#tmnt bayverse
t-annuki · 2 days
Good time of day, dear🦝💕
Please, draw how Bay Mikey shows Bay Donnie the little raccoon in his arms and says, "Look who's I'd found on our garbage truck! Can I keep him, pleeeeease~?"
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Sorry for the late reply
Hey folks! MY COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN AGAIN, I need some money
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thelaundrybitch · 3 days
Bayverse Donnie 💜
Look what @sharpwindow drew for me 😍
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It's an early birthday gift
OMG he looks so good 😭
Thank you so much Sharp I love him 🥰
@leosgirl82 @leoandraphssoulmate @scholastic-dragon @eveandtheturtles @raphsmuneca @justalotoffanfiction
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britt-kageryuu · 1 day
Random TMNT thoughts~
The hilarious thought of the TMNT only becoming much smarter and able to speak human languages upon mutation, and that's it. Same with Rat Splinter.
Plus Human Splinter only getting rat ears and tail.
Human Splinter being taught Dance instead of ninjitsu. Rat Splinter only knowing dance. Then then figuring out how to turn dance into combat training for the turtles.
One of the turtles becoming an accomplished Author/Singer, but not being able to have live shows, unless they want to explain the 'Turtle Costume'
The Turtles somehow getting on one of those Masked Performer shows (maybe as a bet, or lost bet), and trying desperately not to lose.
Rise Splinter is definitely a good contender for this.
One of the Donatellos making a 'mutant turtle' animatronic to get people to think they were seeing things.
The Turtles making a Pizzaria that's Turtle themed, if only to not get questions about them being turtles.
Have fun with these random ideas! Your creativity and inspiration from them is intentional, and opinions welcome!!
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scarredwoods · 2 days
I am writing the next chapter of the Samurai and the Kappa fic right now and I'm trying to have a long discussion with myself on who could be the next leader and why or why not. But I feel like I want other people's input on the whole situation.
By the way, this is just in general, I'm not specifically talking about the IDW turtles, I'm talking about all the turtles from all the different iterations. I'm trying to lay out each of their pro and cons and who could most likely be second in line for leader. But this is a decision that comes from Leo himself. He has to choose who he's resigning his title to. So I have to keep in mind what his opinions would also be and who would he choose. Which is what I'm struggling with.
So If you guys could vote and go out of the way to explain why, that would be very helpful, thank you
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citruswriter · 2 days
Them Finding Out You Have a Partner
Listen with me! ♫♪.ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.♫♪
A/N: I'M SORRY HAPPY YOU LOVE MY CRINGY BF SCENARIOS! NAJDKDKDJSJDJ! Get ready for angst ya'll. Reader is in a relationship but it's kind of rocky. Bc obviously we're not gonna stay.
Previous Part
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"I don't want you hanging out with them anymore!" Your partner shouted at you. The two of you had been arguing for the past twenty minutes. Why? Well your partner found out about your group chat with the turtles, April, and some others. It wasn't exactly a secret, you never hid the group chat. You saw no need. But apparently your partner had a problem with you texting a bunch of mutant turtles. "But why?!" You yelled back, animal appendages displaying your anger. Your partner growled and stepped forward, causing you to step back. "I don't want you talking to those freaks!" Your partner spat out and your eyes widened. "Excuse the fuck outta me? What's next? You gonna call me a freak too?" You growled back and your partner huffed. "You know damn well that it's not the same damn thing. You're still mostly human. They're not." Your partner said, trying to reason with you. You let out a bitter laugh and scoffed. "Whatever. I love you but I'm headed out. I can't hear another word of this bullshit". You spat out, storming out of the apartment and going out onto the streets of New York. You knew that your partner would attempt to follow you home, so you took a different path and instead headed for the lair. Fuck this shit man.
Leonardo x Reader 🧡
Warnings: Reader is a wolf neko, Reader has golden eyes, Reader has a boyfriend.
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Leo had never seen you so pissed. You walked in with a silence he had never seen from you, ears pinned and tail bristling. A growl was resounding from your throat, a primal noise he had never heard from you before. He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't a little bit intimidated. Mikey sprang up to hug you, obviously not picking up on your mood. "Touch me, Michaelangelo, and I swear it will be the last thing you do," you spat out, golden eyes moving to give him the deadliest death glare the poor turtle had ever seen. Immediately he put his hands up in surrender. "Woah! What's up with you? You good?" He asked gently. "Got into a fight with my boyfriend," you said bluntly. Leo struggled to keep his exterior neutral and calm when he heard that word. Boyfriend. Of course you were taken. "(Y/N)," Leo called out to you and your head snapped his direction, glaring up at him as if to silently tell him to not waste your time. "Come mediate with me. It'll help calm your nerves". He didn't expect you to follow him, really he didn't, but he was grateful to see you behind him when he finally reached the meditation room.
He sat down and you followed suit, sitting beside him. "So boyfriend huh?" He started gently, trying to sound as casual as possible. "What's it to you?" You snapped, glaring at him only to soften when he gave a 'don't test me' look. Sighing you rubbed your face and looked up at him. "Yeah. Boyfriend. We've been going steady for about a year now. But recently things have been rocky." You murmured and Leo nodded empathetically. "What did he say that got you so worked up?" He asked. You chewed your bottom lip, fangs slightly slipping out. "He said he no longer wanted me to hang out with you guys. Said you guys were freaks." You confessed. Leo swallowed thickly. He was used to being called a freak. This wasn't new to him. But the idea of you cutting him off because of some bigot made him nervous. "Are you going to do it?" He asked, voice slightly shaky. Your ears pricked up as you looked at him, "Absolutely not! If he thinks I'm going to stop hanging around here, he's dead wrong." Leo only hummed in response. You slouched your shoulders, giving an exhausted sigh.
"I don't know Leo. These past few months, it seems like we've been fighting every single week, if not multiple times a week. He keeps asking me to cut off certain friends for one reason or another. Hell he even asked me to block my dad". Leo wanted to hold you as he saw you anxiously run your fingers through your hair, gripping it in a stressed manner. Instead he opted to gently pull your hands from your scalp, holding them and looking at you, "Forgive me if I'm overstepping but that sounds incredibly toxic." He said softly. You hung your head, ears pinned back in sadness. "I know. It's just... so hard to let go sometimes." You muttered. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and Leo felt his heart squeeze. He pulled you closer, hugging you. You melted almost instantly, hugging him back. "Thank you..." You whispered. Leo rubbed circles onto your back, butterflies flitting around in his stomach. "Anything for you, blossom".
Raphael x Reader 🧡
Warnings: Reader is a cat neko, Reader has a girlfriend.
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"Raphael!" You shouted as soon as you walked in and this man almost thought about running and hiding from you from how pissed you sounded. You beelined it to the gym room and glared at him. "Yes?" Was all he said as he took in your body language. Pupils turned to slits, ears pinned, claws unsheathed, tail lashing. "I'm absolutely enraged right now. So give me something to hit or lift or something before I punch a wall and inevitably break a few bones," you seethed. "Hear you loud and clear kitten," was all he replied with and boy did he put you to work. Two hours later and you were sweaty and laying on the floor, chugging water as fast as you could. You were still mad but at least you were calmer.
"What got you so worked up? Swear you were boutta kill me". He asked gently, drinking his own water. You sighed softly and looked at him, "Got into a fight with my girlfriend". You explained and Raph almost choked on his water. Girlfriend? Course a pretty thing like you was taken. He felt his heart break but you kept talking. "I mean seriously. I've dated all kinds of people of all genders but she's just a work of fucking art." You spat out, standing up on your wobbly legs to pace. "She saw the group chat and just demanded that I stop hanging out with you guys because, and I quote, 'because they're freaks'. Which is utter bullshit. If anybody's the fucking freak it's her!" You shouted. "So then I asked her if you guys are freaks then what am I? And she said it wasn't the same because I'm still mostly human". You stopped pacing, angry tears streaming down your face and your tail bristled with utter rage. "I don't want to be her stupid fucking exception". You chocked out, hands beginning to shake from the pure unfiltered rage you were filling. Raph knew he needed to calm you down and soon.
"Wanna know my opinion?" He asked and you angled one of your ears his way, silently telling him you were listening. "I think this little girlfriend of yours sounds like shit. If I were you, I'd dump her". You relaxed a little, tail fur now smoothed out and your fists were no longer clenched. You made your way over to the giant turtle and pushed him to sit down before crawling up into his lap. Raph didn't know what to do, not expecting you to pull such a move. "Maybe you're right, Raph..." You murmured, nuzzling into him softly. All the anger must have utterly exhausted you because you could barely move. Raph decided to softly pet you. Soon you were purring against him, halfway dozing off. He couldn't help but stare down at you with adoration. You had come to him so willingly. It was nice to know you found solace in him.
Donatello x Reader 🧡
Warnings: Read is a moth mutant, Reader has a girlfriend.
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You were utterly enraged. Storming into the lair. From the other room, Donnie picked up on your scent. Excitedly, he made his way out to go find you but he was a little too late. Mikey had just begun to ask you what was wrong when you let out a frustrated yell, spun around, and smashed your fist into the wall. "(Y/N)!" Was all Donnie let out. You reared your fist back for another go but luckily the tall turtle stopped you, grabbing your wrist and noticing how you were shaking with pure rage fueled adrenaline. "Come with me," was all he said before dragging you along with him. He picked you up before setting you down on a table in his lab. He got out some medical items to now deal with your busted up knuckles. "Mind telling me what the hell that was out there?" He asked, trying to keep his tone calm. "Got in a fight," you simply said. "With who?" Donnie asks, cleaning your bloody knuckles. "My girlfriend." Donnie's heart jumped into his throat at those words, pausing his actions momentarily before continuing.
"She called you guys freaks..." You muttered and Donnie looked up at you, eyes so soft and caring that your heart couldn't help but melt. You sighed and hung your head. Donnie bandaged up your hand before leaning in to kiss your head. You gave a moth squeak and looked up at him, lip trembling. "I don't like that she called you guys freaks. It hurt my heart. I care about you guys so much, Dee. So much about you." The last sentence came out as a whisper as tears began to roll down your cheeks but he heard you. "Although I appreciate you getting angry on our behalf, please don't punch the wall again." He said gently and you nodded, sniffling softly. "Do you guys fight often?" He asked, prodding softly and you nodded. "Y-Yeah. We do. We didn't at first but it seems like all we do know is either sleep together or fight." You said and Donnie pressed his lips together, noticing how stressed you look.
"That doesn't sound very healthy, (Y/N). Being in a relationship like that could really damage you". He said and more tears spilled over onto your cheeks. He fought the urge to cradle your face. To wipe your tears away and kiss you. To tell you that he had you, that nobody could hurt you now. "Donnie?" Your voice shook him out of his thoughts. He blinked and looked up at you. "Yes dove?" He replied without thinking and he noticed your wings flutter at the nickname. "Thank you for cleaning me up. I appreciate it". You said bashfully. "Of course, (Y/N). Happy to help".
Michaelangelo x Reader 🧡
Warnings: Reader has white feathered wings, Reader has long elf-like ears, Reader has a boyfriend.
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Wings fluffed up in a defensive measure, you briskly walked into the lair, making your way straight to Mikey. "Hey angelcakes!" He called out, not picking up on your mood. "Do me a favor and shut the fuck up," you spat before taking his controller and tossing it aside. He just blinked in surprise as you shoved him arms apart and crawled into his lap, curling into him. Under normal circumstances, he might have pulled away to ask you what was wrong or ask you to please not just snatch his controller away. But as he heard you silently sob into his plastron, all other worries melted away as he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back. "(Y/N)? You ok?" He questioned softly and you lifted your head to finally look at him. "No. I got into a fight with my boyfriend." You muttered. Mikey swallowed thickly and he swore his chest felt tight at the word 'boyfriend'. "He just makes me so mad, Mikey. H-He called you freaks a-and I just- I just walked out. I care about him but all we do is fight these days and I hate it." You sobbed out. Mikey took to mindlessly rubbing circles on your left hip. "Well you know what they say," he said with a shrug of his shoulders and you looked at him with confusion.
"If your dog starts barking at you, someone else is feeding it better." You tilted your head, looking up at the ceiling in thought. "Now that you mention it. He has been sneaking around a lot..." You muttered before looking back down into his eyes. "Do you really think he could be... doing something?" You questioned, voice trembling. Mikey shrugged. "I don't know, babes." He replied softly. "Just know that whatever happens, I'm here for you. Ok?" You nodded, smiling softly. "You're too sweet to me, Mikey". You cooed and Mikey swore he felt his heart skip a beat at your tone. "Only because you're sweet, sugartits". He quipped back. You rolled your eyes. "Aaaaaaand there it is," you said with a giggle, rolling off of him and getting comfy on the couch beside him.
He wanted to pick you back up. Settle you back down on his lap, keep you curled up and safe against his chest. Keep you close to him. "Sorry for yanking your controller away, by the way," you said, glancing at Mikey's dead character on the screen with drooped ears. "It's ok baby," he reassured. You enveloped yourself in your wings, but only to hide your flustered face from him calling you baby. He's so cute...
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Reader falling in love next? Maybe, maybe. Hope ya'll enjoyed this one. 💋
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mermmarie · 2 days
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sweeneydino · 7 months
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Where are the adults?
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Oh, there they are.
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lulendrea · 9 months
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my enby headcanons
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amascomet · 11 days
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Massive sketch dump! The mm Donnie is me practicing the show style by redrawing one of the movie screencaps hehe
Last one is just another concept for another iteration idea haha
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letsgetitblog · 3 months
Guess who's birthday it is?
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It's our orange babies birthday!!! 🧡
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bontwisty · 3 months
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Brushing off the dust of my crossover of all the tmnt iterations bc I adore them all dearly 🫶🫶
Who is your fav of each iteration? ❤️🧡💙💜
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annomalysstuff · 18 days
I made a compilation of references for the main tmnt characters from every iteration and I thought it would be helpful, so I’m posting it here :]👍
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I brightened the saturation in some so it’s more readable
Also, this is so cute, I’m keeping this
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Edit: I forgot about bay Donnie, updated version
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faith-forgxtten-land · 4 months
You haven't written anything NSFW for TMNT so its okay if its not something you're comfortable writing but do you think you could write something for Bay Donnie? I don't really have any preferences of requests other than squirting
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Soaked | Donatello
okay, fair warning, i haven't written anything explicitly nsfw for like two years so be nice; i was hesitant in posting this because i have no faith in my writing, especially nsfw, but i hope you like it! bayverse!!
warnings: NSFW, squirting? swearing, mentions of cunt etc., not much else i don't think. everyone is 18+!! awful titles, never proofread
summary: donatello likes it when you soak his sheets
word count: 1691
The world is bathed in darkness when you finally manage to open your eyes. The lair is quiet, and your head feels heavy as you squint. A hand is trailing your torso softly despite innumerable callouses, fingers sweeping delicately along the length of your spine in some silent rhythm. Your skin is warm, the cool touch of his palms soothing the heated flesh, and you giggle quietly as you imagine puffs of mist rising from where your bodies and their contrasting temperatures meet.
“You awake?”
With a humming reply and languid grace, you raise your head and try to make out his face in the dim light. You can’t see much, just a pair of soft eyes that make you feel more embraced than the blankets piled on top of you, as his other hand cups your cheek and you melt into him. He makes you feel like that a lot; like molten gold, pliant under his assured touches, burning and boneless and so, so precious.
“You fell asleep in the middle of movie night,” he says softly, lips brushing against your forehead in a gesture so tender it makes your heart clench. He traces his mouth down the swell of your cheek, caressing the lines of your face until he reaches your jaw. His kisses are indulgent and full, and you feel gluttonous as your hands seek his plastron eagerly. Even half-asleep, you want him wholly and desperately and you feel him huff a fond laugh, smiling knowingly against your throat.
“So needy,” he teases affectionately, the hand that had been mapping your back now beginning to move further downwards until the flesh of your thigh is in his grip. He squeezes it once, twice, and parts your legs. His beak presses harder into the delicate skin of your neck, and he inhales deeply before biting sharply. The contrast of his gentle hands and the sudden sting of his teeth causes your hips to stutter, and you can’t hold back a whine.
“I can smell you.” His voice is low and you shudder at the rasp in his tone. He pulls back to look into your eyes, and you swallow thickly; his irises have disappeared into blackness, as if they’re drowning in ink with pupils blown wide, and you feel yourself grow wetter at the wild look. You still can’t make out his face, but you know he looks wrecked, and a smug satisfaction settles deep within you.
The thought that your scent alone can ruin him, make primal need overwhelm him, make him look wanton, causes your toes to curl. His large hand, so huge on your body, grasps your thigh tightly again and you gasp as he squeezes hard enough to bruise this time. “You’re soaking already,” he groans, and you buck your hips, silently begging him to pull your sleep shorts down and feel it for himself.
Despite his teasing, he must feel as desperate as you because he’s quick to do exactly that and rub his finger against your folds. He curses loudly, the sound echoing in the quiet, and you spread your legs wider. “So fucking wet,” he chokes out, rubbing your swollen clit as he pushes his first finger inside of you. You’re so warm and tight and you feel yourself flutter around him.
“Donnie,” you gasp as he curls his finger just right. It’s the first word you’ve uttered, and he groans darkly at the desperation that coats the sound. He fucks you faster, his finger stretching you, drawing the most obscene sounds, wet slaps reverberating so loudly you’re sure everyone can hear them. You’re panting and flushed, hips grinding as he pumps in and out, and you moan loudly as he slips another digit inside.
He’s back to pressing open-mouthed kisses against your throat, lapping up the sweat that trickles down. “That’s it,” he murmurs reverently, sucking purple marks into your sensitive flesh and scissoring his fingers faster and harder, forceful pumps bordering on brutal. Your name is a growl on his tongue as he hits that perfect spot over and over, and you can’t stop yourself from mewling as he presses harshly against your sensitive nub, pleasure and pain blending in a way that makes you dizzy.
His pace is unrelenting and unforgiving, and you can feel the thrumming of your pulse, a delirious concoction of sensual agony shooting through your veins as you babble senselessly. “Donnie, please, please—”
He fixes his teeth over an especially delicate part of your throat and bites so hard you see stars, chest heaving and unable catch your breath as your walls clamp around his fingers. There’s going to be an outrageous mark, dark violet bruises and blatant indents of teeth in a place you have no hope of covering up, and the thought only makes you cry louder.
You think you might pass out for a minute or two as Donnie continues to finger-fuck you through your orgasm. You’re shaking and sensitive and sore, but he doesn’t let up even as you shiver and whine. “You can take it,” he tells you simply, and you nod quickly because you can, you’ll take whatever he gives you.
It doesn’t take long for you to reach the edge again, little gasps and whimpers slipping through your lips with every pump. He’s toying with you, a teasing grin pressed against the column of your throat that turns into a low laugh as you curse him for slowing whenever your thighs begin to tremble. Just as you think he’s about to slow again, he pinches your clit harshly and you can’t stop the wail that wrenches itself from your burning lungs.
His fingers fuck you through this orgasm too, spreading your legs wider as they spasm and weakly attempt to shut without his permission. Only when you fall still does he pull out, and you whimper more at the aching emptiness. He makes sure you’re watching as he brings his fingers to his mouth and tastes them; his tongue is playful, thick and flicking, and you feel the muscles of your stomach contract.
“Tease,” you croak, and his eyes somehow darken even further at just how wrecked you sound, your voice rasping and slurred.
“You’re right,” he agrees, brushing your folds again, digits stroking your puffy slit. You gasp as he pushes two fingers back in, squirming at the satisfying and sensitive discomfort shooting along your spine. “You’ve been so good.” He’s making those perfect curling motions inside of you and your back arches, tears gathering on your lashes as that agonising pleasure sparks, lighting up your blood and forcing your eyes to roll back.
There’s a pressure building, somehow more intense than before, and your thighs quiver as his fingers continue to fuck you without faltering, even as your legs threaten to snap closed at the unbearable sensitivity when he finds your clit once more.
You’re not sure if the sounds coming out of your mouth are words and you’re pretty sure you’re drooling, tongue lolling, but whatever noises escape your parted lips have Donnie pressing that spot inside you harder and harder, churring darkly. It's a sound that clatters through you as he returns his teeth to your throat like they belong there, like your neck is meant to be a canvas for his marks. “You can do it,” he groans. "You’re always so good for me.”
His fingers curl even more, and you choke on a moan as you realise what he’s asking for, what he’s building towards with every pump. Your own hand desperately grasps his forearm, not sure if you’re begging him to stop or urging him to keep going as you pant and whine, body writhing as he tears a sob from you that rattles your bones. “I can’t—”
“Yes, you can.” He’s tense, the muscles of his arm flexed and hard under your touch, and you can feel his sweat on your damp skin as he presses impossibly closer, almost lovingly nuzzling your neck now even as his fingers fuck you stupid.
You feel like you’re about to explode, the pressure agonising and tipping over into pain, blood boiling under your skin, and you can do nothing but cry wildly, screaming loud enough for everyone to hear, when you feel that tension inside you shatter like glass.
Donnie holds you as you convulse, shudders racking every inch of you, soft praises rushing from his lips as he presses gentle kisses along your jaw. He groans feeling your wetness gushing against him, soaking his plastron and his bedding, knowing your scent will cling to him and his bed for hours even after he showers and changes his sheets.
It's his favourite part, he thinks privately. It soothes something primal and animal within him, something he didn't even recognise until he had you writhing and coming undone under him for the first time. Making you lose control, satisfying you so good you can't help but squirt… He swallows the thought and scissors his fingers in you, watching the way you whimper with your eyes closed as he glides in and out of your pretty cunt with ease, your body always so responsive for him no matter what state you're in.
You’re certain you passed out this time, and when you come-to, Donnie still has his fingers inside of you, still pressing those feather-light kisses to your skin. You feel heavy and weightless all at once, eyelids fluttering, unsure whether to whine in relief or displeasure when his fingers retreat slowly and he brings them to his mouth again.
It takes you another minute to realise just how wet you are, your thighs glistening even in the low light, and the bed beneath you is completely drenched. You can’t muster any shame, only satisfaction coiling deep in your gut when you see just how soaked Donnie is too.
“Next time,” he breathes, voice guttural and promising, still sucking his fingers clean, “I want you on my face so I can drink every drop.”
You clench your thighs together, sore and aching and still so needy, and lick your lips. “That can be arranged.”
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oozedninjas · 4 months
Drunk for you~
Warnings: 18+ / NSFW / MDNI / Ninja guys are late twenties / Happy Valentine's Day!! ❤️
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Pussy! drunk Leo holds you tightly close to his chest, fisting your face with a full hand as he forces you to look at him because, fuck, you're so hot when you come.
Pussy!drunk Leo moans into your mouth as he pounds frantically into you, dizzy in the feeling of your cunt around him. Mmm, so fucking tight.
Pussy!drunk Leo whispers the best degradation-praise combos in your ear with a breathy, raspy tone that drives you crazy. He can't have enough. Squirm more to his words. Be louder, scratch his shell harder. Shit, he's so close—
Pussy!drunk Leo knows he has to pull out but it feels so freaking good that he can't bring himself to do so, especially not when you're begging him to breed you so much. Shit, you're gonna be the end of him.
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Pussy!drunk Raph relentlessly fucks you from behind in front of your bedroom mirror. Fuck, he's so big, stretching you so good it has you on the verge of turning stupid.
Pussy!drunk Raph fucks you up and down his dick like a small fuck toy, too lost in pleasure to do nothing but hold onto his shoulders as he manhandles you all he wants. 
Pussy!drunk Raph barely allows you to breathe as he devours your mouth, groaning agast your lips with each new thrust. God, he loves it when he's so overstimulated that it's almost too much. His cum is dripping from you, and the sounds of your flesh slapping have Raph craving to come again. Can you? Just one more time, doll. Fuck, please. 
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Pussy!drunk Donatello drinks you up eagerly. His tongue feels heavenly over your clit, he knows. You're tugging him too much to keep him there for it to not. That's right, darling, come on his face— Yeah, like that, damn good.
Pussy!drunk Donatello enjoys himself so much that suddenly all inhibitions are thrown out the window, and he's shamelessly moaning, mouth open as a trail of drool rolls out the corner of his mouth. You feel so good~
Pussy!drunk Donatello loves having your tongue down his throat, claiming him vehemently as your hands scratch the side of his shell, just where it joins to his plastron. The sound that escapes him is everything but human.
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Pussy!drunk Mikey can't keep his hands out of you. He slips his palm up your thigh under the table, only stopping when he's met with your warm cunt. Leaking for him just by his slightest touch? Aw, you're so cute! 
Pussy!drunk Mikey can't hold back once he starts kissing you. It's like he physically needs the heat emanating from your body. He wants to rob it, keep it alongside you, so deep inside that it deliciously burns.
Pussy!drunk Mikey inhales your scent from the cook of your neck and lets out a mingle between a sigh and a soft moan. He pulls you closer, fucking himself deeper in you. You're so soft, so his, from now to forever.
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citruswriter · 2 days
It’d be such a shame if we idk
Got some more bayverse x animalistic Reader
Realizing They're In Love
Listen in with me! ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
A/N: Such as shame you say? Well shameful I must be then BC WE GETTING MORE! I love how ya'll enjoy my cringy boyfriend scenarios. Honestly, it's so nostalgic.
Previous part here btw
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Leonardo x Reader 🧡
Warnings: Reader is a wolf neko, Reader has golden eyes, they/them pronouns.
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Leo waved at you as you left the lair for the day. You had left early, something about hanging out with somebody else today because you promised. Your eyes lingered on him a little longer than they had with the others, golden iris's seeming to see straight through his walls. His heart clenched as you flashed him a grin, fangs and all, before skipping off. What is this feeling? He wondered. The way he felt around you was so different to how he felt around other people. Unable to take his mind off you, he went to the meditation room, sitting in his typical lotus position and getting comfortable. He tried to clear his mind of all thoughts and feelings. These feelings were new and he wasn't sure what to make of them. What if they were a threat? He needed to distance himself from such silly emotions before they ended up hurting him.
"Hey I think (Y/N) left their jacket here." He heard Mikey's voice wander into his ears. "The light grey one?" Donnie questioned. He heard a rustling of fabric, most likely Mikey moving it to get a better look at it. "Yeah, looks like it," he confirmed. Leo got up and moved towards the voices. "Where should we put it?" Raph asked and Leo raised his hand. "I'll put it in my room so it doesn't get lost," he offered. His brothers all turned to look at him and blink. "What?" He questioned, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. "Dude you never put other people's things in your room. Even for safe keeping," Mikey said and Leo felt his face heat up, but he kept the same stoic exterior. "Yeah well you all are messy. Besides, (Y/N) seems rather attached to the jacket. My room is the most organized and I don't want it getting lost. They might get emotional if it gets lost and we don't want that". He reasoned, shrugging his shoulders and gently taking the jacket from Mikey. "You don't want their feelings hurt? Leo do you care about this person?" Mikey teased. "Of course I care. We hang out and they're April's roommate. Why wouldn't I care? I'm not an ass". He snapped back Mikey giggled. "I dunno dude. You seem to have a special liking for them." Mikey came back with and Raph grunted. "I agree. I swear, sometimes you act like a lovesick puppy around them. Which says something seeing as though they're the canine and not you". Leo rolled his eyes and made his way to his room, neatly folding the jacket as he walked.
You act like a lovesick puppy. Raph's words echoed in his head. Leo sighed softly as he placed the jacket on the top of his dresser. "Am I... Am I in love?" He asked to nobody. Looking at the jacket, he smoothed out some of the wrinkles and sighed. "Yeah. Yeah I think I am".
Raphael x Reader 🧡
Warnings: Reader is a cat neko, they/them pronouns.
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Your laugh echoed throughout the sewer. Raph continued to punch the bag in front of him. He could hear you and Mikey gaming together but couldn't quite make out what you were saying. Not like he cared. He had been avoiding you lately. He didn't know why but every time he saw you, he... felt different. He didn't know how to explain it. You just brought out this feeling in him that he hadn't felt before. It was so foreign and he didn't like how uncomfortable it made him feel. "Hey Raph?" Your voice cut through his thoughts and he paused his punching to look at you. "Yeah?" He grunted out, taking in your posture. You were nervous, he could tell. Ears lightly pinned back, tail in between your hands in an anxious fashion, brows furrowed softly. "I'm leaving. Just wanted to say goodbye". You said, offering up a soft smile. There was that feeling again... You looked so unsure and anxious. He wanted to ask you what was wrong. Cradle your face and brush your hair out of your face. Pet you and get that spot right behind your eyes that always made you him in delight and purr like a motorboat.
Raph pushed his thoughts away. "Bye," he replied bluntly before returning to his boxing. He saw your face fall before shuffling away. He didn't care. Yes you do. His thoughts battled against him. "Dude what has been up with you?" Mikey questioned and Raph paused his exercise once again, making his way to the bench this time to grab some water. "What are you talking about?" He shot back and Donnie came up behind his brother in orange with a juice box. "You've been avoiding (Y/N). They've noticed it too. You've been so blunt and cold towards them." Mikey replied, crossing his arms. "Mikey's correct. You seem to be distancing from them. They think they did something wrong and upset you," Donnie chimed in and Raph's face softened. "They think I'm upset with them?" He asked softly and his brothers nodded. "No that's- that's not it at all. They just make me feel weird. Whenever they're around I have this need to hold them and make sure they're ok and other corny shit like that," he confessed. He saw his brothers look at each other and grin. "What?" He snapped and Mikey laughed. "Dude you're in love! Oh this makes so much more sense! You've never been in love before so of course it makes you feel uncomfortable!" He said, nearly bursting with excitement.
"That's absurd," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I wouldn't be surprised. You seem rather affectionate with them even calling them cute petnames. And you just said you have this feeling of wanting to hold and protect them. Kinda sounds like love Ralph." Donnie agreed and Raph sighed. In love? But you two were so different... "You say shit about this to them and I'll personally come for the both of you," he growled out with a glare. Gosh what have you done to him?
Donatello x Reader 🧡 (💚 if you squint)
Warnings: Reader is a moth mutant.
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"Thank you for finally letting me look at your wings," Donnie said, gently touching them as you held them spread out for him. "Of course, Dee! You've been so patient, I figured it was time to reward you," you said, a teasing tone edging your voice. Donnie felt his face heat up and he had to stop himself from churring. "Dee? That's new," he questioned and he noticed your antenna twitch with nervousness. "Oh I'm sorry! Do you not like it?" You questioned and Donnie chuckled. Always so considerate. He appreciated your constant effort to respect any boundaries he may have. "No dear it's fine. I'm just teasing," he admitted. You were so beautiful, so considerate, so gentle. He kept studying your wings in deep thought, occasionally writing down notes or drawing diagrams. At this point he had a whole notebook dedicated to his research of you. He even let you pick out which notebook he'd use. You had eagerly picked out a notebook covered in different kinds of bugs.
He paused momentarily to look at you. The way your wings sprouted from your back, the arches and curves of your body, your soft hair that had been gently put out of the way. You truly are a work of art... He thought to himself. He wondered how you would feel pressed up against him. Hands cradling his face, lips kissing his. He swallowed thickly and shook his head, clearing his thoughts. What was that? What's wrong with me? He immediately thought in a panic. "Dee? You ok?" You asked softly, looking over your shoulder to look at him in the eyes and his heart melted. "I'm fine (Y/N). Sorry, was just thinking," he said, which wasn't a lie. He had been thinking. Thinking about you and how utterly in love he was with you...
Michaelangelo x Reader 🧡
Warnings: Reader has white feathered wings and long elf-like ears, sex joke, they/them pronouns.
A/N: Let's face it. Out of all the turtles, this man would be the most accepting of his own damn feelings.
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"TAKE THAT! I WIN!" You shouted, jumping up to dance in victory. You giggled and did a spin before jumping back onto the couch. "Awwwww. Not again. You're getting better at this," Mikey chuckled and you gently nudged him with your wings, ears twitching with excitement. "But we both know that if I actually tried, I'd absolutely crush you sugartits," he teased and you rolled your eyes. "Sugartits? Really?" You questioned but you giggled none the less and he couldn't help but stare at you affectionately. "Bet your tits taste sweet like sugar," he teased and a flustered expression crept up onto your face. "Michaelangelo I swear to god!" You exclaimed and you thwacked him with one of your wings, loose downy feathers shaking loose causing him to wave his hand to prevent himself from getting a mouth full of feathers. "Whaaaaaat? Come on you know I'm just joking around with you." He laughed and you scoffed playfully at him, setting down the controller to get yourself a plate of pizza and another drink. He watched you closely as you walked into the kitchen to gather your meal. This man was utterly head over heels and he knew it. You were an absolute treasure and he wanted nothing more than to hold you close and call you his.
"Earth to Mikey. You good?" You waved a hand in front of his face and he jumped slightly, realizing he had gotten lost in his daydreams. He felt his face heat up and he chuckled nervously. "Y-Yeah. Sorry angelcakes. Got lost in thought," he confessed and you furrowed your brows, sitting beside him. "What about?" You questioned. You. He thought. "Nothing much." He replied.
He whined and begged when you said you had to leave. It was routine for you two at this point. You'd say you needed to leave, Mikey would beg for 10 more minutes, you'd deny him, he'd pout, you would giggle and hug him goodbye, he'd hug you back and tell you bye. "I'll be back Wednesday, Mikey," you reminded him as you wrapped your arms and wings around him in a comforting hug. Mikey hugged you back, breathing your scent in. You smelled like your soap and the rain that had pelted you on your bike ride to the lair. "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll try not to die from lack of attention before then," he joked and you laughed. Saying goodbye once more before watching you leave. Groaning, he plopped onto the couch, rubbing his eyes. "What's your problem?" Leo asked and Mikey sighed, looking over at his older brother. "Isn't it obvious? I'm in love, dude! They're literally so perfect..." He replied, tone thick with adoration. Leo almost visually cringed and his brother's sappy behavior.
"Guess you better bag them before somebody else then," Raph's low voice piped up as he left his room to get some snacks. Mikey sighed and shook his head. "I know but also, I'm literally a freak of nature compared to them". He lamented. "(Y/N) doesn't seem like the type to judge you for simply being a turtle, Mikey. They're a mutant themselves remember? I'm sure they'd be understanding." Donnie said and Mikey nodded. He sighed as his mind wandered to you again. Now to figure out how to ask you out-
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Planning on some angst next. Maybe Reader having a partner already and they find out before confessing. But don't worry, I'll make them break up so Reader can be with our favorite turtle boys. They deserve the best.
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mermmarie · 2 days
Thinking about him...
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