teaboot · 1 hour
Ah yes, the natural human urge to go on a deep dive research bender over a fictional character someone has compared you to, complete with psychoanalysis and aesthetic evaluation in order to determine whether or not your Vibe is optimal
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teaboot · 2 hours
Being kind to ghosts is a Jewish value
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teaboot · 2 hours
I know this is about transing a gender but it make me wanna do science in my kitchen
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teaboot · 3 hours
I have company coming over soon and no access to plaster, what's the easiest way to get a terracotta mold of my face without asphyxiating or burning my eyebrows off? Asking for a friend. No further details
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teaboot · 3 hours
Wait. Is this where "the whole kit and caboodle" comes from???A makeup kit from the 80's???
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September 1992. 'Caboodles. It just handles everything.'
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teaboot · 3 hours
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Acrylic on canvas, August 2024
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teaboot · 3 hours
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Maaaaaaaaaan all those blocklists are finally paying off lmao
Okay rant time.
Pregnant men exist. Not just as an uwu mpreg fanfic trope or a joke. Just because you think pregnancy is gross or icky doesn’t mean you can’t treat pregnant people with respect, regardless of gender or sex. Even in the queer community, trans men who choose to carry their children are seen as an anomaly or as betraying everything they’ve worked for. They aren’t. If I carry a child, I’m still just as much of a man.
Also, I understand if the idea of pregnancy is dysphoric for many trans men. I do. But trans men being pregnant isn’t an excuse to exclude them from queer spaces or treat them with anything less than the same respect you would anyone else. Many trans men experience dysphoria regarding the idea of pregnancy, but many don’t. Their body isn’t your business. Don’t be fucking weird.
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teaboot · 3 hours
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teaboot · 5 hours
So a bunch of teenagers were outside my unit from 2 to 4AM this morning honking their horn over and over again. I haven't slept in about three days for various reasons, so I opened my window and said "Hey, can you stop? We need to sleep", to which one responded, "Go to sleep, then", an honked the horn.
This move struck me as so ludicrously inconsiderate and stupid that I started laughing despite myself, and just managed to hear, "Yeah, I thought that was pretty fucking hilarious".
Cut to about a minute and a half later, I am running down the street in nothing but combat boots, sweatpants, and a binder, and these litte turds are gunning it.
I have no plans to hurt anybody, or even catch up with them, but as they turn the corner off the end of my road I stop in the middle of the street and stare after them, motionless, hands on my hips under a streetlight like Tboy Mike Myers in one of the worse sequels.
I didn't have my glasses on, but it looks as though the driver looked back in my direction before they turned out of view.
Was scaring the shit out of a bunch of dumb city kids a dick move, or was this justified?
The roads were otherwise empty, and it was a Wednesday.
Im not the only tenant in this complex, just th only one who responded.
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teaboot · 5 hours
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teaboot · 5 hours
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teaboot · 6 hours
cannot recommend more putting secrets and hints in your creative work that you dont expect anyone to figure out
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teaboot · 6 hours
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teaboot · 6 hours
You have to stand in the face of the torrential downpour and peer blindly at the heavens sometimes. For wellness
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teaboot · 6 hours
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teaboot · 6 hours
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teaboot · 19 hours
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