#twst mc
ukaroz · 2 days
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My hunter, my poison apple, and my potato Prefect
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harunayuuka2060 · 20 hours
MC: *who was raised in a physically non-affectionate household*
Kalim: *crying*
MC: ...
MC: I'm going to leave the room for a moment.
Kalim: Are you not going to hug me?
MC: Uh, no.
Kalim: 🥺
MC: I can bring you something... Like a blanket or Jamil himself.
Kalim: ...
Kalim: But I want a hug. 🥺
MC: ...
Jamil: Are you alright?
MC: I've never hugged a human being before other than myself. *looks exhausted*
Jamil: ...
Jamil: Here. Hug this. *gives them a pillow*
MC: Thanks.
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cozymochi · 2 days
Tia in a suit,,,, 😳😳😳🩵
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but it’s pride so [FIRES BEAM AT ELIZA]
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not that she needed it probably
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mellosdrawings · 2 days
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Grim will be the end of Jamil. Rip
(With a side of super indulgent redraw)
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floatiecrow · 12 hours
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I watched a tiktok short that jokingly blamed Lilia for the overblots. I thought this was Lilia slander until I had an epiphany that this pink bat is technically responsible for not 1, but 2 overblots through the power of pure emotional damage 😭 (cough Leona, cough Malleus). Maybe he has a talent for making royals cry.
Also someone send help I cannot stop drawing him upside down.
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spade-of-storms · 1 day
TWST Deuce x Yuu (Allen) memes #1
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Spreading the Spade of Storms brainrot teehee
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oya-oya-okay · 2 days
Sketch comic! Glorious Masquerade🐿️ 1 part
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To be continued!!! Well It will look something like this! I hope it will be interesting😳🙊🙈
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breadcheese444 · 2 days
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ⓒ cleumuu
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corruptedroyalty · 1 day
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luxstring · 7 hours
The night is young, I just hope by the time it reaches midnight, this wonderful event won’t disappear
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Set to Home Screen: All set? Don’t lie, I know you are. Take my hand and we’ll depart or do you wish to be late?
Home Transition:
1: Such a large crowd, this rivals even the biggest events I’ve been invited to! Though considering neighboring schools were Invited I should’ve expected this
2: Before accepting the invitation to this event, I had to ask the organizer if I could invite a few ghosts… I needed a few people to watch over my chaotic dorm students Incase I’m needed somewhere
3: When I heard a glass broke from one of the students, I dreaded to think It was one of those trouble makers. Thankfully It wasn’t them, surprisingly
4: Elegant attires from everyone! Maybe I could ask one of them of the fabric they used to create them, they look wonderful!
Home, after Login: The nostalgia I feel when I look around the center of the ballroom. The first sight of the people dancing was such a magical moment, It reminds me of… nevermind
Tap Home:
1: Although I’m already used to it, this suit is a bit stuffy. This is only 20 years old, How did I grow into it?
2: Finding the Belle of the ball? Well I certainly won’t predict this one, not knowing who and find out who will be is the best part
3: I unfortunately had a few students ask me if they’ll be the Belle of the ball. People like them irk me, so I looked through my scry glass and told them that they weren’t. Honestly, I just wanted them to leave me be
4: I might ask the main organizer to have a dance with me, as a way to say my thanks for the invitation and allowing me to add a few plus ones
5: Hmm, the buffet has a few sweets that I’ve been eyeing… excuse me for a bit. I’ll be making a few desserts in that table disappear.
This fancy~ event, Glimmering Soirée, is a twst fan event hosted by the lovely @starry-night-rose
Outfit design under the cut
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It honestly looks kinda simple to be an SSR card but let me have this.
Anyways, the people who have been participating in this event have been giving so many beautiful art and their mutuals are eating G O O D. I wanted to participate as well, since I haven’t drawn my son in anything for so long plus the event is fancy and so get to draw him in fancy clothes~
The groovy might take a while, since I’ll be busy shuffling my playlist for the perfect song to draw to… excuse me while I disappear for a few days
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Jess Ariti — 🦐
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A student from another world who was brought to Twisted Wonderland by the black carriage after the Dark Mirror deemed them “worthy” of enrolling in Night Raven College, despite their lack of magic. Now, as the Ramshackle Dorm Prefect with their only dorm member being a direbeast named Grim, Jess decides to explore this new world and its people.
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Nicknames: Prefect/Ramshackle Prefect, Jessy (by first years/other close friends) Henchman (by Grim), Tabby Cat (by Leona), Little Shrimpy (by Floyd), Trickster (by Rook), Flame-Haired Friend (by Malleus) Grade/Class: Freshman/Class A (No. 9) Birthday: May 25 (Gemini) Age: 16 Height: 157 cm Dominant Hand: Right Homeland: USA (California, West Covina) Club: NRC School Newspaper Club (records keeper + birthday interviewer) Best Subject: Flight Hobbies: Photography (picked it up after getting the Ghost Camera) Pet Peeves: Puppets (Pupaphobia, fear of puppets) Favourite Food: Loukoumades Least Favourite Food: Anything in strict diets Talent: Music composition Gender & Sexuality: Non-Binary (they/them) & Bisexual Ethnicity/Nationality: Greek American Voice Claim(s): JP: Romi Park (for her role as Edward Elric) EN: Blu del Barrio (for their role as young Raine Whispers)
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The unseemingly resourceful and secretive Prefect of Ramshackle dorm. After the initial panic of arriving at NRC, Jess had to accept that this wasn't a dream, it was reality. They became very distrustful of everyone and everything around them in NRC, as it was a new and unfamiliar environment. They had to observe and understand it properly first.
Jess is aware of social hierarchies, and they know very well that in NRC they’re at the bottom of it. Admittedly, a glaring contrast to how their life was back at home, where Jess’ existence was considered important, even though they never truly believed it. They loathed the feeling of powerlessness and helplessness; from that hatred, a deep fear of being forgotten emerged in them. The fear of being nothing.
Despite their low position in the school's hierarchy, Jess was never one to be a pushover. For someone who has such a meek appearance, they possess a keen sense of self-respect, which is why they hate being forced to do things against their will. Simply, provoke them and they will pay you back appropriately for it. They’re willing to deal with being at the bottom but refuse to be completely disregarded.
However, Jess is not one to actively seek out trouble. Instead, they prefer to maintain a small, trusted circle of friends and avoid unnecessary conflicts with those above them. They wanted to lay low until it was time to get back home. But based on the events of the main story, that plan of theirs clearly failed.
Jess grew fond of their new school and this fondness extends to the rest of the new world they were brought to. Going from someone who wanted to blend into the background to willingly finding ways to prove themselves, along with finally allowing themselves to explore their own self and discover who they are. Jess found a sense of belonging among their new schoolmates, despite their lack of magical abilities in a school filled to the brim with mages.
Jess felt like they had a home, something they never felt like they had before.
(Gee I’m sure that won’t affect them severely when the time to return back eventually comes-)
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🦐 They barely talk about themselves and their life before coming to Twisted Wonderland, even to Ace and Deuce. If asked, they give very vague answers without actually answering the question.
🦐 Jess' sweater and boots are old clothes they found in one of the abandoned bedrooms of Ramshackle. They decided to clean and fix them up a bit so they'd be able to wear them (Cater ended up offering to take them for clothes shopping since god-knows-how-old clothes probably wouldn't suffice for long).
🦐 As Jess started discovering themselves more (aka, having the freedom to be themselves for once) they began showing their more child-like traits. They gawk at things that interest them like a curious child, seeking to climb and run around, and generally enjoy a bit of (harmless) chaos (with their responsible side still intact). A few characters were taken aback by the shift in behaviour, but it became obvious this was the real Jess.
🦐 They're a naturally kind and empathetic person, always trying to show compassion, even all the way back in book 1 when they were much more closed off and cold. However, they considered this kindness a weakness and were afraid of showing it casually and openly to others. It took a rather personal conversation with Neige, and the others from the VDC team donating their money to Ramshackle, for Jess to start viewing their kindness as a strength too.
🦐 They won't outright admit it, but they're a hopeless romantic. From a young age, they'd read about love stories, fairytales and the happy endings the characters would earn. They'd fantasise about their wedding day and future partner, dreaming of their happy ending. However, as they grew up and faced more hardships, Jess developed a more realistic (and sometimes, even pessimistic) view of life, abandoning the idea of a happy fairytale story. Despite that, their heart still flutters when reading about romance, and part of them can't stop wishing to find their own true love one day.
🦐 Jess is surprisingly good at dancing, singing and music composition since they participated in Beauty Pageants, Dance and Music competitions from a young age back home (however, they don't like talking about their time on stage). They were able to help Vil write “Absolutely Beautiful” after they found the courage to present their feedback to him. Co-writing the song also served to give them a bit of popularity among the students and Vil's fans.
🦐 They have a very friendly relationship with Professor Trein and they often spend time together, talking about history, studies or other things while enjoying some tea.  Jess also goes to him first if they need help with something, whether it is about school or in their personal life since he reminds them of their grandpa who passed away when they were still small.
🦐 Jess can use brooms thanks to Grim powering them with his magic, so they always fly together (assuming brooms work like magic wheels and need a magic user). Vargas was impressed by their improvement in flying over time and assigned them to help the octatrio with their flying, seeing as these 3 interacted a lot during conjoined classes.
🦐 They're very interested in Spelldrive and have taken the time to study the rules, techniques, and strategies of various games through time. This interest both stems from the need to be useful (helping the Spelldrive club with their game plans) and simply because they loved flying with Grim, and they wanted to understand what other mages could do with their brooms (they did manage to learn some cool moves with Grim too).
🦐 To Jess, Grim started out as only this big, talking cat that can shoot fire from his mouth. Originally wary of him after the ceremony, Jess quickly realised he wasn't a threat and grew into the role of his caretaker. Grim became their best friend, being the only one to learn about Jess' past (something not even ADeuce knew about) and the main reason for them to keep going.
🦐Jess goes through a mini-arc of understanding their gender identity. Starting out the story thinking they are a trans guy (going by he/him for a while until switching back to they/them after book 2) until they realise they are non-binary in book 5.
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Author's Notes: (No I didn't post this two times by accident before what are you talking about) OH BOY THEY'RE HERE!! I'm so bad with putting my ideas into structured words (curse you dysgraphia), I'm an expert rambler but damn writing a simple bio with only the crucial information is hard lmao. Writing the trivia was way easier. Anyways, my baby Jovie should come soon too <3 (maybe no promises) She's getting some chances and can't wait to show them
tagging: @ramshacklerumble @thehollowwriter @summerspook @scint1llat3 @skriblee-ksk
@cyanide-latte @twistedwonderlandshenanigans (lmk if you wanna be added)
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briry18 · 2 days
Yuuki and Grim Shennanigans
~The dynamic duo at their best!
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 days
Idia: ...
Idia: You know what, Prefect? Trauma doesn't have to be shared.
MC: *made him watched Vampire Knight*
MC: I didn't ask to be everyone's therapist, but here I am.
Idia: ...
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pulchinelle · 1 day
[Hands him to you]
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mellosdrawings · 8 hours
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Ok, another self-indulgent coz I'm weak to some meme redraw and this one was fun.
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ryllen · 1 month
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