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My controversial aftg hot take that I know no one in the fandom will agree with me on is I think the only characters that have an ass are Andrew, Matt, Dan, and Allison. Everyone else gives flat-ass energy (most especially Kevin and Neil)
potentially equally controversial response but I'm going to take Andrew off that list. he might have an ass who knows but out of everyone his body is the one i have the hardest time picturing like it's kinda just one big [REDACTED] in my mind.
and I'm putting Kevin on. i was actually thinking about that earlier today ajsjdjsjs and he DOES give wet cat flat ass energy at times but i think that doesn't translate over to his physical looks in that infuriating way that some loser good looking people have.
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lmao no thoughts just. it's exams season and Aaron is studenting to the highest caliber and one night he spends hours padding around the dorm in track pants that are four sizes too big and two feet too long for him because he accidentally grabbed Matt's pants and literally did not realize until Dan asked him about it. and he just stands there blinking at the way he pulled the hell out of the drawstring and how the pants are literally dragging on the ground (Matt noticed hours ago but didn't mention anything, just dismissed it as random monster strangeness and kept it moving)
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haven't said this in a while but Neil Josten and Aaron Minyard do NOT hate each other!!!
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AU where Neil never joined the Foxes, but ended up an Exites employee. He plays short one-on-one games with players who want to test their new racquets, and has inadvertently honed his skill against so many different types of players with different expertise. Andrew's group goes to get Kevin some new equipment, and Neil knows better than to play well against him. But Kevin forgets himself and gets a little too excited about testing out a new racquet, whipping the ball at Neil so fast that Neil instinctively slams it back hard enough to light up the goal on the opposite side of the court. Kevin is slack-jawed that some random retail worker scored against him so quickly and so easily and shuts down for a minute while his brain reboots. From a distance Neil swears he hears someone mutter "Interesting". Then Kevin's brain is back online and starts begging him to try out for their team. Neil realizes their is one thing worse than being recognized by Kevin Day and dragged back to his father: not being recognized by Kevin Day and trying to convince the grown ass man to get up off the floor and stop clinging to his legs and holy shit jackass, can you pretend to have some dignity??
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seeing NBA players with their kids (go watch a compilation or two, that shit's precious) gets me thinking about, years and years down the line, Kevin and Matt bringing their kids (as toddlers) out on court before games for warmups or letting them hang out in the locker room before and after games and. just think about that for a minute
(for a hot second I forgot that Exy courts are very different from basketball courts and that they've got two layers of walls to that shit. forgive me)
Matt and Dan's kid is the life and soul of Matt's team. her parents' child through and through, she lives for that shit. she walks around the locker room like she owns it and everyone on the team lets her do as she pleases and treats her like a princess
(as they should i mean she's all but related to exy royalty)
Kevin's kid is a bit more shy and though she loves to follow her father around she gets overwhelmed at the beginning of every game by all the commotion and the noise and the people
(Matt's kids usually fight it but Kevin's daughter is usually good about keeping headphones on so the noise doesn't hurt their ears)
Kevin and Neil are on the same team for a while though and she's a lot more comfortable with Neil, so that helps. he lets her take his stall in the locker room and she sits on it like a throne, ignoring attempts at fist bumps from the team and giving everyone except Kevin and Neil icy glares to keep them at bay until she warms up to them
one time Matt and Kevin are playing each other and Matt's kid is on the court doing stretches and warming up with him and she catches a glimpse of Kevin and stands very still for like two minutes just staring at that side of the court trying to figure out if it's actually him. when she does confirm it's her uncle she takes off to go say hi and Matt shouts after her, loud enough for Kevin to hear, that he's disowning her for fraternizing with the enemy
Kevin is one time ambushed in the locker room at half time for an interview and so he does the whole thing while holding his daughter who has her face buried in his neck for all of it. the entire time you can see people moving around in the background and every time they'd pass behind Kevin they'd rub his kid's head or hand
Matt once did a post-game interview at a table with his son sitting on his lap and at one point an interviewer asked the kid a question (something simple and jokey like "how do you think your dad played today?" or "are you going to be an exy star when you grow up too?") and the kid just. went off. and started talking for like two full minutes and every time Matt would try and move the mic or tell him that's enough he'd just absently swat Matt's hand away. in the video you can just see Matt covering his face with his hand, his body shaking with laughter, and you can hear the entire room of reporters trying not to laugh at the kid because what he's saying is Very Important
(not pictured is Dan on the side dying. she takes a video and sends it to Nicky, telling him that he's not allowed to spend any more time with her son because look at what you've created)
Kevin and Matt are playing each other again and Dan is hanging out with Kevin's kid throughout the game. at the end Kevin crosses over the two layers of court wall to go pick her up and finds that Dan switched her out of the mini replica of Kevin's jersey that she was wearing into a mini one of Matt's jersey (because obviously her kids have mini Boyd jerseys) and Kevin is fully, genuinely horrified at seeing his child in his opponent's colors
Matt's kids just riding around on his shoulders, wading through pre and post game madness
Wymack is at one of Kevin's games and is watching over his granddaughter much in the same way Dan does and at the end of the game Kevin goes to pick her up and she squirms in his arms until he puts her down because he's "sticky and sweaty" and Wymack just scoops her up and tells her that he'll protect her from her gross, gross father
Andrew- very seriously- letting Matt's kid pull his glove off so they can fist bump
Matt and Kevin's daughter (the shy one) sitting next to each other on the side of the court, he's got a towel wrapped around his neck and he's leaning down a bit and listening very seriously to the spiel she's delivering (they're on the jumbotron. everyone is melting.)
Matt walking over to the VIP seats to do a handshake with his son before entering the court for the game
Andrew and Kevin wind up on the same team. Andrew gets mildly injured and has to sit out for a game or two and Coach is at one of those games. there's a very popular photo taken on that day of Kevin's daughter sitting in between Wymack and Andrew and they all look intimidating as hell. (she has both of her tiny arms taking up all the space on the armrests that she shares with both men so anyone who looks at the picture can immediately tell who's boss out of the three)
my brain is still whirring but I'll stop
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so glad to see this post again everyone get his ass
one of the worst parts of aftg is right after the shower scene when Andrew is taking his own shower and Neil hears him throw his clothes out on the floor because you KNOW that bitch did not wring them out or anything. just fully sopping wet, carrying half a sink's worth of water, right on the bathroom floor
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crazy that the fbi tried to tell neil that the foxes would not still love him if he was a worm
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kevin x andrew "i don't dance" (ft. sexual tension)
The Foxhole Court but it’s a musical, like High School Musical
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fox tweets (pt.2)
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okay, the big question. who am i putting in the middle of the kandreil art? character with the most votes within an hour gets all the attention (i am not waiting 24 hours)
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well no .. but perhaps this week???
could this? be the week? i read tsc??
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idk i mean. i'm just thinking about dan wilds. dragging herself out of where she grew up, grasping at threads of any opportunity, anywhere that might be better than this, sleeping with her exy racquet at night, fighting tooth and nail through life until it all comes crashing past in the form of david wymack. and the train won't slow down, won't let her step back and decide, she just has to grab onto the hand outstretched and don't let go, don't ever let go. wymack gives her a place to belong, to stay, something to build on rather than piece back together. no wonder she cares about him like a father. wymack represents dan's whole world stringing itself together and starting to come back into a whole. she comes to the foxes so she can stay. she finds friends, finds somebody who loves her, she's made captain. she gets fire from fans and the press, but nobody will fucking take this from her because nobody will ever prise her bloody hands from this life. she's fought too hard for it for it to be stolen.
so when neil shows up at palmetto, dan recognises the world-weary grief in his eyes, recognises the stubborn set of his jaw, the firm stance that he holds himself in. neil needs this too, its helping him breathe. dan knows it because it's helping her breathe too. admittedly neil's a lot more messed up than she was expecting, but she doesn't care, like calls to like, and every swing at her team is a swing at her. they will have to rip the foxes out of her grip before she lets them go.
as offensive dealer, dan stands on the half court line between the strikers. front and centre. she heads the team, she leads them, she is who they look to for direction. not kevin, not neil, not andrew, not wymack. dan. she is their captain and she has fought desperately to be it. she will not let them down.
thinking about her facing riko for coin toss at the final game and knowing he killed seth, he is the sole cause for allison's months of grief, he took neil, he tried to take kevin, he is what has caused her foxes so much pain and hurt over the past year and he smiles at it.
we talk about how neil and kevin cling onto exy like its keeping them alive, but we forget that it's doing the same thing for dan, too.
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i think... i miss my wife(kevin day).
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i think... i miss my wife(kevin day).
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i think... i miss my wife(kevin day).
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i think... i miss my wife(kevin day).
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