themockingjaytardis · 9 years
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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Solar eclipse. March 20th 2015 as seen from Leicester, UK
Now as a .gif,  because this is Tumblr
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
Privileged people preaching nonviolence to oppressed people Is violence
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
It’s Oscars night!
Check out what I had to say (/sing) about the Academy Awards nominees!
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
Viola Davis presents onstage during the 87th Annual Academy Awards at Dolby Theatre on February 22, 2015
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
im craving asparagus wtf is wrong with me
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
I'm trying to imagine how Harry told Hermione and Ron he forgave Snape
Harry: so like Snape's actually nice
Hermione: Harry, he harassed you for 7 years
Ron: not to mention that quidditch incident
Harry: before he died, he said I had my mother's eyes
Hermione: everyone says that Harry
Harry: yes but he had a crush on my mum and she didn't like him back
Ron: so?
Harry: I'm gonna name my kid after him
Hermione: Harry no
Harry: Snape 5ever
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
Ignorance and bigotry upset me to the point that I start crying and having panic attacks. This is not normal anymore. I'm 200% done.
honestly i cant control how much i dislike people who are racist or homophobic or transphobic. i used to be polite in my arguments so that whoever i was arguing against would take me seriously but that never got me very far. fuck you for bringing harm to innocent people and then hiding behind “it’s just MY opinion!!” yeah it’s JUST your opinion? well your opinions have death tolls and body counts, shut the fuck up. 
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
how many men who say they’re in the friendzone are actually in the “I was just nice to him because I felt bad for him but now he’s getting all clingy and manipulative to the point that he is making me regret basic human kindness which I feel really guilty about but I just want to be free from this nightmare” zone
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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Sam Smith talks about how he prepared for The Grammys
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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Madonna is not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
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This is fucking disgusting (source).
They literally stopped the whole show to make her leave. They put her in a position where the entire audience would blame her if the show didn’t go on, rather than blaming the islamophobic fuckers who refuse to preform just because a tourist chooses to have her face covered.
But hey, this is totally a “post-racial society!!! everyone is respected regardless of race or religion!!!”
"sexism isn’t even a thing anymore!! women can wear what they want!!!!" 
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themockingjaytardis · 10 years
"And the Grammy goes to…the Naruto German Opening…again…for the fifth time…"
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