#disaster twins
lizaaardstuff · 2 days
Hellebores (shattered)
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Hey guys, I’ve decided to try something a little new. This is a fic I’ve been working on for the last month now, and I wanted to share a small snippet of the beginning with you guys since it’ll be a bit longer before I’m able to post it on ao3.
This is a Donnie centric story that will take place after the invasion (like my other fanfic), but the beginning kicks off during the end battle.
⚠️Trigger warning for this fic will include: Major Character Injury, Permanent Injury, Paralysis, Internalized Ablism, PTSD, Medical Stuff; you know, the works.
Please let me know your thoughts once you’ve read this, I’d love to hear them <3
Word count: 1,845
Being apart of the Technodrome was... incredible. Being so wholly welcomed into such vast knowledge and power was thrilling- world changing. He was everything. He was everywhere. Nothing was out of his reach. He could feel the space in his head expand, his senses heightened to new levels, and as long as he ignored the pain in his shell and the prickling in his limbs and the pressure in his head, he would describe this as the best experience of his life. Truly, nothing could ever compare.
And then he was ripped out.
Without any care to what it would do to him.
And suddenly the greatest experience of his life had turned into a living nightmare. He had never felt pain like this before, and not a second too soon, he blacks out.
"Donnie, wake up!"
Donnie's eyes blearily crack open, dizzying colors invade his senses, and he fights the urge to close them again. He can hear himself wheezing, struggling to take in a full breath. He feels his head dipping down towards his chest, and he realizes he's being held up. Blinking to try to clear the haze from his vision, he looks around to his brothers, who are all being held up by the same gooey Krang matter. Donnie almost does a double take when he sees Raph, with the Krang's influence gone, but he doesn't even get a second to revel in this new development, because Leo and Mikey are suddenly yelling for him again.
"Donnie, c'mon, you have to fight it!" Leo shouts from across the room. A flash of blue lights up the room, and Donnie can feel the electricity of his brothers ninpō light up in his chest. And now that he's focusing on it, he can feel Raph's ninpō there too, strong and steady. Feeling that spark ignites something within his own kindling, and when Mikey's ninpō joins the mix, that's all the push Donnie needs before a beam of striking purple joins the cacophony.
There's yelling, but Donnie's ears are ringing, and everything sounds like it's happening behind a wall of cotton. He sees everyone's ninpō burning away the Krang matter that was holding them up, and he assumes the same was happening to him, but he could barely feel it.
Donnie drags in a breath, feeling like he was breathing through a straw, and uses all of his strength to lift up his right arm to pull at the Krang gunk that was pulling at his neck. If I could just get a moment to catch my breath...
And then the Krang matter is gone, and he's falling.
Donnie lands hard on his side, pain flaring through the upper part of his spine and echoing out across his chest, and the impact forces a weak cough out of him that takes away the little bit of air he had managed to gain in his lungs.
"Donnie!" he hears from above, but his eyes are slipping shut again, his energy spent.
There's a soft thud next to him, and a gentle hand on the side of his face. "Donnie, open your eyes man, please. C'mon, just open your eyes."
Donnie slowly peels open his eyes again, despite how badly he wanted to just let them remain closed. Because Leo asked nicely.
Donnie drags in another breath.
Why is it still so hard to breathe?
"There you are," Leo sighs, a confusing mix of worry and relief painted on his face.
Donnie hears quick footsteps behind him and a soft gasp, "his shell," "oh Donnie," but when he tries to turn his head to see who's talking, Leo's hand that was still on his face presses down lightly to keep his head in place. "Don't move."
Donnie's head is starting to feel light from the lack of oxygen.
"Oh my god, Leo, what do we do." Mikey. That's Mikey. Donnie's fingers twitch against the ground as he tries once again to turn his head to see his baby brother, but Leo's hand remains firm.
"We have to move." Raph. His big brother is here too. Wait...
Donnie's already unsteady breathing halts, his eyes going wide. "Wait," he croaks out, all eyes turning back on him, "if you're all here... the Krang." Donnie's words slur, and his sentence ends in another wheezing breath.
The others share a confused look above him. Leo looks back down to meet Donnie's eyes, gently taking his hand with the one that wasn't securing the softshell's head. But Donnie could barely feel it. Everything felt so disconnected and muffled. Shock, maybe.
"Donnie," Leo says sharply, like he'd been calling his name a few times. Donnie drags his eyes back up to Leo, blinking through another round of haze. "Donnie, you're holding them off. Or, at least I'm assuming it's you. There's a big purple dome around us, and you're glowing, so..."
"Leo," Raph says urgently from wherever he is. Donnie still can't see him or Mikey. If only I could just sit up... "We still need to get the Krang through that portal." There's hesitation in his voice, and Donnie wishes he could see his face.
"I know!" Leo snaps, voice trembling and eyes brimming with overwhelmed tears. It felt so unlike him. He'd only seen Leo make that face a few times in their lifetime, and most of what he could count were from the last 24 hours. Donnie focuses solely on flexing his fingers around Leo's hand, and Leo squeezes back automatically, looking back down at him but still talking to Raph. "I know, but- we can't move him like this."
"Leo, we can't stay here," Donnie hears Mikey say from somewhere above him.
Donnie watches as a tear rolls down Leo's cheek, catching the purple lighting of Donnie's ninpō. Then Leo squares his shoulders and his face hardens, eyes glancing up to meet the others above him, and Donnie knows that he's come to a decision.
"Raph, in a few minutes I'm going to need you to pick up Dee. As carefully as you possibly can. I'll portal you down to a safe spot. Donnie actually managed to get the ship pretty close to the portal before the Krang grabbed him and Mikey, so all Mikey and I have to do is push the big guy through. I need you to watch Dee, if you can find anything hard and flat to lay him on once you're down there, that would be best. Make sure he doesn't move." Good, Donnie thinks as he listens to his twin slip back into his leader voice, Leo's got this covered. Donnie can feel his eyes slipping shut again right as Leo's eyes shift back over to him. "Dee, look at me, I need you to focus."
Donnie would have rolled his eyes at the slider if he wasn't feeling so sluggish. Instead, he tries to hum to let him know he's listening, but it turned more into a weak groan.
"Before I have Raph pick you up, I'm going to do a quick check to see how you're doing. I need you to keep the shield up, okay? Can you do that for me? No, don't move your head, I got it," Leo adds quickly, pulling their hands apart to stop Donnie from nodding with both of his hands.
"Okay," Leo says, more to himself, as he finally lets go of Donnie's head, throwing a sharp glare in his direction with one more, "don't move," as he picks up Donnie's wrist to take his pulse.
He frowns, clearly not pleased with what he's feeling, but he moves on anyways, carefully shifting his head to lean against Donnie's chest. It was difficult since Donnie was on his side, and Leo seemed to take extra care in making sure not to jostle him. Leo's frown only deepens. This check up clearly wasn't going well. Damn, there goes my perfect test scores...
Then Leo goes to check his eyes, but without a pen light to use and the lighting around them being so dim, he gives up on that, moving to hold Donnie's hands instead.
"Squeeze my hands," Leo instructs.
Donnie has to dig through his energy reserve moving his fingers, and he notices that his right hand reacts before his left. Huh. But either way, he manages to give Leo's hands a weak, lopsided squeeze, which seemed to be good enough for now because Leo nods approvingly.
"Okay, now wiggle your toes for me." The slider sits up a bit straighter to look at the softshell's feet. Or, where Donnie assumes they must be, because he can't feel anything below his chest. Donnie's never been in shock before, and after this experience, he never wants to again. Though, that's a bit redundant. No one ever wants to go into shock, that would be masochistic. But Donnie definitely would rate this experience a zero out of ten, would not recommend-
"Donnie, focus," Leo says, placing a hand on Donnie's arm, bringing Donnie back to the present. "I need you to wiggle your toes." Was Donnie becoming delusional, or was there a hint of desperation in his brother's tone? Probably both.
So Donnie wiggles his toes like Leo has asked of him, if only to ease his brother's concern.
"Donnie, seriously, man. Move your toes so we can finish this up. I know you're feeling kinda out of it right now but-"
What? "I already did," Donnie mumbles out, immediately wishing he hadn't spoken when such a simple task leaves him breathless and dizzy.
"What? No, dude, you didn't. Try again." Leo's tone sharpens, eyes going wide, despite his casual wording.
Donnie furrows his smudged brows. "What're you talkin about?" Donnie tries to get an arm under him to push himself up, turning his head towards his legs, confused, but the second he tries to move, Leo's on top of him again.
"Stop! Stop moving," Leo shouts hurriedly. Donnie can feel the sharp sting of Leo's panic through their interlinked ninpō, and suddenly there's a shift in the air. Ignoring Leo's frantic pleads and shaking hands, Donnie tilts his head up slowly, painfully, and sees the large purple dome he had accidentally created to surround them shudder. A loud pounding followed by muffled rage filled roars could be heard just outside of the shield, as the Krang leader slams his fists into the structure, clearly becoming impatient.
When the Krang brings his fists down again, the structure glitches.
Donnie gasps, along with his brothers, and by pure instinct he pushes more energy into the shield. The world starts spinning and the corners of his vision go dim as he uses up the last of his reserves, and when Donnie blinks his eyes back open, his head is laying on the ground again. Leo's shouting something to someone, and there's a flash of bright, neon blue, and there's a large arm shifting under him. The last thing he sees is a burst of purple pixels as the dome shatters before his eyes slip shut.
Okay so I really have no idea how to format anything on this app, so if it’s hard to read, I’m so sorry 😭
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mothofmyth · 3 days
Stobin as soulmates.
I don't mean the magic aus where you feel what they feel or have a shared mark or write on each other or anything.
But almost that, just in a context where that's not a reap thing.
Robin has her lesbian crisis the same time Steve has his bi crisis
They always seem to catch the same disease at the same time. Robin gets her period the same day Steve gets a migraine.
They're just... connected, somehow. Intrinsically. In a way nobody else could understand.
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bellarizzme · 3 days
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My biggest kinnies:
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i AM the disaster twins, thank you very much
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bettertwin9000 · 17 hours
Rdr morning !
ARTHUR MORGAN MORNING ASH.. I hope today's treating you so awesome.
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reagi-df · 2 days
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More twin time, got art block on another piece I’m trying to finish
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Leo: "The idealised tomorrow version of me will fix this!"
Me: "Not this again..."
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bettertwin1 · 3 days
Hello, Sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask if you do request?
Only if u pay me
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dying-marshmallo · 12 days
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☆ Weird Science ~ !
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koolaidashley · 13 days
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Those nerdy ass overalls 😭😭😭😭😭
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an-artistic-failure · 7 months
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I've decided that tumblr gets the full comic first.
Hope you like it.
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onejellyfishplease · 5 months
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moments before Leo's death
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ffiascooo · 22 days
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Idk about this one guys
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kovalitics · 2 months
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mcducky1356 · 2 months
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I drew this at 3 am so you know it’s legit
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bettertwin9000 · 2 days
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Look! We match :D! (Except I have hair- and long, luscious hair at that hehe)
Happy cause I get art and ots cute MAD because MY FOREHEAD ACTUALLY IS NOT THAT BIG
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virtualvenny · 2 months
Can we all just agree Leo ain't some dumbass idiot some people typically depict him as? I mean he literally outsmarted Big Mama and that's because people tend to underestimate him for what they usually see him from the outside(Now that I think about, that's probably intentional aswell.) We need more Manipulative/cunning/two-faced/gaslighter!2018Leo...only towards his enemy though, but maybe a tinny bit towards his family, for good reasons.
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Not to cause any misunderstanding, the art belongs to someone else, the name is in the art piece cuz Idk if they have a tumblr account to tag.
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