kittycomrad · 7 months
Men go around defaming random victims all the time and then wonder why women don't believe when they cry "false rape accusations". You felt very comfortable falsely accusing a woman of "lying about rape" while sitting behind your keyboard and now you're mad that women around you are putting you on blast and other women are ignoring you? Ok lol.
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lilithism1848 · 8 months
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stanthejokemanshow · 5 months
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Last night's chapter if you missed it! This is the COPYRIGHT PROTECTED shorter audio version of a text I wrote long ago about my days on that street. Pain was the least of my worries.
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sirenpearldust · 2 months
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This is just disgusting, how can you look at yourself and feel like this is okay?
A woman was raped for two days, two days, until she lost her voice!!!! Many were sexually assaulted and harassed !!!! Some were executed, kidnapped, held hostage, had to strip their clothes infront of their families, raped infront of them etc.! A pregnant women was raped infront of her family, her child!
You aren’t human if you support Israel.
Also fuck you Germany for only taking a pro Israel stance in the Media. You never disappoint in being the first to participate in killing innocent civilians 👏🏻
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captainslayahoe · 27 days
There are too many r@pe fics in the 'Call Of Duty' and horror movie communities.
This is a long ass rant BTW so thank you so much if you actually stay to listen to me complain.
I'm a huge fan of masked men, gore, horror movies, and Call Of Duty. They're all very fun things, even if seen as boyish or grim to the average Joes and Janes of society.
HOWEVER, there is a huge issue in both communities. Glorifying sexual assault. Groping, grooming, full blown rape. It's ridiculous. Both communities have a myriad of writers who write about nothing but manipulation and straight up noncon.
And you know what makes this worse? From experience, I've seen that there are FAR more rape fics in the Call Of Duty community than in the horror movie community.
Can you believe that shit?
What does that say about society? That there's more SA fanfiction about law enforcement than criminals and demons?
Does that make sense to you?
Horror movie fans, although unhinged, treat their kins and fav characters like they're just misunderstood and can be helped and even with the disgusting amount of SA fics, they still treat the characters like chill guys who are mentally ill and can't be trusted with knives.
But Call Of Duty? Nope. It's surprisingly fucking easy to find a fic about Simon Riley being overly dominant, possessive, and pretty fucking predatory, when in Canon, he's just... He's just him. Simon is not a rapist. He is a good man trying to do his goddamn job. Why would he want to "use and abuse" anyone? Do yall not know his lore? His dad literally used to abuse him. HE FORCED HIM TO KISS A FUCKING SNAKE AND SCARED HIM WITH ANIMALS, FOR CHRISTS SAKE.
He would want his s/o to have a better life than what he went through. And don't even get me started on Soap. All yall serious? He himself implied he wasn't very violent in an interrogation scene that I vaguely remember like this:
Hostage: you gonna cut my hand off?
Soap: not my style, but he might. *he says pointing at Ghost*
(Im mid writing this and I am really realizing I am defending fictional men against rape allegations lord what is going on, I wanna be Phoenix Wright so bad)
And you know what REAAALLY pisses me off? The way they try to DEFEND THAT SHIT. MAKES ME SICK.
"Oh, well Michael Myers wouldn't care about consent because he doesn't care about people's lives" you sound dumb. It's giving "if it'll kill, it'll rape" like bro what? This is like that saying "if it can bleed, it can breed" in reverse and I hate both equally. And then these motherfuckers will be like
The bdsm community is all about consent. Ever heard of a safe word? It's called role-playing, and they (almost) always have boundaries. By calling your illegal fantasies BDSM is bashing them and they DO NOT claim your crazy ass.
I'm not gonna name any creators, because at the end of the day, it's not like me dropping their accounts will get them banned or investigated, but I actually saw a post where someone CONFRONTED the writer's nasty ass Call Of Duty fics, and their legit response was like:
"Okay? And? I write dark romance. I add warnings. Everything isn't all puppies and kittens."
You are genuinely ignorant if you think basic consent is puppies and kittens. Rape is not dark romance.
As for the BDSM community, They get enough hate as it is, and 50 shades of Grey has already ruined them as it is, stop bringing them into your bullshit. You like being choked by masked men? Cool. You like rough housing and aggression? Sure. That's cool. I completely agree with that. But PUH-LEEEASE, bitch, stop calling grotesque shit like this "BDSM" and "Dark Romance".
I'm not vanilla, I'm a decent human being. You need to start realizing the problem is you. I can't stop you from writing it, but call it what it is and stop being a pussy.
You know what you write and you know what your read.
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aacbbg · 6 months
No Means FUCK OFF.
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[ID: a black rectangle patch with the words no means fuck off painted on in white in all capital letters. The background is a white piece of felt. End ID]
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bluejeans777 · 7 months
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“Can you guess what every woman’s worst nightmare is?”
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destielmemenews · 9 months
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source 1
source 2
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facelesspassport · 1 year
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We need the vagina dentata condom to be on store shelves NOW
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undressmewithyoureyes · 7 months
Devour Me - Chapter Eight
               You felt like a kid on Christmas Day who woke up to see the living room filled with presents just for you. That’s what it felt like to be back in Pyramid Heads arms. Slowly, with heavy footsteps, he walks you back to the asylum. You watched the red woman slowly shrink in size the further away he stepped. You couldn’t wait until you had your chance with her and anyone else that stood in your path.
               Pyramid Head opened the doors to the asylum and a loud bang echoed throughout the forgotten hallways as the double doors slammed shut. He continued to carry you over his shoulder and down the same familiar hallway as before. You felt him shift and then stop, reaching his arm up to grab you to pull you down and set you on your feet.
               Your bare feet touching the cold floor as your naked body, with now dried blood flaking off bare for him to see. You look up at his rusted Pyramid Head and he nods forward for you to turn around to look at what he was motioning at. You turn and gasp from another person standing there. It was a little girl, with black hair and deep black eyes.
               “Don’t be afraid,” the little girl mused. Her voice was childlike and playful, but not in a good playful way. More like, tortured playful.
               You cross your arms to try and cover your breasts, “Who are you?”. Your tone coming out harsher than you expected. Pyramid Head sighed under his helmet, and you turned to look at him and then back at the little girl, but she was gone. Your eyes widen and you jerk your head to look at him. “Who is she?”. He doesn’t respond, but the childlike voice spoke from behind you, causing you to scream, “He cant talk, but you know that already.”
               She takes a step towards you, and you take a step back – chills racing up your spine from the cold floor. “You interest him,” she goes on, giggling in between pauses, “He’s never cared for a human before, but there is something about you,” she giggles, “Ally”.
               “How do you know my name?” your heart raced from your name rolling off her lips. Was she with the church? Is she here to kill you? And why wasn’t he doing anything about it?
               “You and I are the same” she says taking another step.
               You continue to step back, “I don’t know you”. The deep black eyed little girl grabs your wrist and pulls you towards her, “You don’t have to. You were brought here for a reason” she says as she lets you go.
               You scoff at her, “Uh, yeah. I was forced here without my knowledge and the fucking freaks in that church kept telling me I had a purpose and shit but raping me and using my body isn’t a goddamn good purpose!”. The more you spoke, the louder you got, but you failed to see Pyramid Heads grip tighten on his sword when you mentioned the word ‘rape’.
               The look on the little girl’s face hardened with anger, “They.will.pay” she says through gritted teeth.
               “For what they did to me? Yeah, they will, but what does that have to do with you? This is a fight between me and them”. You watch the little girl stiffen with your words. She walks closer to you, but this time you stood your ground and didn’t back up.
               “Because they did unspeakable things to me as well. They will pay for what they did to me, and you will make them pay for everything they did to you.” The little girl spoke with hatred.
               Your posture softened thinking of what they did to you, they probably did those things to this little girl and it was worse on her – she’s younger. At least your body has matured. “I-Im really sorry they did that to you,” you say as you put your head down to look at her.
               She stares up at you with soulless eyes, “What’s done is done. Now is the time we take ourselves back.” The little girl turns on heel and goes to walk away. You take a step and pause, “Wait! I don’t even know your name!”.
               The little girl stops and partially turns around, “Alessa.” That was all she said as she vanished into thin air. You blinked and she was gone. You shake your head at the thought of her just disappearing right before your eyes and try to go to where she was but Pyramid Head grabbed you by your arm. You jerked your head up to him and he shook his head back and forth telling you ‘no’.
               You relaxed your body, and he released your arm, picking up his heavy sword and continued making his way towards the doors that led to the black abyss. You grabbed his giant hand as he led you through the darkness of his place, deep into the asylum. The familiar dim light illuminated the large area and you let go of his hand and went straight to the bathroom.
                A low grunt vibrates out of his helmet as your grip left him. You turned the light on to the bathroom and brought the shower to life. Steam penetrated the air as the bathroom filled with the heavenly fog. You step into the hot water, hissing as the water bit at your skin. Red welts formed, but you didn’t mind hoping that the water would burn their touch off you.
               You step under the hot water, letting the burning water flow over your hair and scalp. You lather your hair with the shampoo and scrub your scalp until it is raw – the hot water stinging the already red tender skin. The dried blood coats your feet as you wash it away from your skin. The floral smelling soap fills your nostrils as it lingers throughout the bathroom from the steam and out into the large dark area.
               The warm mist was so thick in the bathroom, you faintly saw Pyramid Head leaned up against the wall just like he was the last time you took a shower. He watched you as you scrubbed your skin, making it look as if you were bleeding. The color red had never looked so good on anyone before.
               He removed himself from the wall and walked over to you, his sword not with him. You see him approaching and he steps into the hot shower with you. Luckily, hospital showers could fit at least four people in them, so this was plenty big enough for you and him. The color of the floor changed from off white to red as the water hit him. Red liquid sliding down his muscular form.
               You grabbed the soap and lathered in your hands before placing your hands on his body, washing him. The white suds turned a deep brown color from the dried blood that he kept on him. The water washed away his sins as his real skin color pushed through – almost like a very pale grey. Scars covered his body from fights with the other creatures, and some being fresher than others. You were careful as you felt him tense under your touch when you brushed over them.
               Your fingers worked on his muscles, not only lathering him and washing away the scum on his body but releasing his tight muscles. Low grunts escaped out of his helmet when you would knead harder, digging into his toned body. The hot water rushing over your hands and soothing his sore ligaments. You reached down to the blood soaked apron that covered him and removed it by its belt. You realized real soon as the water washed away most of the grime, that the apron was made from human skin. You swallowed hard trying not to throw up. He sees this and cups your chin, making you forget about the nausea that overcame you.
               The skin made apron hits the floor, making a wet slosh sound. You pour more soap into your hands and begin working on his thighs and legs, teasing him by getting close to his cock. You look up at him with devilish eyes and give him a smirk. Blood and whatever else washes away, leaving his pale skin looking new as you rinse your hands off and gather more soap into your hands.
               You slowly look up at him as your hands reach out to cup his balls. You feel his cock twitch and begin to grow as you lather his balls and his cock in your hand. He places his hand on the side of your face, while his other hand holds himself up against the wall. You work your hands faster as his grip against your face tightens. Low growls radiate within you from him as you stroke his cock up and down in both of your hands.
               He removes his hand from your face and slowly slides it down to your throat before squeezing. You tilt your head back just barely and give a breathy moan. He forcefully pushes you against the wall, your back colliding with the cold tiles making your nipples hardened. Your back arches from the temperature difference as your chest presses into him. He tightens his grip around your throat while his other hand slowly trails down your stomach until he cups your throbbing pussy.
               You gasp at his movements and step aside just a bit to open your legs up further. He rubs your entrance, feeling how slick you are for him and not from the water either. He slides one finger in, and you grab his wrist that is connected to the hand around your throat. He pumps one finger in and out of you while your quiet moans become louder.
               He removed his fingers and holds it in front of you, letting you see his finger glisten from how he makes you feel. He removes his hand from your throat and grabs your jaw and squeezes, forcing your mouth open. He sticks his finger covered in your slickness in your mouth. Your tongue dances over his finger as a low growl comes from his helmet. He removes his hand from your jaw and brings it down to your soaked pussy and inserts two fingers.
               You moan against the finger in your mouth and his grunts become heavier. His two fingers are huge themselves, but you knew he was prepping you for him – but it didn’t matter because it was going to hurt regardless. You grabbed onto his shoulder, moaning out loud as he forcefully fucked you with is fingers.
               “Don’t stop” you moan out, “I’m about to come”. Your throbbing pussy convulses around his thick fingers. He removes his finger from your mouth and wraps that hand around your throat, squeezing hard. Your orgasm ignited through you like gasoline on a fire. Pyramid Head watched you as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, his cock hard and ready to be inside you.
               He removed his fingers and brought them to your mouth. You obeyed and opened wide, while he inserted his fingers coated in your sweet juices, licking them clean. You brought your leg up to his waist and he removed his hand from your throat and mouth to grab you by your hips to lift you up. Your back was pressed against the cold wall shower as his cock teased your tiny entrance. You wrapped your arms around his neck and braced for him to devour you.
               You felt him slowly push the head of his cock into you, “Don’t be gentle” you whisper out. Pyramid Head tensed for a second before shoving his thick cock deep inside you. Your loud scream echoed off the tile walls as he pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into you again.
               You dug your nails into his back, and this caused him to fuck you harder. “Make me yours,” you moan out. He slid his hands over your ass to get a better grip while you wrapped your legs around his waist. His strong grip dug into your fresh skin, bruising immediately, but you didn’t mind. His low grunts mixed with your loud moans made you tip over the edge again.
               Your tiny wet pussy clamping down on his thick cock as you throw your head back and scream out your orgasm. He doesn’t stop and fucks into you harder, making you come over and over – your body shaking in his grasp. Blood and water trickle down your ass and drip onto the shower tile from him devouring your body. You feel his rhythm getting rougher and his grunts becoming louder.
               “I want your come deep inside me,” you moan out. Pyramid Head tilts his head back as he growls out under his helmet – hot come coats your insides and another orgasm takes you. He slowly pumps in and out, milking every bit of come deep inside you. You rest your head against his shoulder as you feel one of his hands rub your back. Finally, he gently sets you down and you rinse off before turning the water off.
               He watches you as you grab the towel and dry off, while he puts on his skin made apron. You drape the towel over the sink, and he comes up behind you, picking you up bridal style. You rest your head on his shoulder – tiredness overcoming you. He walks you over to the bed and lays you down, covering you up with the massive blanket. You wiggle around for a few seconds, getting comfortable before you close your eyes and finally let sleep take you.
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nyrovie-ii · 5 months
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And always will
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cyarsk52-20 · 6 months
sorry I’ve been so inactive- I’ve been so busy getting some support groups all set up… if you’re interested in joining please message me:)
Anyways, here are some tweets that I’ve see recently that all stood out to me in different ways.
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
I respectfully just want to say... Some of y'all sus asf
Proshippers scare me I just saw three mfs make Miguel O'Hara x Miles on AO3 trying to find Miguel O'Hara x reader stories wtf is with mfs sexualizing r#pe of minors??? Why not just make self insert characters write yourselves some of you mfs are fucking weird ASF when it comes to shipping characters especially you 20 to 30 year old mfs y'all should know better who tf thinks about a grown man r#ping a kid like be fucking for real can't even watch a good movie without some f****** weirdos coming out the wood being like "oh let me just think of him r#ping a damn kid that'll get my rocks off!🥺😃"
For example just found this
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I'm sorry I just really wanted to find Miguel X reader story and all I get is some creepy mfs shipping a man with a kid
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electricbloodflow · 7 months
game of thrones is pro sex abuse
Never forget the sins of G. R. R. Martin's writing.
Martin wrote a novel series with many instances of rape towards children. He wrote a series wherein the longest running relationship with the most depth is an incestuous pairing.
Martin, across his books, has written more than 210 rape scenes, leaving around 110 rape survivors. All of these are women.
Martin thinks that sexual violence against women and children is entertainment, "realistic", and intriguing. He confines most of his female characters in some way, giving them less interesting things to do, while his male characters fight and tackle the world head on. Next to his male characters, his female characters have no agency.
He doesn't portray the rapists as evil or cast their actions in anything other than a completely impersonal and neutral light. Not a single rapist sees consequences specifically for their rape. If they die, it is for an unrelated reason, with the rape never brought up again.
I am a published author. I can tell you that writing is not random, it is based on the writer's experiences, philosophical thoughts, their ideals and personal sense of justice. It is a reflection of how we see the world, sometimes it is a reflection of how we wish the world was. There is also a fair amount of sexual fantasy in works that include that element. The things in our novels personally relate to us. We fixate on these ideas we eventually write down for years.
This shows that Martin sees the world this way. His sense of justice is no justice. He fixates on violence towards women. He thinks that rape is a form of plot intrigue. He thinks incest is normal as he never portrays any kind of trauma or negative effect from the pairing and treats it like a regular relationship. The women in his novels do not have anywhere near the same agency as men. Martin thinks that the rape of underage characters is "realistic".
Martin's own stated defense of his toxic writing boils down to his sense of realism. He says this amount of rape is realistic.
You know, realistic like all the dragons and ice zombies he wrote into his novels. Since he's so consistently dedicated to realism, you know.
I think he does really believe that though, that gratuitous violence towards women is realistic. That women are helpless and do less interesting/meaningful things than their male counterparts.
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indica-vixen · 1 year
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prettyprincesss444 · 1 month
okay guys i just want to say a proper fuck you to all these bitches on this app saying they have a r@p5 kink.
wtf is wrong with you? you want that? you’re a fucking asshole and as someone who suffered that when i was three and six i want to say i fucking hate you. what is wrong with you. you aren’t quirky or horny or into bdsm, you’re a bad person and you deserve to kys.
i hope all of you who are posting that shit about wanting that get it and see what it’s really like you fucker. kys. 😚❤️
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