unfocused-always · 10 months
Chapter X: Nightmares
Summary: Our lovely cast learns that nightmares have more than one face.
A/N: Warning for past trauma references. And slightly suggestive beginning. But nothing too bad, I think. Well, except for Laito. Sorry, my boy
This whole house is a mess, Yui thought bitterly, rummaging through carboards in the kitchen in search of a tea container. Where are vegetables? Or rice? Or a single tea bag? The boiling kettle agreed with her with an ear-piercing whistle, and she hurried over to turn off the stove. 
"Yo, Pancake, whatcha makin'?" 
Immediately, fear snapped her spine straight. "Ayato-kun! Please stop sneaking up on me like that!" 
The culprit in question made himself comfortable on the nearby chair, his elbows on the knees serving only one purpose: further reminding her that one reach of his hand and she was doomed. His lips curled in a mean smile. "I asked first, you know?" 
"I'm trying to find tea," she explained patiently, giving up on her current cardboard. "Do you know where it is?"
"I don't mind telling you, but" why was there always but involved. "You'll need to beg for it."
She spun around so fast she could put professional ballet dancers to shame. Grasping a counter like it could give her the tiniest bit of support, she sputtered, "beg for it?!" Were her cheeks flaming? 
"Hurry up, Pancake, I don't have all day."
That was cruel. Why was he doing that? "I- I can't do that," her protests fell on deaf ears. "And why are you calling me Pancake in the first place? That's horribly rude!"
Ayato tsked under his breath, annoyance creeping over his features. Her stomach sank. "Oi! Stop nagging at the great me!"
"In her defense, you picked on her first," hoarse from the doorway, and a second later, Misaki marched into the kitchen like a person with a clear purpose. Her goal became evident in the second when she pulled out a bottle of water and downed more than half of it in one go. Wiping her mouth clear, she waved hi to Yui. "What are you looking for?"
"Misaki-san," Yui greeted her politely, immediately grateful that someone had come to her aid. "I was looking for tea."
Ayato leaned back in his chair, balancing on the hind legs and throwing Misaki a rather unfriendly glare. "I'm surprised you can still talk after the screaming you put us through last night."
Misaki responded with an overly friendly smile, pulling out four tea bags from god knows where. Yui hastened to fish out mugs. "It must have been horrible," she looked at her compassionately, "it sounded like he was torturing you. Is there something I can do to help?" 
The tea bag froze mid-dunk. Misaki looked from Ayato's shit-eating grin to Yui's worried expression. "No, I-" she sputtered, struggling for an explanation.
"Really, Stunky, what were you doing?"
“Are you okay, Misaki-san?” Compassion squeezed her heart. If the memories were enough to paralyze Misaki on the spot, she didn't even want to think what he put her through. She couldn't call her conscience clear since she left her on their mercy in the living room. And now this. Why couldn't she do anything to help any of them?
Yui made to touch her hand, but out of nowhere, Misaki snapped back to reality, finishing up with the tea. "Don't ask questions you don't want answers to," she muttered at Ayato, politely waving off Yui's worries. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. How's your neck?" 
"Oh, it's healed," her hand automatically went to her previously damaged skin. She was healing faster these days. The more they bit her, the less time it took for her skin to heal. Although headaches were nearly killing her. She should ask for some supplements for blood loss. "Do you need help treating your wounds?"
"I think Pancake needs you to spell it out for her," Ayato barked a laugh, further unnerving Misaki.
"Spell what out? I- Stop making fun of me!" Yui felt her temper rising. Why was he always acting like an overgrown child?! She wasn't a clueless idiot! It's natural that you treat a vampire wound, right?! What was so funny to him?! 
Misaki hid her face in the mug, holding the second one toward a window. "If you need to blame someone, blame him," her voice sounded like a curse. 
Out of nowhere, Laito emerged from a thin air. Yui couldn't quite stifle a scream. Taking an offered mug, he leaned against a counter without a care in the world. "How long did you know I was there?" His left hand sneaked around Misaki's hip, but she made no move to throw him off, almost like she didn't notice it. Yui's hand clenched on the mug. 
"The whole time," Ayato and Misaki replied in unison, shooting each other disgusted glares in the process. Yui's confusion only worsened. 
"It is outrageous that you still haven't apologized," the voice from the doorway grew louder with each word. Yui flinched into herself when Kanato came storming into the kitchen. She barely dodged his hand as he flailed wildly, turning an accusatory finger at Misaki. "Do you have any idea what we had to endure last night?! We haven't gotten a brink of sleep!"
Slightly paler, Misaki moved to stand on the other side of Laito, effectively putting him first in the line of Kanato's fury. "I told you earlier it's his fault!" Her voice croaked, but she made her point clear, jabbing Laito in the shoulder. "For gods' sake, stop looking so smug!"
"And don't think I've forgotten about that door you closed in my face!" Kanato made to grab her, but she ducked further into the room. 
Ayato evidently got bored with balancing on his chair and added snacking on small spicy balls to the mix. "You've closed the door on him? Wow, you really have a death wish." 
"I had to do something because he," she pointed at Kanato, "wouldn't stop banging at the door," Misaki sounded close to tears. Yui felt a pang in her heart but couldn't reach her, with Kanato now grasping for a fork. "And he," she motioned to Laito, who was also making a move to grab her, "passed out dead for three hours and refused to help me!" That made him freeze.
With a shattering clang, Ayato's chair hit the floor. Yui jumped, spilling the tea on her hand in the chaos. The sting burned, so she quickly put it under cold water. Blinking back tears, she half turned to keep an eye on the redhead, who was now emerging from under the table. "One chick- One chick knocked you unconscious?" His words were barely recognizable through the wheezing laughter now shaking him. "You?" He choked out, "You, the master of arts? The self-proclaimed king of the bedroom?"
Laito finally captured Misaki's hand, running his nose down the vein of her wrist. "What can I say?" He murmured against her skin. "She was just the right kind of overwhelming."
"And YOU will be the right kind of DEAD!" Kanato screamed and lunged at them both. 
Something twisted in Yui's stomach. Something dark slowly pooled inside her like black oil, leaving a burning aftertaste behind. Clutching her injured hand tightly, she glared at Laito, struggling to hold back Kanato's fork, and at Misaki, who didn't move to help him, instead slowly inched out of the kitchen. "Isn't it cozy?" She whispered to the room. Where was it coming from?
After a century or so, you start to notice that people can be divided into two simple categories. Predators and preys. Laito's personal favorites were, of course, the latter ones. The subgroups were slightly more complicated matter, but a person he was currently stalking was – by all rights – at the very bottom of the food chain. Unfortunately, fate, or rather their father, brought her to this manor. 
Hunched over her desk, Yui scribbled with unbroken concentration, her brows furrowed like she was trying to prove Newton's equations. She was so oblivious, so defenseless to any possible harm. She must feel awfully cozy right now, he mused, making his way over to her without as much as a sliver of noise. Her typical 'threats' are probably bored out of their mind at school, but it's so mean of her to overlook me. A slow, sinister smile stretched over his lips. He'd have to punish her~
"And there, done!" Oh, sweet, innocent girl, just look behind you. "Now I only need to catch up on English, and I can finally get some sleep…" A quiet yawn graced his ears, temporarily overshadowing her calm, even heartbeat. It was strange. He wasn't hanging around her much, but the sound filled him with nostalgia. She couldn't be his former one-night-stand, could she? 
"Ne, Bitch-chan, have we met before?" Yui's scream would do for a fine entertainment kick-off. Misaki was getting too used to him. She started sensing his presence, and sneaking up on her was getting more challenging by the day. She even moved her desk to sit with her back to the wall so she could keep an eye on the whole room. Her dedication was almost admirable. That one, on the other hand, was too easy. 
"Laito-san, please," she whispered, clutching her heart, which was now pounding like a hummingbird's. "Don't enter unannounced."
"Oh, but they do it all the time," he waved her off, perching on the edge of her desk. "You didn't answer my question-" he caught her gaze, satisfaction pooling in his veins when she broke eye contact and shied into herself. "Have we met before?"
"Yes, before, before," he nodded, fully convinced it was making perfect sense. "Before you became our lovely housemate, you little idiot." She pursed her lips in a slight pout. A small crease formed between her eyebrows, and she opened her mouth to no doubt give him another earful. "So? Hurry up, or I'll have to punish you."
It was comical how fast her demeanor morphed from fear to slight annoyance to petrification. Pushing away from the desk, like she thought she could outrun him - please, her eyes darted to the door, betraying her next move. It was a miracle she was still alive, with footsteps that slow she couldn't even dream of escaping sleeping Shu. Yui crashed into his chest, and he let her fall on the floor. 
"Bad girls don't deserve a safety net, you know?" He pitched in conversationally, crouching next to her cowering form. Tears already blurred her pink eyes, and he suspected any second now, she'd start begging. 
"I'm- I'm sorry," she managed through trembles in her voice, "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met- please." Why was she backing off into a corner? "Please don't hurt me."
Wrapping his slender fingers around her ankle, he pulled, successfully putting an end to her little escapade. "Hm~ Think, Bitch-chan, are you sure we didn't share a sweaty, passionate night together? Your heartbeat calls to me, and it's oddly familiar, so I must have gotten a good listen at you- at your heart pumping frantically as I-" 
"Don't say such nonsense!" Oh, she was a screamer, wasn't she? Blood rushed to her face, painting her cheeks scarlet, while all he did was tease her a little bit. Were they slacking off on her? Why was she still acting all high, mighty, and pure? It wasn't like Ayato at all. 
Her smell, though, was weirdly intoxicating. Every corner of this little pink room nearly overflowed to a point where he couldn't sense fresh roses standing on her windowsill. Was his mind failing him? No, it's just this- unconsciously, he slid closer, his nose running along the prominent vein on her ankle. Her legs weren't much to look at. She was skinny at best, and constant blood-sucking indeed wasn't helping her figure, but with blood that quality, he was prepared to forgive her everything. It's so rich, incredible. 
"Laito-san?" The higher he got on her leg, the more she shook against his hold. "Laito-san, please let me go. Please, please- I beg you, please let me go."
He was swallowing like crazy, his fangs throbbing with unquenched thirst. He wouldn't let her go. He couldn't. His throat burned like a wildfire was running uncontrolled, and it'd surely be his oh-so-sweet demise- unless he tasted this blood. "Ssh-," he whispered against her calf. "It's quite cute how you can beg for it unashamed~ I wonder what else you're hiding underneath," he wasn't paying any mind to a hand pushing at his shoulders. Her aghast gasp was nearly non-existent, just like her crying or pleads. 
The pearl-white teeth pressed against her leg only strengthened her trashing, her survival instinct completely overshadowing any reason. She nearly impaled herself, but he wouldn't stop her little adventure. Tightening his grip, he ran his fangs along her vein, the smooth skin of her calf filling his mouth perfectly- and then he bit down, and it was like his whole world had shifted. 
Her heavenly blood flooded his mouth as memories washed over him like a tsunami. The girl before him was gone, her blond hair replaced by long purple strands coiling on the floor. He grasped for purchase, but control slipped past his fingers just as the woman reached with a gloved hand to run a deceitfully gentle finger down his cheek. 
"My sweet boy," her voice- her voice took on the same breathy edge he had heard time and time again. Her vivid green eyes were so full of life, staring at him from a half-lidded gaze. She smiled. The same seductive grin she'd passed down to him. "Did you miss me?"
No! He screamed, but no words passed his lips- He couldn't move, utterly paralyzed, unable to tear himself free of the blood that was now making bile rise in his throat. She is dead. He killed her- They killed her, Ayato ran her through with a sword, he – with his own hands – pushed her down the balcony, and Kanato- Kanato burned her body to ashes- She- She had to be dead. Had to be- Has to be dead-
Cold sweat broke over his skin, yet he felt like he was the one burnt alive- He couldn't feel his hands, couldn't hear anything but her laughter- Her heartbeat- Her sighs begging for more- Her voice telling him she loved another. 
Was this room always this cold? The walls must have rotted down, as the water was running unbothered. Was it still night? There wasn't any sunlight down there, only cold, merciless stone, steel bars covered in rust and chains. He'd lost his voice ages ago, screaming at everyone, anyone, to free him. That old geezer working here for ages couldn't even look him in the eyes when he turned the key on him. Pathetic. 
With a bitter taste plaguing his mouth, he realized he was the miserable one. Not the butler, but he, Sakamaki Laito, was the one rotting away in the dungeon cell. Because he once again did as she asked him to. Because for her, he was prepared to kill his father. He'd drive a sword a thousand times through his heart if that meant she could, for one second, be truly his. But this woman was always just outside his reach. 
The prison bars cut his skin as he watched, his tears mixed with blood. He watched, transfixed. He watched, even though he wanted nothing more but to poke his eyes out with hot steel. He watched as she fucked Richter. He watched because she told him to. And he was a good boy for her. He could be good. Even if it killed him. Because he loved her more than his life. He was utterly disgusting. 
He listened as her name fell between his uncle's rasps. Her precious name was tainted by his repulsive voice. Her sweet name, his salvation, his prayer- Her name- Cordelia.
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
He was flying through the room, colors flashing before his eyes. She disappeared again, but when did her memory leave him? Her smell, her taste, still fresh in his mouth. Was someone punching him? His head was thrown to the side, vision temporarily going blank- The pain grounded him back to the present, to the furious figure shaking him by the collar. Ayato?
"OI!" Another shake, less confident this time, "I asked you a question, damn it, answer me, you creep!"
He forced his lungs to expand, to take in some air, but the lingering scent nearly choked him. "Ayato-kun?" He muttered, the face of his brother coming into view. Those eyes captured him again, and his stomach sank like shackles closed anew on his ankles. "Don't tell me- you didn't notice?"
Why wasn't he punching him? Why did he have to look at him with a weirdly concerned expression? This whole farce was making him sick. 
"Oi- What are you sputtering crap for? Didn't notice what?" 
His feet hit the floor, and he had to lean heavily on the wall. Why were his nightmares always so realistic? 
[Chapter IX] [Masterlist] [Chapter XI]
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unfocused-always · 10 months
Chapter IX: Show me
Minors do not interact
Summary: Laito does Laito. Author needs holly water. Rated: E Word count: 3k TW: none?
Laito's bedroom came as a surprise to her hyperactive imagination. Misaki's spent the last four hours imagining... many things. Chains. Leather bounds. Probably a cage in the corner. And most definitely, at least a wall's worth of toys. His room, however, didn't have any of it. 
She could almost describe it as comfortable if it weren't for the nerves rutting about in her stomach. The overwhelming green certainly had some degree of a shooting effect, and it was everywhere. On the walls, on the plush-looking armchair, in the silk sheets that no doubt feel good on your skin-  Wait, you're not thinking about that right now. Or ever. You're here for the information, in case you forgot -  supplied the responsible part of her brain. 
Laito moved from the fireplace with the grace of a wild cat circling his prey. "You know, Bitch-chan, for someone who came here out of  her own free will , you don't look all that thrilled." She hated him. At this exact moment, she could murder him on the spot and live with it for the remainder of her life. "Yes," he chuckled. "The look on your face does wonders to me, Bitch-chan."
"Good to know at least you're enjoying it," she spat, crossing her arms over her chest. "What do you want?"
He feigned innocence, perching on the edge of the armrest. "From life in general or you in this particular moment?"
One, two, deep breaths,   one, two, deep breaths,  went on and on in her head. "For the information," she forced herself to ask. "What do you want for the information on my family? You promised me a trade earlier."
"Oh, that," he murmured under his breath, and she could almost believe their deal had slipped his mind. She knew better, though. "Why don't you try and guess?" 
The sinking feeling in her stomach told Misaki she knew precisely where it was going. "Information in return?" She tried, although she didn't believe it herself in the slightest.
"Wrong~" came his sing-song voice, as he raised two fingers in the V shape. "You have two more guesses."
Was there a way around it? She wasn't sure. "Company?" she tried, walking around the small table to put some distance between them.
"Warmer, Bitch-chan, but that's not the spot yet." Was that a purr? She was losing her mind. "One last chance~ Think long and hard. What could I want this evening?"
She met his eyes, and the fire she saw there nearly rendered her speechless. Her skin crawled uncomfortably hot in the jacket, but she was more than eager to chalk it up to the heat from the fireplace. For some reason, he made the room nearly boiling hot. 
Misaki knew what he wanted tonight. She wasn't naive enough to fool herself with wishful thinking. It still didn't make this situation any easier.  But you need this information.  A remainder rang as a mantra in her head.  You need this, and you've got one shot.  She swallowed, her throat suddenly hosting a desert. "Entertainment. You want to be", she huffed a breath, "entertained."
The clap of his hands thundered in the closed room. "Congrats, Bitch-chan!" he sang, hopping off from the armchair and starting in her direction. "Say, how will you entertain me?"
Her mouth went dry. This was going too fast. He was going too fast. She stepped back, mentally cringing, when she realized  this  attitude would get her nowhere. Forcing her feet to root in the floor, she suggested in the most fucking hopeful voice she ever heard come from her. "We could do crosswords?" 
He grinned like a cat that got a cream, which, for some reason, unnerved her even more. "Excellent idea! But," came the snap of his fingers, "if you get it wrong, you lose one element of that cute armor of yours."
There it is,  she thought bitterly.  That's his plan.  Misaki dug her fingers into her palm. This was as good as it gets. And she wasn't about to blow it. "Bring it on, Hatman."
"Let's start with something easy, shall we?" Laito made quite a show by making himself comfortable on the armchair and choosing the best crossword. "Ah! There it is- The clue for specifically you: 'Dripping?'" 
Dripping?  He smirked at her rapid blinking. "Dripping what? That's it?"
"Mmhmm. Think, Bitch-chan, what goes hand in hand with dripping?" 
"Wet," she blurted out, ignoring his gleeful laughter.
"Wrong, Bitch-chan, you're so dirty-minded, really." his amusement only increased when she shrugged off her jacket, throwing it at him in hopes of wiping that grin off his face. He caught it without much trouble and placed it neatly on the armrest. "The correct answer was 'sweaty.'"
"Let me see the puzzle," she demanded, lunging for it, but his cursed vampire reflexes gave him an advantage. 
"No, no, no, that wasn't the deal," that bastard was keeping it far beyond her reach. "Play nicely, or you're getting a bonus of two pieces of clothing per each wrong answer."
"You're awfully generous today," she huffed, flopping back on the bed. The crossword nearly peeked over the armchair. She could almost make out the letters of the top left clue, so if she only could get a bit higher- 
"Next question!" He sang, adjusting himself to keep an eye on her while shielding the crossword. "Vampire's target?"
"How many letters?"
He wasn't playing fair. Still, she thought back to the times he bit her. He had a habit of switching things up every chance he got, so narrowing it down was getting tricky. The right foot was definitely her least favorite spot. The white-hot pain of a thousand needles was something she definitely didn't want to repeat. Then it was on the neck, back in the ballroom- she suppressed a shiver.  Oh, this one was good.  His arms wrapped around her, holding her to him, and his mouth brushed on her pulse point.  Nope, nope, it wasn't.  Oh, but it was. No matter how much she wanted to deny it, this bite did leave her speechless. Then it was on her breast- but she wasn't going with that guess.  Goddamn, this question is a rabbit hole.  She gnawed on her lip. The first time he bit her was on- "Thighs."
"Wonderful, Bitch-chan," he paused briefly before dropping the bomb on her, "wonderfully incorrect." Her stomach sunk under his unyielding gaze. Cursing herself for it, she caved and removed her shoes. "But I bet thinking about the times I bit you made you a bit flustered, hm~?"
"In your dreams."
His pointed smirk told her he didn't buy an inch of it. "The correct answer was throat. One would think that after months of living with a horde of vampires, you'd get as much."
"Well, one would think you'd give clues fairly," she fired back, her nerves flaring. "I guess we're both wrong."
"Fine, fine, I'll give you an easy one," he scanned the crossword, glint returning to his eyes as he stopped on a clue. "There, 'To touch with tongue.'"
"See, wasn't that hard, was it?" He toed off his shoes and hitched one ankle on his knee to get more comfortable. "Say, Bitch-chan, where do you want me to lick you?"
"That- That can't be in a crossword," she insisted, doing her best not to squirm before him. All that was a farce. A delicately designed game made to push all her buttons and get her railed up. She would  not  falter. 
"Do you want me to start from the top?"  Why, why can't you shut up?  "On your breasts, like I did last time? It felt good, right?"  N-no.  "Having my tongue trace around your nipple, slowly getting closer and closer-" he paused, licking his lips like a memory of her taste alone was enough to make his mouth water. "Only to close around your bud and bite."
Her breasts tingled in response, nipples hardening into embarrassing peaks that stood proudly in attention. Oh, but Laito was far from done.
"You know there's one more bud on your body just begging for it." His eyes slid down her figure, leaving her skin nearly scorched. "You feel how it's straining against the soft fabric, throbbing, calling to you to give it  just a bit of friction . Will you do it yourself? Or should I give you a helping hand?"
It was so hot she couldn't breathe. Every inch of her body twitched, eager to take him on his offer. How bad could it be, really? They were both adults. She could just sleep with him once, get it out of her system, get the information she needed, and be done with it, right? 
No, it was never that simple with him. "Just get back to the crossword," she pleaded, putting her hair in a ponytail. This turtleneck wasn't helping her at all. 
"As you wish~" his silken voice wrapped around her like a rope, holding her rooted to the spot. "What is the synonym and antonym for 'blow'?"
She wanted to scream. "Huff! Puff! Breeze! What kind of crossword is that?!" 
"That's three incorrect in a row," he announced, putting the book aside. "Hurry up, Bitch-chan, you know the rules."
She was already fuming, but this- this was the final straw. She tore the turtleneck, her heavy jeans and socks off, breathing a sigh of relief. The room was nearly boiling, and hot air didn't help much, but peeling wool off herself felt marvelous. "Satisfied?" She asked, motioning to the pile of clothes on the floor.
"Far from it," he mused, closing the distance between them. "I'm intrigued by how many layers you're packing underneath that. Say, why don't we check?"
Thoughts ran rampant in her head, every fiber of her being begging her to come up with a way to get out of this- out of this room- far from his eyes that didn't leave hers for a second. The hunger she saw there terrified her. She'd no doubt he'd drink her blood. What scared her was that she might enjoy it.
"Is this what you really want?" She blurted out, pushing her hands against his chest in a feeble attempt to stop him. "Are you sure?" she was babbling now. "We could always do something less-" Why was her throat bone dry? 
He blinked like her question caught him off guard. In a flash, his signature smirk was back in place, making her doubt whether the slip was there at all in the first place. Seemingly unbothered, he pushed more into her space, his chest heaving with every breath of her scent. "Bitch-chan, you're like a delicious feast right before my eyes," his words came a bit strained, a bit muffled as he nuzzled his face into her neck. Soft lips trailed down her skin, his tiny nibbles like an electric shock going straight to her core. "Only a fool would pass up something like that."
Grinding her teeth so hard she almost tasted blood, she grasped his shoulders, turning with him so that  he  was the one that hit the mattress first. She straddled his hips, keeping hers raised because, really, there was no need to encourage him while she took hold of his wrist. With wry amusement, he let her press them into the sheets. He seemed perfectly at ease. Misaki was on a completely different side of the spectrum, with nerves and something she refused to call arousal raking havoc on her sanity. "Before," she started and had to give herself a second because he seemed awfully preoccupied with how her shirt slid lower. When he refocused on her face, she continued. "Before we do anything else, tell me what   you want tonight? It's true, I want that information, but- some things are a deal-breaker for me."
He regarded her for a while, and then his mouth stretched in the most sinful smile she'd ever seen on him. "Oh, but I've already told you," his voice dropped, causing her stomach to clench in silent anticipation. "Tonight, I want to taste every inch of you."
She was a magnificent sight hanging above him. Every time he toyed with her, those blue eyes of hers would get this enhancing shade of sky just before a thunderstorm. Misaki was shaking; full body tremors were, no doubt, exhausting for her, but still, she refused his help no matter how much he offered. He could, of course, leave her there and walk away before she completely lost it. But it would be such a waste for both of them.
Easily prying his left hand free, he put it on the base of her skull and pulled her to him. Clearly unprepared for his move, she all but fell on him, but he welcomed the weight, closing his mouth over hers. He pictured it many times ever since that night they danced together. Every evening was consumed by the image of her soft lips finally parting for him, and this time he was done waiting. 
She was exquisite. Her yelp of surprise quickly softened into a breathy sigh as she returned his kiss in the most timid way he'd seen on her. Their lips melted together; her taste made quakes race down his spine, but he slowed down, focusing on her lips to savor the feeling more. Oh, she was magnificent, with her eyes squeezed shut and one hand fisted into his shirt. 
Misaki didn't put up much of a fight when he rolled them over, only to hide his face in her neck. Her petite frame tensed with the first press of his lips, but she nearly bucked into him when he dragged his tongue down to her collarbone. Nearly. Prying his face away from her burning skin, he let his eyes roam free on her frame. Her hair spread wildly on his pillow, a stark contrast to her body, which tensed into itself, her small fists clenched white-tight around his sheets. Starting at her hips, he ran his cool hands up her sides, watching curiously as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, suppressing any noise she was about to make. 
"Let's see how long you can last," he whispered against her shirt. Her nipples were straining proudly against the soft fabric, and he didn't resist this time, closing his mouth over a clothed peak. A dull press of his teeth made her curse and swat in his general direction.  Cute.
"If you're gonna bite me," her voice breathy, unfocused, "just get to it already."
It wasn't quite the begging he was hoping for. Giving her nipple a parting nibble, he moved down, trailing his lips to her navel. Her shirt gave way quickly, exposing her abdomen to his hungry eyes. "Why would I? You're doing quite a good job biting that lip for me," he mused, dipping his tongue in her belly button. Taking hold of her pajama shorts, he nudged her hips higher, and to his slight surprise, she went willingly. Running his hand along her butt, he dragged her pants down with excruciating slowness, thoroughly enjoying the way her head trashed to the side and that hand now shielding her eyes from him. Oh, she thought he'd make it easy for her, didn't she?
"Bitch-chan," he whispered against the plush skin of her thighs. Her scent was far stronger down there. He could and would drown in it and call it the best death possible. With his palm pressed open on her abdomen, her clothed core fluttered before his eyes, and he wanted to howl in victory. Instead, he mouthed over her covered lips. "Bitch-chan, look at me," she twitched this time, a clear sign that she'd heard him but made no move to comply. Sucking at her clit, a strained whimper reached him, and  then  it dawned on him. 
She was doing her goddamnest to block out the fact that it was  him  making her go wild. That  he , Laito, was responsible for the wetness now soaking onto his sheets. This wouldn't do. This wouldn't do at all. Wrapping one hand around her writs, he pulled it to him, uncovering her face, almost white from the strain. "Misa-chan, look at me," his voice dropped dangerously, and her eyes flew open this time. 
"What is it?" She aimed for a composed tone, but she sounded nearly desperate to anyone listening. "Did I do something wrong?" The hand in his grasp twitched, revealing her nervousness. 
Laito hummed against her skin, tongue playing between her fingers. Eyes fixated on her, he sucked one digit into his mouth, and this time she couldn't suppress a moan. "Take off your panties and  show me  where you want my mouth," he demanded, releasing her hand. Occupying himself with the buttons on his shirt, he delighted in her face turning the most vibrant shade of scarlet. Misaki opened her mouth to protest, probably to tell him she couldn't do something like that, but he was faster. "Oh, and Misa-chan?" He finished, ensuring she saw no one but him, "Don't close your eyes."
Almost crying from frustration, she reached down and shimmied out of her underwear, throwing it to the side like a flimsy piece of clothing burned her. Then he smelt her blood as her bottom lip gave out. At that moment, her trembling legs fell apart, revealing her drenched pussy to his hungry gaze. Watching his present unwrap herself made him drool, and his neglected cock pushed against the merciless zipper. With one last look up, he caught her gaze, lowering himself between her legs. 
"Good girl," he whispered against her clit as her delicate fingers kept her spread just for him. Only for him. He was ravenous from the smell alone, but the first taste- Oh sweet hell, the first taste sent him grinding into the mattress. Misaki wailed beneath him, hands flying to his hair, but he welcomed the sting gladly. Moving with her, he traced patterns against her slit, her juices gushing on his face. She was so wet for him. So wet and ready, clenching around nothing. With a hum against her clit, he took pity and slowly slid one finger inside her weeping cunt. She arched off the bed, her thighs nearly suffocating him, but then- His finger curled, mouth closed around her clit, and he bit down. The whole bed shook from the strength of her scream, but he couldn't hear any of it, too caught up in his own release.
Her heavenly blood tasted like nothing he'd tried before. The toe-curling orgasm made her crimson essence beat the finest nectar. He was drunk on her taste, on her deliciously sweet scent. He was drunk on her. The world blurred before his eyes, but he fought for the last taste and slipped into darkness. 
[Chapter VIII] [Masterlist] [Chapter X]
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unfocused-always · 11 months
Chapter VIII: A Quick Guide to Ruining Your Life and Other Bad Decisions
Summary: Misaki makes a deal with the devil??
A/N: Nope, you're not free from me yet. Also for the *I do love French language.
Golden light poured through pointed windows cascading over heavy wooden shelves like a soft blanket. It was nearing eight p.m., and the sun was slowly hiding behind the horizon. That and the barely visible letters on the page finally convinced Misaki to give up the fight and turn on the light. 
The library at Sakamaki's house was, unsurprisingly, enormous. Bookshelves lined the walls and occupied most of the remaining space, leaving only a reading nook unoccupied. At least, it was like that before she barged in a few hours earlier with a bucket of coffee, painkillers, and a goal at hand. 
If last week was a person, he'd no doubt fail students for fun and kick innocent puppies off the stairs. She winced at the mental image. Although the comparison was pretty close.  I don't know who you are.  Those words have repeatedly played in her head since she woke up from near-comatose sleep.  Stop.  Each sentence felt like a punch in the gut.  Don't contact us again.  
Her dad, the  dad  she knew, would never turn his back on an innocent person begging for help. But then again, in their eyes, she was a stupid teen playing a cruel prank. She pressed her forehead against a cool glass, hoping it would bring her answers.  What happened when I was away? How could they forget me so quickly?
She thumbed the pages. This situation, albeit bizarre, had to have an explanation. And everything in her was telling her it was indeed supernatural.
"Bitch-chan~" Hot breath washed over her neck. "You'll hurt my feelings if you ignore me like that."
"Why do you keep doing that?!" She demanded, almost falling off the chair in the process.
Laito smiled a little too smugly for her liking. "Hm, but I've been calling out to you this whole time! It's rude to ignore someone like that, you know."
Anxiety clawed up her back. She could feel every spot on her body crying in agony, and that was after a heavy dose of painkillers. Pissing him off now-  Nope, we are not going there. 
"Sorry," she managed, suppressing a shiver in her voice. "I was just thinking."
"Thinking, huh?" She could tell from his tone alone he didn't buy it for a second. "And what thoughts absorbed you so completely? I wanna hear every ~ single ~ detail."
"I've been trying to make sense of this," she pointed at the library catalog, "but how you found anything here is beyond me. Why are half of the books here in Latin?" 
He leaned in, resting his head on his palm. "It's fitting, don't you think? Dead language for dead creatures."
The incredulous look on her face must have told him everything, as his laugh almost muted her following words. "You guys speak Latin? Just like that?" 
"On ne sait jamais~"
She leaned back in her chair, almost asking him to repeat that. "Oh no, no, no," she shook her head. "That, my dear dead creature, is French. I'd recognize that cheese-choking accent anywhere."*
"Aah, you've got me this time, Bitch-chan." His eyes narrowed on her, and her stomach sunk, hoping to shrink into itself. "Say, how will you punish me?"
She was legally obliged to do a double-take at that. He couldn't be serious, right? "Punish you?" She stammered. 
"Of course. After all, I did try to deceive you, didn't I?" 
She knew he was plotting something with the way his mouth quirked up. Even though he was babbling about  his  punishment, there was no doubt in her heart that it would be her spot if she didn't play her cards right. If only it was so simple.
"I suppose the 'I'll let it slide this time' is not an option?" She asked, crossing one leg over the other. 
"Hm~ You know, if you don't teach me a lesson, I might just keep up the deception. Do you really want that?" 
Hell would freeze over before he stopped lying.  Chipped in the logical part of her brain. But it didn't mean she couldn't use the situation to at least try to play something for herself. 
"Right," she started, adjusting her pose to mirror a proper negotiator's. "As your punishment, I want you to tell me everything you know on memory enhancements, or however you call it."
"Aah, Bitch-chan," his pained moan made her hair raise up. "That's not how you do it at all!"
"No," she cleared her throat, shifting in place. "You told me to pick a punishment, and I did."
"But your punishment is boring~" like a puppet on a string, he leaned closer, almost invading her space. "Wouldn't you prefer something more... exciting?"
His voice dropped dangerously low, and panic shot through her. She hadn't allowed herself to unpack all that went down between them, fearful of the things this would force her to admit. She was prepared to chalk it up to exhaustion and basic survival instinct, even if denial killed her. But as his eyes dropped heavy and long fingers slowly trailed up her arms, she had to force herself not to flinch. 
"The punishment," she started, praying for her voice not to betray her. "It was supposed to be your punishment, not mine."
He hummed, his fingertip ghosting along her vein. "You're awfully determined to interrogate me, Bitch-chan. Could it be that you still haven't said goodbye to your family?" The innocent look on his face was almost enough to convince her it was a genuine slip-up. Almost. She'd long since learned hardly anything was accidental with him. "Whoopsie, I wasn't supposed to say that."
It was apparent he knew something. Now the question remained how  she  could   get her hands on that information. Hardly paying it any mind, she caught his wandering hand and placed it palm up on the table, temporarily keeping the fingers confined. "Look," she started, somehow maintaining eye contact. "it's evident that a. you know that something happened to my parents," she began, straightening his index finger. "b. you're aware it has something in common with memory manipulation," she accused, dabbing his middle finger into the table. "and c. you're clearly dodging the question," his ring finger went down with all the conviction she could muster. He, however, remained unbothered. 
"Hm~ Funny, because the way I see it-," he all but purred, his outstretched fingers slowly gliding up her forearm. A slight tremor went through her, and she could have sworn he counted it as a victory. "You're clearly so desperate for any explanation of what happened to your beloved family. Aah, aah," she opened her mouth to protest, and he raised his finger to silence her. "my turn now. I could share it with you, but..."
She knew what he would say far before he grabbed under the chair and dragged her closer, forcing her legs to spread over the edges. His rich scent washed over her, bringing back memories of the first time they were in a similar position. Back then, she didn't know she should run for the hills. Back then, things were easier. Back then, it was all lies. Blood wooshed in her ears as he leaned closer, slowly bringing her fingers to his mouth.
"Everything has a price, Bitch-chan. I wonder how much are you willing to pay?"
He was testing her. It was a bait, a trap so well-marked only an absolute fool would fall for it. Yet, she didn't have many options left. For all she hated it, he was the one with answers. He knew  why  her family had forgotten her and maybe even how to bring them back. But information like that didn't come cheap. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip so hard she almost tasted blood. The next words tasted like ash. "What do you want me to do?"
His grin was equally charming as it was absolutely horrifying. "Excellent answer," he murmured into her palm, and she felt his tongue sneak between her fingers. 
Suddenly she understood what selling her soul must feel like.
This,  protested her brain,  is absolute madness. 
Misaki stifled a scream. She knew. She knew why she was doing  this , yet it hardly made it any easier. Pacing back and forth before her door, she attempted to regain any semblance of control over her mind. 
The clock struck twelve.  That's it,  she thought.  This is how it ends. 
Dressed in the most covering cream turtleneck and thick black jeans that didn't have a single smallest hole in them, she still felt it wasn't enough layers. She threw on her loose jacket, and even though she was sweating like hell already, she vowed to keep it on at all times. With that, her armor was complete, and she yanked her door open, heading with purposeful steps toward his room. 
It was one thing pacing in her room. But standing in front of the dark wood, her situation suddenly seemed ten times more real. It was cruel of him. Telling her to come to his room almost four hours later, he gave it just enough time for paranoia and crippling anxiety to take root. Still, she swallowed her fear and knocked. 
The door opened almost immediately, revealing Laito leaning on the frame with the most shit-eating grin she'd ever seen. His lack of clothes made her winter outfit almost laughable. Clad in a barely-buttoned white shirt and comfortable pants, he seemed utterly at ease, like this mess was his typical midnight entertainment.  It probably was,  she thought bitterly. 
"Bitch-chan," he peeled himself from the wall and offered her a hand. "With a look like that, I could think you're trying to seduce me." 
"In your dreams," she grabbed his hand and dragged him inside, kicking the door shut behind them.
[Chapter VII] [Masterlist] [Chapter IX]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Chapter VII: All of her flavors
Summary: Karl enjoys afternoon tea with his friend. Meanwhile, Laito busts Misaki's escape plan and gives her a lesson to remember, which hits very close to the heart.
A/N: R: M with LaitoTM behavior at the end, so just keep that in mind.
Life was flourishing in the vast garden. Birds of various kinds filled the pure air with their flawless chipper. Trees hummed with them, creating perfect harmony for the other tiny beings to enjoy. Little creatures made their homes in their hard trunks or fertile ground. It all worked together in synch, doing each-other no harm, just like it was intended at the Beginning.
Amongst those small miracles, two men stood out in almost brutal contrast. One of them seemed out of place in his billowing robes and nearly floor-length white hair. Yet, he was the master of this place. A temporary guardian of Eden and Tree of Life, which roots were expanding through the whole Earth. This man was no other than Karlheinz, enjoying a round of particularly tricky marble chess with his life-long friend.
Said companion dressed in a significantly less elegant way. He was clad in a linen long-sleeved shirt and pants to match the outfit. His bare feet were buried in the rich-green grass, and only ever so often did one toe poke out. He enjoyed his usual afternoon break in his favorite way: by annoying the living hell of his friend.
"I see, so not everything went according to your prediction, did it?" He chuckled, toying with the pawn in his hand. "It's rather unusual for your powers to fail you this way, hm? Perhaps age is finally getting to you."
"Age?" Replied the other man in a dry tone. "Please, Socrates, you know as well as I do that fate is as unpredictable as ever. The fragile flow of time will do everything it can to restore balance. When I disrupted it by sending the girl there, it simply gave her a nudge for the things to flow smoothly."
"Since when are you calling Ayato's whims fate?"
Karlheinz's laugh was somewhat dimmed. "I never said he was the force of fate. On the other hand, I am sure that this state was always the only possible outcome."
Socrates regarded him for a second, stroking his long, white beard. "Is that how you find consolation after your plan failed for n-th time? You know that denial isn't a healthy coping mechanism. Maybe it's time you see a professional about it."
"I do not require therapy, thank you very much. As for my plan, rest assured, it has not failed," Karl pushed off his enemy's pawn with his tower. "It just took a new, interesting turn. I must admit, Laito's reaction was most unusual."
"And why is that?"
Karl gave him an unimpressed stare. He knew Socrates long enough to realize his friend had an uncanny knack for asking the "why," "how," and "explain" often enough to get himself killed. "You see, the first taste of her blood had him almost feverish. He was shaking, pale-white, and it was not long before he had lost consciousness. I know every blood tastes differently, and there is no telling how a vampire will react, but through all my life, I have never seen a reaction this strong."
Socrates nodded slowly, contemplating his next move. Finally, he sent out a queen, putting Karl's king in a compromising situation. "You know, it wouldn't be the first time witches mingled in your affairs, poisoning one of your," he weighted the word, "candidates."
"Not this time," Karl shook his head, slowly realizing the trap he'd fallen into. "I tested her blood. It appears to be ordinary. No special traits, no magic signature, nothing."
"I suppose that nothing is the real reason why you haven't reset the timeline yet?" Socrates merely smiled at the amused look Karl sent his way.
"Indeed. I want to see where this is heading before I send my special-"
His speech was cut short by the majestic white eagle. The bird flew down, his golden beak and talons gleaming in the sunlight. His wings were almost large enough to envelop both of them as the creature perched on Karl's armrest. He scratched the surface uneasily and squawked, making his employe's eye give a dangerous twitch. Socrates put his fingers together in a pyramid shape. So it appears a new player has emerged on the board. Something his companion hadn't anticipated.
"He did what?!" Karl sheeted, almost shaking with fury.
With one violent swipe of his hand, a screen shimmered before them. Sakamaki's mansion's hall. Socrates leaned forward, squinting at the vision. In the building stood not one but two girls. The first one he'd seen earlier. Karl consulted it with him before.
The second one, oh, tragedy. How could he claim it was the work of fate? The time wasn't right! The apple hadn't even begun to ripen.
He squirmed uneasily, risking a glance at the king. Karl sat eerily still, watching without a word as his son jumped on his special girl.
"Call him. Now."
Having received his orders, the eagle flew away, leaving Socrates alone with Karl, who was now crushing the marble column beneath his palm.
"Young man!" The elderly woman who greeted him at the door now hurried after him. "First, where do you think you're going? And second, that is no way to talk to a lady!"
She sounded outraged.
True, he might have barged in without waiting for a proper invitation, but etiquette was the last thing on his mind. He sent her a smile he doubted she knew was forced and sang in a usual manner, "I told you, I'm here to pick up a stray," his eyes landed on Misaki, who only now seemed to regain her bearing. "I don't think she minds."
"Still, it is most disgraceful to" her trade came to an abrupt halt when she saw him loop an arm around Misaki's waist and lean down close enough to kiss her senseless. He spared the woman one provocative glance, causing her to act as he predicted. "I- I'll make some tea!" She cleared her throat and ran to the kitchen.
The house itself was nothing impressive compared to the ones he'd become used to since his early life. From the plush armchairs and numerous pillows, it looked relatively comfortable and tidy. It had a distinctive old-people smell which made his nose wrinkle in dissatisfaction. Luckily, there was a smell much more potent, hovering a mere inches away. Her sweet blood sang to him before he'd even opened the door. Standing so close to her, it was almost unbearable to swim in her scent and yet be denied of taste. This pitful situation dragged in from the early morning.
He'd woken up from one of his usual nightmares with his throat parched more than it should be. So he did the only reasonable thing and sought her out, only for his familiar to report that she'd embarked on a "shopping trip" and had yet to return. Naturally, he'd seen through this facade in a heartbeat and set out to retrieve his prey.
Frankly, he still wasn't sure how he felt about her running out just when their fun was about to begin. After all, he'd only tortured her once for crying out loud.  Thrilled . His mind insisted.  You think thrilled. Just think of the punishment you can now inflict on her. It's going to be marvelous.  He felt himself drool a bit.
When the sound of kettle clashing filled the small house, he refocused on Misaki. The girl managed to take one step back and was now eyeing him with the most calculating expression he'd seen on her so far. "Don't you guys, like, need to be "invited in"?" She made a quotation mark in the air, expecting him to answer. "You know before you enter the house?"
He briefly wondered how much pop-culture bullshit she'd throw at him before she accepted the fact that he's not the "dark, edgy romance interest" in one of their tv shows. "Bitch-chan, the sweet fragrance of your blood was all the invitation I needed. Ah," he took a deep breath, his vision blurry on the edges when her scent filled his lungs. "You smell divine as always. The hint of despair really spices things up."
She only shook her head at his wink, heaving a sigh with "I'll take that as a no." Then she attempted what he suspected was a nonchalant look as she propped down on one of the armrests of the nearest armchair. "Why are you here anyway?"
"The better question would be," he gave her a pointed look, his voice dropping dangerously, "why are you here?"
Misaki did her best to conceal the uneasy grimace creeping up on her face, but he'd long since learned that trick. When her eyes started darting around the room for  inspiration , he huffed a disappointed breath. Was she really going to feed him more lies now?
"I'm visiting a friend," she replied, gesturing to the kitchen. "Her name is Cho, and I've met her on my way here. She's a lovely lady. Your turn."
Annoyance settled over him like a wet blanket Ayato once threw on him. He quickly squashed it and opted for a blinding smile instead. "I've already told you I'm here to pick you up like your loving boyfriend!"
Her eyebrows shot up in disbelief, and he was almost sure he'd caught a rare blush forming on her cheeks. He was itching to find out what would make her turn scarlet since his usual nickname failed for some reason. "Loving boyfriend? I hate to break it to you, but I require dinner at the very least," she managed, clearing her throat.
He stalked over to her. His hand moved on its own, going up and around the back of her neck. He felt her skin tingle under his palm and smiled to himself.  Too easy.  "As you wish, Bitch-chan, I'll gladly make you my dinner," his wide smile had her shivering against him. "After all, I have to live up to the name of a wanted criminal! You've reported me at least twice, so it would be a real shame to pass up such a good role-play!"
She winced, running a nervous hand over her hair. "So you know, huh?"
He suppressed a snort. Of course, he knew; what was she taking him for? She wasn't the first bride to try and escape. They all did, at one point or another. Very few survived that, but then again, none of them made it in the end. "Bitch-chan, you should know I never let you out of my sight," when she finally met his eyes, he allowed his hunger to shine more clearly. "Never."
"I'll keep that in mind now; if you'll excuse me, I'll help with the tea."
When she tried to squeeze past him, he seized her by the arm and pulled her back to him. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest, her whole body going rigid at the merest touch. Her heart picked up the pace, pumping more delicious blood into every cell of her body. Yes, he almost couldn't wait to taste it all. Have her flavor play on his tongue as he mixed her blood with the essence of a different kind. His quiet moan had her freeze in her attempts to escape his hold. "Nfu, you're not getting away this time. Not when we have so much fun planned!"
"Oh? Please don't tell me you're leaving already!" Cho came back into the room, bearing an enormous tray packed to the brim with tea and sweats of various kinds. The rich aroma teased his nose, and he was almost tempted to give it a try, but the delicacy in his grasp was a temptation of a different league. "The tea's ready! And my husband will be home soon. I'm sure he'd love some company!"
"No-can-do," he replied cheerily, squeezing Misaki's hand in a silent warning when she opened her mouth to protest. "We have something planned, right, Bitch-chan?"
Misaki looked back and forth between him and the food on a tray, clearly calculating the risk factor. She spared one longing glance at the cream pastry and suggested weakly. "Maybe we could stay for just one bite-?"
Cho's face lit up, but Misaki's hopeful shadow of a smile quickly died when he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Say we're leaving, or I'll start your punishment here."
Laito was mad at her. This much was obvious from the cheery attitude he greeted her with and from the fact he'd decided not to bring the car along. She had no idea how he'd gotten to the city in the first place, but after a whole day of pointless running, her legs were a shaking mess. Each step was bordering on agony. The once-comfy running shoes rubbed against her abused skin, only worsening the rash.
She was exhausted.
But from the light tune Laito kept humming, she had a haunch this night was far from over.
"Would it help if I said I was sorry?" She mumbled just as the mansion came into view. Laito regarded her for a second.
"Nope~ there's not even a hint of remorse in your voice. Honestly, Bitch-chan, you're just making it worse for yourself," his mouth curled into a devilish smile. "Nfu~ But I suppose that's half the fun."
Her stomach did a summersault, and she was sure she would have thrown up if there'd been anything in there. "Oh, lord..."
"I'm so glad you tried your grand escape!" He rambled, dragging her by the wrist to the main door. "Thanks to it, we can both enjoy your punishment together." Was that a blush on his cheeks? Yes, he was most definitely blushing.
"You know, I'm starting to suspect we have quite different definitions of enjoying," she whispered under her breath, but he still caught it. The phrase earned her a crooked smile bordering too much on the nasty side for her liking.
"I'm sure a Bitch like you will enjoy it."
The dark promise in his voice almost made her make a run for it, but the bruising grip he maintained on her wrist cut her dreams short. With dread coiling in her gut, he pulled open the massive doors and dragged them inside. Immediately the tortured shriek assaulted her ears. Yui's voice carried down the hall, and Misaki's instinct kicked in, causing her to try and run in her direction. Laito stopped her with a sharp pull that almost dislocated her wrist.
His chuckle was drowned in a scream tearing around them, but his smirk still pushed the message across. "I had quite a different kind of punishment in mind, but if you're eager to join the fun~."
"No!" She tried to back away, but it was no use. "I don't, no, no, no," her head was shaking before she even realized it. "I don't want to join anything! Please, let's not do this!"
His smile widened at her pleas, and she realized her protest only spurred him on further.
With one harsh motion, he pulled her into the living room. Yui was sobbing in pain, pinned to the couch by Ayato. The vampire had his face buried in her neck, no doubt feasting on the poor girl. Yui tried kicking and punching him, but seemingly he didn't feel a single blow. Misaki watched, transfixed as he straightened with a loud gasp, coming up like a man drowning. His eyes were glowing like Laito's after he had his fill. Crimson blood was dripping down his chin in messy streaks, and he wiped it off with the back of his hand.
"Haah… Delicious," he inhaled slowly, savoring every drop of her blood on his palm. Then his tongue slid over the crimson liquid, earning a cruel chuckle at Yui's terrified sobs. "Oh, so you're crying now? Show me more! I can't get enough of that pathetic expression!"
He was about to dive back in when Laito's trademark chuckle stopped him. Ayato rose up, regarding his brother, with a mixture of annoyance and hunger. "Mind if we join the party, Ayato-kun?"
Misaki was so absorbed in the nightmare playing out before her she didn't notice Laito sneaking up behind her. His cleaver hands tightened on her shoulders, holding her in place. Cold breath washed over her ear, waking up a path of goosebumps on the skin of her neck.
"Misaki-san," Yui craned her neck to meet her eyes. With her skin pulled tight, more blood oozed from the wound. Misaki's stomach heaved. With self-loathing almost choking her, she averted her eyes.
Then, finally cutting through the haze clouding her mind, Laito's words sank in. "Oh, no, no, no," Misaki mumbled, trying to step back and falling straight onto his chest. "We don't want to interrupt. Please let's not-"
Laito moved so fast that she didn't see it until it was too late. He gripped the front of her baby-blue T-shirt and pulled. Fabric gave in without resistance, exposing her front entirely to the room. Ayato's hungry gaze slid from her panic-stricken face and landed on her plump breasts. She felt Laito's nimble fingers tug on the straps of her bra, causing the garment to pull her breasts up to two round globes. Ayato groaned.
In a blink of an eye, he stood before her. He tugged the bra away from his brother before ripping it off her. The shock tore a scream from her throat. Instinctively, she started pushing him away. He only snorted, leaning in without a hitch. He buried his face in her tits, inhaling deeply, sending another petrified shiver down to her toes.
"You know, Stunky. If I knew you were hiding those under that shirt, I would snatch you way before."
The glow in his eyes relented to heavy haze ghosting over them. She felt Laito secure her arms behind her back, pushing her breasts even more in his brother's face. He sang cheerily, "Help yourself, Ayato-kun~."
With a wink directed at her, he stepped back and propped on the arm of the couch. With one finger, he brushed Yui's cheek. The girl squealed in surprise, shot Misaki an anguished look of remorse, and bolted from the room. Misaki didn't blame her.
She would have done the same.
Ayato barely reacted to it, his palm coming up to grope her sensitive breast. "A pervert like you will love the show, huh?" He squeezed, clearly enjoying the way his fingers sunk into her flesh. Misaki stifled the whimper of pain. His touch felt alien, downright painful, making her want to throw up. Then he sucked in the air and bit down right on top of her breast. White-hot pain shoot in her body. She broke out in tears, trashing against his hold on her.
"Nfu~ That's right. A pervert like me-"
Then came the sucking.
Misaki was no stranger to having her life drained by a vampire. But so far, she had only experienced Laito. He could easily put her through hell just like he did, biting her foot. But when he wasn't trying to punish her for anything… His last bite left her breathless with desire. She wasn't ready to admit it before herself, but she enjoyed it.
Ayato was on a completely different end of the line. He not as much as bit her, but more like chomped down on her delicate breast. Maybe it was the place. Perhaps she was trashing too much and making it worse on herself. But one thing she was sure about. His bite was twice as painful as anything Laito put her through, and she had a haunch Ayato wasn't deliberately trying to make it agonizing for her. It was just his way of drinking blood.
With a shaky hand, she reached out for Laito. Tears blurred her vision, but she saw his eyes clearly when he leaned down to drag a deceivingly gentle finger down her forearm. The darkness looming behind them almost made her pass out. It was clear to anyone who'd look that, even though he put her in this situation, he wasn't enjoying the show in the slightest. She gritted her teeth, stifling the loudest cry of agony yet when Ayato's fangs grazed something extremely sensitive inside her breast. "Please, Laito… stop him," she whispered, pushing against Ayato's shoulder.
He parted from his meal with a loud tsk. "Really, Stunky? I'm granting you the honor of being my meal, and you call out to him?!" His voice was genuinely hurt, and Misaki gritted her teeth to stop the remark. "You should appreciate it, you know! I made an effort to suffer through your disgusting blood, and you didn't even say thank you! Good thing you have your tits because then you'd be completely worthless."
Something inside her snapped.
Shame brought a new surge of tears, and she acted without thinking. Her knee shot up, landing with full force on his stomach. He doubled over, shaking in a violent coughing fit. His nails left a bloody imprint on her breast, but she barely felt it. She was slowly going numb to everything.
Laito's clear laugh broke his trashing.
"What the fuck?!" Ayato demanded, clutching his stomach."Are you out of your mind?! I'll fucking kill you!"
At the sight of Ayato shaking in pure hatred, her knees gave out, and she collapsed. Laito's arm wrapped around her body as he pulled her into his chest.
"There, there, Ayato-kun. You don't want to go against his orders, do you, now?"
His orders? Then it dawned on her. Their father's order was the only thing preventing them from murdering her on the spot. The question remained, how much would their fear of him outweigh homicidal rage.
"I don't give a flying fuck about his orders now! She fucking gutted me!"
Words failed her. She had no idea how to get out of this mess. Blood loss and exhaustion made black spots dance before her eyes. She was sure she'd pass out soon, but losing consciousness with those two in a room was a death sentence.
"Keep screaming about it, and the whole mansion will know~" Laito's voice sent resignation coursing through her with bouldering force. Ayato opened his mouth to protest, but his brother was faster this time. "I'm sure Subaru-kun will forget about it in no time, so there's nothing to worry about."
He left the room with eyes shooting lightning bolts and tch threatening enough to send any toddler flying for shelter.
Her heart was in no mood to leave her throat. With one swift motion, Laito had her pinned down on the armchair. His knee forced its way between her legs, and somehow she felt even smaller.
"I'm so sorry," her voice broke. "I'm so sorry for trying to bolt out of here," she clutched his wrist with a shaky hand. "Please don't let him do it again... it hurt so so much." She was babbling at this point. Tears were streaming down her face, and she made no effort to stop them.
Laito's eyes narrowed down. He regarded her with an unreadable expression. After a second, his other hand wrapped around her trembling one to pry it off. He pushed both of her palms into the armchair, and she nodded, letting him know she'd behave. He hummed approvingly. "So, Bitch-chan, you looked like you were enjoying messing around with my brother, hm? I bet the pleasure was mind-blowing."
She shivered when his fingertips traded up her arms. Her body reacted instinctively, tiny hairs standing at attention. "No, I didn't," she managed, somehow holding her own against his scrutinizing gaze. "If anyone has to bite me- I want it to be you." A small part of her couldn't believe what she was saying. But that part quickly shut its mouth as he leaned closer to her breasts.
The heavenly scent of her blood surrounded him, making him flush in anticipation. His hands slid over her chest, kneading her soft breasts with an experimental touch. Warmth spread over her body, shoulders drawing back on their own to expose her breasts further. Contrary to Ayato's, Laito's touch felt amazing. He knew exactly how much pressure to apply on her tender flesh to bring only pleasure.
"Well, if you want me to bite you that badly," his cold breath tickled her right nipple, the tip hardening almost immediately. "Then I suppose I could grant you that wish."
When his tongue glided over blood leaking from Ayato's bite, she nearly whimpered. A soothing sensation eased over her, and she released a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"One one condition." Laito gazed down at her chest. Then his right hand reached out and caressed her breath, thumb catching on the nipple. She sucked in a breath, her eyes widening. His lips curled in a devilish smile, green eyes trailing up to meet hers. Misaki's throat went dry. "Beg for it."
His thumb rubbed over her nipple back and forth, and he leaned down again, mouth hovering barely a breath from the left tip. She feels her nipples harden, growing almost uncomfortably tight under his careful ministrations. Something hot coils in her stomach, the first shiver rocking over her.
"Please, Laito- Give it to me," she breathed out, palms fisting on the armchair. The next pinch of his fingers had her legs tightening against his knee.
"You can do better than that," he mocked, dragging his tongue flat over her right tip. Then she felt it carefully circle over the aureola and back down again, pressing over the sore spot.
Teeth sunk into her bottom lip, her back arching on their own accord when he racked his nail on the sensitive part. In an instant, he soothed the sting with circular motion. She was going crazy. "Please, please bite me," her breath caught, her thoughts scattered. "Please, Laito… Make me forget he ever did anything. I need you."
His eyes lit up, and she knew she'd unleashed something inside him. Nothing prepared her for the moment his mouth closed over her right breast. Razor-sharp fangs glided over her skin, eliciting a broken moan, and just as she was about to scream, he bit down. Her skin parted easily, allowing him to sink in deeper, teeth caging her abused nipple. Every nerve on her body was tingling, electricity wracking havoc on her sanity. The pain from his bite was making her vision go completely white.
Then he sucked. A strangled cry tore through her throat. Her life was sipping away, but with every gulp, his silver tongue grazed on her aching nipple, his other hand never stopping the assault on the other one. She rose from the armchair, hands shaking on the seat. The need to keep him closer overshadowed any reason. His left arm circled around her waist, stopping at the small of her back, where he pushed with just enough force to have her grind against his leg. With his knee pushing mercilessly on her throbbing clit, the knot in her abdomen pulled tight. Tears streaked down her face. She was shaking against him, babbling as wave after wave of pure dark ecstasy washed over her. They kept coming, growing in force as the blood loss made her grip on reality fade away. Just when it was about to get too much, he stopped when she was afraid she'd fall.
In the blink of an eye, he stood one step away from the chair, blood dripping down his chin from his last meal. His breath was rapid, but aside from that, he looked almost composed. His smile eerily in the moonlight only widened when he took in her broken, dissolved form, still trembling from the aftermath.
She didn't know if she wanted to slap, kiss, or chain him down and demand he finish what he started.
Then she realized what she wished for. Who she wanted it from.
She wanted Laito, the man responsible for her worst nightmare, to keep his assault. Because, for some reason, pleasure drowned her pride. Ecstasy quieted her sense, and the mind-blowing sensations he forced on her made her wish he never stopped.
She wanted to throw up.
Self-hatred glistening in her tears made him laugh out loud. He closed the distance between them and cupped her jaw with one hand. She didn't even try to protest when he forced her to look into his hypnotizing eyes. Only then she'd start pondering over the power he held against her. "Next time," his low whisper sent another involuntary jolt to her toes, "think again before you go against me."
[Chapter VI] [Masterlist] [Chapter VIII]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Chapter VI: Please, arrest me!
Summary: Yui loses solid 10 years of her life. Misaki makes a few discoveries.
A/N: It's long. Like 5k long. Idk why, I was typing on my phone, and here we are.Enjoy!
The sound of her heart thundering in her ears almost drowned the insisted knocking at the door. Misaki spared one panicked glance over her shoulder and strained her senses to catch the sign of life inside. True, the visit was unannounced, but she didn't have many options left.
Just as she was about to rattle again, there was a subtle shuffling behind, and the heavy wooden doors swung open. Inside stood a petite lady, looking over her with concern evident on her face.
"I'm sorry for the trouble but... I don't know what to do. Please," her voice cracked. "Please, help me." 
The lady regarded her for a second, only to nod to herself, seemingly making up her mind. She pulled her inside with more force than Misaki ever expected from such a frail arm. She immediately bolted the door and hurried over to the shaking girl.
Misaki was moving before she even realized what she was doing. She quickly squirmed from Laito's grasp and bolted to the hall, the vampire hot on her heels. She felt somewhat dazed, her legs still unsteady from having her blood sucked.
Whatever came over you just now,  she sheeted internally,  you- you are in serious need of therapy! Look,  persisted the logical part of her brain,  I know, you have your little fantasies, and he played perfectly into one of them, okay, fine. But next time, keep in mind that he's higher than you in the food chain. And maybe try not to get on his plate without a fight, would you? Better yet, don't you think it's high time we've bolted out of here?!
That thought gave her a brief pause, and she quickly stashed it away for later. They've just run into a spacious hall. A small silhouette was cowering near the front door, a remotely humble suitcase resting at her feet. The girl had soft blonde hair and big pink eyes, now uneasy with apprehension. Misaki has a sense of smell almost as bad as it gets for humans, but she could have sworn feer was oozing from her very being.
"Oh! Please, pardon the intrusion," the girl stammered as soon as she saw them, bowing slightly. "I'm Komori Yui. I- I was told I'm supposed to live here."
A memory fresh as a day flashed before Misaki's eyes. Her own arrival, a letter of acceptance neatly folded in her suitcase. They, whoever  they  actually were, had used guile to bring her here. By some bitter coincidence, history was repeating itself. Misaki remembered the pain of Laito's first bite, his cold fury when he almost drowned her in the bathroom, Kanato's maniacal eyes, and anger issues radiating from Ayato and Subaru. If Laito, who seemed the least dangerous, was capable of such cruelty, she didn't want to imagine what the rest could do. 
Before Laito could even open his mouth, she rushed to the girl's side, grasped her by the shoulders, took hold of her suitcase, and pushed her to the doors. 
"I'm Misaki Sugawara, pleased to meet you. Now," she gave speechless Yui a stern look, "you need to go."
"But I- Hold on!" she struggled out of her hold. "I don't understand! My father clearly told me I was supposed to stay here with my relatives until his return. Has there been a mistake?"
"Hm~ What's the rush, Bitch-chan? It's pretty rude to walk out on us like that, you know?"
Misaki threw a panicked glance at Laito, who peeled himself off the wall and was slowly sauntering to them.
"That's why-"
"Girl," Misaki gently shook her by the shoulders. "Trust me; these guys are  not  your relatives. Now, go-"
She pulled the doors open and cursed violently. Thunder rumbled in the distance. In the flash of lightning, Ayato materialized in the doorway, dripping water on the marble. His lips were lightly smeared with blood, and the way he was eyeing Yui told Misaki he was far from done with his meal. The blonde screamed. 
Misaki's courage dissipated just as quickly. In two quick steps, she scrambled back, straight into Laito's awaiting arms. They closed over her like steel cage, forearms digging into her ribs with enough force to cut off her breathing.
"Woah! I have no idea who you are, but you smell delicious! C'mon, yours truly will grant you the honor of feasting on you!"
He moved to grab her, but adrenaline seemed to give Yui the upper hand. She jumped back, and Misaki winced as her foot almost caught on the suitcase.
"What are you talking about?!" The girl demanded, earning a barely auditable chuckle from Laito and an annoyed snort from his brother.
"Idiot! I've practically spelled it out for you," he grumbled, finally getting a hold of her arm and pushing her into the wall.
"Stop! Let go of me! Stop it!"
Misaki squeezed her eyes shut. Her stomach turned. Yui's trashing was ringing through the whole hall as Ayato pressed closer. She gave a particularly high-pitched wail as she assumed from the wet noise that he liked her. An involuntary shiver went down her spine, turning Laito's attention back to her.
"Ne~ Bitch-chan, don't you think there's something so sinful yet so arousing in watching someone thrash at the mercy of dark ecstasy?" His slender fingers crept over her chin, forcing her head towards the scene.
She stubbornly kept her eyes shut. "Can't say I'm a fan," she mumbled.
"That's because you haven't seen the best part yet," his cold breath washed over her ear, and her body reacted on its own, goosebumps peppering her skin. "Go on, be a good girl and open your eyes. Taste the forbidden fruit and watch this girl fall on his mercy."
She wished that what she'd felt pressed against her lower back was a trick of the mind. However, she was more than aware that her mind was not capable of hallucinations of this quality. With a heart lodged in her throat, she forced her eyes open, immediately wincing as Yui caught her terrified gaze. Misaki knew that opposing Laito here would only bring her pain.
"I'm so sorry-" she whispered as Ayato buried his face in Yui's neck.
"For once, it does not seem you are to blame. Ayato," hearing the unmistakable frost in the voice, Ayato straightened reluctantly. "I told you to keep such activities in your room many times. Which part of that message was not clear enough for you?"
"Tsk, Reiji. I've just come back. Can't you mind your own business?"
"Believe me; I'd be more than eager to do so. However, with the screaming this girl has caused, I cannot devote myself to my duties. Now, explain at once, what is the meaning of this?"
"Hm~ It's quite simple, really; I'm sure you also realize it. This little girl paid us a visit, and Ayato was just playing a good host~"
"A good host?!" The girl stammered, hastily getting away from Ayato and focusing on Reiji instead. "I'm sorry for the intrusion. My name is Komori Yui, and my father told me I'm supposed to live here."
Reiji regarded her for a second, then, as if fueled by something, checked his watch, adjusted his glasses, and managed with a tone suggesting a migraine. "All of you to the living room at once."
Honestly, at this point, you can't say you're surprised...  snarked her inner voice as Laito forced her down on the couch beside him. He had both arms wrapped around her in a bruising grip. Any attempt to throw him off proved unsuccessful, and he only threatened to move them elsewhere. So she was forced to remain still, trying her best to suppress shivers that shook her every time he as much as moved.
Yui remained standing, watching their unusual group gather in the room. Ever since Subaru first shouted, she still hadn't let go of her rosary.
"Is it true?" Misaki whispered in a conspiracy tone just as they waited for Kanato to finish his tantrum in the kitchen. "Are you guys afraid of crosses and such? Holly water?"
Laito leaned in so close his cold breath sent a shiver down her spine. "Why, Bitch-chan? Are you looking for a way to hurt me? I guarantee I'd welcome whatever you sent my way~."
She was willing to bet he was blushing. And avoiding the question while at that. "I should have seen that coming, huh? But no, this time, let's call it curiosity."
"Do you see any of us shaking in fright?"
"Fair point. Garlic?"
He chuckled at the thought. "Only Kanato. We might have traumatized him once."
"Only once?" She snickered before her brain caught up and promptly froze. She felt him smile against her ear a second before his sharp fang caught on her ear. His following words died in the outburst of glass shattering, and shortly after, Reiji returned, almost dragging Kanato along.
"Now, let us not prolong this anymore. Explain, what is this about?"
Yui made a visible effort to pull herself together and repeated her tale. She looked over them questioningly, her gaze landing on Misaki, who shook her head in a silent  I have no idea how to help you. 
"Ay, cut the crap. She's another one of them, isn't she?"
"I am not sure, Ayato. Father hasn't said anything about her," Reiji's brows furrowed. "Shu, has he contacted you?"
The eldest brother gave the quietest  no  she'd ever heard and slightly adjusted on the pillows. "I don't know who she is. Nor why she's here. And frankly, I can't be bothered to check."
"Typical for the no-good like you. It truly is impressive that for-"
"Perhaps a better question," Laito cut in. "Would be who sent her."
"Not that I care, but didn't they, you know, stick to the one-girl-at-a-time schedule?" Subaru grunted, crossing his arms over his chest.
One girl at the time, but that would mean...
"Hold up; there had been girls before?" Misaki felt her mind run to an abrupt stop.
"Shut up, Stunky; it's not the time for your small brain energy. It's family business."
"Nfu~, of course, there'd been girls in the past." Her stomach dropped. "Why? Did you think you were special?"
"No, I-"
"Can we please concentrate on the matter at hand? If father hadn't sent her, then what are we supposed to do with her?"
Kanato eyed Yui with blatant hunger, smiling eerily at the bear. "We could always keep her, ne, Teddy? She'd make such a pretty doll."
"Oy! Fuck off! The great me has seen her first!"
"Shut up! You're making me want to puke! Why would you have her all to yourself, ha?! She's clearly not a bride, so rules don't apply here!"
"Subaru-kun, are you perhaps tempted by her~ womanly charm?"
The white-haired vampire sheeted threateningly and took three steps toward Laito before Reiji stopped him with a glare.
"While I agree that this is most certainly unusual, we would be stupid to let her out. It's best she remains here. I see no reason to drag this bride-nonsense. That to say, she remains free to all, except Laito, given he already has a stable food income."
Brothers grunted in agreement, earning, "I'm wounded!" From Laito.
"A bride?!" Slight blush was creeping up Yui's cheeks. "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't- there must have been a mistake-"
But Ayato was already looming over her, cutting short her protests.
"Until I hear back from father, let's try not to kill her accidentally. It would be quite problematic if he were to grow displeased."
Yui's face grew white with terror. Ayato gave a cruel laugh, her prayers falling on deaf ears. His pale hand inched closer, and just as it was about to close on her throat, Yui swayed on her feet and passed out.
"You know, Bitch-chan," Laito's voice was full of cold humor. "Maybe they've already sent another one because they think you're dead. I wonder, how long will you manage~."
She almost passed out herself. 
With the first strike of hour nine, Misaki had her backpack ready. Housing her warmest jumper, a bottle of water, wallet, and her phone, it was all set to provide her for a day. Or more if her trip to the market proved successful. She pulled on her running shoes, gathered her resolve, and skipped down the marble staircase like it was the most natural thing in the world.
The Sakamaki household seemed dead this early morning, but it only unnerved her further. They usually slept during the day, but she'd grown so used to Laito hovering over her over the week that this slight stretch of freedom seemed suspicious.  No matter,  she thought, pulling the front doors open. They gave in with a loud creak, and she froze on the spot. Silently counting to three, she listened, but no sound of life reached her.
Cautiously, she took a step out. The garden before her was breathtaking, with tiny droplets of water shining on the flowers. Whoever took care of them did a marvelous job. The air was sharp and fresh, filling her lungs with new energy. With a determined huff, she settled on her journey.
After the metal gate, the forest closed in around her. She looked with great trepidation at the surrounding trees. Deep down, she knew that somewhere, something was lurking. Chasting her mind for playing tricks on her, she pressed forward, destination clearing her mind. She knew she only had one shot for this. After all, such a stupid excuse could only get her so far.
The sun proudly reached noon, and only then she arrived in the city. Almost weeping with relief, she made a beeline for the nearest lamp and squashed the urge to hug it. People. Finally. Living people surrounded her. They were all minding their own business, shopping in the nearby stores. She didn't know any of them. But it didn't matter now. She felt like she belonged.
Big shopping malls and small cafes fought for a place on the street. From an Italian restaurant, a delicious smell tickled her senses, and her stomach grumbled. It was no time to indulge in her favorite cuisine. She had a goal in mind. 
And the said goal has just materialized on the corner.
A police officer was strolling down the street without a care in the world. The hat was pushed back on his head, revealing intelligent eyes scanning the surrounding. He was toying with the bat in his hand like it was the most natural thing to do. Misaki spared one glance over her shoulder and ran to him.
His eyebrows rose a smidge. Reluctantly he stopped whistling and asked in the most bored tone. "Is there a problem, ma'am?"
Voice stuck in her throat. So many things had happened this week, and she didn't know where to start. Because she was sure, he wouldn't believe her. If she said they were vampires, he would laugh at her. But that was the horrible truth. And she was stuck with them. Only, how to tell him that without convincing him she'd lost her mind?
"Officer, I need help," He immediately straightened at attention. "The place- The place I'm staying at- I- I can't stay there," she hesitated, then whispered the last part. "They will kill me." Deep down, she knew she must sound ridiculous. But it didn't stop her. It was her only chance.
"Ma'am, please calm down. You are safe here." He said soothingly, reaching for his notepad. "Tell me everything from the beginning. Where are you staying?" 
"At the Sakamaki mansion."
She watched with growing unease as something flashed in his eyes. He froze for a second and then looked at her with eyes that weren't really his. He closed his notepad, reaching for handcuffs instead. "Ma'am, I assume you are aware that I could arrest you for making false statements as a prank, right?"
She gaped at him. "What?!" She exclaimed. "What are you talking about?! I told you, I need help! You can't just ignore that! They will kill me! Don't you understand?!"
She was making a scene. Small crowds started to gather around them. People were curious about what the shouting was. The policeman waved them off, but it was never that easy. One lady found a hiding spot behind the street lamp, and if she wanted to believe she was invisible to them, Misaki wasn't about to crush her dreams. She had problems on her own.
"Those types of rumors," he weighted the words. "Can be very hurtful for both sides. You understand, right?" His voice was cold as ice. "You would do wise to stop spreading them without any evidence to back it up. You don't want to make  him  your enemy."   Him ? Who was he talking about? "Now, get out of my sight before I arrest you. And don't joke like that again, or I won't be that forgiving."
"No! Please, wait!" She called after him as he sidestepped her and continued his patrol. She grasped his navy shirt, but he simply shook her off without a pause. He never looked back at her but left her on the street. "If I ever find peer review, you are in a world of trouble!" She screamed at his departing back. Satisfaction of her petty revenge numbed the growing unease.
What the hell was going on here? Why did the police send her away? It was literally their job to help her now, wasn't it?  Maybe,   she forced hope into her mind.  Perhaps I was just unlucky with this one. Maybe he's having a rotten day.  She had to try again. Otherwise, she would never forgive herself.
She didn't call the police after Laito almost killed her because she was sure that if she did, they wouldn't arrive on time. The brothers would never let her get this upper hand and live to tell the tale. But here on the street? There was no sight of them. She was left unsupervised and was about to make it everyone else's problem.
She pulled out her phone, checked the address of the precinct, and headed there. 
"So, to clarify," the police officer sat behind the desk across from her and gave her a tired look. He had a prominent aura of boredom, with receding hair and a slight belly. He took off his glasses and ran a heavy hand over his bloodshot eyes. She almost felt bad for bothering him. "You asked for help from one of the patrolling officers, and he laughed at you?"
She puffed out a breath. "Not exactly laughed. He scolded me for  joking . I wasn't," she pleaded with the man when he threw her a skeptical look. "I need help, please. Please, you can't send me away."
"Alright," he nodded and fetched an official-looking form. "Please state your name and business," he prompted, his pen hovering above the sheet.
"My name is Sugawara Misaki," he started noting. "And I'm sure my roommate is trying to kill me."
At that, his pen hesitated. He searched her eyes for hints of deception or lies, but she was more than confident that was the truth. And even if it wasn't before, she did not doubt that after today's escapade, Laito would end her. She reported him. Twice. Oh, she was  so  dead.
"You realize that's a grave accusation?"
"Yes!" She snapped, leaning above the desk. "Of course, that's a serious accusation! So is the crime! So, I'm begging you, help me!"
"Yes, of course," he sighed. "Calm down, miss. As I said, you are safe here. Now, give me the address and the name of your roommate."
She knew he had to ask this. And she knew she had to reply. But it didn't stop hesitation from sinking its claws into her guts. The last policeman turned deaf to her after she mentioned her address. So, she started carefully, observing his eyes for any sign of that strange flash. "His name is Laito," so far still grey. "And we live in the mansion in the nearby forest." Lucky for her, there was precisely one hunted house in the area, so the policeman didn't ask for the exact name of the place.
He scribbled it down, then looked at her expectantly. "His full name, miss. Laito?"
As the last vowel left her mouth, her heart broke. The grey eyes now held the unnatural bluish hue, looking at her without seeing anything. With anger evident on his face, he tore up her statement and then leaped off his chair. "Does this place seem like a joke to you?!" He bellowed. "This kind of behavior is very irresponsible! We are here to protect the law, and you clearly have no respect for it!" His hands slammed down on the desk, shaking the pens in the tin. "Get out of my sight before I arrest you! And if I ever see you here again, I'll make sure you suffer the consequences!"
"I- No! Why are you doing this?!" She demanded, bolting to her feet so he couldn't loom over her. "I am  not  joking! Just check it! Or arrest me! Just do something!"
His face turned white with fury. He stormed over to the door to yank it open. With his finger shaking with barely contained anger, he gestured her on her way. "Out. Of. My. Sight."
"Now, dearie, sit down, deep breaths."
The old lady led her to her living room, and Misaki almost wept with gratitude when a cup of hot tea was pressed into her hand. She closed her numb fingers around it and then took a deep breath, inhaling the soothing herbal aroma. She gathered her resolve and faced Cho.
"I'm so sorry for coming so suddenly, but I didn't know what to do-" her voice sounded weak even to her own ears. After a second, she realized she was shivering.
Cho regarded her with a sympathetic smile. She settled into the worn armchair by the fireplace, reached out for a cookie, and started nibbling on it.
"What happened? You seemed quite frightened on the doorstep. Has someone been bothering you? Were you followed?"
Yes, to all that,  she thought bitterly.
Ever since she slipped out of the mansion with the poor excuse of grocery shopping, she'd spent the whole day trying to reach help. She was exhausted. The police- there was something very wrong with them. She didn't have much experience with the law department, but she was relatively sure yelling at a citizen just after saying the name wasn't the usual procedure. She felt awfully alone. By the time afternoon rolled by, her feet were sore, her spirit dark as the moonless night itself, and she was starving.
It made her homesick. She'd kill for a batch of her mother's lasagna or just their presence. Throughout the whole week, she'd tried to contact them via various messages, but they never responded. When she tried calling them from her phone, the line never connected.
He probably found her misery quite amusing.
To make matters worse, she was confident that today's misadventure was not as much her cleaver planning as it was Laito allowing her to feel utterly helpless. Every step of the way, she knew unseen eyes were on her, carefully following her every move. Even now, sitting in Cho's living room, she had a terrible hollow in her gut that she'd led  them  here. If anything happened to her only because she'd helped Misaki-
"I had an exhausting week," she started, staring pointedly at the leaves in her tea.
"Yes, I can see that. Oh, how I wish you didn't go to that particular house, my dear. This place… Very little good resides there."
Misaki's attention snapped back to the woman opposite her. She had that slightly unfocused look in her eyes, almost like she remembered something. Too many questions were battling in her head, and she didn't know where to start.
"You sound almost like you've been there."
Cho's face sobered up; in the blink of an eye, her dazed smile was back in place, and she waved off whatever thought took seed in Misaki's head.
"Oh no, never. They'd never let me leave. This is a strange place, dearie," she fumbled with her skirt. "Over the years, many girls passed through town, asking for directions to their house. After that- we didn't see them much, and then always," her voice shook, tears forming in her eyes, "then they disappeared. And a new girl always came shortly after."
The warmth of the mug suddenly did nothing to fight the frost creeping over her palms. She didn't want to voice the thoughts, afraid that it might somehow make it real. She forced herself to breathe: "Had any -?"
Cho seemed to sense her real question. She folded into herself, soundlessly shaking her head. "Not even one."
The thought, even though not surprising in the slightest, still made her nauseous. Her throat went dry, and she forced down a sip of tea. Her stomach nearly turned. "Have you tried reporting anything?"
Cho's brow furrowed. She paused mid-smoothing the cloth at the table, gazing into the flames in the fireplace. "Yes," she whispered. "There was that one time I went to the police, begging them to help this one girl. It was very, very long ago, dearie."
"They sent you away, didn't they?"
"Yes! That's exactly what happened. Though I never quite understood what this whole situation was about. They snapped in the blink of an eye, and later there was no changing their minds. They didn't listen to a single word," Cho rambled with vivid annoyance, almost knocking over a vase at the table. She caught it at the last second and tugged at the flowers. "But how do you know this, my dear? Have you gone there?"
Misaki nodded reluctantly and told her the story. When she finished, Cho propped down on the couch beside her and nudged the plate of homemade cookies in her direction. A gentle arm circled around her waist. Misaki realized how awfully drained she felt. Not only physically, though, but her feet also ached, and she was more than sure she'll have blood in her shoes tomorrow. She felt hollow, like a black hole opened in her chest and was sucking down all her emotions. She gave in to the gentle touch, and Cho pulled her closer, tucking Misaki's head under her chin. One silent tear slid down her cheek.
"Listen, dearie, none of this is your fault," Misaki closed her eyes, and more droplets fell on her shorts. "What happened to you shouldn't happen to anyone, but the world is cruel, honey. You have to survive this," with a tentative hand, she guided Misaki's chin to look at her. Pain shone clear in her kind eyes when she whispered the last part. "You must be strong, dearie. If anyone can do it, it's you."
"Thank you," she mumbled, her throat almost closing in on her.
Cho nodded, then pulled her in for the most vigorous hug yet. Misaki wrapped her arms around her, the tension slowly leaving her shoulders. Hugs always calmed her. They used to work miracles when as a child, she had night terrors after Hinata hid under her bed as a joke. She got him so hard for this one.
"Now, I hope you're hungry. My husband will be home in an hour, and I've made a delicious stew. You'll stay for dinner, right?"
At this moment, Misaki was ready to crawl to Cho's feet and worship her. This woman was a goddess. Instead, she managed another watery smile and thanked her quietly. "I'll help you." When Cho started protesting, Misaki quickly cut her off. "Please, it's the least I can do."
"In that case," she huffed good-naturally while rising from her seat. "I'll be waiting in the kitchen."
Misaki's eyes slid from the woman before her and landed on the worn-down phone near the wall. "Do you mind if I make a quick call first?"
"Not at all, dearie. Take your time."
When Cho left to prepare the meal, Misaki rose on shaky feet. She could feel her shoe digging in painfully and almost wept when she realized she'd be forced to trot back the same way she came. She couldn't stay here. It would put Cho and her husband in danger. Staying for dinner already seemed like pushing her luck, but Misaki hadn't eaten in the early morning, and her stomach threatened her with murder if she didn't feed it soon. She'd stay for one meal and then figure out the rest.
But before, she had one call to make. Heart thudded in her chest when she spun the circular dial, pushing in the number she'd memorized ages ago. When the line connected, she had to grasp the table to steady herself. After a few seconds of beeping, there was a break and a voice she longed to hear.
"Hello?" It was always warm but a bit unfocused now. She probably caught him in the middle of something.
"Dad?" she whispered, holding her breath when heavy silence fell on the other side.
"Who is this?" he demanded cautiously.
"Dad, it's me. Your daughter, Misaki," she almost cried into the microphone.
The man on the other side cussed. "So it's you!" He hissed. "Listen, I don't know who you are, but you've been harassing our family for a week now. Stop this nonsense at once! It's causing my wife serious stress. Don't call me again." And with that, the line disconnected.
She stood motionless for a few more minutes, hand holding the phone, hoovering helplessly over the station.  So it's true.  She realized she wasn't shooked. She had her suspicions ever since that text from Hinata. Now her fears were only confirmed.  My own family- forgot me.  Something died inside her at that moment. This one part holding her together evaporated, and with it, she felt like she'd lost a sense of herself. Her family didn't know her. How could she be sure  who  she was?
A melodic doorbell cut through the silence of the house. Misaki numbly registered Cho's hurried footsteps as she rushed to greet her husband. "Welcome home, dear, dinner is almost ready-" her voice took on a sharper edge, suspicion rising to the surface. Misaki straightened, edging closer to the hall. "Can I help you with anything?"
"Oh, with just a little, tiny thing. I'm here to pick up one very naughty Bitch-chan, and I was hoping you could nicely hand her over," he sang, his voice as cheerful as ever.
"She's not here," Cho's voice quivered.
"Hm~ Liar, liar pants on fire~ It's a bad habit to lie like that, you know?"
When his footsteps sounded on the floor, Misaki's heart screamed at her to run. She didn't get a chance to because he stood before her in the blink of an eye.
"Hello, Bitch-chan."
[Chapter V] [Masterlist] [Chapter VII]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Chapter V: The devil waltzes
Summary: A strange letter makes everyone suspicious, and as a result, Misaki learns that devil prefers a waltz. A new figure appears on a chessboard.
A/N: IF you want music for this scene, try this one. Lmk what you think & enjoy!
"Don't you think it's a bit much even for him?"
"He never was one for subtlety, now, was he?" Laito chimed in, stretching more comfortably on the sofa. "The only thing that would've beaten that is sending a four-horse chariot!"
"Didn't we ride one in the past century?" Kanato frowned over his sheet of paper. "It doesn't say anything about transport, though. It appears we're on our own again. Teddy, that's cruel..."
"Tch. Like I'd be bothered to go anyway. One more reason to ditch it, right?!"
Laito skimmed over his invitation and drummed his fingers on an armrest. This was most certainly unexpected, though not unheard of. As sons of the King, they were expected to join many of his ridiculous parties.
"Hm~ in that case, I'll probably join you, Ayato-kun. This year's carnival seems dull."
"Carnival? Did you guys get the message, too?"
Ah, there she was! Laito had sensed her minutes ago, lingering in the hall and listening to their little chit-chat. Her blood sang like a siren, luring him even stronger now that he finally knew that the taste was far better than he dared to imagine. He was tempted to call her out, but curiosity got the best of him. It was the first time she willingly came within arms reach after three days of hiding in her room. He chuckled at the thought.  Ah, yes, she squirmed so delightfully, fighting me every step of the way. It's always the best when they resist¬
"Bitch-chan were you spying on us?" He draped himself over the back of the couch, smiling at her a bit wider than necessary. "You dirty little girl, what were you hoping to hear?"
She barely inched into the living room space, all the time keeping one eye on the door and the other on the rest of them. Oh, she had plenty of good reasons to be wary of his presence, especially with that teal skirt that delightfully complimented her thighs, ending just short of her knees. Or that white button-down. Didn't she know tearing down  those  was one of his old favorites?
"I- I didn't mean to!" Light pink bloomed on her cheeks. "This house carries sound like crazy! I was just passing by!"
Laito wondered how long it would take for her to figure out that each of them could easily tell when a human was lying. Spelling it out for her would spoil half the fun, so he opted for a wider grin, flashing his fangs.
Her gaze dropped to his teeth. She gulped, took a cautious half-step back, and was about to make a run for it when he materialized behind her.
"Chichinashi, why were  you  invited?" Ayato leaned forward in his chair, squinting at her cowering form.
Shivers erupted under Laito's palms when he ever so gently grasped her by the shoulders and forced her down onto the couch beside him. Instantly, he had one arm around her back, ensuring she stayed put. Terrified glances she kept sending his way brightened his dubious mood.
"Yeah-" she cleared her throat, reaching into the inside pocket of her small vest.
The teal fabric pulled quite visibly around her chest, leaving even less to the imagination regarding the size of the treasures beneath. How could Ayato call her flat when she carried such  a heavy  burden?
The vest proved quite spacious when Misaki pulled out a folded invitation and passed it on to Ayato, retrieving her hand as soon as the invitation landed in his grasp.
"I bet it's still nice and warm~ you're lucky, Ayato-kun."
"Shut up," he spat on instinct, making Kanato grumble in agreement.
"Please stop withholding the information from us. Teddy's curious too, you know?"
Laito's fingers ghosted over the exposed silver of her skin, and to his surprise, she didn't flinch away. Then it dawned on him that - for some reason - she considered Kanato's presence more nerve-wracking than his own. Now, he couldn't settle for that, could he? Though he had to give it to the bear, it usually gave the brides quite the scare.
"Basically," she forced herself to speak up, "I got a note from some guy called Kerl Heinr - I'm not sure. The handwriting is way too fancy to be readable. He mentions carnival in the demon world in two months from now and expects my attendance as guest of honor. That's a really elaborate prank, by the way. Whoever he is, he even got a waxed seal."
"Why would she be the guest of honor?"
"Aaah, this sucks," Ayato threw back her invitation, now folded into an airplane. "Looks like this guy really is up to something again. Why call her thought?"
"Say, Bitch-chan, you aren't a spy, are you?"
"A spy?!" She jumped when his hot breath tickled her ear and hastily tried to put some distance between them. "How on earth did you get that idea?"
"Well, it makes more sense than a mortal being a guest of honor at demons world annual carnival banquet," Ayato nodded in a he's-got-a-point way and started to play a game of catch with nearby fruit.
"See? And that's exactly what a spy would say, so right now, you don't have me convinced."
"Please stop this nonsense," Kanto hissed into his mascot, "and explain what on earth this is about."
Laito ignored him, entirely focused on Misaki, now giving him an incredulous look. She unfolded the plane to skim over the text again. Her brows pulled into a slight frown like she didn't quite grasp the message behind it. She scooted closer to him, her moves carefully measured, so she didn't go any nearer than it was necessary to point out a sentence to him. He leaned in closer than he had to and took a deep breath of her sweet, sweet blood. Instantly, his mouth watered, an impatient hum starting low in his stomach.
"So you want to tell me that this whole "carnival" is not a prank?" She looked over at him throwing her hands up in disbelief. "What, next you're gonna tell me Demon World is not a nightclub, but an actual world?! That's just crazy!"
Ayato let out a barking laugh. "You're so dense it's almost hilarious, Chichinashi. Of course, the demon world is a place! Where do you think we come from?"
At that, she froze. Her mouth gaped open in evident shock, causing Laito to, yet again, push at her chin with slender fingers. She promptly shut her mouth, almost instinctively pushing away from him.
"Bitch-chan, don't tell me that's the bit pushing your belief limits. After all, we aren't the only vampires out there, you know? There's plenty more, even at school!"
Her face went as white as chalk. "There's more of you?!" She ignored insulted  Oy!  Ayato let out. "Oh, gods no, this can't be true," she leaned forward, resting her head on her palms. "Please, please tell me you're joking."
A chuckle bubbled in his throat as he reached over and started playing with her hair, causing her to further squirm into herself. "Nope~ In fact, I remember you flirting with one earlier. What was his name-?" he looked over at Ayato, who flipped him without a second thought, and snapped his fingers. "Ah! Yes, Kou-kun, was it?"
"Do not mention those parasites. It's making me sick," Kanato hissed, standing up from the couch. "I'm going to ask Reiji-san. Maybe he knows something."
"I was  not  flirting with him," she stressed, pulling into the opposite end of the cushion as Kanato passed by. "He cornered me and was acting kinda strange, so I bolted for the doors."
"Sure, sure you did. But Bitch-chan, to be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing you toyed with by another person," arousal started to stir in his gut. This hollow, hot empty feeling always accompanied his memories of  that  night. "Say, Ayato-kun, care for a bite?"
From the corner of his eye, he saw her spring up from the couch. His arm shot out, and he tugged her down easily, pulling her almost into his lap. His arm sneaked around her waist, the other making its way to push her head to the side, ignoring her vicious kicking and screaming as she tried her best to push him off.
"Now, behave," he purred in her ear, licking over the shell with the tip of his tongue. That gave her violent actions a brief pause, and instead, her hand quickly covered her ear, leaving him no choice but to nibble on her knuckles.
"No, no, please don't," she trashed in his hold, unintentionally forcing his hand higher. Never one to waste an opportunity, he gave her full breast a generous squeeze and smirked when she blushed scarlet.
"Congrats, you've officially made me sick." Ayato made a gagging noise, rising up from the plush armchair. "I'm out. I'd rather try my luck with a pedestrian than watch you grope all over her."
When his brother disappeared from the room, Misaki let out a breath she had been holding this entire time. For a split second, she froze on his lap. Her breast pushed more against his palm when she took a steadying breath, and he felt his cheeks heating up. He had no idea whether it was intentional or not, but he decided to enjoy the ride nonetheless.
"So-" she craned her neck against his hold, trying to catch a glimpse of his expression. "The Demon World exists, huh? What's the Carnival like?"
Ah, so that's your strategy, hm~?  An amused grin pulled at his lips.  Do you really think you can talk your way out of this, Bitch-chan? Fine~ I'll indulge you for a bit. But later-  A shiver went down his spine, his imagination springing to life.  Ah, later, you're going to indulge me.
He adjusted his hold on her, allowing her to sit sideways on his lap. She constantly squirmed, lightly pressing against his most sensitive spot, and the vivid scenarios playing in his head got more difficult to ignore. His fangs throbbed with dull pain. Having her this close and not tasting her was truly the sweetest of torture.
"Hey, you still there?" His long pause seemed to unnerve her further, and she finally gathered her resolve and lightly poked at his chest. His hand was quick to envelop hers, pulling it to his lips where he brushed a teasing kiss on her wrist. She promptly snapped her mouth shut, going suspiciously still in his arms.
"Ah, sorry, Bitch-chan. Your plush thighs pressed against me gave me too many ideas to ignore," he winked at her, predictably causing her to resume struggling against his hold. At that, his grip only tightened. "Our Carnival is quite similar to yours, actually. Only it takes place in the Demon World. It's quite the event. Food stalls and game boots are scattered around the main market, and thousands of night creatures come out of shadows to experience it."
"Thousands?!" She pushed against his chest, searching his eyes for confirmation. The distressed expression on her face really was the best. "And they all are vampires?!"
"Not all, silly. There's an occasional werewolf or vibora here and there, but I'm sure all of them would  love  to taste your blood."
Suddenly, she clutched at her chest, struggling with her next breath. His senses zeroed in on her heart, now thumping a rapid beat. Fear oozed from her very being, and Laito couldn't get enough of it.
"Thousands of-" she rasped, "hungry vampires- that- no- please." Her head shook from side to side, hands sinking in her silky, brown strands. "Please tell me we're not going there."
If he hadn't known any better, he'd be willing to bet she was trying a very terrified version of puppy-dog eyes. His fingers skimmed over her thighs; smooth skin erupted in goosebumps in no time, making him smile with satisfaction.
"Bitch-chan, we can't just ignore the order of the King, you know? Just think what he'd do to you if you displeased him~."
Well, he probably would take it out on us, or me to be precise, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her. 
"King?!" She sputtered, reaching for the invitation and looking it over frantically, hoping to disprove his little slip. "Wasn't it supposed to be a carnival?"
A chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Of course, it  is  a carnival, but there's this big fancy gala at the end. As the King's sons, we're usually expected to attend. Though we often end up bored out of our minds-" As the idea sparkled in his mind, he saw her wince. "But this year, you're also coming~ Nfu~ Bitch-chan, we're going to have tons of fun on this ball!"
"Ball? Like formal attire and little cheese on a tray, right? That's it?"
Oh, the hopeful look was almost too much. "Mhm, and dancing, of course. Since you're the guest of honor, you'll probably be expected to perform the first dance."
"Nope, that's it," she shook her head, "Not happening. I'm  not  going," with a sense of finality, she crossed her arms over her chest, further pushing up her glorious cleavage.
"Hm~? So you were willing to expose yourself to  thousands  of hungry vampires, but one mention of ballroom dancing suddenly makes you reconsider? Bitch-chan, you're an odd little human."
She straightened, probably attempting to glare down at him. He smothered the wrinkle between her eyebrows and almost choked with laughter when she whispered in a terrified tone. "Laito, I have two feet so left that once you dance with me, you'll never find right again."
"It's your lucky day, Bitch-chan. Your Laito-kun has graciously decided to aid you!"
Remind me, at which point have you decided following him here was a  good  idea?  The voice of reason demanded as soon as they stepped through oak double doors. She managed to overlook them through the week by some miracle, and the newly-discovered room nearly rendered her speechless.
Of course, they have a ballroom.  She snorted silently.  Vampires, sons of King, ye, now that I think of it, a ballroom isn't that much of a stretch.
The room was spacious, with a polished wooden floor and soft gold tapestry hanging from the walls. Opposite the entrance, enormous arched windows stood proud against the dark sky, giving her a faint glimpse of a terrace behind. In the center of the room hung the giant crystal chandelier. Polishing it must be a drag, but she doubted they were ever asked to do so.
"Bitch-chan, don't keep me waiting~."
Laito stood in the middle of the room. One of his arms was hidden behind his back, and the other extended towards her. A playful spark danced in his eyes as he hungrily followed her every move. That predatory accuracy kept her rooted to the spot. Memories of her first day still haunted her in nightmares, and something in her gut told her that walking up to him right now would result in a similar nightmare. With unease clawing at her inside, she barely moved an inch, wracking her brain for an escape route.
"Have I mentioned I  really  can't dance? Your feet won't survive it," she stammered, at last, gnawing nervously at her bottom lip.
"Stop stalling, or I'll have to punish you," he added in a sing-song voice, making her soul give a warning jump out of her body.
With a heavy heart, she took one step, then the other, slowly making her way to him. Her black ballerinas flapped quietly on the floor, almost playing the tune of her funeral march. She stopped just short of his grasp, looking up at him uncertainly. His smile only widened, and he gave a mocking bow, extending his hand further, palm up.
"Now, I believe you owe me a dance, my Bitch-chan?"
His long fingers waited, inviting her to take this last step and fall with him. Somehow, in the empty ballroom, it felt downright sinful.
Get a grip , her mind chastised . It's only a dance. Stop imagining things. This man is dangerous.
"I believe that's true," she whispered, her voice almost failing her. Good heavens, all reason seemed to evaporate as he drew her closer.
"Hm~ It's been a while since I've done it, so I don't remember exactly- Let's see… my right-hand goes here-"
His emerald eyes captivated hers as he slid his hand around her waist and let it rest on the small of her back. She stifled a slight groan, coolness sipping over her vest and shirt. Her heart stuttered, and she struggled to hold her own.
"Then," she cleared her throat and placed her hand gingerly on his shoulder. "Is this alright?"
"Perfect," he purred. "And now-" he held up his left palm, raising a challenging brow.
She placed her hand against his and grabbed his thumb and index finger gingerly. His own fingers closed over the back of her hand in a much firmer grip, and he pulled her closer. Out of a sudden, she was horribly aware of the planes of his chest, shifting with each delicate move. His white shirt was tantalizingly parted, revealing smooth collarbones, standing out to greet her.
He leaned down almost close enough that she felt his breath fanning her lips. Their eyes locked.
"What," her voice felt weak in her throat. "What about the music?"
His eyes fell shut briefly, and when he opened them again, slow tunes trailed around them. The light dimmed, and thunder rumbled in the distance, leaving them at the mercy of silver moonlight. The melody filled the ballroom, low sounds of violin spinning the tale of lust slumbering just under cover of eternal night.
She had no experience with a waltz, but she was almost certain the typical dance wasn't supposed to make her almost mute with nervousness. And, dear gods, they hadn't even started!
"Follow my lead," he whispered, his voice husky.
His right hand played to the rhythm, lightly tapping at the small of her back before his hold tightened and he led her off into the dance. Small, tentative steps as she scrambled to follow his lead, swaying with him from side to side. After a minute, she gained confidence, and Laito pushed them further, moving with long rhythmic steps.
Their hands rose, and she spun around, flickers of light flashing before her eyes. Laugh caught in her throat as she twirled into the music. It became clear that he was an excellent dancer; his earlier words were probably nothing more than another one of his games. He was swaying to the rhythm almost like he was a part of it, the effortless grace of his movement hypnotizing. His left hand never released hers, his right stayed firmly at the small of her back, and he led her with a such natural confidence that she felt like she was flying.
Then, just like the piano hit a high note, he pulled her back to him, cutting short her twirl. Her feet tangled together, and she lost footing, stumbling to the ground. A breathy gasp escaped her lips when he steadied her, keeping her arched into an elegant line.
Warmth danced across her skin, the reminiscence of their last dance humming through her veins. His breath tickled her ear when he whispered her name, the simple charm of that one word sending a thrill down her spine, all the way to her toes.
"Yes?" She pulled back, her hand looping behind his neck to slide into his soft hair. He hummed approvingly, his emerald eyes shining with intense light. With her throat dry, she recognized it immediately. It was desire. Pure, raw passion.
Then he moved closer to her, and she closed her eyes. His cold breath ghosted over her skin, sending pleasurable jolts spiraling all over her. Her breath caught in expectation of the kiss that never came. Instead, she felt his lips dance on the skin of her neck, pressing a kiss to her pulse point. Her heart stammered in her chest, something dark and twisted cooling in her gut.
She knew he was going to bite her.
But something kept her from resisting.
Perhaps it was the surreality of this scene, maybe the shadows were playing tricks on her mind, or his deceiving touch caught her again off guard, but this time she almost longed for it.
A strangled cry tore from her, filled as much with pain as with something smoother. Burning desire shot down to her core, her fingers twisting in his hair when his fangs slid into the soft column of her throat. He shuddered violently, his hold on her tightening as he drew her closer and drank. Her breasts pressed against his taught chest, her grip on reality failing as the opposing sensations pulled a moan so soft, he barely caught it.
His lips stretched into a smile, his emerald eyes disappearing into his head as he dragged his tongue over the puncture wounds, a groan of his own tearing free at her taste.
"Exquisite," he hummed with a voice smooth as silk.
When he rose, all strength suddenly left her. A streek of her blood was tricking down his chin, his eyes glowing with newly-acquired power. His whole body seemed to be shivering against her. She knew she should be afraid. Part of her was terrified. He feasted on her and would, no doubt, do it again.
Yet, the spark of black hummed in her center, demanding she drew him nearer and taste his lips. They twitched in a seductive smile, almost like he was reading her mind. He leaned down, bringing their chest flush again. Heart thumping in anticipation, she brought her hand to his cheek, eyelids heavy as she struggled to pull him closer.
Then, the front doors slammed shut, and whatever haze came over her broke. She straightened violently, almost headbutting him in the process. With a pained moan, he followed her lead, his hand sliding lower to grasp her hip. Goosebumps trailed down her leg as she forced her senses to tune in to reality again.
A soft, scared voice carried down long marble corridors. "Hello? Excuse me? My name is Komori Yui, and I was told I'm supposed to live here."
[Masterlist] [Chapter IV] [Chapter VI]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Chapter IV: Karma is a bitch
Warning! Again, we're drinking blood here. And it's sadistic-Laito time, so read at your own risk. Enjoy!
That one word danced before her eyes on a cruel loop. Her lungs burned, legs spasming as she pushed despite it all. Students melted into a distant blur, and rapidly, corridors changed as she flew from this place. 
She didn't dare to turn back. 
She was terrified that if she did, he'd be standing there, looking up at her from under the hat. She did not doubt that one look into forest-green eyes would paralyze her on the spot. 
She'd known fear before, but this- this wasn't it. She was petrified. A mere thought of him made her run speed up, her heart contracting painfully as it struggled to pump blood.
This man- this vampire... it... it feasted on her. He bit into her leg and drank her blood. Rejoiced in her wails, dared her to scream louder. This was what monsters looked like—always wearing humans' skins.
Out of nowhere, a body materialized in her way, making it impossible to stop. Misaki tripped, her palms outstretched to absorb the momentum. She hissed sharply, feeling burning pain shoot up her arms as the tiled floor scraped her skin.
 "Watch where you step," Shu grumbled at her from his strange napping spot. "You woke me up."
 Too shocked to think clearly, she stammered, "Sorry-."
 The blonde cracked one eye open and sniffed the air. His eye glowed cerulean blue as the scent of her blood hit her. Hungry gaze fixed on her leg, he moved to grasp her.
 "No-! No, you don't!" She screamed, struggling to her feet. Her legs felt almost like they were made from lead.
 "Troublesome," he sighed and went back to sleep.
 With her heart thundering in her chest, she realized he didn't try to stop her. This weakly gleaming flame of hope almost made her choke up. She pivoted on her feet and sprinted down to the hall.
 This time she slammed straight into someone. The impact alone almost made her fall on her but.
 "Oh my god, are you alright?" A girl slightly taller than Misaki grasped her arm to steady her. She had soft dark hair and the strangest red glasses she'd ever seen. The eyes behind them seemed dull like she wasn't seeing her clearly. "I'm so sorry; I wasn't looking-"
 "It's alright," Misaki cut in sharply, trying to squirm away from her grasp. She managed only for a second. Before she could make her escape, the girl's gaze fell on her still bleeding leg. "Really, it's my fault. I shouldn't have been running. I'm sorry!" She quickly bowed and was about to duck when-
 "You're bleeding!"
I was hoping we could overlook that fact. Again, Misaki plastered the sweetest smile she could manage and tried to step around her. "It's just a scratch, nothing serious!"
"Just a scratch?! Girl, you have puncture marks on your thigh, bleeding heavily," the girl shook her shoulders almost violently. "You're clearly in shock. We need to get to the infirmary."
At this one word, the soul left Misaki's body. Infirmary. Her new, absolutely loathed room. I wonder, is he still unconscious? Deep down, she knew this was likely not the case, which gave her one more reason not to return. Going there was a suicide.
"I swear, it only looks bad! I'm fine!" She argued, trying to pry off the girl's hand.
"Listen here, if you pass out on your way out, I don't want to have your death on my conscience!" Something in her expression told Misaki she meant business. That and the fact she could easily overpower her by sheer strength alone. Her grip was almost bruising even when she wasn't trying. "You're lucky I've seen doctor Reinhart return to his office! I'm terrible at that whole first-aid thing. With my help, you'd probably lose that leg."
With something that surely was supposed to be a reassuring hug, the girl led Misaki back to hell. Throughout the whole way back, everyone avoided her gaze like the plague, pretending she didn't exist. Life truly was annoying at times.
The girls stopped just short of the infirmary, and her spontaneous savior - or her executioner, depending on stance - knocked on the door. A soft voice invited them inside. With soul perched on her shoulder, Misaki was forced in. 
This time the doctor's desk was occupied. The man sitting there had strawberry blonde hair and eyes color of melted caramel. They seemed larger behind his thinly-rimmed glasses. His white coat and a stethoscope hidden in the breast pocket of his light brown suit were a death giveaway of his profession. This man was, without a doubt, Reinhart - their school nurse/doctor.
"Are you alright? Miss?" He rushed over to her side and grasped Misaki beneath the elbows. She swayed slightly, accidentally catching a glimpse over his shoulder.
The sheer shock almost made her double over.
Leaning on the opposite wall was Laito. Mirth had long since evaporated from his eyes, leaving his gaze cold and ruthless. Misaki felt all her muscles tense, instinct screaming at her to run. Two pairs of hands held her still, unknowingly leading her to her doom. 
"I bumped into her in the hall," the girl explained. "I don't know how she got that wound, but it doesn't look good."
Only then, Misaki's resolve shattered, and she risked a look at her leg. Her skin was torn at the edges. Two holes gaped at her, almost the width of her pinky nail. She almost retched.
"Good thing you brought her to me, Reiko," he gave her a reassuring smile, pulling Misaki deeper into the room. "I'll take it from here. You can return to class."
The doctor sat her on a medical bed and secured a pressure bandage above her wound. Her bleeding slowed down, and he hurried to retrieve more bandages.
Misaki's hand moved without her notice and grasped at the girl's uniform. "Can you-" her voice sounded weak even to her own ears. "Can you stay with me?"
She didn't care if she sounded pathetic. At this moment, she could take every witness she could get against him. 
The girl hesitated, casting an uncertain glance at the man behind her. "If it won't interfere in any way-"
"Nonsense, Bitch-chan! Laito-kun's here, and I assure you, I'll hold your hand the entire time. No need to trouble your little friend anymore."
Misaki swayed dangerously forward, dizziness making her see double. To her horror, familiar arms wrapped around her waist, steadying her. Anyone would take him for a loving boyfriend from how he held her. She didn't blame them. She almost fell for it herself.
"Don't worry," Reinhart spoke, leading the girl to the door. "I promise she's in good hands."
With one final promise to check on her later, Reiko disappeared. 
Misaki shifted on her seat slightly, keeping a careful eye on Laito perched behind her. Seeing the cruel promise shine in his eyes, she wrapped her arms around herself and rocked from side to side. That's it. On the first day at school, he's going to kill me. 
"Now, what on earth happened to you?" Reinhart hustled over to her leg and resumed working. He dabbed at the wound with antiseptic. Tears almost prickled at her eyes. The stinging mixed with previous stabbing pain was not making it any better.
The truth is, at that moment, she wasn't thinking clearly, which is why she deemed her following words a brilliant idea and not a straight-up death sentence.
"Laito bit me," she blurted out before her brain caught up with her mouth.
Instantly, she felt Laito tense up behind her. His hand previously holding hers in - what appeared to be - a comforting grip tightened so much that Misaki's bones almost fractured.
As quickly, he composed himself and chuckled. "Nfu~ Bitch-chan, you dirty girl! I'm sure the doc is dying to get more details about this and that. Why don't you tell him exactly what we did, hm? Make sure to include every-little-detail."
"That will not be necessary, thank you very much," Reinhart cut in before Misaki could throw up from embarrassment. "A wise man doesn't let his playthings run uncontrolled," he gave Laito a pointed look, which somehow dimmed his cheerful grin. "And you," he fixed her with a stare, "next time, be more careful about when and where you indulge in this kind of activity. School is neither time nor place. Understood?"
Speechless with disbelief, Misaki uttered an apology and promptly started praying for the earth to swallow her whole. Surprisingly enough, the earth came in the form of Laito. The doctor was about to bandage her wound when the vampire stood up abruptly and forcefully tugged her away.
"Bitch-chan, it looks like you're not going to bleed out any second now, so that should be enough of your little adventure."
Reinhart froze, gauze raised mid-air, and stared at Laito, who responded with a glare of his own. Misaki looked between them, bewildered, then down at her still lightly bleeding leg. And then back at Laito, who looked like he'd gone mad. 
Well- madder than before, anyway.
"But my leg-"
"If you'd wait a moment, I'm about to finish up, and she'll be good to go in no time."
Laito smiled- which was somehow more unnerving than any outburst of rage. She wiped her suddenly sweaty palms down her skirt and tried again. "Please, Laito, just a couple more minutes."
He hummed under his breath. "Suit yourself, Bitch-chan," he gave an indifferent shrug. "Though you might want to remember that I don't like when someone touches what's mine. Especially one with hands that dirty."
A chill crept up her spine, and she hurried from the hospital bed, still limping slightly. With her face flush with shame, she bowed low to the doctor and apologized for all the trouble.
Reinhart considered them for a few careful moments, a crease marring his gentle face. At long last, he relented with a heavy sigh and passed her the bandages. "Next time, be more careful with your little foreplay."
Laito spat something suspiciously resembling like you're the one to talk and promptly dragged her out. He slammed the door behind them; a satisfied smirk bloomed on his face when he accidentally scared a passerby. 
"Bitch-chan," he leered at her from over his shoulder. "You're in for a world of pain! I just can't wait! Ah~," pinkish blush spattered on his cheeks. "This will be marvelous."
With an iron grip crushing her wrist, Misaki had to run to keep up with his long strides. The heart was hammering in her chest, pumping adrenaline to every hurting cell in her abused body. The long night was finally taking its toll on her, vision going double on for a second.
With a muffled yelp, she tripped over her own feet and slammed into the ground. A pained groan revibrated through merciless stone as she pushed back on her hands and knees.
"You're such a clumsy Bitch-chan; it's pathetic, really!" Laito's voice was full of unmasked joy, like her fall was just a cherry on top of a good day.
She blinked furiously to chase the tears away. She would not cry in front of him again. With one steadying breath, she got back up on her shaky feet and stubbornly refused to make eye contact with him.
"Hm~? Are you perhaps mad I didn't catch you?"
With the grace of a cat, he slid closer to her. For some reason, she was more aware of his towering form than ever before. Without bowing much, she could squeeze under his arm. Not that he'd let me get away that easily.
"No, I'm just not having the best day of my life, that's all," she deadpanned, crossing her arms over her chest to get even one bit of support.
"Liar," he sang, hands skimming up her spine and sinking into her long hair. He tugged forcefully, making her wince from the sting, and forced her head up. Forest-green eyes caught hers in their trap, her defensive walls crumbling with each passing second. 
She hated how easily he could see through her. She hated she was powerless against him. And most of all, she couldn't stand that her worst nightmare was no more than an afternoon game for him.
"You see, Bitch-chan. When you act like a lousy bitch, you deserve a punishment. Why would I catch you after you've disobeyed me the whole night?"
She gritted her teeth, his hand quickly ceasing her attempts to lean away from him. Angry blush steamed on her cheeks, frustrated tears almost breaking through. With a shaky breath, she digs her nails into her palm, forcing herself to withstand this staring content.
"Of course," she sheeted against her constricting throat. 
Laito raised an eyebrow, sliding his hand forward to give her neck a threatening squeeze. A mixture of curiosity and annoyance shined in his expression. 
Misaki grasped his wrist, panic seizing her throat in a hold much stronger than his. At that, he chuckled, tightening his grip ever so slightly.
"Keep running that pretty mouth, and you'll really run into trouble."
You know, she thought, turning off the faucet. An end of the world would be lovely right about now.
This was, without a doubt, the longest and most horrible day Misaki'd ever had. First, she learned that Laito and the rest of Sakamaki were vampires. Then she had her one shoot at escape ruined twice. And to top it off, she signed her death when she sold her abuser to Reinhart. 
In hindsight, it probably wasn't the smartest thing to do- but I had to do something, right?
Gingerly, she looked up at her reflection in the mirror. The girl staring back was exhausted. Dried tears marks were evident on her skin, her eyes bloodshot from the pity party she'd allowed herself earlier. 
She ran for it as soon as they'd returned home and bolted the door to her room. She had the worst breakdown of her life. Everything she'd ever believed in, her lifelong dream- got crushed. Just like that, her ticket to heaven became her worst nightmare in one mere second. 
She tried calling her parents, but no one answered her. Hinata still left her on "read," and she'd a sinking suspicion he'd blocked her number. Why? She kept asking herself. Why were they ignoring me? I'm their daughter. And now... I need them. Please, mom, dad- Please help me.
Her throat constricted again, her hands shaking against the steaming bathtub. It made no sense. They never turned their back on her. Deep down, she knew something had happened. 
Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she tried her best to get her emotions under control. It had to; she forced herself to believe in those words. They wouldn't abandon me.
"Bitch-chan, you make the loveliest tormented expressions. Honestly, I just can't get enough!"
She spun on her heel faster than he'd finished her cursed nickname. 
He was there.
Laito stood in the middle of her bathroom, fully relaxed, almost like he belonged precisely in this spot. His beige, stripped sweater hung loosely over his white shirt, further supporting his little charade. 
She clutched her baby blue bathrobe closer to her chest, suddenly feeling very naked under the vampire's piercing gaze. Instinctively she tried to put some distance between them, and backed off as far as the small bathroom would let her. All too soon, the back of her thighs hit the bathtub, earning her an amused chuckle from the unwanted guest.
"Laito!" she squealed, hastily scanning the area for an escape route. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
His full lips formed a dissatisfied frown. He closed the distance between them in three quick steps and grasped her by her shoulder, effectively cutting short her dreams of salvation.
"Bitch-chan, your memory is worse than Shu's when he's not paying attention," he sighed, almost sad at her reaction. "We've made plans earlier, didn't we?" 
"We-" her mouth suddenly went dry. "What, what plans?"
"The unspeakable pain, silly!"
Dread stirred deep in her stomach. Her skin crawled, scream boiling inside, and she- never got the chance to react as with one strong push, Laito forced her into the bathtub.
Her tailbone hit the hard surface, shriek tearing free, making her gulp a mouthful of hot water down her lungs. Her hands flailed while she tried to grasp the edge of the tub. Her feet kicked, sending more water spraying on the ground and the looming vampire.
Amid her coughing, she barely noticed Laito joining her in the tub. The vampire kneeled in the water, his clothes instantly soaking through. They clung to his body, white shirt going almost transparent. 
Misaki curled into herself as much as possible and scarcely dared to breathe.
"You know, Bitch-chan, you really disappointed me today," he started in a thoughtful hum, his slender fingers tracing the sole of her feet. "First, you ran away from me and left me hopeless and vulnerable," she felt his hand slide slightly higher, following one of the faint veins. Her blood turned cold. "Who knew what could have happened to me then, hm? You were so cruel!"
With his mocking cry came a sharp pull at her ankle. Her body rocketed forward, water removing the last shreds of fraction in the slippery tub. She forced herself not to breathe in any more water, lungs burning with the need for air. She clawed at the tub, fighting against the pressure on her stomach, preventing her from sitting up.
A second before she was about to pass out, he hauled her up by the front of her robe. She broke the surface gasping for air, clawing at his wrist before he got the chance to drop her again.
"I-," she panted and spat out more water. "I didn't think-"
"That much is obvious to me," his voice dropped dangerously, taking water heat away with it. "Let me make myself exceptionally clear so that even your stupid little brain will understand," he brought her right foot higher, pressing his mouth against the side.
Her stomach turned.
"If you ever try to run away like that," cold tongue traced the sole, "I will catch you, Bitch-chan. And then I will carve the message into your skin with my fangs."
His teeth sank into her foot. Searing agony rocked through her, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her limbs trashed around, but she was no match against his iron grip. With more blood lost to this monster, she felt her world go paler, sliding further away.
"Oh no, you don't get to pass out just yet."
He released her foot, letting it hit the water with another splash. Clear liquid had gone a nauseating color of pink with her wounds gaping open. 
She struggled against his shoulders, but Laito pushed closer, sitting over her knees. His weight crushed her to the steel tub. She tried kicking him, but he only pressed harder, and her knees almost cracked.
"Laito, please," she whimpered weakly, but the vampire didn't seem to hear her. "Please, I'll never go against you. Please, please, just let me go."
A sadistic smile curled his lip when her eyes took on a pleading edge. 
"Hm~? That's a shame. I hoped you wouldn't break that easily." 
His long fingers curled around her throat, and he pulled her to him in one swift motion. This time, her nails drew blood when she tried to pry him away, gasping in what little air she could. 
"Good, good!" He laughed with glee, tightening his grip. "Struggle, resist me more and more! Ah, Bitch-chan, you really know how to get me going~."
His hips rocked into her, and Misaki froze. He is... Oh my god, no, he couldn't... Something hard pressed against her inner thigh, a blush forming on his cheeks with every slow slide.
"Stop it!" her voice croaked.
She pressed more into the bathtub, squirming away from his touch when he hooked his index finger on her soaked bathrobe, slowly moving it down. She grasped his forearm with both hands, pushing with all her strength, but its journey continued without a hitch.
"You can't! I don't want this; stop it!"
The fabric parted easily, her breasts almost pooling out in the open. The vampire leaned down to press his nose into her cleavage. 
Embarrassed tears burned her eyes. She forced down a sob and tried again to throw him off.
"Ah, Bitch-chan?" He whispered, raising to meet her gaze. "If you ever go near that man again- I'll kill you. It won't be the first time I break his little rules- And believe me: I'll enjoy every second of it."
[Masterlist] [Chapter III] [Chapter V]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Chapter III: A happy mixture of both
Warning!: Hey, ppl. We're drinking blood in this one, so read at your own risk.
"Sir, I am truly sorry, but I can't allow you to go any further." 
The young priest did his absolute best to hold his ground, but it was crystal clear to just about anybody that he was, to put it simply, petrified. The man standing before him was well aware. After all, the stench of fear was almost dense enough to mask the presence of another person.
The person he came here to visit wasn't - to no surprise - happy to see him. After all, mortals rarely took to his presence well. It didn't matter one bit, though. He had a mission, and no priest would stop him. 
A ridiculing smile pulled at his lips as he tilted his head just a smidge, allowing his razor-sharp fangs to catch the light from the nearby lamp.  "Oh, is that so?"
The priest winced, silently willing himself to calm down. With  this  particular vampire almost breathing down his neck, it was no easy task. A cold bead of sweat trickled down his temple when he, again, refused.
"His excellency made it clear he takes no visits today, no matter the cause,"  he swallowed under his breath and watched the vampire's gaze narrow on his throat. His stomach turned, a breakfast he'd had before threatening to break free.  "Why,"  he thought bitterly,  "am I always the one that has to send  them  away?! I don't even know what's this all about..."  Indeed, his companion looked far from pleased. 
He said a silent prayer. Those kinds of things never ended well for the servants.
"You may want to ask him again. I guarantee that his excellency,"  the vampire's tone was mocking as he almost spat out that name,  "will not want to miss this talk."
The young priest nodded and disappeared behind the office doors. After many years he knew that no matter the circumstances, humans' wrath was a far better outcome than vampires'. 
The priest returned after a short while. With a tilt of his head and a slight bow, he indicated that the archbishop had granted the audience. 
He walked into the office. Behind an enormous oak desk sat the archbishop - a gray-haired, older man. A wide silk pink belt crossed his black cassock. Calotte of the same color rested on the tabletop. An ample, richly-decorated cross reigned at the center of his chest, the massive charm resting comfortably on the archbishop's fat torso. 
The vampire laughed soundlessly. After everything he'd done, and no doubt will do later, the archbishop still worried about appearances. Humans never ceased to amuse him.
The minister released a heavy sigh. He ran a hand over his face and stared at the guest hesitantly. This particular vampire never boded well for him.  "He either thought up a plan that will kill us all or-"  he didn't even dare to consider the alternative.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"  He asked, at last, his tone suggesting that the unexpected visit was anything but pleasant in his eyes.
"You're not even going to offer me a seat?"  The vampire raised a sarcastic brow, making his way to the nearby armchair without a care in a world. Somehow, this behavior only worsened the archbishop's sour mood.
"I hoped,"  he hissed,  "this visit would end soon enough."
His guest didn't seem to worry about the apparent lack of sympathy and readjusted his long cloak. He leaned back comfortably, put one long leg over the other, and gazed back at his host.  "I hope the plan is progressing smoothly?"
The archbishop put on his thinly-rimmed glasses and looked curiously at his guest.  "Why exactly are you here?"  He thought.  "You always have a hidden agenda. But what is it this time...? We've sent the girl, so-"  he clicked his tongue impatiently and read from the paper below him.
"Yes, yes, it's all going according to received instructions. The board didn't cause any problems. They sent the girl yesterday."
A ghost of a smile played on the vampire's lips. His calloused fingers drummed an unfamiliar melody on the armchair as he pondered his next question.  "And your dearest father Komori, was it? He didn't cause you any trouble? Didn't object?"
The archbishop frowned, fingers skimming over the documents before him to double-check the name neatly printed in black ink.  "Komori? Why would he object to sending Sugawara? They didn't even know each other!"
Few with the keenest eyes could tell that the vampire went very still at that precise moment. His eyes darted to the man before him, grasping at straws, fooling himself that this was a poorly timed joke.  "Excuse me, repeat one more time. Who,"  he stressed the word,  "did you send?"
The archbishop knew this look far too well. It never once ended well at his end of the stick. He swallowed thickly, frantically looking for a letter in which he received detailed instructions. He checked the wax seal and handwriting- Everything seemed in perfect order, so why-?
"According to directives, Sugawara Misaki."
"The letter said clearly,"  the vampire was leaning over his desk in a blink of an eye, his face contorted in barely restrained fury,  "that Komori Yui would come."
The archbishop shifted uneasily in his chair.  "So it's true,"  a tiny voice whispered in his mind,  "he had no idea-"  This was, by far, the worst possible scenario. Sweat pooled on his brow.
"That is what we believed for a long time,"  he made the last attempt to justify himself before the vampire.  "But for reasons unknown to me, the king changed his mind. We received the letter with detailed instructions and acted accordingly."
The guest's fist curled tightly at his sides, knuckles turning white under his merciless grip. After so many months of careful planning and now- On a whim, his whole plan crumbled. 
A muscle ticked in his jaw, his teeth clenched with fury.  "Whatever it takes,"  he once swore. 
Now it was time to keep that promise.
"Oh sweet, merciful muffins, what in your sugary name was I thinking?!" 
For what seemed like the millionth time that day, Misaki made a sharp turn, pacing anxiously around her bedroom. Ever since  that  happened in the game room, she didn't stop thinking about it. 
"Because what were you thinking?!"  screamed the responsible part of her brain.
"That he, for some reason, smells terrific  and ,"  the other part defended,  "from what we've gathered, he's insanely good with his mouth. We might need follow-ups, you know, for science."  This part seemed suspiciously pleased with itself.
"No, no, no! No follow-ups!"  Misaki groaned pitifully, tugging at the roots of her hair. Her eyes squeezed shut as she forced a calming breath and tried to reason with herself.  "Calm down. It's not like we kissed or anything."  
But that  anything  managed to grow insanely. Misaki  didn't  do random hookups. Especially not with a guy she'd just met and would live with for the following year. 
"Oh gods, this is so messed up,"  she gnawed at her bottom lip, resuming the nervous pacing.  "I can't avoid him forever, can I?"  By some miracle, she managed that through the rest of the weekend. This time, her stomach gave a disappointing lurch.   Sooner or later, she'd have to face him. Since it was Monday and the first ride to school was in, give or take, 5 minutes, she was leaning to sooner.
She grabbed her school bag with a deflated moan and shuffled to the doors. She cracked them open just an inch and peeked outside. The dark corridor left much to the imagination, but the coast seemed clear. Holding her breath, she tiptoed out and closed the door behind her as quietly as humanly possible. Sneaking to the corner, she cursed at every creak the damned floor made. Stopping just short of the staircase, she took a cautious look downstairs and, with her spirits renewed, deemed Laito absent.
"Maybe,"  she thought, skipping down long, marble steps,  "heavens are merciful now and then."
"Straighten your bow. You are riding with us, and I will not have you disgrace our name with your negligence,"  Reiji's voice was like an ice-cold bucket splashed on her blooming hope.
Despite that, she put on her most sickly-sweet smile and forcefully tugged the cursed ribbon.  "You know, a simple hello would more than do it,"  she countered, crossing her arms over her chest.
Reiji made something suspiciously resembling a growl in the back of his throat, and Misaki felt a sudden chill creep over her. Maybe talking back to him wasn't the most incredible idea, but he'd been patronizing her from the beginning. There was only so much she could stand.
"If Laito fails to exercise control over you,"  his eyes narrowed dangerously on her,  "I will gladly take on this responsibility. Your manners are below tragic."
"Shut up,"  came the bored tone of Shu's voice.  "And stop acting like a damned king. It's troublesome."
Sensing the immediate threat from the dark-haired man, she backed away hastily. As grateful as she had been to Shu for sort of siding with her, she had a sinking feeling Reiji would direct all his annoyance at  her. 
Out of nowhere, a solid, clothed wall rose behind her, efficiently cutting short her escape attempt. A familiar scent surrounded her. At the same time, an arm wound around her waist, pulling her in even more. She sniffed cautiously, fingers digging into the forearm as her knees threatened to give out.  "Pathetic,"  scolded her brain,  "you are beyond saving."
"Bitch-chan, you quite literally fell into my arms~."
She felt the chest shift as he spoke and stifled a groan. Stiff muscles moved against her back, tempting her to turn around, pull him down by his tie and pick up where they left off on Saturday. From how he pressed against her, she was willing to bet good money he hadn't forgotten either.
"Hello to you, too,"  she managed, trying to weasel out of his surprisingly firm grip. Her cheeks flamed. Reiji's glaring daggers made very little to soothe her growing embarrassment. As if sensing it, Laito's fingers skimmed along her side, slowly inching up, making pleasant heat radiate through her body. She hastily closed her hand around his and attempted yet again to pry it away. 
"Nfu~ Not a chance, Bitch-chan,"  he laughed against her ear, sending an involuntary shiver down her spine.  "You're not getting away this time,"  his grip tightened, further proving his point.
"Tsk. Damned pervert. No one wants to see your disgusting antics! Keep that shit to yourself!"
Misaki stopped struggling for a second to rub at her eyes. She gave the scene before her another careful look and, with growing unease, noted that Subaru had just materialized out of thin air. She was nearly sure he hadn't been there a second ago. And yet, he was leaning against the wall close to Shu and looking about, ready to punch something. 
"I,"  she thought bitterly, pinching the bridge of her nose,  "need a nap."  With an inaudible sigh, she leaned back into the chest, supporting her. Then realized what she'd done and sprang away with renewed energy, vowing not to slip like that again. 
She felt laughter bubble in Laito's chest as he used his other hand to guide her face slightly to the side. Her eyes caught his emerald ones. Mischief and something much heavier shone clear, making small hair stand at her nape. His thumb languidly stroked over her bottom lip, and she felt her cheeks heat up again. Then, unexpectedly, he turned his attention back to his brother and sang with a mocking grin.  "Hm~? Why, are you embarrassed, Subaru-kun?"
"Ha?! I'm not-! What are you even-! I'll kill you!"  He yelled, fist clenched at his sides as he took a couple of threatening steps in his direction before Reiji cut in, in his usual arctic demeanor.
"Yare, yare. Let's move on before I have to fix another hole in the wall,"  he threw Subaru a warning glare, and the boy calmed reluctantly. Then Reiji zeroed back on Misaki, who had to fight every instinct in her body not to hide behind Laito.  "And you two. I expect no inappropriate behavior at school. If,"  he pointed an accusing finger,  "as much as a word reaches me, you will both suffer the consequences. Is that understood?"
Misaki nodded, bowing her head as shame picked at her consciousness. She slipped from Laito's grasp, though she felt it was because he'd allowed her. Almost as he'd sensed her thoughts, he grasped her hand and tugged her along into the car.
"Always the buzzkill,"  he sighed sadly, and then, he grinned unexpectedly, a gleeful idea forming in his mind.  "C'mon, Bitch-chan! We're going to have tons of fun at school!"  And with that promising wink, he dragged her in and almost straight into his lap.
"You know,"  she mumbled, hiding a yawn behind her hand,  "I don't think I'm cut out for all that night-school-thing." 
It was the end of the third period, and Misaki felt life slowly drain from her. Drowsiness settled over her like a fluffy blanket, and it took all her will and Laito's questionable ministrations not to fall asleep during the last hour of history. One would think the adrenaline from the car ride would somehow pull her through the night. Apparently, one would be mistaken. 
A sharp snap of Laito's fingers brought her temporarily back to earth. He looked suspiciously excited, his hand never leaving its post at her hip. She tried to shake him off earlier, but he'd proven much more stubborn. And she was too sleepy to put up a proper fight. 
"I know  just  the place for you then!"  he chimed in a smooth voice, shooting her a not-so-comforting wink. With a deceitful tug at her waist, he took a sharp left and steered her deeper into the obscure passage.
"Please tell me you're not leading me to the dungeon,"  she countered.  "I'd hate to file a report against you."
"I hate to disappoint, but the nearest dungeon would be at our house."
Somehow, she didn't think he was kidding.  "Is this an old-building thing, or you guys just have peculiar hobbies?"
He flashed a dangerous smile and stepped to the side, opening the door before her and giving her a purposeful nudge into the infirmary. 
"I'd say it's a happy mixture of both."
His voice drowned the sound of the lock sliding in place. She took a couple of steps in and cringed. The stink of medication and disinfectants hit her like a wave. Unaware of Laito following her like a shadow, she made a beeline for the furthest bed and opened a window next to it. Cold night air whooshed in, and goosebumps rose awake.
"Do you think someone would mind if I-?"  Voice stuck in her throat. When she turned, she came face to chest with Laito. Her eyes trailed up, following the line of his black tie and higher to his sharp jawline. 
"Hm~?"  his hand sneaked around and closed over her nape, tearing a slight shudder in response.  "Cat got your tongue, Bitch-chan?"
"I-,"  she tried again.  "You- Laito-,"  her hands came to push at his chest, but he didn't budge an inch.  "Why are you getting-"  she swallowed thickly,  "so close?"
Laito closed the distance between them and sighed dreamily, breathing in her heavenly scent. She smelled sweet, almost like chocolate macarons, mixed with something just sharp enough to promise pure euphoria. He bit his lip. This time there would be no salvation.
Misaki grasped his shoulders for balance when he took an unexpected step forward, forcing her to fall on the infirmary bed. She sank into the matters, her heart working overtime as she watched him slide down to his knees. Her mouth suddenly felt dry as a desert at noon. She opened them, but words failed her. Shuddered breath pushed past her lips as she watched him force her legs wider, her skirt sliding higher up her thighs.
"La-laito,"  a strong shiver shook her when his cold, slender fingers grazed her right thigh, propping her leg in the crook of his elbow.  "We can't- ngh- what if someone walks in?"
Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and blush steamed on her cheeks. Laito took it all in. Every little noise that escaped past parted mouth. He basked in the warmth radiating from her smooth skin, in the shivers that seemed only to get stronger the higher he moved his fingers.
"The more, the merrier~"  his breath tickled the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.  "Besides,"  he paused to give it a playful nip,  "then you'll show them just how much of a dirty girl you truly are. Agh~"  her eyes widened, and she could have sworn he'd just let out a moan.  "Just thinking about it gives me so many ideas-"
Misaki felt the skirt fall almost as high as her hip, and her fist closed on the bedsheets. All of this was making her head spin. Her head fell back with a suppressed whimper of her own when his tongue started tracing patterns from her knee, slowly - as if savoring every inch - going further and further up her thigh. Her breath hitched when his hair tickled at the edge of her underwear, and she blushed scarlet when she realized he must have quite the view. She hastily pushed her skirt down, earning an amused chuckle from the man before her.
"Too late-"  he drawled, sucking at her skin.  "This sinful picture is already engraved in my memory forever~ Who knew you were the type for lace, hm?"
She sucked in a harsh breath, her whole body rigid when the tip of his finger brushed against the black lace.  "Please, stop,"  she choked out, her hips bucking into his hand on their own. She grasped his hand and tried to pull it away. Blood screamed in her ears, every nerve prickling with anticipation. Sweat bloomed on her skin, her eyes unfocused as they silently begged him to stop, do something, and end this unfamiliar torture.
Laito's emerald eyes glowed in the moonlight. Heat so intense it almost scared her shone clear through his heavy lids. His wicked smile grew larger when he heard her words, fingers interlacing to hold her hand.  "Now, Bitch-chan, don't tense up on me like that-"  he whispered, leaving open-mouthed kisses on her inner thigh.  "It only hurts at the beginning. It will be fine~ Just leave everything to me."
Arousal was weighing on her heavily, her thoughts sluggish in the growing heat. The word  hurt  barely got a chance to register, only a hint of panic rising to the surface before the most horrible pain shoot from her leg. A shriek tore from her throat, tears streaming down her face as she clawed at his hand, curling into herself. A fire burned all over her skin, making her nauseous with agony. She was trembling, screaming at him to stop, begging every holy being up there to have mercy. 
Her world froze. She felt lightweight, almost like her soul was being sucked out of her body. Then, she heard it—an unmistakable gulp and then a long, drawled-out  moan . She pried her eyes open, vision blurry with streaming tears, and watched, her horror growing, as Laito  drank  her blood. 
When he pulled back, removing his fangs, relief almost knocked her unconscious. He rested his forehead on her thigh, his eyes glazed, almost like he was drunk. He lapped languidly at the blood oozing from two angry-red puncture marks and shuddered when her blood hit his tongue.
"Ah~ Bitch-chan, your-"  he sounded dazed, shaken.  "Your blood tastes-"  he inhaled deeply, relishing every bit of the sensation.  "Delicious~ Please, give me more- I can't get enough- Never-"
She didn't see him move nor give any warning signal, and then the second wave of torment hit her far stronger than the first. Her nails broke the skin of his palm, pain eliciting a sharp his from his throat.  "Please, stop it! I- I can't-"  she choked on a broken sob, doubling over as electric agony shot up her spine, making her pull at his head, trying and failing to pry him away.
"Tha-"  he mumbled, pulling away for a second.  "Cry for me more, Bit-"  His grip on Misaki's hand went slack, and before she could utter a single word, he sprawled on a floor, unconscious. Blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth. His lips painted dark red as, even in his sleep, they remained in the perfect little "o." 
She clasped a hand over her mouth, shooting to her feet. Ground wavered beneath her, and she cursed violently, grasping at the nearby table for support. Forcing back the bile rising in her throat, she staggered over to the curtain and pulled it closed, hiding the unconscious vampire. 
"Vampire-"  her heart staggered.  "Vampire-"  Every memory of him nuzzling her neck suddenly changed the colors, making her sick with fear.  "He- he's a- a vampire."  She ran for the door and pulled at the handle. Panic made her breath run shallow, the world blurring at the edge with each second. Then, at the last moment, she twisted the lock, yanked the door open, and ran into the corridor full of confused students.
She didn't care for the whispers and suspicious looks they were giving her. She didn't care that blood was still trickling down her leg, no doubt attracting unwanted attention from  them.  The only thing that mattered then was getting the hell out and doing it fast. Before  he  regained consciousness. She knew for a fact that he won't be pleased with her little escape attempt.
[Masterlist] [Chapter II] [Chapter IV]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
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Prolgue: They don't pay me enough Chapter I: Dracula of the XXI century Chapter II: Hooking up with you roommate is a bad idea, right? Chapter III: A happy mixture of both Chapter IV: Karma is a bitch Chapter V: The devil waltzes Chapter VI: Please, arrest me! Chapter VII: All of her flavors Chapter VIII: A quick guide to ruining your life and other bad decisions Chapter IX: Show me Chapter X: Nightmares
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Chapter II: Hooking up with your roommate is a bad idea, right?
The current vampire king was a man of many hobbies. Over the centuries, he developed a peculiar taste for art, was fascinated by the possibilities of science, and couldn't get enough of more pleasurable endeavors. However, he was less fond of constantly checking up on his very adult children and ensuring they didn't mess up his plan.
He sat in a heavy armchair with his trusted wine glass filled generously with blood. He cast one longing glance towards his bedroom door, where his new toy laid bound and ready, eagerly awaiting his return. 
He leaned back in his seat and watched with dry amusement as Misaki boldly stated that they - six vampires, mind you - are making a relatively poor attempt at going Dracula-style.  "Ah,"  he thought, chuckling to himself,  "for their faces, it was worth it."
His gaze fell unseeing on the unfolding scene as a memory of different matter clouded his mind. He was young at the time, a visionary with the means to achieve a great deal. He lived in Romania then and managed to befriend a local prince.
Said prince was no other than Vlad the IV, later known as Dracula.
He remembered them sitting through the nights at one of the balconies in his castle, admiring the fields below. During that time, his country was in a relatively poor state. The constant threat of war had taken its toll on a young ruler, marking his obsidian-color hair with a few streaks of white.
"You can't let them roam free over your land,"  Karl stressed, pointing an accusatory finger at the village burning in the distance.  "You must show that they are to bow to you. Only you. Otherwise,"  he paused, a dangerous gleam in his eyes,  "your subjects might just turn on you. And seek a more,"  something weird has passed through his face, almost like a shadow, " suitable master."
Vlad seemed to shrink more into himself, a lump settling into his throat as he tried his mightiest to find a way, a loophole out of these dire circumstances.  "What you're suggesting,"  he started carefully,  "this is madness, my friend, nothing more than folks tale. There's no miraculous salvation awaiting us. We,"  he inhaled sharply,  "are doomed."
Karl laughed darkly, sweeping over to his hunched friend. Vlad swore that in the moonlight, he could see Karl's eyes glow. But this couldn't possibly be the case, could it? He must be finally losing his head.
"What you fail to recognize, my dear friend,"  the last word rolled off his tongue in a manner suggesting the exact opposite,  "is that salvation, as you nicely put it, doesn't always come in the form of an angel."
A low scream of pure terror echoed through stony corridors. Servants fled from their rooms, rushing over to the master bedchamber. What awaited them was a gruesome scene. Vlad laid on his bead, sheets now drenched in blood, his blood. His eyes showed no sign of life. No breath grazed past his lips.
However, their screams changed drastically when the impossible happened. With a pained groan, Vlad stirred on his bed and hauled himself off. His face was deathly pale. Cold sweat beaded his forehead. He looked feverish, yet when one servant made to touch him, he turned out cold as ice.
He recoiled with a strangled cry and crossed himself over and over again. Maids covered in the corner, praying upon God, Saint Virgin Marry, and Holy Spirit to save them from this monster who took the form of their beloved master. 
Vlad snapped at them to stop this at once. The holly name made his stomach turn. He clawed at the bedpost, and the wooden frame snapped beneath his palm. His throat burned, and black spots danced in his vision. Blood was roaring in his ears. An anguished wail tore from his throat. 
It was then his control snapped. His eyes bulged maniacally, glowing with inhuman light. It rendered his next victim powerless with fear. He murdered every one of his servants, seeking to quench his ever-growing thirst.
Soon after, Karl realized that perhaps Vlad wasn't best suited to this new life. Seeking to aid the young prince, he turned him into a savage beast, whose cruelty became a legend across all lands. With a final glance at the castle bathed in silvery moonlight, he disappeared from Romania forever, leaving Vlad to his own devices. Not long after, word reached him that Vlad's subjects soon turned on him and banished their cursed master. What happened to him, Karl never found out.
A terrified shriek violently snapped his attention back to the scene before him. He watched, brows slightly furrowed, as Ayato made a move to bite Misaki's wrist.  "Strange,"  he thought, unease washing over him,  "I don't remember him biting her."
With a flick of his wrist, the scene rewound, temporally calming his nerves. He took in every detail with sharp focus, silently comparing it with what he'd glimpsed before. Everything seemed to go perfectly according to the plan until.
"You absolute fool,"  he snarled, fist tightening on the armchair.  "You absolute, hopeless fool."
Murder oozed from his very being as his worst fears soon found confirmation. Ayato's little whim drastically averted the outcome he'd predicted. Cornered, Misaki shouted the name of the son that - at that time - seemed least threatening. 
"You,"  he slammed his wine glass on the table, shattering it in the process.  "Pesky,"  his hand crushed the armrest as he attempted and failed one deep breath.  "Brain-deprived,"  with a violent swish of his cloak, he sent the table and documents lying on it flying.  "Imbecile!"  he stormed over to his bedroom door and pulled them open with enough force to dislodge one of the hinges. 
"You,"  he seethed at the absent son,  "you ruined everything."
With that, the doors slammed closed. The girl waiting on the king's bed gave a hysterical shriek, slightly muffled over the metal gag. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. She tried to squirm away. Away from the furious vampire, now hastily tearing off his clothes and climbing over her. Cold fingers bruised her hip as he ceased her attempts and forced her legs wide open.
"Be quiet, pet. I'm in no mood for your tantrums."
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't contain her howl as the excruciating pain tore through her abdomen. Her pleas fell deaf on the vampire's ears, his thrust never slowing down as he worked off his fury. 
With one last dissatisfied huff, Misaki put the brush down on the dressing table. After ten minutes-long fight with her stubborn hair, she gave up and let them be. She threw her arms over her head and spun in her chair, taking in her new room.
Soft cream walls created a sharp contrast with an ebony wooden floor that was as hard on her feet as the looks suggested. A queen-size bed with a metal frame decorated in tiny flowers net all the softness in store for her room. She wasn't complaining, per se. How could she, when books of various kinds covered every inch of one wall?
With one final swirl, she got up and headed to the kitchen. She pulled out her phone and opened an online chat with Hinata, her younger brother. Her fingers flew over the keyboard as she typed out:
"Made it at last! The room is HUGE!! Is dad still gloomy?"
Light steps carried her down the marble staircase and in - what she hoped - was the general direction of food. At nine a.m. on Saturday morning, the house seemed deserted. She shrugged it off, though, because, let's face it, Saturday mornings were perfect for staying in bed. 
At long last, she found a kitchen. The room looked huge. It would allow a hoard of cooks to each work in perfect comfort, without ever needing to as much as brush elbows. However, to her great disappointment, it held next-to-nothing in the food department. She ate silently, resigning herself to a bowl of cereal and a suspicious-looking apple.
Just as she was finishing with her coffee, a beep came.  "That lazy ass has probably just woken up,"  she thought with a quiet snort and took the last sip. Coffee sputtered in every direction as she fully registered what exactly showed on the screen.
"Who are you, and why are you asking about my dad?"  she read in disbelief, gripping her phone tighter as she squashed the urge to smack him. Her finger all but jabbed the call button, and she sheeted, feeling her patience slip through her hands as the beeping continued only to cut with the voice mail message. She tried calling again, and then again, but to no avail: her phone connected to voice mail each time.
"Hilarious, you little shit. Stop messing around and call me. For some reason, I can't reach mom or dad."
To her growing annoyance, it went unanswered. 
"I swear, I should have dropped him when he was a baby. Maybe that would have set him straight."  Forcing her phone back in her jeans pocket, she decided to be an adult about it and wait it out. She loved her brother. She did, but sometimes he got these ridiculous ideas, and the only thing that calmed her was thoughts of inflicting on him more or less painful payback. She rarely acted on them, though. She was - after all - a kind person.
Eleven a.m. was nearing, and she expected her brothers to wake any moment now. Until then, however, she was free to snoop around. 
With a curious glint in her eyes, she set out to explore. Her suspicions soon came true. The mansion turned out to be quite the sight in daylight. A soft morning glow reflected off white marbles, giving the corridors a much-needed softer edge. Walls proudly displayed a priceless collection of art. Pictures were stuffed together so closely in some places that she briefly wondered if they were trying to cover something up.
Misaki titled her head to one side, checked the coast, and carefully pried away one corner of the nearby painting. A gasp threatened to break out, and she slapped her hand over her mouth. The painting hung there precisely to cover a fist-sized hole. Almost identical to the one Subaru left in the living room.
"Man,"  she whispered, letting the painting fall back in place,  "those are some serious anger issues."
"Then again. Yesterday was full of bizarre stuff,"  Misaki thought, making her way down the corridor.  "They sure are quite unusual, but was that whole vampire play necessary?"  Her fingers absentmindedly rubbed over the spot Ayato had nearly bitten.  "In the end, he wouldn't do that, would he? He only did it, so I'd make a choice."
Her stomach turned. The question remained: what were the consequences of that decision? 
"Fiancee? And nourishment? I mean, I get it this place seems kinda lonely, and maybe they can't cook, but,"  she shook her head, forcibly dismissing the thought. Whatever it was, she'd get an explanation sooner or later. 
Laito woke up to the sweetest fragrance he had smelled for  years . His emerald eyes glinted hungrily as the aroma teased his senses, throat beginning to burn - a telltale sign a hunt would shortly follow. 
"This time,"  he sang under his breath and sprang from the bed,  "the meal would be conveniently delivered ~ Isn't this just the beautiful night?"
With stripped sweater thrown on, he opened the doors and took one more deep breath. Saliva pooled in his mouth. He dragged his tongue over his unnaturally parched lips and stalked toward his prey. 
It wasn't  that  long since his last meal. After all, that previous girl at school was practically begging him to indulge in some hot blood just as she came on his tongue. Or was she begging him to stop? More often than not, it was  oh so hard  to tell the difference. Still, it didn't matter one bit now, as Misaki's blood sang to him. 
"Filthy promises, sweet torture, blooming ecstasy,"  his mind spun with sinful visions, involuntary groan tearing free when she finally came into view.
Standing at the threshold of the game room, he could almost,  almost  taste her.
He brushed a hand over his mouth, stating - with slight shock - that he did drool a little. He conjured his signature smile and made his presence known.
"Trouble sleeping, Bitch-chan?"
The girl jumped, letting out a quiet " di immortales!"  as she clasped a hand over her heart and pivoted in his direction.  "Don't,"  she choked out,  "sneak up on me like that."
Laito chuckled in response, his smile slightly darker as he mockingly apologized.  "Aah~"  he drawled, strolling over the girl.  "My bad, my bad." 
"It's okay,"  she waved it off and hopped onto the billiard table, putting them nearly at the same level. Her legs dangled from the edge, arms stretched out behind her to provide some leverage. This position created a marvelous picture, beautifully exposing her chest to Laito's hungry eyes. From where he was standing, he could make out the outline of her generous breasts.
"Per~fect,"  he thought dreamily, quickly joining her and settling his hands on either side of her hips. She blinked at him, slightly surprised, but didn't make any move to throw him off. 
With a delighted shiver down his spine, Laito realized that the apparent fact that they were vampires and she was their meal didn't sink in quite yet. Misaki had no idea she should be running for the hills. Oh, this was going better than he dared imagine.
His hooded eyes traveled up the length of her torso. The simple t-shirt left much to the imagination, but from how the azure fabric clung to her curves, he knew her breasts would fill his hands perfectly. He bit his lip to silence a moan and gazed at her slightly flushed cheeks.
He leaned an inch closer and took a shuddering breath. Misaki's smell was surrounding him, wrapping around him like a perfect, silky cocoon, luring him to fall deeper into her sinful trap. 
He knew he would give in. 
And he knew it would be worth everything. 
If he had a heartbeat, he had no doubt it would be pounding in his chest. Instead, his senses zeroed on Misaki's heart, frantically pumping delicious blood. He heard it all, every tiniest skip. And it made him ravenous.
"Do you guys always sleep in so late on the weekends?"  Her voice wavered, her eyes focusing on his lips.
"Hm? Sleep in?"  It took his clouded brain a moment to realize Misaki was asking him something.  "Silly, Bitch-chan. You know we usually sleep during the day, right?"
The quietest  "oh"  escaped her, and Misaki's fists clenched on a green surface like she was trying her best to resist. 
This thought alone made him smile. His heavy gaze settled on Misaki's lips, and he watched, fascinated as her tongue peeked out to glide over the plum lip.
"I-I suppose it makes sense with night school and all that,"  she made a visible effort to lean back, and his arms were quick to sneak around her waist to pull her closer, forcing her legs to part before him. 
She stifled a gasp, her head falling back involuntarily, exposing more of her smooth neck before him. This time, he gave in, running his nose along the vein. 
"You woke me up, Bitch-chan. Usually, I'd punish you for that~"  he purred into her skin, heavily swallowing when goosebumps peppered her skin.  "But just this time, I'll let it slide. If-"  his lips brushed under her ear, and the softest whimper graced his ears.  "you'll be a good girl and come back to bed."
His sentence seemed to give Misaki a wake-up call. She jerked straight, unintentionally pushing her skin more against his mouth. Never one to complain, he started leaving open-mouthed kisses down her shoulder, tongue coming out to taste the soft skin. He groaned low in his throat. So sweet, so intoxicating. He-he couldn't get enough.
His head spun, fingers closing over her hips as he buried his face into her neck, eliciting a broken moan from the girl before him. He inhaled sharply, and Misaki's hand came to rest on his shoulder. She pushed lightly, but he didn't move an inch. He couldn't, even if he wanted to. He was entirely under her spell.
"I can't, I-"  her voice sounded weak, and he was pretty sure she was trying to convince herself more than him.  "I've just had coffee."
Despite her words, her hand skimmed over his chest. She looped it around his neck, sliding to hold on to his hair. He shuddered under her gentle touch, running his nose one last time up her neck and straightening to give her his signature mocking smile and a slight wink.
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, Bitch-chan. I know something that will tire us out pretty quickly."
All blood left his brain and headed south when her teeth sunk into her lip. She pulled him down by the nape of his neck. He came more than willingly, his cold hands sliding beneath her shirt and higher, tearing a small groan he almost felt on his lips.
"You are disgusting!" 
The shrill cry had Misaki jumping against him. She pushed on his chest and spun around to face the newcomer. 
Kanato stood in the middle of the room, still dressed in his silk pajamas, clutching this ridiculous mascot who - of course - also had a tiny sleeping hat. 
"You!"  Kanato took a violent swing, getting closer to Misaki, who ducked behind him, shamelessly using him as a shield.  "First, you deprive us of a meal, even though we are starving! AND NOW,"  his voice rose, as his temper built up with each word,  "NOW YOU WON'T EVEN LET US SLEEP! YOU ARE SO CRUEL, YOU STUPID, STUPID MORTAL! I HATE YOU!"
Laito had a painful suspicion he knew where it was going. Sure enough, Kanato was bawling his eyes out before he managed to finish his theatrical performance properly. Misaki glanced at him awkwardly, light pink glowing on her skin. 
Usually, he was the first to share with his siblings, especially if it saved him significant headaches. But this time, he wanted to savor a little more. With the way his throat burned and fangs prickled uncomfortably, he knew the first taste of her blood would probably knock him to his knees. He wanted the first taste uninterrupted by high-pitched whining. At least, of course, it was to come from her. Then he would welcome it and much more.
He forced a smile and leaned in to whisper in her ear:  "We'll finish later, Bitch-chan~."
When she hastily made her excuse, avoiding Kanato with a wide arch, he turned to face his sobbing brother. Laito had about twenty different things he'd much rather be doing now running through his mind. They all included pushing Misaki's limits more to find how much she would resist him. What kind of noises would she make when he bit her? Sadly, they would have to wait. He had a sibling to kill.
Surely, with six of them around, no one would complain if one went missing.
[Masterlist] [Chapter I] [Chapter III]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Chapter I: Dracula of the XXI century.
"Okay, on one, two, three...!" Misaki yelled under her breath and heavied a suitcase onto the bus. Feeling her back give a warning crack, she quickly stashed her luggage into the nearest nook and squeezed herself into an empty seat. "Finally," she thought. "Who knew books weighted so much?"
Pushing her hair out of her sweaty forehead, she triple-checked the destination on the display panel. Five hours didn't seem as bad now. At least she could enjoy an additional chair, given the bus was nearly empty so late in the evening.
"Excuse me, dearie, is this seat occupied?" 
Misaki mentally flipped off the heavens above and summoned her best old-people charming smile. Beside her stood an elderly lady, clutching her suspiciously big bag where she could have sworn something moved.
"Of course! Please, let me help you."
"That's so nice of you, dearie, thank you." With a relieved smile, the old lady settled into her seat. She plunged her hand into the depths of her bag and, after stopping an animal trying desperately to make a run for it, pulled out a pair of reading glasses. "Let me see, ah yes! Only five hours! My husband will never believe what an adventure I had!" She nodded excitedly, forcing Misaki into the role of a reluctant travel buddy.
"Really? That's a funny coincidence. My stop's in five hours too!" 
Deciding she might as well make some new friends, she pulled out her carefully written instructions and pointed to a tiny town marking the end of her journey.
The lady looked at it carefully, squinting her eyes to read in the faint light of the bus. "My gods, what a small world! You see, this is my hometown. It's a lovely place, truly. Is it your first time there?"
Misaki beamed, tucking away the sheet she had read so many times that she could now recite it in her sleep. "Yes! I'm coming on a scholarship, and honestly, I can't wait! I've been dreaming of this but never thought it would happen!"
"Scholarship? Congratulations," the lady hesitated, her knitting set frozen in place. Her mouth pulled into a confused frown, making wrinkles in the corners more prominent. "May I ask," she started carefully. "Which school will you be attending?"
"Ryoutei academy, ma'am." Misaki eyed the older woman curiously. Something has shifted in her demeanor. 
Sitting next to her, the lady narrowed her eyes as if trying to remember something. "But that's a great deal away from the town. And we don't have any students' houses...," she trailed off, pondering her options. "Perhaps. Ah, forgive my curiosity. I'm afraid it's getting worse with age," she shook her head good-naturally and gave Misaki an apologetic smile.
"Oh, no, it's alright!" She added with a wave of her hand. "I would be most grateful if you could tell me more about the town. I'm staying in an authentic mansion in a nearby forest! I mean, how crazy is that?" A short laugh bubbled from her, joy and excitement filling her stomach with hope for the upcoming days. Finally, her lifelong dream was about to come true.
The lady put her knitting set away with a sharp snap of the needles and turned to look at Misaki. Her pale face shined eerily in the dim light, her eyes wide with disbelief and slowly rising alarm. "Surely, dearie, you can't possibly mean the Sakamaki mansion," she added, hoping against hope that she could write off her worst fears to old age.
Misaki blinked, her excitement fading into a slowly creeping up feeling of trepidation. "Yes, that's exactly the one," she forced in a breath, watching as the woman beside her clasped her hands over her mouth. "How did you... Ma'am, are you okay?"
Misaki reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder as she tried her best to give what she hoped was a calming smile. The lady composed herself with difficulty and grasped Misaki on a forearm with strength much higher than she expected from such a frail woman. "Listen," her voice shook, so she cleared her throat and started anew. "Listen to me very carefully, dearie. You can't go there. This place," she leaned in, her pale eyes boring into Misaki's, "is dark. Something sinister lives here." She took a steadying breath. "No one from the village ever goes there. Please, please, you can't seriously consider moving there." 
Her stomach dropped. The woman looked frightened. Terrified for the stranger she had barely just met. "Stop it," she scolded herself silently. "You can't believe everything people tell you. After all, we've had our fair share of haunted houses in my hometown, and nothing ever came of it." Giving herself a mental slap, she refocused her attention on the woman. She patted her awkwardly on the back and forced herself to choke out:
"Ma'am, this sounds bizarre! It's almost like in this old tale about count Dracul. Or Dracula, was it?" She shrunk into her seat under the woman's heavy glare and mumbled, "I'm a big fan of folklore."
"This," the lady hissed. "This is not time for jokes! Do you think I'm pulling your leg?!" Her voice rose, her agitation clear with the wild moves of her knitting needles. Misaki suddenly wished she had glasses as the threat of losing an eye became more real by the second. "I'm telling you, young lady, this place is a lair for something far viler than we can comprehend. You'd be wise to look for other accommodations. No scholarship is worth dancing with the devil." And with a sense of finality, the lady huffed under her nose and proceeded with her project. 
Misaki managed a bewildered apology, slumping against the cold glass. A new sense of unease weighed heavily over her stomach. Sure, elderly folks sometimes exaggerate. But behind any suspicion, there must be a reason. What happened to this place, so it earned itself such a fearsome reputation? 
The next few hours dragged like anything. The lady, clearly unimpressed with Misaki's attempt at lightening the mood, continued to ignore her, giving only occasional grunts to serve as her input in the conversation. Giving up the socializing effort, Misaki leaned on the chair and closed her eyes. It was a strange feeling. With each mile, trepidation was rising in her gut instead of excitement. 
"This is crazy," she thought, toying with a bag strap to calm her nerves. "You can't let it get to your head. This story is just a local legend to scare the children. You are not a child." She stressed, teeth gnawing at her bottom lip. "Not a child anymore, so, imagination, if you could lay low for a while, I would appreciate it." 
But her imagination didn't comply. Instead, it redoubled its efforts at making her as paranoid as humanly possible. 
At every stop the bus took, she eyed the incoming people with growing suspicion. The passengers seemed indifferent, bored, and tired this late at night. And yet, Misaki couldn't shake off the feeling that someone, or something, was watching her. The hair stood at the nape of her neck, feint goosebumps peppering her arms as she tried to look around, scouting for a possible source discreetly.
With nothing to justify the feeling, she shrugged it off. She pulled out and threw on a thicker jumper, slowly gathering her belongings as the cursed ride seemed to end.
"Will you be okay, ma'am? Is there anything I could help you with?" Misaki asked, helping the lady out of her seat as the bus came to the final stop.
"Oh, no, thank you, dearie. My husband will be there shortly to pick me up," the lady gave her a faint smile and grasped her hand. She clasped her palms around, and Misaki felt a piece of paper crumble against her skin. She closed her fingers over it and, puzzled, watched the lady lean in to whisper in her ear. "Please, be careful, dearie. I truly wish you didn't go to that particular place, but. In any case, if you ever need help, call me or pay me a surprise visit. I have a very strong grandson who, I'm sure, would be delighted to assist a lovely girl such as yourself."
Misaki gave an awkward laugh and thanked her, folding the note carefully in her back pocket. They got off the bus together, and Misaki escorted the lady into her husband's arms. He was a cheerful older man with an easy smile. He hugged his wife and shook his head, exasperated as she began to tell him about her travels. Misaki bid goodbye to both of them and turned to make her way toward the mansion.
She looked around, searching for a miracle bus or the nearest taxi number, when a low flat voice rang behind her:
"Sugawara, Misaki?" It had a strange charm to it, like an unfamiliar accent maybe. She couldn't quite put her finger on it. 
When she turned around, her eyes landed on a man dressed in a sharp suit. A chauffeur's hat hid his eyes, but she stifled a gasp when he looked up at her. His eyes were as lifeless as his tone suggested. 
"Good lord, this man must be worked to death!" she thought, taking in his slouched posture and how he seemed to do everything in slow motion. "He couldn't possibly work as a driver, could he? He's in no condition to drive."
"Are you or are you not Sugawara Misaki?" The cold voice rang again, an annoyed crease forming between the man's brows. 
She jumped, forcefully pulled back to earth, and bowed in apology. "Yes, I'm sorry. That's me."
The man gave one quiet grunt and stepped aside, allowing her eyes to fall on an expensive-looking limousine. The car was marvelous. Black polish gleamed in a street lamp, silver accents screaming "wealthy" at any unfortunate passerby.
"Get in the car." He inquired when she made no move to figure it out alone.
"Pardon me for asking, but who are you exactly?" Misaki tightened her grip on her suitcase. Whatever it was, this was very weird. Her eyes slid off the car and refocused on the man. Who now seemed to be glaring holes into her skull for lack of cooperation. 
"This," he sighed like this word alone was an extraordinary effort. "is irrelevant. You only need to know I am here to drive you to the Sakamaki mansion. You are staying there, aren't you?"  
"Y-yes," she whispered, the older lady's tale now screaming in her mind. "But they didn't mention anyone coming to pick me up. And certainly, no one said anything about a limousine."
"Well, consider it your lucky day." He added in a snarky tone, his patience wearing thin. It was late, and he was in no mood for some girl's mood swings. "Now get in, or I will leave you here. And believe me, you don't want to be out so late."
Misaki considered her options. She could stay here and take her chances with a taxi. However, the prospect of waiting here, where no one could hear her scream sent a cold shiver down her spine. Or she could put her trust in the grumpy driver and risk an accident. Or abduction. But then again, if he were just a random kidnapper, surely he wouldn't know her name or her destination, would he? He could be for all she knew, but it was her best bet. 
Uttering a quick thank you, she hastily stashed her luggage in the trunk and squeezed herself into the back. The inside of the limousine was as pretentious as the outside hinted. White leather seats fashioned to perfectly support your spine, tinned windows so no one could see what was happening inside. Somehow, she didn't find that thought reassuring. 
She buckled her seatbelt and felt the car lurch back to life. Questions swirled in her head, but when her mouth formed first: "excuse me-" the driver promptly cut her off by sliding close the tiny window. She cursed under her breath and settled back into another long journey with a defeated sigh.
Her body ached after spending hours in a seated position, but there was no remedying it now. Shifting slightly to get more comfortable, she reached into her back pocket and read the message from the old lady. On the paper, in cursive handwriting, read: "if you need anything, just call me," along with her phone number and home address. "Take care, dearie. Chō". Misaki quickly memorized the information and folded the paper into her pocket. 
She watched the scenery shift around them with her head against the cool glass. Slowly, the buildings gave way to the trees, blocking out what little light remained. Forest seemed to close around them, tree trunks getting thicker, denser as the car maneuvered between them. It felt as though every creature living there had its eyes on the moving limousine, perfectly aware of her presence inside. "This was a joke earlier, but it starts to look like Dracula of the XXI century." She shook her head, nervously checking the hour on her phone and realizing, with a muffled curse, that 3 a.m. had just begun. "I swear if a count greets me, I give up."
She reached into her pocket and fished out her phone. The screen brightened, casting soothing light at her surroundings as she typed a quick message to her parents, letting them know she was almost there. Her fingers hovered over the send button, and after a second, she pressed it and closed the app. 
The notification bell broke the heavy silence. "That's... weird," she thought, trying again and failing to send a message. She checked the range, but it all seemed to work fine. "Honestly, at this point, I no longer care." She gave up on her phone, tossed it into the bag, and with a relieved sigh, noticed they were coming to a stop.
They stopped in front of a large, metal gate, ornated with - what she assumed was - a family crest. The gate slid open with a loud creak, allowing the car to pass and immediately shut after them. They drove the last few meters, surrounded by a beautiful garden leading up to the overwhelming building.
The mansion was huge, and all built with light stone. Pointed roofs seemed to stab into the sky the way a dagger would. Arched windows now stood dark, indicating no presence at home. Yet, Misaki felt that wasn't the case.
"This is the Sakamaki Mansion. Don't hesitate to explore."
Misaki jumped at the chauffer's voice. He must have slid open the tiny window when she was busy admiring the scenery. Sensing unspoken "get out," she quickly bowed to him, gathered her things, and left the limousine.
She walked up stony steps and stood in front of a heavy wooden door, all covered in precise reliefs. With her heart weighing down her chest, she reached out. Before she could grab a lion-faced rattle - the door swung open, revealing a marble hall basked in candle lighting.
Hesitantly, she stepped over the threshold, tugging her luggage beside her. Doors snapped shut, making goosebumps rise all over her arms. She clasped a hand over her heart and took a deep, steadying breath. "It's only fatigue playing tricks on you. There's no reason to freak out. It's late at night, so the dead silence is only natural. At least," she cast a wishful glance at the door, "I hope it is."
She took her suitcase and followed down the corridor, admiring the old furniture, marble staircase, and crystal chandelier. "This house," she thought, her fingertips gliding on a flower table, "must be breathtaking in the daylight."
Soon enough, a small beam of light came into view, and Misaki hurried in its direction. It led her to the spacious living room, furnished with an elegant blue sitting set and a heavy coffee table. A Stone fireplace supported one of the walls, fire burning brightly in the hearth. 
"Thank gods," she whispered under her breath and hurried over to the fire, anxious to get some warmth. 
"Shut up," came like the faintest whisper from the direction of the windows. Misaki's head snapped so hard that she could have sworn a disk popped out. She forced down a scream.
On the couch that was empty a second ago now laid a blond man, one arm stretched over his eyes as he attempted to nap. He wore a comfortable-looking cream cardigan along with a mostly unbuttoned white shirt.
"Eyes up," scolded a tiny voice in her head. "We don't check out strangers in their own house."
"One shall never waste an opportunity when it presents itself," replied the less responsible part of her brain. 
"I'm sorry," she managed finally, turning fully to face him. "I didn't realize you were there. I've just arrived, and if you could point me to the caretaker here or a spare room, I'll be out of your hair in no time."
One eye opened slowly, revealing an electric blue eye, a hue darker than hers. The blonde looked at her questioningly and muttered in the same sleepy voice: "and you are?"
"Right, sorry," she gave a rather forced laugh. "I'm Misaki Sugawara, and as far as I know, this is the student's house I'm supposed to stay at."
The man gave a non-comital nod and closed his eye, clearly planning on going back to sleep. 
Misaki felt a vein pop out. She was getting sick and tired of men responding to her with "grunts" and "nods." After all, a whole sentence hadn't killed anyone.
"And that's it, huh?" she asked incredulously. "Now you're just going to fall asleep? Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."
"What is the meaning of this commotion?" A cold voice that could put any iceberg to shame shattered her growing need to scream. She jumped, spooked, and quickly turned toward the newcomer.
A man stood in a doorway, his tall figure filling the space. Dark hair framed his face, where a sharp nose and high cheekbones led her to believe he was of an aristocratic bloodline. Contrary to Sleeping Beauty, his suit was in impeccable condition. 
"Who are you and," he gave her a deterrent glare, "how did you get into this house?"
"I'm Sugawara Misaki," she explained for what felt like the thousandth time today. "I was supposed to stay here for the next semester at Ryoutei academy."
"I understand. However, you are late. Such behavior speaks very poorly of your upbringing. Perhaps I should arrange a training session."
"Oh, that was fucking rich," she thought bitterly, her mouth pulled in a tight frown. "Who does this guy take me for, a dog? I'm not going to bring him a stick. He already has one up his ass." Before she could voice any of this, a new person joined their little gathering.
A melodic chuckle echoed from the hall as the third man this night walked into the living room. He moved with effortless grace, hands interlaced behind his back, as he leaned in her direction.
"So my hearing remains excellent, and we have a cute, human girl joining our gloomy gathering!" Sharp, green eyes met hers, and she felt a spark shoot down her spine. His gaze was intense, even when half hidden beneath a hat. Her mouth went slightly dry at the thought of what it would be like without it. "Now," he added with another chuckle, "you are quite a sight!"
Misaki felt herself flush against her better judgment. Fearing her knees would give out from all the mixed signals, she sank into the nearest couch. The Hatter followed her and sat beside her, propping one ankle over his knee. Everything in his form was screaming self-satisfaction. There was no doubt in her mind he was perfectly aware of her little mental slip earlier. 
She cleared her throat and once again introduced herself. She was just about to ask the Hatter for directions to the head of this house when a shout filled the living room. 
"OY! What the fuck is this?!"
She winced and craned her neck to get a better look.
A man with spiky her sat on the chair. His clothes were disheveled like he couldn't be bothered to even put them on thoroughly. A slightly malicious glint shone in his eyes, and Misaki felt herself sinking more into the protective arms of the couch.
"Who the hell brought a mortal here and WHY," he pointed an accusatory finger at the Hatter, who grinned in response, "haven't you told me earlier?!"
This time, Misaki didn't manage to stuff out her quiet scream as a hoarse shout bellowed around them.
"HA?!" The Spiky-hair leaped out of his chair. "Show yourself and say it to my face, you bastard!"
"I'm right here, you blind idiot!"
Misaki felt her jaw hit the ground. The fifth man strolled into the room, his footsteps unheard in all the commotion. White hair covered half of his face. From the other half, read eye gleamed with disdain. He tore his clothes at the edges, the look complete with heavy white boots and a rusty key hanging from the chain. If he was aiming for a bad-boy look, he was doing one hell of a job at it.
If the Spiky-hair gave off a "danger" vibe, this one was screaming: "I'll kill you."
"Settle down, both of you," the Suit-guy reprimanded, adjusting his glasses with his middle finger. "It is not the time or place for your meaningless quarrels."
"Ha?! That's easy for you to say!" The emo-guy sheeted through gritted teeth. "I was having a nice nap until this human woke me up!" He punctuated his shout with a bone-cracking punch to the wall, leaving the fist-shaped hole behind.
All blood drained from her face as she stared at him in disbelief, her mouth hanging wide open.
"Care~full there, Bitch-chan, or you'll catch a fly," chimed the Hatter, his slender fingers brushing over her chin. Her skin tingled lightly in a place he touched, and she jerked back, earning an amused chuckle from the man beside her.
This whole situation was beginning to overwhelm her, and not in a good way. She squared her shoulders and tried to push through increasing madness.
"Look, guys, it's getting late, and I'm sure we're all tired here, so... If one of you could point me to my room, that would be amazing," with each word, her voice seemed to quiet down until she was sure none but the Hatter heard her.
"Teddy, humans, are bold, aren't they? She dares to break into our house, and now," cold dread washed over her as the voice drew nearer until she felt a sickly-sweet breath graze her ear. "she is making demands. We should kill her for it, don't you think?"
She leaped from the couch like the whole hell army was at her feet. Turning back sharply, she came face to face with the creepies sight she had seen that day. 
The boy was around her height, with soft purple hair and matching eyes, with shadows underneath so prominent, she wondered if he'd painted them on himself. His clothes reminded her of a young master of English manor, frilly shirt, high stockings, and all that. But what truly stole the cherry on top was a teddy bear he was clutching to his chest. The stuffed toy smiled eerily at her, and she felt her knees quake.
"Ye, who is this mortal?!" Others were beginning to get anxious for answers she couldn't seem to pass on. Her stomach pulled into a tight knot, a fresh wave of nausea hitting her.
"I believe Shu," the Suit-guy almost spat out that name, "remains the most well-informed of our group. Make yourself useful and explain at once what is the full meaning of this."
The sleeping man reluctantly pulled himself to a sitting position and ran a hand through his messy hair, throwing them all a rather distasteful stare. 
"This guy," Shu began on a heavy sigh, "he called a few days ago. He said we'll have a new visitor in a few days. And to treat her with respect or something."
"Respect," she thought. "Respect is good, yes, great." She sank back into the couch and crossed her fingers for immediate dismissal. Her relief, though, was extremely short-lived as the Spiky-hair exclaimed, half lifting from his chair:
"No way! The next wannabe bride?! That's insane!"
"Bride?!" she shouted, earning more or less threatening glares from her companions. "What... what are you all talking about?"
"Oh, and he also said not to kill her," Shu added in a bored tone. "This time, there will be consequences."
The whole room sank into a heavy silence. The men each showed various signs of displeasure. Misaki felt bile rise in her throat. Exhaustion was making her head spin. Whatever this was, she didn't want any part of it. 
"Well, it appears there is no misunderstanding here. Allow us to introduce ourselves, as the etiquette demands, properly." 
Misaki's watchful gaze snapped to the Suit-guy. How could he worry about manners now?!
"This is the eldest son, Shu," he pointed toward Sleeping Beauty, who made no move to confirm or deny anything. 
"I am the second son, Reiji. This one," he gestured to the Spiky-hair guy, "is the third, Ayato."
Misaki winced slightly at the dangerous grin he sent her and refocused her attention on Reiji, who was now pointing to the psychopath with a teddy bear.
"Kanato, the fourth son."
"I hope we will be best friends," he mumbled, squeezing the cursed mascot harder, so its tiny paws pretended to move.
She swallowed uneasily and made a mental note to avoid him even if she had to jump through the window.
"The fifth son, Laito."
"It's very nice to meet you, Bitch-chan," the Hatter all but purred in her ear, suddenly causing her blood to run cold in her veins.
"And the last son, Subaru."
"Tch, what a waste of time," he grumbled from the wall. 
"Now, to finalize," if possible, Reiji sat straighter in his chair. "Which of us do you choose to become your fiancee and your master?"
"My master?!" She sputtered, looking over them like they all had lost their minds. "Okay, I have no idea what you're all playing at, but this gothic horror novel crap is too much for a welcome joke."
"You truly are stupid, aren't you?" Reiji's glare held her frozen to her spot as, word by word, his short speech shattered her resolve.��"You are a mortal, sent here to provide us with necessary nourishment. Please, refrain from holding on to your delusional beliefs and decide, so we can all forget this charade."
"Provide you- with nourishment?" She rattled her brain, trying to make sense of all this insanity. They can't be cannibals, can they? "You..." she swallowed, the question getting stuck in her throat, "you aren't... cannibals, are you?" 
She regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth. Ayato gave a sharp bark of laughter and leveled her with a stare, leaning on his elbows to get closer to her.
"Idiot. We're vampires. And you-" he pointed at her, reaching for her wrist, "get to be our snack."
Terror seized her throat, making it impossible to breathe. Heart thudded in her chest, blood creaming in her ears as unnaturally cold fingers closed with breaking force over her thin wrist, dragging it slowly to his waiting mouth. Two sharp fangs glimmered there, no longer hidden under full lip. She stared transfixed. Panic rose in her chest as he inhaled her scent, tongue peeking out, mere millimeters from her skin.
"Laito, I choose Laito!"
She screamed at the top of her lungs. At that point, she'd have done anything just to escape the vicious creature sitting before her. Ayato glared at her from his spot and pushed her wrist away with a loud "tsk."
"Then it is settled. The girl is your responsibility now."
Misaki turned slowly to catch a glimpse of Laito, smiling like a cat who'd just gotten the cream. If possible, she felt in even greater danger than before.
[Masterlist] [Prologue] [Chapter II]
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Prologue: They don't pay me enough.
A heavy sigh drifted over the spacious office. The man sitting behind an oak desk rubbed a hand over his temple. Firmly squeezing the bridge of his nose, he eyed the documents with great disdain.
Usually, he rather enjoyed messing with humans' lives, but lately, his sons somehow managed to ruin even that part. He only asked them to fall in love. Was it too much to expect?!
A quiet knock broke his solemn monologue, and soon, a servant walked in, avoiding his eyes at all cost. Karl spared him one glance and felt his migraine rising. Tobias. So it was this sort of news.
"My Lord, I am sorry to disturb you, but," his voice quivered. "We've just received word that Reiko is dead." The last word was barely a whisper, but to his ears, it thundered in a closed room.
"Which," he snarled, then quickly composed himself. "Which one of them did it this time?"
"Familiars, they...," Tobias felt a cold drop of sweat slide down his spine, but he knew better than to give way to the panic. He cleared his throat and started in a much steadier voice. "Familiars reported it was master Laito."
King cursed under his breath. He reached for the carafe and poured himself a generous serving. Slamming the bottle back on the table with perhaps more force than was necessary, he began thinking. Karl watched the crimson liquid sway in his favorite glass, took a sip, and felt the tension leave his shoulders as a coopery taste bloomed on his tongue.
"Tobias." The men jumped against his better judgment. Watching his employer as he indulged in his peculiar drinking habits put the poor servant on edge. "I need you to bring me the files of potential sacrifices—all of them. Additionally, I require detailed information on Ryoutei Academy and their headmaster's contact data."
"Yes, my lord." The servant bowed respectfully and headed to the door. His fingers barely brushed a knob when the dreaded voice rang again, making his heart drop. He almost got out of there.
"I almost forgot. Get me an appointment with the local police chief. And arrange for the body to be...," Karl weighted the words for a second, "taken care of properly. Understood?"
"Yes, my lord, but master Kanato has already disposed of the body in his usual way."
Karl nodded at the news, disposing of Tobias with a wave of his hand. When doors closed, he allowed himself to slump into the heavy armchair.
He was exhausted. Everything depended on this plan, and yet - despite his best efforts - his sons ruined his every attempt. "Maybe," he thought. "Adam is to blame? Perhaps it's time to reconsider and try with the other candidates." Almost as quickly, he shook his head, disposing of the idea. "Mukamis, although far more cooperative, have no chance at producing an heir, let alone starting a new kind."
His eyes glided over the office, packed to the brim with priceless books and artifacts, only to stop at a lunar calendar. The vile curse left his lips.
The eclipse will take place in both worlds in a few weeks. A perfect opportunity. Almost like a key on a silver platter with a note, "Please, don't hesitate to break free." His powers would fall drastically, and his enemies would be fools not to seize such a chance. And they were no fools. Perhaps one of them wasn't as bright. But his brother, yes. He was a different matter altogether. "I suppose a few millennia of relative peace was - after all - worth it."
Tobias, again this night, broke the heavy silence with a soft knock, and with a grace typical for a man threatened one time too many, he quickly arranged the requested items and made his leave.
"Let's see what the future holds." he thought, reaching for the first file. He squeezed his eyes shut, and in a heartbeat, white light exploded before him. He stood very still and watched the scene unfold before him.
Her eyes wide with fear, the girl struggled to take in her new situation. His sons delighted at her screams of terror as, one by one, they tried to grab a quick snack. Finally, she made up her mind, sealing her fate.
"Ayato," he thought and winced at what was to come. "Such a delusional boy. And not to mention his temper."
Ayato, unknowingly, lived up to his father's expectations in the worst sense. His new bride met a quick and bloody end, making a delightful gift for Kanato.
Karl slammed the file closed and threw it into the burning hearth. It was going to be a miserable night.
The fire crackled merrily as the vampire king discarded one folder after the other. Over sixty girls, and each one of them destined to fail. His skull throbbed when he reached for the next one, mentally preparing himself for another scene of a gruesome murder. As usual, he skipped over the beginning and felt his dead heat give a decisive thump. "Yes," he murmured, "this has potential. It's far from perfect, but with this one. With this one, we may have a future."
He sprang to his feet and, a moment later, had four pages covered in minuscule writing, perfectly describing his plan. Overwhelmed with childish glee, he raised his glass again and whispered, "To the future."
In the following weeks, a few things happened. Karl pulled a couple of strategically placed strings, made some illegal threats, and - after five minutes of mentally preparing himself - made it through a phone call with Shu. Before Karl could put down the phone, his eldest son had already pushed most responsibilities on his younger brother.
Several dozen miles away, a girl's mouth broke into a massive grin as she flew down the stairs to share the news with her parents. She got accepted with a full scholarship into one of the most prestigious schools in this country. It was a dream come true!
None of them knew this dream would very soon turn into a nightmare.
[Masterlist] [Chapter I]
Chapter I soon. As for now we have 2 cover options. Which one?
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unfocused-always · 2 years
Murder is a dangerous business [ravenclaw x slytherin]
Warnings: pretty sure none. Genre: humor. Words: 1k A/N: see end for short note. Enjoy!
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„E-Expecto patronum!” A loud shriek rang through the corridor as the wand gave a disappointing shake and harshly spit out a few blue fumes. They looked nowhere near close to the fully formed Patronus, that was supposed to save her, thank you very much.
She swallowed heavily, her hand clenching traitorous wand even tighter as slimy fingers of pure terror slowly seized her throat. Her eyes darted rapidly from her enemy to the door, praying to everything she ever considered holly. Where the hell was a backup when she desperately needed it?!
She attempted another calming breath, gripping her wand with the other hand. Movement – tough adding no real advantage – provided a false sense of empowerment in that miserable situation.
“Expecto patronum!” This time her voice was stronger, resonating along the stone walls with clear sense of purpose. Heart fell heavy in her stomach as the reality forced her to accept yet another failure. Again, the spell didn’t work. Choking down on a scream she backed away hastily, pressing her back against another wall, trying to squeeze her trembling form into the cold, merciless surface, hoping against hope that it would somehow hide her from it.
“Are my eyes giving up, or have you really just tried to scare this tiny spider away with a Patronus spell?” came the mocking voice from her right. Her head snapped to the side so fast that her neck gave a protesting sort of crack.
“Oh Merlin, oh sweet, merciful Merlin” she managed in a trembling voice, chest heaving with each forced breath she took. Yanking her friend by the back of his robes she forced him in front of her, shamelessly using his body as a shield and giving his right arm a purposeful sort of nudge.
“How very noble of you, Orien” he snickered, his lips curling in a signature mocking grin that she would have to wipe off his face sometime later.
“Yes, yes, I know. Just kill it already!” Hands clenched in his robes she peeked uneasily over his shoulder and immediately realized her mistake as a spider gave a taunting little wave, silently letting her know he was, in fact seeing her quite clearly.
“You know, I’m not so sure about this whole accomplice in murder sort of game you’re trying to play.” He tried to shift ever so slightly to give her a full impression of his gravely serious frown, but the iron fists still holding tight to his robes held him still. “What’s in it for me?”
Girthing her morals so hard they almost cracked, she forced another pleasant smile that screamed “violent death” and would terrify anyone, except… him. Being the most frequent recipient of her murderous glares he wasn’t even a little phased.
“Oh don’t give me that look. Murder is a dangerous business and if you want me to put my neck on the line, you need to give me something here.” His delighted voice washed over her and that jerk dared to throw in a little wink at the end. Oh, he was having too much fun for his own good.
“Fine, fine!” She snapped, shrinking even more into herself as the spider moved a few inches up. “Name your price.” She knew that if it wasn’t for that damned spider, she wouldn’t have fallen for this trap. But, whether she liked it or not, cards were on his side.
“How about…” white teeth perked against his lip as he pondered his option for a second. Pale blue eyes bore into hers, mirth bringing slightly darker accents to the surface. “a favour of my choice to call later on?” He declared, at last, his lips breaking into a self-satisfied grin. “AND!” he raised his wand in a shushing way “you can’t refuse, no matter the request.”
“One condition” she snapped back, glaring at him from her “safe spot”. “No illegal business and no spiders” she stated firmly, straightening her back to meet his slightly disappointed pout.
“You always take all the fun out of those things, you know?” Giving a long-suffering sigh, he extended his palm somewhat awkwardly over his shoulder, as she still refused to let him move an inch. “You have yourself a deal.”
“Great, perfect” she babbled, shaking his hand hastily and force-turning him back towards their enemy who was – to her horror – now accompanied by another one of his family. “Just kill it…! Oh, Merlin’s balls it’s already laying eggs!”
Deciding enough was enough she forced her eyes shut and gave in to the little voice that had been telling her to cower in fear from the very beginning of this cursed encounter.
She felt his back move under her palms, muscles shifting as he raised his wand, took aim, and said in a voice far calmer than she felt “Evanesco!”. After what felt like an eternity she heard a faint “pop!” and gave herself another generous 3 seconds to steady herself. Peeking from over his shoulder, her eyes scanned the opposing wall in frenzied movement and at last, she could confirm, that the coast was clear.
“Well, I’m sure you will be pleased to hear they are Merlin knows where and you” he drawled on a sing-song voice, finally turning to face her “are officially in my dept.”
Slumping back against the wall, she took a greedy intake of breath. Sweet witches above, old corridor never smelled this good. Her eyes mindlessly slid over the silver serpent embedded on his robes, up his slightly pointy chin, and higher. His mouth again curved in a smile tainted with the tiniest hint of concern, giving his face a softer look.
“I swear to Maggonagall’s hat, Reggie, if you ask me for a skull again, I’ll…”
“Hey! That was only one time!” He let out an exasperated huff and hurried after her to the dining hall. For someone so short, she sure was moving pretty damn fast.
“And we both know I’ll never let you live it down” she added with a wink over her shoulder, a smile dying on her lips as an ear-shattering crash rang through the corridor. The smell of burning wood hit her almost as fast as the screams of her fellow students. With a last puzzled glance at her friend, they both hurried towards the pandemonium.
A/N: Hello and welcome to the new story I might or might not be writing, featuring Ravenclaw!Oc/reader and her Slytherin companion as they make their way through the Marauders!Hogwarts. Honestly, I wrote this instead of sleeping. If someone feels like beta-reading this thing, I’ll send you that skull mentioned earlier, you’re a real hero. 
May our paths cross again!
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unfocused-always · 4 years
@w-yuren I just wanted to say that I'm absolutely in love with your Miya twins! ♡ For Olympus sake, your fic is amazing! I really hope we'll get to see them more! Thank you! Hugs
「Love, Truly 」 | Masterlist 
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pairings: miya atsumu x f!reader; platonic miya osamu x f!reader.
summary: inconsequential, episodic adventures of being v.league player miya atsumu’s ldr girlfriend while having his brother miya osamu as your college roommate.
warnings: fluff; hopefully humour; food and alcohol consumption, timeskip occupation spoilers.
a/n: a reader on ao3 commented that they’d be interested in a continuation of 「love, truly」, and i really like episodic shows talk to me about houzuki no reitetsu please so many weeks of deliberation, here we are. i hope you enjoy♡♡♡
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one-shot: love, truly.
episode 1: it’s fengshui, sweetheart.
episode 2: curry? it’s fragile.
episode 3: …
episode 4: …
episode 5: …
to be determined…
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unfocused-always · 5 years
I would love to know how the fuck this happened...
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