redheadspark · 2 days
One Moment
Summary - The female reader wonders if the life she has is worth it. Ominis reminds her it is.
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Warnings - a hint of angst but mostly fluff
A/N - I wanted to write a good oneshot of the female MC and Ominis together after all that happened in the video game! I hope you like it!
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"What have you done?!   WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"
You woke up, gasping for air and feeling your heart race so fast against your chest you could almost feel it in your throat.  The last bit of the nightmare was floating in and out of your mind, now slipping away like mist over a lake.  You took in a shaky breath, trying to bring yourself back to reality as the soft chirps of the night insects were right outside your window.  With the darkness of the room slightly illuminated from the scattered stars that hung so high, and the softness of your quilt draped across your body to keep you somewhat warm, you still felt suffocated in a way. That nightmare was in the back of your mind, creeping along the corners of your brain like skeleton fingers. 
The soft sound of heavy breathing was behind you, deep breathing, you slowly moved to be on your back and looked over at your husband who was dead asleep.  His blond hair, recently trimmed, was against the dark green pillow to illuminate the soft features of his pale skin and delicate lips.  You smiled, seeing how content he looked compared to you. The dark circles were no longer there, no was he fidgeting in his sleep as much as he did once before.  It seemed to be now that roles were reversed.
You were the one who was now suffering. 
Without waking him up, you slipped out of bed and threw on a robe, tiptoeing down the wooden stairs that lead to the cramped but cozy living room.  There wasn't a whole lot in the room itself, one couch and loveseat in front of the fireplace, and a tiny dining room table that was tucked next to the kitchen.  You moved back the plants that were perched along the windowsill, the leaves dancing and thriving in the moonlight as you touched some of the leaves with your fingers.  Finally, making it to the front door, you opened it and breathed in the night air deeply. 
The small hamlet of Aranshire was deeply asleep, the other little homes and cottages were dark with the small village snore humming along with the night. You grinned, loving the quietness of the area and the view that was stretched out far behind it.  Your little home was right along the edge of the hamlet, a small grassy area that led to a cliff that then gave a pristine view of Hogwarts Castle.  The wrap-around porch had a set of rocking chairs, a gift you received from one of the neighbors when you moved into the home a year prior.  The familiar creaking of the porch below your toes and the whispering winds high above you made you feel peaceful again as you sank into one other chair, watching the majestic castle that was perched across the lake and some of the lights still lit in the windows.  
You've grown so much since you were a student there within those walls, taking over as the Herbology Professor since Professor Garlick decided to go on an international trip in search of new plant species to study. Thankfully, you had great knowledge of Herbology and had a great relationship with Professor Garlick, along with Professor Weasley.  She offered you the job, to which you took it with some hesitance.  
Now it was the summer before your second year as the Herbology Professor.  Professor Garlick was due to return the next summer, leaving you one more year to teach before you were to find another job.  Thankfully, Professor Weasley wanted to keep you on as a member of staff since you were amazing with the students.  She reassured you that you had a position at the school, along with the home where you were living in during the summer and on the weekends.  You had a room in the castle during the school year, but you always came back to this home every weekend. 
Your family was in that little home.
Perhaps you were in deep thought and not realizing that someone walked up next to you.  You smiled, knowing exactly who it was as his hand was now resting on your shoulder, his thumb rubbing along your robe while you were still watching the castle.
"How did you know I was out here?" You asked, your voice soft and yet still on edge.  A chuckle was heard from him.
"I may have been blind since birth, but I do know where you go when you're in deep thought, my dear,"
You looked up, seeing your husband and your best friend with a soft smile on his lips and the grey in his eyes heightened from the night light: Ominis Gaunt.  
"Join me then?" You asked, reaching up to lace your fingers with his that was perched on your shoulder.  With swiftness, he moved over to the other chair on your left and sat carefully, the rocking chair swayed from his weight as he leaned back.  It was quiet once again, your fingers still laced together now hung between your chair as the grasshoppers chirped and the calm lapping of the lake waters along the shore rose in the air.  Being able to sit for a moment or two with Ominis, neither of you saying a word, was soothing.  You loved the quiet, craved it really, which was why you were happy when this house was offered to you by Professor Weasley when you first took the teaching job.  The first night you spent on the porch, seeing the castle and all the beautiful highlands around you, took your breath away.  
It didn't hurt that you had Ominis with you to make your little home perfect to live in.
"Was it Sebastian again?"  Ominis asked, tilting his head in your direction as he held your hand gently in his.  You sighed, squeezing his hand to answer his question.  Ominis hummed, keeping his eyes downcasted a bit as he spoke again, "How bad was it?"
"His Uncle," You sighed, Ominis squeezing your hand in reassurance as you blinked a few times, "I thought I was over the dreams and nightmares,"
"It takes time, trust me," Ominis reassured you, "Took me some months, now they're a bit tolerable," 
You shot a look over to him in panic, "I didn't wake you, did I?" You asked in worry, though he smiled and shook his head slowly.
"Not even the Giant Squid's wailings in the middle of the night would wake me.  A trait thankfully our son has inherited from me," He commented with a snort, looking over your shoulder at the window that was tucked against the garden and growing pumpkins, You could see through the glass a small being in a bed, snoring away and in deep sleep.  Light blond hair, freckles along the nose and cheeks, and a stuffed dragon in his arms as his face was tinted blue from the night sky.
Your two-year-old son, Daniel Sebastian Gaunt.
"I knew you weren't in bed when I reached for you is all, " He explained, motioning with his head over towards the window where you were looking, "As for our son, he shouldn't worry about his mother and her nightmares.  That's my job," Ominis hummed, you looking away from the window and back to him as he moved his head in your direction.  You saw in his light grey orbs, the look of worry on his face and uneasiness, "I don't wish for you to dwell on the past, it's not healthy and not safe,"
You had to smile softly at his explanation, "When did you get so wise?" 
"I learned from you," He replied, inching his head at you as you blushed, "I've learned plenty of things, thanks to you. One of which is to not dwell on things behind us.  Rather focus on the things in front of us, the present,"  
You knew he was right: rehashing the past only brought pain.  You've had those moments, of course, the tears that feel because of it and the regrets that you had if you made the right choices at the right time.  However, Ominis was always there to guide you back and make sure you were never lost in yourself.  You were grateful for him.  Even with his own pain and his own burdens, he never unleashed them on you.  
You two fell in love with each other towards the end of your schooling at Hogwarts.  After all that you went through together as friends in your fifth year: losing your friend Sebastian as he was expelled and sent to Azkaban, the Goblin Rebellion chaos, as the absence of Professor Fig.  Even with all of the pain and uneasiness you went through, there was still some positivity that came through the dark mornings and somber evenings. 
Several friendships blossomed, including with Natty and Poppy.  Both of which were your close girlfriends by the end of your seventh year.  Amit, Garretth, Everett, and others stayed your friends, even with some of the gossip of your friendship with Sebastian and his expulsion from Hogwarts.  Others would talk behind your back, the gossip would float in the air as you would walk along the halls or attend class.  Even the stares you would get were enough to make you want to take off on your broom and fly away. 
Ominis stayed with you through it all, never showing you for one moment he was going to let you go. 
"I do miss him sometimes," You heard next to you, seeing Ominis and how still he was.  His grey eyes were in the direction of Hogwarts.  You squeezed his hands, knowing who he was talking about and not wishing to say a word as Ominis took in a long breath, "I know what he did was wrong, beyond wrong, and there is no returning from the road he went on.  But I do miss his friendship,"
"I know letting him go was not easy for us, for you," You explained, shifting a bit as you were facing him while still in your rocking chair and seeing how calm he looked in his face and somewhat relaxed in his chair.  The topic of your ex-friend was never easy to discuss with your husband, who has known Sebastian much longer than you have.  However, Ominis would never shy away from what was on his mind when it came to his ex-friend, how he felt betrayed by him, and how he watched his life take a dark turn.  
The downfall of Sebastian also brought a downfall to Ominis, mostly to his family.  His parents reprimanded him for turning his back on his friend, thinking of him as the black sheep in their pureblood family and with their pureblood ideals.  He always had a struggle with his family and how he was against their beliefs and way of life, but to hear that he turned in his fellow Slytherin Classmate because of his thirst for the Dark Arts, was too much.  
You never met his mother or father, Ominis never wanted that to happen.  But he had a rude awakening when his family disowned him, cutting him out of their lives as soon as he graduated from Hogwarts.  The wedge that was placed there by his mother and father at the very moment they heard about Sebastian, and was driven bigger when they also heard about Ominis dating you by your seventh year.  You would have thought Ominis would try and reason with him, pleading to stay with you since his parents thought out of you is nothing but trouble for him.
But he chose you, and he has never looked back since. 
"Do you regret this life, leaving your family for me?" You asked almost sheepishly, feeling a bit bad that you were asking him this.  It plagued your mind from time to time, the lingering thought that this was not the life he would have wanted.  He spoke once or twice or he wanted to be outside of Hogwarts, but it was never something that seemed important to him.  In all the choices he had made, you never saw him be swayed. He was certain and seemed bold.  He was bold when he packed up his things from his childhood home and moved out to be with his distant relative, he was bold when he asked your hand marriage.  
And lastly, he was bold when he forbade his parents from meeting their grandson, ever.
"Not for one moment, my dear," He replied, his voice smooth and soft as if it was floating on the top of the Black Lake and alongside the rocks below the castle.  Ominis was filled with happiness from the moment you two got together, even more, when you were married in secret and only some of your friends as witnesses.  There was happiness and warmth in his smile, in how he carried himself. He was willing to go on an adventure with you, happy to hear you were taking the job as the Herbology Professor and finding the perfect little home for the pair of you.
Your surprise pregnancy scared you mostly since you had no idea how you both were going to raise a child when you both were barely adults.  The topic of being parents never came up from either one of you, the last thing you both were going to think about was children. Yet you were pregnant, and you thought that Ominis would not want to be a father so young.  
The day you told him, right at sunset and out on your little porch with your things barely moved in, Ominis kissed you deeply and swung you around in his arms in bliss.  
"This life, this small and quiet life," he said in a slight tease, you giggling as he traced his thumb along the top of your hand, "It's a life I never thought I would have at any moment.  I only thought of my life filled with darkness and fear, with ideals that did not match mine and beliefs that were tainted."
He turned his head in your direction, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he spoke again, "But you changed all of that, from simply being my friend and loving me for who I was, who I am.  Apart from my Aunt, you've snuck into my life in the best way, and I don't wish to part from it anytime soon.  It brought me this home, our son, and this life,"
It made your eyes mist, leaning over to kiss him on the lips with one finger tucked under his chin to keep him close.  You too were happy in this life with Ominis, every day being filled with happiness and simplicity as you both were settling into your new life as a married couple.  Even more so before Daniel was born, Ominis was a very worrying father to be and making sure all of your needs were met.  He got the layout of your new home real quickly and was able to be mobile around the home with ease when days.  He never wanted you to lift a finger, or anything for that matter while you were getting towards the end of your pregnancy, which brought out your stubborn side.  Of course, small arguments and snap comments were made, but nothing you couldn't mend.
Once Daniel was born, Ominis swore he would never be like his father, and he kept to that promise.  
Once you pulled away from him, a smile was etched on his lips as you scanned his calm face and grinned from ear to ear, "I love you, Ominis,"
"And I love you too," he replied, lacing your fingers again as he gestured with his chin over to the sight of the castle in front of you, "Let's stay out here for a while.  I rather enjoy being out here with you amongst the peace and quiet in the countryside,"
"You call the howling Mooncalfs peace and quiet?" You teased, your husband laughing as he shook his head.
"No, but I have grown accustomed to it at this point. I'd take the mooncalfs over the Giant Squid any day," He explained, and the sounds of your giggles filled the air while the night rolled on.  You both were still sitting side by side, your eyes on the very castle that brought you two together what seemed like ages ago.  
The End
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redheadspark · 3 days
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Yay Pride! 🏳️‍🌈 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
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redheadspark · 4 days
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la collectionneuse (1967) / anne sexton
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redheadspark · 4 days
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redheadspark · 7 days
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happy pride 🌈
ko-fi | p/aypal
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redheadspark · 8 days
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redheadspark · 8 days
Remember, being kind is punk rock. Being overly polite due to anxiety is prog rock. A hug is alt rock unless it goes on too long then it's folk rock. Empathy is third wave ska. Being mean, though, is not punk rock. Bc being mean is pop punk
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redheadspark · 8 days
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redheadspark · 8 days
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It's okay if you don't figure these things out until you're well into your 20's, 30's, 40's or beyond. It's okay if you come out later in life, especially if doing so as a teenager or 20-something wasn't safe for you. (And it's okay if you never come out to anyone except yourself. That's an accomplishment in itself.) And it's okay if a label that fit in your teens or 20's doesn't fit later on. It doesn't mean you're "fake." There's no law that says you have to have your entire self all figured out by age 25. Finding yourself, including your gender and sexuality, is an ongoing, lifelong process.
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redheadspark · 8 days
shout out to all the bitches NOT having gay sex this pride month
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redheadspark · 9 days
Writing smut as an asexual person is so funny to me, because like I have no idea what I’m going on about or if I’m just spitting gibberish.
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redheadspark · 9 days
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kira cyan rittgers
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redheadspark · 10 days
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Tim Curry might be the epitome of "understands the assignment" and never gives less than 110% and damn I love him so much for that.
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redheadspark · 10 days
crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read
and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you
like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors
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redheadspark · 10 days
✨ Write the stories you want to write.
✨ Don't let anyone shame you for the type of stories you write.
✨ Don't let anyone shame you for writing fanfiction, or for writing any other fiction that isn't seen as 'marketable'.
✨ Selling books is not everyone's reason and goal for writing stories.
✨ Write stories because you want to write them.
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redheadspark · 10 days
Reblog if you are a fic writer who welcomes moodboards, playlists, remixes, art and any other type of gift based on your stories.
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redheadspark · 10 days
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