ae-cha08 · 6 days
Amaze the Critics
During a great famine in the land, Isaac was about to move to Egypt, but God said, “Stay where you are. My favor is on you right here among the Philistines.” So despite the famine, Isaac planted his grain fields. The Philistines were already jealous of him, and his planting in dry, hard soil added to their ridicule of him. But Isaac stayed in peace. Several months later, his critics were amazed to see his hundredfold harvest.
At some point, you may be tempted to run from a situation where you face ridicule and opposition, but you do not have to leave in order to be blessed. God wants to bless you right where you are. Part of His vindication is promoting you so the opposition can see it. Your attitude should be: “They may be laughing now, but this challenge is preparing the way for God to promote me!” God is faithful. In the end, you will have the last laugh.
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ae-cha08 · 8 days
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It’s clear that in our own daily battles we’re to lay down our weapons and trust God for the victory, believing it will come in His perfect timing and according to His flawless plan. 🙏
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ae-cha08 · 9 days
Not every closed door is a bad thing. If God had not shut that door, we would have been satisfied to stay where we were.
Not every time a person walks away from us is a tragedy. God knows we won’t move forward without a push.
You have too much potential, too much talent, too much in you to get stuck where you are. He’ll put you in situations that make you stretch, make you grow, make you spread your wings. 🌸
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ae-cha08 · 9 days
Sometimes God will let us be uncomfortable for a dark, difficult period so He can bless us later on. He’ll close a door, which we don’t like, but later on He’ll open a bigger door. God is not as concerned about our comfort as He is about our purpose.
There are times when He will shake things up to force us to change. His goal is not to make our life miserable; He’s pushing us into our purpose. ✨️
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ae-cha08 · 10 days
Letting go can be a blessing. It can open up ways for God to move in our lives, and He may be working mightily in our letting go. 💙
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ae-cha08 · 16 days
Everything good that we have or own is a gift from God.
The clean running water, the food on the table, the warmth of our home, the simple things of life are often not appreciated because they come easily for most of us.
As we begin this day, shall we take a moment to thank Jesus for the countless blessings He's bestowed on us? 💙
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ae-cha08 · 17 days
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Prioritizing peace over pressure. Saying no to burnout, yes to balance. ☑️
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ae-cha08 · 24 days
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I know you’ve been praying. Oh but WAIT! It’s not time yet! Stop rushing God’s process. When it’s time to PUSH, He’ll tell you! 🌼🌻
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ae-cha08 · 29 days
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Turn our thoughts of despair into thoughts of goodness and positivity. Always reflect on the beauty that surrounds you. There is abundance and joy in the little things in life. 🌻🌈
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ae-cha08 · 1 month
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We can trust in God, knowing He will align our heart’s desire with His and ultimately give us His very best blessings – all in His perfect timing. 💙
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ae-cha08 · 1 month
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Keep tending to your growth, even when progress seems slow.
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ae-cha08 · 1 month
Don’t discount yourself.
David went out with a slingshot and a few stones and defeated Goliath. What you have may seem small compared to what you’re up against, but a slingshot with the blessing is more powerful than a tank without it. Your talent may seem small compared to the dream God put in your heart, but that talent with the blessing will take you further than you can imagine.
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ae-cha08 · 1 month
Some days the pain we are carrying feels like it's too much. We long to see God's promises in the midst of our struggle and heartbreak, but instead we just feel alone. Lost. Forgotten. The tragedies and trials we face can bring emotions we don't even know what to do with. But if today the hurt feels too heavy, and the fear feels too overwhelming, remember this truth: God is with you.
He is working on our behalf right this very second. He has never stopped showing up, and He never will. Every morning, even the ones filled with anxieties and "what ifs" and sorrow, He gives us new mercies.
We can cry out to Him, spilling our truest emotions and feelings, and know with confidence that He hears us. 💙
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ae-cha08 · 1 month
Always Be Your Best
After David had been anointed to be the next king of Israel, he spent years taking care of his father’s sheep. David could have thought, God, what am I doing stuck with a bunch of sheep? But David knew that God was in control, so he just kept going to work with a good attitude, grateful for where he was. Because he was content in the shepherds’ fields, he made it to the throne. He passed that test. But if you’re not content in the season you’re in, even if your dreams do come to pass, you won’t be satisfied. Discontentment will follow you everywhere you go.
You have to train your mind to be thankful and satisfied with where God has you right now. Be content whether you have a lot or not. Content whether your children are in diapers or in college. Content whether you’re in maintenance or management. Pass the tests on your way to the throne.
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ae-cha08 · 2 months
I want you to stop for a moment and ponder this: You Are Loved.
No matter how difficult the day has been or even how hard your life has been–you are loved.
Even when the world is crashing down around you, you want to cry, you feel like giving up and you wonder if anyone cares–you are loved.
Don't let the chatter of this world try to drown out this truth: YOU ARE LOVED! 💙
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ae-cha08 · 2 months
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Every day is a chance to grow.
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ae-cha08 · 2 months
God is working behind the scenes for the best.
You're not going to lose. God is fighting for you.
You're not going to sink. The One who walks on water is with you.
You're not going to be overwhelmed. You were created to overcome!
When you have this faith-filled, hope-filled attitude, the blessings of God are drawn to you like a magnet. 💙
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