marciies · 1 hour
Please post the link below to help us
Hi my friend Maybe you can help me I am Rana from Gaza, Palestine I live under war, fear and destruction We have narrowly escaped death several times We lost everything, our family, our friends, our home, our memories, our life Could you help me Just post the link on your personal page as much as possible To help me and my family safely leave Gaza and rebuild our destroyed home. Thanks for everything
My family and I all live in a tent and we have nothing to live on
Hello Rana! Of course I'll help
To my followers, Rana's family is currently stuck in Gaza under bombardment and food and healthcare scarcity. Rana herself is a wedding planner who has lost both home and livelihood due to this ruthless and merciless genocide.
Rana's family has 25 people to evacuate, including elderly and children. They only have $505 CAD out of their goal of $100,000 CAD, and their situation is urgent. Please share their GFM and donate if you can, even if it's a small amount, it really all adds up.
And make sure to check out the GFM for more details about their family and situation.
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marciies · 1 hour
Survival in Gaza: Merely a Matter of Luck
What's it like living in Gaza during the current war?
As countless bombs fall down on Gaza every day indiscriminately killing every form of life, survival becomes merely a matter of luck. Wisdom and resourcefulness in normal places in the world can get you out of trouble, but they are useless in Gaza because luck is the only thing you need to stay alive. There is not a single precautionary action you can take to guarantee staying alive.
It is both sickening and terrifying that in the blink of an eye, a missile might be dropped at my house to wipe out my entire family leaving everyone torn to pieces or, best case scenario, suffocating under the rubble with a slim hope of being dug out by rescuers and neighbors.
As of today, more than 10,000 Gazans are resting and dissolving under the rubble of their bombed houses, and I shudder to think that my family could be added to the list at any second. With your help, I can get them to safety in Egypt.
Kindly, consider donating, reblogging, and sharing with others.
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marciies · 1 hour
My name is Issam Aziz, and I am 26 years old, living in the Netherlands. I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a plea for help for my sick and elderly mother, Haifa Aziz, who is 59 years old and suffering from diabetes. Our lives have been turned upside down since the devastating events that began in Gaza.
We tragically lost my father on September 17th, before the October 7th escalation. He was a double amputee and struggled immensely. With our home destroyed in northern Gaza, my mother was left with no choice but to move to a refugee camp in Rafah. However, Rafah is no longer the safe haven it once was; we have witnessed the targeting of refugees in their tents.
My mother, Haifa, is enduring unimaginable hardships. With the collapse of the healthcare system in Gaza, she cannot access her necessary medications, exacerbating her already severe condition. The thought of her suffering without the essential care she needs is unbearable.
We urgently need to evacuate her to Egypt through the Rafah border crossing. However, this comes at a steep cost of $6,000, a sum that is beyond my means. I am reaching out to you, hoping for your compassion and generosity to help us raise the funds needed to save my mother’s life.
Please consider donating to our cause. Your support can provide my mother with the chance to escape the horrors of war and live her remaining years in safety and dignity. No one should have to endure such suffering, especially someone as vulnerable as my mother.
Your kindness and generosity can make a life-saving difference. Please, help us bring hope and relief to my beloved mother.
Thank you for your compassion and support.
Issam Aziz
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marciies · 10 hours
these five evac/survival fundraisers are really close to their goals! all have been vetted either by gracious individuals on here or mutual aid projects
Amal Abu Shammala and family (€44,692/€47,000) Mosab Abu Subaih, his wife Nashwa, and their baby daughter ($42,979/$45,000) Mohamed Farah and family (€9,281/€10,000 - only €719 to go!!) Nevin Himaid, her husband, their two young daughters, and 8 extended family members (€95,352/€100,000) ***Nevin is nine months pregnant and urgently needs treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in addition to prenatal/birth care Ruaa and her siblings ($9,888/$15,000)
every donation and share counts! it's monday in my time zone - my hope is that at least one of these campaigns will have met its goal by the end of the week. i'm just a small blog, but i trust you and i know we can do it together
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marciies · 11 hours
EMERGENCY!🚨Please do NOT scroll!
This is Alia and her son Yasser. Yasser, his mother, his 3 siblings, and his grandparents were displaced from north Gaza after their home was destroyed by the occupation several months ago. They are currently in Rafah, which is now under heavy bombardment by the occupation, and ground forces are closing in.
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Alia, Yasser, and their family have been struggling with hunger and sickness for months. Now, the occupation has illegally launched an aerial and ground offensive on Rafah.
As part of this attack, they bombed the place where Alia, Yasser, and their family were sheltering. A chunk of shrapnel pierced the thin wall of the tent in which all 7 family members are living and struck Yasser in the torso, seriously injuring him. He had to have major emergency surgery to remove the shrapnel from his small body.
Photo 1 shows where the shrapnel entered the tent, photo 2 shows where Yasser was struck, and photo 3 shows the piece of shrapnel after field surgeons recovered it from his torso.
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Due to the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure and the worsened food crisis, Yasser’s recovery is heavily stymied. Medical infrastructure in Gaza has been almost completely destroyed, and the last functioning medical centers in Rafah are operating at minimal capacity. Yasser cannot get the treatment he needs, and he is in poor condition.
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Alia, Yasser, Alia’s other children, and her parents are trying to evacuate Gaza so that they can reach safety and Yasser can get the treatment he needs.
Rafah Crossing is still closed, but once it reopens, we want Alia, Yasser, and their family to evacuate. However, they are still very far behind their goal.
Please help this family find safety. If you cannot support them directly, please reblog this post, and repost this link (https://gofund.me/328c6d35) across your social media accounts.
Alia provided a full breakdown of costs on the campaign page.
Thank you
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marciies · 13 hours
Hello everyone, I will begin by introducing myself. I am Shahad Abu Musa, a third-year dentistry student. I have dreams and ambitions in the field like everyone else. As you know, we are now in Gaza in a war. I had many ideas before creating my campaign, but I saw them as the only solution to raise money. And getting out of the war... and I would like to ask for your help in this regard !
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I have a family of 7 members, and I try to help them by collecting money to get out of the war and live a little safer! And this picture is of us: my father (Hatem Abu Musa), 50 years old, my mother (Maysoon Abu Musa), 46 years old, my older brother (Firas Abu Musa), 19 years old, my middle sister (Batoul Abu Musa), 17 years old, my sister (Lyan Abu Musa), 16 years old. And my younger sister (Joud Abu Musa), 12 years old, and other than that, I (Shahd Abu Musa), 21 years old.... We want your support and humanity to donate to us and share our donation link to reach the largest number of people!
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As you know, we live a lot of fear and fleeing from death every single minute, hunger, killing, siege, lack of hospitals and many more!! These pictures illustrate a little of the suffering we experience daily...
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I work during these times of war, as a volunteer dentist. We try to relieve people’s pain as much as we can, help them, we want them to be fine in the midst of all this destruction, killing, and lack of life... It is enough that we just try!
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Therefore, I am writing this post, and I hope that you will help me escape the war and continue my life for me and my family where I left off. Please help us, even if just a little, by donating and sharing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you for your precious time. Thank you from the heart of Gaza.❤️
Here our donation link 🔗 :
@stil-lindigo @nabulsi @sayruq @palipunk @palmist-blog @northgazaupdates @communistchilchuck @palestine @fairuzfan @el-shabazzgifted @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams @sar-soor @vakarians-babe @fairuzfan @queerstudiesnatural @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @gazafunds @operationoffers-blog @pollo-con-vodka @northgazaupdates2 @bluebellsinthedells @princess-charming69
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marciies · 15 hours
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what if we saw shapeshifter versions of izutsumi?
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Explanations under the cut
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#1 is Laios' Izutsumi:
extra detail on her cat parts
more monster-y traits present
outfit mistake
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#2 is Marcille's Izutsumi:
influenced by their time in the Golden Country
a little more chill than the others
softer hair
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#3 is Senshi's Izutsumi:
details of puffed up fur
this izutsumi is skinnier than the others (ribs showing)
^^ senshi must take care of the child
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#4 is Chilchuck's Izutsumi:
rounded ears like marcille's
eyes kinda look like his kids puckpatti and flertom
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marciies · 15 hours
my take on the lgbtq+ pride month calendar <3 !
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marciies · 21 hours
Glad people are realizing that while Falin is the healer that even minimizes the pain her party members have to go through when healing, her combat style is bashing things head in with a blunt weapon.
Average Cleric.
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In one of the covers she was even drawn with a meat tenderizer.
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marciies · 21 hours
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practicing familiars
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marciies · 21 hours
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Cool Falin is back yay! Things are gonna be super normal I think
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marciies · 21 hours
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why did this life drawing sesh have me feeling feelings 😭 (the models' poses omg...)
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marciies · 21 hours
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some older marcille and falin doodles
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marciies · 21 hours
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a very unserious idea that got out of hand ;_; i didnt mean to make it this long
(Disclaimer: pls dont lick other ppl’s wounds)
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marciies · 21 hours
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first batch from zeet studio's dunmeshi life drawing session o/
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marciies · 21 hours
matched! receipt below
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Match my donation!
Iyad, his wife, and 8 children, are living a shattered life. With their house destroyed, they are constantly at risk and they have no shelter. As a large family, finding safety, food, and water has been an immense challenge for them. Iyad is elderly man, and his health is rapidly declining. Every day, he is filled with fear for his children’s safety. He is in desperate need of your help.
I donated £10 to Iyad’s campaign - which unfortunately received no funds before mine. Can anyone match it? Donate here (@iyadsobhei)
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marciies · 21 hours
you literally dont need a boyfriend. go help someone
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