angerrrabagwell · 2 months
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angerrrabagwell · 2 years
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angerrrabagwell · 3 years
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I miss it so bad it hurts.
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angerrrabagwell · 3 years
What has happened to Gabby Petito has me, quite frankly, triggered. Honestly, I’ve been feeling extra screwed up lately. Ever since I recently saw someone who reminds me of a bad time in my life out and about at the same place I was. I haven’t been okay.
Now, this young girl (and don’t get me wrong, so so many other people), is dead. She is gone at the hands of someone who claimed to love her. And fuck, all I can keep thinking is, “I was that girl. I was Gabby.”
I think back to being an 18 year old, acting brave and tough all the time, while in the dark my boyfriend was physically and mentally abusing me. I think back to a physical altercation in his car - one where I fought back. Someone driving next to us saw and called the police. I watched the footage of Gabby and her boyfriend on the side of the road talking to police. In my head, I see 18 year old Angela, crying as the officers who pulled us over asked me if my boyfriend was hitting me. Through tears and a fat lip I told them we were just arguing. I told them that everything was fine. I told them that he would never hurt me and that the fight was my fault so that he wouldn’t get in trouble. I watched Gabby do the same. I saw myself in her. It tears me apart. I wonder if those cops ever think back on me. I made it out. Gabby did not.
I think back to being a 19 year old. I’m trying to get away from him. Instead, he shows up to friends houses when he knows I’m there. He drives around town, hoping that he’ll see my car. That’s when he starts to erratically follow me as I drive. I’m always scared. 19 year old me keeps trying to break up with him. He coerces me over to his parents house late one night. I was hanging out with a girlfriend. He didn’t like that. He was mad. I’m sitting on his living room couch telling him that I don’t want to be with him anymore. He walks out of the room, only to return with a chefs knife. I’m terrified. I’m frozen. He holds it up to his neck and says if I leave him he’ll kill himself in front of me. I’m only 19. I stay.
When things in life are going well for me he gets mean. If I played well in a softball game it’s “gay” or I “still suck.” When schools try to recruit me he talks down on each program. If a friend wants to have lunch and then a movie day I get accused of actually going out and fucking other men. He texts me every two minutes and if I don’t reply right away he gets abnormally angry. I’m always awaiting a punishment or a cruel comment. The only time he seems “happy” with me is when I’m being less successful than he is. I can never do better than him because if I do it’s going to be a big fight. It’s going to be a dangerous fight.
One night he kicks me out of his car at the marina. I don’t remember why anymore. But I remember being determined to just walk home. I only lived down the street. But once he saw that I wasn’t begging to be let back in the car, he starts driving, dangerously, towards me and slamming on the breaks right before he hits me. I’m frantically looking around hoping there’s someone out there who see’s what’s happening. There’s no one. I’m alone. It’s either get back in the car or take the chance of him running me over. I can’t trust him not to. I get back in the car.
My friends visit me at work and notice all the bruises on my arm. I show them a larger bruise on my upper arm and finger marks around my wrist. They tell me that I need to tell his family. They tell me that they’ll go with me so I don’t have to be alone. After work, my friend drives me to his place. He’s at work so he can’t intervene. I walk in with a friend and ask his mom to speak to her. I show her the bruises. I tell her which knife he threatened his life with. I tell her all the horrible things he has done to me. She says, “I can’t believe my son would ever act like that.” She sort of changes course and says that her and her husband will get him help. She tells me that they’re going to keep him away from me. She lied. They never did anything. Months later she guilts me by saying, “I don’t know where he would be without you. Probably jail.” Keeping him out of jail wasn’t my responsibility. You should have raised a better man.
I’m 30 now. I’m over eight years removed from this situation. Honestly, I thought I was okay. But recently I was diagnosed with “trauma and other stressor related disorder,” AKA pre-ptsd. It all stems from the five years of abuse I endured at his hands. The manipulation, attempted rape, using me as a punching bag, and the gaslighting to make me believe that I was crazy. Him making other people believe I was crazy because I started to lash out at him. I started to lash out and react because I was tired of being harmed. I see Gabby Petito and I see myself. And I’m fucking sad. And I’m fucking pissed off. Because this can’t keep happening to women. This can’t keep happening to indigenous women. This can’t keep happening to black women. This can’t keep happening to latinx women. This can’t keep happening to trans women. This can’t keep happening to Asian women. And this can’t keep happening to white women.
I feel guilt. I feel guilt because I never tried to get him punished for his actions. I feel guilt because after the years of abuse at his hands he went on to hit other women. I feel guilt because I know he has a live-in girlfriend now and I don’t know if he hurts her. Can someone so evil be worthy of redemption? Is it even safe to assume he is different? Every day I fear for this woman. Does she know that he not only beat me, mercilessly, but also completely ruined my brain. It took me years to feel better about myself. It took me years to feel comfortable with sudden movements. Honestly, I’m still working on it. Does she know that he went and put hands on the woman after me? Has the cycle ended? Does it continue? What if something happens to her and it all could have been prevented if I had just spoken up? Will the next girl be able to get away if he snaps?
I look at Gabby Petito and I see myself. Only I got lucky. She was stuck out there alone with her abuser. She tried to get through - I know she did, because that was me, for five years. I look at Gabby Petito, and I see a kid who deserved so much better than what she got. I look at Gabby Petito and my heart fucking breaks because we live in a world where we allow this to happen over and over again.
I’m mad. I’m angry and sad and frustrated. And I’m sorry to her. I’m sorry to her family. I’m sorry to her friends. My abuser got away with it. I hope that her abuser does not.
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angerrrabagwell · 3 years
Reblogging again because I still have this, and I’m so grateful for this redheaded man. ❤️
for next time.......
* wants slurpees at any time of day/night.
* when we go out to eat he’ll actually order a beer with me
* please love the beach boys.
* complete honesty, no back and forth, even if it hurts.
* able to have long thought out conversations in the car or just be able to sit and listen to the music playing.
* he wont insult me, even when i’m being completely out of line.
* legit, bomb ass kisses when we say hello and when we say goodbye.
* he reads.
* someone who is able to teach me new things about myself - and maybe i can teach you things about yourself that you didn’t know.
* someone who wants to pounce on me every time they see me and will never miss an opportunity to have sex.
* can answer a yes or no question with just a ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ but willing to give an explanation if i ask. (no “i don’t know’s.” god i hate those)
* is willing to hop into my car at 1am even though there is no indication as to where we might be going or what we’re doing, even if we aren’t going to do anything even remotely productive.
* someone who will sing to me….
* someone who will try to make me feel better when everything is falling apart even though he has no obligation to….
* will offer me a person to lay on when i’m exhausted and i feel like the world is crashing down on me.
* will not let me get unmotivated, who will push me to reach everything i’ve mapped out for myself. i’ll always be willing to give you a boost anyway…
* is a source of happiness and acceptance when i need it the most. who isn’t afraid of the person i really am and wont mind me being the person i truly am and so desperately need to show….
* someone who smiles a lot. and not just at jokes, but at strangers, beautiful views, music, food, sports.
* someone who can take care of himself and wont shy away from responsibilities because of their own selfish wants.
never again will i put myself thru something so completely unhealthy for me. next time will be different….i can promise you that.
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angerrrabagwell · 3 years
Sometimes I have to remind myself to just give myself a damn break. It’s okay to be sad or lonely while still knowing I have people I love and who love me. It’s okay to acknowledge that I’ve been put thru hell and that sometimes the hurt just springs up out of nowhere and that I’m allowed to feel that hurt. It’s okay that the only blood relatives who want anything to do with me unfortunately live thousands of miles away - because at least we still love each other at the end of the day. I know I have not intentionally hurt anyone. I know I haven’t gone out of my way to be cruel. But I’m allowed to be sad nonetheless.
It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.
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angerrrabagwell · 4 years
Realistic Latinx Representation
We are living in a time when Latinx people are getting more and more representation. While it is still nothing compared to their white counterparts, it is relieving to see things start to change. Today, we are seeing queer representation in shows like One Day at a Time, and Afro-Latinx persons being given significant roles in other shows like Gentefied. Not only is Latinx culture finally being put on display, but people are embracing it. 
That however, does not mean that there isn’t still a long way left to go. There is still a disproportionate number of white Latinx people getting roles over darker Latinx people. Central American twitter still has strife between Mexican Twitter and so on. All Latinx culture is not created equal, and there is still a lot to do to make sure that there is a well-rounded representation of all the different types of Latinx people. 
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angerrrabagwell · 4 years
It is important to remember that not all Latinx people are brown. Unfortunately, there is a history of deep-seated racism in Latinx culture where Mestizo’s or Afro-Latinx are treated differently than white Latinx because of their darker skin. It is important for white Latinx to support and call for better representation of their dark skinned family. We might have similar backgrounds but we are not treated equally, and that is not okay. 
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angerrrabagwell · 4 years
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There goes America, just casually suppressing minorities from voting.
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angerrrabagwell · 4 years
During a time where Latinx people are gaining traction in television and politics, it is refreshing to see an openly queer teenage girl in a daytime television show. Coming out as a queer person in Latinx families with oftentimes deep religious times can be do or die for some, and to see a family rally behind and in support of Elena is a beautiful and important thing to watch unfold!
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angerrrabagwell · 4 years
Yet some do want to speak out—and 2018 has been chockablock with grievances for the Latinx community.
Andrea Valdez
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angerrrabagwell · 4 years
I am trying really hard to not be incredibly depressed, but this shelter-in-place in my apartment has me really down. Like I sat on my couch just staring at nothing for two hours this morning. I’m fully aware that I could work out or vacuum but I just can’t. I hate this about me.
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angerrrabagwell · 5 years
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angerrrabagwell · 5 years
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This is Kjell Lindgren. He’s a NASA astronaut who just got back from 5 months on the International Space Station. There are two reasons why this picture is hilarious:
His wife is flawless and makes bad space puns to make him do household chores.
I have that shirt. Thousands of people have that shirt. That shirt is available at Target. Which means actual astronaut Kjell Lindgren, with his wardrobe already full of NASA-issued and logo-emblazoned clothes, was at Target, saw a NASA shirt, and was like, “Yes, I am buying this because this is what I want to spend my actual astronaut salary on.”
 tl;dr NASA employs a bunch of fucking nerds
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angerrrabagwell · 5 years
Did I drink a whole bottle of wine?
Am I drunk?
Am I still gonna have a great time with my hubz tonight?
You goddamn bet ✌🏽
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angerrrabagwell · 6 years
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RIP Stan Lee. We’ll miss you dearly! ❤️
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angerrrabagwell · 6 years
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