creatingblackcharacters · 27 minutes
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ur both grown men, hold the other grown mans hand! dang… 🙄🙄
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creatingblackcharacters · 28 minutes
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VICTORIA MONÉT Alright Music Video (2024)
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creatingblackcharacters · 52 minutes
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DOCTOR WHO (2005) I 14.01 - Space babies
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just found out abt goblish ! He's educative, fun and generally optimistic and hopeful
a link to his video on getting addicted to drawing:
I might make a list of Yt channels I find ❓️❓️
Oh nice!! Another Black artist, omg let me go follow too! Thanks for looking out, and sharing!
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Are you okay with people drawing your OCs for the challenge? You’ve helped me so much I really want to return the favor, and I know it’s always nice to get OC drawings.
As long as you don't whitewash them! Philia is Afro-Greek with 4B hair, and Kairos is Afro-Greek with 4C hair. Please make sure to match their skin palettes, if you're using color. As long as you're respectful, I'd be fine with it 😊 Thank you for considering me!
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Chadwick Boseman photographed by Bjorn Iooss for MR PORTER
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Here is Sweetheart finally getting to cover her boyfriend in kisses.
The tables have flipped.
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i have an oc in mind i want to draw for the summer challenge but i don't take commissions !
You don't have to take commissions! That's not what the summer challenge is composed of!
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should we be tagging you in stuff done for the summer challenge or? I did the last thing first because I really wanted to put into practice some of the colouring tips I got from this blog--used a couple of my new skin colour pens and a blender pen to draw Sheva Alomar
You don't have to, but it'd make me happy if you did! If Sheva Alomar is a Black character, I'd love to see how you applied 👍🏾
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I work on two webcomics for fun following my OCs I never shut up about!
Beanstalked follows Jack, a farm boy who is dealing with the fact he is part of the newest generation of people who have been bookmarked with roles from fairy tales in the world of Lore, a place where happy endings are disappearing.
Glitter and Guilt (18+) follows Sweetheart, a magical girl, and Bitterbat, a villain, as they date and try to hide their secret romantic relationship that they've been keeping since they were kids.
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I made a children's book!
Happy to announce that I've published my third book (and second children's book)! 'I Can Do Anything!' is a brief 20+ page story that follows Jaden as he wonders what he wants to be when he grows up. The book ends with a few coloring pages as well!
I had fun writing this brief, silly little book. It's available on Amazon right now!
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On Demand Streaming of Free Shakespeare in the Park productions
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"This summer, throughout May and June everyone will have free access to stream The Public’s Free Shakespeare in the Park productions of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (2019), MERRY WIVES (2021), RICHARD III (2022), and the premiere of HAMLET (2023), captured live from The Delacorte Theater in Central Park by THIRTEEN for Great Performances on PBS.
Streaming Schedule:
May 3-June 30: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (Click here to learn more!)
May 10-June 30: HAMLET (Click here to learn more!)
May 17-June 30: MERRY WIVES (Click here to learn more!)
May 24-June 30: RICHARD III (Click here to learn more!)"
[ID: 1: Danielle Brooks as Beatrice and Grantham Coleman as Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing.
2: Ato Blankson-Wood as Hamlet.
3: Pascale Armand, Julian Rozzell Jr., David Ryan Smith, Susan Kelechi Watson, and Phillip James Brannon in Merry Wives.
4: Danai Gurira as Richard III. /end ID]
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So part of the ☀️CBC Summer Challenge☀️ includes interacting with Black fans! And if you're an artist that takes commissions, one way you can do that is to:
Include Black characters in your portfolio!‼️
I've got a post here where I asked Black fans to discuss what they're looking for in commissions (feel encouraged to read the tags!)
What I want y'all to understand is that by not having Black characters in your art portfolios, your Kofis, or wherever you platform your work, you are essentially negating the potential creative AND financial support of an entire fan demographic- and you might not even realize you're doing it!
Take the time to go through your work and see! If you find a lack of Black characters, you might feel a little guilt. Rather than dwell in that guilt, take the time to start practicing Black character design, and start adding to your portfolio! It'll make you a better artist AND expand your reach!
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Waddling on over with some thoughts I've had for the past few weeks. I like watching Kennie JD cuz she sometimes explains experiences of black people (especially black women) and one thing she pointed out was how a lot of black women (especially darker skinned black women) are given the narrative that they're meant to stay with toxic, abusive men because 'No one will love you, this is the best you'll get, it's up to you to accept and fix him because it's your duty as his partner'. In a lot of black romance media (from what I observed via Kennie JD) the woman sticks with an equally if not more toxic partner who she feels like she has to fix or that is "a challenge"
I realized that while writing Xingshen I accidentally made her a bit of a subversion. What I mean by that is she did have past lovers who turned out to be Not The Best, but each time rather than sticking around and feeding into them she left (though there would be times, as with all toxic exes, they tried to pull her back in).
By the time Xingshen's wife starts going along with a dangerous plan that would not only put them at risk but their twin son and daughter, Xingshen knows the signs and decides she's not doing this. She'd first tried in vain to get her wife to see reason, but she eventually decided she wasn't going to let her children be caught in the crossfire. She packed up her things, gathered the twins, and left without a glance back.
The first lover in particular was definitely one of those "You need to not be so hostile all the time" types when in reality Xingshen was only putting her mental health and well-being first, so it's a good character growth moment to see her make the decision to walk out early with her children without sticking around for the fall out and in the process deciding that she deserved better.
I could be talking out of my ass, but I hope this counts as a good example of subverting that black women HAVE to be stuck in shitty relationships if they're allowed by the writers to be in one at all.
Well, I appreciate you taking the time to pay attention to this, even if it was an accident! The concept of "Struggle love" is what you're talking about. It's not specifically a "Black" issue (it's a misogyny issue), but it intersects with and manifests differently via Blackness. It's a toxic cycle that keeps Black women from valuing themselves as anything other than the exhausting Strong Black Woman, the Caregiver, while also demeaning her for not being "submissive" (i.e., not threatening to her partner) and "feminine" enough to keep her Black man from feeling less than due to the oppressive world outside. If she can't fulfill this multi-oppressive, conflicting role, she's not a "true woman".
In your case, it's not one to one because Xingshen once had a wife, but I'm just explaining that's usually the root cause of what your YouTuber was discussing. I'm oversimplifying this for the sake of this ask, but yeah it's... Perpetually frustrating. So I'm glad you saw the value in Xingshen realizing her own value, packing her kids, and leaving 👍🏾 I'll always root for Black girls and women that know when it's okay to choose themselves.
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Stroll in the Rain
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