charlesoberonn · 2 hours
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aang and his scary dog privilege
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charlesoberonn · 3 hours
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charlesoberonn · 3 hours
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charlesoberonn · 4 hours
Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion
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charlesoberonn · 5 hours
in one way, governments regulating pornography is worse than the drug war because at least in the case of the drug war people can agree on what cocaine even is. There is no consensus on what pornography is. It would be like if the government decided to regulate "junk food" and then defined junk food as "food which appeals to the glutton's hunger".
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charlesoberonn · 5 hours
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fan fusion of the OGs....iykyk and what-not hehehe
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charlesoberonn · 6 hours
Theory: Even though the four nations’ populations aren’t equal, the number of benders for each element is the same (barring any genocides disrupting the balance)
The Air Nomads are the smallest nation but every single member is a bender. The Earth Kingdom is by far the largest nation but their percentage of benders is the smallest (only 1 in 20-30ish, I think). The Water Tribes and Fire Nation are somewhere in between those two extremes.
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charlesoberonn · 6 hours
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Art by the amazing and skilled @secretuncle
Story idea I've been spinning round in my head for a few weeks now, inspired by Adventure Time and the Powerpuff Girls:
Deleri Lectus, robotics and tech genius, defends the world and her home city of Megalopolis alongside her ancient automaton dad and her elementally-powered sisters. Thanks to their efforts the people of the world can live in peace and safety.
One day, during a routine superhero battle against a minor villain, Deleri is knocked out. Then she wakes up somewhere else.
It's the same city, but something is very wrong. The streets are dilapidated, the sky is full of smog and ominous purple lights, and robotic enforcers patrol the streets.
This city is a dystopia ruled by none other than Deleri's younger sisters. But in this universe they're not her sisters, because in this universe, Deleri doesn't exist.
She confronts the dictator versions of her sisters, finds the deactivated and damaged body of her robodad and takes off with him, running away from her sisters' agents who consider her knowledge and opposition to their regime a threat.
Now Deleri is on a quest to understand what happened to this timeline, and how she can help fix it. And if possible, how to get back home.
Some more details:
Deleri wears a type of powered suit similar to Iron Man. Her appearance is basically "Cthulhu as a teenage girl" with green skin, tentacles for hair, and bat wings.
Her sisters are called Tourmaline and Pyrope. Tourmaline has fire powers and Pyrope has water powers.
In her original timeline, Deleri and Pyrope helped their sister avoid the temptation of using a dark fire that gave her enhanced powers but corrupted her. In this timeline Tourmaline still has the dark fire.
Deleri gets around in a cool airship which she constantly modifies and upgrade.
She gathers a small found family of friends and allies to help her in her mission(s). The first of which is Snowfall, AKA Snowfy. A snow elemental who ran away from home in the Weather Kingdom. She quickly becomes Deleri's girlfriend.
Deleri's robot dad is so ancient that nobody knows how to make the fuel that powers him and he has to conserve it
In Deleri's timeline, her dad was in sleep mode for centuries when a strange woman placed baby Deleri in his arms and then ran off, never to be seen again. He tried to find Deleri's parents but eventually decided to adopt her himself.
In this timeline Robodad expended all of his fuel to protect Pryope and Tourmaline against a powerful enemy. That's why he's deactivated now. This event led to the sisters eventually becoming dictators.
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charlesoberonn · 6 hours
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I keep thinking abt this comment and giggling
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charlesoberonn · 6 hours
I want this Instagam post to be featured in history books
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charlesoberonn · 6 hours
Did anyone ever think of titling a painting of Mary breastfeeding baby Jesus "The First Supper"?
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charlesoberonn · 7 hours
Needless to say but if you ever see me shilling for cryptocurrency or trying to get you to buy crypto, it's not me.
I was hacked on Discord so if you get any message from me that seems suspicious please ignore it.
I already sent Discord a request to restore my account.
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charlesoberonn · 7 hours
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Hello, I love them. Also, wow, Azula and I are both middle children :D
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charlesoberonn · 7 hours
Just got my account back. Thank you to everyone who helped.
If you blocked my account on Discord please unblock it.
I was hacked on Discord so if you get any message from me that seems suspicious please ignore it.
I already sent Discord a request to restore my account.
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charlesoberonn · 8 hours
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charlesoberonn · 8 hours
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aranea doodle
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charlesoberonn · 9 hours
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The beauty standard in Hell is rated by 0/Velvette
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