#rottmnt au
stephuart · 3 days
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Hey it's been awhile...
Life has been pretty busy these past few months and it has sucked all the creative juices out of me. Drawing during my free time became nonexistence because I was too drained. So I apologize for disappearing for so long. I got my creative spark back and here is the result of that.
A mix of some personal stuff and some Fan Art for some FanFic/AU's I adore so much. Enjoy.
The Neon Void
Ghost in the Shell
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis
Our Future Days
Replica AU
Feral Leo AU
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circusinarun · 9 hours
Awhn this is one of my fav AU I'm srs
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She's such a sunshine!
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She's just like lil Donnie! chaotic lil pancake!
Thanks @star-sparkler ! :]
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tangledinink · 24 hours
can we get some sorrelshine lore :00
sure! here's sorrelshine! :D gemini donnie's future cat bf, previously seen at the tattoo/piercing shop where they and donnie first met.
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they are very matter-of-fact and chill to an absolutely ridiculous degree-- it's nearly impossible to rile them, and they tend to take everything in stride regardless of the situation. for this reason, they're very good at taking all of donnie's anxious, finicky, dramatic energy and answering it with calm, logical, and mellow, thus being very effective at calming them down... and pointing out the obvious when need be.
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turtleinsoup · 1 day
I made Fanart of @cupcakeslushie's incredible Kendratello Au!!
But gender swapped
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Female Donnie's design is based on my gurtles post
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koolaidashley · 1 day
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Wicked smile
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brightonstudios · 2 days
Guys this is absolutely not fair how was I supposed to choose between @allyheart707 little subjects and @sharkfinn Little brother for the Tmnt separated AU competition?!? They are both incredible artists and story tellers, it felt like a crime to choose.
I made this animation based off of this post, please all of these little boys deserve to be free!!
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ashykneecaps6 · 1 day
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The world felt like a gentle breeze, it tugged on the fabrics of his clothes, as if to taunt him as he silently clutched his aching heart.
The sun was warm, coating the fields with its golden light and yet he had no one to share it with.
In that moment, he truly felt alone.
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tizeline · 17 hours
He does :) I explained it in This Post, but to summarize there are two main reasons as to why he made them
One - Practicality. Having more fingers give him more dexterity and fine-motor skills
Two - Insecurity lol. Donnie in my AU is a bit insecure about his status as a mutant turtle, so he makes an effort to become more human-like, and the prosthetics is one way of doing that
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bambiraptorx · 12 hours
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[Two panel digital comic using Leo and Draxum from ROTTMNT. The background is a simple grey, and the characters a lighter one. In the first panel, Draxum is wearing a robe and looking off to the side while scratching his chest. Next to him, Leo is gesticulating and smiles as he rambles. He says "-So sometimes people can hyperfixate on stuff like shows or movies or books as their topic of interest! Also sometimes they can kinda go dormant for a while but then come back, that's kinda been my experience with Jupiter Jim. I always come back to that franchise, y'know? And some people will get really invested in a particular character rather than the show as a whole." In the next panel, Draxum stop scratching his chest and looks at Leo, and says "Wait, so like Medea." Leo lowers his hands slightly and says "Like what now". End I.D.]
Draxum: this is Medea she is my blorbo and she's done nothing wrong ever :)
Leo: she literally killed her own kids???
Draxum: i support women's wrongs
Anyway Draxum is a nerd about ancient Greek plays to me lol
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ackalice · 2 days
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They’re watching Grey’s Anatomy
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nardos-primetime · 3 days
first thing that pops up on my for you page from your blog:
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i am so lost from where this guy came from. is this an au? also i am extremely jealous of their hair, i want it for no good reason. lmfao sorry for the weird question/ask.
He's from a newer au I haven't talked about yet! Don't feel weird for asking at all!
The whole au is like. Heavily inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 (a guilty pleasure of mine), it could technically be a crossover au, I guess? I dunno, but I'm lazy/like to do stuff for fun, so certain aspects are obviously going to be changed. I'm not totally settled on designs, but I think I'm gonna keep most of the design aspects from this drawing for the "finalized" concepts.
The main plot centers on Casey Jr being put under the care of the turtles by "Mother" soon after having a whole (unwilling) relic insert situation in his brain, leading to former star Lou Jitsu to be revived within his mind!
The issue is that all of the turtles aren't really. The best father figures. None of them even want anything akin to a child, and even if Casey is 19, these guys are Mercs. Outside of their own clubbing and shows they do gigs for cash, including dangerous ones, ESPECIALLY dangerous ones. Having this new guy is like, a total roadblock, especially because Casey still, somehow, despite Night City's clutches and the last group he was pressured into before this, has some morals about him. The only reason they didn't kill him and stage an accident is because Mother promised them financial compensation for caring for him.
So he's stuck with four new "dads" who mostly all hate him or find him annoying, and Lou is not any different, he also finds him naive but he dislikes the turtles as well because he's a jaded old fuck (major hypocrite, too).
While the turtles are baseline all mercenaries, they share some traits between each other instead of leaving it to a "one guy only" job in most cases.
Donnie has the most technical skill, falling mostly under Techie and Net/Edgerunner, he adores tech after all, he also has illegally dabbles in being a ripperdoc, primarily for his brothers.
Mikey is actually the fallback for general medical issues, including those involving backfiring implants. He's only better at this because he's dabbled in researching (and using) tons of remedies, mainly for pain. He's the guy who's helped Donnie when working on inserting implants in the others. He's even stayed awake during his own surgeries to help Donnie during his fuck ups and implants.
Leo, while not extreme netrunner levels, does hold some hacking knowledge, just what he needs to make things a little easier with anything but combat most of the time, as combat is what he enjoys the most within jobs. He also tends to be the one to make their deals with Mother.
Raph is mainly muscle. Not to say he's simple, it's just his main role and main focus, having grown much more protective over the years, often acting as a bodyguard for the others during their own shows (hence he has the least involvement with any of their music). He's the least of the bad influences for Casey, at least directly.
They used to have another member of the group a few years ago, a media. Or a media wannabe, at least.
They normally have some reference to her, even if small, hidden within their shows.
This is all, of course, not tapping into their mystics, which are a bit different in this au as well with how they work. Lets just say Mother allows them special permissions when it comes to mystic usage.
...at least those are some of the basic ideas I've been throwing around in my head for the story, lol. I like to throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks to me. The whole thing is technically a wip still but so are 90% of my aus tbh lmao, this onrs just a lot more wippy because it's mainly a "for fun" au and I also haven't been able to play cyberpunk for myself to brush up on things outside of research and sometimes a man is just... not up for that, especially lately with my attention span, I hope to brush up a little more again sometime soon and maybe even delve into some aspects from the og ttrpg perhaps, I'm not sure yet, though, haha.
Oops long post, huh? My bad </3
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onejellyfishplease · 2 days
gosh i really wanna pick up one of my old comics again. its been way to long and i can feel the burnout finally slipping off my bones with the approach of summer
purely hypothetical btw, this is mostly just to optain the vibes
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circusinarun · 7 hours
Uhm, yeah,sorry for mentioning u again @star-sparkler , but I just got an idea...hehehe
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Here, take fish as an excuse gift 𓆡
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poorlemons · 2 days
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fashion day
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3ic95id864pg · 2 days
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e-grill001 · 3 days
My amigo joked that Baxter and Donnie are getting high together. I couldn't just let it go.
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Мой амиго пошутил, что Донни и Бакстер вместе укурываются. Я не дам ему это забыть.
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