vpbartz · 6 years
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Design Ambassador is the mothership of all our projects and initiatives such as Archisearch Designlobby Arkki Greece & Cyprus ΕΣΩ The Architect Show and others.. We do Communication, PR, Events & Consulting with emphasis in Architecture & Design. We are Matchmakers & Guardian Angels for Creatives. We love to connect people together, create & expand collaboration opportunities and partnerships. What we do we only do it with love, passion and all of our energy. We invite you to join and like our Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/Design Ambassadorvb so that you can stay in touch with our on going projects ! Thank you ! #designambassador #archisearch #architecture #design
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vpbartz · 12 years
Designlobby.asia new Chinese phone
My new Chinese mobile is +86 1368 3550 834
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vpbartz · 12 years
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Designlobby | Canton Fair | almost done !
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vpbartz · 12 years
Designlobby.cn 您在亚洲的设计合作伙伴
Designlobby.cn 您在亚洲的设计合作伙伴 DESIGNLOBBY.CN & .ASIA为DESINEMBASSADOR.COM UG 公司的一业务部门且已注册成为商标。DESINEMBASSADOR.COM UG 公司设于德国柏林,由CEO Vassilios P Bartzokas 创立经营。 DESIGNLOBBY.CN & .ASIA不仅是一个创意集合体同时还是一个代表希腊及欧洲设计在亚洲的最佳合作伙伴的机构组织,其代表的行业领域包括:品牌塑造与传播、产品设计、建筑、视频设计、制图、插画、包装、活动策划、食品设计、广告及音乐视频制作、艺术展览设计及组织策划、现代艺术、室内设计、视觉艺术、照明设计及建筑摄影、行情预测、网络及移动应用与设计。 我们的组织成员曾为一些世界顶级品牌服务过。我们热衷于设计出优秀且具有恒久魅力的东西而不是盲目追崇潮流,相反我们是要创造潮流。我们的客户对象来自各行各业,其中包括:谷歌、微软、达能、沃尔沃环球帆船赛、梅塔莎白兰地、 DIMPLE威士忌、绝对伏特加、可口可乐、阿姆斯特、奥林匹克航空公司、新卫城博物馆、沃尔沃、塔森、珂诺诗、英美烟草集团、耐克、前四强篮球赛、布加迪汽车、阿尔法.罗密欧、美国运通、宾利汽车、固特异、老佛爷百货、斯沃琪、TUI、雅典奥林匹克运动会、嘉年华邮轮公司、冠达邮轮公司、希腊诺华公司、特殊奥林匹克运动会、卡夫食品、汇丰银行、福克斯传媒、希腊文化部、公共工程等。 我们将帮您们在合理的预算范围内迅速高效地达到最好的活动成效。同时我们还能为任何专业人士及终端用户创造附加价值并帮助他们实现他们的愿景。 我们能帮您们把一个品牌从无到有地塑造起来;传递您们的信息;建造您们的新居、公办大楼及工厂;同时帮您们进行室内设计;打造您们的特许经营理念;重新设计您们的图形;从头对您们的包装进行改进提升或重新设计;为您们的产品线创造设计新的产品;我们同时还能帮您们组织策划公司活动及公司庆典等 在当今这个日新月异、竞争日益激烈的全球环境下,我们将助您一臂之力,帮您不断创新以达到国内及国际领先水平。
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vpbartz · 12 years
Pinterest has surged to become the number 3 social network after Facebook and Twitter:
Sean Ludwig via VentureBeat
Pinterest surprised many last December when it was revealed as a top 10 social network. The new Experian report says Pinterest’s traffic surged 50 percent between February and January of this year, which is growth that’s stunning in itself. That surge has allowed the site to overtake services like Tumblr, LinkedIn, and Google+ for the third highest number of visits in February. And not only is it fun for users, it’s also a killer tool for marketers.
Adding to the good news, analytics firm comScore also  said recently that Pinterest attracted 17.8 million unique visitors in February from the U.S. alone. In terms of engagement, Pinterest is winning as well, with users spending an average of 89 minutes per month on site. However, the social network still lags behind Facebook, which has users spending an average of 405 minutes per month on its site.
Personally, I find Pinterest banal: the Las Vegas of social networks, where everything thing in the US psyche — good or bad — is raised to its most extreme garishness.
However, I don’t like Facebook much either — but for a wide variety of other reasons.
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vpbartz · 13 years
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vpbartz · 13 years
How did we misread the future so badly? Mind you, this Second Life hype didn’t involve distant, sci-fi predictions about the future. (“Someday we’ll all commute to the moon using unisex RocketCrocs!”) This was just five years ago. We were just months away from the iPhone.
After enduring a lifetime of mega-fads that flame out—the Apple Newton and PointCast and the Segway—why are we so quick to extrapolate a few data points into a Dramatic New Future? Well, here’s the frustrating part: Sometimes the Dramatic New Future arrives, exactly as promised. The mega-hyped Internet? Yep, worked out OK. Ditto Google and Facebook and iPods and iPhones.
This predictive crapshoot is rough on business leaders—your employees are going to bug you, every time, to greenlight the corporate blog. Or the storefront in Second Life. Or the special on Foursquare. Which efforts are worth it? How can you know, for sure, in advance?
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vpbartz · 13 years
Today two years ago I gave a presenation about Social Media at XENIA Show. Have to congratulate Dimitris Koumanis and of course SID and SETE for an excellent organization and subject. this is my first test post here !!!!
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