so mc's room is between Cal's and L's, right? where is A's?
At the very end :P It's not a smart or creative apartment layout as we've learned when we all did the floorplans LOL but I'm giving myself a pass and chalking it up to NYC apartments that are notorious for having the worst layouts ever
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What's the point of dating a tattoo artist if they can't use your body as a canvas? 🥰💕🔥🥵
Join the Patreon. 💕
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Hati: *tries hard to appear as unhinged and unapproachable as possible* Niall: *barely flinches. proceeds to throw punches of kindness*
(having a blast with the new update)
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I know this question in bad taste consider your post about it but is there a reason for Roe last name? Never really thought about it till now and I'm curious
Naw, you fine. Cos, you see how you came into this respectfully. Yea, that's the difference.
The last name comes from the first iteration of Superstition, back when I had written it in tv script form. The main character's name was Damon Roe. Therefore keeping Roe was more of a homage. It's also where Chris dying comes from which is why it's a choice.
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hadrian gives me the vibe of someone who would carry you piggyback whenever you wanted and not complain about being tired ever and i love that for romanus tbh
His back is aching, his arms so numb that he can't feel the tips of his fingers, and his legs don't walk so much as they drag across the muddy ground.
But you're snoring lightly by his ear, with your cheek flat on his shoulder and your arms loose around his neck. Your soft breath tingles the side of his throat, and Hadrian would sooner cast his soul to Hell than wake you from your rest.
He sets stubborn eyes ahead. By God, he'll keep going.
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Low key I think it's because he reminds me of Shiki from TMGS but kinder ahaha
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Like aaaahhhh had to be this guy aaaaahhh
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Like aaaahhhh had to be this guy aaaaahhh
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Turns out he's an Esper teacher with a past and I'm like ajabsjsbakanzjsnsk
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Who is he and why is he so hot???
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I've seen you mention another if, may I ask what it is?
I assume you are talking about my idea for another if? Let me preface this by saying I will in no way be working on this while I write Bacchanal, and to be honest, I don't know if it would ever come to fruition, especially since I don't think it would be very popular. I know popularity isn't a good reason to write or not write, but for all the work an if entails, it would be kind of unmotivating to get no interest 😅
It's set in the American Old West and would be the opposite of Bacchanal in that it would very much get into the prejudices of the era, and considering how... terrible those were, I count that as strike one against it. You play a prostitute (but aren't gender locked, though it would be a different experience playing different genders and trans/cis), and as such, it would be impossible to avoid having sex, which is pretty realistic for the job as you need to earn your keep in the brothel, and sometimes people were forced into the life: strike two. I have two ROs in mind who are gender locked, and possibly a third who is ace. The ones I am sure of are a virginal Mexican traveling priest and a fellow prostitute who has a son. It'd be nice to focus on just two or three ROs, but that's strike three for the lack of options. Also, considering the impression I have of there being a preference for sexually skilled male ROs and a prejudice against prostitute single mothers: strike four.
It would be fun to write, though. I can dream 😅
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what you said abt e having enemies got me curious- how would the ros react if smn hurt the mc to get to them?
Fox, Butterfly, The Uninvited Guest, Edith/Edward
Makes sure they are put away for good:
Rabbit, Tamsin/Thomas
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I've seen this ask going around. I'm unsure if it's been asked before. But how would the Ros react if the mc forgot their wedding anniversary? 😭
The MC loves them, and that's all that matters. Nobody is perfect, they just hope the day holds as much significance for the MC as it does them.
They'd be pretty downtrodden. This would be a very special day for them, and they hate to think it doesn't mean as much to the MC. They'd go forward with whatever they had planned, but they're pretty depressed about it.
They are really hurt by this, and they give the MC the cold shoulder. They want the MC to figure out what they did wrong. They bought something nice for the MC but don't have the heart to give it to them now.
The Uninvited Guest:
With... all that goes on it's no wonder the MC doesn't even know what the current day is 😅 It wouldn't bother them that the MC forgot as they like the reason why. They would do something special for it though.
Depends how willingly the MC married them and the state of the marriage. They would get the MC something every year, regardless. For a MC they have a good relationship with they would be annoyed, though.
They hope it was just an unlucky accident, that the MC didn't know what the current date was.
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July's Short Story: Embers of Freedom (Henrietta/Henry)
Wordcount: 1,034 With a special appearance from Lucia/Laurence, join Henrietta/Henry as they deal with their many admirers.
To sign up for the Courtly Charmer tier and access the story, please do so here!
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Are there any things Cy would only do for/to a romanced MC? (Excluding all the romantic stuff because it's obvious)
Hmm, I don't think so. Cy is always in love with the MC in any case, so for them, there is never a time when they're not in it 1000%, you know?
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honestly my mc is gonna be so pissed when she's told she can't leave and everyone knew. like that would've been fucking nice to know earlier without everyone acting like they'd eventually give her a ride out?? i understand it's shocking but delaying truth doesn't make it any better when you finally learn iiiiiiit. (also i love this if so much, it is rotating in my mind 24/7!!!!!)
100% your MC will be so valid for this. The scene I previewed (which I've been mentally calling both 'the confrontation' and 'the team meeting') was sooooo fun to write. I love writing characters who are pissed at each other lmao. And the MC definitely gets the opportunity to be furious and call them out for lying about it all!!
(also thank you!! i'm glad you're enjoying it, reading this put a big smile on my face 😭 )
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