incorrectbatfam · 2 days
Avoid eating these 10 things if you want a summer vigilante bod
1. Laundry detergent
2. Pixelated memes from 2013
3. Antifreeze
4. Joker chemicals
5. SPF 100 sunblock
6. Your dog's homework
7. The Batmobile
8. Ancient Egyptian papyrus scrolls
9. Kryptonite
10. The concept of time
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froggylo · 2 days
Bruce: Where is Batmobile?
Jason: Where are the flowers?
Bruce: What flowers?
Jason: My flowers, on my grave. Today is the day I diеd, don’t you remember?
Bruce: You are alive, so your flowers are in the shop. Where is Batmobile?
Jason: And you are a jerk, so your Batmobile is in the river.
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spicy-apple-pie · 1 day
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violent138 · 2 days
Gotham based goons definitely blame all their mishaps on the Bats.
Lost a shipment? "Yeah boss, Red Robin came outta nowhere, confiscated all of it."
Someone's cigarette caused a warehouse fire? "Batgirl dropped by and torched the joint."
Fell asleep while on guard duty? "Batman punched the daylights out of me."
Accidentally went to the wrong location and the buyer got arrested? "Bats were chasing the car boss, I figured I'd prioritize the product."
Killed a partner in crime? "Red Hood got him, sorry."
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zebrashavestripes · 2 days
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(Putting the green boi where he belongs <3)
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xhaoticprince · 2 days
Sometimes, I think about the fact that Jason Todd was 19 when he became a crime lord who destroyed Black Mask's criminal empire, before proceeding to take over several bosses and gain control of a drug trafficking ring; and it drives me insane.
I mean, can you imagine? You are this high profile mob boss who has been in control for years and managed to build a literal empire, but all of sudden this dude shows up and put an end to everything you have done all because he has massive daddy issues and wants to prove a point.
Like I'm 19, I'll turn 20 pretty soon, and all I am is some random loser failing three of my classes
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rewrittenwrongs · 3 days
No thoughts just emergency services working with the bats. Police using a radio frequency they know the bats listen in on to tell them about a car chase so they can keep track of the vehicle. Batman talking to firefighters and checking how many people are left in the building. Batgirl helping people come out of shock. Nightwing doing CPR until the paramedics arrive. Red Robin fishing someone out of the bay and keeping them warm while they wait. Spoiler giving information to detectives and working with undercover cops. Robin comforting children while they wait to talk to police. Red Hood treating drug overdoses and calling for ambulances. Orphan dragging people out of car wrecks before their vehicles explode. Signal transporting supplies for ambulances and hospitals. All of them coordinating with emergency services after tragedies: working with police and fire fighters to find people and bodies, using flares and flashlights to guide people out of danger, recovering pets and documents from collapsing homes, dragging debris off the roads so ambulances can reach people, helping aid relief hand out food and water and blankets and baby formula
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mvrderbvnny · 1 day
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silly nygmob as well:3
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minilev · 1 day
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jas-peesauna · 3 days
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s5 penguin sketch page ^_^
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froggylo · 10 hours
Dick: Stop it, my name isn’t that funny.
Jason: Okay, Penis Grayson.
Dick: Enough.
Tim: But seriously, if there was a funny name competition, you’d become a wiener.
Dick: Come on!
Jason: Make me~
Dick: Why are you guys so difficult?
Tim: And why are you so hard?
Dick: Okay, I am ignoring you.
Tim and Jason: Okay, /both chuckle/ Dick.
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oicuperp · 1 day
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oh oswald im in love with you ...
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vuldarian · 1 day
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doctor feels pretty bad actually
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arabriddler · 1 day
gotham Oswald should’ve gotten to bite someone at some point he always looked like he was seconds away from biting someone
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occur-eat · 2 days
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milkymooshi · 2 days
Nygmobblepot is such a good ship to me not only bc it has a lot of layers that I love reading about and picking apart but also because it’s just two guys who decided they couldn’t live without each other so the rational option is so obviously kill each other
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