paleopinesofficial · 2 days
Demos aren't just for Steam Next Fest - ours is FREE to enjoy all year round.
More than 180k ranchers have enjoyed hours of FREE gameplay in Paleo Pines! 🦖🌿
Please SHARE with someone that you think needs some feel-good dino farming in their life! 💖
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 days
so I got to make a community for us early? I guess? I don't know how to invite people en masse so this is me spreading the word
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bobnichollsart · 3 days
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My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
We flap into 2009 with "Of Giants and Dwarfs," an acrylic painting of Pleistocene Malta. The stars of the composition are the giant swan (Cygnus falconeri) and dwarf elephants (Palaeoloxodon falconeri).
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thelifeofsharks · 2 days
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neunhofferart · 9 hours
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I really liked drawing the pachyrhinosaurus in the opening of Chaos Theory, even though a lot of this section had to be rewritten and reworked after I rolled onto my next episode.
The second drawing of the pachyrhino zeroing in on Mike always got a laugh out of everyone
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eighthdoctor · 3 hours
everyone is aware that fossils don't just give us the skeleton of an animal, right? like even from a fossilized bone you can conclude all kinds of interesting things like how much muscle the animal carried there and whether they were likely to be a sprinter or endurance runner. from teeth you can get sooooo much. from skin impressions you obviously get feathers vs scales vs fur, but you can also do some genuinely insane shit with feather color analysis???
footprints and nests tell us about social groups. pathologies on the bones tell us about injuries, disease, and predation. preserved stomach contents are amazing when we get them, and fossils of multiple animals joined together (as in the Fighting Dinosaurs) are literally invaluable.
and that's just sticking within paleontology!
paleoecology plays with ethology, ecology, and evobio to reconstruct ecosystems and behaviors. rules of behavior, of energy transfer (eg, via eating!), and of evolution (eg, sexual selection vs natural selection) remain in play 65 million years ago or 500 million years ago or yesterday.
we either know so many, many more things about prehistoric animals than just "this is what their skeleton looked like" or we can make very accurate inferences based on modern animals.
for example: both birds (basically the whole clade) and crocodilians put on noisy, energetically expensive displays for mate selection. there's a range of ways in which this appears, but it is the simplest possible answer to conclude that most if not all nonavian dinosaurs engaged in some degree of dramatic yelling & posturing at individuals in order to influence their sexual choices.
(this is not a requirement! off the top of my head tigers do not do this. humans do it, a lot of other mammals do it, and birds do it at 5 am outside my window every morning.)
for example: large herbivores living in ecosystems with predators who are big enough to kill BABIES but not ADULTS tend to run in social groups where the adults form a protective circle around the babies (bison, elephants). again it is reasonable to conclude that sauropods would have done similar. (if predators are big enough to kill adults, flight is a much better option for everyone.)
like. every time i see that fucking "there's no reason to think t rex didn't look like a giant fuzzy sparrow" post i lose my mind. people have invested decades of their lives to conclude with pretty substantial evidence that t rex absolutely did not look like that.
quit writing off knowledge because you hate the shrinkwrapped dinos from the 90s. don't worry, everyone else hates them too! we have moved on to bigger and better reconstructions. t rex still looks like a goddamn predator though. and acts like one too.
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drawotion · 9 hours
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Oh! It's a party of quoiromantic raptors and spino! 🖤💚💙🤍
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Title page for the Fossils segment of The Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saëns (1886), with illustration by the composer.
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mindblowingscience · 2 days
Long-necked herbivorous dinosaurs are known as sauropodomorphs. They were a group of mainly bipedal dinosaurs that lived some 210 million years ago in the Late Triassic. Kimberley (Kimi) Chapelle, assistant professor in the anatomical sciences department in the Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, is part of the international team of scientists that discovered and identified the find, named Musankwa sanyatiensis. The discovery of Musankwa sanyatiensis is particularly significant as it is the first dinosaur to be named from the Mid-Zambezi Basin of northern Zimbabwe in more than 50 years. The fossil follows only these previous dinosaur discoveries in the region: Syntarsus rhodesiensis in 1969, Vulcanodon karibaensis in 1972, and Mbiresaurus raathi in 2022.
Continue Reading.
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paleopinesofficial · 3 days
These ultra rare, ultra rebellious Black Cherry 🍒dinosaurs LOVE chaos.
And we love THEM 💕 Our mod dragonkin and our lead artist abigail absolutely NAILED this colour combo- has anyone managed to befriend a black cherry dino?!?!?! 👀
You can befriend a black cherry dino in Paleo Pines, available on Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Switch!
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bobnichollsart · 2 days
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My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Chomping into 2009, today I'll post a few of the 14 artworks I created for the University of Cambridge Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences. First is Tyrannosaurus rex.
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makairodonx · 1 day
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Early Father’s Day special here - two Velociraptor chicks offer their father, who takes care of them the most, a special gift in the form of a lizard that they’ve just caught all by themselves.
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mariolanzas · 2 days
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One of the many prehistoric animals featured on the video TOP Iconic Prehistoric Animals of different Countries (full video here) , as a representative of Antactica, even if it's not a country
Yotube channel
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