thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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A tale as old as time
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dramaticals · 5 months
can you please do soft!theo headcanons?
theodore nott + being soft headcanons
Theo has a hard exterior that makes him appear distant and cold. He's notorious for brooding and his tone is typically drenched with sarcasm. It'd take some time and the right person to crack the shell and reveal the more soft and loving side of him.
Once the shell is cracked—oh boy. Theo doesn't hold back.
He'll always find a way to be close to you. He can be content with just being shoulder to shoulder, casually brushing knees as you sit beside him in the library. But if the situation allows for it, Theo will sling his arm around your shoulders, plant forehead and temple kisses, and suggestively (and in rare occasions, not-suggestively) position his hand on your thigh. He also develops the habit of twirling a few strands of your hair around his slender fingers, mindlessly and tenderly fidgeting.
Theo's the type of guy to pull you close to him as you cuddle and keep warm by the fire. As avid readers, this is also the prime time for the both of you to read.
Theo's sarcastic and dry humour doesn't suddenly vanish when you've gotten his guard down. It's prominent, but less harsh. He's teasing you, making you laugh and roll your eyes at how far he plays into the bit, and his eyes will absolutely light up in amusement and adoration if you play and banter back.
"Nice shirt." Theo smirks. "Thanks, it's yours."
And as much as he'll deny it, Theo truly enjoys seeing you in his sweaters and shirts. He'll feign annoyance as he gives you something of his to wear after an intimate session, knowing too well that he wouldn't see it again for another few weeks, but he loves it. It's like a subtle yet very obvious way that tells everyone that you're his when you end up wearing it out in public. And the best part is, you never have to ask him for them.
Theo loves hard and shamelessly, and it'll be so obvious to you and everyone around him how smitten he is with you.
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uchihanitro · 5 months
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madewithmei · 1 year
is that seat on your face taken?
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deloveusion · 1 year
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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Believe in The Magic of The Morning ☀️🧙🏼‍♂️✌🏼
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opendirectories · 11 months
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ghosthouseart · 6 months
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peachtober day 23: MESSAGE
[image description: a black and white watercolor painting of a corked bottle floating in the sea. the bottle is full of small blobby ghosts. a few silhouetted birds fly in the distance. /end i.d.]
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heaven444child · 14 days
Love Reading ❤️
Message from your future spouse 💌
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Pick one picture🌌 AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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Pile 1 your future spouse wants to tell you that he has a lot of love for you in his heart ♥️ I am hearing a song - Chandni Chandni Tere Chehre Ki Yeh Chandni Kiss Ki Liye Hai Mere Liye Hai ❣️your future spouse wants to tell you that he can't wait to meet you but right now he cannot give you a commitment because he is currently focusing on his career so that whenever he comes into your life, he can fulfill your every wish whatever you will ask him 🌹💜 he wants to tell you that he considers you wife/husband material ❤️ he wants to create a family with you 👩‍❤️‍👨 your future spouse wants to tell you to wait for him 👫 my dear wifey🫶❣️
Song - sholon si by vishal dadlani , say it right by nelly furtado
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 2
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Pile 2 Your future spouse wants to tell you that it's nothing like you think it is 🫣 I know things aren't going well between us right now 🍂 I don't know if I should tell you this or not 🫨 But if I don't tell you then whom will I tell 🌹🌝 I'm going through some financial problems in my life right now 🍃 Due to which I can't connect/talk to you right now ��� But don't think that I don't care about you 😕 Because I always stalk you on social media 🥺 I want to send you a message 😔 But why...why can't you see this 😭 Why can't you see me or my heart 😣 Please look at me once 🥹💕 Hearing these lines reminded me of a Kdrama Right now your future spouse's situation is exactly like that male character where he tells the girl he likes ki why can't you see me 😭Why don't you look at me 🥺Just look at me once🥹 Hmmm…. Your future spouse loves you so much 💕👀 This scene reminded me of (KDrama - Cheer Up) 🌸If possible, pray for your future spouse that whatever financial problem he is facing in his life gets over soon 🫶♥️
Song- stay lost with me by reed pittman
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 3
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pile 3 Your future life partner wants to tell you that he is also struggling to move forward in his life or when he becomes capable for you, then he will offer you his love 🫶❤️ He cannot wait 👀 He just wants to come to you quickly 🍀💜 because he has a lot of passion for you in his heart 🫣 or he is afraid of losing you 🥹 because he knows that there are many people who like you 🌹 You have a lot of options 🦋 but he trusts your love that you will wait for him 🫣♥️ You will always choose him ✨🍀
Song - little bit more by suriel Hess , sugar daddy by qveen herby
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Stay blessed ✨🍀 AND thankyou for your support 🫶♥️
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baexywth · 8 months
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thecosmicangel · 4 months
Love Reading - Pick-a-Picture Edition ❣️💌✨
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1. 📷
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You may see this person as someone who you could have something very passionate with. You find this person extremely attractive and mature but you may feel like they have player or flirt energy and don’t know if they are taking you seriously. They may come off as very confident and self centered or selfish. You could simply be very confident in this relationship or it may feel one sided at times as you too may be very selfish.You at times may feel detached and overwhelmed with this connection and may feel like running away because it gets too deep or it triggers unhealed traumas you may have not been aware of. You may at times feel like moving on from this person or giving each other some time apart. You ultimately see this person as a long term partner and someone you could build a happy home with. Probable marriage material, filled with happiness, love, celebration and abundance. You feel like this person fits right in with your family and will give them the chance to continue growing your connection. Now the other person sees you or the relationship as emotionally fulfilling, they are ready to invest their time and energy on this connection. They feel like they could be vulnerable and emotionally open with you. You may bring out a certain side of them emotionally. They may also be scared to open up to you due to past relationships or heartbreak so they could be breadcrumbing you because they don’t want to show you how deeply they feel for you yet. For some this person feels like you are helping them heal wounds from the past.They plan on making you happy because you make them happy. For a few I'm getting that this may be someone from your past coming back after they ghosted you and are ready to offer you a real commitment. They realize how much you mean to them and regret treating you a certain way which hurts your feelings.  I see that this relationship or connection will need teamwork if you two want to make it work. You must work individually and as a team in order to see positive movement, even when roadblocks appear you will need to learn and communicate to solve problems together. The advice is for both of you to keep grounded and take things slow and steady instead of rushing into something. Overall the energy seems happy, emotional and full of celebration. 
💌“ I want to be more than friends” 
💌“ I wish i had treated you better” 
💌“I left you before you could leave me”  
💌“Past is in the past don’t look back” 
💌“Planning for the future” 
💌“Travel is good for the soul” 
💌Past is in the past don’t look back 
💌Planning for the future -travel 
💌I want to be more than friends 
💌I left you before you could leave me 
💌I wish i had treated you better
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Someone has recently had a dream, vision or breakthrough about how they feel for you.They are falling hard for you, but they also feel deceptive or may be hiding something from you or from themselves. They aren’t acknowledging something. This person could visualize you two being together and what life could be with you. This person could be very artistic or imaginative. This person sees you as the ideal person who they will be happy with. They see you as an opportunity for wish fulfillment. You are their wish to come true. This looks like a new opportunity at love, you or the person could feel trapped or lost. This person could be a friend or in your group of friends and you may not be aware of their feelings for you but it is worth giving them the chance if they confess to you their feelings. Another thing I'm picking up on is that this person friendzoned you in the past but now is realizing they have actual feelings for you. This person could be sending you messages through music, or they think of you when they listen to music. 
💌“ I want to be more than friends.” 
💌“You don’t know how hard it was to let you go”
💌“I lost myself for a little while” 
💌“Finding the truth crushed me” 
💌Hidden desires/ hidden intentions 
💌“Social media got me in trouble”
💌“You speak to me through music” 
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You may feel like this connection or relationship is breaking or not stable so you feel defensive and feel like you need to guard yourself. You may be scared of heartbreak, you feel like the other person is hiding stuff from you and you just want them to be honest with you. You want balance to be restored in this relationship, feeling like something is unfair or unjust. You may be overthinking multiple scenarios or expecting many possibilities of what could go wrong or right with this person. Your emotions may be all over the place. Your person sees you as a potential partner and they have some feelings for you but they are currently going through some mental conflict and can’t decide what they want with you. You or them or both could be going through a transformation or about to go through a transformation. In general I see the connection going through a transformation, whatever has caused a block or conflict in this relationship has caused both of you to go through a transformation. The structure or foundation of this relationship is being transformed, it’s like you guys are starting new or having a different approach to how you go into the relationship. I see the other person is having mental conflict or blockages because they don’t know if they are ready for a relationship or may be indecisive as to follow the logic or their emotions. They want to make the right decision for themselves, I kind of feel like they are being selfish and only thinking about what will benefit them most. They want to be successful and may be too focused on their career and finances. Some of them are deciding between money, material things or love. I see them going with the flow and just letting time give them an answer, they want to break certain cycles they have continued in the past. I feel like they are defensive or trying to hold on to something or a certain cycle. They may be someone who would always block or remove themselves from others when things got hard or they became overwhelmed. This time around I feel like they actually found something real with you, so that is why it’s not so easy to run away. If there is a breakup or separation some of you could rekindle the relationship with them, but you are being asked to take things slow. A need to nurture yourself or spend some time in nature. Going through an awakening or healing moment. You both have triggered certain traumas that need shadow work & healing. Balance will be restored whether you work things out or not, you will find healing and balance. 
💌“I want you”
💌“I wish things could be different”
💌“I remember every detail of that day”
💌“I lost myself for a while” 
💌Devotion , hopelessly devoted to you 
💌Stuck at a crossroad- major intersection
💌Reciprocity - adjustments are being made 
💌Reminiscing on past precious moments 
💌Guilt for past actions & behaviors
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You feel that you have done inner healing and this person is here because you did the work. You see this person as strong and nurturing, they protect and make you feel safe. They are a safe space for you. You can show them the best and worst parts of you and they still embrace you and make you feel loveable. You are willing to open up more to this person, and you may also want this person to open up more. You have strong passionate feelings for them and want them to express their passion for you, but they may be holding back their true feelings. They feel like they need to guard their true feelings for you because they are scared of being vulnerable. They may also feel like they can’t put all their focus and attention on you just yet because they are fighting inner battles or trying to get other things in order before they can commit fully to you. They want a reconciliation with you after having an awakening or becoming aware of what they feel for you. They want to rekindle the connection because they feel like they haven’t been true to themselves or to you. They might have been standoffish towards you because they have other issues or conflict going on. They feel like you are their wish fulfillment and want something long lasting with you because you make them feel like no other has before. There seems to be a completion of a cycle but also a new beginning or opportunity at love for this pile. Maybe this person and you took a break or stopped communicating but things will pick back up. You may be receiving a message from them soon or communication will improve. For a few I'm picking up that you are in their mind  a lot but they try to ignore you. They are fighting themselves or are hiding from their true feelings because they feel they are not ready to express them towards you. 
💌“ I am becoming a better person” 
💌“ I wish things could be different”
💌“ You and I were too young” 
💌“ You were the best thing in my life” 
💌“My life is not as together as it seems” 
💌Lurking in the shadows 
💌Reconciliation is coming 
💌Still working on it 
💌Fairy tales fo exists
Take what resonates and leave what doesn't!!
Pictures used do not belong to me, they were found on Pinterest
If you would like to support my readings please tip, it will be greatly appreciated 💗
💰cash app: $ZmAria777
💰paypal: @cosmicangel777
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dramaticals · 5 months
can u pretty pls write smth ab theo havin a gf who is the it girl !! like i have no other ideas lol just a concept <333 🎀
i want to preface this by saying that we all see / write theo differently, and so this is probably not what you were looking for, but this is how i see theo in my mind based on the requested concept.
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theodore nott + "it girl" reader headcanons
warnings: kinda toxic!theo
Theo would take notice of you, but he wouldn't act on anything.
He'd think you were hot, maybe participate in the discussions his friends will probably have about you, but that would be the extent of his interest.
He's more of the type to go for people that challenge him (i.e. academically). And so the only way Theo would pursue you is if you genuinely didn't want him / didn't care about him.
He's an Aries, and Aries love a good challenge. So once Theo hears this, it'll pique his interest. He'll make it a challenge for himself to get you to like him—or at least stop you from rolling your eyes at him whenever he spoke.
He's a smooth talker, a bit of an ass, and unfortunately, is well aware of his status at school. He knows people like him, and he'll use it all to his advantage to get you to want him. Theo's not trying because he likes you, he's trying because he wants to prove a point.
Once you've fallen for him, the first few weeks would be heaven for you. Subtle but public displays of affection to tell everyone who you're with: his arm slung around your shoulders and his hand on your thigh in the Great Hall / in class.
Theo will realize that your relationship benefits him in some ways, and he may prolong the relationship longer for this reason.
But once the novelty is over, Theo's done. If you haven't intrigued him in another way, he's ghosting you. He gets tired of things and people easily, and eventually the attention of dating the "it girl" will get to him.
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thatsbelievable · 29 days
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gloopycore · 1 year
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deloveusion · 1 year
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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You never know what is possible until you do it 🌞 Good Morning
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