wiisagi-maiingan · 11 hours
Nobody who has said that has ever faced a serious medical issue and had to just ignore it no matter the consequences because going to a doctor/dentist/ER was just too expensive to even consider. Like accessible medical care is the bare minimum for any happiness in life whatsoever and people just cannot comprehend that if they've never had to go without it.
"Money can't buy happiness" is a very easy thing to say when you can afford to see a doctor.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 11 hours
"Money can't buy happiness" is a very easy thing to say when you can afford to see a doctor.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 12 hours
It's ok to want money. It's ok to be upset that you're poor and wishing to be rich. I understand. People who say that money doesn't buy happiness have never eaten pasta every day because it's 50 cents at the grocery store or been short on money for christmas presents. Constantly scraping by makes people miserable and depressed and of course you're gonna dream about money, about being happy and priviledged. That's not greedy or horrible, that's life. It's ok.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 2 days
Reblog control was the best feature tumblr has added in a long time. I love seeing old posts that I didn't word as well I would now pop up in my notifications and being able to just turn off reblogs entirely.
Some people may call that cowardly. I do not care.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 2 days
I shouldn’t have to say this, but— do not sign anything which has important points added in goddamn pencil.
Don’t sign forms with areas left blank. Make sure those areas have “not applicable” written in each one (or words which work where you are).
Be aware of ambush tactics like being asked to sign unrelated forms * after * a surgery, any painful therapy, while feverish — any time when you’re unable to read and think clearly.
Don’t believe “this form is no big deal, you don’t have to read it.”
If you’re pressured “because it’s more efficient to sign everything at once” or anything like that, remember this is one more reason to be cautious, if not suspicious. Tell them to make a separate appointment.
If you are in pain, alone, or concerned for yourself and your ability to refuse to sign papers under pressure, ask someone to be there with you.
If you don’t have people to help in person, get someone to witness things with your phone, and allow them to say “wait a minute, that’s not right” or “no” for you. You don’t even need a smart phone to do this, OK? I’ve had to use a land line on speaker. It helps if your person has a clue what’s going on, but if you’re ambushed, just make sure they are willing to stick up for you. There are probably notes on how to be an advocate somewhere, if you know resources please add them in comments or add to this post.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 4 days
Look don't test me I'll block and turn off reblogs with a hair trigger if you all can't be normal about this but I do feel like it needs to be said that "do you think abortion should be allowed if the mother's reason for wanting it is—" the only acceptable answer to that question is Yes no matter what the end of that sentence is going to be. I do not care if someone wants an abortion for selfish reasons or bigoted reasons or cruel reasons or any other hypothetical strawman you can think of, there is no circumstance where someone should be denied the right to opt out of a forced pregnancy and birth. First of all, who's in charge of interrogating everyone seeking an abortion to make sure they're doing it for reasons Pure Of Heart? Second, why do you think Forced Birth is an appropriate punishment to inflict on anyone? If your answer to "should abortion be allowed when the motivation is—" is anything but an unequivocal "yes, and I don't care about the motivation" then you are not pro-choice
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wiisagi-maiingan · 4 days
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via michelleobama/IG
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wiisagi-maiingan · 5 days
reposting this information to it's own post because asker was a racist.
What's going on right now in the Republic of Georgia / Sakartvelo? A new legislation just passed that official bans - human rights essentially, gay-marriage, gender-firming care and surgery, any 'promotion' of queer identity. Soon after this legislation passed, trans model Kesaria Abramidze was murdered as a direct consequence of this.
Why is this super extra bad? Besides the several many lives at stake, the safety of queer families and the lethality of hate crimes, Georgia's wish to enter the EU is falling to a complete simmer due to this, soon to be extinguished completely. Here is an article about the international reaction to this legislation:
What can you do to help? The biggest thing we currently rely on is international push back especially from the EU members and the possible overturn of this in the upcoming election. It does not help that this law is implemented due to greedy fucks and Russian puppets in Georgia who benefit from this. source:
You might hear many refer to this as 'Russian law' which is due to the fact that Georgia, under this puppet-leadership mimics Russian laws like the 'Foreign Agents Law' that was put into work only a few months prior the law assumes 'only receiving foreign funds makes an organization a foreign agent.' and I don't think I have to explain how horrendous that is.
We also rely on our president to veto the legislation before it goes into 'full effect' (though the consequences and effect have already begun) but even with this the political party which instated this legislation argue to over-ride her veto in parliament. source:
The most important thing right now is vocal pushback, and public support of the queer community. with what happened to Kesaria (may she rest in peace) a lot of trans people are fearing for their lives, and queer families no longer can remain in their own country if they want to continue to be themselves in any way.
Spread love, a lot of it like as much as you can offer to queer Georgians everywhere.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 5 days
While was at the library today, I picked up Native Nations: A Millennium in North America by Kathleen Duval (published just this year!) and I'm very excited to sink my teeth into it. It's very hard to find colonial-era historical non-fiction that doesn't paint Native people as either evil savages or helpless victims with no autonomy or existences outside of colonialist violence, so I'm really hoping this book will help fill the gap a bit.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 15 days
I was going to make a post about how everyone should be automatically eligible for Medicaid regardless of income level without the constant risk of being kicked off with no warning and then I realized that that's just universal healthcare.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 17 days
I think something that is commonly left out of discussions about police violence and brutality but that absolutely shouldn't be is the fact that police are so likely to turn to lethal force immediately that provoking them is a known method for suicide. "Suicide by cop" is very real and often used by people who either have no intention of hurting anyone like they're threatening to or who don't even have a real weapon.
I was in an active shooter lockdown in high school not because there was someone in my school planning on killing us, but because there was someone outside with an automatic weapon threatening to kill us, all to try to bait cops into killing him. Isn't that fucked up? Isn't the world we live in beyond fucked when these are the decisions people are pushed to? How many things have to fundamentally go wrong in a society for this to be a legitimate thing that happened not once but MANY times?
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wiisagi-maiingan · 17 days
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i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate that dead children bleeding out in their classrooms don’t even make the news anymore. i hate that i didn’t even know this happened until 10 minutes ago because school shootings are so fucking common now. this is not normal. this is not okay.
zichronam livracha. may the memories of the two students and two teachers killed haunt the politicians who have allowed this culture of terror in schools to fester for so long every day for the rest of their miserable lives.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 18 days
Also would like to say, outside of tags on someone else's posts, that most poor people are not paying full price for fancy smartphones. They're getting those phones through trade-in programs or "sign up for this service and get a free phone" things, they're buying discounted or discontinued phones that look fancy but work like shit, or they're doing payment plans (usually for an already discounted phone).
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wiisagi-maiingan · 18 days
"Oh if you're struggling with bills, just sell your PS4!" Oh yeah, because I'd make soooooo much money off of a nearly 10 year old outdated game system with a tiny collection of games most other people do not care about 🙄
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wiisagi-maiingan · 18 days
I guess friendly reminder that you can't actually judge someone's socioeconomic status based on what they own and the classic republican "they can't be poor they own a smart phone/computer" argument doesn't suddenly stop being complete out of touch nonsense when a poor person makes it.
Anyway insert "y'all can't be trusted to eat the rich bcs you'll target taco bell shift leaders and people with playstations instead of actual billionaires" post here.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 19 days
My auntie and cousins all want to be cremated because they are deeply terrified of becoming "worm food" and I find that very tragic honestly. I think there is something incredibly beautiful and reassuring about knowing that I'll return to the earth one day and help sustain life even in death. It makes the idea of dying less scary and I wish everyone could know that kind of comfort.
"The death of any living thing is morally wrong" sure is. . . a take I just saw. I don't understand how people can be so detached from nature and the basics of life that they can come to that kind of conclusion.
Everything that lives will die eventually. No one and nothing is guaranteed a long life or a "natural" death by old age. We all die, most of us sooner rather than later, and we all end up as food for something else. That's just how life works.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 19 days
"The death of any living thing is morally wrong" sure is. . . a take I just saw. I don't understand how people can be so detached from nature and the basics of life that they can come to that kind of conclusion.
Everything that lives will die eventually. No one and nothing is guaranteed a long life or a "natural" death by old age. We all die, most of us sooner rather than later, and we all end up as food for something else. That's just how life works.
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