talaricula · 2 days
Could u please explain what's happening in France rn I'm nosy but I don't speak french at all
it's a shit show.
basically, i don't know if you're from europe or not, but we had the european election. in france for those elections not many people go to vote because they think that it's useless. that europe is too far from the day to day life, that it doesn't affect us. so the abstention rate is pretty high (around 60%). yet this year the ones that got the most votes are the RN (rassemblement national) the far right party. they are racist peaces of shit created after the second world war by former SS and collaborators. they want foreign people out of the country (even the ones with two nationalities), they are sexists and homophobic. yet in the last few years they've been on the rise. they managed to appear less extreme and more palatable to the mass. you have to remember that a lot of people are fed up and feel abandoned and are poor and somewhat they've been made to believe that it's foreign's people fault (thank you cnews, sort of french fox news that spews hatred and fake news and became the first news channel in term of audience). also they put a young man at the forefront to appeal to young people and it works. because a few years ago saying that you voted RN was taboo. you were shunned and mocked and treated as a racist. but now people are starting to be proud of that and that's what scary.
so after the RN got the best score at the election our president macron (worst president fucking ever) decided to announce the dissolution of parliament. which means that at the end of the month we'll have another election (which is so shot to even campaign for it). and of course after the european election the RN is a favorite. but if they do get the majority for this election they'll be able elect one of their own as the prime minister who in turn will elect all the other ministers. so i'm fucking scared shitless of that. it would mean that we'll become a far right country. i think macron thinks that he can show us how useless they are at governing a country (but that's also exactly how hitler got in power you know so). absolutely insane to gamble with our lives. anyway the left as decided to unite against them (praise them for once they did it quickly) so i think they are gonna be the main opponent of the far right. the problem is that a lot of people (and in the media and the bourgeoisie) prefer literal fascists to socialism. so now they're doing everything in their power to discredit the new leftist alliance. also the normal right are scrambling because their leader formed an alliance with the far right and many don't want that so they fired him and then he decided to barricade himself in their headquarters and it's been the funniest thing ever.
so we're trying to convince people to go fucking vote and to vote for the left alliance (le nouveau front populaire) by doing thirsty tiktok edits of the leftist deputies and it's fucking working apparently like are we living in a simulation???
sorry for the long rant but our country is on the verge of collapsing and it's pretty fucking insane that they're doing all that just before the olympics. like if the far right takes the government the people will riot (me included) and it's gonna get bad. so yeah there's that.
#Okay good summary but#Every single political analyst says macron did this in the hopes that ppl would be scared by the recent results and block the far right#Still stupid and dangerous bc the gamble will Not work out#Bc what macron and the left have in common is that they refuse to accept that France is in fact a right to far right country proportionally#Every single election in the past decade or two has proven that#Also sorry to bitch in the tags but 'worst president ever' YOU'VE HAD SARKOZY#Anyway so I hate that macron did this I think everyone should vote for the nouveau front populaire now they've Finally done the right thing#(the antisemitism sucks. Unrelated to Palestine. LFI has been antisemitic for ages not just antizionist.#But the thing is France doesn't have a no antisemitism option sadly. So you do what you have to do)#Also this things is revealing So Much how much of the French left is hypocritical af about macron. Look I severely dislike the man I rly do#But For Years we've heard 'he's as bad as the far right anyway!' and 'he's done nothing positive at all!'#And now it's all 'he's throwing us to the wolves!!!' and 'every good initiative currently in parliament is screwed!!!'#Okay so my dudes WHICH ONE WAS IT. Was he or was he not equivalent to the fascists??? Bc if he was what exactly are we losing here#Anyway still doesn't change that this was a stupid and petty and dangerous decision and that the nouveau front populaire#Is prob the best hope to block the far right#But it just Rly reveals how many leftists refused to vote for the lesser of two evils for the sake of keeping their own conscience pure#Justified it by saying he was just as bad as the far right#And are now admitting he was in fact the lesser of two evils#So you rly did almost let the RN win last time just bc you couldn't compromise your ideals even just a little bit for the sake#Of the reality of ppl more vulnerable than you#And you're only taking blocking the far right seriously now bc there's an option that lets you keep considering yourself morally pristine.#Okay then.
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talaricula · 3 days
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talaricula · 12 days
you think people actually have sex? naked and everything? I have to laugh.
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talaricula · 13 days
Edit: I wrote this a bit fast, but Belgium itself doesn't have a real test on this platform. I took the Dutch test, and then at the end it does give you a comparison with parties from other countries, including Belgium. So it does give you an idea of which parties correspond best to what you find important.
May be useful to note that I got functionally the same results as with the national stemtesten so unless your stances on Europe-specific things are wildly different from the ones on Belgium or you have some super specific dealbreakers, it doesn't seem like you'd be doing anything horrific by picking the same party as for the national elections.
hi! i'm also from belgium and going to vote this weekend but i feel like i can't find a lot of info on which party to choose for the eu election. do you know any good websites, especially about eu political parties' stances on palestine? no worries if not, it just seems hard to find
hoo boy, honestly I am right where you are at, I've aggregated some info here and there but I haven't had the time to get to the bottom of it. Seems like it will be a night before decision for me, if it makes you feel any better most people I've spoken to are just as conflicted, I have a hard time trusting any European politician on this...
if any other EU people have some reliable (and critical enough) sources on this feel free to share them!
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talaricula · 13 days
EU kieswijzer ! Has a question about Palestine, you answer thirty questions and can give extra weight to three, and then it iets you compare your standpoints with the parties'.
hi! i'm also from belgium and going to vote this weekend but i feel like i can't find a lot of info on which party to choose for the eu election. do you know any good websites, especially about eu political parties' stances on palestine? no worries if not, it just seems hard to find
hoo boy, honestly I am right where you are at, I've aggregated some info here and there but I haven't had the time to get to the bottom of it. Seems like it will be a night before decision for me, if it makes you feel any better most people I've spoken to are just as conflicted, I have a hard time trusting any European politician on this...
if any other EU people have some reliable (and critical enough) sources on this feel free to share them!
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talaricula · 14 days
Was chatting to another nurse about the floor I’m on right now, and that nurse said, referring to the charge nurse tonight, “oh yeah, she’s a power hungry monster, she’d be charge nurse every shift if she could.” And then later the nurse said she had only stayed long (a 16 hr shift, can you imagine) because her girlfriend was also working late, and I was like “oh who’s your girlfriend?”
And the nurse said, “it’s the charge nurse.”
And I was like, “the power hungry monster?”
And the nurse was like “yes 🥰🥰”
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talaricula · 14 days
Paywall-Free Link
"After Belgium became the first country in Europe to decriminalise sex work in 2022, it is now the first in the world to approve a labour law for sex workers with an employment contract, announced the union for sex workers in Belgium (UTSOPI).
The Belgian Parliament approved the labour law for sex workers under contract on Friday, [May 3, 2024] with 93 votes in favour, 33 abstentions and zero votes against – marking the end of years of intense lobbying from the sex work sector.
"This law is a world first. I cannot stress enough how important this is," UTSOPI spokesperson Daan Bauwens told The Brussels Times. "The Federal Government has listened to the needs of sex workers and has started writing this law with an enormous openness."
For Bauwens, the text shows "the extent to which our country has set aside certain objections and moral issues for a realistic approach to sex work, to give rights and protection to workers."
While self-employed sex work was already possible in Belgium (after the government decriminalised it in 2022), sex workers will now also be able to work under an employment contract, giving them access to social security (pensions, unemployment/family benefits, health insurance and annual/maternity leave).
The law also ensures that sex workers are protected against job-related risks, and imposes conditions on employers. "With this model, Belgium is really demonstrating that it aims to protect sex workers, regardless of any moral judgements about the profession people may have," Bauwens said.
Historic step
This law is a historic step in the battle for sex workers' rights; countries that recognised sex work before Belgium (Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand) never established a specific legal framework for labour, despite the fact that it is necessary for a respectful, fair relationship between sex worker and employer.
Thanks to Belgium's new law, however, sex workers who signed an employment contract will gain additional workers' rights while their employers must meet certain obligations. Importantly, the law only covers physical sexual contact, but does not mention pornography, striptease or webcam acts.
The law seeks to protect sex workers by ensuring that they have the right to refuse a client, refuse a sexual act, interrupt a sexual act at any time, perform a sexual act in the manner they wish, and to refuse to sit behind a window or advertise if there are dangers to their safety.
If a sex worker invokes any of these rights, they are protected from dismissal or other adverse action by the employer. If a sex worker exercises the right to refuse more than ten times in a six-month period, the sex worker or the employer may seek the intervention of a governmental mediation service.
Sex workers may also decide to end their contract at any time, without compensation or a notice period. Additionally, when sex workers voluntarily end their contracts, they do not lose their right to unemployment benefits.
The law also lays down several obligations for employers. They must apply for recognition and are eligible if they have a registered (branch) office in Belgium. They must not have previously been convicted of a crime such as voyeurism, sexual assault, abuse of prostitution, extortion or murder, among others. A complete list can be found here.
Good foundations
After an employer is recognised, they must ensure that a reference person (internal or external) is always available to ensure that the sex work is organised safely. The employer must also provide the sex worker with an alarm button (either in the room where the sexual services take place, or a mobile one if the services take place elsewhere).
Unions, sex worker support organisations and the professional organisation of sex workers should have access to the workplace at all times.
"We hope that this can lead to a reversal of the recent trend of criminalising clients in Europe (such as in Sweden and France)," Bauwens stated. "We hope that other countries will copy this text, as they did on topics such as same-sex marriage, abortion, euthanasia and transgender rights." ...
Many sex workers fear a loss of their anonymity or their chances of securing a future job if their contract mentions sex work. As plans stand, sex workers' anonymity will be guaranteed. Sex workers will be able to work under hotel-restaurant-café (HoReCa) contracts that do not mention sex work.
This law is a huge step forward, ending legal discrimination against sex workers by allowing a full-fledged contract, Bauwens stressed..."
-via The Brussels Times, May 6, 2024
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talaricula · 15 days
if sex work was legal the workers could unionize
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talaricula · 20 days
Hey mijn belgjes community is goedgekeurd
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talaricula · 21 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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talaricula · 21 days
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talaricula · 22 days
For the Flemish among us who've been having the election discussion: the Liga voor Mensenrechten (an organisation I really trust and admire) analysed the Flemish parties' programs on three human rights issues, i.e. police, detention and surveillance. Handy little overview in which the Liga explains its own view on those issues (which come down, in accordance with international human rights standards, to community-based and highly controlled policing, detention as an absolute last resort, and no surveillance) and compares the parties' standpoints with their own plus gives a little summary for each issue per party.
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talaricula · 23 days
Once you exit the womb, you can use the left stick to walk around and explore your surroundings. You can press A to jump, allowing you to access higher places. Try jumping onto the doctor's cabinets
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talaricula · 24 days
“I didn’t give up Iraji!” Baru snarled, drawing Osa’s grunt of warning. “I could’ve brought him here as a gift for the Cancrioth, but I didn’t!”
“No.” Tau sighed, pushing ahead, after the Womb. “Because you’re waiting for me to give you permission.”
“What?” She’d thought nothing of the sort.
“Tain Hu gave you permission to kill her for your own advantage.”
“Don’t you dare talk about—”
“Dare what? Talk about the woman whose death you use to justify your atrocities? She gave you permission to do a terrible thing. Now she is dead, so she cannot withdraw her permission. But you know her permit only reaches so far: it does not extend to Iraji, or to me. So you’re waiting for me to give you permission to sell Iraji and Abdumasi to the Cancrioth. You want me to say, at least we’ll be together again, damned together in chaos, Abdu and Tau. Really, you’ll be doing what’s best for both of us. Is that right? I think it is.”
“Tau . . .”
A smile sweet like sugar rot. “You need me to be your little amphora, your bottle of reserve goodness, to shatter and use up. You’ve been dying a slow death since you killed Hu. You need to take another soul to finish your work. Only it’ll never be done. You’ll always need more. And no matter what you do here, Baru, I expect that by some strange coincidence it will end up being what Mister Cairdine Farrier wants. Don’t you think so, too?”
Baru lost her breath.
No matter what exercises she tried, no matter how she crushed her innards and panted like a bear, she couldn’t get her air back. Her fingertips prickled. Her heart stumbled. Dread settled on her like a crown. The green paint on the black ceiling above seemed to slither, like tapeworms dangling from a burnt lilac branch. The things Tau said made such sense—all her curiosity and intellect fastened on them and worried at them—
She felt genuinely as if she were drowning.
“Move,” Osa grunted, and shoved Baru forward.
She wanted a whiskey, a vodka: something, anything, to wipe the running centipede legs off her hands, to fill up the agonizing bubbles in her blood. Her heartbeats hit like hooves, cavalry charge, memories of Tain Hu turning the flank at Sieroch, memories that made the panic deeper.
So. So. This was what it meant to make an enemy of Tau, of a laman with the keenest understanding of empathy and sentiment. She had never been struck so precisely.
Tain Hu had seen the worst of her and stayed loyal.
Tau had seen the worst of her, and now they were telling her exactly what they saw.
The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
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talaricula · 24 days
Baby smurf rolled onto his back for the first time yesterday! Multiple times! He does always start crying the second he lands on his back, prompting both grandfathers to remark that that is a normal reaction since he is a turtle just like mom.
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talaricula · 26 days
assume for the sake of this poll that the ubi is a comfortable living wage and that you can get a job in any field you’d like.
also if you picked ‘for another reason’ pls put why in the tags/comments im curious :]
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talaricula · 26 days
Hi I would like to ask what about your wife. Why don't you vote for her
My wife is French, can't vote for her in Belgium 🤷
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