thirdity · 9 hours
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Typewritten works by Petra Schulze-Wollgast.
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thirdity · 12 hours
Writing is a strange, inhuman function, a reflection of the inhumanity of language itself. Through writing, language, which is a domestic species, becomes a wild one again.
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories V
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thirdity · 14 hours
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Cookie Mueller, ‘Art and About’ from Walking Through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black
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thirdity · 1 day
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NASA’s Webb Catches Fiery Hourglass as New Star Forms by James Webb Space Telescope
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thirdity · 1 day
Mankind, taken as a whole, will be obliged — as happened to the individual forces of instinct — to reflect upon itself at a single point; that is to say, in this case, to abandon its organo-planetary foothold so as to shift its centre on to the transcendent centre of its increasing concentration. This will be the end and the fulfilment of the spirit of the earth.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man
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thirdity · 2 days
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Shane Drinkwater, Australian, Acrylic on paper.
“I work with a visual language of lines, dashes, dots to create works that read as mysterious coded systems. Some works read almost as topographical or astronomical maps, while others read as keys of symbols, arranged and categorised.” - Shane Drinkwater
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thirdity · 2 days
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Beatriz Milhazes (Brazilian, 1960), Flores e árvores [Flowers and Trees], 2012-13. Acrylic on linen, 180.7 x 250.8 cm.
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thirdity · 2 days
Beyond thought there are no words: it is itself. My painting has no words: it is beyond thought. In this land of the is-itself I am pure crystalline ecstasy. It is itself. I am myself. You are yourself.
Clarice Lispector, Água Viva
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thirdity · 3 days
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thirdity · 3 days
“I’m not a fan of shenanigan for the sake of shenanigan. But I do believe with just the gentlest turn of the knob (which is what absurdism is) we can change the whole weather, and this change will reveal something about reality (whoever she is) that we hadn’t before seen or known. Like all you need to do is put the smallest piece of bread under your pillow. Like all you need to do is add the “O” from the word “Old” and you can turn “God” into “Good.” This is how jokes are made. Also, visions.”
— Sabrina Orah Mark in conversation with Vi Khi Nao for Bennington Review
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thirdity · 3 days
He is no parasite on anything, whose work is real: a mechanic, a doctor, a builder, a tailor, a dishwasher. What, in comparison, does a writer produce? Semblances. This is a serious occupation?
Stanisław Lem, A Perfect Vacuum
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thirdity · 4 days
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thirdity · 4 days
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via pinterest.
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thirdity · 4 days
Ulysses and À la recherche du temps perdu are serious comedies. As such, they are often confusable with realism. But it is a confusion, nevertheless. A critic who completely misses the comedic aspects of À la recherche and Ulysses would probably be taken to be misreading the texts — at least by most knowledgeable readers.
Samuel R. Delany, "The Thomas L. Long Interview"
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thirdity · 5 days
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Philipp Otto Runge’s Farbenkugel (1810). The top two images show the surface of the sphere, while the bottom two show horizontal and vertical cross sections.
From our selection of colour charts, wheels and tables through the centuries: https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/colour-wheels-charts-and-tables-through-history
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thirdity · 5 days
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Katayama Bokuyo (Japanese, 1900-1937) - Mori (Forest) (1928)
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thirdity · 5 days
The exterior is very powerful at the present time. We are living particles, fireflies in the world, and around us resounds an enormous concert of noise-and-rumor-producing machines, creating a din and rumours destined to ensure we don't hear the voice of truth. But the interior enemies are just as numerous. It concerns our fear: this is what we are made of: our weakness. Kafka told us: paradise is not lost. We are the ones who haven't yet regained it, and if we haven't regained it, it's because we are suffering from two vices: laziness and impatience. As a result, we do nothing and don't advance, we stop out of laziness, hurry from impatience. Between the two, the work of descending isn't accomplished. Paradise is down below.
Hélène Cixous, Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing
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