scribescribe · 4 months
ZANGER! as onion headlines:
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scribescribe · 1 year
เพื่อนเล่น ไม่เล่นเพื่อน | JUST BEING FRIENDLY
a bad buddy fanvid/edit by scribe & fiercynn
okay i realize this is now a my school president song for everyone, but @scribescribe & i made this last year for fanworks con 2022! i still maintain it works super well for patpran, so thought i would post it here now.
immense thanks to what-alchemy and their dad for help with translating the lyrics into english, and thanks as well to @nicolasechs and ryfkah for betaing the vid!
please comment and/or download at the ao3 post!
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scribescribe · 3 years
So look I deeply ship Rai/Alokas on the show but also I am extremely here for the incest fic and we’ve talked about how those are weirdly incompatible headspaces to be constantly switching between, right? Well, I FIGURED IT OUT.
 [several millennia after restarting the entire universe]
Rai: hey. hey alokas
Alokas: yo
Rai: I need your advice about something
Alokas: that always goes swimmingly, sure, what’s up?
Rai: so I’ve started kind of…thinking about something…and it’s totally not a normal thing and I definitely didn’t think about it back when we were mortals, but recently I can’t get it out of my head, and you know how rules and taboos and relationships and stuff are kind of different now that we’re gods, like maybe the same things don’t really apply-
Alokas: oh my god just fuck your brother already it’s fine
Rai: …
Alokas: I thought it was gonna be funny to make you spell it out but that was just agonizing
Rai: how did you know
Alokas: darling we’ve been telepathically bonded for like four thousand years
Rai: …fair point.
Alokas: and I didn’t think that fluttery feeling was coming from me.
Rai: you really think it’s okay?
Alokas: it’s not like half of us haven’t fucked weirder people. or things. what’s the point of being literal gods if you can’t make your own rules? just go for it, no one will blink an eye.
Rai: huh, okay. thanks.
Alokas: no problem. I mean, what are eternal life partners for?
 [one day later]
Rai: hey alokas
Alokas: sup
Rai: can I talk to you about that thing again, I need some more advice
Alokas: I’m telling you it’s fine, seriously, go forth and fuck your brother
Rai: no, it’s not that. I’m on board, it’s just…
Alokas: what?
Rai: …which one?
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scribescribe · 5 years
So have you all seen the @sortinghatchats sorting system? It’s super cool and I’m obsessed with it, so of course I figured that I should do a round for the show I’m obsessed with, Mistworld! Here are my ideas, but feel free to argue for different interpretations, or add more characters!
Alokas: Slytherin primary / Gryffindor secondary
Poor Alokas starts off the show extremely burnt. Having his friends betray him pretty much burnt his Slytherin primary down to including only himself in his circle, though by the beginning of the show it’s started to expand a little bit to Rai. Over the course of the show he gets unburnt more and more rapidly as he starts to trust the rest of YOKBOT, and also finds out that the supposed betrayal wasn’t quite what he thought. Yay!
I’m sure lots of people would argue for him having a Slytherin secondary, and I think he’s got a really excellent Slytherin performance that’s useful to him, but I’d argue that overall his instinctive strategy for doing stuff is “FUCK IT I’M GONNA DO THE THING”, which sounds Gryffindory to me!
Athol: Ravenclaw primary / Ravenclaw secondary
Ravenclaws all the way down! Athol starts off the show aligned with the Dwarves and his race/homeland, and over the course of it shifts his moral framework to accommodate all the new information he’s receiving and try to, you know, save the world, mostly without much fuss. Very Ravenclawy.
You could make an argument for Athol being a Gryffindor secondary, given his tendency to wander off and start doing stuff while everyone else is still talking, but really I think he’s just a very impatient Ravenclaw. His strategy is pretty much always “collect information, run experiments”. He has a whole notebook full of important info and bottles of specimens just in case he needs them! 
Itzal: Gryffindor primary / Gryffindor secondary
Itzal is a character who definitely knows what she wants! She’s not easily swayed and doesn’t seem to be using any particular model, she’s just got an intrinsic sense of what’s right and wants to follow it. That does include caring about people, but she seems to be more the type who wants to save the world and everyone because that’s the Right Thing To Do, rather than save the world because that’s how to rescue everyone.
Extremely Gryffindor secondary, which is a good quality for a dungeon crawler! Definitely an act first, deal with the consequences later kind of character- see her powerful but very risky magic attacks.
Leila: Slytherin primary / Slytherin Secondary
Her primary is kind of hard to identify because her Slytherin secondary is SO intense, it often makes her primary motivation look like whatever would be useful or help her fit in or influence a group. I’m gonna make an argument, though, that she has a Slytherin primary with a very large and flexible circle. At the start of the show her circle is pretty clearly the other Tieflings, but as the show goes on we see her adapt it to meet her changing circumstances. She copes with the horrors of the timelines by telling herself “those people aren’t real so they don’t matter” - defining them as outside of her circle. Her circle seems to consist of people she finds interesting or relevant, so she adopts people into it quickly (including some who are adversaries), but she’s able to almost completely disregard those who are outside it and has no moral issue with tricking, ignoring, or even abandoning them. 
Slytherin secondary is literally her god power, I mean, she is the MOST Slytherin secondary of characters. She’s whatever you need her to be!
Merineth: Ravenclaw primary / Hufflepuff secondary
Tricky, but I think Merineth is a Ravenclaw because of the way she shifts her morality over the course of the show. She starts off happily adhering to the Wall Guard system, but she’s able to change and adapt (or possibly get dragged down) by the other travellers, and is always open to considering opposing POVs and incorporate them if they’re worthwhile.
Hufflepuff secondary because, well, her strategy is pretty much to keep whalin’ on the thing. See her struggle in god doors where she just patiently tanked her way through all the darkness for ever.
Rai: Slytherin primary / Gryffindor secondary
So unsubtle that there’s almost no point in doing a write-up. Her god powers are entirely Slytherin primary-based, she has a small circle of people and cares about protecting them above all else.
Also, her strategy with pretty much any problem is to run in and hit it.
Bashal: Ravenclaw primary / Hufflepuff secondary
Bashal’s primary is a little hard to suss out, since she’s such a quiet character, but I actually think there’s a decent argument for her being a Ravenclaw. I think she’s basically following Ehlonna’s system, which makes sense since her whole reason for being is about being Ehlonna’s companion. She’s on board for team save the world, but is it because it’s the right thing to do, or because she wants to save people or particular people in it? No, I think it’s because it’s what Ehlonna would want her to do.
Hufflepuff secondary because she’s another one who pretty much just toils ceaselessly, naps, and then toils again. Not really a planner or an improviser, and though she is brave she’s not Gryffindor-impulsive. Just doing the thing, and then the next thing, and then the next one.
Apocalpyse Nyka: Hufflepuff primary / Hufflepuff secondary
He’s definitely a save-the-world-in-order-to-save-the-people character. When he’s taken away from the fight to save his timeline, and when he’s at his lowest ebb and losing all of his memories, the thing he chosoes to do is jump into the hopeless fight to save the people in the random other timeline he’s ended up in.
His strategy is definitely just continue to toil at all costs, see the above example. Poor guy is so tired. 
Shadow Nyka: Slytherin primary / Gryffindor secondary
By the time we meet him he’s got a very tiny Slytherin primary- just himself and Rai. Almost certainly pretty burned, although the few flashbacks we have of him aren’t enough to say if he’s burned down from just a wider Slytherin primary (maybe the whole rogue temple society?), or from even a Hufflepuff like Apocalypse Nyka
Gryffindor secondary because this dude just does not think before he acts, he is very much a run into the problem kind of character. 
Saren Raithe: Gryffindor primary / Ravenclaw secondary
He is entirely motivated by his own morals and boy is he confident in them! They are some sketchy morals, too, let me tell you. He’s got a really strong sense of what is Right, and it’s mostly what’s good for him.
His god power is pretty much just Ravenclaw secondary, god level! He always has a million backup plans and collects all kinds of resources and insurance to make sure his plans go off correctly. 
Thren: Gryffindor primary / Ravenclaw secondary
Yet another person who’s got some strong internal motivation! There are several instances where she goes against her order and code, and while it causes her grief, she’s still pretty set on doing The Right Thing despite that. 
Her secondary is harder, either she’s a Gryffindor with a lot of tools or a Ravenclaw who really loves to rush into things. I think I’m going to air slightly on the side of her being just a really impulsive Ravenclaw because she’s SO intense about having a machine that would help with every eventuality.
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scribescribe · 5 years
Exciting news, guys! You know that infamous Mistworld blooper reel that’s turned up at a couple of cons but seems to be on really tight lockdown until the DVDs come out? Well, they had it at ShiftCon this year, and although they were being really intense about no A/V recording, they didn’t say anything about frantic scribbling...so here’s as good a transcript as I could come up with! I’m sure a missed a bunch of stuff- in the way of blooper reels, there were a LOT of short clips, and I didn’t bother recording things like “everyone making silly faces” because, well, that’s not particularly exciting to read about and also those went by suuuuper fast, but here’s what I have! Enjoy!
Mistworld Bloopers:
-Danai Gurira attempting to dramatically raise the visor on her helmet, but it’s stuck. “On second thought, I prefer to remain mysterious,” she says, as everyone around her cracks up.
-Lupita Nyong'o utterly failing to gracefully draw her very large sword
-Natalie Portman hissing at the camera to show off her vampire fangs
-Karen David, Nicki Minaj, and Sara Bareilles singing a beautifully harmonized “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” for some reason
-Gina Carano and G-Dragon in craft services. G-Dragon says something slowly and exaggeratedly in Korean (subtitles: “please give me a coffee”) [ETA: thanks to the anon in my inbox who gave the Korean: 커피 좀 주세요], then holds up a cup. Gina attempts to repeat it and ends up with something that sounds similar to my ears but the subtitles are “give me a bloody nose” [코피 좀 주세요]. G-Dragon shrugs, puts down the coffee, and instead tries to punch her in the face, but she blocks it, twists his arm around, and punches him showily- he flies off his feet and collapses dramatically on the ground. She looks around guiltily, takes the coffee, and backs out of the frame.
-People milling around setting up for a shot. Someone in a big heavy cloak/coat thing approaches the camera and pulls back their hood to reveal- it’s Dessa. “Guess who’s back!”, she whispers, and winks.
-Montage of Rosario Dawson forgetting that Leila’s horns give her over a foot of extra height and walking into doorframes, tree branches, awnings, etc.
-Jim Rash trying to stand up dramatically in his rowboat and falling over
-G-dragon flailing around trying to get untangled from Alokas’s silks
-A take of the intense conversation between Rai and Nyka outside of a falling Ellsmere on the Ba Sing Se timeline. Santiago Cabrera does the line “...but it was worth it, to see you again,” and Gina Carano nods very seriously and then does the slowwwww lean-in as if to kiss him thing. He immediately catches on and also leans in; they don’t actually get there before someone yells CUT and they break apart laughing, but they get very close. This got an INTENSE scream from the audience, you guys, I’m pretty sure they know what we’re into and are trolling us.
-Rodrigo Santoro concentrating deeply on a magic book. After a very long moment of making a serious doing magic face he says, without ever opening his eyes, “this isn’t a practical effect, is it”. Someone offscreen: “nope!” RS: “you guys are doing it in post”. Offscreen: “yup!” RS: “and everyone’s just waiting for me to get on with this scene” Offscreen: “yeah that’s pretty much it!”
-Tyrese Gibson in the middle of a line addressing Toya, then stopping and going “nope, she’s on the other shoulder, isn’t she. You can just fix that with the CG, right, make her fly around?”
-Montage of the Tymora robot being generally terrible: getting stuck on cracks between floorboards, falling off tables and out of pockets, often followed by laughter, swearing, and apologies off-camera, presumably from the crewmember operating it. A lot of the scene where Rai, Merenith, and Toya “follow” Tymora down the hallways of the mages’ guild in which the robot was apparently having some hard times. Gina Carano has several takes of her monologue to Toya like “I’ve never seen it do anything like this before, it just started walking toward the Mages Guild this morning and it won’t stop….except, uh, now….I see it’s stopped...perhaps the middle of this hallway was very important to Asmun?” or “I’ve never seen it do anything like this before...yes, the slightly eerie twitching and whine of dying batteries is definitely new…”
-everyone who gets caught in the explosion where Rai is possessed by undead!Cord standing around in bathrobes, doing a little dance and chant “Na-ked ep-i-sode! Na-ked ep-i-sode!”
-Tom Hiddleston tripping on his shadowy robes, stumbling, managing to stay upright, and doing jazz hands
-Bex Taylor-Klaus attempting to drink something and having way too much trouble getting figuring out how to get a straw through the dragon prosthetic
-Santiago Cabrera and the double who was standing in for the other Nyka slowly mirroring each other’s movements and then turning to the camera in mock-astonished horror
-Several takes of Rosario Dawson waving her arms dramatically at a monster that presumably will be CGI’d in later and then turning to her companions and declaring: “it’s okay, for the next five minutes it…
-”will think it’s a beagle puppy named Patches”
-”will have to pee really really bad”
-”will sincerely believe that it’s just a tennis ball on a stick”
-”will only want to jam to this beat” (she begins beatboxing)
-”will think Athol is its mommy”
-Manu Bennett dangling from strings in front of a green screen and making dramatic fighter plane noises and he pretends to steer Athol’s glider
-Jim Rash rowing in his boat suspended in the air against a greenscreen, singing sweetly “row row row your boat, gently down the stream...merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily” then turning to look directly into camera and whispering creepily “life is but a dream”
-A montage of fighters dropping their weapons or otherwise messing up their fight choreography, including Lupita Nyong'o whacking Rosario Dawson with her shield, Natalie Portman slicing aggressively with the glaive and accidentally flinging it across the room, Dichen Lachman falling down while trying to heroically charge up a hill, Gina Carano trying to crack her whip and it just flopping around awkwardly, Amandla Stenberg turning the wrong way and dramatically stabbing a place where no one is standing, Manu Bennett throwing an axe and having the head go flying and the handle just plop down at his feet
-Bex Taylor-Klaus pointing at Rodgrigo Santoro and going “and THAT’S a WRAP!” with a cheesy grin, while Rodrigo Santoro shakes his head in extreme judgment. 
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scribescribe · 5 years
password: superman
Espacio Sideral [multifandom vid] by fiercynn and scribe
Summary: It takes a village to make a superhero.
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Black Panther (2018), Daredevil (TV), Agent Carter (TV), The Middleman (TV), Raising Dion (Short Film), Black Lightning (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Shazam! (2019), The Flash (TV 2014), Incredibles (Pixar Movies), Batman (Movies - Nolan), Static Shock, Danny Phantom, Wonder Woman (2017), Captain Marvel (2019), Luke Cage (TV), Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), Aquaman (2018), The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)
Content Notes: none
Notes: Made for FanworksCon 2019. Thanks to feedingonwind, Eli, Lex, aurum_calendula, sandalwoodbox, ryfkah, youmovemesir, and bessyboo for their help!
Comment and/or download here at AO3!
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scribescribe · 6 years
password: givemore
Team Awesome Force goes to war.
Level Up by Scribe
Fandom: Killjoys  
Content Notes: violence as typical on the show; footage through season 3.
Notes: for condnsdmlk in festivids 2017, except then I forgot I had a tumblr for five months, so, uh...here it is now.
Read more, comment and/or download here at AO3
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scribescribe · 6 years
password: killjoys
You and me, we’re gonna be all right.
Afterlife by Scribe
Fandom: Killjoys  
Content Notes: some flashing lights; canon typical violence.
Notes: for resolute, who donated generously in the @fandomtrumpshate auction in, uh, 2017, and then was very kind and patient with me taking forever to get this done.
Comment and/or download here at AO3
Happy eve of season 4, everybody!
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scribescribe · 7 years
password: oldtown
The Royale is the heart of this town. And the people of Old Town, they're its blood.
Winter  by Scribe
Fandom: Killjoys  
Content Notes: contains some flashing/possible physical triggers; also, canon typical dystopia, violence, minor character death, etc.
Notes: I spent over a year trying to figure out the right song for this vid; my absolute sincere thanks to everyone who provided me with lists full of options even when I couldn't fully articulate what I wanted, and especially to Sal who finally found it. Premiered at Vividcon 2017.
Comment and/or download here at AO3
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scribescribe · 7 years
password: exes
Bad Blood (Never Ever) [multifandom vid] by Scribe and fiercynn
Fandoms: Hannibal, Pretty Little Liars, The Social Network, How to Get Away with Murder, Smallville, Steven Universe, Torchwood, Shameless (US), The Musketeers (2014), due South, Hard Core Logo, Vikings, Doctor Who (2005), Kuroko no Basuke, The Good Wife, Maleficent, Avatar: The Last Airbender, X-Men (Movieverse), Merlin (TV), Star Wars, Wicked, Black Sails, Elementary, The Greater Good (2013 fanfilm), Harry Potter  
Content Notes: contains some flashing/possible physical triggers.
Notes: made for Vividcon 2017 Premieres at @vividconofficial. Thanks to corbae, feedingonwind, and aria for their help!
Comment and/or download here at AO3!
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scribescribe · 7 years
Donate to some good stuff and I will make you a vid!
Scribe - FTH Contributor Page
See Scribe’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder’s choice of any of the listed groups
(See full list at our FAQ)
Scribe’s offerings:
Scribe Auction #1
Type of fanwork: vid Subtype(s): n/a Fandom(s): Lord of the Rings, Leverage, Sense8, Killjoys, email to ask about other fandoms I’ve vidded before or short canons (like stand-alone movies) Rating(s): n/a Length/size: Vids 1:30-4:00 (ish). If you have a specific prompt other than the fandom, song suggestions are appreciated though not strictly necessary. Especially interested in: Any Will not: Killjoys: no Johhny/Pawter- or Dutch/D'avin-centric vids Notes: I am a slow vidder! It will get done, but might take a while- longer for longer canons.
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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scribescribe · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hadestown - Mitchell, Greek and Roman Mythology Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: The Fates, Hermes (Hadestown), Λάχεσις | Lachesis, Ἄτροπος | Atropos (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Κλωθώ | Clotho, Ἑρμης | Hermes (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Καλλιόπη | Kalliope | Calliope (Hellenistic Religion & Lore) Summary:
A long time ago the world began, and Lachesis took up crochet.
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scribescribe · 8 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Les Misérables - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Enjolras/Grantaire Characters: Enjolras (Les Misérables), Grantaire (Les Misérables) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Magic, Ficlet, Exes Summary:
Inside the snow globe it's night-dark and gusting occasional flurries of snow, which means that Enjolras must be halfway across the world from the overcast Paris afternoon outside Grantaire's window.
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scribescribe · 8 years
Nothing Else Matters, an Eowyn/Faramir vid
password: eowyn
comment and/or download: AO3 post
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scribescribe · 8 years
password: awake
Wake Me Up [multifandom vid] by Scribe and fiercynn
Fandoms: Futurama, Doctor Who, Supergirl, The Matrix, The Wizard of Oz, Supernatural, Stargate Atlantis, Inception, Smallville, The Flash, Merlin, Demolition Man, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Cracked.com, Firefly, Sleepy Hollow, Xena: Warrior Princess, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (movies), Life on Mars (UK), 28 Days Later, The Walking Dead, Community, Waking Life, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Hannibal, Snow White & the Huntsman, Maleficent, House M.D., Over the Garden Wall, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Vanilla Sky, Star Trek Into Darkness, Om Shanti Om, The Lord of the Rings, Torchwood, Elementary, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Killjoys, Sense8, Quantico
Content Notes: technically mild violence, major character death and suicidal imagery, but none of the characters actually die in canon (or, they’re resurrected)
Notes: made for Club Vivid 2016 at @vividconofficial. Thanks to bessyboo, marianas, feedingonwind, and pearwaldorf for helping us source!
Comment and/or download here at AO3!
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scribescribe · 8 years
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A Softer Hadestown
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