#darth maul
milkcioccolato · 2 days
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Coming out comic since it’s pride month yayyyyyyy
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5ush1w0rm · 3 days
OML THIS TOOK AGES ANYWAY .thanks to @kanakarbakar who made a brilliant suggestion on one of my maul posts that he would look good in a golden chain hoop crown
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I still think about if maul had become a senator for dathomir that would be so interesting he would turn up to every meeting in cunty outfits
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fresh-orange-whispers · 12 hours
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Drawing Maul is a stress reliever.
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twinterrors29 · 12 hours
Qui-Gon, watching Obi-Wan flirt with his enemies: none of them are good enough for you, raise your standards Padawan, I raised you to have more dignity than this Qui-Gon, watching Obi-Wan follow orders he doesn't agree with: I taught you better than to just roll over for the Senate like this, what happened to listening to the Will of the Force? Qui-Gon, watching Obi-Wan inadvisably tell Darth Maul that his new legs make him look taller: fuck yeah, that's my boy!
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appljuiceboxx · 20 hours
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posting pride hc icons multiple times a week - day 3 - star wars prequel trilogy (+ a lil tcw)
ugh the quality is so bad guys sorry!! the bg remover thing got rid of the lightsabers and im too lazy to fix it sry :(((
no palpatine bcs he's homophobic
fandom checklist
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godmybackhurts · 19 hours
The Star Wars time travel AU I'll never get around to writing
Anakin had just thrown Palpatine down the shaft, and this time, had avoided most of the lightning. Just as he is about to collapse, there is a flash, as if he had been struck once more. When it clears, he is on Naboo, right as Maul is about to stab Qui-Gon. Without thinking, he calls his lightsaber to him (it had managed to come with him) and blocks the strike. Despite being bulky and slow and unable to even dodge, he's a master swordsman, leagues better than Maul, and more powerful in the Force. So he "kills" Maul, by slicing him in half, right as Obi-Wan gets in (Maul still survives on the trash planet, but now his anger is not directed at Obi-Wan, it is directed at the man in the black mask, the rival apprentice; he never gets his revenge, never gets to make the man hurt, because he has no connections in this life)
Qui-Gon survives, and once he's gotten through the shock, he and Obi-Wan pull their blades on Anakin. They do not know he isn't there to kill them. After all, he's dressed similarly enough to the Sith apprentice who just tried exactly that. And infighting is the way of the Sith, after all, maybe this one wanted a leg up. He does not attack, only defends (he cannot use Soresu as effectively as Master Kenobi ever could, but he can still use it well enough, in conjunction with the force). It takes Padmé arriving to stop the Jedi. Eventually, he is asked his name. He knows that he can never go by Anakin again, so he continues to use Vader. He does not get any improvements to his suit (only to his prosthetics, which he does himself) except for one thing. He has it remade in more traditional Jedi colors. He does not stop his reliance on it, nor the overall design, and with very little explanation, only "So I do not become again what I once was."
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 15 hours
You think maul is jealous of vader?
Not because he’s palpy’s apprentice,
But because Obi-Wan actually cares about Vader at the level that Maul cares about Obi-Wan
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5ush1w0rm · 2 days
It's crazy to think that maul died at like 50 something but got chopped. I'm half at 22 like
An average life span of a zabrak is 180 years
It's also crazy that Mother talzin is far too old to have another child. Both maul savage and Feral are dead
So I'm pretty sure once Maul died, so dud the entire bloodline
But maul lost his lower half at 22, so he lost the ability to have children so young
The closing point is that all of the opress royal bloodline is gone :(
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When I realized that I only cared about Maul in Star Wars, it was at a certain point that when I watched any Star Wars related content, any plot development, any scene and any interaction, I imagined what he would do, say or react, if the Naboo incident didn't happen, if he hadn't lived ten years on Lotho Minor and if he wasn't dead in the yellow sands of Tatooine.
My heart is closed for him, which prevents me from devoting myself to any other character.
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rooksunday · 22 hours
in the halcyon days (about ten of them) between geonosis and being condemned to coruscant, fox goes on a mission that—thanks to an unlikely series of events involving a space narwhal, two shinies with a metallurgy obsession, and the inadvisable phrase “i’m sure it’ll work out fine”—diverts their squad to renowned dump of the galaxy, lotho minor.
maybe fox helps out a weird kid with a generous helping of legs and talks him around from licking batteries. maybe that happens. i don’t know. you didn’t see shit.
anyway then fox is on coruscant and everything is how it is. how it is is shitty but what, fox is gonna complain to a union? sure. he’ll get right on that.
before long, there’s an attack on the senate by some spiky red kid and fox ends up space spider-man-ing him in the middle of a chase across coruscant’s mids.
kid gets away. of course he does.
… then he lurks his way back through the warren, about as subtle as a scream, and fox makes himself a cup of caf (the first one held between those tattooed hands) and thinks, hell. we’re all red here.
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milkcioccolato · 2 months
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Jedi Master Maul faces the greatest obstacle of his existence: being tiny
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thatscribblingrat · 1 year
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this is like my most hit tweet of all time
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jedilibby · 28 days
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padmestrilogy · 1 month
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darth maul and padme amidala: discarded pawns
iain mccraig on doing concept art for the phantom menace / wookieepedia / james dillon / star wars tales volume 6 / paul mcdonald
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sabellart · 4 months
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i’m having a maul moment
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