tomorrowsdrama · 4 days
Speed re-watching The Sword and the Brocade because it has somehow become a comfort show despite its many flaws and:
God I fucking hate the mom/big madam of FL’s maiden family. She is a horrible woman who is overly obsessed with her grandson. She needs to get a life and loosen up. And stop throwing maids at your son-in-law!
I’m so tired of hearing “but what about Zhun’s future?” His grandma and birth mom schemed and ruined so many people’s lives just to set him up. I don’t hate the kid or anything like that because it’s not his fault but it’s ridiculous.
FL’s father is useless and selfish but what else can you expect from a period dad in a story about an illegitimate daughter?
I CANT STAND the mother in law/ML’s mother. Unreasonable. Dumb. Annoying. Awful. Everything she does is unreasonable and annoys the hell out of me. What a cranky old bitch.
ML’s mother is so unbelievably biased, she’s actually willing to forgive her favorite concubine after harming her precious grandson. Yet she’ll take any opportunity to blame and chastise FL for things she didn’t do.
It’s actually really gross how ML’s mother pushed all these women onto him and is constantly telling him to make more babies.
I loved ML the first time I watched the drama but on rewatch, boooooy it is so clear he’s clueless about his household affairs and quite frankly a pretty bad husband (up until FL). Honestly, if he wasn’t played by Wallace Chung, I probably would be more annoyed by him 😅
Seems like I have nothing positive to say about the drama so far so maybe it’s not actually a comfort show haha. But even on the first watch, the earlier episodes were tough to get through. I didn’t become fully obsessed until ML and FL started developing their relationship more. Their relationship really is the main drawn of the drama. I love seeing our robot Marquis try to flirt with his wife who’s too busy trying to solve her mother’s murder to give him any attention. It’s too bad about everything else (paper thin political plot, stereotypical antagonists, the drama’s detour into CSI: ancient China, etc.)
The fast forward button is definitely my best friend during this rewatch.
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tomorrowsdrama · 10 days
I’m watching the first episode of In Blossom and I am cracking up at the women literally throwing flower petals and fruit at the ML. He’ll never have to worry about going hungry in his life at this rate. Talk about pretty privilege ahahaha.
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tomorrowsdrama · 13 days
18 episodes into Fateful Love, my honest raw thoughts:
It has that classic chinese drama feel - no Netflix-ification or Disney+ influences here!
It feels like a webnovel come to life on screen - you know how The Double is technically a web novel adaption, but it didn't FEEL like the novel at all? Not the case here!
Just like one of those tropey, excessive webnovels where the FL has a secret identity, outdoes everybody, has Very Special Talents™, marries a lord/prince, and there are an endless supply of bumbling, cartoonish villains who are all out to get her (for paper-thin reasons)
Hilariously fake looking props! The dagger with plastic ornaments on it and the scorpion ring really took me out. INCREDIBLE.
Battle guqin!! I unironically love wuxia that uses the qin as a weapon. 👏 👏 👏
YAAAAASSSSS blow shit up with your string instrument
Many entertaining fight scenes and some nice on-location scenery
The emperor character feels like the idea of an emperor if a 12 year old wrote it?? 🤔 He's just very absurd and his motivations are all over the place. Sometimes he is judging murder cases for some reason and sometimes he's scheming with his equally dumb and ridiculous consort. Very unserious people.
I keep having the sense that this is just like watching a mini-drama, except they put the filler back in. (If you are enjoying Fateful Love, definitely check out: "What Happened to My Princess?" and "Rise from the Ashes")
The main couple is fine. They have some chemistry and they're both likeable characters. I do enjoy the 'love after marriage' trope.
Compared to costume drama "Debit Queen", which was just quietly released by iqiyi, this one has a FL who is an adult woman who acts like an adult.
I'm enjoying FL's odd friendship with the enemy prince. Here's hoping he doesn't get weird & lovelorn about her. I prefer it as 'your mom was my shifu, now I'll be your shifu' dynamic - they should keep martial qin instructions going regardless of the larger political situation (yeah I'm at war w your husband, but have you memorized that finger position yet??)
You know you're watching classic cdrama when a female character who has been posing successfully as a man is completely exposed the moment her hair comes tumbling down, the crowd suddenly realizing 😂😂
Bottom line: this is not Nirvana in Fire or Joy of Life or Love Like The Galaxy, nor is it trying to be. It's often quite silly and it's meant to be entertaining. Don't come looking for complex characterization or clever plotting, just ask for a good time and don't think too hard about why things are happening or if it makes sense that character A would/could reasonably act like that to character B. Don't worry, be happy.
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tomorrowsdrama · 17 days
Is there some sort of significance to all these knee/kneeling close ups in Fateful Love or are we witnessing the director’s fetish (which, if true, wouldn’t be anything new in drama land)? I’ve heard of feet fetishes but now we have to deal with knee fetishes too?
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tomorrowsdrama · 17 days
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i don't need context, actually - i just like where this is going
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tomorrowsdrama · 17 days
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tomorrowsdrama · 1 month
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The things I’d like to say about these pics of Lee Soo Hyuk in Queen Woo would get a mature label slapped on this tumblr so I am presenting them with no comment.
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
!!!!!!!!!!!! This cannot be real!
Fanfic writers do your work! The drama didn’t just throw us a bone, they threw a full course meal!
This is where I utterly lose it. Here is her, finally getting to his sell, to supposedly identify him as her rapist. Love his still trying to protect her, love her biting her own lips to make blood, love her hands on his neck. And never over her wondering or disbelieving or anything about why he needs blood, just trusting he does and providing.
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This scene aaaaa!!! When she touches his face, the way she usually does!!!!!
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And then she kisses him with her mouth full of blood and he opens his mouth for it and they go at it through the bars and I expire.
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Love those shots of their eyes and her eyes going brown for a millisecond - does it mean she gets her eyesight back for that millisecond?
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Meanwhile, reporters gangster called excited to be able to expose a rapist of helpless blind highborn ladies (which actually saved Vamp Daddy in another way; he was gonna try to bait him to eat someone before but decided to settle for the rapist thing now he got it) see jail make-outs instead.
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Bwahahah gangster dude!
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The BALLS on Mi Lan.
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And she is fine with being known as blind rape victim around town because that part she did not take back GOOD GOD.
And Vamp Daddy is back to form, since he only needed a bit. Good luck gangster dude!
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PS And back to dysfunctional danmei vibes.
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Vamp Daddy, he'd love it!
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
OMG DOES THIS CONFIRM ALL OF HIS FLUIDS HAVE MAGICAL PROPERTIES, NOT JUST HIS BLOOD? I’m assuming there wasn’t any of his own blood mixed in when they kissed?
This is where I utterly lose it. Here is her, finally getting to his sell, to supposedly identify him as her rapist. Love his still trying to protect her, love her biting her own lips to make blood, love her hands on his neck. And never over her wondering or disbelieving or anything about why he needs blood, just trusting he does and providing.
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This scene aaaaa!!! When she touches his face, the way she usually does!!!!!
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And then she kisses him with her mouth full of blood and he opens his mouth for it and they go at it through the bars and I expire.
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Love those shots of their eyes and her eyes going brown for a millisecond - does it mean she gets her eyesight back for that millisecond?
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Meanwhile, reporters gangster called excited to be able to expose a rapist of helpless blind highborn ladies (which actually saved Vamp Daddy in another way; he was gonna try to bait him to eat someone before but decided to settle for the rapist thing now he got it) see jail make-outs instead.
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Bwahahah gangster dude!
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The BALLS on Mi Lan.
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And she is fine with being known as blind rape victim around town because that part she did not take back GOOD GOD.
And Vamp Daddy is back to form, since he only needed a bit. Good luck gangster dude!
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PS And back to dysfunctional danmei vibes.
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Vamp Daddy, he'd love it!
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
“is blood the only one of his bodily fluids that has curative properties? Because if not, wellllllllll....)”
I let out an audible cackle when I read that part. You know if this were a danmei, his other, ahem, type of bodily fluid would have magical curative properties. You know, for plot reasons. 🤣
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She's just gotten beaten by her awful mom for leaving the house but what concerns her is the stranger. MMMM (Also, how princess in the tower is that shot?)
Cut to:
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I hope she gets cured of her blindness enough to be able to see the man, it would be such a waste to have that and not know what he looks like :P (Side note - (1) the effects of his blood are super temporary but if they live together she can have an access (2) is blood the only one of his bodily fluids that has curative properties? Because if not, wellllllllll....)
I love that he's super duper moved AWWWW
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
Oh my god
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He gives her the camelia and I realize this is his trying to keep her alive! Because he knows she was going to kill herself so he's trying to give her something, anything, to anchor her to life!
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The way she's been taught that she's totally useless omg...
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Yessssss he is so trying to give her something in the future to wait for so she won't commit suicide...
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My heart!!!!
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This convo...
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Screaming into hands...
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No wonder she gets obsessed with him - he's the first kind person in her life. She's had nothing but bleakness before.
The way he says goodbye by snapping his fingers and she replicates...
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And then how she muses she wishes to see the color red and him! AAAAA
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
Ok Vengo Gao as a tall, dark, and handsome vampire might just get me out of my drama slump.
This was everythingggggg! He has super sharp hearing so as he's at that one month feast he hears the monster mom abuse FL, taking out all her frustrations on a helpless target.
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And then he walks out to walk to the outside of where this is happening...
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He lights up his cigar!
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And then he flips his match so it nails the abuser lady through her hand as she's about to hit again.
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
i don’t know about you guys but the main reason i am still on tumblr in 2024 is BECAUSE it is the most cloutless least influential social media app out there and that is the experience i am after. absolutely none of this will ever translate into significant attention or real success in my life and that is so beautiful.
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
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1. There is probably something wrong with me, but Ji Ye has literally never looked hotter than when he slowly hunts down and slowly kills the man who killed his mother. I am afraid I totally get Psycho Princess’ drooling here.
2. I literally laughed when the evil guy was all “it’s a death sentence.” The last guy who said that to Ji Ye got a hammer to the head so I am not sure it’s an effective deterrent.
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3. When he slowly drowns the man the way he drowned his mother, I both get it - of course I do - it’s vengeance for his mother, and also this is the darkest he’s ever gotten because it’s not even a quick slash to the throat or w/e, it’s a slow, awful death - between his making him bleed and sticking him with his spear and then the repeated drowning. Yikes. Everything that has happened since they discovered that sword in the cave has led to it but no wonder he just disassociates from both Asule and Yu Ran at this point. He barely thought he was worthy of affection/could get genuine affection before all of this, and now his brain is probably resembling hash browns so no wonder he withdraws so badly and utterly.
4. But this reunion - so much ouch! I need the trio to know utterly what happened to the others, like now!!!! Don’t go with the Psycho Princess aka the darkest part of yourself, dude! I mean, I utterly get it, because at this moment he still has love towards Asule and Yu Ran but also bitterness (he still has no idea they got married to save him) and also the whole “I can’t be around people who make me feel things” thing he has going. Therapy for everyone.
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Yeah, he is not coming, ugh. But I love that he pauses when he hears Yu Ran’s name.
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
i think villains in general provide better, more epic romances because they're allowed to go to extremes. they're allowed to put their love over the greater good. they're allowed to be selfish. the best a hero can offer you is number two, because their duty comes first. villains, though. villains will burn down the world for a last kiss goodbye.
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
The best quality a fictional man can have is being deeply, pathetically, wretchedly in love with someone, I think
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tomorrowsdrama · 2 months
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