SHOW ME YOURS | Matty Healy
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Matty Healy x bandmate!OC
He lifts his hand, slowly tracing his fingers up her arm until they reach her face leaving goosebumps and a warm trail behind. Then he moves just his pinky finger across her cheekbone, dragging along until he pulls the stray strands of hair behind her ear.
She's silent, holding her breath as her eyes stay on him, only him, and he whispers, "Show me yours, I'll show you mine."
Playlist Famous Birthdays Incorrect Quotes
Act One: Antrichrist
chapter one... chapter two... chapter three... chapter four... chapter five... chapter six... chapter seven...
Act Two: Anobrain
chapter eight... chapter nine… chapter ten... chapter eleven... chapter twelve... chapter thirteen... chapter fourteen... chapter fifteen... chapter sixteen...
social media, one (2013)
Act Three: so far (it's alright)
chapter seventeen... chapter eighteen... chapter nineteen... chapter twenty... chapter twenty-one... chapter twenty-two... chapter twenty-three... chapter twenty-four... chapter twenty-five... chapter twenty-six...
social media, two (2014-2015) ...
Act Four: somebody else
chapter twenty-seven... chapter twenty-eight… chapter twenty-nine... chapter thirty... chapter thirty-one... chapter thirty-two... chapter thirty-three... chapter thirty-four... chapter thirty-five...
Act Five: the ballad of me and my brain
chapter thirty-six... chapter thirty-seven... chapter thirty-eight... chapter thirty-nine... chapter forty... chapter forty-one... chapter forty-two... chapter forty-three... chapter forty-four...
Act Six: be my mistake
chapter forty-five... coming soon [24.12.2023] chapter forty-six....
more chapters TBA...
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When Everything's Made to be Broken
From their first meeting, Theolene Amaris was a question that Loki was desperate to answer. Every time he swore he figured her out, she showed him something new, adding a new layer of complexity to the mix. In fact, the only thing Loki knew was not a question was Theo’s love of music. Creating or listening - it did not matter; Theo’s identity was intertwined with music.
Shortly after Theo joined the Avengers, Loki asked her why music was so important to her. At the time, she told him that music had always been important to her family, but it also helped her feel human when the world wore her down. It kept her grounded. It reminded her of what was worth fighting for. 
Since then, Loki had inquired numerous times about what exactly she meant, but she just laughed and answered that she would maybe explain some other time, leaving Loki to chase after an answer.
Loki may have been drawn to the question of Theo Amaris, but it was not why he stayed. 
Despite her moniker of the Silver Shadow, Theo was the light to Loki’s dark, the fire to his ice. The sharp wit, keen intellect, and knack for magic was what began their friendship, but over time they grew to understand each other in a way that no one rivaled - not even Thor, who’d spent centuries with Loki as his brother.
Yet, unlike Thor, Theo only needed a sliver of time to break through Loki’s icy, guarded exterior; to work her way into his heart and bear witness to the wounds inflicted on him at a young age. When she finally saw Loki for who he was - the mangled mess of a monster that he’d come to quietly loathe, she embraced him - all of him - without question. Though Loki had been living on Midgard for years, Theo was the first person who made him glad that he was there, who made him feel like he was a hero worthy of being a part of the team known as “Earth’s mightiest heroes.” Traces of her were in every part of him - in his blood and his bones, his every thought and dream - consuming him in a way that Loki hadn’t ever experienced before.
However, just over seventy two hours had passed since the discovery that Theo withheld a significant part of her identity, which forced Loki to question everything he thought he knew about the woman he thought he loved.
It had been years of trying to answer the question that was Theolene Amaris...
And now that Loki was finally making progress, she was on the cusp of being ripped away.
It's Still Not Quite the Way It Was
And You Have Every Right to be Scared
I'm Still Not Sure What I Stand For
I'm Not Sure if Anybody Understands
I'm Looking for a Sign (Coming November 5)
I’m Still Not Sure What I Stand For
I'm Still Not Sure What I Stand For (pt. 2)
The Sky Turned Black
Can You Feel It Now?
I Just Wanna Lose Myself With You
On AO3, you can find me as @use_your_telescope
Note: The working title used to be "The Trickster" so if you see that on my blog, that's why! This is the same fic - it just has an actual title now
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The Old Gods and The New | Loki x Reader
The Old Gods and the New follows a suspected mutant rescued by the Avengers. She brings with her confusion and the uneasy feeling that the team struggle to define. She seems to have no control, or full knowledge, of her powers letting them run wild.
Time to fight mayhem with mischief.
An instant connection is formed when Loki arrives and tensions rise with the Avengers team.
Together you and Loki begin to discover the truth about your powers and past, as well as deciding on which path you'll follow now you're free: super hero or anti hero?
Series warnings: 18+ mature content throughout, language, sexual content, violence, minor character death. Please see each chapter for warnings. No use of y/n, lots of nicknames/pet names.
Chapter 1 - Rules to Follow
Chapter 2 - Cosmic Political Game
Chapter 3 - Infinitely More  
Chapter 4 - One God to Another
Chapter 5 - There You Are 
Chapter 6 - A Crown of Flowers
Chapter 7 - Velkommen til Tonsberg 
Chapter 8 - A Prayer in the Fog 
Chapter 9 - Fallen
Chapter 10 - Goddess in Distress
Chapter 11 - Ambrosia
Chapter 12 - Black White and Midnight Blue
Chapter 13 - Glorious Magnificent Goddess
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy this or any other fics posted on this blog.
Graphics by me and Canva, images from Pinterest.
Loki Masterlist
Tag list: @wolfsmom1 @late-to-the-party-81 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @yvonneeeee @buttercupcookies-blog @mischief2sarawr @chaoticqueen33 @jainaeatsstars @kaylalikescatsandstuff @marygoddessofmischief
@lokisgoodgirl @arunabrak
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The Villain’s Weapon Pt. 1
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Summary: When you hit your head and lose your memory, you fall into Loki’s clutches.
Warnings: Eventual smut. Memory loss. Villain Loki. Thanos.
The battle was never ending. You and the other Avengers were never going to defeat Loki. He had taken Clint and Dr. Selvig using them against you as he took the Tesseract. It didn’t help that he would only show up every now and then to taunt the team. Otherwise you couldn’t locate him.
Loki fought against you. “We have to stop meeting like this, little one.” Loki teased. You used your magic, a cloud of blue surrounding you as you fought back. You underestimated the power you put behind it, the aftershock throwing you back against a boulder. You hit your head with a loud thud as your vision went black.
When you came to, a large man towered over you. You studied his face trying to place him. You couldn’t remember where you were or what you were doing outside. You didn’t even know who you are. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you, little one.” Little one. That was familiar. You obviously knew this strangely dressed man. You look down at your own apparel. You were wearing a leather catsuit, so you couldn’t say anything about him.
You hear fighting all around you. You sit up, suddenly scared of your surroundings. What was happening? Pain surges through your head, you place a hand on it. You were bleeding. Your suit was torn like you had been fighting too. You stand up, feeling a little dizzy. You grab the man before you, pulling him in for a hug. You don’t know why, but you trust him.
He said he was looking for you after all. The term of endearment he used rang a bell. If you were fighting, you must be on his side. He looks down at you like you have lost your mind. Maybe you haven’t hugged before and this was out of character for you. You quickly pull away.
“I’m so sorry. I think I must have hit my head too hard. I can’t remember anything. But you seem familiar. You said you were looking for me, so I just assumed.” He looks at you incredulously. “You really don’t remember who you are or what you are doing out here?” You look around again, not recognizing anyone or anything, but him.
“There seems to be a battle. I assume I’m on your side?” You look into his bright blue eyes as a smile appears on his lips. “Yes, that is correct. Those people over there are the Avengers. They are trying to stop me - erm - us. I’ll tell you more about it once we get back to our lair.”
Loki couldn’t believe his luck. He was waiting for you to come to after the nasty fall you had taken when your magic threw you back. You were powerful, but you didn’t have complete control over your power. With his help, you would be unstoppable. And now, you were on his side.
“She’s dangerous.” Thanos told Loki. “Right now, she isn’t. She doesn’t even know she has powers.” Loki argued. “This is perfect. I will train her, we will use her to fight the Avengers.” Thanos shook his head. “What if her memory comes back? It’s too big of a risk.” Loki paces the floor, “Trust me, she won’t. She took a nasty fall. Just let me try this out before we send the Chitauri.” “You have two months.” Thanos stated as he cut communication.
Loki set up a room for you. He conjured clothes for your closet, shoes in your size, everything you might need in order to convince you that you actually lived here. He found you on the bed, looking out the window. “I’ve come to dress your wounds.” You nod, turning toward him. He examined the cut on your head, green flowing from his hands as he healed it. He explained that he could use magic and apparently so could you. He was going to start retraining you tomorrow.
“The other cuts aren’t as severe so I will clean them myself.” He explained. You slid the strap of your tank top down your shoulder to give him better access to the wound. You gasp when the alcohol wipe touches your skin, causing the area to sting. You watch him intently, long pale fingers working diligently to patch every scratch on you.
“Lay back.” He commands, reaching for the hem of your tank top. You had a large cut just under your breasts. You do as your told, he rolls the fabric up just under your nipples. You hold your breath. Your skin prickles, turning into goosebumps everywhere he touches. Your nipples harden as he patches you up.
Loki notices how you are physically reacting to his touch. How your nipples hardened when he placed his hands on your stomach. How your breath hitched when he pulled your shirt up. The worst part was he could feel his pants growing tighter. He wasn’t surprised that you had that kind of reaction toward him. He was a god after all. But he never expected you to have that effect on him. His hands grew shaky as he finished bandaging you. “Good as new.” He murmured, yanking your shirt down to cover you.
“Loki?” He stopped his retreat from your room, freezing in your doorway. “Thank you for everything. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” You get off the bed, walking toward him, pulling him in for another embrace. He reluctantly pulls you closer to him. You can tell he isn’t a hugger. His large hand smooths the back of your hair. “You’re welcome. I’m glad I was there too.” You bury your face into his chest, breathing him in. He looks down at you, expression unreadable. This is going to be a long two months.
@fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @cakesandtom @eleniblue @marygoddessofmischief @coldnique @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @lokisninerealms @wheredafandomat @peaches1958 @freegardenbanananeck @chantsdemarins @lokidokieokie @l0ki3000 @anukulee @multifandom-worlds @alexakeyloveloki @ladymischief11 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr @lamentis-10 @loz-3 @litaloni @lulubelle814 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @avengersfan25 @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @xorpsbane @mybugabomlb @bunny24sstuff @luthien-elvenia-asher @gruftiela @itsybitchylittlewitchy
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
rating: teen
Chapter 1 - (end of TPM) Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 - (beginning of AOTC) Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Chapter 26 - (end of AOTC) Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 (NEW NEW NEW!)
My Very Soul Cast—Original Characters
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link to my ao3 profile 💫
like my story? consider buying a starving artist a coffee 🥸
ⓒ all works copyrighted to the author, Oli (me!) upon publication
(please respect my work and do not repost or steal any content)
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it’s not you, it’s me masterlist
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Summary: Natasha won’t quit trying to set you up so you decide to play fire with fire. Hence making a deal with an insufferable prince who interestingly enough is willing to fake being in love with you for the rest of the night. Of course when dealing with the God of Lies things are never as they seem. 
Fake-Dating AU. poison & wine AU.
Part 1
Part 2 Coming Soon
poison & wine masterlist
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Defy Your Authority: Chapter 1
Read on AO3.
Summary: You’re a Lieutenant, stationed on Orinda. You’re content with your trustworthy crew, but issues with a certain ship (spoiler alert: it’s the TIE silencer) end up trapping you on the Steadfast, instead. Your relationship with Kylo Ren isn’t how you left it. How many more messes can you stand to clean?
(Yes, this is the sequel to Fix Your Attitude.)
Words: 4500
Warnings: None. Yet.
Characters: Kylo Ren x Reader
A/N: Umm… hi!! I don’t have much to say other than I’m very excited to post this, and I really hope you enjoy it! I love you all so much. I’m genuinely lucky and grateful to have you in my life.
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You’re My Person - Chapter Two
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Word Count: 3980 - Chapter Two.
If you have any feedback, let me know! Much love to everyone who has been supporting chapter one. You’ve made my week!!
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Smut-a-rama Drabbles Masterlist
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As the title indicates everything on here is smut.  Enjoy!
Tom Hiddleston
Call the Barrister
It Happens To All Men
Turn It On
Home Early
Graduation Gift
No Apologies
Meeting the Parents
Go to Sleep
Best Seat
My Present
Your Parents Would Be Disappointed
A Little Fun
More Than Passable
Tom Hiddleston and Loki
Open Relationship
James Conrad
Caught in the Rain
Kiss It Better
Love Bites
New Toy
Pretty Mouth
Answer the Phone
Use Your Words
A Hidden God
Sir Thomas Sharpe
Not Stopping
A Favor
Jonathan Pine
Full Service Hotel
Steve Rogers
No Seats
Chris Evans
Pizza Rolls
533 notes · View notes
Hurt | Sir Thomas Sharpe x OFC
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A/N: This was an anon request:  If requests are still open, any chance we could get some Thomas Sharpe fluff and/or smut?? He deserves it. I hope this works.  This was also my entry for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​  Any Fucking Fandom Writing Challenge.  My prompt was: “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
Pairing: Sir Thomas Sharpe x OFC  (Clara Appleton)
Summary: Clara never thought her life would be that exciting.  That was until Sir Thomas Sharpe appeared in her father’s office and set her life on a different path.  
Warnings: Character death, smut (loss of virginity, oral sex, sex), illness
Word Count: 5322 (I know!)  Link to Ao3
Whole Enchilada Tag List: @winterisakiller @nonsensicalobsessions @hopelessromanticspoonie @yespolkadotkitty @pinkzz123 @jessiejunebug @cherrygeek86 @littleredstarfish @rjohnson1280 @the-minus-four @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @catsladen @coppercorn-and-cauldron @gerli49 @lovesmesomehiddles @devilbat @snoopy3000 @voila-tout @kitkatd7 @wolfsmom1 @queenoftheunderdark @xxloki81xx @thewaithfuckingannoyme @kcd15 @amirra88 @malkaviangirl @evanlys19 @thejemersoninferno @sadwaywardkid @is-it-madness @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @peterman-spideyparker @caffiend-queen @sleepylunarwolf @anagrom @bradfordbantams @ms-cellanies @official-and-unstable-satan @stubby-toe-589331 @alexakeyloveloki @loki-smut-library @imnotrevealingmyname @trippedmetaldetector @tea4sykes @noambition-blog​ @sherala007​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @cursethedarkness​ @jewels2876​ @fixatedfandomhunter​ @myraiswack​ @lokikenway97​ @groovylokifanficpersona​ @ciaodarknessmyheart​ @bitchcraft-at-its-finest​ @hanyasnape​ @lokislastlove​ @stuckysdaughter​ @theunwantedomega​ @dryyoursaltyoceantears​ @petitefirecracker10​ @thummbelina​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @krazycags01​ @howaboutash​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @daddylouislittle @flakyfreak​ @sigyn-njorddottir​
Clara couldn’t wait for fall. Summers were so oppressive in Boston. Between the layers of undergarments and underskirts and the unending humidity, it was enough to drive a person mad. But that didn’t stop her from heading in the office of the Boston Daily Spy to hear the latest news every morning.
“Morning, miss.” The receptionist greeted Clara with a smile.
“Morning, Mrs. Hughes.” you responded to the elderly woman. “Tell me, is my father available?”
“Not right now, Miss Clara. He is in a meeting but it should get done in about fifteen minutes.
“I’ll wait.”
Mrs. Hughes let her back behind the wooden railing to where the reporters worked. Clara wandered from desk to desk, picking up snippets of stories here and there. All the reporters were used to her wandering about their desks.
“Clara!” a tenor voice echoed across the bullpen.
She glanced up at the copy she was reading about a string of killings in Lowell to see Jonathan Harper making his way towards her. His sandy blond disheveled as though he ran his fingers through it constantly. His clothes smudged with whatever chemicals he used to develop his pictures.
“Jonathan.” Clara’s voice softened at the sign of the young man. She realized he had taken a shine to her, and he always made his best efforts to impress either her or her father. Which often backfired. But he was sweet just the same.
“I didn’t know you would be here today.”
“I didn’t know either. But something told me I needed to come in today. It was the strangest notion.”
“That’s your gut instinct.” Jonathan offered.
“I prefer the term ‘women’s intuition’.”
“That sounds more palatable. Come.” He offered her his hand. She declined but still followed him to his desk. His smile slipped for a moment before affixing itself once again.
“These are my latest shots.” He offered prints. Clara plucked one from his hands, holding the photo along its edge.
“How did you get such a sharp image?”
“Turns out you can bribe a horse to stand still.” His hazel eyes sparkled as he gazed at Clara inspecting his photograph. The moment broke at the sound of her father’s voice.
“It’s an interesting proposition. Perhaps we can discuss it more this evening.”
“I would like that very much, Mr. Appleton.” a soft voice with a British accent answered.
“Bring that sister of yours.”
Clara moved to meet his father and the stranger from England.
Keep reading
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Hurt | Sir Thomas Sharpe x OFC
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A/N: This was an anon request:  If requests are still open, any chance we could get some Thomas Sharpe fluff and/or smut?? He deserves it. I hope this works.  This was also my entry for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​  Any Fucking Fandom Writing Challenge.  My prompt was: “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
Pairing: Sir Thomas Sharpe x OFC  (Clara Appleton)
Summary: Clara never thought her life would be that exciting.  That was until Sir Thomas Sharpe appeared in her father’s office and set her life on a different path.  
Warnings: Character death, smut (loss of virginity, oral sex, sex), illness
Word Count: 5322 (I know!)  Link to Ao3
Whole Enchilada Tag List: @winterisakiller @nonsensicalobsessions @hopelessromanticspoonie @yespolkadotkitty @pinkzz123 @jessiejunebug @cherrygeek86 @littleredstarfish @rjohnson1280 @the-minus-four @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @catsladen @coppercorn-and-cauldron @gerli49 @lovesmesomehiddles @devilbat @snoopy3000 @voila-tout @kitkatd7 @wolfsmom1 @queenoftheunderdark @xxloki81xx @thewaithfuckingannoyme @kcd15 @amirra88 @malkaviangirl @evanlys19 @thejemersoninferno @sadwaywardkid @is-it-madness @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @peterman-spideyparker @caffiend-queen @sleepylunarwolf @anagrom @bradfordbantams @ms-cellanies @official-and-unstable-satan @stubby-toe-589331 @alexakeyloveloki @loki-smut-library @imnotrevealingmyname @trippedmetaldetector @tea4sykes @noambition-blog​ @sherala007​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @cursethedarkness​ @jewels2876​ @fixatedfandomhunter​ @myraiswack​ @lokikenway97​ @groovylokifanficpersona​ @ciaodarknessmyheart​ @bitchcraft-at-its-finest​ @hanyasnape​ @lokislastlove​ @stuckysdaughter​ @theunwantedomega​ @dryyoursaltyoceantears​ @petitefirecracker10​ @thummbelina​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @krazycags01​ @howaboutash​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @daddylouislittle @flakyfreak​ @sigyn-njorddottir​
Clara couldn’t wait for fall. Summers were so oppressive in Boston. Between the layers of undergarments and underskirts and the unending humidity, it was enough to drive a person mad. But that didn’t stop her from heading in the office of the Boston Daily Spy to hear the latest news every morning.
“Morning, miss.” The receptionist greeted Clara with a smile.
“Morning, Mrs. Hughes.” you responded to the elderly woman. “Tell me, is my father available?”
“Not right now, Miss Clara. He is in a meeting but it should get done in about fifteen minutes.
“I’ll wait.”
Mrs. Hughes let her back behind the wooden railing to where the reporters worked. Clara wandered from desk to desk, picking up snippets of stories here and there. All the reporters were used to her wandering about their desks.
“Clara!” a tenor voice echoed across the bullpen.
She glanced up at the copy she was reading about a string of killings in Lowell to see Jonathan Harper making his way towards her. His sandy blond disheveled as though he ran his fingers through it constantly. His clothes smudged with whatever chemicals he used to develop his pictures.
“Jonathan.” Clara’s voice softened at the sign of the young man. She realized he had taken a shine to her, and he always made his best efforts to impress either her or her father. Which often backfired. But he was sweet just the same.
“I didn’t know you would be here today.”
“I didn’t know either. But something told me I needed to come in today. It was the strangest notion.”
“That’s your gut instinct.” Jonathan offered.
“I prefer the term ‘women’s intuition’.”
“That sounds more palatable. Come.” He offered her his hand. She declined but still followed him to his desk. His smile slipped for a moment before affixing itself once again.
“These are my latest shots.” He offered prints. Clara plucked one from his hands, holding the photo along its edge.
“How did you get such a sharp image?”
“Turns out you can bribe a horse to stand still.” His hazel eyes sparkled as he gazed at Clara inspecting his photograph. The moment broke at the sound of her father’s voice.
“It’s an interesting proposition. Perhaps we can discuss it more this evening.”
“I would like that very much, Mr. Appleton.” a soft voice with a British accent answered.
“Bring that sister of yours.”
Clara moved to meet his father and the stranger from England.
Keep reading
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Rogue (1)
Title: The Secret Child
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Summary: As a child, you were kept hidden, deep within Odin’s palace. A chance encounter with a certain green-eyed prince sets in motion things you could have only dreamed of.    
Words: 1,160
Note: Welcome to part one of my latest project! Let me know your thoughts! Much like Through the Rabbit Hole, there will be a taglist for this one too, just drop me a line if you’re interested in being added! Enjoy! 
y/n = your name  ●  y/e/c = your eye colour  ●  y/h/c = your hair colour
Age 12
“But mother, why am I not allowed to join the others?” you whine casting another wistful glance over your shoulder.
“y/n, concentrate,” Your mothers’ tone is firm as she taps the book in front of you.
Turning back around you frown down at the yellowed pages, rereading the same lines of ancient text. The words had begun to blur together, nothing was sinking in let alone making any sense. The old leather-bound tome was just as boring as it was when the lesson had started. How could you be expected to be interested in history when the sun was shining outside. You could hear the soft shuffle of your mothers shoes against the stone floor as she adjusts the curtain across the window. The sounds of fruitful laughter continue to drift through the window again, causing your frown to deepen.
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The Sweet of the Night - Masterpost
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Story Description: After growing up besides Loki and having a complicated friendship with him, you visit him in his cell at night.
Undetermined how many parts there will be and there will be NSFW content in some parts.  AO3 Link
Part One Part Two
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Hi. Can you help me out please? Do you know an One-Shot were the Reader is in love with Tom and needs his help with writing a love letter. So he helps her but he is heartbroken, because he loves her but then she sends the letter to him and he is just surprised and runs to her home. They confess their love... Thank you so much.❤️
I don’ t know that one!  But I would love read it!  Followers, readers!  anyone know this one?  
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Marvel Masterlist!
This is the most up to date version of my masterlist, with pretty much everything I’ve written on it. Enjoy! Updated 26th April 2020
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Loki Laufeyson x Reader:
Anywhere, Everywhere - Never Be Sorry For Feeling - Defying Gravity - Quiet Moments - Baking By Moonlight - Trapped - Surprise! - Loki’s Daughter - Sweet Dreams - It’ll Be Fun - Stay -  Only A Little Bit Of Snow - Clearly Not Dead - The Upper Hand - On Sandy Shores - Wake Up - Chicken Soup - Goodbye - The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - Beautiful - Queen of Pranks - Just Another Cliché - Nothing to Offer - Angel of Music - Connected - Say Something - One Day - Wanted - Night Time Rendezvous - Revolution -   Oblivious - Dancing Queen - One Touch - Hero - Not While I’m Around - Solstice - Secrets - Truce - And Then There’s You - Invisible - By Your Side - Happy New Year - What You Want - All The World’s A Stage - I Wasn’t That Drunk - A Gift - Calm The Storm -
If You’re Quite Done: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
If Only: Part 1 - Part 2
A Magician’s Secret: Part 1 - Part 2
The Wager: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
The Executioner: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Not a Lady, SHIELD Agent!Reader (25k, Complete)
Mirror of the Soul Powered!Reader (65k, Complete)
Bibbidi Bobbidi Asgard, Cinderella AU (62k, Complete)
Faking It - Alien!Reader, “mistaken as a couple” (19k, Complete)
Familiar Faces - Modern Day Commuter AU (In Progress, updates every 1-2 weeks)
From Darkness Comes Light - Powered!Reader (18k, TBC at a later date)
Jotun Loki: The Wolf - Demons - True Love’s Kiss -
Lady Loki: Nothing Has Changed - Business or Pleasure - 
Loki x Tony: Soul Mates
Loki x Brunnhilde|Valkyrie: To The Future 
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Tony Stark x Reader 
Someone Worth Saving - Cheat! - The Baby Whisperer -
Phone A Friend: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
At Death’s Door, Guardian Angel!Reader (48k, Complete)
Pepper x Tony: The Best of Humanity
Morgan & Tony: More Than Just Memories: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Scars - Definitely Not - Worthy - All The Time In The World - One More Dance - The Dinosaurs Were My Friends -  One More Goodbye - 
Ready to Comply Powered ex-HYDRA!Reader (In progress, updates once a month, 102k)
Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019
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Clint Barton x Reader 
Unbelievable  - Jealous? - 
Clint Barton Bingo 2019 - Queer Eye for the Hawk Guy
Mr and Mrs Jones - SHIELD Agent!Reader, undercover slow burn (129k, Complete)
Clint x Natasha: Bored - I’ve Got You - 
Clint x Reader x Bucky: Morning Cuddles
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Bruce Banner/Hulk x Reader 
Pretty Lady -
Cursed: Part 1 - Part 2
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Thor Odinson x Reader
Remember: Part 1 
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Steve Rogers x Reader 
Alive - Skinny Idiot - 
Steve x Clint: Fever 
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader
милая - Let Me Help You - 
The Fire in Which We Burn, Villain!Reader (In Progress, updates every 2 weeks)
Natasha x Clint: In Case of Emergency, Please Call… -
Natasha x Tony: It Wasn’t Personal
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Avengers x Reader
There’s Always Another - Battle of New York - Not Overly Fond Of What Follows - Sing -
One of the Team - Powered!Reader (Complete)
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Shuri Udaku x Reader
Is this Wakidala? - Disneyland - The Matrix - Inside the Storm - 
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Better Than That - Falling For You - 
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Carol Danvers x Reader
You’re Wearing It, Aren’t You? - 
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Nebula x Reader
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Daisy Johnson/Skye x Reader
Switching Sides: Part 1 - Part 2
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Peter Parker x Reader
My Immortal - We Can Still Be Friends -
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Sam Wilson x Reader
Lazy Day
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Vision x Reader 
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Deadpool x Reader
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Pride 2018 Masterlist - Pride 2019 Masterlist -
Christmas Fics 2017 - Days of Ficmas 2018 - Festive Ficlets 2019
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Loki x reader
Shamless smut to celebrate 100 followers!! 
You rolled your eyes when Thor lifted his hammer in one hand, a glass of wine in the other as he toasted to something or other for the thousandth time. He was so drunk off alcohol and attention that it was bound to happen again in the next fifteen minutes. After 472 years of witnessing party-Thor, you were getting a bit annoyed.
Crossing your arms as you leaned against the nearest pillar, you grumbled at the uncomfortable armour digging into your shoulder. It was a formal event, hosted by the King so you were compelled to wear your gold armour over your red formal gown, signifying your role as a royal healer and princess.
“Bored, pet?”
You flinched at Loki’s warm breath as it ghosted over your ear, nudging him with your elbow as he went to wrap his arm around your waist. “No, I absolutely love watching the Thor Show all day and night.”
Loki chuckled, not so subtly eyeing you in your armour and dress. “You and I both.”
“Quit it, Loki,” you grumbled, throwing up an energy shield with a flick of your wrist as you felt a tendril of his seidr attempt to caress your arm. 
“Shouldn’t you be calling me ‘your Prince’, darling? We are in front of the whole court,” Loki purred, reaching out with a finger to brush an invisible thread off the neckline of your armour.
You knocked his hand away, glancing around to see if anyone was paying attention to you two. “Fuck off, my Prince.” You blushed when you saw one of the men from Odin’s council eyeing you. A few centuries as Loki’s wife and you still were chastised for publicly showing affection.
Loki laughed, ignoring your warning and taking your hand. He gracefully pulled you through the crowd, who’s attention was luckily again on Thor as he toasted to yet another pointless declaration. You stayed close to Loki’s side, getting a whiff of his smoky, sandalwood scent as he led you to an empty hallway in the palace.
“Where are we–” 
He cut you off with a kiss, a hand on the back of your neck as he tilted your face towards his and slowly licked into your mouth, warm and soft. You moaned quietly, hands gripping his waist as he deepened the kiss. 
“I need you. Right now.” Loki whispered as he pulled away, eyes darkened with desire. It made you shiver.
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Bottled Emotions Masterlist
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Summary: Lady Y/N never meant for it to go this far but that was the thing with love potions, they were very unpredictable. Loki x Reader
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