#yeah I have an ao3 account now
cursed-critters · 28 days
Writing smut as an asexual person is so funny to me, because like I have no idea what I’m going on about or if I’m just spitting gibberish.
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daydadahlias · 5 months
scale of 1-10 how much fun do you have when you send asks to yourself
a lot more fun than this ask
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br1ghtestlight · 20 days
my ao3 account is actually not connected to either of my active email addresses (i dont know what email it actually is connected to but i have my guesses?? i have like 20+ so yknow) so i dont receive any notifications on ao3...... anyway sorry if i dont reply to or even notice new comments or bookmarks or whatever i know ao3 authors love interactions and i do appreciate comments!!!! but i dont actually have a way of knowing when/if somebody interacts with me outside of the in-browser comment notifications. Im not ignoring you im just stupid and don't have the email that i used for that account FJDMDNDKDJFJD somewhere out there im getting ao3 notifications but i do not know Where
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bambino1294 · 10 months
💌 (there is a very high chance you do not know who I am so it's a little game if you can figure out where, when and how did we last interact :DD)
(you don't really have to answer, we're barely mutuals since you followed me like last night xD)
Hi Gabi 🥺🥺
I do know who you are, I followed you last night cause I finally checked and you are the same girlie who leaves probably my favourite comments I’ve gotten on any of my fics. I love the way you engage with Floriography and I hope you know how much your comments mean to me and how often I go back to reread them when I need the boost 😭
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killuaisaprincess · 5 months
happy new years to the person who stalked and bullied me with their 1,000 plus twitter followers while I had like 30 lol
Stillll was the best thing that ever happened to meeee NOT JOKING
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#personal#AND THIS WAS MY OG ACCOUNTS#Where I had more followers in the span of a few months vs now where it’s been years#it really proves the numbers aren’t everything#I’m so much happier here as I am now#And it’s so funny it’s thanks to some hater lol who’s account that I know of doesn’t exist anymore#though for all I know they’re dedicated to their cause and was one of the guest anon haters on ao3 till I turned them off#At this point I've spent more time as Qutie than Q by a long shot#I'll always be grateful for her getting me started but I love who I am now#I wouldn't be confident happy me without that asshole it's so funny how they tried to get rid of me but oopsie poopsie#They just made me stronger#It genuinely brings me so much joy to do what I love so much#CUTE KI IN DRESSES GONKI#AHHHHHH#And not have that anxiety loooming over me of wanting to fit in but not fitting in cuz I don't like kg I don't like main fandom#and praying my tag blocker saves me and I will keep silent on some things I like and believe in and#yeah I should apologize in my authors tag for writing too much of my niche of G carrying Ki and yeah#I'm so scared of antis and oh no ect ect I look back at her like whooo#Like whooo are uuu all that anxiety? Now my only anxiety is hate comments and that’s cuz of RSD BUT I WILL NEVER STOP WHAT I LOVE#I'll always be grateful for her but it's funny how in three years I went from no confidence me to someone who I AM MY NUMBER ONE FAN#DAMM I LOVE MYSELF not that that happened overnight but! Was a slow crawl but at the least! FULLY Since 2022 esp end of year! I LOVE ME DAM#And this no confidence thing it goes much further back then my blog too so anon changed my life#It's funny how just one person made me course correct and now I'm the person I am today and I love me I don't know how much time I have lef#But I'll spend it doing the things I love I still get depressed and sad from time to time and think everyone hates me but it's like RSD and#Depression it can't always be perfect but I'm so happy and confident most the time I just love what I do#Anon hate is never right I hate shit with my whole being and I've never once thought hmm let me send hate it doesn't make sense to me#And I still get harrasssed by these antis and some bad apple kg people and they don't offer me shit but a headache so I don’t want moreeee#But it's kinda funny how grateful I am towards this hater literally changed my life thank u if your out there man my lady non binary pal#So yeah I unironically sit back and thank them sometimes#IM SO HAPPY I GET TO DO WHAT I LOVE AND LOVE MY KI AND MY GONKI AND AHHHHHHHH
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dannydanoninoo · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, Flapjack | Cardinal Palisman & Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House) & Everyone, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Willow Park, Hunter | The Golden Guard & Gus Porter, Amity Blight & Hunter | The Golden Guard, Hexquad Characters: Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Willow Park, Amity Blight, Gus Porter, Vee (The Owl House) Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Relationship(s), Fluff and Humor, The Human Realm (The Owl House), Willow Park-centric, Good Friend Willow Park, Flapjack | Cardinal Palisman is an Emotional Support Animal (The Owl House), Spoilers for Episode: s03e01 Thanks to Them (The Owl House), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, How Do I Tag, To Be Edited, Not Beta Read Summary:
Only to then be followed by Hunter behind them leaning on the door, wearing the most amazing human clothing ever and looking devilishly handsome while adding his own "human disguise, check!"
And in that moment moment Willow could only thank the Titan she had the camera ready on her hands to break out of her trace at his little questioning "eeeh?", and taking a picture of him on the perfect moment his tooth gap showed while quoting "oh THAT is a look!"
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lydia-endicott-writes · 7 months
it has been done
i just edited my masterlist so you can read the second chapter of Behind the Camera, so enjoy that
uhhhh i kind of had things come up and i don't have the energy to specify anything else, so just chew on that meal for a while and if i'm feeling well/generous later tonight i might feed you guys dinner with a few oneshots
please take pity on my soul.
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fitzselfships · 1 year
I want to write a fanfic that's basically just an episode where Fuzzy is introduced but I have like no confidence in my writing anymore </3
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inkyu · 1 year
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Background practice I suppose?
god I really love these two so much
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years
Will you tell me about Ethedis and Corunir? Like when they first met/early parts of their acquaintance? Several people have some AUs where their PCs help him cross the Rammas Deluon to meet up with other Rangers, do you have anything like that? Any thoughts on what they do together post-canon?
my blorbos! of course I will :3
I think I touched briefly on this in another ask, but they meet in pretty much the same way it takes place in the epic line. only difference being that in the initial quests where you're investigating the watching stones Corunir goes with Ethedis on those errands instead of just staying back in Aughaire. he's had enough of waiting around and wants to help in any way he can, even if he can't get close to the lesser stones (and as capable as this elf seems in matters of lore, her survival instinct clearly leaves a lot to be desired. by a ranger's standard, at least). besides, even if he didn't want to go Ethedis probably would have dragged him along anyway lol (insisting he stay further away than necessary from the lesser stones of course). I mean, clearly her new friend is Not Doing So Great emotionally, so what better way to cheer him up than a buddy road trip across Fasach-larran? literally anything else? shhh she's trying her best ok
anyhow, so they fight some Duvárdain and wargs, have some bonding moments, Ethedis' infectious smile achieves the impressive feat of actually improving Corunir's mood somewhat, the start of a beautiful friendship, ect ect...
so as far as getting Corunir across Rammas Deluon goes, I always figured Ethedis would damage the stone heart of one of the Watching Stones allowing Corunir a path through.
y'know the light of the rising dawn skill LMs get? that's kinda like a concentrated laser beam of pure sunlight? I betcha firing a big one of those would damage the dark stone heart alright! of course firing a massive sun laser like that was extremely taxing on Ethedis, and not something she had ever really tried to do at that scale before. she learned the hard way she probably shouldn't try to do it again, lest she burn up from the inside out Fëanor Style™. (ok her spirit isn't *that* powerful or anything, it's just that her body isn't strong enough to channel that much power at once or something. Idk how I want to say LM skills work exactly. am I making any sense? probably not! I just can't have Ethedis firing off laser beams all willy-nilly like she does in game so I gotta put some heavy limitations on it. having it almost kill her seems reasonable! I'm so nice to my character 😊)
Ethedis is still standing but shakier than she expected to be, doing that left her physically hurt in some invisible way, as if it burned her on the inside. she's hiding it well enough for the moment however. it's still not going to be easy to pass Rammas Deluon, for Corunir especially, between the lingering malice of the now lifeless stone and his dark memories of this place the bones of his kinsmen lying before him it still takes all the strength he has left not to bolt in terror. honestly he didn't even expect to make it this far, but he's not alone this time. Ethedis keeps her hand on Corunir's shoulder as they walk through, partially to reassure him, partially to keep herself from falling over.
Now the thing about the watching stones is that it could very well be possible to repair them by simply replacing the damaged heart, and once the Iron Crown realizes that one of the stones has been rendered useless and there's a gap in their most effective line of defense, they're not going to waste any time in filling it back in. Corunir realized this as soon as Ethedis proposed her crazy plan to him, and when she murmurs something along the lines of "I will not I'll be able to do that again..." after blasting the stone heart, he realizes that passing the Rammas will probably be a one-way trip for him (it won't be of course, he'll eventually gain the strength to challenge the stones himself, but at this moment he doesn't see that as a possibility). you'd think that knowledge would make crossing the valley that much harder for him, but surprisingly it's the least of his worries right now. after all, when he agreed to come to Angmar in the first place he knew there was a high chance he wouldn't make it back, they all knew and accepted it. there was a reason no one ever came looking for them. no no, what he was worried about was trying to keep his eyes up and focusing on the horizon. something in the back of his mind was screaming that if he looks anywhere else, to where the bones lay still, he too will join them that's where you belong, isn't it? where you abandoned them? a squeeze of Ethedis' hand on his shoulder breaks him out of his dark reverie, as if she could sense his spirit beginning to falter.
hey wait I was just trying to write a summary here! how'd this turn into an actual attempt at writing? since when do I do that?? false advertising.
anyway yes, they do make it to the other side! exhausted and not unscathed, but they make it. Ethedis finally collapses from the physical strain of the aforementioned laser blast, giving Corunir quite a fright, as for a moment he thinks the stones somehow Got Her. luckily she's still conscious and can assure him that she's ok(-ish) and that destroying the stone heart just took a greater toll on her than she expected. once Corunir carries her a safer distance away from the valley and uses some of his fancy Loremaster Healing Skills™ to help her recover (did I mention I headcannon Corunir as a guardian/loremaster multiclass? lore-guardian? guard-master? idk) they're able to make it the rest of the way to Gabilshathûr and continue the epic line from there.
oh gosh, as for post cannon I haven't really thought all that much about it mostly because thinking too far into Ethedis' future includes Corunir's eventual death. GOSH DANG IT WHY DID I HAVE TO MAKE HER AN ELF ;-; however I did toy around with the idea that they would spend a not-insignificant amount of time in the rebuilt Annuminas (mostly because Evendim was always my favorite region in the game). but even then I don't really see them settling down anywhere. I mean, you know how rangers are, they don't like to stay in one place for too long and Corunir has had enough waiting around to last him a lifetime. and Ethedis is, well, Ethedis. a young elf filled with wanderlust. and with the end of the War of the Ring and the world finally becoming safer, her desire to see ALL of it has increased tenfold. so I'd imagine they're going to spend a long time just traveling around, revisiting old places they didn't get the chance to properly explore (Ethedis is absolutely going to take him on a tour of Rohan. it was so cool and he hardly got to see any of it!). oh yeah and routing out any pockets of Sauron's old lackeys they happen across. that's also important.
ok I got super ramble-y here but I'm hoping that's what you were asking for lol. if even half the things I wrote here made sense I will consider this a victory
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thunderboltage · 2 years
unpopular opinion (apparently): i love all of the attention and love my writing gets and could never really be bothered much that it only gets likes or that people comment what they wanna?
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Encounter (1030 words) by Quibbs126 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Layton Kyouju Series | Professor Layton Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hershel Layton & Desmond Sycamore Characters: Hershel Layton, Desmond Sycamore, Desmond Sycamore's Wife, (mentioned only) - Character Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, Layton tries but Sycamore rejects it, Gressenheller University, I don't really know what to tag this, an actual fic for once, disclaimer I have never really written a proper fic before, also I didn't know what to call this, Implied/Referenced Character Death, all from Layton's POV, Canon Compliant Summary: Shortly after the death of one of his coworkers, Layton encounters her grieving husband and attempts to give consolation.
So uh, I wrote something on ao3. If any of y’all want to read it.
It’s about Layton encountering Desmond sometime after his family dies
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tciddaemina · 2 years
wow i am just like very very stressed right now and i dont know why
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
this lil story i'm workin on about miles42 has gotten out of CONTROL
my first draft is already well over 15k words long now?? 😭😭
this was just supposed to be a quick lil story? bang it out, be done with it?!?!
what is wrong with me
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xcziel · 4 months
those giving jimin's "regular day" clock the side-eye like
he is the most relatable ever for that actually
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today i didn't have work and woke up at 7pm - it was already dark - after i went to sleep probably just after 7am (woke briefly around noon for meds and bathroom)
and my main meal of the day is also almost always around 10pm bc that's when i'm usually getting off work
like i spend less time "thinking about what to eat" but that doesn't mean the rest of my "day" (which is mostly night) doesn't look nearly identical to this
me 🤝 jimin: hanging out in bed on our phones
errands and housework are for days when i'm dressed and have my contacts in already anyway
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
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So anyway in case anyone was curious I now understand why everyone pushes to write comments on people’s fics.
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