witchyroman · 8 days
Roman hums, folding her arms behind her back. "What do you think my intentions were?"
A witch with bright red hair appears in front of Rue. She seems kind, but the fae should still be on guard. This one can be tricky
"Hello there~ You're new in town, no?."
"New in town? One might say so! Thou may call me Rue... and thou are?"
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witchyroman · 8 days
"Je suis Ramona Rose." Roman tilts her head, observing Rue "You're a magical being as well."
A witch with bright red hair appears in front of Rue. She seems kind, but the fae should still be on guard. This one can be tricky
"Hello there~ You're new in town, no?."
"New in town? One might say so! Thou may call me Rue... and thou are?"
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witchyroman · 20 days
"On bed rest. Apparently I've been "over doing it." She hums, looking smug and proud. "But, the children are safe. No complications, and they're both just as beautiful as their parents."
A wild Roman appears on Zestial's couch "Hello there~ Did you miss me?"
“Ramona! Verily, I have missed thee! Where hast thou been, thou wild one?”
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman waves off the question "Nothing important to worry about. What about you? How have you been?"
Roman appears sitting on his couch. Probably the most normal entrance she has ever done "Hello there~"
"Dearest Ramona! Greetings! what brings thee here on this fine day?"
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witchyroman · 5 months
"Yep, I'm having twins; a boy and a girl." She glances around Zestial's home with an unreadable expression. She opens her mouth to say something but decides against it, drinking more tea instead
Roman appears sitting on his couch. Probably the most normal entrance she has ever done "Hello there~"
"Dearest Ramona! Greetings! what brings thee here on this fine day?"
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman took a sip of her tea before answering "You're quite welcome. I'm pretty sore and tired... I think the babies were playing together all morning. They're settled now, so I can finally rest." She puts a hand on her stomach with a fond smile "They're going to be just as mischievous as me."
Roman appears sitting on his couch. Probably the most normal entrance she has ever done "Hello there~"
"Dearest Ramona! Greetings! what brings thee here on this fine day?"
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witchyroman · 5 months
"What's with the look? I can do nice things without being chaotic."
Roman appears sitting on his couch. Probably the most normal entrance she has ever done "Hello there~"
"Dearest Ramona! Greetings! what brings thee here on this fine day?"
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witchyroman · 5 months
"I felt like sharing some tea with a friend." She waves her hand and a tray with steaming tea appears on the table
Roman appears sitting on his couch. Probably the most normal entrance she has ever done "Hello there~"
"Dearest Ramona! Greetings! what brings thee here on this fine day?"
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman purrs happily and nuzzles his hand "Mrrrro" ^^
She's staring at the shiny objects "Murrrrrrooow!"
"doth the feline like the shiny?" Zestial seems amused
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman is kindly ignoring him. The crystal is far more interesting
She's staring at the shiny objects "Murrrrrrooow!"
"doth the feline like the shiny?" Zestial seems amused
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman chirps, laying down on top of him and effectively pinning him there. She then continues to bap at the crystal
She's staring at the shiny objects "Murrrrrrooow!"
"doth the feline like the shiny?" Zestial seems amused
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman crouches down and wiggles, pouncing on Zestial and knocking him to the floor ^^
She's staring at the shiny objects "Murrrrrrooow!"
"doth the feline like the shiny?" Zestial seems amused
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman's pupils are very wide as she baps at a crystal
She's staring at the shiny objects "Murrrrrrooow!"
"doth the feline like the shiny?" Zestial seems amused
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witchyroman · 5 months
"...No promises." ^^
Roman taps Zestial's forehead, turning him back to normal "Better?"
Zestial stands and dusts himself off "thank thee dearest Ramona... please kindly refrain from such actions again"
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witchyroman · 5 months
Bad feline
Roman is sitting on top of Zestial's fridge again ^^
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman is sitting on top of his fridge "I have a surprise for you."
"Such a statement, my dear Ramona, doth trouble me greatly coming from thee."
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witchyroman · 5 months
Roman pretends to think about it "I'm not convinced. I think she'll love it!"
Roman is sitting on top of his fridge "I have a surprise for you."
"Such a statement, my dear Ramona, doth trouble me greatly coming from thee."
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