I adore whumpees who act like they’re fine for the caretaker’s sake, who accept physical touch even when they don’t want to for fear of the caretaker leaving them. I adore whumpees who think caretaker is their new whumper. I adore whumpees who want so desperately to make caretaker happy, but don’t know how (still in the slave mindset of “how can I serve caretaker?”) when all caretaker really wants is to see whumpee heal and think of their own happiness for a change. I adore whump where the physical danger is gone, but the emotional rollercoaster has just begun.
You. Get. It. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 2 days
I am thinking about the popular tropes about Medic in fanfics and mostly in art...
Is the work alcoholic one and the literal alcoholic one!
The work alcoholic one is the Medic, who never takes breaks, never eats, and sleep because their work matters more!
The alcoholic Medic... Doesn't really need an interdiction! It's a Medic who always drinks! And drinks more than their demoman. Always drunk! But somehow, they managed to complete their work with NO issues! Oh! I also noticed that they are always mad for reasons and for no reason. And their mood never changes when they get drunk as well.
So my question is just for fun!
What is the Medic trope that YOU noticed in fanfics or in art!
Who knows! I might draw those tropes as Medics.
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blumineck · 4 months
OK, I know I usually talk about fantasy archery in a positive sense, but I think there’s also a place for (hopefully constructive) criticism of tropes that could do with improving!
If you like this sort of thing, here’s the full video:
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randombook4idk · 1 year
me: i love angst
the story: the found family gets separated at the end
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bebx · 7 months
yeah yeah that famous quote that goes along the line of “if a writer falls in love with you, you can never die” but it’s the tireless AO3 writers who pull an all-nighter writing 100k words of fix-it fics where their favorite characters live
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hannibard · 1 month
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Interesting how all three ships my blog is centered around have this dynamic huh
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jupiterslifelessmoons · 9 months
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Just read the comic where Joker runs into Robin!Tim for the first time post Ethiopia and starts raging about “How are you back!? I killed you! I killed you! No matter, just gotta do it again then!”
And it got me thinking again about how similar Tim and Jason must have looked in costume and just—
(Look I’m not saying there was a part of Bruce that was comforted by having “Jason” close again but—-)
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liesandnights · 9 months
My favourite trope is when someone believes they are hard to love and someone who loves them like it’s breathing.
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Situation that's been rolling around my head recently:
Whumpee hears people entering Whumper's house. They desperately start trying to think of a plan to escape or call for help from these strangers.
But before they can do anything, Whumper comes to retrieve Whumpee themself. Because the guests in the house are people after Whumper's own heart, and Whumpee is going to be their entertainment for the evening.
Honestly, the possibilities for all sorts of whumpiness are endless.
or… hear me out, the one where whumpee — when whumper was away or wasn’t looking — desperately begged a stranger for help and told them how they were kidnapped by whumper, only for the stranger to chuckle and go tap whumper in the shoulder before telling them (whumper) they should “control their pet a little better”, all while smirking and looking whumpee right in the eye.
the pure terror and hopelessness when whumpee realized…
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The most Medic Trope that I related to! Is the "Always-Hungry-Medic Trope" (me all the time)! This Medic is always eating! Non-stop! There isn't a moment that he isn't eating! I love this guy! I always imagined him with a big and soft tummy! (Like Heavy and Engineer! Chunky) Unfortunately, this Trope isn't as popular as the others. And it's rare to find them!
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feli-artblog · 4 months
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blumineck · 3 months
Does adding a blade make your bow an effective melee weapon?
It definitely makes it an iconic one!
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kkochang · 6 days
max always runs hot, so he wears mostly tank tops, t-shirts or just walks around the house shirtless.
so, one day (when he forgets bradley's coming over) he opens the door still half asleep and without his shirt on, leaving bradley completely FLUSTERED, and that exact moment infects his brain for days on end. like, whenever bradley goes to bed he just CAN'T fall asleep because all he's thinking is his stupid boyfriend that he wishes wasn't that awfully hot.
also, since they start dating the number of morning woods increases. like, come on, they're both teenagers and idiots in love, of course, they're gonna be horny af.
also, I think bradley has like a pillow or a big childhood stuf toy that he holds in his sleep religiously. that results (when they sleep together for the first time) in max waking up in the middle of the night utterly confused as why it's so god-damn hot, just to realize that his lover's limbs are entangled around him and he literally can't move.
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