Is it true that knowledge is power and France is bacon?
France is 🐸 no other answer is acceptable.
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It's ok guys. We are all perfectly identical in every way. No difference to see here.
Mind you I understand the sentiment here. Because in the case of some organs, "good match" is better than nothing at all. Because most people won't be a perfect match.
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I'll add to this as a breakdown.
Pedophile in the dictionary definition is one that has sexual attraction to children.
Colloquially it's used to refer to anyone that has a sexual attraction to minors)(which I think is a grievous mistake because the implications aren't the same if a 20 yo has a ring for a 16 or 17 yo vs is a 20 year old has a thing for a 10 yo. It's very different so far as I'm concerned but that's a different discussion fully
M.A.P. is a term invented to be more "LGBT community friendly, effectively meaning Minor Attracted Person. )(MAP as a term was made with the express purpose of trying to group themselves with protections and accepting the community itself has been getting since 2015.
NOMAP as a term means Non Offending MAP.)( the implication here funny enough being that the MAPs do offend. And that these individuals are above their impulses. Not that I remotely believe that.
But the long and short of it is those terms were invented in order to basically pretty up the language surrounding people who are sexually attracted to kids to push acceptance of their sickness.
The problem you're running into is that the term "Pro ship" which Taka explained above, was co-opted by people we refer to as "antis". Effectively? Hyper Moral Puritans. They are people whom if the ship is one they don't like our don't think would exist (key phrase here THEY THINK) then they have to go through any means to shame you publicly. Easiest way to do that is to do what hyper Puritans are best at? Best you over the head with language. Except these people are worse because they obfuscate language and try to change language in order to make what they deem not ok seem morally and socially wrong to even THINK of much less enjoy.
As such what you will tend to hear is people say that "pro ship" effective means "problematic ships" which it doesn't and never has. It means you are Pro shipping characters, and don't care about what kind of ship it is. And it's fiction. So honestly who gives a F. Like sure no one has to like a ship, but you do you.
As such that's the long and short of the entire thing.
Can y'all explain to me what a map is, I thought they were real life actual pedophiles but I'm seeing ppl say you can't be anti map and a proshipper??
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The other two are not Rep controlled. That's intentionally obtuse. Because one of those branches has two parts. One is so close that Kamala can vote on a tie. Basically making that house controlled by her. So the legislative branch is actually half controlled by Dems. One branch only has the job of figuring out what's constitutional and hearing cases on such.
So SCOTUS doesn't matter in this conversation at all. They don't make laws or policy. Or more to the point, they aren't supposed to make policy. That's the job of the legislative and the executive to potentially sign stuff into law. Though has power of executive authority.
This. Is the current VP candidate for the Harris campaign.
Him and Harris have consistently made out like the person in office right now is DJT. When she is currently in office. And she's bitched only RECENTLY about supposed price gouging, but only when she got installed into the candidacy.
She passed the tie breaking vote to tax tips. She passed the "inflation reduction act" which actually increased inflation. And now Walz is out there again, making out like his campaign partner isn't in office and hasn't been in office at all.
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So tell me Tim. Can't afford 4 more years of what? Because groceries were adorable under Trump. I got more back in taxes under Trump. Car manufacturing was being pushed back into the US under Trump. But because the DOW is fine supposedly the economy is good? Go fuck yourself you stolen valor POS.
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You didn't read the tax plans from the Trump Era did you? Basically everyone's taxes were lowered under him. And no at the time I was probably making 35k a year. So if that's "up there" then sure. But you misunderstand. Lowing taxes doesn't give you more on returns. It takes less from you in the initial. So you get less back at the end of the year, but your keep more money throughout the year.
Economy is simple really. Though I should have clarified. "Getting more back in taxes" can be expressly either things mentioned so perhaps that's my bad.
This. Is the current VP candidate for the Harris campaign.
Him and Harris have consistently made out like the person in office right now is DJT. When she is currently in office. And she's bitched only RECENTLY about supposed price gouging, but only when she got installed into the candidacy.
She passed the tie breaking vote to tax tips. She passed the "inflation reduction act" which actually increased inflation. And now Walz is out there again, making out like his campaign partner isn't in office and hasn't been in office at all.
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So tell me Tim. Can't afford 4 more years of what? Because groceries were adorable under Trump. I got more back in taxes under Trump. Car manufacturing was being pushed back into the US under Trump. But because the DOW is fine supposedly the economy is good? Go fuck yourself you stolen valor POS.
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Since people are accusing me of being wrong about prices. How's about this assholes?
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"Oh truthiness". STFU you bitch.
This. Is the current VP candidate for the Harris campaign.
Him and Harris have consistently made out like the person in office right now is DJT. When she is currently in office. And she's bitched only RECENTLY about supposed price gouging, but only when she got installed into the candidacy.
She passed the tie breaking vote to tax tips. She passed the "inflation reduction act" which actually increased inflation. And now Walz is out there again, making out like his campaign partner isn't in office and hasn't been in office at all.
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So tell me Tim. Can't afford 4 more years of what? Because groceries were adorable under Trump. I got more back in taxes under Trump. Car manufacturing was being pushed back into the US under Trump. But because the DOW is fine supposedly the economy is good? Go fuck yourself you stolen valor POS.
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Oh it gets better. Because several of their nations still participate in slavery too. Sad part is, they will never come to terms with it. Because criticism of their sacred cows aren't allowed ever.
One day, western leftists will need to come to terms with the fact that Arab and Islamic colonization very much did and still does exist and that the negative impacts are still felt by ethnic groups that have been and still are violently colonized and brutalized by that colonial power.
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just went a mile past my destination following some directions bc the guy said “it’s the first house on the left after it becomes a dirt road”
and my hillbilly ass went a whole mile waiting for the dirt until I finally realized that I must be in a place where this is considered dirt:
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(the thickest hick accent you can imagine) where i come from that’s a fairly maintained gravel road son
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I haven't met a single "gay male radfem ally" (man TERF) who doesn't make my skin crawl. It's always some spineless nicefem with dysphoria (a self-hating transgirl) drunk on feminist apologetica or a transmisandrist who couldn't give less of a fuck about women's rights and just wants to gatekeep homosexuality and engage in body-shaming and ableism.
"Straight male radfem allies" make sense on some level because some men are down bad, but it's another level of pathetic if you're not even in it for the lackluster vag.
"Gender traitor" doesn't really do justice to how little I think of these slimeballs. There is a special place in hell for men who would throw other men under the bus for the validation of mediocre women who hate them.
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This will never not make me laugh. Or rather, this line is thinking. Because look. I get it. But this stuff doesn't work both ways.
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I’d watch the heck out of this
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Not according to most of Twitter and a third of Tumblr. Because how DARE someone be under 5'4". Clearly everyone not at the lowest Scandinavian height for women (this is a joke) is a literal child and works be single and sexless for the rest of their lives. We're actually protecting them you know. /S
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This is the most controversial, contentious and divisive anime screencap this year according to twitter
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The Democrats have convinced themselves that Trump deserves to be assassinated because he is a “threat to democracy”.
Meanwhile, their party:
-did not hold primary election
-weaponized the media
-brainwashed the planet
-manufactured a pandemic
-violated free speech
-covered up Hunter’s laptop
-interfered in federal elections
-started proxy wars worldwide
-pushed the world to the brink of WW3
If you think Trump is the “threat to democracy”, you are not paying attention.
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Marvel movies have completely eliminated the concept of practical effects from the movie-watching public’s consciousness
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