry--"
"What? Charles, I'm not trying to date Y/N. I'm with Sophia, remember?" 
"Oh, right. Well maybe Rosa--"
"Also dating someone." Rosa quickly deadpanned.
"Charles, if she wants to date someone here, she can. But it's not up to you to set her up with anyone at all. You're going to scare her off from even wanting to be friends with us." I wanted to punch myself for not hinting toward me being available for her to date, but I felt better about my statement when Y/N flashed me a grateful smile.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I've known these guys long enough to know they're good people deserving of love and you're such a nice person too! I guess I got a little too excited to set you up with someone," Charles told Y/N with a guilty look, quickly fading as she got out of her chair and pulled him into a hug with that angelic smile on her lips again.
Everyone began to clear out and get back to working while Jake (mostly Charles) cleaned up. Y/N met me at my desk as I walked over, leaning against it as I sat in my chair.
"Hey, thanks for your help back there."
"Of course," I replied as I returned her smile. "I just know what it's like to be uncomfortable in a work setting and didn't want you to be alone in that feeling. I also have a question that I hope doesn't offend you, but I'm a little curious."
"Ask away."
I fought hard to keep my voice from shaking as I lowered my voice and asked "Are you really only into women, or did you just say that to get Charles to stop?"
A light chuckle fell from her lips and she responded. "One hundred percent vaginas only." She stood up and walked over to her desk, a chill running through my entire body as her hand touched my shoulder so lightly and briefly I could've imagined it. If I trusted my legs to stay steady right now, I'd run.
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loominggaia · 3 years
Fanfic: New York (part 11)
Anonymous submitted part 11 of their fanfic! You can read the previous parts under the fanfic tag.
Three more days had passed since Alaine and Lukus’s run in with the police. By this point they where no where closer to finding Evan by this point but they now a had a tidy some of earth money to handle their needs. After the incident with the police Alaine and Lukus thought it best not to piss them off any further and hadn’t done a hog hunt since. Jeimos and Issac had gathered some money but not much from scrapping. Zeffer definitely brought home the biggest amount but refuses to tell the group
How he obtained it. None of them knew and none of them, with the exception of Elska asked. In total they had about $5000 to spend and they had some stuff they desperately needed. Before doing anything with the money Zeffer told them he had somebody he needed them to meet, someone who could give them phones and Id’s. That night everyone minus Elska joined him to where he last met that angry vendor who offered these to him.
Crossing some allyways they found what they where looking for, a truck with a rotund man sitting out in front of it. Their where afew other men standing around too, armed with pistols which they pointed at group once they got in sight. Fat tony put up his hand, calming them men and caused them to put their guns down as he just scowled at them, particularly the pasty one in front of them. “Just great, here I thought I’d never have see your fugly face again” Fat Tony spat at Zeffer.
Fat tony reiterated to Zeffer that if he can’t pay then don’t his time, looking over the group he scowled again and just asked who this group of clowns was? The crew was already on edge, hands ready at their weapons incase of trouble and didn’t care to be insulted by some bald, fat man and his goons. Zeffer introduced them as his crew and said they have the money to pay now and to tell his guards to stand down.
This seemed to lift Fat Tony’s mood, “Well why didn’t you start with that!” He asked, yelling to boys to stand down, we got paying customers. Fat tony apologized for guards, saying he brought in some cousins for security as some crazy shits been happening the last few nights. Intrigued Lukus just asked what exactly that meant? Fat Tony just kept it short, saying that some of Big Anthony’s dealers got killed over the last few nights. But it wasn’t just that, it was how they where killed.
He talked about how all where found dead, drained off blood with no obvious gunshot or knife wounds outside a bite mark on their necks. “I’m telling yeah man, all them boys where found slurped up, like fucking juice pouches! And I ain’t no risk with this psycho wanna be Dracula fucker running around!” The group looked to Zeffer with aww on their faces, he just looked around silently as it dawned on the crew just how exactly he came to acquire all that money but didn’t want to say anything here.
Handing over $650 Fat Tony handed each of them a flip phone plus the spar. Each burner phone was already set up so they didn’t need to worry about that, Alaine just looked at hers with obvious disappointment, she asked if they had access to social media and that stuff? He just laughed at her and told her no, asking if she had any clue what a burner phone even was? As for the fake ids Larry just gave them an address and directions, saying he knows a guy who can hook them up and is reliable.
Following his directions they crew found a dingy looking apartment building, some alarm bells ringing looking at it but stepped forward. Finding the apartment number they knocked on the door, waiting for a response. It took awhile but then a slit in the door opened, a mans eye looking out asking if their the people Tony sent? Answering yes the slit closed, hearing several locks opening with the man opening the door and letting them in.
Walking in they see some machines and photography equipment with the man ushering them towards it. He told them to form a line and simply asked who wanted to go first? One after the other he took their pictures and asked them questions like their name, age , address, etc… once they where all done he printed out a I’d card for each of them, handing them all to the group and asking for his pay, nearly $1000. They all left, looking at their new id’s.
On their way back to base they saw three dark dressed young people ahead of them, Zeffer suddenly tried to change direction. Bumping into Jeimos, they asked what Zeffer was doing? The whole crew was wandering what he was doing, he in hushed embarrassment told them not to even look at them, that those three are crazy! They need to get out of their before they see him! Now they where starting to get concerned wandering if they where dangerous if they got Zeffer freaking out.
Unfortunately for him their hushed argument was overheard by the group ahead. The tall, lanky guy looked their way and smiled, turning to his two companions and starting walking over to them. Zeffer was completely absorbed by his argument and didn’t notice their approach. “Look, our dark master has returned!” Zeffer suddenly got very silent, and turned around with dread all over his face, asking what those three clowns are wanting? The three stared at him with smiles on their faces.
The three crowed around him, asking if he’s finally coming to accept their offer not even paying attention to the rest of the crew. The others looked on with with confusion and alittle amusement as Zeffers face just sunk, him telling the three to piss off and that he’s not their dark master! Morgon was holding a book in her arms and showing it to Zeffer telling him they do know magic. Saying it’s a spell book and that they can show him a spell to prove humans can do magic.
The crew just laughed as Zeffer told them to leave, that he’s not interested in some blood cult. Jeimos just confirmed what Zeffer told them in that humans are incapable of magic. That got their attention and ire, them yelling at Jeimos asking what do they know?! This started Jeimos alittle but they just repeated what they stated before, that humans can’t do magic. Zeffer just grabbed the rest of the group and started storming off, he wasn’t gonna tolerate this bull crap tonight.
After stopping their laughing and getting away from the goths they asked Zeffer what that was all about? He just told them don’t ask, their just crazy people. Making their way back the group went to sleep for tonight, now they could do some ordinary shopping once the morning comes. The morning came soon and the crew, minus Zeffer and Elska joined together to make a major shopping trip. Making their way into the city in search of somewhere they can get supplies.
Making their way through the streets they stopped at a little bodaga first. Alaine and Lukus ducking their heads low when a police cruiser drove past them, much to Jeimos and Issacs confusion. They entered the little side shop and while none of them could read the product labels they could take a guess in what they where. Grabbing some soap and shampoo, first aid stuff, and what ever else they thought they needed.
While standing in a back isle Alaine was looking stuff and scratching her legs. Over the past few days her scales where getting rather itchy, at first she thought it was nothing but after the last few days she wasn’t so sure anymore? especially when she started noticing discoloration on her scales. She turned around and noticed a little girl was standing behind her and staring at Alaine. The little girl was wearing a sirene shirt and holding a sirene plushie. “Are you a mermaid”?
What? Alaine thought to herself, she thought magic didn’t exist her? So how would they know what a mermaid even was? “Um…yeah?” Alaine cautiously responded, the little girl started smiling and clapping her hands, assaulting Alaine with a barrage of questions like is she friends with fish? Does she know where Atlantis is? And so much more so fast Alaine could barley keep up. She stopped the kid and simply told her with a sullien tone that being a mermaid is not as fun as she thinks it is.
She just told her that she really, honestly wouldn’t want to be a mermaid, cause it’s most certainly not as fun as she thinks it is. The little girl just pouted, saying Alaines no fun and just ran off. Alaine rejoined the others at the register, not wanting to think about possibly crushing some kids dreams. They just paid and left, going on to their next location. Stopping at afew other stores along the they picked up Sleeping bags, food and more.
Stopping by alittle fashion shop Alaine stopped the group, telling them they should stop here and get some extra clothing while their here. Lukus was questioning why should they with Alaine countering saying it be nice to not have to be walking around in their under armor clothing and blend in, especially considering all their stuffs back in Gaia. Jeimos and Issac agreed with her and Lukus reluctantly went along with them.
Walking in the place seemed rather nice and bright, having a decent selection. Looking over to the women at the counter Issac recognized her, “Jasmine?” He called to her. Looking up from the magazine she saw two familiar faces and smiled “Issac, Jeimos is that you! How you two doing today”?! She said back to them. Issac and Jeimos started talking to her, Jeimos thanking her for helping last time they met. Alaine and Lukus looked at her, realizing that’s the women from the video that helped them.
They thanked her for refusing their friends. She told them no problem and said they can look around and not to be afraid to ask her for anything. With that the four headed out to search for some new cloths. Jeimos got a purple long sleeve sweater and black skinny jeans, Issac got a t-shirt with some goofy looking characters on it and Lukus just got simple khaki pants and a green shirt. Alaine however took the longest grabbing three whole outfits.
An ocean blue sundress, a seashell crop top and jean shorts with flip flops and finally a nice seafoam skirt and top combo. She would have grabbed more but they the crew had to break her out of her trance to remind her they have a limited budget. With that they went up and paid, Jasmine looking concerned when everything was rung up, with it all being on one transaction it was rather expensive. They pulled out the Maloney stack and paid, easing her fears and with that they crew went back to base.
Unloading their huge pile of bags they got to work, eating some of the food for lunch and set up the sleeping bags. Took a much need bath, this time with actual soap, and changed into their new clothing. They all had to admit it was good to get out of their under armor clothing for once and have something new, they where also fiddling with their phones to figure out how they work. Saving each other’s numbers and relived to have a way to keep in touch long distance.
With everything setteled down they went back into the city to continue their search. Evan was doing push ups in room, craving something to do that wasn’t watching tv all day and moping around. He was thinking about some of the things he’d heard on the news I’ve the past few days. Reports of drug dealers being attacked by an alleged vampire and more sightings of the prosperity park centaur came flooding in. He also saw an alarming report of a string of attacks that happened three days ago.
Each of the victims report being attacked by a man and women, with details being fuzzy due to the brutal beatings they faced. Each of the victims where hospitalized for their beatings with some having their fingers cut off and two men having their touches and genitials cut off, one of them being in this hospital in critical condition. Some business man he overheard, near bled to death and in a coma. This wasn’t what concerned him, what concerned him was the police sketch.
The police sketch’s showed a man and women with a striking similar to Alaine and Lukus! They where last seen attacking a man before fleeing from police and are believed to be linked to the other attacks. Evan simply refunded to believe that notion, he knew his crew like the back of his hand! He knew they would never attack random strangers like that! It must have been someone else as theirs no way those two would just attack someone without good reason too!?
He completed his push-ups, completely exhausted. This wasn't good as this was way, way less reps then what he was normally capable of. He’s getting weaker he thought, this extended inactivity was not doing him any good. He just hoped either his plan worked or his crew found him soon!
I love how all the minor characters are coming into play! Good to see the goth kids again haha. Everything in the story’s setting feels so interconnected, that’s awesome. This is so good, I’m really enjoying this story a lot!
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Caught in a Blizzard - Part 1
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Summary: Luna is going to perform at the Graham Norton show, but little did she know that Chris Evans is going to be a guest as well.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Luna Hwang (Asian OFC)
Warnings: Mentions about sex and some alcohol
Wordcount: 4.5k
A/N: if you want to be on the taglist, just let me know! Also, I love to read your guys’ thoughts and feedback xx
Masterlist // Introduction // Part 2
Tonight I’m the musical guest on the Graham Norton show and I was too lazy to check who were going to be the other guests. I mean, I was severely jet lagged and a bit hungover, because they were serving some real good wine on the airplane and I might have finished an entire bottle and then some more sips from another bottle.
Normally my new agent Gia would be with me when I go to these types of things, to make sure everything is handled correctly and I’m up to date to the most important things, but since she has come down with a flu, just like her two youngest kids, she obviously stayed in New York. She told me I would be doing fine, however I wished that she was with me now, because she  could’ve told me that finishing that entire bottle of wine myself wasn’t exactly a good idea (I have no self control, that’s obvious) and mentally prepare me for the other guests.
Now I have exactly five minutes to prepare myself, because I have wasted at least thirty with hyperventilating.
Because of the tough weather, Viola Davis couldn’t be here unfortunately, which is a shame, because she herself is a whole new level of awesome. But on the couch sits the queen herself Reese Witherspoon and THE handsome ass Chris Evans is there as well!
I mean, I obviously have an unhealthy crush on him, because who wouldn’t? He is handsome, he is funny and he is exactly the type of man that I’d like to drag in my bed for some mature activities. Seeing him sitting right there, makes my heart do all sorts of different things. And I realize that when I’m going to join them, I have to sit next to him. I have to sit next to the man who thought that wearing grey plaid pants and a fitted sweater would be appropriate.
Normally I would’ve known who the guests are on the shows that I perform at when I was still with my group Brave Elegance, because we had agents and a few members that actually listened to them when stuff like this was being told. I relied on them mostly, because I was making sure I could perfect my performance, by practicing the dance moves and hum out my rap. Now I’m all by myself and the first time Gia is supposed to be with me, she is sick.
And now I have to eat up the consequences of my own stupid choices.
I wish there was a guide available, that could help me out with one of the biggest problems I have ever encountered in my life: how to NOT embarrass yourself in front of the Chris Evans?
‘So, I have a question,’ Graham Norton starts. ‘Our musical guest Luna is backstage and—’ The audience erupts into a loud applause and whistles. ‘Goodness me, I wasn’t even finished yet!’
The crowd starts to laugh and from the looks of it, Reese Witherspoon and Chris Evans are amused. I take another sip of my water, because my throat feels painfully dry.
‘What I was going to ask is if you two had heard from her,’ Graham continues.
‘I do, actually,’ Reese says. ‘My daughter was a huge fan of hers back when she was in Brave Elegance. I went to three concerts of them actually.’
‘Oh, so you know quite a bit about her?’ Graham asks.
Reese nods. ‘Yes, I do. Back when she was in the band, my daughter was such a big fan of hers. Even had posters of her in her room. I do know that she is really killing the game with her solo projects.’
‘She totally is,’ Chris Evans says. ‘I downloaded her album the second it came out. I loved it.’
I think I forget how to breath. He downloaded my album? Holy crap, this isn’t helping with my nerves.
‘Really?’ Graham asks. ‘I never thought you were the type of guy that would listen to her songs, if I’m being honest.’
‘Well, my niece was a Fairy once, so I knew about the existence of them and heard some songs. But I only started to get really invested in their music during their Golden Globe performance, little did I know that that was going to be one of their last performances. A shame really, I was ready to become a Fairy.’
The Chris Evans Captain America Chris Evans was ready to become part of the fanbase? Oh shit, is this how it feels to have an out of body experience? How am I supposed to act normal after this?’
‘Really?’ Graham asks with a smile. ‘Well lucky you then that she is going to perform here.’
A woman ushers me with her and I follow her through the tiny halls. It’s nearly time for me to get on stage, but how am I going to deal with this? The sound is pretty loud, so I continue to hear what is being said.
‘She has something,’ Reese continues. ‘Like she forces you to watch her. My daughter once showed me a compilation of her on the X-Factor and I was genuinely impressed. She was only seventeen and knew exactly how to pull the audience in. Amazing.’
‘Please, everybody, please give it up for the one and only Luna!’
The audience start to clap and whistle, causing me to smile. I always love it when I hear the whistles and the screams of fans. Graham holds out his hand and I kindly take it, but all of the sudden I feel a little self-conscious about my tight red dress and my over knee boots, but I can’t change now. I must hold my breath the entire time I’m sitting my ass on that couch.
I shake hands with Reese Witherspoon, who compliments me on my outfit and tells me I’m so pretty. Why is this woman such a nice lady?
I quickly wipe my palm when I have to shake Chris Evans’ hand. When I’m with my producers or even back when I was still with the girls from Brave Elegance, I’d tell them how Chris Evans literally bite me wherever he wants, choke me during sex and that every hole I have is right there for him to use.
Now I’m standing in front of him and those things have turned into nothing but idle talk.
I somehow manage to extend my hand without shaking like an idiot an he holds mine in his large one. Oh my, those fingers… Imagine them insi— No, Luna, don’t even go there. You are in public!
‘It’s so nice to meet you, Luna,’ he says with a charming smile and me knees nearly give out. His eyes are glued on me and oh my, he is even more handsome from up close.
‘Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too.’ Okay, good, I managed to say seven words to him, in an acceptable order. Progress!
I sit on the left end of the couch, next to Chris Evans and I sure hope the microphone doesn’t pick up on my heartbeat, since I can feel it beating with a force that it actually hurts me.
‘Luna, I’m so happy that you’re here,’ Graham says.
‘Thank you for having me.’
‘Are you excited?’
I nod. ‘This is my first solo interview on television, so I’m a bit nervous, but other than that, I’m very excited. I just hope that I won’t say anything stupid.’
‘You probably won’t,’ Graham says and I don’t feel necessarily assured. ‘I have to say, Luna, you are such an interesting woman.’
‘Is that good or bad?’ I ask.
‘Well, I mean,’ he says, looking at his cards. ‘At the young age of seventeen, you participate in the X-Factor, didn’t win, but did gain four friends. Is it hard to now do your own stuff?’
I think well about this question. Our disbandment was quite messy, though the public doesn’t know about that. The reason we split up was because of the amounts of jealousy between the members and… Me actually. I miss my members every single day and I wish that they were here with me. But I have to realize, that the disbandment was all my fault and if I was just a team player back then, I would still have them around me.
‘It’s hard to be by myself, sometimes. I mean, I have dancers with me, but… It’s different. It can’t be compared to being with four amazingly talented girls with the same dream. So yeah, it’s hard, because I have to figure out how I’m going to do it alone. We were together for six years non stop, so it’s kinda weird.’
‘Your disbandment came as a huge surprise. Did you guys knew that you were going to disband soon?’
‘Well, 2018 was really a rollercoaster of a years and the after shocks of that, went with us to 2019. We were all kind of struggling with our psychical and mental health. I won’t really go into details for the rest of the girls, but I was hospitalized for two months, because I totally overworked myself. Being in a group is hard work and our record label was really putting a lot of pressure on us and after six years, it can be hard to keep up. So, our last two performances… We didn’t really say that it were the last, but deep down we all pretty much knew, you know?’
‘Right… You are the only one that is continuing in the music industry. How come?’
‘Well,’ I say, ‘it’s the only thing I’m good at and I love to do it. I love interacting with fans, being on stage. My new record label is really laid back and they continue to say that we are going at my pace, that my health is the most important and I shouldn’t overwork myself ever, so that really is comforting and I know it’s for the best.’
Graham nods and asks: ‘Did you know that Chris Evans was ready to become a Fairy?’
I shake my head. ‘No, I didn’t.’
‘Tell us, Chris, what was your favorite song and maybe Luna can sing a bit for you.’
I’m going to fucking vomit. Is this truly happening? I bet Gia is watching this right now (or tomorrow, since she is still sick) and she is going to laugh her ass off, just like all the producers and God who knows. I just know.
I carefully look to the side and see Chris Evans smirking. Seeing it in gifs is such an experience, but seeing it in real life… Goodness me.
‘I truly loved ‘You Know, He Did It Too’, especially because it showed how society is really fucked up. It takes two people, but of course only the woman in this story gets the blame, which is not fair.’
‘I’m not going to sing that,’ I say to Graham. ‘Or rap my part.’
‘Why not?’
‘Because…’ I can’t even think of a very good reason to not do it.
‘Come on,’ he coaxes me. ‘When can you say that you rapped in front of Chris Evans? Captain America!’
I sigh, knowing I can’t get out of this.
Remember Bieber, had that fever?
You tiny man, you fucked it up
You should come clean
No need to fake
Your fiancé leave you no matter what
So be a man, suck it up
Take the blame, she ain’t alone.
You little fucker, just spit it out
We do this over and over
Till we fucked up your entire career
‘Damn!’ Graham exclaims. ‘We all watched the news obviously and knew what happened, but you really didn’t hold back with the rap.’
‘Well, funny story,’ I say, ‘originally we wanted the song to be a diss track to society, for only blaming the girl. But then he released a statement, saying that he had nothing to do with it, that she was seducing him and basically that it wasn’t his fault. So that’s when I got mad and changed the entire rap.’
‘Dragging him,’ Chris Evans adds.
I chuckle, feeling all too happy that I can agree with Chris Evans on this. ‘Yeah, dragging him.’
‘I love this,’ Graham says. ‘So, you were just out of high school when you auditioned for X-Factor.’
‘Right,’ I say.
‘You wrote all your raps by yourself. Did you write songs back then?’
I nod. ‘They weren’t any good. I started with really bad poetry and that turned into cringy songs, that were trying to be deep, but it high school cringe. Thanks to the mentors on the X-Factor I was taught about flow and beat and all that good stuff. So I’m really grateful for that.’
Reese says: ‘What always surprised me, was how the raps you wrote matched the songs you girls were performing. But you did that all by yourself, with some help of the mentors?’
I nod. ‘You know, our time being on the X-Factor was hard, but it was so worth it. I feel like my song writing skills have improved over time and I do hope that the album showed my best writing skills and rap skills and sing and dance.’
‘You sure did,’ Graham says. ‘Can you tell us a little about who one of your songs is inspired on?’
I shake my head. ‘My songs aren’t necessarily inspired by anyone or any event really.’ Then I realize that I’m lying. ‘Wait, that is not true. One of my songs was sort of inspired on someone.’
‘I want the details,’ Graham says without skipping a beat, ‘and I want them now. Spill.’
‘Well, Ditch The Boys, Use Your Toys is inspired on someone I had sex with, back in the X-Factor days. We were already going to the next round as Brave Elegance. I had heard some rumors that he was pretty great in bed, causing me to think that if I ever had sex with him, it was going to be mind-blowing, so I had pretty high expectations.’
Graham nods, making it obvious he is really interested in hearing the rest of the story. I look at Reese and Chris, who have amused smiles on their faces.
‘I think we were two minutes into the foreplay, when he… You know… Can I say this on television?’
The host shrugs. ‘I have no idea and I honestly don’t care. I want to know how this story ends, though I might have an idea.’
I chuckle. ‘Well, he penetrates me and I’m like, oh, okay, he really wants to have sex with me. Obviously I was a bit flattered, but I think it took less than thirty seconds before he came  already and made really loud and weird noises. And I was confused, because for starters, he came real quick, but I also didn’t understand why so many girls were raving about him. Then, this guy looks me right in the eye and has the audacity to ask me if I enjoyed it as much as he did.’ My eyes widen, while I hold out my hands, as the audience starts to laugh.
‘I really want to know what you said to that,’ Chris Evans says, who seems to enjoy my story a lot.
‘So I stared at him,’ I continue my story. ‘And I said: “Well, if we were trying to be in the Guinness book of World Records for fastest male ejaculation during sexual intercourse, sure, but I wasn’t aware that we were going for a world record”.’
Graham starts to laugh, Reese places her hands on her face to hide her visible gasp and Chris Evans places his hand on his chest while he laughs, a trait that I love with all my heart.
‘But on top of that,’ I go on, ‘he got mad and said that I was an ungrateful bitch for not being happy we had sex.’
Reese scoffs. ‘What an idiot.’
‘So anyways, it was during our X-Factor days, so I got dressed and told him I was going back to my dorm and masturbate, because I obviously couldn’t count on him for some pleasure. Fast forward to two weeks later. We’re waiting for our dance training and the teacher wasn’t there yet and this time around there weren’t camera’s to film anything. So me and some other girls were chatting about orgasms and stuff like that, as one does. Since this said guy was like a few feet away from us and had been telling the other competitors that I was a slut and ungrateful and all, I decided to take my change. I say in a pretty loud voice: “Well, if you want orgasms, you have to skip on sex with… Let’s call him Peter,’—his name was Cole Springs, but I’m not totally heartless and he is doing pretty okay in the country music industry now, so I don’t want to ruin his reputation entirely—‘you have to skip on sex with Peter, because he’ll nut inside of you within thirty seconds. You better ditch that boy and use your toy, because no orgasms for you when having sex with him. So that song was heavily based on someone.’
‘I’m so glad I asked that question,’ Graham says in a giddy voice, causing the rest of the audience and Chris Evans and Reese Witherspoon to laugh as well. ‘I admire you, Luna,’ he adds. ‘You really have the guts to sing about these topics.’
Chris Evans nods. ‘I totally agree.’
‘What is in stores for Luna?’ Graham asks. ‘What can we expect?’
I lean back in the couch. What can they expect? I never thought that far ahead. I was just thinking about promotions for this album. ‘Hopefully a world tour one day,’ I say. ‘I am still working on expanding my back up crew, but I want everyone to feel represented, you know? So, that’s totally what I’m working on and for the rest… I think just more music, more controversies, because it turns out that’s what I do best.’
‘I’m here for it,’ Graham says. ‘Is it hard to sing about certain topics like sex, masturbation and female empowerment?’
I shrug. ‘I feel like someone should do it,’ I admit. ‘I know that people—especially men—have certain opinions about it, but you know… I feel that there is someone out there, that listens songs and feels a bit empowered and that’s all I care about.’
Chris nods. ‘I admire you,’ he says, causing the audience to aww. ‘I bet it can be hard sometimes.’
Are we having a moment right now? I’m lost in his eyes for a few seconds. ‘Sometimes, yeah.’
Graham interrupts this whatever it was by asking if I’m ready to perform.
‘Oh, yeah, totally am.’
‘Please give it up for Luna, who is going to sing a mashup of Inside and Silky Ribbon!’
✘ ✘ ✘
‘You have one new message,’ the robotic voice of the woman says when I want to check my voicemail on my phone. I’m at a pretty chill bar, with a nice bartender who gave me two drinks on the house already, since he liked my album and my appearance on the Graham Norton show.
‘Luna, what the actual fuck?’ Look at that. Cole Springs decided to call me. ‘Do you honestly need to tell that fucking story on television? I already got five texts from people who either ask me if this is about me or simply know it’s about me.’
I click the voicemail away mid sentence, since I really can’t use this right now. I already feel tired and like shit, no need for Cole Springs to make things even worse. ‘Could I have one more please?’ I ask with a pout, as I push my empty glass to the bartender.
‘Sure thing,’ he says. ‘Who was that on your voicemail?’
‘Cole Springs.’
‘The boyband member gone country boy?’
I nod. ‘He wasn’t all too happy I exposed him like that.’
‘That was the Peter in the story?’ The bartender’s laugh fills up the entire bar. ‘This is amazing. He looks like the type of guy that would nut in two seconds.’
I can’t help but laugh, as I feel the vodka already making me feel a bit lightheaded. That feeling however doesn’t stop me from drinking up some more. I stare outside and see that it’s snowing pretty heavily. I’m still wearing the outfit I wore to Graham Norton, but with the thickest coat worn over it. I know that I have to get back to my hotel, but for now I’ll just stall that moment and enjoy it here.
‘How long are you going to stay in London?’ the bartender asks.
‘Dunno, man. Think I’m heading home somewhere tomorrow or the day after that. I honestly don’t know. Normally Gia, my manager would be with me, but she’s sick now.’
The door opens and some guys are yelling something, but I’m too tired to look up. I place my head on my arms, hoping that I can gain some energy to go and hail a cab.
‘Hi there, can I have…’
I look up and see that Chris Evans is standing right next to me, ordering a drink. He looks really handsome, but that is pretty easy, since he is really handsome. Everything he does is simply breathtaking. I bet he has sex every weekend with someone else. I mean, I bet there is a line waiting to have sex with Captain America and I’m somewhere in that line too. ‘Hi,’ I say and he looks up, a smile appearing on his beautiful face when he recognizes me.
‘Hi, Luna, how are you?’
‘Tired and a bit annoyed though.’
‘Oh no.’ He sits on the stool next to me and his knee bumps against mine. ‘Tell me all about it.’
I start to rant about Cole Springs, exposing to Chris as well who the story was about and during that rant, I go on about my past, about the foster care system and how that is bothering me. I rub my face, not caring that my make-up is all smudged over and the alcohol that I just drank is really kicking in now.
‘I think I just have a kink for controversy, you know,’ I say, staring at me empty glass. ‘I love being in the spotlights for everything that is not exactly how it’s supposed to go. When I got arrested at that protest, boy, I liked the attention that got.’
Chris smiles. ‘Well, I hardly think what you do is that controversial. I think you are just a bit ahead of your time.’
‘That is so deep,’ I admit, absolutely in awe by him. ‘Wow, not only are you handsome, but you are pretty much an intellectual as well. You should consider writing. Bet it would be a bestseller.’
‘I think,’ Chris laughs, pulling the drink from my hands, ‘you’ve had enough to drink.’
‘No,’ I whine, but Chris gets out of his chair. ‘I’m boring you, aren’t I?’
‘Not at all, but I think you need to get back to your hotel,’ Chris says. ‘Hearing from your stories, you have to catch a flight tomorrow and I bet you don’t want to be completely hungover then.’
‘I was already hungover this morning,’ I say, sliding off the barstool. Chris holds up my coat and helps me to put it on. ‘I could use a cigarette, you know.’
‘I bet you do.’
I wrap my arm around his broad shoulders and with my other hand, I hold his face. I place my thumb on one cheek and the rest of my fingers on his other cheek. ‘You have such a beautiful face, that you could just lick and not regret it,’ I admit. ‘Has anyone told you that?’
He starts to chuckle. ‘Not with those exact words.’
‘Well,’ I continue, ‘have you ever read fan fiction about yourself?’ I don’t give him time to answer that question, as we walk out of the bar into the cold, Chris’ arm wrapped tightly around my waist. ‘I have,’ I say, ‘especially the real dirty ones. According to those stories, you know exactly how to please a woman. I bet you are really good in bed, a whole lot better than sweet Cole Springs. I bet you can last for hours.’
‘I sure hope so,’ he laughs.
‘Tell me, do you have sex with a new woman every other week? Because I was wondering that and personally, I’m gravitating towards yes, because honestly I think you are a walking sex machine.’
Chris holds out his hand to hail a cab and says: ‘No, I don’t actually. I barely have sex nowadays.’
‘Shut up!’ I yell. ‘No, no, no, that can’t be true.’ I wiggle myself out of his embrace and crouch down on the sidewalk. My fingers touch the snow, a cold sensation that makes me shiver. ‘What happened to the world that you, Chris Captain America Evans, barely has sex nowadays. If you don’t have sex, what is the rest of the world doing? Oh my, you poor thing.’
‘It’s really not that big of a deal, Luna,’ Chris laughs. He holds out his hands and says: ‘Come on, we need to get into the cab.’
‘You hailed a cab?’ I take ahold of his warm hands and jump up. ‘That is so cool. You are so talented.’
He helps me into the cab and I want to pull him on my lap, so he can sit comfortably there, but weirdly enough, he insists on walking around the cab and sitting next to me. ‘So, can you tell me where your hotel is?’
‘I don’t remember,’ I admit. ‘I barely remember anything that happened today. I was pretty hungover when I arrived here.’ I let myself fall to the side, placing my head on his legs. ‘Mister Evans, have you been working out?’ I squeeze his tight muscles in his thighs, admiring what’s in between my fingers. ‘Damn, I bet chicks love to ride your thighs.’
He burst out in laughter. ‘How much did you have to drink?’ he asks.
‘Just a few shots,’ I admit. ‘But I don’t really handle alcohol that great, to be honest. I’m wasted like that.’ I attempt to snap my fingers, but I fail miserably. My hands look for his and when I finally have one in my hand, I admire his beautifully shaped fingers. ‘You have lovely hands. You have spanked a girl’s ass with these? Or anyone’s ass for that matter’
He starts to laugh. ‘You are unbelievable,’ he says.
‘I’ve never been spanked,’ I confess. ‘I’d love that though. You know, I sing about sex a lot, but to be honest, I haven’t had proper sex in like a year. I mean, my toys do miracles, just like my hands and all. But I just want to have hot and heavy sex.’ I look up and hold out my hand, to touch his beautiful face. His beard pricks against my skin, but I’m not complaining at all.
In the background I hear Chris say something to me, but I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Taglist: @diegos-butt​
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