yuurivoice · 3 hours
I just wanted to say that I absolutely love Thomas. The most friend shaped man I've ever seen🥰
I love him and can't wait for y'all to see what he's all about. <3
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yuurivoice · 3 hours
thanks 4 makin bittersweet, it’s helped me through a lot of tough times :)
Thank you for coming on the adventure with us. <3
We've still got a long ways to go, so let's get through it all together.
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yuurivoice · 3 hours
Did the thing Apple did with patreon user payments hit you especially hard or do you feel mostly the same?
It starts in November. I suspect there will be a level of suckiness that I can't really control. Will be posting about it in the next week or so as a reminder to folks and then...idk, say a little prayer I guess.
For those who don't know, Apple's app store situation is unfortunately standard, where purchases on an app basically have an Apple tax (30% or something ridiculous) so you'll see jacked up prices when making a purchase through iOS.
I worry that I manifested this because sometime over the Summer I made the mistake of going "huh, I wonder how Patreon gets around that?" and spoiler alert, they were just lucky for a long time. LMFAO
You can get around this by joining via web browser. It's just a bummer that a lot of folks won't know (and you cannot warn people at checkout or you'll get slapped) so it's just sorta...sharty.
Also, the amount of users on iOS is not insignificant, so the worry is that creators may get hit with a sizable percentage of folks who balk at prices and never come back.
Users who are ALREADY patrons do not get charged the additional fee, so that's cool. But if you drop and come back (via iOS) you'll get slapped with the charge. So, it blows.
I didn't get as up in arms about it as some other creators because I already knew that Patreon was playing with Apple's money and they would get got eventually. Unfortunately it happened like...a month or two after I mentally clocked it. LOL
I think the recipe for creators to combat it is to just be vocal about it when pitching your Patreon. Mention it, let people know how to get the best value for their dollar. Don't be ashamed to sell yourself, you're offering a product and hopefully a value that people recognize and would like to make that exchange for!
Corporations suck, and I wish they had some sort of special consideration for creator-centric platforms. A flat tax on the app company vs targeting users at checkout. Anything. But they definitely have such a significant userbase that they can sling their meat all over the place, so...fuck em.
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yuurivoice · 8 hours
As a curvy woman with a love of plush men, have you ever thought of making a plus sized character to voice? If you already have I apologize…. I haven’t been a fan for too very long… But I do absolutely love everything I’ve heard from you so far!
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Meet Thomas, who'll be debuting in Echoes of Evalas! He's been in the works for literally years, I just haven't been able to get him out the door yet. I think he'll become a fan favorite very quickly. <3
While he's not a primary character in the EoE series itself, he's getting his own spinoff where he'll have a listener of his own, and will be a big part of building out the world of Evalas and the backgrounds of the characters we meet in EoE.
He's a Blacksmith AND Barkeep, running a Tavern + Smithy with a yet to be revealed name. His family history looms large (ha), and that legacy is one he strives to live up to but struggles to truly define. His listener has ties to that history, and gets him involved in the turmoil that's brewing within Evalas.
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yuurivoice · 10 hours
Woke up from a dream where I fucked Alphonse stupid... best dream ever
That's cool I just had a wild ass nightmare and got no rest so I guess we both got fucked.
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yuurivoice · 10 hours
Has Charlie lost some of his skinnyness that he used to be drawn with? (This isn't a negative thing I just notice he doesn't look as skinny anymore. Or maybe I'm crazy)
He's wearing a hoodie as opposed to a tee. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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yuurivoice · 1 day
Hello Mr. Voice!
Is their a possibility to the sweater Charlie is wearing in the image of the upcoming Lost and Found episode being in your shop one day?
No pressure and thank you for your time!
The sweater and assorted other goodies will be dropping tomorrow during the birthday livestream! ✨️
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yuurivoice · 1 day
Are you thinking about ever re-realsing a Charlie plushie or a Faust and Auron? :3c
I would totally re-release Charlie if Makeship would be interested, but I don't think we had the kind of numbers that would get them to do a second run. I know they've done it for others at this point, but they're typically like...heavy hitters. I can ask about it and see if there's any specific metrics I'd need to hit to make it a reality.
So, it's super duper important to NOT bet on that ever happening with any of these plushies. We've gotta treat it like we only have those few weeks to place orders, otherwise it all just sorta falls apart. lol
As for Faust and Auron, I would very much like to do every YV boy! Safest bet would be Finn or Auron coming up next. I know a lot of folks would want Lucien as well but I have some doubts about how well his horns would turn out, so I'm not rushing to do that.
I think we have an excellent working relationship with Makeship, and I'm fairly confident that Alphonse & Seth's release will be a big deal. At least, I hope so!
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yuurivoice · 1 day
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We'll be celebrating Charlie's birthday all week, but Thursday's new episode of the Lost & Found series impact may be felt well after that...when we try to find a name for our little buddy! Set your notifications today! Click here!
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yuurivoice · 1 day
Would you release the physical copy of dance with dreams again? Or will do you do anew zine? Maybe some with the details of the directors cut of Bittersweet (I can’t wait to see that soon ♥️)
We have leftovers of the zines, but I'm not sure how I'd go about distributing them outside of in person events. It's something I'll have to think on!
What I'd really like to do next is a "The Art Of YuuriVoice" book that covers the history and development of tons of stuff. That would include concept work, notes, and more. So we'll see what's up with that at some point!
Then we'll see what happens with a potential community project in the future. 👀
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yuurivoice · 1 day
By any chance, do you have references as to what your boys rooms look like?
Definitely not. lol
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yuurivoice · 1 day
I know it’s a completely understandably touchy subject but I just want to say as someone who was painting myself Grey a la homestuck deep in the T&D fandom: Atleast one follower from then still fucks w you heavy. That was only a fraction of what was to come of your story telling prowess and you’re awesome and you keep it real
Thank you! Also, the Homestuck scale of how deep someone is in a fandom is so real. Lmfao
I really loved the show and what it was getting out of me. It's why I've still got a part of me that wants to fire up a DnD project, which has been floating in the ether for 2 years now.
There's been some anxiety there related to T&D, but I think what I've realized is one, 99% of people around at this point don't even know wtf that is. Two, I think I've earned enough good will and trust that folks trust that a project under my watch would operate the same way I do and they fuck with that.
Any time I've talked about any sort of big project, whether it's working with other VAs for Echoes, a D&D thing, etc. one thing I've always brought up is that my community specifically is a really amazing foundation. The core is really mature, chill, and locked in. That core has steadily grown, and over the years that has been responsible for developing the kind of followers and fans that anyone on the internet would kill to have in their community.
The niches we are in are filled with a lot of parasocial vibes, rampant immaturity, or just...idk, fuckin attitudes that I find off-putting and obnoxious. That shit works for some people but it isn't for me. And because I'm very open about it, I'm not some folks cup of tea and I'm cool with that because they probably aren't mine either and I'm in the position to not have to sacrifice my comfort and patience for a dollar.
Saying a whole lot to say if I do fire up the DnD project, I hope friends old and new will come along for the ride. It will always be a little scary for me. I'm scared just doing Echoes of Evalas, which isn't nearly as intimate and personal as sharing a DnD table. I have some fun ideas both for my "tabaxi" DM Vtuber and a full on live play setup. But we'll see what the future holds. ✨️
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yuurivoice · 2 days
Charlie in a raccoon costume...
Yeah? It's a cute thought.
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yuurivoice · 2 days
Building the BitterSweet house on Bloxburg since I have no motivation to really draw- BUT I thought it would be cool to show the process of building the attic, and I tried to be accurate to the actual thing but it's going to be 100%. This is also like, a little past an hour worth of footage
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yuurivoice · 2 days
Hi Yuuri I just wanted to say I miss Howell. That’s all I hope you have a good day😊
I do too! There's still a lot about him I want to know and figure out. I was able to delve into him a bit more (and get some much needed closure) with some friends. I don't think he's really a character that I want to do various iterations of in different worlds and campaigns, because it's that specific story of his that I love. If it's removed from that world and story, I'd rather have another shot at a new character.
I was able to salvage a couple of relationships out of the rubble from the entire ordeal surrounding TnD, and I've got no beef with anyone who wasn't literal human trash, so Howell's place in my heart is unscathed in terms of being attached to a really shitty time and situation.
Reflecting on those days, that shit was a nightmare scenario. Obviously my own emotional turmoil pales in comparison to the literal criminal and victim in our midst, don't get that twisted because those most directly impacted by one asshole's actions should be the primary concern. It is a hell of a pill to swallow having something that dear to you go up in flames in such a public and grotesque way.
I don't blame anyone who feels any type of way about how it was handled and the aftermath of it. The truth of it all is, one person's really fucked up actions had widespread effects on a lot of people. The radius of that bomb was no joke.
Howell is very dear to me, and those Sundays were genuinely the favorite day of the week for me over that time. The backlash, anger, resentment, and then emptiness of it all really took its toll, as I'm sure it did on everyone caught in the blast zone.
The bad guy got got in the end, and I'm thankful for the folks who made sure that happened.
That year as a whole was really difficult. That wasn't the only heavy thing I had to work through that year. There was a stretch of six months that were probably the worst of my adult life in terms of interpersonal turmoil. The universe really took a bat to my kneecaps.
Saying ALLLLLLLL of that to say, if I had lost my love for Howell, it would have taken a significant toll on me creatively. I would not so freely share the parts of myself it takes to create the stories and characters I do now. I can pretty confidently say that something like Echoes or Shattered would never happen.
I struggled mightily with BitterSweet Chapter 3 for that reason. It was hard to want to carve out pieces of myself to share with the world, and certainly very difficult to work with anyone else out of fear that their bad actions could rob me of my passion even more.
But I learned a lot, and over that time I also think I was able to show my community how serious situations get handled while I'm at the helm. I hate that me and the team have been on the frontlines of a few really serious community PR nightmares, but I do think we've been able to exhibit an ability to treat things with maturity, respect, and direct action.
So Howell means a lot to me. We've been on two journeys, one fictional, and one real...and boy we've gotten our asses kicked more than a few times.
There is a chance, albeit a small one, that there's a DnD story to be told with Howell and some friends, for the world to partake in. Don't know if it'll happen, but the chances aren't 0%...
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yuurivoice · 2 days
Listening to your BitterSweet series has gotten me inspired to be get back into writing again, so thank you for that! You’re doing a great job and I’m real excited to see whatever you have cooking up for us. 💕
That makes me so happy! That's probably one of the best compliments, finding out that my stuff inspired people to engage with their own art. That's very cool. <3
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yuurivoice · 2 days
do you think Alphonse would enjoy Lady Gaga?
if so, what do you think his favorite song would be?
(also don’t forget to drink water! and thank you for doing what you do!)
I think the first time I introduced Alphonse, I included the fact that he liked Lady Gaga and specifically the song Monster. This is still true!
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