violetsiren90 · 10 days
Thank you so much for the hype!! I'm very excited to have readers decide where this goes!! I'm sorry for the ambiguity, but it makes things more interesting?? Maybe??
I'm so glad the vibe is coming across, and I hope future drabbles live up to your expectations!
As far as Chan content goes...well, at this point ANYTHING could happen... ;)
New Rules | Teaser
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Table of Cotents: Teaser (Prologue); Don't pick up the phone
Pairing: f*ck boi!Jisung x f!Reader
Genre: choose your own adventure; drabble/vignette series; angst and smut; f*ck buddies; college/post grad
Summary: Jisung has had you wrapped around his finger for the last half-decade. You know good and well that it's time to move on…but you can never seem to follow your own rules long enough to shake him.
*Based on the lyrics of "New Rules" by Dua Lipa
Content warnings: 18+ (minors, dni) Explicit smut; toxic relationship; Jisung is a manipulative little shit (There will be specific trigger warning for each update); For prologue: undressing, kissing, necking, dry humping, groping, fondling, Jisung has been drinking; lots of negative emotions and psychological conflict, raw LUST.
Word Count: Each drabble will probably around 1500-3000 words; total number of drabbles undetermined.
Author's Note: This is gonna be my fun little side project while I work on a my heavy chapter fic! Another one of my attempts at trying new things this year - a choose your own adventure centering around toxic romance. 😈💔🥀 Each update will have a poll at the end which will determine where the next drabble goes. The readers will literally be deciding the trajectory of this story! If you would like to participate throughout the series, let me know in the comments and I will add you to the tag list for updates!
As always, if no one has told you today, please know that you're loved, and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
(first poll below)
His hand finds the tack fastener on the front your jeans, and as he slips it deftly through the buttonhole with his finger and his thumb you feel a familiar chill creep into your chest. One little motion and it’s as if he snuffs out an invisible flame inside of you. And yet, you want them there, his fingers on the wick.
Tasting the liquor on his tongue, you pull away to press your lips below his jaw and against the thrum of his pulse point. You can feel from the force and urgency of his nimble hands as they skirt and grasp your form after peeling away your pants that it’s going to be quick and dirty. It always is, every time you cross the blurred boundaries of your friendship into the realm of carnal pleasure.
It never starts that way, though.
It starts with fingers gently lacing through your own, large pleading eyes full of innocence that dip to your lips and kindle darkly with lust…and then a kiss; one you’ve nearly starved for craving. That’s always how it starts.
But then, eventually and inevitably, you feel it - the sudden shift. The moment he drops the pretense with a simple word or touch that falls like an executioner's axe over the feeble hope that you so relentlessly resurrect.
He lets out a soft little whimper, tilting his head back to bare more of the skin of his throat, and just as quickly as the first flame extinguished, another licks through your viens. You scrape your teeth over his smooth, taut flesh and you feel him tremble beneath you. If just for a few moments, drenched in the scent of cheap booze and the pallid lens of moonlight, he’s yours for the taking.
And you want him, but fuck him. You hate him for pretending to care about you every single time when all he cares about is how you can make him feel. You hate yourself for how you let it consume your flesh and seep into your soul - the feeling that you are the only one who can bring him to that place between the planes of reality in which he finds deliverance through your body.
You pin his shoulders back against the headboard roughly, lascivious eyes drinking in his expression as it contorts with the intensity of his gratification at the plush, rhythmic pressure of your mound over the knot in his jeans. Thin cotton and rough denim massaging one another and at the friction growing damp.
A dance that you've memorized.
Another piece of your being chips away, as it does each time you relent to the greed of his hands and mouth, and a shiver slithers down your spine as his beautiful fingers slip up your shirt to grope at your breast.
When was the last time you felt truly whole? When, outside of the minutes of breathless darkness when he fills you?
~To be continued~
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violetsiren90 · 17 days
New Rules | Don't pick up the phone.
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Table of Contents: Teaser (Prologue); Don't pick up the phone;
Pairing: f*ck boi!Jisung x f!Reader; Jisung x Minho
Genre: choose your own adventure; drabble/vignette series; angst and smut; f*ck buddies; college/post grad
Summary: Jisung has had you wrapped around his finger for the last half-decade. You know good and well that it's time to move on…but you can never seem to follow your own rules long enough to shake him.
*Based on the lyrics of "New Rules" by Dua Lipa
Content warnings: 18+ (minors, dni) Explicit smut; toxic relationship; partying (alcohol and marijuana usage); characters commit sexual acts while partaking in controlled substances; sexual frustration; masturbation; fantasizing; flashbacks/backstory; lust and resentment; possessive Minho; dom Minho/sub Jisung if you squint; voyeurism; hand job; orgasm
Word Count: ~1600
Author's Note: Well, here we go! This is gonna get messy. Thanks to your poll responses (thank you so much for voting!!) we have a Minsung plot line. The next poll will be at the end of the drabble. I hope you enjoy this sinful little indulgence! ❤🔥
As always, if no one has told you today, please know that you're loved, and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
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You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone.
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Your heart hammers in your chest as you watch your phone buzz beside the stove. A groan escapes your lips as you let your head sag between your arms, outstretched to clutch the cheap, white tile of your kitchen countertop.
You’re wet just from seeing his name scroll across the caller ID.
Pushing away from where the device continues to ring out, you press your fingers to your temples and screw your eyes shut.
No. This has to stop.
The sudden phantom sensation of a pussy drunk tongue laving lazily over your swollen clit has you shuddering violently. As your eyes snap back open you shake yourself, stripping off your sweatshirt, suddenly hot.
The phone begins to buzz again, but you retreat into your bedroom, shutting the door as you lay against the cool softness of your comforter. You know what needs to be done…or rather, you know who absolutely cannot be, and your dominant hand has already begun to breach the the waistband of your leggings. You can feel him, smell him, taste him. You chest heaves.
You hold the onslaught of unholy memories at bay as your fingers brush over your mound.
Unfocused gaze aimed at the blades of the ceiling fan as they cycle hypnotically, your mind reaches for an image you’ve recalled and pushed away countless times. Your lips part as your fingers find your warmth. It was the moment that had sentenced you to the madness, an erotic and hollow awakening. You could see it now, as if three years hadn’t passed.
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Han Jisung was a fruit that hung from the tree in the center of the garden. One that many thirsted to taste. You ran in very different circles when you first met, sophomore year of undergrad. He was living life in the fast lane and you were diligently working your way through a six-year education plan. And yet, you became something like friends in the minutes between two and three pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He would drop by the student success center for assistance with business economics, though you rarely talked about that, and amongst the textbooks and index cards and vending machine nourishment, you discovered him.
You found him to be different than he presented in a crowd, especially his typical one. He was shy and sweet and silly with an unbelievable amount of intelligence that he carried around like a key he hadn’t found the lock for - something that kept him awake at night and brought his nails between his teeth. When he wasn’t subdued by a quiet reserve, he wielded his boyish good looks and a charisma that could be harnessed at will with nearly total recklessness, and you fell no less a victim to his cheeky charm than the rest of the student body.
Of course, you’d known of him before he’d sat down at your tutoring desk that first day. Everyone did - and not a few in a way that had earned him a specific brand of notoriety. You’d seen them time and again, the passersby who waved and giggled with their friends at the recollection of a mouthful of his cock.
And you’d taken it for another part of his restlessness, the promiscuity - an easy outlet for all of that vibrating, frenetic energy. Until that night.
Jisung was in a punk rock group, and a good one for being so amateur. The five of them, The Maniacs, had established a fair amount of celebrity on campus. He was close with his bandmates, especially one in particular who you’d taken for his best friend - Minho. He talked about him constantly.
Lee Minho was another fruit on the tree in the center of the garden. Devastatingly handsome, his eyes and lips held a kind of cold cruelty that only seemed to sharpen his beauty, and he sang with the voice of a fallen angel. The senior was The Maniacs' front man and walking lingerie department, considering the sheer number of lacy underthings that had been tossed in his direction. Jisung worshiped him, and it wasn’t unusual to see the pair sharing a cigarette in a grassy corner of the quad, casually draped over one another like two cats in the sun.
Jisung lived in his world, and you in yours. Your circles turned with earth and the moon, intersecting and deviating in natural course. And then, on the Thursday before spring break that year, he did something he’d never done before - he invited you to one of his gigs. It was a house party at the vacation home of an old-money alum. You surprised yourself by saying you’d go. Uncharacteristic of you. You didn’t expect to know a soul aside from Jisung, and it meant calling out of your shift at work…but recently, you’d begun to fantasize.
You’d begun to dabble in dangerous and preposterous daydreams in moments between your encounters, and created a little monster he’d fed just enough with the invitation. You were a sensible person as a rule, and tonight you felt like being reckless. Like being indulgent. So you went.
You dressed the part. Did yourself up. Drenched yourself in your roommate’s perfume.
You showed up on the late side, and the band had already been playing when you arrived. He looked glorious strapped to a guitar in a fitted tank top and distressed skinny jeans, glinting silver hoops catching the light at his ears. You smiled at him when he found you in the crowd and he waved. Then, after the set, he found you, handed you a joint, and told you with a wink to save it for after the show.
Your heart pounded the rest of the night.
You watched him tear up the room with the rest of the band. You cheered uproariously. You danced with your drink raised over your head. If it was a dream, you were sleepwalking for all you cared. The more buzzed you became the fuzzier the lines between reality and fantasy began to appear.
You stayed late into the night, as you’d promised. And sometime after midnight, when the majority of the guests had dispersed and those who remained were locked in bedrooms or passed out on cushioned furniture, he found you. He took your hand and tugged you towards the backyard.
From the couch in the sitting room, sprawled out and sweating with smoke wisping from his lips, Minho watched.
Jisung led you out to the pool, and you both sat on the edge - you with your calves dipped into the cool water as he sat cross-legged beside you. He lit the joint, and you passed it back and forth as you talked. You talked like you always did, but with something new hanging in the air, an energy that had you humming with anticipation beside him. He was so relaxed. You wondered if it was the weed. You hoped it was you. And then he looked at you like he did in your daydreams and his eyes dropped to your lips.
Then his phone chimed.
Glancing at it he sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he stood and told you he’d be back in a minute. So you waited. And waited. Then you pulled your feet out of the pool, picked up your heels, and went to find him.
You didn’t have to look far.
The moonlight was streaming through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the wall facing the expanse of the yard and across the sitting room, casting the bodies of sleeping party-goers draped over chairs and loveseats in the cool marble of its illumination. Everything was silent and still - so the soft, desperate groan from the couch on the far side of the space was enough to pull your eyes to its source.
You sucked in a breath, your lips parting and mouth going dry as the scene before you seared itself onto your retinas like an obscene tattoo.
Minho was seated low on the cushions, the black leather of his shapely legs splayed wide to accommodate Jisung. The younger man sat in his lap, his back to Minho’s chest, skinny jeans pushed down his thighs while the older man methodically stroked his exposed cock. Jisung’s eyes were screwed shut, his features contorted in ecstasy - mouth hanging open as he whimpered and gasped.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away…and then you saw his. Minho’s. 
Gleaming and dark and full of a lustful wickedness, they locked you in their gaze over Jisung’s shoulder. As he watched you he began to twirl his wrist, tugging Jisung’s cock in torturous circles as he twisted and pumped so that it began to weep from its tip. Minho’s lips curled up in a sensuous sneer.
You should have run. You should have turned around and shut the door on everything. But you were hazy on weed and liquor and you swayed, frozen where you stood, as you felt a sticky dampness gathering at the gusset of your panties. It was the most arousing and gutting thing you had ever seen.
Minho’s left hand raised to snake around Jisung’s throat, two lithe fingers pressing at his pulse point. Jisung jerked and twitched over him, as if trying to restrain himself from writhing under the ministrations of Minho’s fist. It was intensely lewd, how naked he looked in all his clothes with his belly and cock and the tops of his thighs exposed to Minho’s touch. The zipper on the sleeve of the singer’s leather jacket kept time like a tinkling pornographic metronome as he jerked his bandmate closer and closer to oblivion.
Your pulse pounded in your pussy as you watched your friend’s face twist in carnal euphoria, hips jerking erratically as his white cum surged over Minho’s hand to drip over his bared tummy and hips.
You watched Jisung. Minho watched you.
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Your eyes snap open and you pull your sticky fingers from your folds, crying out in frustration as your climax eludes you. Rolling over, you rip open your nightstand drawer to grasp for a vibrator.
The toy buzzes you brutally over the edge.
Your phone has stopped buzzing in the kitchen.
~To be continued~
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violetsiren90 · 22 days
What's your opinion on authors who create original characters as this idolized (or would it be idealized) version of themselves?
I mean, I think people should do what they want to, especially if they're just writing for fun?
I think it can be natural to draw on one's self in character creation, and a lot of times in reader-insert fics, the initial inspiration and fantasy-fulfillment can be for the writer themselves.
As far as idealization, I think it can be tempting to create an "polished" version of one's self when projecting into creative medium, but I would hope that the writer knows that likely many of the aspects about themselves they might change to portray a more "ideal" character are things that make them beautiful and unique and themselves. In fact, writing themselves with all of their quirks and human flaws would likely make for a relatable and compelling character!
Anyhow, those are my thoughts! 💜
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violetsiren90 · 22 days
Everyone keeps saying they would rather be stranded in the woods with a bear than a man, but I just can't vibe with that because I think I would honestly feel bad killing a bear.
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violetsiren90 · 25 days
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violetsiren90 · 25 days
Alright gang, the people have spoken!
The first drabble/chapter will be for the 🍎 option!!
"Stolen wine" would have unlocked an infidelity plotline with Felix. "Forbidden apples" has unlocked a voyeurism plotline with Minho!
Drop date: Likely this weekend
*Please remember: This story line, while not extreme, will be on the darker side as it will explore the unhealthy but seductive aspects of a toxic romance. While very sexy, it will not be a conventional, fluffy love story!
New Rules | Teaser
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Pairing: f*ck boi!Jisung x f!Reader
Genre: choose your own adventure; drabble/vignette series; angst and smut; f*ck buddies; college/post grad
Summary: Jisung has had you wrapped around his finger for the last half-decade. You know good and well that it's time to move on…but you can never seem to follow your own rules long enough to shake him.
*Based on the lyrics of "New Rules" by Dua Lipa
Content warnings: 18+ (minors, dni) Explicit smut; toxic relationship; Jisung is a manipulative little shit (There will be specific trigger warning for each update); For prologue: undressing, kissing, necking, dry humping, groping, fondling, Jisung has been drinking; lots of negative emotions and psychological conflict, raw LUST.
Word Count: Each drabble will probably around 1500-3000 words; total number of drabbles undetermined.
Author's Note: This is gonna be my fun little side project while I work on a my heavy chapter fic! Another one of my attempts at trying new things this year - a choose your own adventure centering around toxic romance. 😈💔🥀 Each update will have a poll at the end which will determine where the next drabble goes. The readers will literally be deciding the trajectory of this story! If you would like to participate throughout the series, let me know in the comments and I will add you to the tag list for updates!
As always, if no one has told you today, please know that you're loved, and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
(first poll below)
His hand finds the tack fastener on the front your jeans, and as he slips it deftly through the buttonhole with his finger and his thumb you feel a familiar chill creep into your chest. One little motion and it’s as if he snuffs out an invisible flame inside of you. And yet, you want them there, his fingers on the wick.
Tasting the liquor on his tongue, you pull away to press your lips below his jaw and against the thrum of his pulse point. You can feel from the force and urgency of his nimble hands as they skirt and grasp your form after peeling away your pants that it’s going to be quick and dirty. It always is, every time you cross the blurred boundaries of your friendship into the realm of carnal pleasure.
It never starts that way, though.
It starts with fingers gently lacing through your own, large pleading eyes full of innocence that dip to your lips and kindle darkly with lust…and then a kiss; one you’ve nearly starved for craving. That’s always how it starts.
But then, eventually and inevitably, you feel it - the sudden shift. The moment he drops the pretense with a simple word or touch that falls like an executioner's axe over the feeble hope that you so relentlessly resurrect.
He lets out a soft little whimper, tilting his head back to bare more of the skin of his throat, and just as quickly as the first flame extinguished, another licks through your viens. You scrape your teeth over his smooth, taut flesh and you feel him tremble beneath you. If just for a few moments, drenched in the scent of cheap booze and the pallid lens of moonlight, he’s yours for the taking.
And you want him, but fuck him. You hate him for pretending to care about you every single time when all he cares about is how you can make him feel. You hate yourself for how you let it consume your flesh and seep into your soul - the feeling that you are the only one who can bring him to that place between the planes of reality in which he finds deliverance through your body.
You pin his shoulders back against the headboard roughly, lascivious eyes drinking in his expression as it contorts with the intensity of his gratification at the plush, rhythmic pressure of your mound over the knot in his jeans. Thin cotton and rough denim massaging one another and at the friction growing damp.
A dance that you've memorized.
Another piece of your being chips away, as it does each time you relent to the greed of his hands and mouth, and a shiver slithers down your spine as his beautiful fingers slip up your shirt to grope at your breast.
When was the last time you felt truly whole? When, outside of the minutes of breathless darkness when he fills you?
~To be continued~
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violetsiren90 · 28 days
I though I should let you know that your fics seem like they are getting lower quality recently? Maybe you don't have time or just aren't as invested. But especially the last two drabbles of your Yoongi one shot. Not as good so, I'd want to know if it was me. Your original fics were some of my favorites tho.
Thankfully, I am someone who is completely fine with constructive criticism. But you may ask others first before dropping some in their ask boxes! Everyone has different boundaries when interacting about the creations they share! 😊
Could you tell me specifically what you felt was lacking in some if the recent fics (maybe draw on the recent WTMS drabbles, since you mentioned those)?
Thank for reading my works! I try my best, but I'm just an amateur writer and not everything I share is going to be of equal caliber.
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violetsiren90 · 28 days
Do you still reply to messages?
Hi! I do my best to.
I recently went on hiatus and am just now returning, so I'm still getting around to some of the asks that have accumulated during that time and shortly before.
If you sent me an ask in the recent past and I haven't got around to answering, I'm so sorry!! I will try to answer them as soon as possible.
Thank you for being patient with me!! 😅💕
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violetsiren90 · 29 days
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700 notes · View notes
violetsiren90 · 29 days
❤️U REMMY 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕
When your moot knows your masterlist better than you do and randomly slides into your DM's to update on all your fics that have recently hit/are about to hit milestones.
@orchidyoonkook , I refuse to believe you are, in fact, a real human who exists and chooses to gift me with your friendship until I've poked your cheek very suspiciously with my own finger.
Also, Under the Willow Tree (which is a beautiful, perfect story that changed me as a person) just hit 700 notes and if you haven't read it the best advice I could ever give you is to just go ahead and click that link.
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violetsiren90 · 29 days
Was daydreaming today about sitting in the grass with my back against a tree and Taehyung's head in my lap while talking to him about how I'm hopelessly in love with Yoongi.
I would play with his hair and he would want to hear all my sappy cringy feelings and then proceed to give me the most random insights into my crush.
Then he would proceed to offer me a slew of Yoongi-targeted flirting tactics that were absolutely absurd with one sprinkled in that was so devastatingly effective it should be a government secret.
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violetsiren90 · 29 days
When your moot knows your masterlist better than you do and randomly slides into your DM's to update on all your fics that have recently hit/are about to hit milestones.
@orchidyoonkook , I refuse to believe you are, in fact, a real human who exists and chooses to gift me with your friendship until I've poked your cheek very suspiciously with my own finger.
Also, Under the Willow Tree (which is a beautiful, perfect story that changed me as a person) just hit 700 notes and if you haven't read it the best advice I could ever give you is to just go ahead and click that link.
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violetsiren90 · 1 month
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i still can't understand how such a perfect song became a smth "that only fans know". this is such a good song, it should become global [405 days before yoongi is back]
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violetsiren90 · 1 month
I'm not wedding myself to the results
AND I know that poll results are inherently biased because people who want to vote 'no' are honestly more likely to not vote than actually say so, so I don't really know what use it is doing a poll but, it will, I guess, at least show if even one person would want to read it??
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violetsiren90 · 1 month
Just finished Castaway Diva and cried my eyes out because Jung Kiho is the most What the Moon Saw Yoongi coded character of all time and my poor heart could NOT handle it. 😭❤️
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violetsiren90 · 1 month
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hey so like would y’all read a fic where roommate yoongi offers to sew an outfit for your date with someone else that ends up going horribly wrong asking for a friend🧍‍♀️
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violetsiren90 · 1 month
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Okay I need y'all to be a sounding board to tell me if I'm crazy or if this is as diabolical as I think it is. Tonight (after hours) my boss randomly pinged me and told me to drop my job description and four key projects/values I bring to the company ASAP. I'm like okay... and open the doc link... and there are literally other people in the marketing department doing the same thing where we can all see what the other is writing.
No preface for why we were asked to do this and not everyone in the department has been asked to do this.... is this not absolute psychological warfare????????????
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